i -t $.oa year in advance; ý$i.5o to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, 'UHURSDAY, MARCH--2, 1911., VOL. LVII. No. 9. M.-A. JAMES &SO, Poreos of ail Wi*nter Goods., Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman will from thi.,Sl1 daté sell ail Ladiees' and Chi*ldren's Cloth Goats Litexactly H ALFP RIC Ail Ladies' Cloth Suits at 25 per cent discount. 1 Ail Ladies' llampster lined Coats with [good western sable collars and lapets worth $37,00 for $27.00., Ladies'- Rat-lined, good broad=cloth sheils, 'ebest western sable trimmed, worth -$55. 00 f or $45. 006, Ladies' Rat=lined, fine broad=cloth. shelîs and, sable trimmed worth $70.00 to $55.00. Ladies' Ratw-lined, -extra. fine- shelis and best sable trimmi'ng, worth $75.00 for $60.00. Ladies' long Astrachan coats, worth 50.00 for $37.50 Ladies'long Bokharan coats, worth 65.00 for- 48.50. A-Il Men's cloth overcoats and winter suits at 25 p er cent discount. Men's rat=lined coats, good cloth shelîs, otter trimmed, worth 55.00 -for 40.00,. Ail kinds of muf fs, rut is, throws and'ecaperines, at- or about cost price; also a lot of Dress Goods below cost price. We wouild ennpha.size the f act that this is a Genuine Sale. Nothing lias bheett marked up and, theii tarked down, but our stock is toolarge. We need the room for our Sprinig goods and we need the mney to pay f or, thetn. Couch, Johonston &Cryderman. * *k TU SAfNDARD BANK* 0wFCANADA. Establishd 1873 * Savings Bank Department I.ghest current rates of Tiaterest paid on Savings 'Bank Balances.* S ý1e Notes Supplied Free. br Cus(Àtom lftiiranch enajoy the services of the followingf -anches,ý of the Baikin thie counties of Durharn and Ontario, ~ iewtnvileNewasteOrono, Biackstoek, Oshawa, Lindsay, SBrooklin, port Pry Pickering, Whitby, Claremont. Your Seeies a allle Nte-Pareegotiable at 'a11 of these14 I A. N. MeMilIan, MANAERBowianlville Branch. BAtIKOF MONTREAL ESTABLISIIEV J1817r Capital - $1 4,400,000 Rest - - $1 2,000,000 Total ssets $1(83,169,159 Savings Banli Departmeti Iiead Office, Manager, Bowmnanvllle Branch. DR. J. C. DEVITT, I DEN TIST,I IGi duate oif Royalnal CollegeToronto. IOFFICE. Telnpeirane St. Bowuianville,I I doit0off Einig St.) IOFFICE HOURS: li 4 . m. to 6 P. ni. daily jexýcept Slniday. BLACKSTOCR: lit Moýnday of each month. Willbe at Bowmanxill,, office rest of Miîne. lA Business College I ~course., wiil pay if it is taken'ta od sio. le There is noue bette r han theo(r3sh M *Ametricate Business; Coleoe, Y. M.L C.M *A. Building, TLoronto,, the school that * nany of theforemitbusin- ess n ofM Canada have atnddStudemîýts enter- ing shoulPrrnti fw T. M. WATON, Farniers'Ateio Why comsmit premium note county Mutual yoursleives to laiiyin a hemypu cari itîsu're in suiÏc cori p iinie as tise London, Pêrt1i & -Gore Fire Insurance (}ompanies at fr',m 50e to $1.00 pet hbundred of Insurance aî no prem- hum note. I represent these three companies whicli are a- mong tIhe best doing farm busi- ness in Canada itnd, rates as iow as the iowest. HARLYCA N N Thse City Hall 1-sisrance Mai Ph«-o 50. BOOTS CHEAPý OUR ALTERATIONSIS The installation of our new store front will flot. be permitted to stop business. Business is being conducted thro the two King Street doors, and a temporary partition cuts off the east side work now go- ing on. WE'RE CROWDED FOR WE ARE ANXIOUS TO SEIL." WE ARE $EýLLINI CHEAP.