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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1911, p. 7

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T E BATS E0fliST 1'N", 1i the ngedEatnitering Pur=nx ,Lix. ynew,7Its Poe-,Tr as a Oatarrh ~eeyand.Touis l Understoo& CF-LUWBUS, OMIO-T-he t.i tive InSredien ts entering thse most popular household remedy i the, %vorld have been madle known 2a tisepublic. Tbis means anewem. în thse -auvertls;ng of popular famA- lly med: Pul ads. contains ansong otho0 thiýngE, g&Aden seal, powerfu in ~lis effec;t upon the mucousme- bran",. Cedron seeci, a rare medficine and unsurp»essed tonkc. Cbbvauablin rnasal catncrhl and affectîons of thse kdesand bladder. Stone root, valUable fer tise nerves, mucousmebas as weil as In dropsy and i ntiL J 1InhIrr~ Young Men and Women to IIItIILL)prepare fo, poisition of trusit I n epnibi t oth from 840 to $100 Jpermxonth. 'lie famous ZLLIOTT I T071O0TO7MONI'., stands farab ethse average business COllege of tbh is loit r . Its record for placing etudntsin osiion isa rernarkabi-e one. W. J. ELLIOTT, PrIncipal. Cr. Yonge and Alexander Sts. -f' Halifax, N. S. - - - ]Bristol. -The Short Sea Rotute Silin-gs. ST&AEaMER ROM IHALIFAX xfllai Pdwrd Fe- . 122nd RoaGeorge mal. stis J Eoyea EdwardÀ Mar. 22ad Royal U(,eo rge Apr. ith Itoyal da rd Âpr. i9tis FuIllinformi-lon and tickets onapplicat- ion to M A. JAMES, EStçai-iship ticket agent, Bowraanville. Cook's')omeon RootComan- ýOnly ae effectuai Montwiy if L owev ctnme? sancepauis- a;î fpla.çce(,tin a pA fwarm iatrai-1 ckwed t crnete tise hou!, and thon ool, tice-y mli be- feund to a a imielislonlge3.r befere eîthercrckn Let Us Set Down ini Our Books That We- Are kbsolutely Unconq.uerable THE KIDNEYS TBROIJGI "FRIIT-A-TIVES" "Thse Gospel of Something Else," our hand, and accurate our judg- T jhe Famous Medicine Made as WC xMay terni it, is amnazineiy ment, if we would. learn this sec- practic(al and fruiitful ini immediat'1 rot! -Tise most important thing- in of FD'uIt JuiVes definite results. There is iilwaysithe'world to me is thse weather ini something else. Thse on.e-dis: res my sl. Let it ho- sunsisine there Ater carefrel censideration, it has been ing thing tisat threatens us ma v ho and calm day and thse oder of hid- determined thst " Fmit-a-tives " ls a dociged, not always literally, but de-n flowers and I can front any- thoroughly sciesitifle remredy. It is bsd on saientifie f act8 anid it cures in -alw ' y spiitully.We cA g tisin-g. N o matter how ter rible 'th a scientifiraan. mlays spdyitalyo a. corr - Iav hîfwo a- 1cxansr .eu bbdyutt thornetrial t oe aehl o l In fLcth FTrsit-à4-ivee" la known to mind cananot be, cornered. ready if I can meet it serenely. !,e the most sciesitiflo reosedy e-ver The most effectuai resources are And no matter wisat prize and jey! discovered for Kidney and Bhadder those- witbin the seul. Thc great may be given me, I have isaîf spoil- Troubles. Mr. Placey thînke se, and SeOUl is the one with unconqi 'ra1hhl it if I take it with a bis experience Proves it: resources. Tise thing tisat Etrikes TROUBLIED AND MUDDY'SOUL. us in Socratos is that Atheniau Wiile I have eyes, no orle ugly Ulverton, P.Q, March l7th. spite, prison, and hemiock some- thing shall distress me, for the 1 suffered for rnany ycars with Kidneyl how do not touch the man, lie i earth and sky. are crowded witl Trouble -nd in th. Back. 1 tooki smihig wiisinisimslf sper~r teevery known kidney rernedy aind kidney sln eneies il isel e i. thObeauty; while I bave cars, ne sing- pihi, but nethinF gave me relief. I was hao'avad Ghl th tiie.Th le sound shahl irritate me, for thse adyised te try 'Fruit-a-tives," atnd thim Bhagerava uresa speaks of those worid