Established 1873 0F CANADA 80 Branches A DPOSTOF ONtE BDOPLLAR h, received in our Savings Bank Department, and is Sufficient to open an account and entitle the _Depositor to aâ pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest às allfowevd, and- money rnay be withdrawn at any time without deiay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. ]Bowmanville Branch: A. N. MCXILLAND Brarnches also at Newcastle, KewtomzVille, Orono, Oshawva, Whitby and Broofliln. Do not use Soap, Naphtha, jBorax, Soa, Amo-aor Kersen wih OLD'U" GOLUDUDIST lias a,-il desirable cIeansÈinge qua1ities in per-fectly harmless and la.ting form. The GOLU DUST Tvins lleed n0outside lielp. No M'atter what you wish to eiean-clishes, elohe, ptsand pans, floors andi woodwork, re- friger_,ator, bath room or what not, GOLD DUST aione wilI do ail the work-and do it better than antig else. More than that, GOLD DUST_will do ail the bard part of the worlc without your help, saving your strengthi, and temper. GOLD DUSTlsa good, honest, vegetta- ble oil soap in. pow- I d.ered formi-sci'en.tif-, ica11y cômbined witb., purifyigingredi-, ents ofmagie - 'Wr MaebyTEL'N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Makers of FAIRY SOAP5 the ovai cake. DON'TS'FOR PARENTS. Don't talk ab out children in their p rese ne e Den't rebuike or praise cbldren before visitons. Don't ailow dhildren tointerrupt any ont who is speaking. Don't bring up eildren at botels and bearding bouses if it can pes- sibly be avoided. Don't allow ehilaàren te make un- favorable eemments about people3. Don't take chiidren travelling ex- cept when it is abselutely neces- sary. with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they canuot reach iie seat cf tht disease. -Calarrli is p bîood or constitutional dils- ess, sd i orerte cure it you must tke finternais remiedies. Hialls Catarh Cure is taken initerually, and acta direct- Iy n thbleo1ýýd ad u. ucous surfaces. HalaCtavrrh Cure is net a quack medi- cine. If was pscribeci by one cf thb bea,,t physicians in this ceunitry (or y1esrs and is le egular prescription. kl s coin- pesed ef the best touies known, combineci with the best bleed purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of! the twe ingre- dents la what preduces sucix wenderf ai resuits in curnug -Catarrh. Send fer testimonial&s-free. F. J. CH-ENEY & CO., Preps., Tolede, . Solci by Druggists, price 75. Take Halls Family Pills fer constipa- tion.' NOTABLE SENTENCES. Front Some Speeches à RIecent Date in England. Sabbatanianism is dying, if- net dead.-Mr. George liensen. 1Conscieus sacrifice is the very law of loe.-M)r. A. Haworth. Wisdom and integrity are the polps cf indu-frial life.- air, W. W. Bligbt. Our seheol children are taikcd te, death, and gîven ne time te think. -Mn. A. Sasrp. Life bas more in it than bas ever been revesled, or realized.-Canon Scott-Holiand. Some cf the very best singing is to be found ini the very worst neighborods.-Dr. Borland. No leader ever existed worthy cf the naine but was a sublime eptim- ist.-Dr. Walter R. Hadwen. Every Englishman, -evcry man, wbeo takes an interest in bis country r- ought to be -a politician.-Dr. Cbev- asse. If the present laws of libel were not in existence many biographies would make very good rading.- Mr. Edmund Goss. Co-part-nership is quiet 'ly tbough slowly building up a type of charac- ter which will make a xrew era.- Mr. Henry Vivian. ': In industrial life men arc work- ing up to sueh a high standard that the slightest failure must sp-eli dis- There is no man so sure of him- self that he can afford to say lie could neyer learn anything from bis neghbors.-,Lord Deërby,- There neyer was a turne in history when ingenuity and capa(city in boys and girls were so markcd as- to-day.