Oeýrt Your Men's Christmas Oifts at the -Shop for Men, Rev A P Braceï Richtmond 11111. willl deliver a lecture lu Maple Grave Sons of Temperance ial1, Frlday, Jan. 7 at 8 p Lu an "Before the Bar of Juistice." Good pra)gram will ho givon al ter whichi applIîepie--aud Devonahire rawilh served. "Admission 25c: 51-3w NFÇ,InSAÂRY 'Z OETIIE FAN~ILY IV hcalth (a ta be niaintalne-d la to be niintained there must ho at hand ln e-ery house- hold a mediclue whilh eau ha roli5d up- ou ta regulate the liver, kidneys and bowols. Dr. Chase's Kldney-Ltvet Pilla have praven their right ta firat place in this regard aud already hold a secure position lu the great rnajority of homes- OSHAWA Mr Wiil Clarke Suudayed lu, Toronto Mr W Glenny viEltcd bis mother in Toronto aver Sunday. 11ev, Father Clihe attended the jubilee. DISTRICT NEWS Hastings conty now haq three schoiol finýpector-H Jà Clarke, south W; Moe- latosh, coutre; Elmir ingal, north. Na one knows botter than thase who have used iJarte3r's LIttie Liver Pitla what relie' they have Ziven when ta'-en for dvspepsïa, dizzinoss, pain lu the aide constipation and disordereci stomach., M-r, Robt Broo)mfield, a prûminent re- aident of FHaldimaEd township, dledý Dec. 4th. , wsiiol a few Èdaya with puenmina.For aeveralsecars de- eeased was a member of the towinshlp cauncil. Their gentlo action and good effect on the s-,ste'm really makes them a perfect littie pili. Tiey please those who use theni. Carter's Little Liver Pills may weli h2 termed 'perfection " Friends of Herbert Ketch:uini,second son of t'he late, Judge Retchuni, w111 be sorry to learn that ho lasufferlng Fram the effects of a strake of paralysis,. Au interesting Christmas Cantata eutitled "The Rosi Santa Clans" and a general prograni aI reaings. recîta- tlens, vocal and Instrumental music by autaide aud locai talent, wlll ho given iiu the churcli ou 'Thursdav evening, Dec 23, Admission 15c and l10e JEFFERY'S $15 SUITS. Hlave you seen. the elegjant imported Fait 1Sultinga joseph Jeff rey & Son are malnZ ip ta arder for 81W They are strylish gooad - warsted and tweeds - aud wiIl ho made u-p equal ta the hast. First clýsawork:manshlp is a woll kuona feature ai Str HaVuse suits. Yourg men, mlddle-aged and aider a-re iuvLted tW cali aud see thas-e papular $15 Fait suits. Yau never saw botter hargains for this price, quallty snd wark conaid- ered. Call as early as possible as thora wîli[ ha rush for these suits at-this price <Dhim-a Hl ror Offers a large and (ihoice A,ýsortmenat of UurHi-mas Goods. Over twenty five kinds of choice Cnetoeyat ffrom I10e t alb, ,1i1 good value.ý See Our Special Unes of bMixtures, 3 Piba of good mixtures for 250. 2 liba of 1Novelty ixtudLres for 25c. 2 lbs of Cream mixtures for 2,5e. 2 Ibs of Ideai llixtures for. '-e. 1 lbs Of Eýxtra chioice ix-:tures for 25C. Fru its. Dates, Figs, Raisins, Oranges-California Navels iand Floridlas and Mexicans frora 25o to 60o per doz; Grape Fruits, Bnaas7rapes, N uts of ail kinds. I rU fi a,,i iroat sud, uug IrA Y treated wlth- -1 /uomvijUina* J., iel & Co. Dru 15. U.*nM.1 ,admitted ENNIS.t[LLEN 10E f4ae,~ 511K inm~e~ fl&fleie O~&fld4 <uê ~ana~eouoi~a<i- h ~ -i-, - Underwear, mt caps, umhrell~s~ f nicy vesta. Ocat swcat ~fl:u~ ju jJ-virJury made IniM il I - I ifi -4 4- r / Le~ ps-~re ~ r - ~' -~ a-, Imansofn, natoes&, for free copy Dr. aory Writce ud tle Iget il laHume's wri te,38Mr. Huie y d aIOhristmas uç I &w Year, Ti-ôs. White, ;econd door Wetcf Ceuch, Johnsto arvdermian. Bowmanville. z Cash for: Bo r '~ ri ý : r - -:ý :! . i:!