Lord we rin th. ple, j(From The News.) LtJ5 th aet of pplcatio,11 That ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : rieu -f îvr ainU lL Our eitizens very kindly presenit-0FABEK WNjf( Fri iurmylefree. Ied 1Joseli lioýbinbon with a new, >A ~.. Whbile dt' a is pesn.Ioeca and a suin Of moncy. Cur min sfor workprepare;Mr. Tos. Vinson got an arin f,~ Urvîlal'Pn ii ho _,j give Tliy gracins blessing jured while workirig in the T. Ea- iniiô fmiWaBln n And n~rthis ,)ur pryrÎn tea may mean ton factory, Toronto. ulwi v VusOIFO RC~ William Kerr, an old Orono boy, Sws Dit.Tk a thick round Ujý'1 É141T.7ak n,? oubfulpased way n, oroto an.17.steak f rom two or two and one-half Unoth ea nddubflto you flavor or passed ina inckes Tornt Jan.d 17. GieOYfidence and strengtli, Deceased was born in this village This warning wî be read by in chs i thicke-ss ad punito And m iiake their lIabors fruitful strengt.h or fragrant 28 years ago. thousands of people Ir-o only js using. the edges of a plate for that -,Tothosae ho long hav trvenh richness. Red, Rose William IL , Wilbon, who run an succeed in getting through the purpose. When the floulisbe Against this mighty foe Tea is blendled with yaso asheyihs vle wat Beol40 dy'swok ithu a breakdown. pounded into bolli sides take the May~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'grheb ie er ao ase wya el- If you feel always lired out, have meat and brown it onbohids W1vhile prospects brigliter grow. such nicety that it is ver.Aun 13 bu fiîleapptit, ad apootd remove to a saucepan, heat one- Mr.AutinVison wio en ~gestion~, cannot sieep weîî, suifer hall can of tomiatoes, one large on- ]3ymaifod eveles, hecominton fai Alberta six years ago, is spending f rom headaches, linokaches and ion eut fine, one sweet pepper, if Clemaniol ras le the midcsn he ointsio of ment a few days with friends here. Ans- nervousness, il may mean that You1 desired pour over the meat, cove r as te mdda sui, treepoits f mrit. tinown a alf ectonin lno wnsyaaeohalevesectionsriouofreaandihtsianxtyk arelytontothee M k nown to liquor dealers miles out of Calgary. .down. ereofaseinsbea- . Ju adcoslowlytotoe etri The harm which il has donc,. \ViIl you try a packçage. The late William Batten resi- Dr.* Williams' Pink Pilîs cure done sait and pepper to baste. De-l Myntnssy"enyrdence, on Churcli Street, centre, weak, nervous, troubied men and lcoswe evdht lonc Were for sucli &~ndage made: , was sold to Mr. T. W. Jackson atwlîou rhnsevdboasonc W foewrenunce oraeme . $050. Mr. Lorne Jackson will make womn bcasoofher iecwc-whncod Thi hic reong ore."li omheerto on the blood. Every dose of Schueken.-One pint o we Thislifgdesroyig trd,?these Pilîs hclps to rmake new, rich milk put over the fIrýe in a granite Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finley. and .lo hcitnstevtlogopnadwir clinig (not boiling) ID'irect, we pray. ail voters, ir or, aon obn fLs d n And.aIl who make theoaws, Mr. d. A.d.Sstengtliens the nerves and brings hot add a pincli of soda size o Tha , tlie ma e rmtersconert 0.nA Gamsby, took part in a renemed healtli and strengîli. Mr. pea, and one teaspoonful of saît.1 0f frcedom's rigiteous cause.n-ertin in Blackstock on Monday Geo Johnson, of Lequille, N. S.,Tk fo h fr n