te s $i .00 a year in advanice; $i .50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAýRIO,T'H URSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, igii. VOL. LVII. No. 6. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors. Pre-Stock=Taking Sale of ail Winter Gooids. Couch, Johnstoii & Crydermran wilI from thils date seil ail Ladies' and Chi*ldren's Cloth Coats àt exactly HALF Ail Men's cloth overcoats and- winter suits at cent discounut. Bowmnanvi lie, ___ vper O.ntarîo. __________________________I I 3 TUEST ANDARKD BANI<r OF CANADA. * - Establishd 1873 Savings Bank Department 4* iligule iet rates of Ineetpaid on i ngBBaaJjlanice. > .,J ale Notes Supplîied Free. Il * Customena of ùtus Brandli ecjoy fiesrvcesof flic folbowiný brnhsof tic Bank ini tic counities of Duiamn and Onftank- : iewtnvileNecasleOrooBiackatock, Oshlawa, Lindisatv *Brookliu, Port y, P icin, Witby, Clanemont. Yo0ul 4*Cheques an-d Sl Notes areneotiable t all of thes( A. N. McMi*llan, MANAGER, Bowmaniville Branch i. tr se h. ýBANKOF MONTREAL' ESTABLISHIEV 1817 Capital -$1 4,400,000 Rest -- $12,000,000 Total Assets $ 183,169,159 Head Office, Montreal. J.A. Mýcciellan,, Mnager, Bowmanville Brandli. TIRIP TO TICE CO-ASI. J FARMERýS OU WESTDUH. CITY 0JF lMa.DIC1NE HA3T, A'LBiERTA-THE Tl-ursday and Friday of nexf week you NATURALi GAS CITY ù0F, are aIl wanfted to come f0- t Bow,,manvilte fo CANA DAattend flic0fwo avs' tive stock judging ------ course.ý This wiltlibe one of fh i mosin- Onle of îlle pleasanitmmrisOf oLur struictive programis given for farmners in a t rip) 10îlhe Coa-sÉtct Rv.John Garbuitt, long" liime. Let no ohrengagemlent kcep Rýev. C. L. Mý'clrvine and tIcý editor was ,;you aw1ay. If willibe lield i0 fIe main the day w'e spent in tic am11bitionis City of biilding ion flic agýricuitural gronnd,(s and Medicine Hat, Allerta. B3y special re- is entirely tree. Cornie and( bring you!r quicst otf' Mr. and Mrs. . M. CawkeSr of bysand lhired mian. BowmnlIe weliok ficjournecy wesf- Friday evein-g a mas meting will lie w1ard af f lis point f0 viaichir sont, Mr. lcld 10nOera onse ,to whicl bring yonr E". Morley Cwe and wie. -A rrivin g 1wifý, cdauigîler, methller or sister. Ail jusqt before mda w isîered af Cos- !Bowmvan lvilhe Iladies aie cspýcialhy inv-ýited, mopoltan H oPfl posite-ýfie depof, anld tf00.,Tie meeting îis frcc fo eeyoy did 00f flnd a miere loehk Isfly dresses wvîhIlbe given by Mr. George A. lîrnont Our trip. Aioro oa pinPtaSpnnedn of Farmerýjs' and ouse ti nîbrsc hmefo oe"WmosJstitutes, Toýroit o, and thIeIn- as they Tofften say u ni aniis otlstructor il] charge of f le classes. 8 o'clock Bomnin flua f townl. Mrsz. T. Baýsaetf sharlp ,1plase. and son ho onthe poetwn rm_________________ Torontocandblave gien lei bose a repuitation atu -any hosîs ight envy.1wrso 2oooo was expenlded ast Affen dinner, a bath and a_- sleep w start- year on Civic Ipovmnssre, ýcd ouft10 sec flic town aný,;d lyarage )enoks ewrindustrial sites, etc. ment spent thle cvcninlg vwith Mr. and Irs. o 192 Natural Gas sLsubstifultedj for- Cakrn hercosy hoe .jýon the 1111. coal flic up ybcbg obfaiincd f.oro « Our lirief sta'y wi 11cm as, as we liave welh adjacent 10'tàcïpjmping station. 