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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1911, p. 7

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i~ ~~~n WfITF oiweaitWouiseto À ATIRILLING EXPERIENCE. eronlin ,he famus NEPHFW 0F POLICE MAGISTRATE HOR- sEY TELLs His UNCLE 0F 5EV- %--mup RAL SENSATIONAL AD- LLIOTTVENTFURES. MIr Melville J Horsey, Mechanical En- TORONO. ONgieer of The International Marine Sig- nal Co., Ottawa, Ont., was sent by his a 0taIits £Kr O UUererAS iUJUÂ -zh* -. iof this Coctr. T- cý , for pla ing to guide Mariners on tropical waters. It Il "ZI.-;ý 1 l ý K. ýL1, 1-- 1 itudests' l pols 'S ia reiuarkable One. u1 t h ",un,,,rs-ood at outeet-M. that En- MI M.o Lag aaou rs ineer Horsey wrnte this letter to bis b 1'1 k ,-,-, ý-'"- W.J.ELOTuncle, Mr. W. M. Horsey, Bowmanvillle's .'si. aaoo The Kin.,Yen ,1 1vo Alwa 's Bonght, and whieh bas been Co.L - Pinia Iveteran Police Magistrate, with no know- Lyda-E Pikha 's --59 ,in'se or ver30 ndhs brnesigatue o Co,--'nge and Alexander;--,i " inpBtyu e ore eYknl I VegetaE .o Pond hQm%'ss1de1 , soai suervisin sin its ifanc lowed us the privilege of readi ng this very AileC m oudý .0 qr -lý, 1,;---ýe, ' - -ýe on ulervon e d cleynq hs interesting experience and ,we reqested - ' MI-., '-tAil uaerfets, mittion an "Jut-asgee" ar bu ânmomnmw . from him the favor of presenting the story BaliloreMa.-, sen youhere-ef,- 1to our readors which wo know they wjlI with the picture of my fifteen year old ,!% , O-!,t ý,0 - , ' - Experiments that trifie with and endanger tehelh f red it teliol itrot ha w ea s ,:fE',Jtf: auît..liew...o,- )sd el ~Infaut and Ciidren-Experie-nci7,agaiiist Ep' iet red it te ivlyinersttht e ea . it.:,. . O -M- 048"qýs-tored, 1,, toi4 DUR TE"7-LEGAH AO it. Mr. Melville J. Horsey writes :'ý'.'.' ,ý'É'i.:ii -vas r e ýýERPHAD !1lý!health by Lydia E. , -e, ,_ ý Iarn going to endoavor to givo you an q - II P1nk1m's ogeta. *Ie 1 " R L W Y A E T 8outlne of ry trip to the tropies ad the .1i;ble lCompound. She ' axerfiintsI wttho rotegioto ltoue i, ý ,,:w.. s ale, witdr er \ L >e , > J o.Casteria is a harmiess substitute for Castor01Pae Cours is a le guaisutee to a good anciicen mthdoïttos. S< cicl, ndrer- - 1' " ". salai y You eCal i î,ster it in six traveig tesea. rthetstion i- iýli .;leysweak and irri- *ss.-«gerle, Drpç?and Soething Syrups. 9, ,s Pleasant. 11 xo Th.'he Iîu iîuun Cost iL t0.0. , stalled wero our largost type of beacons :iii ,Z " j table. Two different .' > ,Oý -111 ý4"'. ,1 î, , z, ý,-, e- , gc Drps entiSe Oim, lilorps.I nrtherNarot aýtto ýe aid yý utt i oe eusploysu ,,ut or shore-light, genlerators of steel weigh- ' , .AIostete ir1--, -4ý --, Our new ctIge xlsîWrite :i ing 7 tons, the towors of structural steelol: > à.1'. -ii and, called, 1 itce Greens uaanee I ds -fîr i, tr ' I, eishii i j 10' 'i i in250 picuschar ge the beacon -1I . ý>,1- S'flýnessbuit s h e - a-1_ýI, ,8hoý-:;-.,1 -1nd alIays rieverishness. It cures Dlarrhoe ndWn roa;d1, hooî, Xo, &Cee ts