FOR THE GRIP. Mr. and Mis. Fred Truli reoenrt- adpotiyfhs~oi~ !y entertained a a nnumber ecfnfîndends. Mr. CIe(ve Clemence dlvrda icin Z-couple of herses to Bowmaiwville. ' j'i~ucrime if Mr. T. Rienderson b beensuf- a the other allied indsrisdoot - f< ~1 i4~'iiinstism.seeR w tuaita ia e4 ilIrod0.n MsSctToronto, is visiting tînction. ,We se? nreaso whv 113hYO iC1 OU have pr- cur agriculturist,,, dairymien, herse, MR.Ioy Bry-son was guest of bis po an cttebeesmay ntse sister, Mrs. E. Thornton. ha bably been ini- land gain an equal emî-nence'. i-trzo -. Mis. J. Eagleson, Kendai, a People wbo ,attqnde th Oe Fruiit beeni visitingMrs. F. Brimiacomb. tnig t r e Institute were inde el rae Lt, r Miss Crawford, Brncefld, visit Rs eafrsrn re witb tbe informa)t'!in gleanied and *ed bier cousin, My Robt. F. (le- wènt borne mucb eeie by the to Every mence. but fromn"force of habit" educative knowledge reeepeived. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Cbapman bave The gentlemen wewr instru- Dr. William gone on an extensive, visit witb aeJh ~p nUÎl mental in braving the rui Insti- hepl aveî friends in the nordfi. aohrta tute at Cobourg desecrve great ec- for a generat. Mrs. Bannon and son, Pontypool dit. markabl.e cure visited bier parenits, Mr. and Mis. Brea theHabi during that 3 B~Mr. d Ms J. T. Cole, ap ad byle oe A DURHTAMV BOY. scarcely a fan Vaugber, is. net rn.medy bas net Il ton, visited their Ragtr r. nx ie is old friends1 will be glad to ficial resuits. C. Ciemence. ba htJ .Fnasno b aeiifrt Mr. Amos Cobbledick and daugb- ertaJ..Fily ci oth mtra frf _________________________ter bave returned from visiting 1 late Mr. John Finlay , Kendal, in this contest. frindsin onon.Clabetownsbip, and well and upon the imai liITrr Yong 4enand~omn t Mr. C J.Thonto viite he Wfavorably known to older residents must deal wit]. WHuILIJI pepae fi psitonsof ustMis S~b Cboug, boof the municipahity, is this year Il spnsi )t wo, th frein« sîter1mi0Reve of the town of Colihngwood. TeD.W pe rnt. i frouibas been veîy iii. .à s oîtaTThhroo Dr.y tatRev oi Mi.heCbarlie Underweod, Elbowv F. J. ýeUdewodEBima F'inlay wbo is engaged- in the, im- o. rockville, ELLIOTT Sask., Yi-ited My.F.JBrm-'uiesith on fpiz-f$20 comrbe. NEVER SOLD lN .UuL plmntbseinhetow rc ivecfon$o Mr. . rso, edal, bas beéen ..Your Grocer WiiI Collingwoed ,Iwbere lie bas large of March, 191 viitngbe duhtrMr. dgrwaîeroo,rý has been active in Mu the prvncc t'ighRecommirend lit S nciapolitisofteonfrtb rvnee TORONTO0 NOT.Tbointon.1' Mran Mý.Cryderman, R ______________ ps1ibenyas uigw icb isct, Wby of this poitryon1t, revoid for pagtnadMxand Mis. Frýed Tamrb- tim be mper- o i1 be- pare c taolisea. iIhkil lyn, Orroovisited at My. . M.-peitdto bbld l(1at Wbîtby on ýant cmmttescfthe Cuc W. J.combe's. the third Tueýsday of ApriL. Mr h adem oiyreceved$5 00 âfe rehe W. J ELIOTT More te give thie cpcning ;addr!ess. by bim gees t4) show bis oplaiY Principal. eI.