'il said, one of fhe mfejoyalile -visits ci,1906 fli clynsaled a mcla,,nical filtra- our roreig.M. (Cawkclýr owslleirflnplant wl:hhs produ-cýing anavrg finle brick residence and ifs location is on, redutiion ofO99 pcr cent of bacteria and of the imost (desir:able in1flicty. Thcyseimnfattin. lad a gond gardein whiii Mrs. Cawker Ufil a fwyears ago ) Medicine lHaf took spccial l interea and hlike ":fNray a csnily a "o-uce' oo Cottage" tlIc hlom-e (of 1f.Cawken's loy- en lic cte if an enormioos ranicbînig 11o0d in flua fÉown, lý is MN1edicinle Hat home dlistrict, anid it is stiiuone uithfe largest liad tlie spic and span appearanice th at shipping poins franch pnoducts iniflic claracterizes good ftasýte, neatocî2s, idu- 1Ws liTe stock and wol xporta last f ry, and an ceyeforflic gond, tic trucù and ycar werc: afîte, 14,014; liorses, 4,997; fIe beautiful. Thiaf ohas made c-sleep, 10,S44, and --ool 19028 ls., ha'v- cellent clioice o'f a ite uat -Irve la-ve ing an aggregate value of $i,3867 Th - on doub vliwatever. One nceds only 1e randlier is, lowcver, bcing fasf dîvc spenid an cvening b intatIhome f0 orm ac lto ftheopen country, and the rangl- Ihat conclusion. Wlien vcwe ct iwcts. citliaf wilh remiain for a number of yeax 's fierc was onnly gone of Nature's lit tIc rose- wilh in10ticCypireas HuIs, tf0 flc sotî- blods f0 ch-eer and mnairefla homne ivcly, uast, and on flic Red Deer and Saisk- but on our retu,ýrn aotier hifle clenuliatchewan Rivrs, ftflicnorfl-cast. Tic liad canimed a place aid share ficadi(:, reason for flic paîîing of flic range is flic lion, OfMr and Mrs. Cawk,"er. io a busi- eionoos influx of new set flers and fîcir ness way we were vcry g!ld f learo tbaf dlevofing fhemselves f0 mixed farmiing. Morley is doing wclleî and liec-,mning a TIce invasion 0f tle farmiens imeaniis refreaf factor in flic business lite o0f Medicine Hfaf. of randhers. For paît few years farmiers Anoîlher West Dorhamn boy wîo lias lave poured in from ail directions, so doncwel inthe v'ýes; an( wa fo, mudli 50 fat in April of lasf year Gov- donc ein fl pric eaf andh wroEwasore ri-ment opened a Central Land Office in som tie aparnerwit Mn E.MoreyMedicine Hat. Crowds of set flers tonk Cawker, is Mr. B. F. Soulci, Phmn. B., son up position f0 waif for houri, smc cases, ni Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Souch, et for days, i0 order to fyle on fie land tîey- Steffler, Alta., 00w visifîng flicîr many wanfed. As evidence of Iow fait lanid is triends in Ontario. Hi- drug store on heing taken up, for seven monîhs endn anothen itreef las fthc air of a prosperons October, 5,138 lomesteadi wcrc cntrd concern. Mr. Souci iearned tic drug for, making a total of 822,000 acres of business witli Mn. jury in tlis town. Hie land sold. enjnys flic iuxury of an auooieand Average yield per acre in the vicînify like Mr. Cawker lii cieanu p anml[ 1e dol- for 1909 was: wheaf 21 bnsliels, nais 67 Ians in neai estaf e traa1ioina, linaels, liarley 45 liusîe's, fiax 18 liohsîa. Munyof our cfien ill ,remem'j1ber TIc ProvÇincial Goverilent liai recogniz- -Miss Helen Prenfice wîoý was fo-rsomecd flic vaît ugricultunal advanf,,ages oftfli lime empioyed iii tiepoc office iere 10 district ini estabtishing an Experîmeintal Mr, J. B. Fairbairn's lr'eas f legrapîFfi--arm 10 dem'bnstrate île Camiiell îystemi operaor an assitanti i pocatm offie idr y farming. We er vey 'eaed~. îîet is Prr- Th n w post office co-o.,i,,'Tlie fice ninMdie Hat hir she ti'ids tIc telephoiic system is one of tihe (st in cx- r-esponisille position or angreaof tice C.PR. elerapi Ofic, asimlar - . istence. The doit for cacl plone is only C.PK. eleaissOEic,.,Qu'igg oritfoe$20,00 per abnnm. Thc rit£ las two f0 fIat lîeld liy Mî Thdà i Q o. thesplendid lospifals: Medicine Hat Generul Great 1NToti-W estern cTuegraphHîptlCnoLd.Aiedeniman Brandon. TIe western iiair and lite seema Hosia n ayAede oa' to agree witî Miss Prentice for sine was Hospitul. looking weil. SIc liad good assistance i0 If is n xaggeration, :thc direcfory tle-office in flic person of Misa McLeod, a stafes, f0 say fIat ait no place on fIe brigît youdg' lady of fIat cbf y. wholc of flic Continent is tic climat e so Mr. James P. Williams, a former Hamp- ideal ai fIat of Medicine, Hat. Situated ton boy, is living aI Medicine Hat. We as if is ut an attitude of 2,161 ted uabove met him on fie streef and enjoyed a bnifscu levch, fhe climate conditions compare chat. Hle also likeî flic West. favorabîy witli fInie of tle Soufth of Mns. W. G. Nihlock, niec Misa Borna ot, France and Italy. Witî tic Spring com- Bowmanvilc, daughter niflice hte Wi11- îngaItich beginning of Mardh, tle Sum- huam Borna, flic muter, whose iusband is mier laits from May f0 île end of Sep- connected with the C.P.R. lives lere luti tember, then cornes thc tatI or "Indian wc faiied to meet lier. Summer" dnring whidh if feels good f0 Our party was 100 tnavl-weary f0 do lie aive, for iglit oP f0hlicend ofthfe muci sight-accing at Medicine Hat but yean tîcre la one long spelI of sunshîny we gof a prcfty satisfactory look-over lie- weather wlcn if is a deigît f0 lie ouf of sides viiting smmc of fie public buildings. doons. The winters are very short and If s detined-ito bce a large cif y from pres- are lioken by Chinook spelîs, und on f lis cnt conditions and prospects. 1Mn. B. F. couta clan-ge ni cighty degrees las SoucI vcry tlougîtfulhy liehped us to somte 1beco kniowin in ix houri, inom 25 beiow ilhustrated -descriptive lterature whcl a 5 abo:ve, flic coming of a Warnm-Chio- bas licen of conidenalec assistance in our n'cok blii lecauise. The cold wale write up. is jif keen; enouigh f0 nender oufdtoor The city of Medicinei Hat la in filic Pov- skating and cur-ling a deiýglittut pastimne, incc ai Albierta and is deliglitiuliy situated Smal wonder fiat Ile healfi statistica on flic banki of Sotîcro Saskafclcwanj slow an al)iorimally low deati rate. River, on main uine of Canadian Pucific Mvedicine Hlaf'a greaf est assef is tle Rýailway, 660 miles west niWnnf g 882 naturaul gai. Tîlrce natural gai wells ut miles casf of Vancouver, and -witlini 70 present 10n use give 12,000,000 cubic feef miles nifIe border ofthîe Staf e ai Mont- per, day, and if is expected fIat fIe wel ana, U.S.A. Tic C.P.R. bridge, a mag- now lieing sunk will supply a forthler nificent iftccl structure, and ancni ofthc8,000,00o cuhic feef per day. At flic lime largeat in îlehe ssans tlic river ut tIc gai was sfruck a Company made ap-, this point, çwhich h s1200 fted from bank f0 Plicatio0 fýlic city for a franchise, but liank. Medicine Hiat is a divisionul ipo,' inta apublic mecetinglield by fIe ratepay- of t lis fine, and also castero termninus ni ers It wýas decidýed lIathe Ictowo îhoold Crow's Neat Pais Branchi. If la bbît in a bld thle franchisec, and wý\e believe tlaf shieltered valhey sonnounded by proîecfing MdcieHat was tlic fini dýit y in flic bendhla lndi, ioonded on ail sides by roi- West ta pot loto practicai effect muni- ling