DON'T MISS THEIS Special Offfer for Twe Weeks Beginning Thursday, Feb. 23rd. Gomn---àcîng ou the abve ate and c ontinuing for- tw eekswe shah seil Our large 50c size WITCH IIAZEL CREAMi for 35(- This creasa is gaiing sucli great favor and preference among our many customers that we desire 10 induce those who have neyer had the pleasume of using il 10 take advantage of this We have quite a nuinher of customers who bring their botules froin Toronto to. be filled and who diaim that even in that large city the y eau- flot procure anything to equaliti. For the hands and face we have nothing better. It is an excellent "after sha e" R>fod'k M. Mitchell& Co, iPione 92a (iNiglit Galba 9 2b) Opticiaus. IBowmanville. 'I ~s-. I -~ ~i S ~ .~ i i ~ i A.~itI~'i5A~A COING KASýT. GO1]NCG WEST ----.5.9 Mail y. k Monday, Feb. 27 An Excursion will be run from under- ) mentioned stain Tf"ORONTO- Special rateýs and 'train service are.- Return Fare Leaves 'Coîomne$2 O5 6 15 a.m. Grafton 12 o0 6-25 'Cobourg 1 90 645 Port Hope Y 75. 659 Newtonville i 6o 7 15 Newcastle 1 30 7 31 Bowa 'nvilei 20 7 43 I)arlington j 15 7 53 Oshawa Jonc. i- î0 8o09 Wlr), -Wi Jonc Io1 823 cnme wel, r ,years half fare.- fjCYts firm Netnvi. adest gnod ïbý1wo- days. Front Newcastle and West f0r nuie day, onfly, DURIIAM OLO BOYS' BANQUET Wili be heldi at MNcGonkýe's at 7ý.30 p.m. Monday. Ail des'irinig banquet tickets notiffy President iami-es L. Hughes, Gitv SHall, Tomonto, or Secretary Thomas Yellowlees. 235'2 Goliege-st., Toronto, flot later than Fmrida-y Feb. 24th, s0 that places may be resemved. Tie Durham Old Boys' Annual Banquet -is always a most happy e-union of nid friends. Attend and shame tie ennyment S on Feb. 27. J3OWMAIN VI LLE, FEB. 13 1911L. Social and Personýal. M4ildmed jury is visiting frieuds in Miýss Aunie Westaway visited Irieuds in Fort Hope reeenitly.- M\,iss b\'abel Dickinson li-as boen viýsitinig relatives and friends in Dnoad M\I. Geo. P. Rfichardi, Siawsl fas been -quite ii f'or7 somne wcoks witi grippe. M. and 'Mrs. Alexý. Rutierford, Col- borne, are visiting aI Mm1, W. Ml. Ices'. Yr 'iad Mrs. Albert Darci and bale,l Tk.ftare visiting alI Mr. D. Darci's. $ MIr, and MmIS. Neil Mutina have mtorld( fromi a visit witi relatives; nearGobne Mr. wiImot Pmousol" and Miss Bië(ena White, Osaca, recently, visited, fmi dIs here. MTs. John H-1oc-k inr, Wel1inmgt on-s L, is vis- iting friençis in St. Gatharines, Buffalo, and Rochester. N.Y, Mr. R. W. Clartran, Bo-wmanviile, has r-,turnod home aller spending aew days wviti lis awnt, M\1rs. Lîngard. -Pz<îd- M. and Mms. Leslie Slaver, ateod1i Sa!., wvere rodent guesîs of Mr., W. J.1 Ns.Byronu and 'Chas. Hraddy and Ge: <àr;ttain, Toronito, spout Sundy ah Mr. F. A, FIaddy's. Regiar meineting of iBowmianville Wom- enIs Instîtuto wili beh ld on Fiday Fl 24 at 3 p.m. at lic msieuce of Mrs. E. j3uni-saL.AIl, ladies welcomne.y Mr.7. A. eindatt, Wininipeg,Ma. q'~nty vsltedusmo0ut rs. BlIehad Vinda-tt, and bis sisters homeeno ute 1 spend a coup)le of monitis in Eng-Ftnl Mm s.HirmnuD. 