Sts., IlPî ,j ..l 1 rorIouto l, î ,PrsduT . to i'uu 9 months automatically witliout , j '.,grewworse ,111 theJ "a"" , - , '.1, 's CeleIt relieves Teethlng Troubles, cures Cnsiato Johoato, ,Principal tetonwt a.r o 5 adepoe îo ydla E.Pink- 1 . ,-ý11 1> and Flatulency. It asslimUates thse Food, reuasth 1 - ýwith a range of 26 miles. The fourida- ham's Vegetable Compould was rec- In-ahan owl,1ivn1,eltyan ntra lep J ions arc composed of about 35 tons of omrnended, and af ter taking three bot--. -.St acan Boesgilgbath adn L",-ý-,ýe -15ý mzL concrete, whicb, of course, I had to put ties she hias regained her health, thanks The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend ------ - ----.--.-,-in also. One bein- lu a swanp I lad to to your medicine. I can recommend-it Business Area and Railway Connection witb Bratndon. - -ý ,ý ý ý',,Z ý ,buiid a drop hammer, c ut trees -foc piles for ail female troubles."-Mrs. L. A. l__________ ____'________________ __ri________Fe an die bmuin- hand wrenchfo CORKRýAN, 1103 iFutland Street, Balti- 1ý- , >- _, -- .-- -, po 'or to liftthe hammer. I lefi New more, Md. TRIP TO THE COAST. the different varief les of wheaf per acre I,1t,ý1 ý,-1,.1 ;,-Y-,ýý; :'ork lu February last witb four lights f liundreds of such letters from moth- , i fol4lowsrFeo, 2busels; Wfel1,-' - intu infalo afrihtbotan site feers exprossing their gratitude for what Busy, BEAUTIFUL BRANDON Efe,4 uses;Peson 2 ubos;enl ea ,,=Sgntreo 7,es . hesr&tI arbea e Ld4-E-ilcat I eal , Red Flfe, 27 bushels The vegefable crops,, , â - and ',ýI ýý- ý,ý ,ý thon mest sight of land. We sam lots poui d las accomplished for tboem haqve atthe-arm loo edery ie rng bt-her1 .Jà n , 1 l ý - ,I~~~f flyiug fiel, cea furtlos, doîphins, an Oc-bereiedbteLdaE.Pihm No city lu our trip to the Pacific Coast - than lad been expIocted, con1"sider-ing thoedbyte yda . inhm '1 -,, "I'- 4ýeY ,, ý,4 ,. :ý - ý,:- ~csioal shark, and after 7 days out, an- Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. cf ruck uâ more favorably flan ,Brandon dry season. Iu the norfb the threshers' 1,I-.I, , e -r-ý,,"' 1 - h,-l1uS , ME.R -cbored -in Bou0e.Har1o:, B1 1f.- Honduraszfte Beautiful. We lad visited young returus were very rauch btter thanpeoople-,,,,0 âl 41 flai f a -,,:Nr. ES. - - - Bris-tol. f0 discbarge freigît. 1 went ashore in a Youn ilUe hsAvice- Brandon in I882 when the first turnpiking laeo okn o, seilyl as a maîl sailboat and as'soon as one stepped Girls who are troubled with painful i'as being done ou ifs main street, so w IHere is one instance. John Wilson, who 1 AI'ý y " The S- 2hort Sea Route Sailings. o adl nwa once le was lu a Bell- or irregular periods, backache, head- weco prepared for seeing a groat transfor- livesa few miles north of Brandon, threslhed - bý -1Itl eTn'n7, ýf flTrfl ITAE RMJAIA si posssion. Order anl clealiness ache, dragginq-down sensations, faint. matioîs affer 28 years of progros scb asa big field of Stormn King Oats wbcb qýt j ilW tiý qý-Tû 1UJJbDUtt4ll 1, "'. K P. F