prairie. Rocky Mouintainis anc only cîalownenrstipj when ficey decided to 2o~o miiles away, and niontn oon- 1coý.ntrolfIe ight, icat, and pow,-er supplicd ta in air is disi-,,nctly icît. Medicine Hat in il1cm dit y. Gas is suppllied taondinary came int o bcing witi flic advent orthfli cuit omens ut-i_12 cents per tiausand Canadian Pacific -Railwuy in 1883. Prior coliic ieft and f0 maniacturens at 5 cents t o thuf time if liad licen tIc home and per tliousund cubic feet. Low uas laflic happy lunting grounds 0f fIe Indian, and pnice ni gai, flic acconinsf sfilte Gai- Comi- was noamed aver by counfîcîs ienda nfi miasionens ai the city for fhe year endinig buffalo, wlio found their sustenance upon Pst December, 1909, show a surplus ai ifs liroad plains and quecdled theirth'inat $25,375.8o. TIechceapnesa ni the gai in tic waters ni tle Soufth Saskafdlicwan. leudi 10 extravagances tlai makes gai An Indian lcgend gavç if ts funtustic osera lu ofler cilles bold up flein lundi TALKS TO FARMIERS R. S. DUNCAN, B. S. A., DEPARTMENT OF -AG;RICULI'TRE. Awork i'n fIe ioterest of agriculture is heing carried on in these, United Counties, flie im-por-tance of whicb very few farmers hiave any adequate conception. Thec ac- t-ive spirit in the movemeot is the Govern- mecnt's Agriculfurat Represenfatve at Port Hope, Mr. R. S.Ducal. S. A'. We contess that we had butt a smalt idea of the extensive programi lie hias miappýied out for his energies and talents f ill we liadhsaddress before Counýties' Cou-ao clTusday, Jan. 26. Indeed, tins was the first time we had heard Mr. D',uncan speak in public. He had previously been enlertineid by the Counicil in considera- ti o of li good work hielhas been doing in tIc counties along giclua!lunesý. His 20-minute speech beorethec Council won for MIr. Duncýani theliigli respct-and sympaîhy in his office of cry member-. *He ouîlined in brief tlic work lie lias scîieduled for his department amiong far- mers, stockmeni, fruitgrowers, gardeniers; scîoos, ariculuralsociefies, fres clubsý, etc. Primril, M. Ducans dtyas ouf,,- lined by Iiim, 'Es f0 teadli Arcluein Port Hlop)e igli SchIool, givîing pratical instruction in work1 pertainingtf0 the far>m, a two yea.r's course equal te first year at Ontarîo Agricuiltural College-and WVitr Courses of one or f- wo monflis for young farmers of M6 yea rs and upiwards.. This course is fo give young farmers a greater interest in and insightit lto farin operations, f0 stimullaf e im f0 tinquire into reasons for things, 10) familiarize hlm with undertying principles, to give hlmn new ideas and up-to-aute agricu7ltural in- formiation, inicluding tive stock, 'field crops, farmn botany, dairying, pouiltry, hor- ticlture, bacteriology, inset and fungus diseases, s-prays, sprayiug, etc. Then comnes Agricultural Extesio Work--in lis office, wliere lie lias ahl sorts of farmi literature and wliere farmers may cqnsult hîm on any sbecbearing on lis duties, as District Representative; ouf amolig farmiers, getting acquaiinfed. with them, witlh local -conditions and problemis. This part of Mr. Duncan's work is, in our opinion, of far greater importance flan teaching a few boys in High School; for, as lie said, at present tflere are greater, opporfunîties for usefulness and greater possibilities of developing agricultînre iliru work in tle Counfies than teadhing 3 or 4 pupits Another spliere for gond service;is