harmonies cease, net, and: fruit medicine curednme when every otlaer wiicb h depending one is not "There's net a. star that thou be-- "Fruit-a-tives." Frein the first, "Fruit- moved by tuie severest pain." ods a-tives" gave me relief and I am now Amie sas, "enter dns 'orre, ut oidet -içml-na pain, nae'xu«fering-and every Aniel ays "Rntrr dns orde, utin bis motion like an- angel isymptom of Kid»ey Disease gene. se soumettre, et faire ce qu'on singe,, Peut." (Get stoep with the universo Still quiring te the yeung eye<l CLARENCE J. PLACEY. and de what yen eau.). We hear cherubim." ne shrieks and panic fears from 50o a box, 6 for $2.50; trial sze, 25c. At de-alors or sent on reeeipt of price by Gen. Wolfo as ho dies before Que- Whiie I hava a heart ne treacis- Fruit-a-tîýe, Limited, Ottawa. bec; as theiy assure himn that the ery nor coldness on the- part of 1________________ euemy foes lhe cries, tTmel~I +.~,lr n~ "THEN I DIE HAPPY." Thse moral grandeur appears in this confection. Truly, he ha& "ýmeat te eat tnat -hi&, disciples knont of." Hât sets this e_ mail life over against eterrity: ". joie ,wisei mon persecuLte vyeu, forî groat ie yeur rew&ird in beaven."y He escapes the hlaraserment cf the petty by refuge in the vast: 'Take ne thought what yo shahl eat and drink: seek flrst tbe kiugdom cf -God and hie rýighteourneýss,--aud ahi- these thinges hail be ý added te yený Ho even submferged deatb with the flood of hie inward glory, for -ho ",endured tise cross, despising the' shame, fer the joy tisat was set be, fore iim." How mucis more effective we should be-, how mach the steadier down, for there is true love some- where, and fer me, and if 1 fiud it not on this planet, stili my worhd is wider and nene eau reh-me of the hope cf-some-day- easping again these "I have loved lon g since au-clest awhile." Our ittle earth is clabped by thse majestic sky, our snali planet ial surreunded by an innumerable colnpany of -Wo--ldg,- înyingnfc ant body is eue of a billion simihar bodies neow extant, my wisohe self and aIl my concerne arç as a drop of ramn falling inte the Atlantic. I take refuge in the infinite. 0 mine-enemy, you cannet fiud me! I have hidden in the infinite.-Dr. Frank Crane. jnew note te the winter neek fixings, C C'. thougli they are seemingly incon- - - ~~~ --grucs -and- -unsuitabi- 4e svrl i-asrnon i iS SEIEN IN PARIS SROPS. Silver fau n is a new clr Coiffure bandeaux are, jexweled. Gauntlet euffs appear on the smnart coats. Diamend shaped panels are sean in braiding. Draped lace is seen on many ev- ening dresses. Sinart toques are fashioned of chiangeable velvet. A touch of cerise is now being madle to dark bine. Chapeaux are noticeable for the simplicity of tr imming. Coats are shorter than ever and butten down the centre. The bodices ef most evening gownsl are cnut square or peointed. Jet fringe is fashionable for trim- mning wraps and gewns. Blue is a color ýthat will bo con- tinued into the early_ spring. Saâpphire blue, especiaiiy iu sa- tin and velvet, wiil beo a favorite in Satin and velvet are eeffecti-vëly cembined-in sorne of the new stocks and yokes. The new ginghams are censider- ably lig-hter in weight than the wea,% es of-past seasens. Plaid combined with plain cloth is an idea used by many 'of the French designers now. There is a new dimity- 1a com- bination weave of silk and cotton called "silk dimity." Lace or velvet flewers are used to, trim -dresses and bats. A nar- r-ow edge of fur -outiines each petal. Bowknets of brilliants are smart, indoed, and have supplanted the pearl brooch of eider days. 1Not for several seasons have Swisýses been worn, to any extent, but tis year mnany appear, and entirely newý patterns are to bc fo uni d. Tihe big muf s of