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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1911, p. 2

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e~ch 11eadaiche and reileve al the10troubles fuel' ~nton blijous stte oftbte eytem., such ea8 Naue~. Dowsiese.Distreas ft aa3. anlu the Sid, &.Wieterm ~emakabi suceselbehemshown 41,1cusiliýn redcel, tCr er' itho Lw-I er ile are 9Jiver sud ,reguLate the bowselo. Ee I e1 ol 'Âehths wold balmstpicelegseto th 1w0 Puffer from this d-istesioomplaint; bult frtu- 2iateiyt!hirgoo)du edos noteuldhereaud those who once ry them ild these littie Pille valu, ablelu o snuy ataitheY willnfOtb8i Ii- JIugta o xthou thm. ut Iter lisick liead Vs sksaurgrsitboat.Our Pille cure t uia rthers cdo nt. Cartr'sLittie LI'verillRSara very esualisnd -1ryelsy to taU e. Oýne or two pille maRe!: a dose. Yhey aire eriiy vegetabiL'e and do n.ot gri pe 0o urgbt L'Y thcir gentie action pissGea al irlia %isie Itm. A. E0cA YY 11I. NT. l3rf Te ooncito, Poud CeanvAtencsr NiowmnI. l ooe.o oa trea Tonlsanrates. 48-l te wro B.,Ia lood , kLDVin. O.Me-u CousDllMentalISTnd f inltory Des naoprS.aad Resce Welii ora xt. Tel Pie,ýproifr5 Onoas No. 10,s. Itvllcue.SoWoo lid.'gstoinahed in inan pg. nrritos sst. ewampes let ,îaIPirl.ToWod inad ain.ou0 IVer goris eby inta) d or orto, Den- h, 1deirt Sa rWeaki'ess, Em bisi ou,pr î satrroesul, ak fent rod useorJfcsses Wlitirpe box, si for n. $5 . e illasosi (frerir Wiyndsor>dBa digToronto, Ot IPROMPTLY SECURECI We slicit the business of frMafacturers, Englueris and others who realize the adývisabil- ity oh having thir Pen usiness transacted by ~xprîs Prliuiuryavic frs.Charges NOTS ND OMENT Ti Brkr, hekin'sprinte .r, and Death hias b-eeýn as buy as ever. in aldprmasa h ol' Sineand -literaiturie Ilhav0e ee tIcgretes lsers, and àce iPno thiat eveyyar new namesý appear to tLake th lca'hseeae it wonld almost ecm nthatLthe losb wcre i rrepar'able, laIc f1en d Ai'scienceAexnr Agassiz, the aaturalist,ditg- ihdsou ai a more distinguished fitli-cr; Prof. Robert Kochi, the' eiint baatcriologist; Giovanni Virginia Schinperclli, -the astrono- mjer and discoverer ai the Mars "Canal" liais; J ohn Gottfried Galli, wlio added ta lis astronomni- cal lame by thc discovery ai the iaraway planet Neptune ; Prof. Wil- liami James, the, éminent Harvard psychologist, who lias been gond five mnoaths and' lias not y-ct made hiruseli iuanifest té i iquisitive speculators, have passed away. The litcrary wrl lias last many' omiacu wrkesamng thcm Mrs. AllariKelly; Saiinuel 1L. Clemens ("Maik Twain"), tIc meil beloved Iumorist; Bjornstjernçý Biorseni, the Narmegian poet and navelist; William Sydney Porter ("O. Henary") ai short story lame; Prof. Goîdwin Smith, whose peu was pralific in discussion ai public ai- fairs; Julia Ward Home; William Vang lin Maady, the peet, untimely cnt dama; and Lea Taîstai, whose great achievements in literature and whosc meli intentioned servic- es for the people af Russia are well kuowa. Art and music have also lest many éminent names. Walter A. Gay and Worthîngton Whittredge, two of the aid time lnndscape pitinters who set dama realties, not impre « - sians; "Tomn" Browne, the cari- caturiat and cartooaist; Sir Willi- am Quiller Orcliardsan, an c ai the leading English portrait paînters ai lis time; Sir Francis Seymaur Hayden, mast emineat cf etchers since Whistler; William Halman Hunt, anc ai the founders ai thé pre-Raphaclite sahool;, Windon <lamer, marine painter; John La Farge af staiaed glass fame; Lud- wig Knus, the eminent German genre painter,; and the sculptors John Qnincy Adam-, Ward and Lar- kmn