v.wîat hie is just now engaged in-conductîng short courses' in Live Stocký and Seced Judgiog in -local agricuiltuiral centres at lime when farmers canconveniently at- ten-id.' Information of a very practical caracter la thus liroug-lil f0 flie very door of our- farmners. FParipcrs can come 10 Bowmi-anivLlî c next Thursday and Fiday and iudge for thecmacîves of the valucelof this brandi of MUr. Dnandut ies. Not f0 lie foo leogthy in this a~ccwe will only refer briefiy f0 the othýer sui- jecf s outlîaed by Mr. Duncan before us at Cobourg. Ordhard culture and fruit- growing in aIl ifs- ramifications, orchard demonstrations, co-operative experiments with fertilizers, experimenfal plots, drain- age surweys and demonstrations--some- thing of very greaf importance f0 many farmers-formation of co-operafive poul- fry and egg circles, organizaf ion of local- farmers' clubs, stimulating home garden- ing, nature study and rural scliool garden- ing, encouraging educational exhibits at faîl fairs and school chuldren's competi- fions and any other help lie can give for flic promotion of agricullural or other rural inferesîs. Our readers will agrec fIat these suli- jecîs will afford aillich work and more flan one man cao possibly engage very f ulty in; but Mr. Duncan is an inspiring specaker, and we are told liv those wlio have licard himi at farmers' institutes, fr-uit convention and other meetings fIat lie neyer fails f0 enthuse lis hearers. These count les have no kick against pay- ing a reasonalile saîary 10 Mr. Duncan, for if lis advicc and instructions are fol- lo-wed if will mean many dollars increase in revenue of farms aod inspiration and increascd interest in farmr lite and farm- ing as an occupat-.ioni. TIce appointmeot of District Represenfatives labon our opin- ion one of flic besf acts of flic Govero- ment in fli nteresf s of farmers if flic men sent ouf are as well adapf cd, enthus- iastic and capable as Representafive Duo- cao of Port Hope, W. D. FARMERS, AHOY! A FRE, COURSE IN LIvE STOCK JUDGING. A free course in livesfock judging will lieheldibfich Agricultural Hall, Bow- manville, on Tliursday and Friday, Fei. 16th and î7thi, under joint auspices of Provincial Farmiers' Institut e, Toront o, West Durham Farmers' Insfitute, West Durhiam Agricuttural Society, and Dis- trict Office of Ontario Department 0f Agriculture, Port Hope. West Durham Farmers will readily un- Royal Wel sh CONCERT JN THE Meto dis t Chuirch Febrar y îl6t:h 1 ~at 8 p. . Undifer asicsof l mnil LIB ERALS, ATTEINTION! Aimeeting of thie Liberals of thýe Towr,- cf Bowman-v3ilte will be hied in the Cu' cil Roomn on Friday, Feb, îothl, at 8 p., m.0 to sel-ct eeae oatn h ovn tion f omiaea caidaiite for Westý Vice-Presdet McGILL BUILDING AGAI.N. Informnation haus reached ito-wn athori., aies here f romn Washington, D. C., that an attactimecnt for s191,04ý5, said to be dac t1he Royal Truist '-Comipany of Caniada on aý judgmient sectured in Canada againisfha McGill, brothier of the late Jamecs 1H. Mc-. Gui, was placed M2onday, jan. 3o, on the McGill building at 908 G street nort1hwesï. The judgiment vwas procured by th)e trust company in its capacity as liquidator. of the Ontario Bank of Toronto, which'- failed in i906. Chartes M.,cGill lield 2,008Î shares of the bank's stock, on whlich lie was found f0 lie hable uinder the Canadau law to, pay 95 per cenit of the par value of the