the season are Pot only deep and wide, but the openinge are large. They are not puckererd or gathereéd as in the past. Tihe sheer materials, such as ba- tiste, dimity. and ergandie, are even more sheer and dainty than last yoar-the ergandies especially Empire lines are the favorite euies of the he-st designers of eveningj gewns, and almost ail of the waist linos are shertened, if net decided- ly short. A aovelty is the Nottingham tulle. This is a round mesb net which cernes in wbi*te or tinted grounds,, in floral designsremb ling the organidiepter. Velvet, satin, and tulle g-ive the OUR GUARANTEE. If "Weeks» Breajk-T -a-odTb-s price 25c, fail to cur-e yourco-oe- refunded. jury&Lol. seasous of net and lace-. jMany ofthtie unusual echeors and celer combinatieus previottsly se-en _i only tise costly silks are noir te eho bs ini tise siik and-e-otteu ireaves andl in cotten fabrice. A pretty ribbou gîrdle is draped in seft folds around tise iaist, and tîed iu a shos-t luoped rosette, in t-be form et a boir, uitis long, friuged ende, drawn in loose- knots. Prorninent use le noir being made et corde, in many cases ernpleyed in lieu of a silke-n ash, piaced loase- ly around tise irait and fasteued at eue sîde witis knotted ends. Enormeusly wide and ciosely eu- circiing bande of velvet ribhou areý lu many case-c bcing woru te se- cure and acceutuate tlie"^smail r ead" effeet 1'of tise noir coiffure. A simple- velvot baud, with straight eoleiastical t-abs, te bce v;omn oves'a stock, for bise-k, in corne manne-r gives tic, ueeded smnart toue-h te alrnost every 'pie-ce cf ueckuear, Politcia-"I want te talk- te yen, cir, about a emark you madie coueening mue ini your pape-r. Yen called aie -a politicai jobber, sir!" Ne-wepaper Man-"Yes, it iras a very aunoying printem's errer, sud I prornptly diccharged tise composi- to." Pelitician- "Ah! Tbeu yen didn't mean te e-ahi me a 'jo bier' 1" Newspaper Man-"No, cir. 1 urete 'robber' very distiuctly.", is the- original-has be-en the standard for thirty.-five years. There are thousands of so-calie~d ,just>as gLood" Emulsions, bpt the-y are not-they are si mply imi - tatio'ns, which, are neyer as good as the original. They are like thin milk- SCOTT'S is thick like a heavy creain. If you want it thin, do it yourself-wit-h wter- but donit buy it thin. $end 1)3., nes, e e nrsethUtc ad, fDree ScoTrr & Bwz 12 Wel*ian 5lkt.s.Weet Tereae. LONELY OUT OP, PRISON. So Re Asks Jndge to Sead Him Baek Again. A mnan turned -up lu Chicago-tise ether day whe, it is hehfieved. je trying te break into vriî' ». Wby I Býecause he hîkes it. William Boübertson stooci up and teld Judge Kavaiagis th&t ho had ;;pent 32 years of his 6; years ho- hind prison walls. This je net ceunting tis. m>nthse bas- laid -in eunty jails awaîting triais. ie mhon,"' le told tisecourt. -I - UL NRA -SNË ES AI INPEM I. - IEXSUTA HMID INSAE RS i NPEMNA Bobbie's papa waRe eue cf tbose swore tisat wheu 1 left it hast time In talkiug of pne-umenia te peo- inidividuals whe was dissatisfled with I wouid nover go back. But, some- 1 Kulhed Two of Ris WAives Before Rfe pie in gene-rai, it is necessary te tise general trend cf modern e'ca- thotw, tise fel aes ver, me - .Was Overeome. say 1andi repeat mauy times that tionai methods, and frowned on tisa I autte îee thre gai. -pueurnonia ie net a. bad ceid mu tis-ecahhe-d f rils and frivehities in- Prison ain't snch a bad place te ho Abdul Hamid, fermer Sultan of mad, for tisis co-uiction appears te jested inte tise classroem- work. unhess yen got a grudge. Yenl get Turkey, _bas gqee vioieutly insane, ho inviucibly hodged in tise iay mind. "Demostisenes," ho answered good gruis and you're treated bas kiiled two cf his wives, and ile Pneumenia le first, hast, and ail sharply, "was oue of tise early kings square. I ain't get any folke, nom uew confined in ironsitise- tinie au acute local dis'-ase cf of Eg vpt. I d r't see- wh isyt auyv bre nde, eah. Tise- murder cf tise two wcmeii, the lun -gs, which, ,according vto the scicols 1do't cnt eut corne cf .their "Iv be i e ay piosws eeaogtoawho acm rvty c ie-ae -ecremr4nonsenae-and -tech- bstery."