1Mun-soni, La'Salde,'Iý'Y iguest at lie home of bier niec,Mr.F A.Philp, witi whom sicepedts-to spe: th remainder of thcwe er-ulsun Rev. Jesse W 2tok 8 OkslTom- o-t, witing to TUENEW says: "!Iamm Aotale 10 gelonut very muici tuis winterF, a s ce-l lie coid very mucli. 'We enjoy readiig TUE ý,NEWs very muel. MTrs. W allon, DInhrtmon, la.s sold hiem farm nIf 00acres for $25,nOW ta a Toronito man, wio wil reet a cammnodinus sumn- m-er inotel and a niumber of collages. Tiic1 rapd xpnsIn f o',oto us hviing a1 markd efeet n t'iuprice of lad iosg LakeOnai. M7s\1. L Freeland, Torouto, is visit- il- lie issStpmms Mas, ter S. H. Wood is vistig incle Mm.Lei Brtet, Necsîleton.ý Big sýacrifice sale of 7wcaring appamel at BrOM in & Go's. Sec ad"vt foýr lisI. Brantford Asphait Roofing cicaiper and -better-thaln-smingles. E-IMsn&--Som. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nicholson. Nestieton, visited hem sistor, Mrs. W. H. Wood, Base Lino. Mr. W. H. Moore and Miss G. Stainton, Hampton, visited Mr. W. H. Wood, Base Line, reently. Tmy a ton of Lehigi coal and you will use no oti-er.- Order from E. W. Los- combe, phono 177. Mm. Wm. Keiman, of tic Goodyear Tire Go.. was in Toronto ovor Sunday visiting us mother and other frieuds. .\,Miss Florence Gouiter bis gone Ici Buf- fnbo, N. Y., to trainfo a pmofessional nurse aitie Erie State inspil[al. Mrs. A. L. Nieholis was ealled t0 Niag- arn Falls tuis week owing to lie deati of hem motier, Mrs. A. Gruickshank. , Mrs. L. Paterson, Misses Ethel Power and Sosie Bailey spont Suuday with tic fommem's sister, Mrs. Gen. Haneock, New- tonvilie, Miss Kate Murdochibas gone t0 New- burgi, New York, to take a course'at tie hnspital in liai eily.- Hon. R. Beili ne- companied lis rniece 10 Newhur-gi. Mms. W. F. Do,], Miss Viva and Mm. Kendal Doil, wYork Gity,,spenýjt a ew days hoeewýith hem br *other, Mayor Hlig- grnbotham, recently.-M7vilton Rfrer Mm. Donald Mackenzie, Clifford, Well-~ ington eounty, b-as boen appointed Princi- pal of Lindsay Publie Sehool aI a saia.ry nI $iooo. The Board, reeeived 75 apin tioas. SEE GRINAND UGRAS ED-O is i-e time In secure what y ou expooDet to need in tieso linos, and wo have n good supply of nice cie-an Timothy, Red Glover, Alsike, Sheffield Standard Gtats and a liîn- ited quantihy of'six rowed Barloy and Spring Rye. McGLELLAN & GO., LINI- IED. The Waslinlgtonl, D. G., Post reeordsý Saivation AmmýrI-y meet;ings ielI in tic Gapitoî eity Sunday-wien lie pulits 0f tle varlous cluLrclesoflie city were oc-i cupied by promînent officers of lie Ammy. Amonà lie numhebr we notice tice name of Major Edwy Wite, Atlanta, Georgia, a former Bowma-nvilie boy. Wednesday, Fehý. 8thi, 1Mr. Thos.Lae Oakwood, and MssEditi aia rd-î,\Wood - ville, werc maý,rried b)y Rev. .Elit ai lie 1iome of MmI. h.MenoSe date Ms-s. M1,innieJaeOkoad mariedinLîudsay hy Rev . P isn B. A. Liusay.Lùmday 1o.-t, Mm. J. Atwatrtundhomo Mon- dayevnnalr being in London for îl11e p-ast four ;veekýs iundergoinig surgical tre'at- I mnent aI îet osptl.Mm. Sewar isstjl weak and is eonfined 10 tie bouse. H-is many fiendls hope limsenocdsyi- doors, wili ho short and il)at ho wvil he soon able 10-attend 10 -bu:siniess again.