when luke- Onf fremne. rand escis e vnngi oncion NEERSO.Dh eoesthu.l.stiffered for somàe years as a result warn, add one cake of compressed May thrris rea a d excel: * Your 51_GMrocere's arllcs.ofM.Calsof overwork and strain, but found yeasl dissolved in a beaspoonful f Iuvnoiceants permiseion Recorner.Ld s Blak,.aformer acsit wt began the use of Dr. WiliamsPink sponge, lIen beat wcll witli an up- T.rWATON. - recentlyn T he v l ge Pilis. Mr. Johinson says: 'vile ard stroke and set out of drafts Unindle O T.,1. WAISON TETCMO . eleenlyeasaoadnwh. working on a railway handlîng until light. Have one-lalf cup cft _____Hltn.asao n o reside in lieavy tics I hurt my back and lad butter and one upful of sugar Ont. 191 . W LL T ST AMOR A. amil on.to give up work. Later I was able cream ed, two eggs beaten liglit to- t Tirty-tito Members of Drcaded 1Rev. J. A. McKecn and James bo do 1 htwrk but for about six gether, and add to tlie lighl sponge,c Presbtery at iDunhe artnga of17yearsI 1sufc red f rom dreadful pains beating until ait ingred,-«,ints are UOUOR N TE ~D1~P~Thewafs c te Piso Gadi t rs.J. l. oopr ttededthew~in the back and douwn nry legs. This well mixed; add siftedi flour andit DGOTORIN THÉBOUS Thebo aly one Paion asd t, F.M. . RaICtlierae mnd heW.condition became îaggravabed by in- knead. Do not gel too stiff-bhreelI nîeo, o itli soce ming sery, F.2MaS.dleater the locetieapl ace digestion and clironie constipation, pints may lie enougli. lowcver, Tînt~no isl wla bîsnd fmtes br fthe readpd sCamrr 2a, Mr.gt T. W. e lnerooal bancex and mny life was one of constant use enough bo make a niee soft' Tb.!t s ihatthosads f r whoss embrialf net moti fodthemr- , r.ve.cf ..bis Townshi, n an ex- mîscry. During those yenrs 1 was dough, and knead for twenty min-r ~ayo aysOws.iTablels. These s ra et ot o h u- evo hsTwnhp n ne-treated by dîfferenl doctors, but did utes, or untîl bbe dougb is soft, Tablets~~~ ~~ prmtyadsrl ue e ftabru soiates, is ex- Warden cf these Counlies, now re- ah b cirilîs f absuyodradpec ftd toro st c rntiadi iigi aIYrMrhmnet gel any lelp. One day a friend smoobi and even. Let il getl iglit alit14ýtmioriLs o bbyoodan pcte t tst hestenghnrgined me le try Dr. Williams' Pink again androioIb nu cl chidiooý,,(d, and %vhat is more tbey finence in high places of bbe most' Townsbip, was elucbed Vie Presi " areahslully afetliy averesurcfulof riina orania- eNtofFas Yok CnsevabvePilîs, and proved bis f aith in bhemn tbickness, spread bhinly with soft neyer huey ae-n theyharm bbc li ulons.Si c h risalors nivaerAsio ast rJan. îilb. ivypresenling me wilh a box. Il 1 butter, grated cbocolate, and su- i-ýv ---n brow ugit thertos S ete rom Npes bbc f- s. iT. W. Jacks broktbe was more bo pleasu bim-tbin. from 1gar. Roll up and cul mbt slices erwl bogt hr. YmNals heo-Lr.T W aksnbok irany belief Ihat bbey would lic cf two racles bhick. Have ready aý nkrm a,,ýne-they are good for ficials have realized liaI comirades 1 arm aI bbc wrisî Tbnrsday evun- service bo me that I began baking dripping pan wilb Ibis mixture baie of nîl ages. Concerning in lie ',honorable socity" wouid'ing by, being upset f rom a cuIter tle Pilîs. Before tle box was fin- melbed in it, bleui cooled: Butter thcm Mrj Ajs. Wm. Higgins, Kara, not