--- tisat 1Lguessthatl'm a pretty good panied1 Abdul Hamnid f rom Constan- or less conseidated or cisoked up. judge cf 'e-m. I 1ike Joliet tise best. tinlople whe-rt 'he wae exiled by tise-Tise more cf tise huig tissuse that DVRIGSSIIN They treat you real white tise-e. Young Turks, was particulariy ies thus cisoked tiehe es tise lonige jERI UPIIN Tise world's a coid place for a mnan cruel. He cboked -oeeof them. te are ahie -W breaise Tis,£r tcu Maniie carne very' ne-ar isaviug ike me, and tisouglisOf Jeoliet deaths witis bis ewn b auds,- and sequence cf tisis ioiplessnesson tise.: her ste-ru fatiser get hold of a bock kinder make me - eoickï. I do't dasised tise ther so vioieuthy part et 'the lunge je that tise isart'that bas lier admirems' pictures-." wanter go te tise pohue, l inst tisa wali thatase dîed a te-w -that gaîhant organ-labors te got "lo disedot. ______ - heurs later, according te ene cf tho enough hloiod te keop tisings going, "bnh se e htvl 111 TOONT SNDA WOLDmou who have been guarding tise and this le why wo soc tise distrees- ure she waese mucis interested iu, TITOOT NAYWRDdcposed i-nier at bis villa, wherehe n a ndssîo retig Isise tld him it wàs ber 'bim' h~- . is spending his hast days. chaxacteristic cf tise diseaso I bock." A ,gh-ciass_ weekiy putblication Tiseex ula se s,dued OnlV1 With ail tise beart eau do it eau emisodyîng ail thse spocial e-tores after a foeree struggte ini wichi o ol upbod tcno gn of tise hast American Sunday papors hirnelf was stvorely injured. I ate it-ta h.fnto fts incioding -four-celer comic section, -Abdul Hamid is confiinod in a lunge. PresentIl, -sherefore. tise fouùr-clor magazine section, twO.- dungeion beneath, tise Nilla Allatiae IIbloed stream hecoes more and celer editoriai section, music page, wiih, while set apart lcr him asmoeiprongtlakcox fashiin and beauty page in black, a residence, is in reaity bis Pris- ni. gen, and in tise C cases onil gi and an exclusive halftone picture Ho1, was sont tiserein Aprîl, 19 eai-uecft9,bigshan s-ni section printed on caleudered pa- wien tise Turkisis revoluton' eitisemtise beart gives out eutirely, per, repre-scuitative of peeple and brought about by tise- Young Tus-k'unable te stand thie strain put up- places distiuctly Canadian. Thispatywsfnl cmeead bighclas pblictio shuid ho prtywasfinli cmpt ed a i on it, or else tise systemt is overcome hig-(ýýý,s ubicaionshuld bcSultan Mohamnmed V. ascendedth by toxine, tisat N te savlth m lu e-îery rural home in Ontario.- thoe ieY~ts r- Abdul Hamid had reigned for prt nue y~eic fey Mcney ecau ho made by brighit thirty yxars up te that timo, had igen asong enrcgie ia boys in every village and tewu, whe deluged bis empire in biood and Ihtthas lngheonrecogtieties xvilh undertake tise-sale cf Tise Sun- bath kopt 200,000 spies te heýtraY ishat tie pueunia aiennedsur day Worid. Writc to Tise-Suuday this-r ffo-itzu.fie was nt- idixyeneatdwe(re's".ur Wold, Toronto, Canada, fer'parti- ed for haviug tricked tise diplomate bs i sishe npie yadrc culars cf isow te secure an agency. etai Europe and. frorn time- te time curndtacfli fres air frrnouted e Prizes, dear te the be-art cf every hce h, ol ybssensuality at hthefoi i 3sudh bey,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ilh ia etss ioin hce iewrdb i ise hasis of ai-treatment frcrn tic boy wil b gien o toseshoingand