- Eretc' Tirn.s. M. Stewart is a bmoti- em-in-law of M\rs. F. J. ManingBowa LMsms .G. Higginbotiam and- ilton J . EllotL, IMm . Mrs. Marvini Burk and Miss Florence AlUin atlendcd lie annuial Conversazione nI Ontario Lad ies' oilege_, Whiithy, Fmiday nigIlt, wiemec briliant music, beautiful gowns and oxquisite dec- loationis formed aieiituresque scene. A -~'e'rrîmber fromn Toronto, Gohourg and siurmoundffing towns and country were pres- elut and enjoDyed tuÉls ovent, wih is ai- wVaysý Sc, very ,ppular witi tie young 1Thie romains nfI tic late Mrs., T. H. Claytoni, Wliithy, wemc bmougît hoe for untemmnent in Bow-mauville eemetemy Wedl- aesa' a.flemnoon. Deeeased lad onfly neen il a short liie iaving suffemed a stroke of paraly,ýsis last wcck. Hem maid- en nmne was Grace Yelnd, a sister of the laIe Mms. G en. Tamlinson, Bowman- ville, and w-as wvell knowu to many in this townl and vieinity who sympathize withijVIr. Gîn-yton and family in this s-ad Anothler gond friend of THE ýSTrATES- MAN lis passed 10 bis rewaa-d iii lie person if Mm. lr 'ex. Rigýgs, Eniniskillen. We thiînk ho h-las bold ois that lie h-as heen a ;ubs, errfrom fle first isuelu,84 Fie w-s an of stirlinýg iuteugrity and 1-s-y ctin usbusns tascîos rie senior- editor is sretlint ho wili le eulse-d if le says tint a fe-elinig of sad- îess comes over him ' S oancafter anoriecr ho motn and wvom-en wio h-ave been rend- cms of this paper dluring tic more I-n32 rears of is editorial connection pass fromn luis stage of netion. G UMNTFO'R SIS),, STABýLE LOO IOG ~ ~ ~ ~ r PES1EC1Wr hadig tic 1)es t mIanulfac'ture 0fG-an-adi-an Pomîland iment and sli-ai ho pieas'ed ta0qunOte on mi job',-s requiring cenment, also 10 ak rsiae. CaOI' tilgeln-ucofir fme sooka, Wlal ic Faaser -au do Ih r1B- Lehligh coal from E. W. L-oscombt Ladies lhair rolls, ail colo-rs, 25C eacha Bron &,Co's, Buy Newtonville tickets for excursi<i 10 Toronto, good for 2 days. B3argains fer everybody at B3rown5 Co's. See advt for ist arnd prices. Arrange tb atteid IDurham Oki Boys annualR-ninavid Banquet F-ob. 27. F. H. Mason & Son has the latest an( best tree Pruners. Be sure to see themr. Order ail your funeral designs or cu flowers fromn S. J. jackman. Phone 808. WXe have a second hand Deerinïg Binie Drill and Mower for sale cheap. F, H Mason & Son, Haven't you a friend who would like tc receive thiis paper regularly? We'll senc it to end of 1911 for 5o cents. Phone, write or eall on M. A. James a once if you want Newtonville tickets fci excursion Feb. 27, good for z2(diys. L,!ehigh coal is harder, lasîs longer and contains more heat than other coal. Sold onIly by E. W. Loscombe, phone 177. Couch, Johnston & ryderman a re selling off the balance of their ladies' an. c-bildreni's cloth coafs at exactly half-price. There are more heat units in a ton àd Sranton eoa-l-thn-ini-an-eoal -produeed. Egg, stove, nut and pea sizes for sale b: Melellan & Go. Limnited. For the best sprayers see F. H. Mason & Son. Good morning,? Do you use Loscombe Goal? Boys, get