G. Meade arc amang the great- er representatives who have gone. Music aise bas lost many namnes, amang thiem W. diwar-flimu dahl, the ioinist; Giavanni Lam- perti and Pauline Viardot Garcia, teachers ofi morîdmide lame;Ed cirultin i i sili thIe moi"t dis- cuissd bokil! thcwoldeecîs ing ~ " ,npiaioa pwer 1upon lin Mru anRrs. Èciliry C. Brent C e-j -Esq., near Uxbr1csgc, Scott To1Wn- slip, was the saine of a iappy_ event on Ttîesday, Dec. 13tli, 1910, whca Mr. and Mas. Er-cat celdîrat'C ed the fiticth aaniversary of their1 wcdding. Iu 1860 H. C. Brent and Susanna Clernencc were uaitcd in marriage and since tIen spent tIc most of thicr time in Ontario County. 0f a famîly -of six chldren there are living-Mrs. Jos. Fergu- sou and Wm.. H. af Scott, and Mrs. Douglas of Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Ercut have been active in evcry gocd work, Mr. Brent haviug licld for many years the înost honorc d positions in the Me- tîodist Church, af whidh hc has been a life long member. Few mea and omenare 50 highly and so widcly respcct-cd ay ail classes as arc Mr. and Mrs. Brent. In th(- alternoon somce fifty friends gathered as guests, includiîîg among ,dhers, Wm., Breat af Tyrotue, (groornsîian), and Mrs.. Englisi, AMichigan (tIc bridcsmaid). Mr. Douglas af Man., (son-in-' law), rend thc following address: Mr. and Mrs. Breat, Dear Parents, -On this the fiftietli anniversary af your wedding, wc yaur childrca de- sire ta extend ta yau aur loviag and sinccre congratulations. We tliaak the great giver ai ail things, that in His loving kindaEss Hie saw fit ta spare you to us so long and we pray that you may stilil e with us for many years. You have been ta us an 'affectionate father and mother, always taking a dcep in- terest in aur temporal and spiritual welfarc, for which we feed that wc cannat be sufficiently grateful, and would ask you toa accpt these pre- sents as a slight token af aur love and gratitude. Sign-cd, WM. H. BIRENT, MINNIE, FEIRGUSON, IDA DOUGLAS, Children. Misses Irene Brent and EIsie Ferguson,ý grandchildren, present- cd tIc grandparcnts with five gold cagles and a gold chain, thc brides- maid tith a gold broocli and the groorusman with a pair ai gold cufi links. The- brathers and sisters presented two elegant chairs. Maay other-beautiful preseats were re- ceiveçi f rom other guestsanad f rienci. Congratulatory addresses were made by Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Pastor; Messrs. Wan. Brcnt, Stain- ton Brown, R. Clemence, S. Cie- mence, Jna. Card, Sr., and Daug- a happy mny. The guests then sat dama ta anc af the chaiccst and most appetýzing ai medding dia- ners. DOOTR ORER AFTER ýALI ELSE lNAD F-AILEPD Platagenet, Ont., Jan. 31st, 1910. Abocut March lat, 1901, I was taken deathlly sick with Stomuacli Trouble, Backacbe and Generai Ireakdown. 1 f ailed f rom 125 pounds down to 80 pounds, was confined ta bed for eight weeks, and was unable ta eat or keep anything on my stomacit. The doctors said they could do nothing for me and as a last resart, onc doctor told me ta try " Fruit-a-tives "-if they would not cure me, nothing would, 1 started taking " Fruit-a-tives " at once, and inside of ten days I was able ta leave my bed. My stomacli got strong and I could eat and retain my food. I gained rapidly and soon had my usual good health back again and to-day I wreigh a3 mucli as ever-125 pounds. Mrs. LAUJRENT CADIEUX. Even the doctors realise that these qwonderfui tabiets made of fruit juices wili cure Stornacli Troubles, Indigestion, and Dyspepsia. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50; trIal size, 25e. At ail dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limaited, Ottawa. Christ life Vo others. Your excep- tional faîthfnlness ta duty at al times and under every circumstaacc lias made yonr ie mast highly ex- emplary in our maidst. We mwould like mith others ta extend aur liertestcogrtultinsta Mrs. Brant and yorseli upan this happy occasion, in which so fcm are spared ta participate. Wc hope and pray thaf God may lcngthen ouf your lives and that you may long le sparcd ta honor us ifh your gifts as a tendher. Further congratula- tory rcmarks mere made by Messrs. Walter Lapp, M. Huokuer, J. Thompson and J. C. Moore, alter muih lunch mas served ta thce class. Thus eaded -oeeaiflie hap- piest ai gnfheriags. May Mr. and- Mrs. Brent le spared ta enjoy many more years ofi lue. -Among those present: Rev. A. J. G. Carscaddenanad mile, Sanford; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brent, Tyrone; Mr. J. Brent, Cartwright; Mrs. Samuel Poilard, Bommanville; Mr. and Mrs. Clemeace, Elmvale; Mv. T. W. Ciemeace, Michigan; Mrs. Eaglish and daugîfer, Michi- gan; Mr. and Mrs, James Stainfon, Miss Lena and Mr. Wallace Stai n- tonu, Enuiskillen; Mr. and Mrs. J. Brama and Miss, Brama, Tarante; Mrs. Usîer and daugîter, Barrie,; Mv. and Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Elsie and Mr. Clarence Ferguson, Ux- bridge; Mr. and Mrs. A. Douglas' aud iamily, Mackinack; Mrs. S. Douglas,, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Brent1 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Card;-Mr. and Mrs. J. Card, jr., Mv. and Mrs. Mustard and Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Uxlridge; Mr. and Mrs. H. Clev- HE NEW YEAR N Ilx R AiND HOME. Rani. 1-5: 13. -A melcome inote of hope( subýime Brings nuto you at New Year's time A msaeio h gs in it there speaks the nids îcere Thiat th1ýî i ay lieý a haup py y -;ar Tou aiwlioAuread tiese pagys. M3y yon reCoce in wat is riht Andloe he(Lrdwith ail Yeur mîgFt Adasyosevsyrnig- bars, May lu e and health and strength be given, And ruay the Lord of earth and b cayeui- With blessixig crown your labors. Unto thc lauely and the wenk_ May it lie yonrs thnt word ta spcnk Which is ai strength, thc token; Sa may.your mind 111e's mcauing sec That ather lives may briglitcncd bc By mords in kindness spokea. And lest the jaurney should b-c drear, May there before yonr eyes appear That Rock which once was smit- ten: And from that Rock may waters flow To make your path witli beauty glow Thraugh mords in wisdoa writ- ten. Ia heart and home and native land May pure celestial lii e expand Admanifest its Keeper: IMay mc me e Redemption's Star And. match its progress, near and far With intcrest grawing deeper. That you the victory may gain May power divine yaur strength sustain, And guide each day's endeavar: May yon in buoyaat hope Excel And in the, Savianr's sunlight dwell And walk with Hum forever. T. WATSON. Uniondale, Ont., 1911. WIIAT PROFIT PER COWe Business menaai fCanada, ii shartly take stock, close thic;r baoka for another year's trade, an.] figuie out how.they stand flnaneiýally ns a resuit ai their liard labor and en- terprise. Haw many farmers zarc prepariag their 1910 b-fiance sheet, which ii a-ct as a si,-n-past 1cr 1911 transactionsi Per-li.aps thc steers paid mcli, whule smali fruits and poultry brouglit in a gaacd sup- ply ai cash. But did cac owin the herd ca-rn a good profit, ý.r &arc same beiug kept as 'thauii.ess guests ? A very fcw minutes' bookkecuing per montli miglit show a clear pro- fit above cost ai feed aif forty dol- lars witl surle cows, oalv three dol- iars mti others, and possiblly no profit at al an anc or two. if mouid not take long tIen ta decide mhicî Vo dispose af. Wauld it nat - "' gelS n OXMeà +s 1-1,~-'-. andcrid asn NEWCASTLE. -4 Mrs. J. W. McLaughlin, Tarante, vîsîtcd lier sister, Mrs. MeNaîfan. ,Mrs. Pencock, Port Hope, visit- cd lier lather, Mr. R. Barrie. Editor L. B. Davidsan speut Chiristmas in Peterboro. Mr. H. W. Dudley and fnmiiy spent the liolidays wifh relatives at Coiborne. Mr. Claude and Miss Winnie Henry and Mr. Enoal Holmes mere home reccntly. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Atkiuson and thrc chldren of Springdale, Sask., arc visiting his people here. Mr. Arthur Beman aad family ai Saskatchcmau are visitiag at "Bay- Mrs. Edgar Osborne spent fhe holidays mith Mrs. J. W. Hamilton and ofler lrieads in Millbraok. MUrs. REugI and Miss Olive Gib- son and Miss Samis receutly visit- ed Peferbora friends. Misses Ethel and Elva Ruther- lord, Toronto, spent Christmas at home, Mrs. Haiffman ias retnËirned home ta MissouLri, acýcom panIicd byl lier mother, Mrs. (Cnpt ') Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1-. Pearce at- tended a Christmnas gafhiering at Mr. Gea. Pearcc's, Dariington. The Misses Rose hava been visit- 1-s rhr-eeé' s Tsv -v 'sq Bommanville.-- - Mrs. Meaaghtan. Mrs. Loakard and Mv., H. W. Rcamick alttenducd thec funcral ai the late M'vrs. Ed- po ~no us a Lum, "Are thcy givin g my baby y hing pause long enough ia theci'r 'denth- iess strain' ta hang up a wmecwmec laddîc's stackiug i Oh, Christ, dear Christ, have pity on me if I1 say mry baby could enjoy Christmas-just Ciistmas-bctter an ea rth, thian in leaven. Doas it help ever 50 littie that I give tîis, tînt, and the ather present ta other chidren i Pcv- haps, but the hearta-che is stili there, mhich thc well-meaning tell me tine will heal, but whîch I know wiii aimnys ache at this sea-, son. Help me ta bce patienit or shorten the rond." The chuld may le comiorte.d for- the loss aotf r but rareiy the- mother for tIc child. Agnin me mny look and sec a, "cpeculiar people," that people of other nationalities, ta wham the day means little or nothing.* But, the pity ai it is, tînt aven they shonld le called lipon ta suifer le- reaveaseat at this season and hence- forth coinmeL4moratc thc aanivcrsary ns a day ai mourninrg. Our heartr, go. ont ta henip thrir duml an tcarless miisery, f ar, far 14, their homelan, , afthfe merc<y) a strange people's pity nnd custou,mnay we not prny that they cameI ta uudcrstand specdiiy tIc glad sig-1 nificance ai this Day ai- Days. in an evcv-midcning irae irienids and neiglibors mhiio hv sorrom keener than a4ur uawni-ff there are morse sepr)atis thaf .%e" ) --'- enmu-- --r t-- di-strrict- Eu-ry by Dro 'Y May hu mude at auy au, ency, onl certa i conditions. by f ather. moterea, daugliter. brother orý sioter (A iuteniuifg hoinesteader. flutivs :-Six maths' resideuce usn 4and lcultivation of the land 'Iln eh of three years. A Isoueseader xuaRy ive with. iu nimin mus of is ýýhnmsîad ona ajrm of i least 80 acrtsees o!Y Oxuled audî oýcupicied pyhumu or bs isfathier,mah br,u daugliter. brother or sister. Ilu'etandistricts a hoestade l Zood si taindingz may pra-emovt a uarter secCtion alongeide bis bmsta.Pries $3.(00 pr acre. Duties-Muzit reside six montha in, acdiof six pe?,rs front date of Lmas.tead entry (iueludiug the time re- quîred ta earn bomectead Pzatouýt) and vfltivate fifty acres extra. A homesteadér wmi aqhm Pxhausted bis hamestead int sud mnuaOt Cotain e pre-emption. May take a nuriichacsed home. Ieadiu;n crtain districts. Price $3.00 uver acre. Duties -Must reside six mnonths iu eci a1(Athree Vears, cultivate fifty acres bnd ret a bouse worîli $30000. W. W. COIIT, D,'puty Minisler of the Interior. N.1.