stock, amiounting f0 $190,769, wliich5t witli fhe costs, am-on]t f$191,045. Charles MýcGill tra nsferred his interest in the McGil bulilding (0 his dlaughter, Isabel M. VcG iii, in 19)09. Recýently skie and lier unclc e olnMGil broughit sui in the District Supirem,-e Couirt to set asiât, the devise of the building by Mill's wilI to the twnof BwavlCanadla. A'ttorneys Herýbert & Miicoui and A,. H. Fergu1soii, -ho represenit the Royal Trust Company, çdaim thlat flic transfe to fhe dauigliter is invalid under thle l which forbids an atien to puirchaise realf estat e in'the District-, Miss MclGýil being a citizen of Canada. The aftachmn)t is t hold againsf the haîf interest ofr hre McGill in the event the suit againsfthe!w- Canadian town is successfuil RUSH FOR HOMESTEADS The Grand Trunk Pacific General Pas- senger Department has been advised b flie Department of fheIc nt erior at Ottra that there are approximately 08 qa. ter sections surveyed in the Grandice Prai,7r. ie, Peace River District, wh-ich are nw open for homestead entry. lit addition t to this il is the intention f0- subdivide 2 more townsipls, nealy 4,000 qutarter sc tions, ýduring the present season, mkn in att about 15,00o qua"rter sections feri free liomesfeadcienftry in 19i1 îin the fan.. famed Peace Ri"Ver country. A new wagon road has been consiruct~- ed, partly by the Gvrmn and partiri by the merchants of Edson, Alla., tliroughà to the Grande Prai-rie couintry, a distance of 165 mites from Edson, which is ait prar.: tîcally completed and" is reported f0 Lie r- muarkably le\vel, -with no lieavy hlIs, znud over whidliheacvy loads may be draïvn witli ease. Road houýses have aliso bee-ri esfablished along Ihis wvagon road and týe settier wilbe able ib travel bincompaaar:-. tive eaise and at slighit expenise from Eoîs,7 on the Grand Trunk Pcfc hsyear île the courL!se of a Vweek, w he fIe former routes via Edm-tontoni and Lesser Slave,7c Lake occupied sevecral montîfs and veryr greaf cosf, Ithe wte isa1nce f0 be tya.. versed beinig oveLr four;. limes asloga thc e ne routle. If is reported thaf flhere are floutsane S of prospective hlomiesteadlers, especial IY lii the northwvestcrn United States, who haivt, been wiaiting eagerly for teopeoing çof,' tle Peace River country for homecsïeadizng, and when the announicemneof reaches thi there wîtl be the greafest land rush ict the Peace River and Grande Prairie Coa,. s PICEI-- Ail Ladies' Cloth Sits îat 25 per cent discouïnt. MIl Ladies' llampster ined Coats wit.h good western sable collars and lapels worth $37,O0 for $27.00. Ladie' RatLigood broadmcloth sheils, best western sable trimmied, worth $55.00 for $45,00. Ladies' Rýat-lined, fine broad=cloth shelîs and sable trimmed worth $70.00 to $55.00. Ladies' Rat-Iined, extra > fine shelîs and -best sable trinimiung, worth $75.00 for $60.00. Ladies' long Astrachan coats, worth 50.00 for' $37,50 Ladies' long Bokharan coats, worth 65,00 for 48.50., -Men's rat=liued coats, good cloth shelîs, otter trinimed, Worth 55.00 for 40.00. Ail kinds of muffs, ruffs, throws and caperines, at or about cost price; also a lot of Dress Goods below cost price. 'We -woufld etnphasize the fact that th;sis a. Gettuine Sale. Nothing lias beett marked up-aud thetiniarked down, but ou"rtock ils too large. We need the rooin for our Spriiig goods and -we need the money to pay for thei Couch,9 Johinston & Crydemn 1 ýS.