--- nd the bigb esteem in wbic-b be is ve prizes cf Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. hinvnitinn eld by the citizens cf CîAlingwood. best five lette: _____________________ UI*fhIII UUIRIIIîUAPPLE MEN MEIET.,__ __________________________The cure or I! G ood (Gathering at Fruit Growcrs' FARM DRIAINAGIE. of Dr. Willianr IN luis CASEL 'Convention at Cobourg. ced in the le (FromCoborg Wüld.)Offer of Assistance to Farmers. writer's own< (Frm Cbcug WrldInl July. 1909 the Department of Icorne under Li RREUMIATISN AJND IVEAK The annual convention and spe- Physies at the 0. A. C. prelpared siain BY-O-D-S- al. fruit institute cof the Nortbum- lpan of drains for a 52 Iacre block More, than HF-I LRDberland and Durhirm Apple Grow- cf land that had neyer g row n) a B Cri6ed --in -th MIV~PLE scREWTURBINF- STEvAfMER.; I(IDNEY PILLS. ers Assoiaition iwas hcýld in the cropý-it was tee iset.. The driiains S-tatemenrt Mus Hialifax, N. S.-- Bristol. CuclChamber, Cobourg, Wedr- wr laid that autumn. l oosltl re ntesday andil, Thursday, Jan. 25th thiat 52 acres yielded potateecs and The leter The Short Sea Route Sailings., The Doctor hclped, Mrs. Stephen and 26th. The Special Institute cern te the value cf $2,2,50.1 The than is necess, I~EMRFfOM HALIFAX was arranged by tue Wcest Durbam faimn lies within fixe miles cf the nefit obtaïned Rea dadFeb. 22ud Roy, but there lias no complete Farners' Institutf-, rirough the en- city cf London. Wby bad this land the case doer oalogeMar. 22tb cure titi she tried Dodd's 1idncey deaver of Mr. R. S. Duncan, B.S.- lain usc'less fer generatiens? Per- Every lctter lle nfrmaton, nd ickts ntPie.District Rvereentive ab aps 'heprevieuts owners theugrit thefulnm RylEdward Port Hope. it could net be drained-as a mat- cf the personri ionphca Roc Milis. Grey Co., Ont.,i Officers cf last year wcre îe-elec- ter of fact it was a difficult prob- scribes tbe ciý ion.JA ES te G(S Rock"Imut a ted as a token of gratitude for lemn, for this land was vcry fiat and other tItan th - M. Aïsl.ivtcktaent, wmveb. 6 (S ýïqpyecil)-' I ust sayn-their good wo rk during 1910, wich the outlet poor. Peraps they did ter, it must a -ders inM my case,' says is Stepb- resulted in the fine exhihit of ap- net believe drainktge would pay- person wbose en ey f hisplce."I uferepies at the Fruit, Flùwer and Roney this ene crop sbduld convince them. a guarantee Swithl Infniarnmatory 1beumnatism niSbit in Toronto, and xxicb exbi- Or perbaps tbey beiieved in (idini statement maI0 my right arm, and thougb I tried wssl eteDmno e age but did net know just ,(,w e TW writer A. eveal emdie th selln i -ernuxent te be put -on exhibition at'undertake such extensive drainage state the nàxrirn creased and was very painf n 1 My the Festival of Empires ïn Lenidon, ,operatiens. ierniwhicýh h STA SI OP ,LTD b ands and limbs werc aise badly Englantd, during the cemiing sum-J The Ontario Agricultural Cellege nouncemient. swti.a etr.rrThe valirahle as;stanee, given i, eudeavoring te bcelp those in Fine 'wîitïnp Are YÔ1u Sending for Relatives 41 got adco and he belped by Mr. R. -S. Duncan te the officers- doubt about drainage.. Any farrner prîzeLialcss y a, me, but the swelîing neyer entiîc of the association in their prepara- in Ontario wisbing aslsistan-ce in bis te describe. or Friends ? ly îeft. He said it was hecause m ty e h ehht a uc risddaiaeprhesma have the re Ce enti Prepaiid 1tickets issue rmaypiti ei wswa.Te ie e bv rnany speakers. Mr. Revit, cf saine by makiug appýlicaio t the fth etter GC1eat Britian te desîi9'?ation in Canada- tîy IDedd's Kidnev Puils and, as-1 the HIotilcultural Braricb Toonto, Departmcnt of Physies. O0. A. C.,1 the award. SDirect uve.sihereteywrdwedr.- xea short address on ce-epera- Guelph. 