liesitate to adopt desperate near Sharpe's bridge, 411 con. line, On. rites: IshaîIl ,neyer be mensures t f reChef Enriî-o AI- wîen rcîurning home f rom lier fa- heisbe, bme, teyaiseunm balie bc se ofaone, qarcefrat1-p ~ibou Bay' On Tblts n lefane and bis companions if bhey ther's, Mr. John Mason. leigs mre Ibeps inmbekrsesua and ondeoolt. Lye ureli f ! g a oueas long as my children arcecould forese tbc slightest chance C. J. Tboruton, M.P., bas pur- lan esgren les ten, sed bbc c coclat.lay tic rolîs o of success. clased tle cabinet factory property liloalindgei sto l, aued Iby snis" ondIbs mixuret il elI sml.Tluy aie a wondcrful mcdi- cf'île i cin ad re s oo ashain a Detachments cf carbineurs sur- from Dr. M. M. Tnéker and inb-ends dietodîapae. I eyhglad -r oak un donc.Il doobr i bb bose.I gve 1cmround tbe pris-on. Sunday passed nexb surmmur -erecting suitable cniudtkn h iî ni ae îc ureso nhua d4ecmy rinîebyfr oi n thy ws lrokn fo1exensve Evaortor. ad used over a dozen boxes, when tluy must nub liurn TIe,.ar ronv tecoyfond lica l iîot ncdet bt hus flnesbuildings and installing macbinery I found myself fully restored te rny spiedfthyac ureeTs 1'ikl orf tmh11me nY i hitle as b ,frundn t F n formere bealîl. . 1am now abe tomakus about forty relis. hyaef mob er." Ti dTabet re sold b y ies s tougi fro cnidur- There is also lalk of Mr. Thorabon d ev amwradfrtedlcos gladas toh ro cnsde-using tle present machinery for thde eayfrmwr, and for le deliicus.kis-Cuml medici he dea3ier o are2 cents a able distance and again seu<eming te auatuec ppubxs pasl year havenob lest a day or al unarind okuterCrnmlil risc-f rom wilhin tic dungeon en-'1 L. 1R. Guild, cf Rockwood, writes ldbclalsypo fm o- one-aofflpund cf butwtholerad t u box from Tic Dr. Williams' Mcdi- ,ý in e ruls n trbt te cîn Co, Bockill, Ot.closure. In these tic guards reCO- o TeTootoNwslirely tote bc uecf Dr. Williamrs7 !îag .beaspoon baking powdcr, ene- f Cammorh isîs, ho tns oth e ni an lient,-Mr. James _Brow;'s, cf Pink Pilîs." -quarter teaspoon (scant) saît until s NEWTN VLLE.taîîsi ommnicaionwiîîtîcr Ornoby 4 egs pu lin jnonu Dr. Williams' Pink PuIs are sold creamy, add two talilespoonsugr IN EW 170 X 1imprîsoned friends. unr; and ien at Mr. S. E. En by -ail mudicine dealers or mny b li eonu-quate cp rlam, nand on1 eu kîns. c f Milllirotok, by 62 eggs pur lad bv mail aI 50 cents a box or cg eibaurh ibalti Ian and NeilMcKenzie wure home According b lhe diruclor cf tbeic enin-one -er a r m Har- --six boxes-for- $2.-59- froint TInt Dr. - alI-ara time, -an.d eut- mbo rothbbc cïty - rcàenbly. prison- tic atburnpt ffaitd. It ad iek's cf Chathnm, liy 75 uggs per Wr ed C B~l o{ikies, not toc tIm bake thb Ason was born te Mr. and Mrs. heem anicipalud and lic criminals'blas ccn .,rcve u in in onu year. One of my puns Ont saine as -rcguiar cocuies. - This s Anson Wallon, Jaa. 13. wcre purposely placed in ceIls Op o purebred Wht1Wadot pl aksahu-frycokesad a Miss Lau, î' Mitchell is visibing Oiing on bie cloisturs of lic ancent11ldanaebgc f 2 ge - kept aÈs long as one- wishecs. Tlicy Miss Mabel i1Ienr>ý. monasteîy and imb wiici no sounneah rmJn1,10,tDe.3,.