ý You run no risk here of getting the trashy boots bought so)ecially to put o n bargaîins. Our boots are just wbat y ou are looking for: Durable, of good appearance and inuderate in price. THE BURNS 00. osHAWVA, ONT. MAIN FOORf CORNERS. ABOUT RECI PROCITY. OPINIONS 0F DURHAM COUNTY MEN.' Toronto Daily Star sent a staff editor to Bowmanville and Port Hope lait week to learn prevailing opinion on the recipro- city agreement now being consideredby Parliament. Large space was devoted by The Star to the interviews but we can only afford space for extracts frorn them: MR. W. G. RUNDLE. Mr. W. G. Rundie je another influental farmer who favori the pact. "It h gen- erally satisfactory," hie testifies, "and will benefit this district." MR. A. E. CLEMENS. Mr. A. E. Clemens, ex-president of the Agricuitural Society and ex-Reeve of Darlingtoni, sees a fine future for the beef trade under the tariff pact. "I'rn looking for a better mnarket for horses, too, and 1 think perhaps there wili be a litile differ- ence in barley." MR. W. E. JEWELL. Mr. W. E. Jewell, President of West Durham,, Agricultural Society, believes the agreernent juil the thing for the fariner, and a fine chance for the barley grower. Hay wil self at a better price, and il xviii help the dairy business, too." Speaking for hirnself, hie declared that 4"we lbit $500 the first year the McKinley tariff on bariey 54 .s iîrî-posed." Ma. W. J. BRAGG. Mr. W. J. Bragg, a large apple exporter sees particular beneit 10 the fruit growers under the new arrangement. He believes it wiii advance the price of grain and live stock. "The fruit -growers of Niagara may have a grievance," hie said, "but 1 beieve the remilt of freer trade wiii be to, encourage the growing of the better varieties of peaches. If there were no politicsin thîs country 1 dont see how any farmer could be otherwise than favorable to tihe agreement." 1MR. C. REHDER. Mr. C. Rehder of Bowmanville Foundry Company says that some parti of the coun.try Will benefit. by-the--reciprocîy- agr-eement, though hie thinki others wil not. "Freer trade is here, however", lie added, "and I'm flot going to loic time worrying over it. I believe that some of the Westerners would not have grievances either unlesi they were told that they have them. They are like workmen who feel quite contented with their prospects until some agitator with an axe to grind tebls themn how unhappy they are.". COUINCILLOR GEo. A. STEPHENS. Councillor, Geo. A. Stephens waà verv emphatic in taiking the malter over with The Star. "From a farmer's îtandpoint" hie said,,"I certainiy arn in favor of free1r trade, The- agreement, if ralified, wil advance tfie value of iarm lands, here- abouts. It wil be -a great boon 10 the apple g5ower. Not onbly wi-1i he be able bo dispose of his lesi desirable apples in the United States, but hie will find iriNew York a fine market forv fancy Kingi and Snows for, table use. I believe we cao grow those apples better on the north sihore of Lake Ontario than anywhere else in the world. I fancy the removalI of duty on barley will mean an increase in the amount grown in this district." MR. THOS. BAKER. Mr. Thos. Baker, known ail over the country as a breeder of shorthorns, is evidently a vigorous personality. "Do you like the agreement ?" hie was asked. "Like il?" was bis counter query. "Why, say, if you have a product 10 seli wouldn't vou sooner have two markets than one ? The arguments being put forward by the Opposition are the greateit rot that ever existed. They know in their bones, the sensible men among them, that it is going 10 benefit the country. Person- ally, I tbink-that there will be a good market for our beef and mutton in thse United States where the population is in- creasing rapidly and tbe production of live-stock not increasing. And if- I have good horse here the Yankees want it, and are willing to pay for it. Say t he ex- elaimed, "taking the shackies off trade can't hurt people. There are some ob- jections, of course, but do:von tbink these C. R, R. directors and otisers are really fretting about the farmer? This tabk of annexation is,, of course, ail moonsbine. There is no annexabion sentiment here. The- 'more prosperous we are, the more contented we'l be. Isn't that right?" Mr. Baker is politically prejudiced in favor of the agreement, but lie puts bhis case so strongly that il is