your marbies at Brown & Co. 15 for le. Buy c rockeryva t Ar-chie Taît's while the big sale ison "Locome-Gal"is Lehigh Valley Spryer whchfruit growers recognize best at F-. H. Masoin & Son's, Great 'Dnpo(rtuLitify to save moneyis ai Br n& Co's sale of wearing apparel. Al kinidsofMis Ruifs and Stoies ai about cost price at Couch, Johnston & Don't raaa$rchie Tait's advt. this week unless yoý1 -'ant a bargain ini crockery or giasswarez. The economical man insists on using Lehigli Valley Coal, Sold'oniy by E. WV. Loscombe. Dont fail to read Brown & Go's. advt this week. Many a dollar wili be -saved at this sale. Men's and Boys' Overcoats selling off at 25 per cent. discount at Goucli, John,,- ston & Gryderman's. SGRýANTON GOAL-The standard for over 40 yeýars-foý- sale in ail -sizes by Mc- Glellan & Go, Limited. Ladies' Fur and Fur-lined Goats selling off at greatlv reduced prices at Gouch, Johnston & Cýryderman 's. If you noed anything in giassware, crockery or iý'i:1ia now is the time t0 buy at Archie Týý-/s clearing sale. B efore stocktaking you can buy ladies' and children's cioth coats at exactiy haîf price at Gouch, Johnston & Gryderman's. Buy Newtonviiie tickets for D, O. Boys' Excursion at STATESMAN Office, then you may remain over niglit at the ' an- quet and Re-union. WYhy humn your money faster than is ne.cessary?- You will not if' you use Lechigli Valley coal. Sold only by E, W. L-oscomibe,. Phone 177 Ladies' and gentlemen's fur coats re- covered and repaired on short notice. Oýur w,>in-ter stock of overcoats have ar- rived and are reïadýy for your inspection. j osepli Jeffery & Son. Thie best is the cheapest; Scranton coal is recognîzed by ail the leading dealers i Ganada and the United States as the best coal. Severai cars fresh mined just me- ceived. Mclellan & Go, Limited. To avoid influenza eat sparingly, drink feely of water, hot or cold. Eat cereals, oranges, apples and- other fruits. Avoid brain exhaustion, keep the feet warm, bathe fequentiy and ventilate your be d- room thoroughly. THE SALI OF 1THE EARTH is more than a provemb, as those who use 'it systemati- caily hiave invariably proved. We have a good supply of Fmesh,' lean, Goarse Sait lu good, strong sacks, and will be pleased to furnlish at reasonabie rates in ton lots or over. Gaîl and get our prices. Mc- LELN& GO., LIMITED. Someu good bargains in hardware are-_ stil! to be haci at Chas. ûL. Brown's, You cainnt beat Scranton Goal flor al roun-d c.domestie pumposes.- This is the g-enemal vecrdict' af Iler 40 years' experienice. We haveo a good suppiy in alsizes, Mc- Glela & oLimited. The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Extemintorputs it within reach of ail, and il can be got at any duggists. M\r. G. Morin, Frost Wime Fence Go., H-amiilton, was iu town-Wednesday inter- viewing his local agents, Messrs. I. L. Brown and W. R. Aluin. Ail cases of weak or lame back, back- ache, rheumnatisrn, will find relief by wear- ing one of Garter's Smart Weed and an d it said rnuch for the im-pr sionlhe lhas muade wben at the begitiing ,oitis year hie was pmciiooîed1the m cîa1hi o tendace cof tudenits is aot o hc is lar-ge wenwe consider tl1 ýt thelowest1 bi loein t'he _pub lic ahos e. The Churches. on ]Rev. F. . AndKerson4ïhas hen nvited b the Aneliasburgecircuit o en-iain a f:-fu & year. Rev.