,,oAtraied te Eat-9 Dosthe fear of indigestion spoil the enjoyme o your meals? h needn't. Just take 1,and you won't know you have a stomach, They will see to it that your food is properly digested. They are among the best of the NA-DRU-CO preparations, compounded by expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale druggists in Canada. 50c. a box. If your druggist has flot stocked them yet, send us Soc. and we will mail you a box. NATIONAL DRUG AND CMrMICAL CO. OF CANADA LiMIT!O.' MONTREAL. IVOST PREUNÂN!_0OF TTIIISH Ë Nothing so Valuab le as an Inteigent Appreciation of God "Qod is a spirit," said the mas- ter, buit for that matter man is al spiritaie We are ail "spooke." Thse Bible says that no0 man bath seen Go(,d at any time, neither hath any man at any timo ever seen a man. We are kmn mysteries te Deity., Carlyle relates isow eld Dr. Samuel Johnson, the grand mogul of English, literature, used to go pokinig about strange places in Ceck Lane loeking for gists when al tise( while the strvets were full of th1emi, had he but known it; ho jo)sr-' ledJ th1em daiiy in the-tisoroughfare, and the good doctor wns himsecf a wraitis in a substantial ýenvelope te lio sure. Reca(u<se yeu bave seen mny clothes andq face nnd bauds is ne proof yeu h1ave seen me. I have nover eveni found myseif. Tise first and most pregnant efý trutise je that we are essentially spirite, and we como into tise bot- ter quality of living only as we re- cognize thie, fact and cultix ate our spiritual nature. "To be carnnliy minded is death," said St. Paul, "but te be spiritunlly mninded is lîfe." We enter tise world as littie ani- mals; w e eugist te go out of it great spirits. An old man ehouid ho more beautiful tisan a baby, for the baby ie but A CHARMINO ANIMAL, >irhle- the ol11m'snmay be a lofty, iondrous, fasci' jting soul. 7That thîls is not the )rule and that we- dread old' age shows that we have. flot yet learned wnat it is to live. To live, in the fullest sense of the 'word, is to, find our aime and en- joyinents in the spiritual plane. - Bi-tsepirituality mustunetbe too nar- rowly defined. It does not mean an absorption in religious emotions. That is eniy one phase of it and too often overemphasized. Whatever sets our pieasures over lrom the body to the mmid, f rom 1!XPE GTED DL-ATH ANY DAY Another Case Where Life Was Saved 'and' Health BRest-,ored by "Nerviliie., It is because he feels it his solemni duty to tell to thse world his faithin la Nerviline that Victor P. Ilires makes the fllowing declaration. "For three years I ias in the Royal Mail ýservice, andi in ail kinds 0f xvather had te meet tý ihe nigh.t trains. Dampness, cold, and xpour brought on sciatica thati JaffecteciO my left side. Sometimes an! attacký would corne on that mado e el powerloss te work. I was so nearly a copeecrîpple that I haci to givo up mi-y job. -I1iras la despair, oompletely casýt down because thse money 1 speet on tryin to get weill xas wasted. Iý aslspakIrng to my chemist one day,! and horeeommended "Nerviline." 1 had i this goo,-d liniment rubbed on several .iMes a day, andi got relief. Inrde to build Up my gen- eral healtis ard im- I OUREDprove my blooc Il f ~~p' sed Ferrozone, one tablet with 'eacii IYE RS meal.1 otne i bhis treatrnent four 1 C j I hve used, cil kinds of luni- Thnsand can truthfully say that Nexiîn l far stroniger, more pene- tutdng, n itiitely better than any- thn lefor r1evn ai.Iurge1 everyoee wýýith lumba-ligo, ineuralgia,, rheumatýim, or sciatïca to use Nervi- ( un. Tkeowit illcurýe themn." T 'ý isn'tja more 'h'ighly- este emed ~~i ctz luWest1 ýster than Mr. IRires.i What he says ca / 'be relied upon. For six yoa-rs since beieg.cured he has't hkad a single relapse. Don't accept aey- thing frein your dealer but '?Norvilîue.'" 