Feb.HALIFAX prevailed and once more I tlauked God I ing spells or indigestion, ho nid take las been cbaracferizing aîî western cities yielded a shade over lue bushels per acre.91,- ;ÀàL-,A 3 Výý 1 Y (oyai Edwar1I . . d was a British subjeot. Now, of course, isamediate action and be restored to and towus. But our expectafione were Mr. Wilson lad a big fieldof whcat whîcb ý', . ýoyarîwaersSIîar:.,udit y yi Vege- yedd32'2 Ii se(For ve r 30j yearw "oyal Ceurge >jar. 2nS th s are nt very numerous bore, tle elhbLyi E. Pinkbam's far surpassed, and as Mc. A. B. McLeod buyllerare hs IoyII GeorgeT;I ý Apr. liii colored race predominating, and it la very table Compound. Thouisands]-havelbeen showed Rev. John Garbuitt and fhe wrifer1 yields are not exceptional iller, for many Il0 ,rU-1. ,l 17 -MUflr 1' -' N 'l VOýRxi I. !oyuIl iEdward " Apr. lth queer te biar the EnglisI fougue spoken restored to healthb t s.tectfo i uow eepesnl ilsi'h oth bynty it wause. the7city-fro, bis auto we-wero pleasingly 'fielde-,lu-île nortb counlry- if was said, )'iinfiiorAition sud tickets ou applicat- se freely by negroos and natives. They %Write te iI'frs. Pinkbani Lynn and wonderftilly surprised te, behold to would equal tlose.- _ý:"11.. -1--- -1,-1---- -- ion f0 l. .JA ES ave beautiful drives, neat bouses, cricket. Mass., for advice, frec, whaf a perfect city Brandon lad grown. During our cf ay lu Brandon we, were lv.A A Epolo, golf, and other clubs. Their cewer- Winnipeg bas made a growtl uusurpassed guesîs of Mr. and Mes. J. H. Thoruf on. t- -,---- ------- -- - 1- -- ýf , t tcet agent, Bowmativille. age system isby canaIs, criss-cross, a5nd -- - - lui western records, witb one possible ex- Mes. Tîsoruf on was a Mies Sara Wickett, r-1f--- --- . ,.,---ýý-'- fýtcitIil1iîi) ,M, . lite ,risc and faîl of the tide does fhe work, my uexf letter, for if you care I arn goiug ception, Vancouver, and las been boomed who was educafed in Enfield scool, Dar- ,," ;ý111 ý-_,ý ----__--__________________ foc yen kuow ahl along fhe coast of fbese te t ry te give you an onîline of My trp lu tle public prints unt il Easterners were lington. Mr. Thoruton bIlde a responsible ,, -;,,ý' ,,,ý-ý, - conre, tl n I e lvl Icadlfedw loe.ny n îu, ce led f0 conclude fIat ne other city out position a s a member of fIe staff on: île -ýï' "'makt lce- ac isiyan-o o bi me br,îe o ntis re bauiul is-beem uuo t-uc, But while we Experimental Farm..:,. ;ýZeI.-9r ý ý' , ý Auî'ie and Cousin Mattie would fee1l bei drawback le the people themseîves. lu fhe East lave heard1 but littfle about Anofber public institution fIat we visit- ' OUR NEW METHMOD TFIm,ýrý,3EATM~T wiII cue ou andmae msso ýýý, 'ý ý if th ýy went marketfing, for fIe vegefables(o '2d "bright, busy, beautifuil Brandon" ifs citi- ed sud lu whichblotI of us were deeply' .TJ~ taifîeetserineoisslitsebodulieSOhtal ',, ý ý .ý are all fogether-yams, plantains, bananas, 1. zens lave boen consfanitly sud faitlfnally interested was fhe Industrial Scliool, of 'crnp e ,ble s dulcespeal up; is near teo e soi a eel o ia 1- ýsugar cane, oranges, limes, beaus, fiel, --,ý.