- S. G. Moe BAB.D., TrentoT 's' has been invited t. edni-siMeil Gior-Il, Osiawa. id Tich ellecto aen nI Methodist Chuùrci Sunday in aid of thl ut Chinese Famine Fund amouinetccIo tIl Jibýa1 sum -of$o. rReport of tic Dominion Alliiance coi, j venion n Toonto wililhe gven aut tii prayer metig bis TI* irsday ev.ning i. Iotie Methodlist Chutrci. d QuarterlyOfica Board of St. Jamie Metiodist Glu c etrbomo, have e>ý tended a unanimlous invitation 10 oRev. J t G. Bro, Mý,j. Aý., 1trmannotier yen:, Rev. A. Manseli Imwin, B.A,, B.D., New- castle, lias eeeived a hýearty and unanj. dmous inivitation 1Io Canlnington ou tie ex- dpiration of lis present' pastorate next Con- feronco year. Rev. H. V. Mouinteer, B. A. elbas accepted Newcastle's inv-,itation,ý BellevillTe Tabernacle CGlumel wiichhbas been uudergoing extensive epairs, will he Lre-ope-ueçlnxtS'-nnd-1a3,. Rev. Ltr. Gar- Yman, Genemal Supeinten-dent of tlie Met,9 odist Churci, will preac,,i nd iss Flor- once Emery, Picn, wil sing,. Rev. G.OC SJolin-ston, Tornatlo, wýill lecture Mondla' evcnling.- Tic Royal Wolsh Ladies' Choir under direction of Madam Hughes-Thomas ap- pleared le icMcîhl-odisî i oirci unde: auispices of tie Ep)worth eaucTiursday c eveinig.-A slnddaudliece tfroru townr and eouintry greecd 11cm. Everynni Ywas delighîýed wjiîtic i concert anld freely proueo i(l nule ofîthe ,st tiley havr e ever attenided. Tic(2 horus'esls, duet, and part siing shwedsplnui exres- tsion and cellntrenitou e tc esuht of careful and thomouigli taig Those who m _-ade ant efforlto 10,be preemt wce certainly well epaidl, Las treat's of thjs tint vwien Tic James Papers boom i, cpublic meeting îley-are suire nof its me and usually attend, A vemy excellent liternry programi was p)resented to Leaguers assembi!led lu tie MethocUist church Monday cvening, Mrs. W.« B. Tapson and Miss N elie G Couid le- ing in charge, the former presidiug. Af- ter sievotional exorcises, eonducted by Pastor Gambutt, Miss Gmace Trewîn rend Psalm I as Seripture lesson. Misses Nellie Burk, Margaret Kerr and Olive Mutton piayed n trio very niccly, Mrs. A. S. Tii- loy sang a solo wiich eve ryone thomougi- !y oujoyed, and Mrs. Jas. Deyian played an instrumental and ec i ved sud a hear- ty encore tînt sic gave a seconid numh&r. Tie subject fom tie oveniug was "Tice Lîfe of General Gordon. Readinigs wore givon as foilows: His Boyioood Days bv Miss Florence VanNost; His First Batties by Miss"Stella Mason; Chinese Gordon by Miss Helen Morris; His Life in Engiand by Miss Bessie Walsh; Tic Homo of Kiar- tourn by Miss Lillie MeLean. Principal T. G. Baker gave a short pactieni addmess on "'Lessoas woý may loamu from Gonemai Gomdon's 11e." Aller a fow suitahie well ciosen remamks hy Mm. Gnýrhu.t[thti meet- ing was elosed, everyonliavn spent a very'profitable evening, With the bith of a