worthy ofconsideration on its meniti. MR. F. B. ILovEiIN, J. P. The most striking tribute 10 recipro- city, bowever, wbich the Bowmanville district furnîshed carne frorn F.. B. Love- kin of Newcastle. "I arn a Sir John A. Macdonald Tory of forly years standing," hie said, "but I arn in favor of the agree- ment with botb feet. Il holdi ont every advantage to the fruit grower and fariner. We're goîng 10 have a new rnarket opened to us. We're going- 10 rade with the i-ichest people on earth on an equal basis. Theres no occasion lu, beat the big druin of Imperalism, juit let's- attend 10 r knitting. Even if we found 1h" new market of no advantage, we wouË stili PROSPEROUS INSTITUTION. The tbirîy-eigbth annual meeting of thse shaneholdens of the Ontario Loan and Savingi Company, Oshawa, was held at tihe office of the Company in bisat bown on Feb. 16th, at which tihe financial 'state- ment of the Company was subrnitted, which exhibited a moîl gratifying condi- tion as is usual with this Company. The report on another page speaki for itîcîf. The paît succesîful histor-y of thse company was briefiy aliuded to by the President, who remarked th? t il rnight be of intereit to the shareboiders 10 learn juit what the Company had accomplished duning its organization. It has been enabied 10 pay ils shareholders in half-yearly dividendi the large sum of $671768.77, and 10 dis- hunse to its depositons, debenture holders and thse cash incidentai to the conduct of tise business of tise conspany $915,028.75, or a total of $4,586,897.50, and tbis large amount has been earned upon our average paid-up capital of $266,000. The average dividend paid by the cornpany since, ils inception isaà- been about 712 per cent. and it has neyer passed a dividend, even durin g the crucial period through wisich Loan Companies passed some years ago, when many of them were compelled 10 write off tise greater part of their reits and some ot thern a portion of their capital. BAR-LESS BOWMANVILLE. Fî'omn Toronto Daly Star. Bowrnanvilie business men have appar- entby found a way 10 overcofine the moît serious objection 10 abolition of the bar in imallerî owns. They have solved the problern of accommodation for the travel- ling public by running a hotel thernseives, and it has proved so succesîful that tise other day they bougist ouItihe opposition hostebry and w411 now opergte, both. These business men set an example to ail Ontario when they preceded a local. option vote by depositing $ioo apiece 10 guarantee tisaItishe hotels would flot fobiow- tise bars into oblivion. They again set an example when they mîade good tisein promises by running a isotel which i favorably spoken of ail over Eastern Ontario. The fact that il has been ton ati lesi rates wilhout boss shouid be an en-1 couragement 10 other municipalities 10 do likewise. Il is probabby-true that not a few places THE CHURCHES. Rev, V. H. Emery, Piclon, will prpa,~ educational sermons in thse Mts Cisurch Sunday Marcis 12. Next Monday evening there willbcle union meeting in tise schoobnoom. of ise Mcthodist church when Mr. George P. Pound, Snug Harbor, Kingston, wili gire siereoplican views on mission wo-ý k. Silven collection, AIl are webcome. Rev. Dr. Pethic, paston of tise Joncs;-stý Baptist Churcis, Hamilton, formrnerby of( Oshawa, has received a cali from th Cisurcis of the Redeemer, New York aI u, saiary of $5,ooo. It is undcnstoodtia Dr. Pethick has decided not 10 accepl. Prof, L. A. McCrimmon, M. A., LL. D., of McMaster University, Toronto, who delivered an address before-theCnaia Club, Bowmanvilbce, a few weeks ago, fias been secured 10 preach anniversaryr- moons in thse Disciples ChurcisSndy Marcis 5th, morning and eveniing. Profýt McCrimmon is a very cloquent speaker.