BIG REDUeTIONSI ~1Je n~T~Irnt1 ~te~imfl~. j Goodyear Tires Le EDITORIAL JOTTINGS The first article ini last ee' issue of The Weekly Globe undicer heading "The Round Table" was about rural rpuiblic schools, and our desire on reading.1 it was that every schiool trustee, parent and other person interested lu, education of Canadi- an chidren would read it and imedcfitatýý on thie many sanie statemients cot iue n that excellIent anid timeily artiïcle. The Goodyear Tire & Rtibber Co. of Canad, Limited, has just received thie following telegrams: t.Lois,, Mo., PCe).It,19. Go.'ody7car Ti 'res lead at St. Louis Auto-. m-obile Sh-owv by nine and quarter sets. ý,Signed, C. 1-. GRAYý. Memphis, Tenu, Feb. 141), 1911. Godyarleds again, actuial courit. emhsbSow opened to-iiight-~Good-. vear fifteci; :Goodrich fourteen:; Diamond. ilted, Ferin lamb collar, lar îng whm- Kev. C. 111e aud work of Men's heavy braces, Police, regular 25e pair for .............. 19e Men's mocha gloves, wool linêd, regular 75c pair for ......... ý59e Men's heavy flannel overshirts, regular 9Gc for-,...... ......... 59e Men's mole skia shirts, aIl sizes and colors, regular 75e for ...49e Boys' -wool shi rts, sizes 12 to 13, regular 40e for .............. 29c Flannellette assorted, pink, blue 'and grey stripes, good quality, Thne sunsflrne nownere shnmes s0o rigut As in Bowmauville. The birds sîug nowhere quite 50 sweet, And nowhere hearts so lightly beat , For heaven and earth both sceem to meet As here lu Bowmanville. Rev. C. Adams of Newtonville preached earnest prac:tîcal sermons t0 large con- gregaions sjin Medcalf-st. church Sabbath. Mr. Adamns is aissured of a hearty welcome at any futujre vis,P Rev. A. R. Sanderson preached im-issiouary sermons aI Newtou- , I? U ton......... .....U00to 10 00 1 long member. J Ç TOR~A JH .Leave ~orders - t ~Bownman\ille, oth overcoat, ela a ciev