premimlnote liability lu a- -] insurein snc co1mpjjaies as the ýnf Sc to $1,00 per hundred of nsiiraceand tnoprem- mmn9e Jrersetthese thiree companiesý which are a- imonglý the Lest doing-farm-busi- ness in Canada and rates as low as the lowfest. -, _HARRY el17CANN$,- BO-WVMjA1VILLE, FER. 16,1911. MNAPLE GROVE Map)Le Grove -Epworth Leagute anniver- sary will be celebrated by a social held lui the hall Thiursday evenîng, Feb. 231. An excellent prograim will be renderedl by local and outside talent; also an address by Rcv. L. S. Wigh-It, B. A., B.D., Stirling, President of Bay of Quinite Conference Epworth Leagýue, and lothers, after whichi upple pie anid scald creami will be served iin abunidance. Admission 1i5c and toc. Everybody come and a treat. Ep- worth L-eaguers, don't miss this chance of uring the Conference President DAIRLINGTON M,-r. R. W. Langmiaid baving sold his farm will remove to Edtnontoný in bbe spring.. ..Miss Nancy NanCalmp bas been visibing friends in Oshawa-. ..Mr. Jack PoqToronto, spent Suc-day at [r. FR1)A),Yi, MRCHt 17-Mr. Russe[! W.1 Langmaid, -"Fairfield"' near Darlington station1, S' 2 lot 25, B. F., havinig sold bis farm-, will siby auctio iis high classý farmn stock, including 20 splendid dairy1 cows, farm- machinery, implemtents, etc, This is a large and very important sale, so go carly. Sale begins at 1230 P. n,. Sce large bis. GEORGE JACKSO(N, auctioneer. TuESDAY, MARCH 21-Mr. Herbert Power, lot 18, B. F., Darlingtoni, wil seli ail of biis farmr stock, implements, etc. Sale at i p. m. See bis..- LA. W. TOLE, anIctionleer. DURHIAM FRUIT INS-TITUTES. Special meetings"îin interest of Fruit Growers wil lihld in Council ChiamrbQr, Bowmanville, WdedyFeb. -2n, inthe Town Hall, Newcastle, Thursdav, and in Town Hall, Oronio, Frýiday, sessio ns com- mencing ut .30 and .30 p.m. Live prac. tical men qualified bo discuss aIl questions relating to fruit growing have been sec- ured-Mr. L.-Caesar, Specialist in Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, 0G.A.C., Guelpb, Annual meceting of Wýest Durham, Lib- eral-Ç9nservative Association was held in Council Room Satuirday and Was we'll at- tended, each mnunicipalitv being repre- sented. President J. J. Virtue proside'd. Treasurer prese2nted a satisfactory report, show;ing a substantial balance in the bank. Secretary's report represented promptness in reporting aninual meetings and sending in list of delegates. Officers elected were: President-J. J. Virtue, Enniskillen; Viýce-President-R. Cowan, Jr., Newcastle; Treasurer-Jas. McConnachie, Bowmanvîlle; Secretary- Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Bow,ýmanville. Spechles were delivered by Captain A. Stalker, Orono; -G. W. Jones, Clarke; J. B. Lovekin anid Evan H. MeLean, Newcas- tic; and the local members, J.tH. Devitt, M. L, A., and C. J. Thornton, M. P. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES At the receýnt "meeting of tbe IHigh Sehool ýBourdl Mr. W. B. Coucl was re- eleeted ch airman and Mr. J. S. Mooreraft REV. H. T. LEWvIS GIVEN A KINDLY SEND-OFr- AND GIFT BY SIMCOE- ST. MFTIIODISTS- Thie YEpworthi League of Simcoe-st. Methodist church, Oshawa, was with- drawn Monday evening and a-gathering of the entire membership of the church was beld in the auditoriumto bid fare- well t o their pastor, Rev. Hf. T. Lewis, B. A., who is leaving te, ac- cept the eaU bt the Metropolitan Method- ist churcli, Regina, Sask. The prograin consisted of a short address by the chair- man, Mr. John Gibson, a duet by Miss N. Francis and Mýr.,Geo. Henley and a quar- tette by Metýssrs. Adams, Paul, Henley and Bro)wn, and a solo by M\r. Cristie Leîtchi, after whicbi a presentationi was made to' Mr. Lewis of a beautiful mJie over- coat and a purse of money ($75 .o0.) Th address was read by Mr. R. W. James and, the coat was presented by, Mr. A. J. Log- an. Following isthe address. To Rev. LT. T. Lewi's, Oshawa. DIEAR SIR AND PASTOR: This is not a farewell meeting to bld -you a sud and solemn farewell, but every branch of, Christian work in connection with the Simcoe-st Methodfst church i e eet- t t NOTICE The Business which lias up to the present been conducted, under the name of The Masoni k ur~17:EÏ~riYTYî~iT Z1ON~. L Mrs~~-R ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 that tils eburcb ig- rse n ar ~~ 4, ~, , ion ltne w6ïra Qi uoOccesulv NY * Â'XtWA*uwr> Iare becming mnore popular everv dwa-, They are acknowýledged by eptsas the Lest machineiic to gie satisfactýory work. Terms to suiit -Just