-_ working Jo keep their city forgîug alead whicl Rev. Thos. Ferrier le Principal as, face full and eisr, enei y raturas to th--ebody, anthemoad S TE&,4'ýmSIIP1 1T C Oi -;PA NYÀ,LTD. alligator poes, sud numerous otber fruifs f111 now if le a "city of no usean reput a- ela eu ueitnete ebdii asen r uioaea rscse-omr ia at o ieasen - ýý wllasbeig upriteden o Mthdit ou feel yourseif a mans and knoow marris e cenoiot bis a faflure. ostIiuck and vegetables. Fiel are ail differont sud PUBLIC LIBRARI flou,." sud lasse mucl 'go" sud "get" as2 Indian Schnols aud Hospitals ia Canada. Ranatak""rob yon ofyour lard earned dollars. kr 1J ahg o Rltie you evonscee large ugamas, or lizards, for was ceeu anywlere on urI travels f0 île Brandon Iudustrial Schooel le ituafed oun AE soWHUTWITNCISN ý1c1â'-Lï'c or Relatives sale. 1 en joyed my visit here very nuch iANNUAL ME ETING SLIMLY ATTENDED. Coast. 1orfh side of Assiniboine ?!Ver, juai Westf T-H-NOEAEN ED WIOT I PARALYSI or rind ?an lteonl yenten n ou W hieeceqp- Tesalmeting osmem- TIaf our ceadore may focm corne ado- of and adjoiniug fIe Experimeufal Farru,.- e §HP P LY will telyultro. Wieh I eup Th rna metgof ea-quaf e conception of Braudou's importance 3 miles noribawesl of tle pilfv. Tise chooçl PtrE.Smes eaes1 se- eine lPrepaid tickets 'Issuc em1 -nlany peint in ped usyseif wifI a large tropical hl't eso uleLbaywshl nRa-ýjZ '-, FtrB uwr eae i xeine Greaterarlece ofrPublc Lirary isnbldnlu.R ad udgrowfl we herewith pre-nsomcre las lad excellent eucccss lun training inlu- a - "- .1 troubiedw±tis Nervons Debilty GratBitant dsusÙ~îluCaaa.3 clir Sit Wsoureove nig Room Monday eveuiug, Jan. i6, Pros- factesud information about city's growfh, dian yeutls cof lotI sexes in Clristian li- " ..'-, '*-uformanyyears. Ils ite uIdiacrotioixn , su ad as I got the rest of my ouftfit lu New u1.B odl h car ra-eupnefadfclfe ea cesideuft iu g wi le pursuing fIe ordiuary seclic-L a1 e 1se- isyouh. beamev Dieturvcier .W 'mln, ..,deepo ndfcliis. s-'Àud ý- 4 e n o ld' an ether 1O Liverpool to Halifi. an(sudMontreai. York, was ready for work wleu I1 arrived ue *~TmîyIIApreseuîed aN 1ý cire r t. nd inavryiod city sud commercial aud ra -odcete tudios Re,ý.Princip-al Ferrier, who -,s ,ý-,-- -ýýe e t. m geeie ybecret Glasgow f0 Halifax, Portland, Boston ai icoelleof operatious. Ornx tpsafisfactoey report. Librarian's report From Mr. John T. Hall, Con,înissioner oft pastor ou Ty'r'-ia 'z;rcit wbeu a %vOIung sg efiv- e dr. easai l My eet, ed or Moutreal.was at Port Bannies, Guatemala. -Here Is--eimnîoshp f>4.1ibayradn-omecil ura, e ernd nuebwc a sc Tsft, e.