'sse spsil fe It is underst( 1.vooi e alilfax and Montreal. Pjreumatism c f any kind is caused tien. receipt cf tbe applicatien a drain- liams' Medicir i~is owt Halifax, Portland, Boston by disordered Kidneys failing-1ý The cificers for the year are: agc advi ser is sent te mnake a sur- iigbt te publiý Lonor Hareto.t.Jon n the unie acid eut of the Preck-W.- R. Gibson. Ncwca-,tle.lvey cf the land, after wbich lie in~ this corîtest Monîtreai. . bleod. Dodd's Kidn.ey Pilis cure it Sc-.H epe.Tetn makes a complete miap sbhowiug the 50, wbether it (according to scason) by curing the Kidueyrs. They also Treas.-Tbos. Mentague, New- location cof the drain, th grde, The ceutest LwRtscuetewa er ymknpuecastle. size of tule, etc.,We omltd20th, 1911, an. S eLrAcodton. ure the ak eaitbmaing pu re' Directors-Fred. C. Roar, Bow-1the map is sent te the owr, rýse awaded as su Eary aplcatonforberhsadrsale erxiok o popelig te leed mauville; IH. A. Beecb, Brîigbton;'that be bas au accurate gudeteO after. Do net Marcix, Aprîl, and may saiiings. through the body. soJ. G.boait: Wickiow Tho. aidfolW in putting in bis drains. se are twra Fil;inolinatioi,as to 1 lates, etc., on applica Dd' inyPlsOl cure A.n CO-in previeus years, the Orly cutlayObevtea tintthe IKiducvs, but they aiways do beurgý 1te the farmer is the necessary tra'- ul or your1 M. A. JAMES, that. Aud 'witb beaitby Kîdncys I the afteînoeu the addrcss by ellig expeuses of eue man in con- eOUt. Agent, Bowmanviiie. L.Ceà,.ACGep,«nnci wAdrsal yeu ca't bave Rheumatism-, Lum- Casr ... ulb hncinwth the survey. Tbe rail- Adesai bago, Heairt Diseuse, Drepsy or "Insects and Fungus Diseases cf 'ways give a rate cf a cent a mile The Dr. will Bright's Dises the Orchard" was interesring and, for this work, se that the travel- Brole educative. P. J. Carev, Domin- jing expeuses, arc ligbt. etrCne whit Sta--Dofliflonoion Fruit Inspecter, gave 'a demon- After eue survey in eacb locality Cariadian Service, <W'-IIT PRIISBYI-EY. straticu in baude packing, wbicb a Drainage Demenstratien ils held! ____L TEMES was of great henefit. Ail prescrit îigbt in the field survcyed, te wb-icbl POPRTLAND, ME.,--LIVERPOOL Whlitby Presbytery met at Dun - eutered into th-le discussion of the ail the neigbbors aure invilted. At' Dexiisi.Dec. 4_. Jan. 28 . Mai. 25 hro there bcngpresent Rex.QuesiDrwer, ceuducted by W. this meeting simple metbeds are dc- We lok te ThIE Cnd...a.i4 .. Pb. i8 . Mai. 18 1Dr. ,brahan- and Messîs. MoKeen, H. Dempsev, Trenton, xitb great menstratced of, making a dra-iînage Enthreued il -eani......Ma.4 . Ar.î oge, Munro11-iI-e, Fo'ster, Mo-ere, interest sud eutbusiasm. survey, fiiding the fali of a dîtcb, \Ve iunto Thee Laurente and egan1tic, iargest rand Woo, Macfadgen, A. C. Camereun Iu the evening W. T. Macoun, determiniug tbe grade, digging 0fxtrma nuost mo.deri steamers in tixe Canadian Rice, McLeod. and D. C. Cameron, Dominion Hortîculturist, Ottawa, gradef etc.nI trae. ,uer accomnmodation for First, ininisters, sud bis'houer Judge McM- very ably outlined the work carried These wisbîug te make applica- We love Thee, ecnsuThird Ciass Passengers. i Intyre. sud Messrs. ilunter, Tod, 1Ou ut the Centrai Experimental tien foýr a survey sbouid write the art: Caad n i DmnoOeCa!CbnMLuhlu etx uiPuh am Ottawa. L. Cuesar gave an -Department cof Pbysics, O.AC. From Tbee (calied Zd cla,) Rtes very noderate 1r u Thid casaaie crrid.ciTaycluos, eder. ddrss n "prys ud prYing" Guelph, wbrereupon