crimes. the largeet sale in a given period. When Abduh was sent te tise villa 1 Tvery beiiasg. benlstb TsDayWoland'lea-at Salouika, hie suite, whicb was ah-; tailr oecgi tstuhr The ail WoldCandaslea-'howed te accornpany isim, was cernba - e ue t ecgîztirsistuins, or îng ive stock and produce market posed of three Sultanas, or fullI oygeatlifthe atmusîe ntcanued newpaperisclabhcd uith this wive-s, four Ondines, or infcrior oxyr*. at the last moment137we;ld uewspaper, ~~~~~~i effect a cure. There is le-es pneu- Me,.E.BJulof37P. papes' at tise rate ef $3.50 per year wives; five Halfas, or lady house- ' mania among country dwellers than says i- "Ave., t iface, xssy chîLsre for tise two. keopers priviîeged ta go eut et tise 1-s1 oatraioM hl:e -'1 haemtwoPrnce, he dugito among city peeple-. Tisere is le-se -took dipistieria, and wlîile atten4iiug" _ _4-aetw rnebi agtrpneumeula ameng people wiso yen- t-hssntise poison entered a ral acrai , l NEW LOCKJAW CURE. and nîne servants. Thiseaîîy gave tihate well than among tbe stuffy. ontise e-od inger of my left baud. bim'tise aliewance et twelve w'vs.And tisere is lese pueumonia. in the This b«came verysore anâ bIood-pi;m. 1M acon m et in. F~or nsuntiathe i'rtise It is Saisi to Hlave Been Suce-e-se.1 7 sunîmer tisan in tise winter. be-cause <.muwr4ut eîi a ufr fnll Tesed.Maud-I do wis otoudbs-ints-smmrtsr i ke cru sg freix a thockissgly lied fiager. TIseý Doctos inMankto, MiTonu., whonth ume ter s re iru ry up and propose-. Ethel-But I lation et air threugb ail aur haues. isoga$eh waà caued originaly by a pin, have been oxperîmenti witb îec oug-you did't like isim I Maud The ideal treatme-ut of punenia Mîin Iiteoif, wtas not at &IU mrions. cueheneres t ti bave -ok- dou't.1 waut'te get. rid cf him. is t-o carry tise patient iuto tise open TI.csaqeos owever, ol sigleet- jaw and ue or i aediscaver- ________________ air -and koep him thero with pro- hutebod1i re ed in a simple injection cf Epsom per precautueus againest wind and 1 e hehi saîts into tise spinal columu wbat weatbem. But as tis canuet ai- t ut on thse e'-atra thesA sue ie believcd te ho a prompt ad be doe, tis patietMe-anat m MrQudî o,*t. gne'dffc ýt anways more md soore mpatienu ans spedyEurefNr Ctnus le-ast ho piacod in tise large-et, sun1- tecaila a doen>,.E acs s Because oet tieir professiontaletis- IIni-t nbest ventilated room if - lot u te pug. and yen e" Izuagine îe-s tise doctors bave neot allew-d tise bouse-. 1f possible, arom nwitisch .loessf gfsfseS nits tiseir names to bho used in comice-- GIN PILLS Si'@ught ReliefCl tentýlrimoý ;-d)àcpïzr- tien with tise remarkabio cures, "I suffered -untold misery even when windows ou twa sides le mucis teo a ueîelnmn,,ýstoisopeas tione unicd lisoneocesicgave m seeopen- wisieis have -been off e-eted, but a tonter treatment fmom the -best doctore rfreseacwibea oae- eonernbeern~>nayetg case rpently Tehich came te ight fo over teumoCthS, and sothilg eeMed cd onhy te one point of tise cern- edtoupnviam~g ne- r e ~ onc usi ei i~ at tis t do m e any goed or relieve m y palîsul 1 paSs. By a sy te-m f screen ng, At h st1, 1 W nt t htie I p t a,,, fili os proves ams ocuivl httecondition. My trouble iras Inflarama- eau always bho managed that a -direct sbiîîîetGrey wn % k~ ne eeilaetwrsadcan tien ot Xidueye sud Bladder. current-cf very cold air -shaH 11net - s5# tdaw'WLsen vvst e ho-epni on quito generaliy. 