Hn'AMPTON MILLS CHtAS. PROPRIETOR COUNTY CUNUCIL ±'i'LO , A II N J'AL nt 1 1 1diI Fond memory brings thie lighit OPERA HAIousE, TuESDAY, Fun. 14'rl. 0f other davs around me. In this play theatregoers -wiIl sec a neý sozal elodraa which dfiffers greati Ontario county council takes two ,Yeks1from the ordinary run of the realist: to get thrui its business. stage drama. The play is by onec ~.,.America's miost successful draist aù FL OUR is a high grade patent un- IMPERIL surassedand makes excellent 'breaci. E CLPS EFLOUR makes delicious cakes and pastry made fromlý selected white fal 1wheat, F-LOU R is a chof-ice breëad flour r fromi coming in for well-deserved praise. They are a credit to the county. York county counicilihas raisedl the per diem allowance to inembers from $3 to$, their chief argument Mneing tat it costs $2 a day at hotels. Perhiaps so, Hastings county couni-cillIors voted t hemn- t~selves$.o per day for sessional alw ance in.steýad of $3.o0a formerly. The-è, PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT, Honor standing of pupils of Bowmian-. ville Cenitral Schoo0,l for january; Sr. IV--Alan Gale, Muriel Chartran, 1Cyril Souchi, Ve-rnoin Baker,- Lephla Don-t cas;ter, Marion Baker, Normna 1Loscomnbe -FIZiiIUI N-X Ail the Balance--of January -Sale _ Goods will be cleared at same 1ric-g7andci-vewiI mksn etah and a ý th ~e caffl r.xee-utor Wi lot a0! for worcis ci a Op eiatio. 1 ne mÂusLicalpartBalance.. ................$4221 88 -.Jarvis. 1 .V. loci, naw; .E.J'u, shawa cn mcte ave entnsears No mre esiabl rote-hanv aq asset or any pat the rdof ta a1y Perion or of the entertainment was conitributed by W. J. Watson, Oshawa; Jo'b. White, Ash. passage onteao mtiedsaerNooedsrblri hen eeiedb tei t hetniMissc d5 ades Lena Horte, Dorothy Sanderson The produce of the farm yielded $2,067,- Bridge Commiissioner-W. Hucinson. bumni. or to CompanyvOfics,118Nore am andaton Helen Mitchell who gave a piano 80. Numiber of inmrate Jan. 1, 191,was 65; Coun. Peticki called attention to th le S. es,--tel rxmu&Staiuiir trio, and Miss Ethel L. VanNest who sang admitted 18; died and left 2,3; at close 60. large amnounit of gasoline being consumled Auditors-R. J, Mackie, and L. J. Rlo St.,1estMntreal Soiius~ h x ioea sol o very inîcely, with M,ýrs. (Rev.) Johil Days attendance va 166wesas b tepuniping engine, For allin c-elsOSawi count being $84,92 Dats foeFaiCTusd1y Wed1s91A0JA ES,A e Secure tickets andXf xornto On al'Y ti191t1. t p es!, 1ý tndanei3,04; c t pr wek pe inmte tifleover6 weets. inceDec.35,7.10,a da, Setembr 12 nd12. andj 13,ANILLE Jur & Lvell 15