\WATEtsetesieadbte. Thcmas Darke, Lindsay, bas beca from tie outside world could reac.i. machAt TromJnto1 190,roke rc. 1 EWATE.tseItam.n lctr visiîing nt. Thomas Slaplelon's. Thblsltrsaeaesd-o tetese liens mnade $0.41 eacI in twelve 'Mrs. Adua Ferguson xrucmnîiy vis- MEATS. Chester Peick rccently visitud murder cf James Cuosolo and bisom bis ister, Mrs. Payne, Toronto. wife and have buen awaiting trial montî, nd butar-sillkepinaiud n ullvice i î ,up the samne pne." Miss Gladys Palmur, Bowman- ta ihteonu R ostT ne inpork Mrs. George Smith was at Apsley for more tan tre3cars.' On ville,. visiled Miss Laula Smith. stekwil ices round bouean in at,ë,gth ueaofhssse.their beinif it bas beun boasbud - - , about two inclus tlick, sait and c.te Adnambbcfunhrld h isr. -ta uhws h oe fteJohn Middleton F pupper on boli sides, tien rmake a a Camiorra tint liey would neyerISTIII ANOfTUfEP 1 dressing cf moisîenud whiebelread, c Mi. aud Mrs. Norman Samis ho convicb-ed in bhc courts cf Italy. ran TmsîaPrIHp hn, nlîîedulie.Tic Miniister of Justice bas decîar- rUOI1N/XTL TELLS Miss ,Marion Gilison attended tle large~ onons or l'.?smai one., l. nnda Mrs. Hduighewee r ed tint bie baud cf assassins anda lfcporis.,sitpee, (roibersd musl beHughpederouI, Bowlcr's Bal ut Oshawa. alafcu c aîiosnb onppr cent xisitois aI 1R. Grny's, N\ew- Iobr utb.wpdot r. George Buriam rubturnud te and sage b r%ýtc. lay dressi., o coste. HIE PI'NS 111S FAITIL TO Cobourg after iiiing bis sister, hlf cf steak nid fold tle. otber Mis EtelSrntblia ~euriedHOE M D. . ibsn.haif over and se-;,, up; put, in a c hMisetaleaoll'smih stndHOETR1Ml-NG. DODD'S KID-NFEY PILLS. Mrs.D.J isngnetr Toronbo. a otigt' ist nMrs. (Dr.) Olver bas gn otjraster and i î.îst iu ia WVillie Hnncock bas returncd le Wh enîMothers are uneolvsiously Wellnudorî gwhi erdlul.r, -erewfor i(] s. Wli n d s-ic v spcading ~Cruel te Their I)aughters. Doctors failcd tu crse Gorng wb Biî.srv it îîdnpi n sc tlic ciîy afl(-, er bi hs Ynhe- jt ue i rglts 1ev. W. Higgs, Grafton, cx- down like brunI C biea oe1Jeinson 5. I"Aii's ad liaI ends wadi" is lie l)isense, but le found relief in the olunged fields Of labor aibli 11v. Tougi endof rý c)e steak: ThA rs Jopha n eu-tfi aubierof mt"Ns eigib res d G~reat Canadian ]hidney Rcmedy. A. M. Irwia Sunday week.- Wougi ,fend of porl3luseo.)'e nak s tirmn r.Jh e-teato f "egbr n Toronto Globe says: Mrs. WH.Jbclior serve it b o tlers. This naîden. ~Frieads," who ndds tint in lieriib îore C Tiorne gave a small bridge pnrty 11v n r.Aasspeat tle daiîy rounds lie distict nuise beý-1 aln 'Pent, Seciul)-Joiîan houer cf Mr. and Mrs. D. J. waste may lie avoided by choppîng wek-ndutVitoiaRondc wesî cf ceaies coavinccd tint îazinu'is, mea-nJa.2 Gabraiti cf Newcastle.bc ogipronwtsmefImi Lîadsay.~~~~~~~ -br li 'n iîdbbiadbdij ttcbteio - ickurson potmser bre, is u snc, making it miet halls and broil-- Ofake liennnnîversatyr seïtlvis onfnios1 cf- lictexilsécf lue. fud a i ie h o a i l d o t l a d b d l , hek . M is s j i h u - m n y t h i nmii ù oi g wi W il stc f t h e 74 n a :ý111!_c Cob1,Y ludrick iOn- oofthr eedly ague w-h ood who tl'l cf pnins rcievcd and 1lier dcpartment a sîcigli-ride Mon- ' Serve caci iember cf the fmiy (ýýLibbiedickiF. 