-Mr. 'Will Crooks, M.P. 1Men who are se afraid cf doing feelisli things that they lack tht courage te attempt mise ones wiil neyer do muc.-Lorl Mayor cfý Norwich. Society is divided int'.> two clus- ses-the men who do ail the work cf life, aad those wbo find fauît with it when it is done.-Sir Benjamin Johnson. To se many people flheir hoiiéday inet only not tht best part cf their lives, but it is not even se 'gecd as the rest cf tbeir live.-Sir Edward Ru'~el Ve cannot sbut our eyes te 'tbe f a-t that great change's sPcm te be coming ever evemy depatment cf cur national if e-religir mô,,social, and political.-Prebeindary Moor. Tbeîe is aiways room for tht man who does net .get tired, wbo dots net watch tht d cock, wbo bas imag- ination and, ambitioni.-Mr. H. Gordon lbelfridge. It may- bc doubted whether any century, bas seen s0 extraordinary an advance in the comfort and wyeh-being of tht communîty as the last.-Bisbop cf Manchester. 1115 PIILOSOPHY. Tht Sage-After 40 yesrs o' mar-< ied life 've made up me mind it doesn't mat e how often a man an' bis wife dis'. rees, as long as be don't let her'know it, Vegetables are best reiished wben they are fresb, but it is different with young men. relleve and cure indgeston-acidity of the stQmnach-biliousness-flatulen'oe --dyspepsia. They re-inforce the stomnach by supplying the active prinoiples needed for the digestion of ail kinds of food. Try one after oach meal. 50c. a box. If your druggist has not stocked thern yet, send us 50c. and we will mail-you a box. 33 Neetiona*l Drug and! Chemical Comnpany of Canada, Limite.! -. Montrent. BI r g (IFroi. The Nw. -ile'Irip P desCure. i' ur A(I'IAl1i.-iis bhomefomthie Dr. and Mrs. Patt Ierson, Toroý->to, have been visIýing here. Mrs. W. A. Bll, iPort Credit, is visiting at'Mr. I.Lluls Miss Lenora WîUllamson v!sited Miss Edna Hall, Newcastlce. Mrs. Jas. Gilfillas, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. J. J. GilfilIan's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. DavÀdson are home from the West to attend the funeral of her'mother, Mr. James FOR1 ALL BABIlE Eve,,ry mother cof yonagehildren should keep a box cf Baby's Own Tablets in tht bouse. Ne other me- dir-ine bas reicved se rnany littît ones cof tht ailments that afflict tbem as have Baby's Own Tablets -ne other medicine can be given baby with that absolute sureness of safety as eau tisese Tablets. The mother bas tht gu.rantee of a Gov- erument analyst Tisat they do not contain a partiele cf those hanmfui drugs tbat make those so-cailed "sýoothing" sfuff s se dangerous te tht life cf the little one. The Tab- lets neyer fail te be of benefit. Con- eerning them Mms. Jue. A. Albert, Canaquet, N. B., xvites :-"I arn happy te state that I ha-,-- used Baby's Own Tablets for constipa-]1 tion fer my two ehildnen with.great satisfaction." The Tablets ar Icd by medicine dealers or at 2b ce>nts a býox -f rom Tht Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Ce., Brockville, Ont. ___ >_14 BAD CASE. "My wif e faints* on the sligbtest provocation." "Wbat de you use te resuscîtate berl" "'The last time it teck a sealskin coat." A GITARANTEED REMEDY. For Colds andi La Grippe. "Weeks" Break-Up-A-Cold Tablets". No relief, ne psy. 25c. jury & Leveli, Authorized Agents. AS A REMINDER. lHis Wife-Johi, do you remem-_ ber what took place just three, years age to-dayl Her Iusband-Wbat!1 Is this our weddiug anniversaryl lis Wife-N-ne. Three years ago to-day you bought me a new bat. miTF RPARaZ Restaurant Propieto-Se yen were in your last place fer ihree yesrs. Wby did yen leave l -NT-C(h,-f-T was nardünpd. genersi wea1kness. Lflese Pnus nave ne laxative