50 cents per bottle, trial size, 25c; sold; evervwrhere,. or Thse Catarrhozone Ci-., Youca pinlîessly removo any, corn, Pither rdin, oft, or hleedinig, by , applying Putnnm'ýs Corn Extractor. It novr bres levesno scar, contaýIns ne Dscids; lulhamless, because comnposed oelOC a ieggms and balms. Fifty years j use. Cre guaranteed. Sold ly it rugîts 2c bottles. refusre %usjtts C, X 7M H AI~ES the fle-si to tise spirit, belongs'to fou r spiritual assets and helps gîve life- poise and permanence and the, quality -of immortality. The people do not yet fully ap- prociate the moral and civic value of the arts. We regard music and painting as mere amusements goed for those who happen to like that sort of thing. They belong to the assete of icivilization. Tisey assist in redeemîng a nation from brutisis- g e FINE TEXPERANCE,'ROTEL., First-Class Accommodation is Pro. vided-hIcrhelants Say Debts are Being Paid Off, (Special te Tise Toronto Daily Star from.a Staff Correspondent. Bowmanville, Feb. 23,-Local op- tion as it ougist Vo bc je exempiified in Bowmanvilie. Business mon of tise towu bave rua a temperauce iseo successfuily for a year and boa mont]ise, and tisis wcek bbey purcbased tise remaiuing hetel, Tise Balmoral, and willi erato bise two of bisem, Tise story je ene whicis bas a moral for otiser muaicipaii- tics. Wben local option wns firet broacbed in tise towu there were tise usual objections, tise strongeet ho- ing tisat if bise bars were abebisised tise accommodation for bravelere weuid go, tee. Thon business mon of tise place met tisis by a meve as effective and pmacticab as il was unusuai. Tisey cacis put $100 in tise bank as a guaranbebisat there would stil ho a botel ia Bewman- ville. Under these circumetauces tise by-law carried easiby. 11 RUNNING A TEMPERANCE HOUSE. Tise business mon formed a joint stock compauy and obtained a chsar- ber, tbc name being Bowman, Lumi- ted, purcbased tbc Bennett House and put $3"000 on imprevemeube. Tisere was a mertgage on tise con- tente. Tiscy abbowed thîs to ho fore-1 ciesed, and boughtin oniy bise best furuiture, preferriug te fit up tise bouse anew. Tisen bisey preceed- cd te keep hotel. Travehers say tisatishe Bowman House is bise heet bewn isosteiry be- 1THE OURSE 0F TU,ýE NATION 18 CONSTIPATION uF1u114.,thesJIAlong Cures This filsease A famous scientist states that Consti- pation,ornon-actionof the bowels,causes more deatha tiian al other diseases combined. Constiption inflames the Kidneys, ruixxs digeistion, is the found- ation of Rheuxnatisni, poisons the blo)od, causes leadi,2hes, 'Neýura1gia, Ner-vous.. ness and Ihsomunia. Constipation is causind by a weak or sluggih liVer. Bile, the ou'ly purgative of i body', is secreted by the liver, which in tura shouid pour out into the intestines sufficieut bile to move the bowels. Unless th~e liver is active, there cannot be enougli bile to inove the bowels regularly, and Constipation is the resuit. "Fruit-a-tives", the fanious fruit Me- dicine, will always cure Constipation bevause it acts directly on the liver- relieves the congestion-increases thse quantity of bie-and strengthens tihe bowel muscles., 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or« trial size, 25C. At ail dealers, or from Fruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa. A TIIRILLING EXPERIENCE. N'ephew 'of Police M1agistrale Ror- sey Tells Rfis Unele of Several sensational Adventures in Central America. MJMBER FOUR. Our experieuces 'acre many and varied, tise countries we snw woso henutiful, and somne day they will he quiet and presperous. For.my part, I tisink tisat a toumist tnip