-Uranutiorized publication 0af th *(dvertisemnent xiii not lie oaid for. EXPLAINED, A student nndergoing examina- Linin the principles of mechanics, was asked : 11 'ý'Wýhy iilI not a pin stand an its poiut 'P' Lie reltîrned the following l-an- "lu the fiirst place, a Point is de- Fuiicd !)y Euiciid as that wichli as -arts anwd nao agiudand in standonthat which a pin v'ill not ilesa, tee its paint. viii if yau omu pec and respe cted by -the Two eincnt 'momen have, Florence Ni*ghýtiiîsga- lan d Baker Eddy., Mary Thrce hundred yenrs next April there mas published lu Landau a book mhich sprang af once inte tic i rank& aiflice "lest dher"and las since fthaï time led il l er Eng- lisi boks in popularity. It las been flic inspiration ai anîajority of -Anglo-Saxon people. Mca have lought and died for if. If islt tnnsiated info cvcry icreigu fougue. Mcn and mamnen have car- nid if Vo remotest (,limes. The yaung have learnad flicir lassons iraîn if, and irom if the aid bave diamu ticir canulant. Altiaugl itis anguage m, nas Eng- lish, it mas a tIraiiiationi-the mark of, no less than farty-sevcn sdcholars, who, at thc request ai Kýing James, underfook the mark and carnied if on for morecth.ain ton years TlIr- resuits (ai thir laborjs mere revised andC remitten many times, and fin- aliy tfIe fîrst nîom Euglï,iliver- sioa the Bible mas given (,tahtI oas fca sbe nctne -meadaionsàb scia- itut-day subsdxtatial- issuedi frlomtIce u- a teacfr, wno, uncter thc gracious ness aif a Divine Providence, lias- ben spjaîed te ýfl3a Sa mnatiy years of active chiristiad service. The ripcning c-f (christian lde thait hse years have brought Vo you lias lent! ta your -wor)ds as a teachier an ad- ded wcight. Yaur humble, consist- ent, christian charncter lias done mucli ta commend thle beauty af the A T WOR K IN M EE K S S4 Worh of Father Morriscy's "No. 71, Cureo Har of minlannaiory fhu~hm Mrs.Agnes Edgar,of GrandFalls,N.B., lsad a terrible inte with Infiammatory Riteumatiant. Auyoue mita las had thi7 oa=pinful dîseasewill uuderstand lier urng - and her joy miten sie faunid Father Marriscy'e "No. 7" liad cured lier. Site says: "I toolc Father Morriscy's Prescription for Inflammatary Rhenmatism. I had suif ered everythi-ng wmiti it, but in three weelis after starting Father Marriscy's Prescription 1 mas able ta do my work, and after taking four dollars wortlt of nedicina I was well. 1 higlily recom- Inend it any sufferer miith Riteumatiat. " Riteuniatient cornes froinbad lidneys. shoid remove stays in the biood, accumnulates in -.oints and muscles, and causes agony. Father Mnic' "NO. 7" p-Lts the kidneys rigitt. reinlves the lUnic Acid front the bIood and lite miai yseadurstieRlieamratism,. 5uc, a box at yonn eie',or fronul Fsthet Mr'-syMediinLe Co. ltd.. Chati63 !li-lt us 1n(t siL;y, ly)r grcasiy and preveats as mcvli as cuires -dis- cases aifÉlic scalàp. Women an-tchidrcii by the thon- saa us i dalyas a1 d-ressinig and na homýne is ecompiete itufIt. MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS Druii>sts agi nd stores everymiere gunrajý,ntee Parisian Sage and iii rcý4fnhd your moaey if itflails. Ask druggists Jury & Loveli mliat fhey think of It. They sdil it at 50c. pcevi bottie, or you eaun secure it by matil P'stpaid frouw GroxManua- iacturiag Ca., FortEre Ont. Sec tînt tic Girl mith fIe Auburn flair is o-n endli package. Sold and gu- arnee y Jury & Loveil. LONDON'S MILK SHORTAGE. Oing ta a shorfage9 in fhe pro- duce ai mîlk, English dairy larmers arc fanding if lard nt preseattVo