1-[diseuseepbanisledagbeywDodd1sKidney day evuaing wcek, conciuding with 1a1 a bailland a piecu cof tende rloiu. i soliagu,~~disas Orono.e girt unbiodtund scn bo nowxiiting be ,,ster ut ti.u pnr-r Feiiîostrnbod wili for nllowing nitient aI Brittoni's. .i edei-- lr at myb cose Oc nI utyor ragits r lssistance in th,, lieusew-cmk may bu' Kidney Pilîs always cure, simply le- wee ivtrs v,,m.. amo '-liru ------pecially at nih-ndtrs na p o 4 i n i î- m b c o r d r s , T i c I f ît t i c V a u c ý , t c n i u e l e e u e t e u a e a i i r K d e s o s , W illia m , G e o r g e a n d H r r y , o ff e s iv e ado r tesi d e oen a nc r p w h eyOU X M fir h e a u e h e e- a r a l i, r K d u ua d b r d au n g il r -i a , M s . in gîy da r . e sle dt e is i g r xe d n r fin -, ' a b rta s ' unI psex cit ,i n ti a tthcf iudnsry1, Kiducys.,ble T h e g i l w t i l e F r t F r c , n t l s s x a t - i, n n ta i t b bf i m p tr - d i s e s e s o r a r e c a u s e d l y d i s e s e T o a D w i g M i s . H- a r v e y -A - o f h d e ae t ee d i g et d a l n g e r t i every pcsg.Sold 1and £' 1 -11 oflO he irînisie worVth cf clildisi son and biree daughters, Sudie, st-mab . or boweLq,.th "fmrî,i-e nbihmbes,1-îmsJussie and Velma, and son, Samu-el hnh tl ey ifcltt ue interni a J Lxtenai ratm inetlIbas l "eed.'71!yuî-y& Lovuil. Asticuiovelywrelîecfrfvegoitenmour, and Messrs. M. Garvin anld ure-dthoszands. The *Tablerts toue pwh olrugiAozna-obcdellry amsFayiar, I o eonlto, aud itmvigoe-ate 1te sYSteni, and assist 1 te 4'A omua Otefriudg Aiztenoipicke dymyaespeck-arn albu."o et y-seda o tcstue, u m d~t pparncof thc country. andi Charles Belwoo(do Sîa\nr v Natitrein tnrowingolFtbtedisease, while lev( wio rccaedlii. "idmI Pofssr temeic--t-e-)-. Ds't il evrner ra.radSxgadosutda iucs the sa.lve, appiied up the nostrils, clears t bu e 1 uasked caoecfÀîle natives. illi1iam G-eorge a'dHu4r1Dow- othîe disclarge aaid heals the memrans.Conubjurd trauet oc grpil wtiln: o us sraîV'"il ynpi'euse naine ticbnule"aI Th" native spat. "BainI inig, au1-d HwrBr.aud Frd5tyn elis rfrmFte "Ntbr. She an' ter."cfle kulI Sndn (urie- lysay, pardaur, thr' ul oe.Morriscy medieine Co_,.t. Chathamnu ai <Tnobw coul ïsIcpreveu- n di l'e ot thuin ailin3 îIf"oS in tbis yeîe tw vrfie ~N.B.20y hinha' î"SI tbc en tioniý mx-y vLadirfesrbt I ca' hînk iYeais old liaI, ba1in'b lca1rn' tou oei bpls pour anlil hor SoIdt and paiaateed in Bo an c micct it. h C ae at tue uileeu." [îi yùi.' iblas lest 'adi fricadýi" ville liy Jury & Lovel. j nol muke toc soft wibb gravy. Should bu "about tle saine as muacoment." Pub on platter and masbcd potulous uroaad the, sidus firs .L, bleu cir top. Guruisl aibli bard boiled cggs and lettuce. This is mostdelicions, if coruectly made. If îon dea't lave any luIt cyci gravy put a piece of butter in fry- ing panand a1 speenful of flour, broan, and add watur to, maie tliick gravy. Add more butter te maie il ridli. This eau be served for luncheon or omit tle eggs and serve with vegetables for dinner. WORTH KN',OWING.' la makiag Irait pies, sloald they bih ever, sprinkle saît in oven and bhey wil nol sineil. Maie kitchen aprons frei srips mia ermthe four corners cf.mid- dle wern-oat sicets, Wlcn in a hurry eut uip sege- babies mbt cu bes, or sliccs, and ccokîng will le donc quicier. If a hocp goos loosu drive a Iiny bnci below and close te il afler pnshing bie hoop into preper pince. In muking cakes, wîabever eggs arc le lie uscd shouid bu added iaer nîll eingredienîs are wcll 1mixedc. Wlipped wliles cf eggs slîrred mIet a clocolabe jelly wbiiu il is stiffuning maie il a sponge instead cf a jully. Prunes, swcetcned aiýd stewed tili tender and bleu dîainud frein the jaide, maie a nice addition to a leinon jully. 