ýdosvn tisere is preforable te eune te Europe, and as there are five: linos cf steamiers unning, with everyý conveni 1ence and iuxury, it je a trip tisaItone would tlîurougbly enjioy, for il is cetainly tise laud of ro- mance: MELVILLE J. HORSEY. Otta'aa,"Feb. 22, 1911. fices for thse administration staff, and ini front is a bronze statue of Columbus with a kneeling Indian in front ofhýim. This -,vas1n0 doubt placed there by, the -Fjrench. Next morning at 10 o 'clock I eailed on thse Str. Zeappa. for New York, via Kingston, Jamaica, where we arrived on Sunday morning about 7 o'clock. It was very amusing to see tise diving boys- swimming out to tise ships as we appronched the dock, to dive after coins thrown' from tise ship. Neediess to say, that alltise passengers got rid of their email coins very quickly, for it was great amusement to seýe thse boys dive for the sinkiug coins, and come up and put tisem in tiseir mouthe for safe keeping. Having tirece urs here, five of us went asisore and had a drive around, and we were greatly taken with the .city. Fine, substantial bouses and stores have taken the place of tisose wrecked in the ýearthquakeý a few years age. Il feit as though I were nearer home when I saw tise Bank of Nova Scotia there. We drove out to the barracks of the West In- dia Regiment, colore-c troope, and they looked very queer with Zou- auve jacket, 13aggy trousers, white spats and turbans. Tisere are 2,- 000 in the garrisoz.. After a very interesting and en- joyable three hours we embarked again and the trip aiong the Island of Jamaica was a heautiful one, as a range of mount 'ains extende aleng tise length of -thse isiandc. This was our laet stop qn the way to New York, aithougs we could see Cuba on passing it, aise the Island of San Salvador, where Columbus first landed. IMhe days tisat followeaýê were very enjoyable 01105, engag- ing in dock games, telling yarne, -etc., wisile ahl looked forward tO reaýciing home., Many of the pas- sengers were f rom Souths and Cen- tral America. After being away for years, snany were the experionces and talcs of acteentures told up to tise wee small hours. After nine days out f romh Bocas vie arrived in New Yo~rk. Having beenseven menths away I wns glad to be able to take tise firet train out and 'be on my way h ome. HE DID HIS BEST. A'young man was once being trîed for murder, wheu one of bis frieude bribed oee-of tise jury with a isun- dred dollars te hang eut for a ver- diet of mansînugister. Tise jury wore eut a long time, and finally came in 'aits a verdict of' man- slaugistor. Tise friends of tise aoeused thank- ed tise jurer, and said: "Did you havo nisard bime persunding them to bming in maushaugister?," "Yee," said he, "a'retten time- eloyen of t'hem we're for au acquit- taI 1" Mihler's Compound Iron Pilla, only 25 cents for 50 dccc. Sold hy rui'y & Loveîl, Bd.wmanville. E WOULD ISOLATE -DRUNKARDîî) Tise cisaiirmaýn at tisednne f tise Bristol (England) Licensed V 1 tuallers' Asseciatioîs, proposed tisd cismonie drunkards sisould ho sgre- gateti, made te work at anu one trade,. and prevented from irîarr-y- ing until they are able te li-ve like other people. ACCENT ON THE BOX., Wife-"Joisn, wasn't tisat a gooýid box of cigare I gave yeo n Chri5ýt- mas?1" Hlushand--"I nover saw a bob' box, my dear." Mauy think bisat defending tis idea of Jesus je tise same tii ng following tise ideais of Jesus. Fýree to S-ýýtock a nd P OUItr Raisers,: Wc wili send, on the commoi horses, coltsa nes, 1jin the rule 0f coarse lust1, u"'n Lrono"aa """s 'ii. i We arrived in CeL greed, luxury, and blood thireti- it's a tees-up whether-a commercialabu3eclkeea nees. They are a part of the "king- man will stop