meet Laidna u ige da'ily cansump- tiont. As a resuit, milk is comiug ecd day f ram Irelaad ta hlp ta satisiy tIc dcmand of thc mîtro- polis. Every nigit fr-arn 250 ta 300 dcuras, cadi caufaining about scv- en)ty quarts, arc leing sîippcd irom Irclaud by fIe6 Fishguard route, and brongît ly fIe Great Western J>ailmay o Paddington for distri- but*on in Landau thc following day. Finst TnÏp"ftral t pays t à le politeý,prd-r" Scn mien acman 1gav om e tIa cet s sayýs 'iu asir,' and le ad! ire alrr-e cd."i SDinking Spelis EuVery Few Days At the t ime Ic began taking Dr. Mils' 'Harf Reedy I wasý having sinin pis every f ew days. My baunds and feet wonld get cold; I could scarcely ibrecafie, 'and could ledl mysehf gradnally siaking away until I -wonid le unconscions. Those about me could not fell tiare wns life in me. Aftex these sp,,ehîs I wouid le very weak and nervon s, sleepiess and wifiont appefif e; liad neuralgia lu my iead and ieart., Alter fakia1g tic remiedy a short finie ai this 1disappearcd and la a f ew wceeks ai flisc eart trouble was gone.e' MRS. LIZZIE PAINTER 8032 3d Ave. Evansviiie, lad. For twenty -fcars w-c have -been consfantIy receiviag just isII-1cb lettra p thseThere Âs scarceiy a hocalifylanflic Unit ed TUIE DAY AFTEII. Bylli E. Watts, Bomînan ville. Wrh tried our lest ta keep up the-, Chistmas enïoyniént, and sîuceced- cd letter than we dnred ta, hope, inî vîem ai that vacant chair, the tar- rying iootstep, the loî-m xxhicbeh ver appeared. And thougî it is forbid- dcii ta make moanu or lamnent on His bicssed birfhdny, yet ïnny no not case air lcarts a 1littie, now tînat if is ahi over. Enelh one's biittcrncss is infinité- iy morse than tint a f i s neigîlbor. We require ta nînke this prayer contltiailv : 'Lord deliver us front scilshé's "Opeit your eyes a lit- tic wider ani sec wlainftcoflier fli is suffering. There stanAs tlic iî istlni, sad-. cyed child mnfehiug a strauger pre- pare the Christmas fcasf, uho nouveri kncw Ibefore w bat if n as ta -iS ail t>be gooël tiii-gs whicli ouly irofier cati prepare, and stili an- cflier brave-beauted littie unan \Vlo breaks down lu spite oaiyîrseif ati ti--. thought of the lavirig ad-dy wmIa n-ver failed af Christnîas tirne, and WC,-,*-!ers if lie <laps not feel luie- 'mie tp thero in the giory-la-d mitiîout any tlJmiaili nu over youder tleis a hom, or ma a nni .snc lw,-,.h-bnmade it Wnon, States -vlere tisera is not srnie '01 ncle' '-"-" .' 't."' urm nu one xvho can fsiy afearc unotn rel deicstriekeri oant1 su- ay le parencd fur ifsrebellions merîfs oi this xrmark'ably sc-1ycarings: "Tbeic oiyonui lii15 cessii Hcat Renedy. aher. an - We ara wîdom."'Om Péce $100O at your druggist. lie shauld lier- n e SA 01 cmtV MMS lel ai sup~l yau.If he does flOt, send priceals-e 50 nglmo- t,; ýs, we forwýard pirepiid. Iess misrer-t blerosai qc0 the -Val CA . MCES MEnICAL CM., Troct, Suail ec ' Iovcd s ihe leýst. [ da Clarke. *Coî-a Clarke, *Mildreýd Bnh CEihis Ha,111, re LaLîghlin, Camrai-n lFerguson. Sr. 11.-George Lyon, Jr. 11. -Phoekha BecAi, Edî Bce-kley. Jr. Pt. 11-Lenore Bcnthain. -Sr. J.--Frank Page. Prescrit every day - Almner BReecli, Walter -Fergus4on, Iiilda Clarke, Mildred Bentham,. Cora Cl,'arkze, Everett Be-ecli, Lornu Knapp, Ruissel MeLaughlin, Lenore -Benthiam. MISS INEZ JOHNSOIN, Tacher The man who -uses al the kn ledge e ias ias al the knowý he ar nuse. réo You il make them daint ai-d deliejous; but mo rec, y ou will knowwhat goes inito youar food=that it is pure, w lonlesorîne 1 las, to W- u tne Ln 1 and NIllmE)t. r ri -r r -L -r u -L -L -r -r -L

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