1Maie a lag-like, ceveriug- for tie ironing lourd. Wlen eue side bnp- puas 10 gui uaavoidalily sciied tara [t over- Driud ccffee groundis answer wcii for filling a piacusiion; Iley do not attract mollis hie woi adi aide us bran dous. 1 Waists b lie worn on cold days undci Ilin slirtwaiss muy lie made from. good parts cf wurn Ilannel sirts and pants. Tînued fruits sliould lie turncd out cf île tins bwe bhours befere - usiag; tbc fiaver of il is greatly im- prcoved- by- tIis bre-atnre-nb- - - As good aM a patutit ripper is a st-el crochet booi, wbici a-ill catch undci Ilreads, pull ont bastings, etc-, i obeqi lm Wlcn onu wishes le boil eggs taken frein a very col-ci place, lut eold water rau over Ilium, tien heop in le bih and ticy woa't crock. '- Hickory nuls, ground fineina ucat chopper, suasouud wibh salt and lien moisbcned. to a pastu witi ruain, maie a nice sandwich, fll- ing. ETFATE O01«10. Cîrr or TOLaDO, sa LxucAs COUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oaili that ho le senior partuer of the fIrm of F. J. Cheiiey & do., doim g business ln ibm Uity off Toledo , cunty and, State afoîesaid, and that riaid firin wiil pay the surnicf ONE 1IJNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case off Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall'@ Çatarrh dure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mne and subscribed in my preanve, this 6tn day of Decemaber. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, HrallVs Catarrt Cure la taken Interna.. ly, and acts directly on the blood and inucous surfaces off the systein. Sand P. J. dHENEv & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by ait Druggists, 75e. Take 1-ails Famualy Fille for coDat.- Dation, CONCERNING LIARS. Ir. Xau kington on thc Qtiestion, Is Lying Evur Justiflable? c"ok's Cotton Root Componn& 'r-gratUteri-n!, Tonio, andi - Only safcoefcua oL1 Rgator oni, , icil won ilcaIt 10 degreeps"- t-;rger ?3- Noa3e - for speciatl uass", Î r, x Sody ail druggists, or seou prepaid on receipt of price. Pee pampleýt. Addresý: - COOKEDIONEO..T aoT NT. frere Vnd~ for oeureason, liecause I am myssncb a poor liai. I ea?'t bell a hie witienît revealing pîainly in fc and munner tit wbatI am Sayvýig is a lie. I ain a mesb ngigln w hile. I bave kiy incn prions i coui-d lie witlh n ir ti ispred perfect confideince. 1 "But Il-esc bLave icun usnjaliy -poisons wio lied in wîub Iiey lbe- I iuved bo bu a goei case, wio'so lies, if aay can bu cnllud me, were iarmiess; esn I lid le spare otimîs; andi who hnî ave c ul offlieu budsrallier tlina b ell a men or mcalicions lie, thal wni rcause ch-ers pain. r"At bbc saine lime, bo be a sc .ccssful lunr cf nny sortonuet le 3peuliariy consbitnted ; lie ned net l e witioab a conscience, bait I 1sienld say blinIlie wouîd need tej bave bis conscience more or ls 1andur catrel; nol uusniy tf cd, but coatrohed. I ai ne t 