ciild tic "galeý of gifts is cbosed" and afler that te-aching and enviroument do lie rost. Goun it ez a success tînt opened- withexctin ànd ciosed with profit. KnowIdige tmu-lyv and essentially aises one maýn above an- other. Iu tuis universe man hecomes his own star. As great vital prop)ositions these adages were weli illustmated bIy Rev. John Garitîttil n addres parenits Suniday morning-on Glîild Traîn, ing. Ho did not take a seripture lexýt. H4is subjeçt was tiechGurdh's Most Valuahle Posses-i sion. Ho ield parents responsible for. the usefulness or uselessnoss of thecir cildren 10 tiecehurci., Boys and gir-ls arc a coun- try's most valuable asset, and training in home, Public sehool, Sahhath sehool and ehuren usuali'y determino tie value of lie aftom 111e of a ehiid. Witiouî the parent's help noue of tiese agencies 10 a ciild's mental or moral gmowth eau mnder besî service. The dhurci wants tie young mon and young women. It offers great opportunity for service and geatiy needs their ielp. They are its most prieeless possession. The speaker dcpiored the Jack 0f revemence for saered things-tie bible, tiec durci, the Sahhath, prayer aud1 other religions services and :ordinaneces. Ho eouniiselied parents 10 try 10 interest childmen more in the religinuis life and dodosof Sabati eboolaud drci and tils cold bho donc h y settin)g them a wortiy oxamp iî - attending roglamlyl themnsoives, Ho had ulnpaiO fr parentlsi wio sent thie-r childmen tolitchur l ad scinol but neglected attendiance themlsel- voes. Ho liked 10 see ail mnembers of lie ciildren woshipping toohrin God's house, Tic old adage sii ]wears we-- "As tie twig isboutthle troc i ciin"- as doos also lie seriptumeinocto "Train up a child ii n îl way lýe shiould go and wheuuti lie is i od ho il vihnotdepar frmil, MANITOBA? A LBEýR TA TIASe Kiy Aog i li 1OWCOLOi'STRTE miii Iu~,~suuet uni efueclu - Special Trains WiII i-ave Toronto Eaclu TUESDAY iIARGU a-ad AI'RIL 10.10 P.M, Cotonist Cars 10.i 10 P!.flil Winnpeg nd WeCr C. B, K-EN7T, Lôcal Agèt Notices e! irtîS, 25 cenits; marriapres 50 cents; DeaIs, 50 en, eah nsrto Wls'eui fuusuenui cail ae riitecl at this office, insertion free. -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Mie W a. hapna, sus M 1 L, D. uaisan, asiU i Em n Essey aso Mn.ethaoduiAibeh -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b Fe. atbyBeCha.aslos . Ms -~ ~ ~~~~, MisLna auhe-c r. John Smish, ai * Sa N Mn. Jamses Stone, Newtonvilie. DEATHS. S'çsrAtWebbwood, NoS. Cish, Aissîzo W. 'SpeosePe-teps Roun-n Ma-ipes, Fr. mth, Mm. B lizabeth ,Boaed 65 years. HOcm-At bis laIe esidence, Cebouirg, Feb. ~miuLEr TuDaningonFeS. iS, Lloyd, son c'f fi!u Ginbleth, aged 5 yen ns anS 10 nionths. u-La Oshawa, Feb. 14th, Sarah Dundas, roet 'f the, late John Sunith, in hon Siot yeai-. , IlÀw COR -Ini Oshawa, Feb. iith, Agnes Thora- heu, bilos l wifeocf Mi-. R. Lawlor, in lier Yir, WRvtiGuoT lu Fn'-ersille, Feb. lSbh, NMatiia Wu-ibt, eliof he lte in. i',i glit, ou., aged atI -sono CgeAhloî Hpe Fb.l7i, Coluuan J, McGLîvay t Gelp, Fh.14, Lieut. Col. V, yro, Tiliby, Pb.V,, raeYela1 