- my , biack 1raclsd saai iss e aknte London or Havre to St. Jolin sud îley lave a beaufiful larbor ai île back- Coînmifîee's report was submiffed sudBIatnfoe Cimmyrbalfour eau' e'otientd an Soe Dîrîam hbs siu il wr e t ,,," -, ,, ,isskeCiz y la ,iaitdanstutfeetW 1s Ivionîreal. ground ail snrnouuded by mounitainssdaoe.Bardf ict rsfo 191- !l, -.tired i ilO isià1-ornling, ]or 5l5petift. copsda1oloe ess.Cul a-railways, transfen cailway system conuect- at Brando-Mr. sud Mrs. A. B. McLeodi .f aý ýa il7 )ne assy, eyes lDîurred I. aîr (according te season) a litf le native towu uestled by fIe cea. igalfnu usriwytrc-lesfrM.W.L cry rte o1I ise os, emoe pope etc. umiss - faI . Low Raýýtes. The United Fruit Ce. lave a fi ne dock 'u cogli litKig ids manufacturons sud waeehouses, ilree rail- Henry, Wellhingfeu-sf., who le Manager of 'isfltrs.etAn d.tse1oco1t1Ma, Suprio Acom odaion bre sud lofe of sîlpe put lu te get coffee,, . maBae, anoo u Dy wysttin, e biksdon'bsnes a Ieimeia ilC.;Mc eryWetak edpn'-s sud t iec ss lrsîc1îsis- bdset.Iwfsec su fudaîd MissGballsdFodg.experimeutal farm, of ito6o ac-res, Sumamen in Red Cross- Deug Store; Miss 1EdtI ' pisysîians. wore ais eeetniistfor&Isre Eaely appýIIcî.l-.iou for ýýbort le advisable for rsilway station, United Fruit Co's office, IOfier udcmmftesweeaponte a'ai rons fg-srg iuefFoQîgMnae ý heGea orîWetiofls btroev. tiei1,uS MariAp H ad my uiina. custom bouse, a 10fel wiîl a ruuuing scale follows: PresidentW.-BbCuildiTeas-auditorium t fIab-it--aîî2500 per- onu Telegph CÇo's office' Miss Ethel arrosa TneaTte co iult D r e. Kwdy & TftKiT~i building byn'eceay-is '.ofie;Ms Ehl ennedy, ihougla 1I iad tuitait aIltlis "is s1 ,,;I iutos,t, i S fu , rtes, e , tc., on applca of pices, a quart el, or baneseke, and tfiue .Tmby;SceayM s ons, tîree coîleges, 'six distri,- c Obols, a Tabb, lu Rankin's great millincry ,store; doiteri. tlESa drownlug seaui £.ousrsýenced the ltaw M mieoss Temieîvad 'O',1rosi waaetypicai native fIat,ýled bisses, Edua J. Fielding; Roorn Com-Miss Gal- coîlegiate institufe, a large general îoý- Ald. B. D. Walc, o e-Ie1s To. sved mylite. Tise mprovemeut was fiEe ma l-I colfi ý1tl- isvgo olgibog M.A $ Ewitî vorv litîle iu 11cm. If le no trouble ril ees eyaKu u oepiqI, foty-five scîsool teaclers, sud over Wallace, Eufield, wlo owued île farm e6oiuJte1d s ue etlyadp-â,ý1Y , ý.t. A,---2gent, B, owmauviile. f0 f la e people te move il uecessaey. I ilu e ' Msrs .N.MDugl,2,000 pupils stteuding -publice cbools, uow ewued by Me. W. Ormicton, lot i, and S GUARANI'Eo doRsoi.PA , ______________----_________ah iboeso native towus île buts are bait . G. Baker, sud Major W. C. King; LiI- There are twelve clurclos, two daily con. 8, Easst Whitby. We aIse called ou UEei?,RFE nN A ovr I ss ipot aouCifotaovTary ComMeDrc. Jnebuio, ,R.e. epapers, s firsf-class police dopant- Mns. F. Nation, wife of ,one of Beaundo's -We-ireat and cuire 1VÂIý':-COSE VEM. Mz RVOUS DEBILIT, EOf iigl aîer ark, ud, etcoure, ouy euedeT. D akdero, Rev. R. W. meut, a permanentnfine deparirmentwandsuccessfse, merdantns sud publicaspermaednt fiAPY C'ar'LMNTS, h iDNEY AND BLADDER. DIandSpublic an Diseago1 xi Jrous, se fIat bouse cloaning la easy. Lyle sd . . oBcae; uitr-J modern appliauces aud a fine pressure cifizeus. Betone lien maniage Mcc. Nation CONSULTATION Ma£. EE.I sas~et al rt o aQcte ,,Hero you meof Guafemalians or reaîîy a l u .S.Mocai direct pumpiug, 140 lbe, There are fif- as Miss Bawdeii wô.s danoccasiouai visiter _ Blank foizHoaBOK se TIfraasmenî.. auwr Parii'anieii itr tSailsdntvs pne Treasurer's report showed tisese roceipts: scen lodges et fraternal sociefies, ixteen at Mr. W. Wenry's, Roseisudvale Farm, ý",- - suspknad the people are very Iazy, Municipal Grants. ..............