onle set of Peotrolia ,-loop Robleibslef t, 2 inc.h rlnniers. Caîl ad see themn. miree secondl-baud Masey- Fred T. Hobbs, Tw,,o Doorcs esof Caldwell's Livery Phoe 166 Bowmanvifle B ÀGAINSIJN 5DR Y Gy ûOOD S S& GROCERIES ATCIA PO' HAMPTON. we areiredrcingte pricet M-ên's Suits adTôs and Boys' ncês 'Ielhand2salit fish nd oy- You can lwasdcedon our S. A.CHMON 1North End Stor, Hampton. and Mrs. Cas.Wod. ev. and Mrs., T. H. P. Anderson were surprised Mon- day evening by Zion Ladies' Aid,-,I Much sympsthy is extended to Mrs. T. Slter in the deat'h of ber father,, Mr. D. Perkins, who died at Port Perry Feb. 6 after several montbs' llness..,.. You are invibed to Maple Grove League anniver- sary Thursday, Feb. 23. If you are a sufferer from eolds get a bottle of Biekle's Anti. Consumptive Syrup and test ils, qualities. It w;ill be found that no praise bestowed on il is too bigh. Il does aIl that is cluimed for il, and does it thorougbly. Do not take any substitute for Bickle's Syrup, because il is the best, baving stood the test of years. AIl the best dealers selI il. ENNISKILLEN Epworîb League intends holding a grand concert on Friday cvening, Feb. 24th, wben bbc foilowing talent will participate: Goodyear Q-Jîestra, Bowmanville; Miss Madge MeConneîl, Toronto; Miss Laura B. Bragg, Providence, and oblers. Par- iculars later. Orangemen's oysten supper and concert last we-,k were certainly a success in the fullest sense. of tle word. The supper served in basement of l'resbyterian chnreh to a vetry large crowct won praise from aIl. The entertainment beiS. in auditorium of Presbyterian dhurchinb evcning, wlien il was pueked b btbe doors, was a enredît 10 bbe program commilîe unS, received bbc hcarty appreciabion il Seserved ...Miss Grace Slemnon spent the week-end with Miss Elsie E. Rundie, Bethesda ...Miss umbus ... . Mrs. John Slemon is in Toronto for the week,. . . Mr. Fred Rogers, Whit- by, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cowan, Mr. anS Mrs. H. Douglas, Burkcbon, visiteS ut Mn. F. W. Lee's ..Our League in goodly numbers accepteS Tyrone Leugue's invi- tation 10 visit tbem Friday evening anS enjoyed thecm bospitble entertuinment . . . Mr. and Mes. Elias Ashton entertain- cd tle young veople of this vieinity one evening Ibis week .... Miss Minnie Rogers, Wbibbv, and Miss MeLaugblin, Calgary, visiteS ut Mr. Jas. Sbainton's. For Infants and Chldren.. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tbe Signature of I set. In using t lu afler years wheu your path and ours may be separuted, think rot of its value but rather lhink of the manv and sincere frîends wbom you bave and shahl continue to bave in the Ladies' Aid of Zion. In preseliting this to you we wisb you many more happy years in this life, and May you press where you are needed most; So doth run the pathway to the skies. Signed on bebaif of Ladies' Aid, MRS. JOS. LANGMAID, MRS. J. BAL- SON. The evening was -spent in gamnes and social chat,. Many mothers have reason to bless Moîber Graves' Worm Exterminator, be- cause it bas relieved the 11111e, ones sufer- ing and made them healtby. HAYDON. Miss M. Rogers and Miss McLaughlin, Calgary, Alla., are gnests ut Mr. John Rundle's ... . A number of the Leuguers spent a pleasant cvening with Tyrone Leagne Friduy cvening .... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Woodley, Bowmanvile,, visited bis brother Mr. S. Woodley ...Mrs. John Cowling, Purple Hill, is guest of ber daughter Mrs. Rd. MeNeil... .Mrs. W. H. Creeper is spending a week witb friends in the iy ... . Glad bo see Mr. Jas. Wat- son of Chicago in the village .... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bro-wrn, and Mr. and Mrs E. T. Brittuin, Toronto, visited ut Mr. W. H. Creeper's. ,-,-.Mr. Jas. Ashton is under the Dr's cure ..Mrs. John Wrighb lie visiting in Pontypool ...Miss Alecia Creeper, Bowmanville, visited ber cousins here. . A number of friends drove bo Mr. Charles Cooper's one night last week and gave tbem a surprise. -AIl spent a pleasunt social time in games and music. Mr. and Mns. C. know how bo make th eir guests feel ut home. ... A very pretby wcdding took place ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Creeper on Wednesday Feb. 8th when their daugbter, Ida Mande, was united in marriage-with Mr. Alexander Grant, Ton- onto, by Rev. H.S.Spence, Tyrone, in bbc presence of a number of relatives and friends from Chicago, Toronto, Bowman- ville and Haydon. The bride looked lovelv in a dress of dove-eolored silk. The