off at Bjwmauville, aot3 lackoe f dem of hoaven." tise Bowman House givos tise casting onlnding found quite Thse love of nature, tise power Vo vote in fovor of a visit. Tise bar good hotels- and storeý got satisfaction eut of tise cente-m doesn't seem Vo be missed. SoftI walk along the street platien of the blue mystery of the drinks, cigare, etc., are sold, but sea, I came te the pori 1 ke, thse splendid spectacle of tise tise bouse practically existe wthoutî owned by tise United nigist sky and tise stars, tise loveli- bar trade of uven the "spiritles"entientisedferene(i ne se of icaf, and troc and flower, kind. rondse thedifgenaino tise impsng mnjesty of mountaîns, Tise remnrkable thing about thie We ds adgnrlc tise caim of rîvers, and -tise moods unclertakiug ef Bowmanville's busi- Wl aw taîl, soldier-lil of the grent ocean are also distinct ness mjetist it pnid expensess w ngoiwih mdemala aids in bringing our lives up out of the firet year, tisougi tise rates- -ttoiwt oenr tise sleugis of more bodily desires. $1.50 a day-are îower tisan in lic- au up-to-date fire et,- Not tisat tise body's appotitos are ensed, isotels elsewliere, of tise same sipe at the governi wicked. Tisey are goed. grade. Probably th.ey will ho raised worksisops and commis; GOD MADE THEM. soon. Tise ho)tel could get botter je wisat tisey caîl tise rates 'aitisout losiag custom. 8a0d0 wistes empl1ye They are good enly ns they are kept 8oowie mlyd in1 tiseir place. And more and more, THE EFFECT ON MOIIALS. tisousand laberers i. as life unfolde. tbey sisould fal Newcaslel, five miles from Bow- work, Tise bousesa away. And they will if you control manville, is still under license, tise agninet tise mosqtiitnes them and discipline them. All their tisree-fiftbs clause havi ng ben care je taken as regea fiery forces will pase ever into seul twice fatal te attempts te securel conditions, in lookiug power just as tise rotting mold soude local option conditions. Port Hope, bealtis of tise employec its filtisy juices jute tise plant stem by- the way je tise only otiser licous- scp's Palace is now.,use te rise and become white lily pet- ed municipnlity in Durhsam ceunty. ale bearing fragrance. It was tisougist at, firet that tise Thus begiuning as animnais we nearnesof Nowcastle would mean Work our way up te our inhcrited a continual pilgrime' progrese te - privilege as spiritual beinge ntsetst olc f Bowmauville people wide, beautiful and bealtisful seuse who are thirsty. At first tisere wer& of tfise word. By cultivnting tise quite a number who made tise trip, mind, by science,, by art, by imu8ie, 'but their pilgrimnges have practi- by tise love of nature, by intereurse cgîîy ceased. witis higis minded porsons, we as- Police' Magistrate W. M. Horsey cend eut of tise dirt jute tise sun- pays a remarkable tribute te tise lighst of life. resuit. "In a yer anud a haîf," hoe We ought te recegnize Hie spirit "Ty,"hoehx ee uyteEE"i in-His universe just ae we recognize drunks in court, and tisese were 2;02J a man's spirit in hie body. Out of a'botis strangers werking oit railwny At a cost of only two-t rational, sensible religion commun- construction work.' Prýevieus'to tise a day per Animal, Uoyaý ion witis Qed and with good peopleibltono iene1rnk ir Specific osakes each Anima we get what we find nowhere cisc, a aîm ost dnily visitore tiste court. cent, more. constant neurishment fer trutis, Assaulte sucis as usually recuit You1 neyer heard of any love, houer, self-control, hope and from drinking have nîmeet entire- or "Stock Food," doing U optimismn in our hearte. ly disappon mcd f rom this commuuity. Royal Purpio wiil perme DR. FRANK CRANE. Iu fact, I've been wondering whe-flots, Colie, Worms, Skii tiser tise court has net outlived its Uebility. anid restere rua- usefuinese. I snid te Cisief of Police topunesudigr TEE CRICR. Jarvis tise tiser day tisat wo hnd It wil inçrease tise miii -.bettor citiser go int ineolvency ot Sive pounds per cew a.day "Christ loved tise Ciurci."