$225 4 boelste aneforfraehlns,-wefytwoSolnaOnt Wesfilenoye slcela O IE 1 itttEX CVENtisI pîi anis fgo o6 ld wheu fbhey gef a hale mouey i osGveruneiGrauts.,.............54 , ,os) watemsins uluete;7mies etwifl n. Wm.Wad(e-for1ely o No', iLl , tIbc ruade to th- LeListative Asseîisly of forr ud tîsen te atrigi su ad Membre' Fees,..................0 oswrit-ie miles etgaoihe alntn brofîen-,iju-law et Dr. C. RS-,.ý 1 -- , - > ýà th 1csiîeufOfslatit uon e-cuîinsg up esel other. One et our fire- Magazines, papers, sold.... ..... 23 I5 ssdewalks sud twcnty-five miles of gnaded Mitcelol. 1 ý-,, ,.. ,. fortfghtigloner..Corpo.r....atioen of tyhie DaligîuetCo Md ofAv. ad,,iod t1 Dtrt -h ý, Isionforn crporatinq t mou conceatsed..trouble.sud.198 45 streete. The asessmeut ila M, .t.,L* be:sîf,il' au rt ail andfi imng 6 ape oebu tde t$r58,6.ýM. .Wallace M. Sa fBowmanville Ai leter trm Cnadmsstbaddrsee etaIII)ag1, Iuei iao i Oi a t tue 6 ae oebti esn Bazsar ......... -... -... *........203 0The cify bas flestres, social clubs, atîletie bIde1,île position of District Managernaoa i ~ester 110 teu oiith orortIn t heceussem e huyou divide if by 17 Catalogues.. .. ý......... ...... 8 60 clubs sud aimost everytling fIai Makes Manitoba Goverumeuf Teleplone Systom. meu 1nWinsorOnt Ifyou esie't elv îî ,r Itow 1)i sai e and lihe Goodyear rire sud sd rig f e ol. Iesodirsse-Blacefem 00 5 à ltewoflliin ThesarCossspeivare Balance fritemisud byi..." ......II7'lf ot iig Ho sud lis sicter, Miss Mamie Shaw, spef eupeersa.nssi ýàlly "Znai ur eti nine udroit.a ecadra 1 Nu, 77",of tise1,aid 7' ,puri,ti hou vhireh was, lun -peor, balt-etarved tellows, whe are foeced - Brandon le exceediugly,well locafed for a.1pleassut eveuiug withliscai Mn. Thorn-u e - ne snall cal au tWnor oficelIstîwbi n aetfro epodecasu ,i I,'iecoflu-s,,,i.d agreemeuur. i Lsubîinrfed ru au re- f0 serve and are gatherod up inlanti, fied $910 09 being a business centre as, fIe illusfrafion teu' I4aate finor andubsfies oni atreefo Cai etr sfhos :Ued she1 7approlal u 1t hl, rotpa.yerof tI aaidtogefber sud faken te fhe diffeceut places. 'Expeuditures were these: w pblsîpliiydeontrte.Wlhl M. .B.Mceo l snormebefeor . KnainbsneDY KENE Didsor, Onlt, afeurpuration oaiTisep llys tlei'7thddayntuttDeceus-hi )1li, ln. 'L ef yiwws u eùr- le .eveaof9 cotsdysdHeating, lightiug, rouf ..........