bride was tbe recipient of a large number of beautiful, presents, the groom's gift beîng a bandsome set, of mink funs. The happy couple left the sume-evening from Burketon Junebion for tbeir home in Tor- onto which wus furnisbed and ready for their homecoming. The west wishes of tbc neighborhood are exbended 10 11cm 0Chîidren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S ' ed- capital sermons in keepîng witb the no-ccasin The choir furnished specalI musicerand Miss Mamie Nott sang "He Knows" very impressively ut tbe morning service, unid Miss Nellie Lambe, of the Me'Itropolitan Choir, Toronto, sang "Hold Thon M\,y Hand" very pleasingly ut thc eveningi service. Contributions for re- mov 7'al o b church debt $375. Re, .H.T. Lewis, B.A., preached bis farewell sermon in Simcoe-st. Methodis t cburch Snnday evening giving a -strong and eonvineing discourse from bbhe text "Watcb ye, stand fast in the faith, -quit yon like men, be sîrong." The choir sang that beantiful anthemn "At even, e'er the sun was set" and solos were sung by Miss Gertrude lewell, Cobourg, and Mr. C. Leitch). The' seatîng capacity of the cbnrch was taxcd tb the nutmost. Mr. Lewis loft Wedncsday for Regina where hie bas accepted a euhl to the Metropolitun Methodist cburch. Medcalf-st. Leagne Monday cvening was in charge of the missionary conmmittee and Rev. John Garbutt, Bowmanville, gave an excellent address on missionury work. He presented the snbject from bwo phases, whut le termed bbec "Good Samaritan" work and, that of "Nation Bul'dinig" dealing principally with the latter as thie work in thc great Northwest and tile problemns that are confrontîng the churchiat the present time., A vote of bhanks t0 the speaker'for bis able address was mioved by Mr. E. E. Beckell and sec- onded Ïby Mr. E. J. Goodman. Mrs. A. R. Sanderson and Mr. F. Herring sang an appropriate duet very nicelv and bbe meetinig closed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. Thechoir of the Metropolitan cburcb, Toronto, 62 in number, gave a sacred'con- cert in Simcoe-st. Methodist church Fni- day'eveuing. This choir is under leader- ersbip of Mr. H. A. Wbeeldon and ren- dered excellent work in tbc choruses. The soloists, Miss Fleda Bowden, soprano, Mr. F. E. Bemrose, tenon, Mr. Russell G. MeLean, baritone, and Mrs. Will Merry, alto, euch did their parts creditably in solo and quartet. The organ and piano duet by Mr. Wheeldon'and Mn. Howord de Beck, and bbc organ solo by the former were also splendidly execnîed. Miss Kath- leen, Sparnow. neader, also assisted on the program. The church wvas fairly well filled and the audience frequenîly cx- pressed appreciation of thc work of bbe choir. Ohilctren ry FOR FLETCIIER'S AS TO R*% 12 Ce;HEAP Bnargain Giving Every dealer is at it Lut every dealer is flot Leing pushed to it like Burns is. Very short-, ly we purpose having our east wall replaced by show windows This means that our ladies shoes and slippers will have to be re- movýed-unless sold. Inducemets Will Le oflered the public to buy noVI. WATC-H Our windows and tables dur- ing the next thir-ty dyfor snaps worth having. Headqua rters for Good', Rubbers, Cheap. THE BURNS CO. LIMITED- OSHAWIA0ONT. hlA1itYouR -.:iceàREs. SOUVýENIR, NO. 9--High Shelf, 6 bole,1 .'regulur price $45 ...... ......... SCHAMPION, NO. 9--High Shelf, 4 hole, rcs, %*CHAMPION, NO. 9--High Shelf and reservc SIMPERIAL OXFORD, N'ýO. 9,-6 holes, resc *x Also some heaters equalI 00 We are Sole Agents in West Durhî *Heating Range, Tobin Guns, Ba Ç , hope Cutters- and Carrnages, Collars, One Minute V * -2 doors East of Post Office, If * PIONE 145 reservoir, coal or wood, oir reg'. $35.$10,00 ýervOir reg. $041-50. $15-.00 Ily as cheap). arn for the Supreme 5aynes and Tud- Whipple Horse WVasher- ALE lIoesey Block- BOWMAN VILLE CHINA HALL GROCERY CDReAqNGCEr ," >PE, c-I/L 1 F. H. Aaddy is endeavoring to give the Lest value obtainiable in Oranges Calîfornia iNavel OrangeAs, Swe(,eles, Juicy ................................ -ý20e, 30e, -10c a doz. Get Our prices for case o-)r hiaî1f case. The first shipment of the season. Jus>t to hanmd. Clean(m ilBright....................... -..................2 ca SGood solid fruit 2 for 15c or -f for -25e, At, these prices, just as cheap as oranges for Marmalade. Choice fruit 25e a doz, Slcer Lomned Fr Large stock of Groèeries, China an(!Gl s aa reasol1rablhe prices. W- ButterandEggs Wanted. See us about Sugar before you buy FA. HADDY, PHIONE 62, BOWMANVII i I~~I)WM ~ ~T1Tfl T ~ JL