i rise i f, Mn. T. î1iCntn ge 8yas el, RS cxýii,, KAhiagaalns, Nsb. i8hb, IN IEMORIAM. lu ovisg neuotyof il]liam Thomsas Johns 1' tbukc eudiyaSwill te the end Thu-c yarshaseiaseS utstilP fues ln u r minud oatiear t o, h s-sa vig anod kiuîl. TIse flowcrs we tay ruponjIi-isgause Eut th ov orhmniho sleeps beiloath Wliliseven3 fad--e away. "Lest We Forger" E. R. BOUNSALL, Deoî,,ner and Dealerin MeunnTabiets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marbie. Bowmanville, Ontario. r FUNERAL DIREGTORS i L. Morris80 &ri Sonj [ Most Conipiote qimn Sunday and no,,ht cails proniptly attentted te. BonvllNPones10-34 GIRLS W ANTED-To iearn -love -.niakzing. 4ppiy. te D),ahix oi îs VEFiCTowRYBoW. ARLIED M711A 1 EDr,-oi farm nerk., Apply to- lJon-,Dtcn, "Eipioghani", Bow- ianville. Stf W RIP "uignentb learn architectural and noochanicai drawing, orre W LIMJTEo, 0shawa. 1 T O MILLINERY -APPE,N f 01. Wat TIJy March lot. Appiy t. f Dn; & Ce., Cen- tral millinery, Bwnnîj5 -tf MAALN WANTED-Tlo w o n fallu. Coýol waes eqteerigb t WILn.Apply tb A. E. BELLMXAN, King-s., W es, w ianville. 5el M ONET TO LOAN at fbye, and byveanud a haif percent onmioregage seeurity. PrivaIs hindi Apply b R. R. LOSeOsianr, Barrister, Bow- mnvia n vi ie 3 -tf W ANTED A YOUNG -ADY 17o wor ik in DM,%. Tîîd's eonfectionery store adteeen 'parlo-. Good houiîîs, etc. Apply b ltter statig salary sapec t,, [teD. M . Toi), Osbwa.8 1 ADERTISER wouà id lOto share a car with any one going to saskatchewau this 5'prtug. À Ile has a horse and soine othe r freiglot for tranbsportationi b that Pi-ovine. T1H0. SuuRT, Courtie, ont,. 1 - ,OUSE TO RENT-Brick hou,,oC~ornerEli and sud uIoîession streets, Bennianvilie, Con- ttiing 1L '0 roosselectrie iight, furi ace, anci other ý,ýeonriences. Apply tb MAuvi NBerme., boxi PT, Bwint].Phone 42. itf 11 0 1'0TOLT leii honsoeconitai i g igh r sie, tuatedcii oConcession str'eet, ilowiaîiille Iat resnt lu the occupation cf Wlliai Cappî, Equir; ps~esionon or abou lthefirt lay cf April inext. Apply to îv. M. RoeaR wianili.21 1 1 SE AND O O AEBiklos eoutaning6 ronis: ood~s, mlud sable, hard ul sit wer; ocf Ivision ad ticulars apply to, Mas. s. M[ae' ntros. Bown anvlle6 4 FARM FOI, , &1.Ff R o4E)1170aces F lot 19, . t, Cla;rke, 3 oues eastNe - aste n Busine utabe f r anin5 or drying ceeï ms hr fn;suali orcharil by laeL .Tsupo.Apiy on promises or M rte o ox 04 Necatle, P.O. 613 SEALED TENDERS. Seard endrs ddrosel btheundersigiiel Mill be esivl Ip'e, rh7th., 1911, for tie ion o a Shoot onusfor St.Lou eau l, be m at Mi-.Hlarry Cans ffice ou anu after Wdisr Feb. 22n,!. Theiowestor any tendr no neessailyacceteS T. A. NIND, Chairmuan, 73 Btosviniille. ]FARM FOR SALE, 120 ACRES (lIois onces> kîîo nas e viii. Thini, heinu parts of lots 9 anS , c11 on 5, Clarke. The farîn is Well aapted fOr, , eher grain grewing oriry urpse ,hre beiiig about 10 acres ofxcIieî as"r mS ith'a- good spigo ae-cnein.Teeis aise three acl',s of bilh. On he remiesre god, up-'-:toaefuanie ieuse nS bmno wt Éonë stables. Welah ieus mdbarnoIl Vhs fanis- i .Weil loae ithii in 