- AIl are welcome. "Tise Power of Small Tiings"wxas ti-1 suhject at Methodist League Momîday e2ven1 ing and was ahly discussed by Dr- . hp', Dandeno of tise High Scisooi staff. r E. A. Lo;velbpresided. Miss StellaMaa read the Scniplure lesson, MissLte Thicksonsang a solo very n;cel3 nd Misses Lena Horne and Helen Mitch!ell piayed a pleasing duet. TisaI was a capital id ea of thl puic- s crs of tise Toronto Daily Sa cdn one of ils edifors out 10 interview cain men ini the countty on the proposecd îci procity Ireaty between Canad1a andtise United States. We hsave beengral interested in the opinions giveni by Qw leading Conservatives, one ih Squi re EV, iý Lovekin, ex-Reeve of Clarke anda 'L of fat more than ordinaryitllvn and the other is Mr. S.O0. Taylor-ofA' rLt a man wisose opinions aiways'ca-rry wcegn,,ý1b. for aitho he is a prominent Consrait in pobities, is a man of iberai spiriï;L 1nid broad views-an up-to-date maiun tl ideas and, bas courage 10 express tsx regardiesi of wbose ox is gorcd. Sudcia man's opinions are valued aboverny. We have repnoduced these mesn's sae' menti for rcason's mentioned. Ti make excellent neading just now. FRUIT INSTITUTE ECIIOF whicis now hesitate to take advantage of local option woubd be, quite wiiiing t Tise Fruit Ingtitute beld in Bownm undertake tise expeniment if tisey were ville Fehmuary 22nd under auspices suret' baI ample -accommodation for tise Nonthumberland and Durham Apipî travebens wouid be provided in unicensed Growers Association was a marked suc-. isotels of bise samne excellence as those cess. These special Fruit Institutes arc, 110W eqpipped with bars. When bise cauîing a great awakcning among th, temperance men arc prepared to back up fruit growens which is so very greý,J,$ sncb a guarantec wM~ their money, bise needed. As a resuit fruit men arc takiLot,_, p)robiem of bar abolition is nelieved. of a keener intercîl in tise art of, iuccess iil' one of ils most brouhiesorne factors. fruit growing; and especial is Ibis tmuj,ý Anotisen article frorn Tise Stan is on an of spraying. inner page of Ibis paper., During tise afternooni sessions Mn. W. l Gibson, Newcastle, was in tise chair. 0,; IS0 entisusiastie fruitmen were preser One-Way Second-Class Set- Prof. L. Caesar' "O. A. C., Guelph,spi t1rýExcursions Every on "Sprays and Spraying."1 He itateý tiers'tisaItishe outiook of tise appie industrýywa Tuesday., indeed brigist, Ail fruit growerîsioi r - airn 10 bave dlean fruit, beabtisy trees aur Marcis 141h 10 April 25t1s -inclusive, via more fruit cultivation. This is one of ti- Grand Trunk Raîlway Systern fror ail best nernedies for insecti tisaI pupa te q points in Ontario, Kingston and West 10tiste soul. Scrape tise old rougis bark o7 principal points in Saskatchewan and Ai- tise trees, kccp down'tise weeds and r' '-r berta, including points on Grand Trunk roy nubbish in wisich insect pesîs are apr/ P9acifie Railway. Full particubans, rates, 10 take siselter. He stated most ernphatiJ1 liberature, etc., front Grand Trunk Agents' caly tisat every orchard should be sprýý.yet-d or address J. D. McDonald, D.P.A., G. T:' three limes cacis year: Ry., Toronto, Ont. I Sisortiy before, or as tise leaf buds arE ______________bonsting. Use lime-sulpisur, citiser comi-, mencial or isorne-ma de, cfrespondinig td LEHIGH VALLEY COAL. tise strenglis of tise commercial diluted - gai. 10 Io gais. of water. No poison as I hav beenrule is necessary. This application kilts I av benvery fortuniate in being San Joie Scale, Oyster-Siseli Scale z appointed tise'soie Bowrnanvilie repre- Blister Mite and belipi lu ward off Cani, Ssentalive for bise Leisigis Valley Coal Co. and Apple Scab, Tisis company mines annnabiy over two million tons of coal more than any other 2.. Juil hefone tise hiossoi horst U comipany wisose coal is îoldin Bowman- Commercial Lm-spundledî ville. Tissnot onlv speaki -webi for tise 30 or 35, or Bordeaux lyixbure (4.4.401 volume of business donc by tise Lehigi 2 lbs. arseniate -of lcad 10 eacb 4o j people, but abso for tise satisfaction gîven This application is 10 destroy ail ca t0 its customens ail over Canada and feeding caterpiliars, sncb as tenb-catei United States where tisey have been do- bars, case-bearers, canker worms and ing business for baîf a century. motisi, and to help against appie s Fourmor cas o Lehgh oalarrvedand cankens. 