- get six moýntiss' bave of absence." rtwo e thrneer eks. Epis. 5: 9.5. "Abound in lov-, e Bowm anville mierchants say tisat MR, ANDREW WrRC toward anotisor."-1 Tiss. 3:- 2 debte are paid now-a-days as nover Otsy Tssi Filor this Tisy Cisurcis, O Qed, beoeihypitt oceecs have tried your Royal 1-We praise Thy sncred naine: os in wisicb familits have heen "set Specifie for twe weeks, on Led by Thy xondrous staff nnd r, <d,-on their fet" by tise bnnisising of, tise 6th I weigised lie It trenchs tise paths Thysainte have tise bar. pounds. I noticed a cha tTcd And now the business men have' 6 days, as there wss anE Thy essge o poclim.purchased tise second hotel, tise Bal- mnilk. Ou tise 29tis, I cer mora Hose.Resient sa th tishe milk, and sise gave w i y e s a e e p r e l i . m r a H u s . e s d e t s s n t a m r n g iv in g a n o r d e r f o r We unto Tisce beloug tisis sets tise final seal upon tise sm- consider 1.tishe best I have And in Tisy cisureli are feund: possibility of restoring tise bar te "Stock Food"~ will not d May ail Ths servants ho made Bowmanville. "tc od entsn stmoug ; 'tisa a mrxtitre of tise vor May enegest prayer and grateful Ye, yoursolf, grow on yîu on THEIR LITTLE WAY. Tt is net more food yenr Adferv ent love nbound. "W'on't you sing somotiig, Miss Tisoy must have sometii Smith?~" snid the isostese sweetly. hodies get aIl tise nourish Tise Saviour loves tise cisurcis "I'm afraid I can't," replied hecl food thoy'are gettieg. 'go 1Wicis worsbîps in tis place: visitor.buyo met' oîd fatten, and stay fat, al I And iselped hy altepast rcsearcis "Oh, inuteiseymueod1sometisingnte te cure dispase, and te ke( Hie gracieus message may ne searcis another visiter, "you reaily must. best of healtis, ail tise time. And-grow in strength and gmace. We know you have a lovely voic." "And we are dying te hear ycu," Not a Stock IHelp us Tisy churcis te love; snid anotiser.- - Met1t iypob oe ii ii fwaîos Ms Royal Purple is net a i Met wih Th peple ere: Wit a s.-h f warinss Mss or a "medicinie." It 18 Enriched witb wisdom f ronr above Smniths drew off bier gioves and went Tt dees net contala Gr May al our labors fruitful irove slowivy te tise piano and began hem produets. Nor dees it cc Tisat joy aIl hearts mny cheer. song. Tise otiser ladies waited until of any otiser injurious lig she was fairly settled. Thio they I'ur'ple does net merely ten Wisile for Tby cisurcis we plead took up and continucd tiseir con- or inspire tise Animal.: And look te Thee alene, sersation wbore il had broken off. ~rntsn t emanl With liiving iread antd spirite fe, It je a way they have. Inealtrutis Thy people lead; kn, HOIST.S( Ari mk~Tis goî kow-iI"î nmsi-îry te ho critical, my Pue la ahi prevniling îirayer dear," said Mm. Lambkin, "but tis6- May wo Tisy Ibrone addrýess: pie is net tise kind tisat mother a Tisy nevor-consing love declare used te make-not hy a long ebot" . at And witb Tby kînd and constant "It's tee bad, Henry," sald Mrs. came Lambkin, amiabiy. "I don't know R Tisy cisurcese, ricisly blese. what te do about it. Perisaps yeu'd mal T. WATSON. btter ring hier up over the 'phone Uniondale, Ont., 19)11. and tellliher. Sise sent it e.ver tis, 7 A. J[ aftemnoon." 