or purgative action; their mission is te make uew, nich, red blecd, and thus fomtify and strengthen every -organ and every part of tht body. Dr. WVilliams' Pink Pilîs are scld by ail ie-dieine dealers, or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by adr- dressing The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. BANANA NUT SALAD. Boil oeehaîf cup esch cf sugar and wsten five minutes. Add juice cf one-haîf lemon and boil two or three minutes. Select srnall, ripe bananas, peel and roll each banans in cold syrup and then in chopped nuts. Dispose on heant- leaves of lettuce; put dressing on esch and sprinkie dressing with bits of can- died cherries. Dressing: Put beat- en yolks cf four eggs, two table- spoonifuls of butter, one-quarter teaspoonful cf said, dash cf papri- ka, ont tablespoonful of lemon juice into a saucepan. Set over bot water, stmr until it thiekens, aud wbeu cool beat into ont thiid Çup cf heavy creani beaten seiid. This saiad is essily macde duning tht winter inenths when fresb fruit is scarce sud expensive, and tht wbites cf the eggs can bt used next day for a me'ringue, for a cran- berry sud banana pudding. FEMININE .ECONOMY. Mns. Knicker Tise lob ster she ate cost ber a hundred dollars' in dcc- tors' bills. 1Mrs. Bocker-And she only ste it te kcep it fromn going te waste. "He used te cemplain because he neyer get wbat be wanted te est." "Yes, but be's rich new." "Yes and uow -ne complains be- cause lie never wants what he gets., to eat." To cure a coid wbiie yen sleep,take "Weeks" Break-Up-A-Coin Tablets"' 25C. Jury &k le-Il. -Authcnized Agents. TUE T R 0UBLE 8 WE E-Pï IT G 0 Z CANA E 18 ANH PBE Weak8nDd and Brokan canititu- tions Lpft Bohind-Row tu Regain No'w lealtli and 8trangtli Employee-Sir, I'd like a raise. I've just married and- Employer -So you want more money for your wife? Employe-No, sir; I want it for myseif. She knows just what J'm getting now, you see. O'Grady-"An' why do you waant to seli yer night-shirrt'i" Finne- gan-"Sure, an' what good is it to me now, whin I've me new job iv night watchman, an' slape in th' day toimes l" "For two years 1 ha-d'pain ln my heart, back and left side. Could net draw a deep breafli or lit on left side, and any littie exertion wouid cause palpita- tien. Under advice 1 took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Nervine. 1 took about thirteen bottles, arn in bette.theaith than I ever was, and have gained 14 pounds." MRS. LILLIE THOMAS, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. For many years Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has been very successful in thetfreatrnent of heart troubles, because of its tonic effeet upon the heart nerves and -muscles,. -Evïen i n severe cases of long standing it lias frequently prolonged if e for many years after doctors had given up ail hope, as proven by1 thousands of letters we have re- ceived frorn grateful people. PrIce $1.00 at your drugglat. H-e should *upply you. If he does not, send price to us, we forward prepald.1 OR. MILES MEOICAL. CO., Toronto, Stark. La grippe is'one of the most dan- Excelsior Class of the Methodist gerous diseases that annually metz at the home Of sweeps over Canada. It starts with their teacher, -Mis. A. A. Rolfe, a sne-ez.e-a siigbt cold-and encis recently, and presented bier with a with a complication of troubles., It handsome jardinere stand. lays the strong man on bis back; We know _t a number of cases cf it tortures him with fevers and sup4d -onsumption that have chilIs,, with headaches aud bac- been #ed by Mller's Compound aches. Its victims are left low- Iron ills. spinited and d.epresased, 4n.nd an Mr. Geo. S. Henry has decided easy prey to