regular appli- We love Thee Intudig ravlies re equstd t 1ev. Mi. Moore of is Iusuaî clear style. Question cation forma will be sent. bat communcate ocal Agents regardiîîg x'as elected moderator for the ycs ýr.Dawer again felîewed, _________________ FrTe .asageon heabe mn ine stames IheSesionRecrd ofnealP-- hurFarmeTihoMu Maoi ma-e nohe mn f ean tatLie W. F. M. S. bl their an-adsuDramrcorcgi- wil sureij help you to an act.ive othr mn oul lke gasste." m!a meeting ut Dunbarten thecd as the best appieewigdi- liver, a good stomach, a sweet ES isame[ day that Pebteym t ti!ct in Ontario and Ontario enjoys breath, ecar hetad suid refresix -"Deé,s your Cook' ~oton Rot Conpou& Mesîs. unîc andTedd we-re f,-lwithOut fear cf coGrtrodiction tGe nsep.Xyugorodtywllbvtwpie *~~~~ -rrT e get U ei e T ne u o u e om m itte toe onvey the firatplace in the w oid. INrtbu m- S gc at hu d n n u o pe, -f fecttai Mo ly dh tah adDrbmecuyteteasi. H -ny Ife oth greetîugs e tePresbytrry t teberiand Reled "No, ma'anySe Itgî1mroneu woînsn er-al.Dinner and tea wereCh % of nu ength-No.1, ?1;4 M à served by the ladies f!Dunbartou URNEDRMD.*i1e fodge togr 05; No 0. Ac basemt cf the chrcb-and ForColdsand La Gripe. "Weeks" ou- te ebY prcak rcepuetrpuce Irie pmphet.Addes: Ti pay. 2AC.Jury& Lovehi, Au-thorizedWille, cofi-A COIMEISEO.I'DT.OT (Oerpisd0j h meiigo Pobt.ey ç~Agentr. ;t-*erwh- a o se 1pie." e FOROSAWA L ,Miss Mni Fer-rier, Berlin, Ont., ~~~ ~is guest cf Iber Lousin,MisEra A LIZ IIZK C. Becker. Mis. Geo. J. Scojtt isviitugber daughter,, Mis. Fred. BetTii- JWRITE ONU ? sonburg, Ont, Kuigxta cf Pythias weýn die lib- rary ini the fnic irr eigCeni- tetLaviug sccured 8418voetes, to be Âwarded in a RroySun-day ~cc ccmig 'Ain Joltest UpaIi 3 M i su Mrs. W. N. Thomwas an- ,.~ <~ nounc the -ceming marriage cf Y uOle ullOnario terbuheMinnie, te Mr. Da- vid j. Browuýý, whicb will take place us Pink Pilla for Paie at the famiiY residence on We.dues- ýbeen nsed in Outarie day, Feb. isth. They, will reside in ion. Rundreda ef re- the pretty villa rccntly erected ,es bave heen repcrted adjeiniug Mr. suid Mis. Thomas' time sud there isI residence, Simce" Street sonth, îily in which the re-' Oshawa. been tried with bene- Much aympathy is expresseýd fr This furnishets itbe Mr. sud Mrs. Fred. Biette of TiI- lie letter te be written senbuîrg, formerly cf Oshawa. in t.There is ne dcmaud the de(ath cf their brigbt lîttie tgnation; every letter daughter Lilliaîî Marie, aged thcee - factsand facta only. yeara, whe passed away Jan. 2Sth. PRIZES: Thice weeks ago she centracted uihan.' Mhicne c.. le fevor, which was foliowed ýilians'Melcie C.,by pneumonia, fe wbich she suc- ýOnt,,xvill sward -acumb>ed. c0 foi' the best letter Simce Street Lengue Monday ir before the 2Otb day ev-ening was under the mranagemnrt [l, from (4,tsinewnieprtmrcf ofOutarie. o4jn thie s 1 c1h n 1dpatenf"itzn sip," hich ii) hrg fthIc Rccomen Dr Wii, YungMeni's Ciub. 1Rcv. W.E. Pilîls." A prize cfliHassard, B.A., B.D , Disricut Sec. awade fr te ec o the Upper Canada, Bible Scey r reccivcd; a prize cf Ïgave n very ceture on thurd beat letter, sud "Immnigration," iuatrated by $2,00 each feu the nexzt stereopticani views. Mr assard ers. gave fine discourses at botb ser- NDITIONS: vices ef the chuîch on Sabbstb, and rbenefit frein the use aise addressed the Young Men's ms'Pýn Piis esci!:Club in the afteruoon. etter' ma.y be, in the Th lvn aierryote Case. or eue thiat bas opening cûf the new Presbyterian lis or' bier personal oh- ehurcb wa celebrated on Sabbath, Jan. 29, when Rev. H. R. Pickup, eue cure may be de- B.A.,,cf College St. Preshyterian lie -letter, but every ou-iein Terons.