1{ Knoc, an tie der wih h ope- t is lBotter te mec in loviingtisan Rya -'d forynt e ute gain by self-seeking. dabsolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large thirty-two-page booklets on diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you' how to feed ail kinds of heavy and light aud mares, milch cows, calves and fatteniug steers, also how to keep and feed poultry rwill lay just, as well in winter as in sumuxer, No farmer should be without ît. sud hoavy. And it builde Up tise bealtis aud restores tise former' plumpnessandvigor of run-dowu stock, io Little or ne tinte. Tise very ist time te use tisis Con- ditioner la NOW. It digeste tiseisard food properiy sud preveuts tise animais get-, ting indigestion or losing flesis. L0 per cent. Cheaiier One 50-cent Package o! Royal Purpie wiil last one Aninmal 70 days. Thbis figures a littie over twe-tisirds of a cent per day. Most "Stock Foods" le 50-cent Pack- ages last but 50 days, sud are giron tisrce times a day. But Royal Purpie Specifie le giron only once a day, aud late 50 per cent, longer. (A $1.50 Psul, centaining four tintes tise ameunt of tise 50-cent Package, laits 280 days.) Se, you see, it is enly neceseary te give Rtoyal Purple Specifie once eaeis day. Juet tisink of making escis Anmal wortis 25 per cent. over its cost 'Wh at will tisat mean te you. Mr. Stock Owner Royal Purple ecates an appetîte for food, aud helps nature te digest sud turu it into fiesis sud muscle, As a Eeg fattener, Royal Purpie bas 1ie ecjoal. >Neyer Off Feed Dan McEwee, tise borseman, sys: "I have used Royal Purpie Stock Specifie prsistently lu feeding 'Tise Eel,' 2.02j, largest wineer of any pacer ou Grand Circuit le 1908 and 1909, sud 'Hlenry Winters,' 2.10*., brother of 'Allen Winters,' wineer cf $36,000 ln trotting stakes le 1908. "These herses have neyer been Off their feed since I started usieg Royal Purpie Specifiu. I wiil always hase il lu my stables. Your Ceugis Powder works like magic.- For Poutry Royal Purpie Poultry Specific la our otiser Specific, It je for Peultry - net 9017 stock, It makes tise tlens iay Eggs la Winter as wetll as lu tiese ummer. M11S. WM. BIJRNIIAM, Sanford, Ont., says . "flear Sirs.-Tsis is te rertify tisat 1 have used two boxes of yeur Poultry Specific for my isens. Tisey laid so well wl'ile feedicg it to tl'em, 1 won- dered if you would mind scudlug me word how or wisere 1 ceuld get some this ,winter. 1 bougist it frona yonr agent last winter, I had 82 bens, sud sente days 1 got two dozen eggs a day ln Èeisruary and Marcis, wisile feediug tbem tise Specific." Royal rerple Poultry Specific. prevents Fewls losing flesis at moulig tinte, sud permaently cures ex ery pouitry disease. It mak-es their plumage brigist 'sud keops tisem always je prime condition. It makes your I'oultry worth more tissu tiey could oser be without it. Yet one 50-cent Package xviii last 25 liens' '0 days. Or'a É,1-50 l'ail will de 25 Hens 280 deys. This le four tintes more material 51. oniy tbree tîmes the cost. ANïD OULTRY SP iIECIFIOS Make This Test Every ounce of lRoyal Purpie Stock ndf Poultry Specific is guarantoed. To prove that Royal lPurpie bas ne equal, we nant yeu to mate this test. Feed Royal Purple to any ene o! yoor Animais for four neeke. And at tise same tinte feed auy other preparatiol, te Centralia, Ont., Fois. 7. '.10, 'lie W. A. .Ieukins Mfg. Co., Lendon, J Geetieron.