bronchitis, pneumonia, to go W.est to Saskatchewan, wherc rheumnatismn, and often that Most hie has bought a baîf section cf land drea.ded of aIl diseases-e--onsump- near the village cf Marshall, on the tion. You can avoid la grippe en- C. N. R. tirely by keeping the blood -and Mr. James Morrow was able to~ red by thiý occasional use cf Dr. walk about bis room for a short Williams' Pink Pilîs. The trouble tinie one day recently after having takes as its victims those whose been confined te b:is bcd for several blood is in a poor condition, and months. its after-effects are more danger- MIon, in tele bloor is necessary. ous and more lasting than the trou- Miler mound mron Pilîs con- hie itself. For the after-effeets -of tain tv eliement in the most assi- la grippe theme is absolutely no milabV forse. other medicine can equal Dr. Wil- A telegram reeeived by Mrs. liams' Pink Pilîs. Every dose belps Broad-Ltuxon on Tuesdav last an- to make rich, niA. blood that drit',es nounced the death cf lber daugliter, disease fronm the system, and makes Mrs. Elizabeth Hill (nee Lizzie weak, despondent nien and womeni Broad). The remains are~ expected' bright, cb'ecrful and strong. If you1 to arrive bere for bunial to-mor- bave suffered in any way f rom the row or Saturday. epidemie of la grippe that bas been A ebtber1ie for $1 000.00., insurance sw7eepin.g over Canada, .-ive, tisý on the, hf e cf the late Wmn. Batten great bealtb restoring medicine a in the S. O. E. Benefit Society, was trial, and it wiil not disappoint paid oveir te the estate executors you. Home is proof cof the wonider- some time ago. The cheque for fui power cf Dr. Williams' Pink $1,000 payable te Mrs. Mary Wood, Pilîs over the after-effects cf tbis insurance on-ber late busband's cjiseâ,ýe. Mn. P. E. Paulin, coliec- life in the sanie Societv, bas also ton of custoins at Caraquet, N. B., been païd over te tbe local Lodge sas1Afuwntr g a Secretary. This is the third dlaim severe attack of la grippe, whichi paid bv the Grand Lodge of the completely broke me down. I hadi S. O. E. Benefit Sqciety te members to take to my bcd for several weeks, cf Wolverbampton Lodge during and altbougb duning that time I cm- the last twelve montb.s. pioyed a doctor I did net seem te recover f nom the trouble. I was COOKIES. left terribly weak, did not sleep well, had night sweats and little Splendid Cookies.-One sifter of or ne appetite. I was really a pby- four, one teaspoonful soda, and sical wreck. On a former occasion pinch cf sat;j sif t and then take I had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs lard and mix in, as for pie dough. foi genenal dcbility with sncb gi-cat Two eupfuls of brown sugar; flavor success that I decided to try tbem wîth mnapleine and vanilla -' rolout again. I sent for a haîf dozen and. spinkle granulated sugar boxes and began te take the" Pilîs at thickly on top; eut eut with a large Once. When taking the second box eooky cutter and press a raisin or I began to feel quite a change in my nut in the, centre cf each; just be- condition. I was able te walk about fore putting in the over take tht the bouse and sny appetite was im- tip of the finger and wet the top, proving. From that on I gained and the cookies will be crinkly and strength every day and before the cisp. If sweet milk or water is si boxes were donc I was able, to usedtwo easoonfls f baingreturn te the office and attend te powder in place cf soda. my werk. I have since enjoyed the ,Ginger Cookîe. Ont cup of besteof healtb, and think Dr. Wil- bïown sugar, one eup ef molasses, liams' Pink Pilîs the best medicine one cup of lard, one eup of boiling for trouble cf this kind." water, inte it dissolve one tbe Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs net only spoon of soda; eue teaspoon cf gin- rmtycr h eiu fe f cure the rieuious aaker-ct- 1 Roî eu an bae sme s cokis.feets of la grippe, but they makei Rol ou an bae sineas ookes.well and strong all pensons suffer- ing f rom any form of debiiity or Seolreport of S. S. N4).15 Efelfor JanuaryV. Names Iin IY.