-Tpeaech-tor ag- st be literally sud ah-cevnîgsro.TIchia- sýisted by Mis. Chas. Davis sud Mu. sheld be ne longer1 D. J. Brown sud Mi. R. L. Chuis- sary to relate the be- tie-Leiteb, 'Tomente, furnished~ lf rcm the remedy in apecial music, whicb wns bighly sp-I uibed. preciated. Mr.' iclknp alsc gave * mut besignd byau address ,kt the crgauized Bible sud correct address isinteaero. sending it. If it de-',Wben children arýe pale, peev- aiu c e ipio sb and restless at night tbcv re- ie writer cüf the l et- quýire a dose or twe cf Miiier's aso be sigued hy the Worm Pcwders. Sold, by Jury& cure ia describcd as Leveil, Bowmanvillýe.' of ther truitb of the - -- ,.~ONE 110CR 0F ROAD BUILDING of eacu lecubr miust ie sud date of th e pa- ie or she saw thia an- ig xvil net win thé oun have a goed ý The stîeugtb cf the in sud net the-,style* wili be the hasis cf ocd that The Dr. Wîi- ne Ce. ahaîllhLx'e the ah auy letter entered ;if they desire te do twins s prize or net. 5will close ou March nd the prizes will be uii as possible thore- ýdelay. If yen know ite vour letter NOW,. bove conditions cure- letter may be threwu letters as fcilows: lîiums' Medicine Co., ekville, Ont, st Department. LOVE. e, oui Savicur King, in realmsa ahoe : ethe tribute brîng i grateful love, Lord, for wbat Theu Our lives procee: e with our i-md sud rt "love" indeed. -witb ahti-ding love; tas w-e adore: 1thinga faithf ni prove) 'hee evermoe. elove vwith loveasin- Thee alene, ove st eut ail fear ['by glory kueisu. efor Tho.u dîdat at love bestew ; ransomed spirits thirat ,' love te knew. ,at love conatrain us gers te be: ove oui- feilowmen ýhy love may sec. T. WATSON. Ont., 1911. -il- 'OR MOTRER. .mo ther ashow yen te, es of pie ishen yuare, lie l" asked bis beas- entbiuk sh1e mwold vo to picea el Hon %a Righway ÂeroFs 8 Great State was Re-constritetc<l ini The'people in lsntgoecuy c onu- ty, Kan.,. by yolunteer work, biîi!t a modern highway 20 miles he.g That record is outciaased by souncu thiug that bas heen doue ioy cuti- zens of Iowa. The greatest piece cf rend-buildling on record was accutr- pli1shed in that state reeeutly wxien in the spaée cf single heur a hune cf read 380 miles in length and stretching cutirely acrosa the atate was put in the ms perfect conldi- tion cf any rend west cf the Mis- sissippi river. Weeks sud uuonthîs wero speut in prepaîstion for tire werk, but net a pick or sr.hovel was used mntil the designated seconrd waa ticked off. Then, as if by magie, 10,000o workmen swarmed eut te th-e roadway, sud, wheu they ceased work 60 minutes later Iewa had ( ie cf the fineat long-distance rends iu the entire w-est.. And net the ions iuteresting tbing in conuection wvith thýe tremende'is piece cf werk is the fact that met a man cf the entire 10,000 engagc'd are responsibie fer the splendid showing., Last the Iwa roada became se fearfully b;ad that traffie was practically killed sud farmers xierc simply comîpelled te remain in their honmcs. Finally the matter became a political question aud both parties got behind the mevemrreut. Gev. Cariioll called a BAS NU SUBSTITerïiIT NALUILNO LIME