1nus cfC.N. .n'y sttiusatStrvile' Rra1ai1Dlier.For TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE BY TENDER. herseso11 I1à, bic pîutrybosoaliapl rea Record-BreakingI of China and Crockeryvý Contin tieso OUiR selling-out sale of Cina, Croeke(my and GlaswaeJias1ben record-breaker for big sales, gecu!inehaafuadrelst- faction to our many customers. Our sokin dthîs depamt- ment-lias heen-redaced from-$30(00 to -$120o, aîîdaihul somewhat depleted the assomtmenit ij- the var i ines fort The foblowing is just a few of the money-saviing hargains eu offered:-- will be clearing at..................95 o 47 4-dozen common bamps, reg 75e 1 o 4Oufor. e) o 25-eca'dIl Jardinores have bem- redueed euierbyand teeaesiism good bargains at....... ...... ...-......28 t 25eeah You had better humry if you Xaiit togt a toilet, set ab cost pics Wýe just have ïafewleft $nic rnt$.5t t2.00, VWe laven't muci li]'mons h- etbttcblneo i lts caps, saucers,c, are goîing utî big reduei(tionsi. Tirce tables fild with odd linos it. cinia aud lasxvretoomie ous to mention. Com-ein and pick out tyo at Remember it ah goes at about eost pxices. 1L-44-pieee china tea sets with green and P'ik deoraionsl. " $5 for...................... ................ .....00 1-96-piece dinner set of limoges china, reg $257)for.$ C.0i0 8-ony-dnner sets left, ranging from. $20 to 1I)5 oweer inig at ................. .........l5t$80 Gylass Tunîblers, large size, reg. $1peýr doz.r,,..80 dines1, reg. 90e for......70e small, reg. 8ý0e for......60 Bal ance of Parlo Y Stand Lamps, s ery pre-11t tydsîgs(ad tîmmngJ reg $6 to $2 for............. ...... ...$47 5 t $1,4 8--Hangîng iamps left, regular $2 6 hl hy1s e Our stock of Groceries is Élhe best, cleanest and, freshest and our prices are righî-t. Bring iii your fares produce. We are stilb paying -highcest pi ices in cash or trade. mi ARCHIE m~im The Popular Gr(ýocer. GRAT BARG AINS This Week in Ladies' & Misses' Coats. Il a ar $7.00 and $.8.00 coats, sale pice..........$.0 $8.7-0 coats, sale price $5......... à75 $9.00 coats, sale price. $10.00 and $10 75 coats, sale prîce .$6..975 $12.00 coats ale prce .......7,7 $12.75 conte, sale price ...8....00.. $1l4.75 and $15J50 coats, sale pr.o$97 5 $16.50 and $17,50cat , lepmce. $ ...j107i5 Also 15 Girls Coate butý prc Revgular price $3..50, sag r !,ite... .... ,, $4.50, sale...... .... $5.~ and$5,0, sle rice . 3,7 $6.75, $5,50,$6 aepe $45 Sateen Underskirts-15 only eg.$1,2-5tou$1.507 sa]sie to clear .............. ....................9 ai Sweater Coats-Balance of our ladiesses', men'ad boys' sweater coats at manufacturers' co-t pi ice. Furs ! Furs 1! Furs !!! Your choice of any fur in ticstr at ess than ost prie-a good assotment. Kuitted WOOl Goods of - ny kind at cost price. WrapperetteS-Best qnmlty fine twill at 10c a yard. Kimona Clotlis reuLar 20C for 15e a ya-rd, Mlen's Winter Caps--Meu's winter caps, fur laps,reua 50c and 75e for 39c. Embroideres-Foueing and corset cover embrojideries1 rcg."ý1" 25e, for 15e3cayad Blankets-Woo luesa lîbsl rcs Comort-Bd cmfote re. $.2 fo $ila Bowmanville.