11 Fourmorecar of eisgis oalarried . Immediatciy, after1tie bbossorni at Bowmanviile station Ibis wcek. Tisey Use tise same mi'xture as for NO. 2, are tise original cars straigist fmom tise tise lime-suilp.isur need nul be stronger, mines. In a phone message frorn bie i1 0 rts odaxta ..0 corany'd s fc Ifar o Tuday they stapplication is chiefiy tg control Coc guaaneedties cas u cntinbis bstMotis and Apple Scab, but also f coal ever shipped frorn Ibein nmines. Le- greatly againît, Lesser Apple Worm igis coal is harder, lasîs longer and con- phum Curcuiio. tains more iseat than any cther coal on -Mr. P. J. Carey, of tise Doiniion F; tise market hy actual tests. Brainchs, Ottawa, fobiowed tbis, by a str 1 can supply you wiîis egg, stove, cisesb- address on vanieties. Hie oie nul or pea coal attise station or from rny stirling quali lies ot tise Spy, Baldwin, Szno up-town yard aI Finkle's Evaporator, MacIntosis Red. In tise case of tise la tç opposite Higis Scisool.. Office over Tise two varieties, it is absolut elv necess,ýamy j Mason Co's store, spray in order 10 secure fruit tisat is fre E. W. LOSCOMBE, from fungus. He abso condernned tI Ë Bowmanvîibe. cursed system of lump buyîng, as il w:, Phsone; office 177, bouse 144. poor business. Wisen fruit is sold in-,stp-. a way bise man with bis dirty, scahis wormy, uinsprayed, 2nd quabiby appiesrE D.W. E. Tiibey bas been confined to ceives as niucis memuineration as'does i Stise bouse for some weeks suffering with man for biis finit qnality sprayed 4ýr a carbuncle. He said tisat orchard pesîs were ste, Tise regulan meeting of Bowmanvible rn tise ieease and that frnit couldi vv muei , isuute'is hebd aItishe home longer he suc cessfubiy frmown unleis spr, ofMn E. R. Bounsaîl Friday afternoon. îng and thorougli spaying were cýar' In tise absence of tise President, Mrs. 0n. Nicisolîs, Miss Haycraft filied bise position. Mn. W. T. Bragg presided at tis(,eeVdn Mns. Bounsali gave a papen on "P repaning meeting. The finit part of tise evei and Serving Fis" and a number of mc- was devoted totlise Qsuetion Drawer. ~ cipes. Discussion followed by tise mcm- R. S. Duncanl, District Representati. bers. A splendid paper on tise "Preserva- Port Hlope, gave cont tise questions, wthic l ion of iscaltis" prepaned by Mmi. 1. v. were aby and satisf>actoriby answered -îb5 Watson., Perths, was ead by tise acting Messrs.Cea, Carey and Dr.,adi president. Tise roll eall brougisb forth a Afterward Dr% Dandeno cand Mr.M noimbenp of recipes for icing cakes. Cisoice Clarke, WVellington, gave ve-ry interL refressmnt e - smed attise close and and instructive addresses. Mn.Crs a cordial vote ot tisanki cxtended 10 Mns. gave a demonstration in box and bne Bounsall for ber hospitaiity. NexI rego- packing, whicb was indeed wei donc WAu ban meeting at Mmi. E. Bebiman's Friday wbich will pro#e very iscipfub 10 tise fruit Marcis 31. Arrangements were made for gowers in performnsg that part of h' a cereai demonstration by tise Quaker work. Oats Co. of Peterboro under, auspi2esý of Tisose wiso wcrc instrumiental in bris tise Instituite Wedncsday Marcis 8 in tise ing bise Fmuit Instîtute 10 BOwMa5ný SCou.ncil Roorn to which ail ladies in îown mient great credit for so doing. It pro, aind country are cordiabiy invitcd. Mi ssý a huge succeis and tise fruJîmien W Golidie, tise represenitabive, will interest al',bornle greatly pleatsed anid mucis benefii SWho corne. by bise practîcai information received, Je à, Bowmanvi île, I - - -- - - - Ontarîo. I - I -Ira