$I25 00 a radius of 60 miles flore are 134 iownls fDefi.metENNEDY& eu&e, fI led- Witefor ornrvataddrrC "QI[; "A Isy-k 's 1 t. Crorto . ttwusistme fl mnI etr îygef Libraniau's salary ............126 col sud some 28,000 faem homes. Th1e ele-', f ý1 QBo uîivilietaI -î115551auy T a(nes v ui Dî- --adre ~,, ts Dii,, e'elaige Is iidete lir uniform le bîne overaîls. aBooks ng machine sud agrictîlttral impleuseut ý,--- $l ionus ut w1 )., ,I9 9 e alerdsiosin fhe Brandon district, sud who -_- ___________________________-,-,ý '-51 -t !d,1 00 othlen, tu a b dusof clirt lat, an old riflle ingle shot-a bsg Concert by youug mon ... -....... 55 25 million bushels. Witl suscb splendid rail- ______ona______Eat. ______-_______._--_-________-_-_-_____- 'sa11, ine , Ilui CQr wi',- ssuýýlýýýI l r;,gages-ou the eai of canfidges, a bayonet or mstchef, sud Catata expenes ............... 60 61 way facilities as are clown flore eau le , e ua ii si Ilste - i,ln, isU machineI f IeGode in bare foot. A good white man would Isrnepremium.. ..........3 50 ,no doubtimted offIe businessfufure of Bran- Orvisit f0 Brandon was eceigy CII)DLABOR IN .erP±si. W lt tr ,î 1 u Ribe ospn, SCaaaLmteIsusceOrsun ad eafisfactoey. -UeeeiugyXV ie tr-D miin glrîsi t, th0 , d ié i i nau,,ýýid opaly n s dozen oet ibm if le ha o gun. p3esaufnoquesoion 5artý1ýif"IsýI .sdade Wl,îeCsom eeaesdrsflSnre...... ................. I8 02 Mr. MeLeoti mofonet us ont te eEx-. adalTieonew o if fom îl Indutnia D.B ipo, nuisance--seareling 'baggage, going, su Balance ............ .........255 77 perimental Farm, Mr. James Murca iaSe Thelvis*magnifcohIfs publi tbil- ilndeWIoen and Children. ROYAL MILSTAMRS D. B.1 îim o h peon, nsudrt rleringssides l lavngf0 ectry.- --Manager. Iu lis rnoet ice fIe Goveru- inge are a groaf credif te if sud if we 1PORTLAND. ME.-I RPO 0,,tiSolIitor forItiseIapplicauts. portor ermissionte1bavetbeir cunf<y.$90 09 mont we find that the grain yield is prof fy guged île standard of te citizeus sigît, According te Dr. Kuwada, Dmno a .2 --ed-t.---a ii- ----Lioberre51ndfr1ce10d to1ortf '-' h ibrariau's repent slows fIait 5029ilange, île soif aronnd Brandon bcing 1iga- the pemeusIen etndfIeaoe DominionspectDec. 24 .ofJhen. 28 .. Mflous1 fez, Spaulsl Honduras, wîere I got rMy books were iecuod, elassed flues: Fiction ly productive, possecsing humus iu great alitlietsdwrî ls.On ermr întofiî fte Mgantae. . . Ja....Ma.14.Ae Noic1y C edtos. gang of 18 iggers, a white flreeran, food, 3928, juveuile 440, liierature 259, listoey abundance. lu 5908 cpring wîeat avec-aenteldgentansewhfyoiryceudu e ou 1,00,0mfor y ande are whso th," Lauretie atiMeg..., 1tents, etc., te go f0, insfall my firsi lighît. 212, geegcaply 93, science 27, potry 25, aged 45 buclels te fhe acre sud eue four- île sîreefesud tIe clanacter sud appean-su clde. Wthn lwitImfmoe searsnfeCndas ---- 1 MÂ [EP of UiacreatfiofdPogavCortexvls a2beaufitl locationbut biogcapy 17, mentl science 1anreligion cre fieltigave Cvert5zluasole pe acre, sucooatioeirbrtidences sd s1r7oumedtagl.sfearcr eiade, ans a wnitecin Suc- mate. Superticcommodatiodfoc Firsi IN, ]f1ý 1iLlilfF, 1' o MeEstte fîte towu le nef muel, oee t reef one side 10, arts 5. (Trnly f bere's foodi lere for Tweuty varieties ot easeaveraged