1Ifinal determined togo tothe Victoria o ih n h ebtthe air i- haf1 a lýl anIâo edoe"tor eâ ajss Hemman Mattien et Amboy lest Hospita, Halifax ,for treatmnent. ofthtie- room shouid ho cohstantly i~s one ot hie fingers in a corn-sieller, Tr syoevr!Voeyutn-W,thefrdcddsgvZ and ellwiu anopeatin hck-ingdeparture, a neigiheor ca1ed sud renewed and ahways cool. n-lt atr!nq. 4npvapeus n happening te have a GIN FILL is 0f ail "cranks'" tise "rs i "~ ~ a- ir n tin jair set in, from whicis it was ne,1ýt bis pocket, insisted on my taking it. 1 crank" is tise saîîest, and hie rt- U z cd - fosi(hm_-r a n,7, tisougist ho could recaver. Tise two did se and six hours ater taking it, the wamAntepemnasc-emý~sitiîiis a~e' elseSh isoaeles ete ani 15 irue e -ý doctors in question were appealed results andi benefits L derived weir arehoe-Yuts main. vmWletytia ietobe w.c s to as havimtg couduceted mauy e- simply uothing more or lesutissu mirac- roluo e alose sSI. are&, We périments with tetanus and admriiin- 1110u Ieteadof gOiug te tht hospital, -,o- ereveeit wli tse am-Pnsk aseL-1 he istered tiseir Epsom saîts trýeat-IsetfrabxoGNPLISibth Anyway tise railread ongineer gets elsef, hu Inuo ,L%%nder rorb reeu t that 1 arn a cured ma.I recom- e rmda oasece I~.u Ment, at tise sanie timo glviug out moudù GIN PILIS teeveryoae snfferiug a ru for bis moue-y. Dnk. ie iiget'h airdyw» s their secret, unh isas bitherto frem îK:idney Tobe.wIuiss you'd leud me yen' IStIdZai~ s ie e beon -unpubhisbed, altisougils whistle" Tommydoubt Iaheuui 1v-là v -st""s"' ah case-s bad been successfulhy Take GIN P11,1, on our positive see' yonug man. "l'Il takoe-are- isandled peiesy.Tiscsews urentee tha.t they m1licure yen oreti" "Wite'"cidyug aa, tise meet Épre-nounýed in wisie-h ra mzoriey prosisýptiy etlisded. 5oe.ý abox Mrrty Ibvegtn ibeh, ees, r0YsL letes, i% elsýei, Sssoeeee spedycur iaseffctd.if your deai-er doýse net h pd , I Tommiy." "hyed yn av," pis, s atoe eaýsi Acco-rding tetis- eiclmou 1 IL[ Sample box free if yen write Tommy prsste, 'caea ddy si fesius*oe.oi Iefeziss-B tisere have be-an ut oeenïcasaetus 11. NatinalDmg and Chexuical Co,qa ess y4u 'e mue-i e l tend )Jof ire-t- Tor t frsis,Seai aatorfrr tetanne cured in tise- United Sta-tee.a Dept. A. Toronto 52ting it."0 s s-ibx le,'siSttpi THE ,PILGRIM'SWIVNTS. 1 wa-nt that adorning divinec Thou only, my Lord, canst be- stow; I want in those garments te shinel Which clethe ail Thy household' below. 1 want at this moment toe feel Thy Spirit at wiork in. my-heart To clean se and to comfo rt and he-al, And newness of life to impart. I want by Thy grace to attain Some hikeness, my Saviour, to Thee* I earnestly long to obtain Thy comeliness put upon me. I want in Thy presence to live, They seal on my forehead to, wear, That "ne on the, stone" Thou doîst give Which only Thyself can declare. I want' se in Thee to abide That fruit may abound to Thy praise;- The brandi in Wvhich Thou dost preside May languish but neyes' decays. I want Tkine own band to. unbind My heart from t.errestial things Where it is too losely entwined To that which tenaýci-ously clings. I want by My aspeýct secrene In actions and words te declare, That mine is a country -unseen:-1 My heart's best affections are there. I want, as a pilgrimâ; to haste, Straight onward pursuing mY way: No eare on the tent would 1 waste oniy is pitched for a daly. I want, as the sum of my prayer FeDr wh%*h ail--the praise shallise, ýOn e-s r1 thin Thy service te share And to tbh wi-th The:e in hea- Lord Jss Thy presence make, While Thee as mv Lord 1 eenfess: Th 'yself in my spirit enthrone, And thon -I shah aIl things -pessesse. DeicEous Cake more tasty, eleanly and wiholesome than the ready- made Ro 0ud at the shop or groeery. &Mnd Nse a nd Acdoa. R1OYAl. BAKINO POWDE1 CO., NEW YORK. fHISTO-RY: VS. NONSENVE. Little Robbie came bore ne u- ay consderblyagitated over a qsiee- IlEr"-ý L T tien tisat had carne up in ehsl jRnsýhing inte tise bouse ise densand. jelcd ubis fatiser ~~__'Say, pa, iris was Demostse-

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