1speaiing, bore c idte base hans wiom we geneîally know, butcA tioge gentie liais wbýlo woaîd net 1 hru a, fy, lut wbo igit hàe focr wlnI biey lelieved te le- a goe)d ( purpoe, ndwho, thiougili but- ter than we, eau lie fanre sac4, u- cessfuhiy. "Curionsly constfibtud we coer- ta~. aeand a ejoarney tirougih lmf, coafronted by an probluins, tiere may leocain wica we are týempted le s ýay biingi that are net me; but wec are mesb oi us prulty poor liais, and realîy tb< enly sale and righl wny foir us ai! I suppos, Cýis le stick te tic truitt nawnys; thouugh fthat may aIt tini le bard for tle liais uaturai bora." A Medical Need Suippiied.-W'i ,en a medicine is fcund liab net 0n13 acîs apon tic îstý,omaci, lut- is se comupounideci blinIcertain ingredi- unis cf il pasm mnltecciIrug tic stomacb le find action ii i te bowelî, bleu tI6he îisavaiable a purgative andi a clea.nsýer cf greal Pffeciveness. Pnrmeiee's Vege- [able Pis arc cf Ibis cluraclur and 'ire the lest cf ail pilîs. During lhc yenîs tînt liey have lieun in iisý ticy have estuhlisieci thuin- sevessas neobCherupilI bas donc. lIS P11EDICTELD FATE. A welî kuown Liumorist cubereci a ilwvay car un wivh wnsea ci bliose ladies wbo travel in cousInai leur of collisions. At uvcry jolI ci suddea stop she oied ont, "Have wu lie railshe " it ilan acciýdent 1" -Arc e go,. ing te be iiled 1" Hci bellow pnsscage-,ic ne ut tunlion, but rumnained w;ppdx silence. Presuatiy bbc lay sa o lin: "Are yeunont af raid cf rîlwaj accide-isV' "Net I, ma'am," anssucrucLite rcussarîngiy. "Il lias leen pro dicted -- tIrat--I--uihat1l de -1upon 11v scaffold." - -She dranged cars-aI lIre- nex(t a lion. A MAIDEN'S TRUST. "Some people: arc naînial bon Wiunie, aged six, had gond ow ais and thcn," saic Mi.- Kawk-1jtc vlaesrlwî c e îgtoa, we meut some occnsionally jdoîl. Il couidlic pianl1 se bii bho are invIeberate tînti tellers, sIc was inddiiîes. Sie in I don't kaow îvhîci maies thc stood stilî1, naftaer a cloe usiaI 1 ost trouble, if cubher malies any, iny of suverni men wii, ased .oi wc are apt te maie ulloivances sIc accosteci eue. ur bot. Tic aural bora liai1 'Arc yen nn bonest mani i bhen ae baie coee b iow hum ae dumnandeci. iscoant, and w-c are hialle to e 'Wby, yes, I tuikse," vs undur te tiose svbo com-e 1anci' en ticnsîonisbed repiy. asi of tic rutiless truti tellet'. "V/I, Ilion, if you'ue 9uic yur III suppose thal most people are, -an Ioucst ma," said th !tic hiî0 et liais; tiîr cnscece or bte muid, Iîlesbocmydyail uar of cousýequo-nces mules thein 1 tic my -shce?' dl tic truli; but I tiare suy ithi_____________________ viti iest, ef ns lucre are limes vheu wu at-e dispoesucite lieac boliher Iying is es-ci just.fiable isl probica: iibi iiiemnrtuls bave îestled since codes, of meorals word 51q inienîed. 1I havenit sebllcd, îis in m emvon inc)i o, tbut I r i mciv thant hure are ltimes -wbenF- e tuth10 wouldý infliet needlem"l un. .1 fancy tint we nost o in ich ai situation arýe governeci as tei zhal we siail do ly oir opini ,on, as o whebier or niol a lic setld would1 -er bu brtnd euit by I lie prsen lied 1 o as bo theeet pnbim lhl iencl '"Tlis is cipc!ciqesi nd as lafi-as J in ceacr c4i 4aay,; inrg t1labilmay ei l entdss - eini snc urcuîsancesIai- - il ,rt PU st-