PHO5PHAT, godradv" meeting at Dciý Moiin'es al last Mai-ch, and u cf this meeingws evelved the plan (,f a 'irive -erver" rn,-stretch- ing fr rm Council Bluffa, on thie 1Misýsouri River, tv Daveupout, ont the Misssisppi, a distance cf 380 miles straigbht acrosa the stateý fremâ east te west. "Makef the river-to- river rond as near peýrfect as is os- sihie te make just comn- ndi t,"f was the sense ef thc good rends con- veutien. Instead cf appoiutiug- new coin- miÎttees te bandle the wrthe -r-euiarrcp-bliansd-d ecai ýcomrmittýee-, in ench country thireu,,gh wblciýh the r(end would pass were ap- pealcd te. The chairmian c4f the cmiteof cnch ipart(v wa;s asked4 1,o get in the gamie sud werk for th ren,LLiverybody agreed te de se.Iý aud sooni a rivalry was cr-catedI be- tween republicaus sud dernocrats, each te sec which pnîty would bhave the nîcat workmeu "en the job" when the time for work arrived, A Satnr-day was sclected as the day audý from 9 te 10 o'clock thie heutr cf work. Every farmer alug the way was perseually seen by thef, committee sud agrced'te give the eue heur that was-asked for. Faimr- ers werc askcd te bring their plT)owýs, smiapers snd ioad dîsys, sud-an ci-_ ganizati-on equal teo these eiploye-d in pïlicfssîuio alraiiîoad building was xwcrked eut. 1lu rthe xveeks pie- cediug the xaork ail bridges sud enîxcrts aleug the îond were re- paiîed sud put in first clasa eir, that ne delay might cerne te the, road budera w-heu once this lat- teif started Thli resuit of tbe organiizatioýn waa sheown ýou the appeintcd Satur- day. Shertly hefore 9 o'cleck ii, the mutning farmers hegan gettiný ont in the rond. Hundredasuni theusauds cf plows, picks, shox-els, scrape rs, rad drags, gin-ding-ma. chines suýd other implements weîe brought aloug. Eveiy faîmer brought bhis team with him. Super- intendeuts sud everseeîs hnd been appointed in readiucss wheýn pr(omptly at 9 o'clcck the eider was issued te "fali te." And 10,000 de- teimined meni "fell te." For nu boni tbcy coutinued, woi-king wt miight and main. At 10io 0kt1he, i'bwa fiuished, sud the farmeirs went hack te their' fields,lcvn Icwa the poasessor of the fin-eat piece cf long-distance roadway ini the West. TO TRE LIMIT. "What's the bîggcst intereat yoïy eveî bad te psy on a onV "When I borrowed trouble." Rheumtismfor Na as w eI s YEvecrI 6-1 Main St., St. John, N. B.,, Nov. 27, 1908- Father Morriîcy Medicine Co., Lcd. I arn writi-âg to teil y ou i have bcen a vititî 0 Pheurnatisrn for several years, and have bcen treated by seven relief untii i got FatherMorsy medicine. hias curcd nie su rale t0 (Iorny work and find 1 aui. as w,11 as Rev. FevherinrrMycy fe 'S'uns truly, JeRisaCRAWi-esn. Rheumatism cannet, exiît whe-n tîe c inev are iii perfeýct v, orking order for tben îhey take eut o." the N!ýood ail t1ie Uric kid, w'hicb Father Morriscy's "No. F" Tablets act directly on the kidneys, tonin)g îhemn up 2nd helping thetr f clear the blood cf the Uric Acid. if ibe Rbeumatnum is cf- long standing it may take souxe limne te clear ont al leh poisoný, but a!îmost frouxu tle fiast "No. 7" Tables relieve the pain, and if' used atifuly bey rarely fail te cure Even if othier remedies have doic yvont ne goced, (do nt give up tili yen, have tîied Father Morisy' "o. 7" Tabict, 50c. at yonr dealer'b. 217 > Pat,. M~~tso Meici, C. L~. CaVtamN.B. 4.)!l sud giiarnal.d yan-i yJury & LveI1L j'