-Everett Uro, I'oîrman Bray, Lovella Avery, *Russell Or- miston, Howard Oriston *. 11 111.-Elmo Ashton, Garnet Cochi- rane. II.-Bessie Secct, Frank Bray, Clayton Moore. Sr. I.--Willie Ashton, Walter Cochrane. Primary-Irene Ashton, -Harold Ormîston, Laura Collins, Ivy Moore, Lyod Cochrane, Earl Avery. *Present cvery day. GRETA M. VAN NEST, Teacher. NORTH DAULINGTON. Report of S. S.. 17, Darling- ton, for the month of January. Names 'n order of menit: Sr. IV-(a) Alta Bentham, (b) Melville Krapp. Sr. III.-(a) *W~alter Ferguson, *Hiida Clarke, (b) Cora Clarke, El- lis Hall, Mildred Blentbam. Jr. III.-Lorne, Knapp, Russel McLaughlin, Camern n eriuson. Sr. II.--*George Lyon. Pt. I[.-Lenore Bentbam. *Honors. Present every day Alta Ben- tham, Walter Ferguson, Cora Clarke, Lorne Knapp, Russel Me- Laughlin, Lenore Bentham. MISS INA JOHNSON, Teacher. DARL IN OGTON. Scbool report for January of 5S. S. No. 4, Darlington: Sr. IV.-A1ta a'iclcell, Rowena Oke. Jr. IV.-Allie Oke, Leta Pîckell, Elton Werry. Sr. III. Helen Trull, Angus Trull, Willie Biekie. Jr. III.-Myrtie Blair, John Pic- kell, Wm. Welsh. Sr. Il.-Ldith Bell, Charles Os- borne, Evenett Welsb. Jr. Il.-Gordon Truli, Lorna Oke. Sr. Pt. 2nd.-Harry Osborne, Nor-man Fursey, Arthur Beevor. Jr. Pt. 2nd.-Irene Welsh, Maryl Found. Pt. I.-Addie Nichols, Myrtle Cole. Miss M. A. REID, Teacher. CAIRTWRIGHT. Report of S. S. No., 8, Cartwright, for month of January. -Narnes in order cf menit: Sr. IV.--mcEber. Wright *Mel- boumne White, Fletcher Wray. Jr. III.-~*Mary Chorley, Lillian Wray, Elton Wright. Sr. IJJ *Roscoe Pollock. Jr. II.-.*Fred Hamilton, Hildred' Patton. Pt. Il.-*Vera Forder, Mda Mc- Dermott. Pt. I.--(a) *Lance Davidson, An- nie Hamilton; (b) Gondon Patton. Present -every day-Eber Wright, -M--Chorcy-,-Roee&P-ol4oc-k,era- 1Fo rde r. *Honors. PF2NTA tP Dt'M'PT-AM Tacer FALLING hAIl. Mn. Jas. Harris cf Wappella, Sask., says:- "I have found Panisian Sage to be the bcst scalp sud bain tonîc and dressing I bave ever used. My bain bad been coming eut -in combs f ull and was veny dry and brittle sud tht scalp was alwsys itcbing and ful o~f dandruif. I have used two bot- ties of Panisian Sage and if bas stopptd my bain from falling, the itching snd dandnuff bave disap- peared and my hair is fine sud soft sud giossy. I wouid not be without this fine -Hair Tonie for many times tht pice." For women, mesn, or children Ps-I risian Sage is without any doubt tht fiutest preparation fôn the bain. Daintiiy perfumeo, it is frnec from grease or stickiness and ought te bc xhene every member of the fain- ily could use it daily. Large bot- fie 50 cents at ail druggists or frein the proprietors, The Giroux Mfg. Cc., Fort Erie, Ont., postpaid. The girl with the Auburn bain is on every package. Soid and guaran- teed by Jury & Loveil. DOMESTIC POINTER S To cool a bot disb in s bunry, place it in a vessel full of cold sait- water. --If mixed-- with -milk îin8tead-ef- water mnustard wili net get dry, but wiil keep nice and fresh until it is ahl ustd Up. A gocd way te tell when, ham is f ied enough is by 'tht fat. Wben tht fat is brown (net burut) tht ham is doue. A littie vinegar put lu the water in whicb eggs are poached will kee:- thein white and prevent them frorn spnea.bng. If vou want te keep lemons string tbem vwith, s packing-needle iand bang thtm ina dry place, but do not let thern