over 1Judgod ly flese standards Brandon rauke a reae asawie nSe rd.Spr co Mahr1il, l/en Goduuni, fè ate if flic thc sea, îhe other a swamp. W e loftihere 1reflecior-Ed.) 1 1s ot buehels per acre, six-rewed barley high. We wero glad te fiud all e Bow- cees, tIe, miii ownors are employîng Second and Thir-dClas asues ý '] otuln f L3ou1a(jýýý,1.,ïu il, ;Pt/he CounIt yasd procoeded f0 go f0 False Cape te fIe Librsry Committee boughi 26o volumes averagei 65 buebele anti two-eowed 55 muîl oesdgrshliggoips 000cîde ne I g tiCnd n oiin n Ic a >jl1irh1,i, 1ioî'ý, d,,ýefeased. wersf part oethtese coass, arrived florenlu 1910of wicî 95 were fictionu, 29juven- buabeis. The yield of Indian corn was iions snd making good in them, 100. 14. Iu the match and tolacco lu- (called 2nd ciass) REs eymdt ý0 I i, l, i,!,,b_;,g1 , I 1iai ;,Ilp trions has- anelsored 7 miles trous land sud fauneýi lie, 20 literatuce, 17 biogt'aply, I4 roter- below fIe average, about I22' tons per 1utii af.uar~ I vr ~Tliet class also carie. ulg any -1iauIsoimsîiî-t a,' ,t;galuet t hc fate iias'y our gasoline bat ite lry sud make the once, 9 science, 4 oach et poetcy, hisfory acre. utispriual h oki eýll,,i,11gb.anti I ilnte)i te thiuk WIliI -ierteuL Ih' fi yc -Tfoidtfesudsetptrese dcnmmuyicatedLocalIAgentenregravill iftti î1Iay ut 0Deecuhe.19tIý1, ait the cifhihan ysare o tik. ll Iges ar onaisovr200.oumsomanyouh wrefiareod Te ilundedrfths mnyae10er1 Washuuî l tl ,tý(o \:-blgtuu, nomi f tIe c eaa osnoe 00v re e o iog oear . eyo Opassage on île abovemetindsaer lJnittd Sta '-I-t AsuerjIcaare r-equiretito seud l'ns iu for s rougI fne." Wlen we gel ilsan fiction aud juveuile. ________ _____jL IJjL (Lj,,AI1ACKftf. -years of ago. on te Comnpany Offlic, î8NieD »y pýîsfpuejuasi or dl iIi eýr fothe uutcusiglued about 100 yards our boat broko tiowu aunid___ ____I iesiun mieteeeidS. et otel juîtorheuciifor ILa1 I.,('sies and Donald w ld.seoss e e oset aoudnulilheflAIsQ. - tnin cis ecid etail nforstiu pyt G SliIf1Nui l4ýIlltairlt, exeeturs anud ruirces u faed arshu e o a dîau f0 u udAADVCEWashsgonPté, a.workers aeter tcîs ai - t For1 l nfrain 21 - is 'ifutts sii'ulry Elîcu Coodwin, ithey fotdafn napakt sadPE SONAL AND N.&TIONAL SONOR. IIYIIITcontine at nPost, Jan.Agent de.ia'ued, tir îuauLe andsuif desses and fuill pulled us back tote Isip. The clip laid P,____ A W AN'Proceedinge le uuuliithîe will of James coninuîeec- eiisgtra ay octlx A Tý pai illars ilii iIug of iluir lai sud sae- bore for 4 dsys but tise weafiser was lad ~ IM~NH eii tfl iy otnas ftehe wu trs.FrdioeineBOWM1ANVLE ours 1 clfii teir accounts sud tise nature:11,11. of-tise ,with no chance fo lantior gef our ouffif Piuckileone fhing sud fe otber fhiug T ' M EN of et nvil"' Canada, beoin esd chance of________,For_______________________ se1c.. -ti-s, if1 ny- lefd7by t l - -1 - -1-uuu. ý,']ý ,,ý;.--'ýowr qnniahaili n Iz-nvntn i ule,1 --- -uecornsug resîti- -:-ý 1rf b n rll-. he rý iiq eeia d1 -1ý ýý 'I 6 4

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