-'ae have isecuenslnk Purpie Poultry sud Stock Specific aset îisree weeks, and must say t selle are remarkable. Ara feedi Stock Specide te two miiklong ceý they have increased 30 per cent. railk. Tise Pouitry results are exv maarked tss this. We- have abs boens,- laying age W ba wecenr feeding, we were geuting five aud e a duy. sud ln tise last fixe days ti fiock of hoe laid 150 eggs, aInm average of n1 'ecris day, and tise days have heen thse coldest tisis wv Y'eu eu nse results plaiely je tiscos days after tise use of "Roy;. pIe," and thse peuitry have ts hustle and appearauce now as le tise mer timoc. W itis cocos and elr usîng exactly tiese amiefeed ced c heforoe tartiug te feed "Roà 7.Fip W hon farmersansd atockmen gt qnainted wth IRoyal l'urple. it wïl1l a grester demand tisan ail othor ý sud stock foods on tise market -, mjIJ Y ours truly. ANDRIEWRI.t Aug, 28, 11 W. A. Yenki-ns Mfg. Ce., London, Ont, Gentlemen,-Last rail we had ie, stables a yeting mare belonging to Clousten, cf Montreal. We coiild feedliser eny brau n oueceunt of eau violent sceuring, consequently causieg te become weak and tisin. lie xnenced using, yeur Ilevai Purpie¶ lipecitte, aed tise resuits wore wen' After usieg it thre weeks, we feuen ce-,,id feed tise animal bran or any o. soft feed witbout scouring bier, and k> actoaiiy teck on lu this time twent.y- pounds cff iecis, v,3workieg hber w 1t samie time tiscougis tise Jhut. ï Ia Iîeartily reomen yurStc pit. Trramner for tise Ron. Adam iV-~ sny other Aïiîmal lu tiese ame condition. We aise ýmanufacture : Il Royal Purple dees net prove te Royal Purpie Lice lhuler ...... you, icy actual resoîts, tusat it 's tise Roiyai Purple Gall Cure ..... ** bea yu ve usdxc'l reur ~s ur Roiyai Purple Swî'at Liinient... 5, bestyoueveruse, weIl etur yor, oy al l'urple UoîîgisCure........5 -. rooney. Our Congs Cure wili cure any ocrdinra And we'1l esk ne quetions-make ne ceughisnlatour dave, sud wiibek j excuses. You will be tise judge - net us. sud cure distemper ln tee te c eedsy 1Tisis l an isonest test, isn't it ? We ' !. your dealer cannet supply yen i %q ask yen te make it because we kno our Royal PurpIe Brande, we 'ill îpi tist Ioya Prpl istis bst ondtioer yeî upon reeeil)t cf $1.50 a psu, pr oua tiseyare hebs Cniioe paid, for eltiier poultryý or stock, or il you seant any Liniment. Gal Cure. If you are net satisfied, aSter testieg Cough P-wder, wecr111 send Î11.by mci ýit, you den't lose auythingdo you ? postpaid, upon receipit oS price. CO~d upeStock and Poultry Sp(Dciflcn andC Fruee Bookielts can eobaedfQ The Kind You Have Always Bouglit, and whieh ia's btë ini use for over 30) years, has borne the slgnatnre coý. and bas been made under bis peru- sonal supervision since its lnfancy. F4&ý.AioWno one to deceive yon in this. Ail1 Counterfeits, Imitations and "IlJust-as-good"l are but Experiments that trille wlth and endanger the health oi Infants and Children-Experence against Experment& What fis4CAS TORIA Castorla îs a harmless substitute for Castor OH1, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. centains neitlier Opium, Morphine ueor other Naret substance. Its age ls its guarantee. It destroys Wor and allays Feverishness. It cures Dilarrhoea and W Colle. Ilt relleves Teething Troubles, cures Constîpat, and Fiatulency. It assimîlates the Food, regulates th, Stomjacli and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Thse Chîldren's Panacea-The Mother's Frieud. CEN UINF.C A'STORïýI.A ALWAyzmý The ind ol ae AlaytuBugof In Use F ror OCver 30 Years. ýtisirds of a cent al Purpie Stock rai worts 25 pe. iy other Specific., ikewise. inently cure tise in fliseases and - down Animais lk-yield three, to 3y inside of, fromt maakes tise milk 11,i -ofWaini'iett, ho certify that I 1Purpie Stock )n one cow. On r milk as 17 lange after 5 or extra weigist of arcfully weigised 22 pounds. I 5 boxes, as 1 te eveî used.- do tisis. liecause ig more et' loss ery tisings with ir own farm. Lr Animais ueed. .g te heip their imeut from tise ,o that thoy will the year 'round. prevent ditease,' wep them lu tise Food "IStock Food,"ý a Couditioner, -raim, aor Sarm contain "Dope,'t gredient. Royal emporariiy bleat It f attens and ly.