toucb each other. Wlxen using valuable vases foýr table decorations f11 tbem with sand, for this makes themstn fîrmly, sud nendens them fan less hiable te be knocked over and broý- ken. When lace curtains are i;TG be washed baste a narrow strip "f muvý-~ lin aiong eacb cuter edge, sud leýt it remain until the washing ai-d dying process is completed, sud' you wili find your curtains stïaight, and tbey xiii not sag. Tht following metbod cfceaig a dlock- is simple sud jinepesie Take s bit cf ordineryect-ol -about tht size of anÊ,g(,u about a teaspoonful cof coul oPuuo the wooi, and after placing it mnsid tht dlock, wait or four da., If thet dock is in working order, seý much the betten. Your dlock wil. if going, strike as cf old, sud at thç'y- end of the specified time, if the we is examiued, if will be found blackIl witb dust. The explanation is that tht fumes of the cil loc'seu the pa- ticles cf dust, and they fali,la- ing th-, dock quite ean.kà yeu need a healtby stomacb, at- tive liver, kidneys sud bowels. These- organs-and tht nerves andi the blod-are better, do better, when heiped by "d15Everywhem5 71-lA, LD VM2SM2%P M . llýýIJEn Q b boxes 2fie. YOUNG MEN AND MIADDLE-,ACEDMN, tha vicis 2' arly indicretionri aud laten ex, cesse, Who am-ofailures ïa hfe-you ane the, ~ ~\ unes wo an ncstore te roauhood and revive ha spark o" en-rg-y and - it.Don't give A_ easrberns uhavatreated with otr dtrs, nixi catrie Seitsanad tried ývarious drug store nostruma. OSur New Meihu.! Tremmnt bas snatelîed hundredq froie the brrrk of des air, has . siorâd happio-'ss te hudreds of home? and bas made su-ceassful meni of rh9se who wene d wu aud out." Wa 'y-ese,-ibe specitie nem- Mies for- each individua case sccondrr'r tro tbe symptoms and complicatiouswa have n,> patent riedicinan. 'This i oua oet1-s secret c S noefaiel, for- weprsiarauae dptde cach tudividual cage,.0Only o ri,,uc o ~~ ' ~~cegpta.!. W. have 3une bSinssa2 oigbu -aad or oveï 20 Ynars. OR 210 PAY qEADER flhope? ' Are ju- 7sndiug 1te irry bias odur beau i trsad ? -Ha-,ve you a1 f #~e weakuasaOur New M.thoýýd TyýtsatWr cura non. whatîifhas doue for e t A Swl 4/ do~~(1 for You. CnuttnF -", o ratt -~~ > ~5 who kas treaat you, write for aunes o gyood ltauhoot Fathbod1(1m, ý ed) ounfliSases of aRen. eho"(Iuta- 'NO N MSUS O WIATIOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Nee se~1 _~Î an ris j - r:::1 hats.7 B Ir - Ail letters from Canada mnusf be addre"caed ~nment lu Windsor, Ont. If yen desin-e te se ps eîsil cii ili edical Institute in Detroit as sie se sud!treet noý pAieata in oun W:nidser offices which ana for Cerrespondence sd Latontey for Cae ubusiness cnly. Acidresail letters as fhos DRS.KE -.DY & KENNEDY, 0--or Ot. Writ ~e unrpniate riderz z TheKlnd You HrveAlways Bouglit, a.n4 whil làbas"h in use for over 30 years, kias boriân ei Sig'nature or and bas been mieudrbsp. sonal supervision hic. fàs nfax-Y. Ailow ne oue to dectiveyc"ou lu this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and6,"Just-as-geud" ar but Experiments that trille with and endanger thý.e !healtis hof Infiats and ChJ1dr-Experience act,-;ýiist Eprmn Cas-torla, Is a brnessusiu for Castor 01 a goric, Drops and Sohn Syrups. lIt is Pleasant. It; contains neitiier Opium, Morphine nor oth-ýr Narcttie substance. Its age is iLs guarantee. It dsry om and allays Feverishness, It cures Dl4rrhSpa and Wln4 Colic. Lt relieves- Teething Troubles, cures Consipa-tin and Flatulency. It assirnilates tihe Food, regulates tise Stomacli aud Bowels, givlng healthv andl ntural sleep, Thse Chldren's-Panacea-The Mother'sFrnd nENUflNE AWY n"Te minynnýci i 1 -Khà A r- b Lia !a , .1 plallfipl'. 1 10 -t i ----- ----- = -L- -1 In, Use For 0Over 0Yas