____________________________I ~e i~~n iiit~im. I AUCTION SALES. A Attend Lewis Landler's sale to-day. WE S w I BOWMANVILLE, MR 2, 1911. TuESDAY,_March 14 M. erbert Rogers, *- lot 32, con. 6, Darlington, niear Bradîey's * Mschool, will seli ail of his farmn stock B and ~~~~~~1implemenits, -nd a quantity of lhouse -________________ hold goods, furni,,ture, etc. Sale at i *o dïoc-k sharp). Secbis. L. A. W. * TOLE, auictioneer-. LIBERALtoltTc-7 alntn i gl ail, of his farm s;tock, implements, etc. B o iiia^ Sale at 1 o'clock1ý. See bis., L. A. W. [J ~ T I~ N S A CNVENION TOLE, auc:ionieer. F and supporters of the Liberal administra- will seli ail of lis farmu stock, impie- IN tien of Ontario will be held in the ments, etc., including five horses, ailti young, and fifteen splendid dairy cows. TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE, Sale at i o'clock. See bis. ON SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911, JRIAYM ARCBîHoPautiner. FRIAYMARR 7M. Russell W. Durham in the Liberal interest at the farm, wili seli by auction his high class forfortbcomîng lection for the Ontario farm stock, inciuding 20 splendid dairy Legislature. cows, farm machinery, implements, etc. At the close of the business of nomina- This is a large anid very important sale, tion, apubic meeting- wili be addressed so go early. Sale biegins at 12.30 P. M. M, en, W orbmeqvk;n lte &lre il.GOG JCSN 5 HON.A. G MAC AY, auctioneer. HON. . G.. MA KAY, TUESDAY, MARCH 2i-Mr., Herbert at Leader of the Opposition in the Provin- Power, lot 18, B. F., Darlington, wilI cial Légisiature, and others. All electors seli alof his farm stock, implements, and friends of good government are etc. Sale atip.m See bis. L. A. G e t e e ïKlGOD SAVE THE KING. WOEDY Ae- 2M.Rbr C'.hast. L. Brown & Co's. crilyivtdt rsnWDToESA, 20, cn. 5, Drngtobertl ril JJ.Smith, W. R. Aln Burns, lt2,cn ,Drigowl Président. Secretarv. seli ail of his farm stock, implements, T il We must make room for our Spring Goods, and Hampton, March ist, IgIi. etc. SaleÉat Ioloc.Sebis.L to" do this we are holding an immense clearing sale. ______-A .T,Auctioner. Rb Courtice, J",ToveiLties, n to Wemight bettet sacrafice these goods now than carryEN SKL N lot 24, B.F., Darlington, near Darling- them over and perhaps seli at a greater' îoss next sea- EN IS -LE ton station, will seli alof his farm stock, impiements, etc.' Sale io'clock. soli, how mnuch better it is to, take our loss now, and Our League en tertainment Friday even- L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. have the use of the money. ing was a most gratifying success. The TUESDAY, MARCH i4-Auction sale of We institute this big sa. elocutionist, Miss Madge McConnell, choice short hforn cattle, horses, impie- smallware stock and to, Mor Thn E er efoe.A.T.C.M., Toronto, waa certainly a "star" ments, hay, corn and roots, the property Your Dollars Buy M r hnE e eoe in lier uine. Miss Laura Bragg's solos of Wmn. Jeffre, living on the Kingston how small. During thi.5 were highly appreciated as was evidenced Road, one mile west of Whitby, sale reductions from regular Men's heavy working and driving mitts, horse bide, mule skin and by the encores demanded. Bowmanvillc commencingat 12.30 P. m. Lunch at .buek skin, reg-ular $1.00 to 85c a pair for..........69e orchestra always delîglits the audience 1130 a.-nM. WM. MAW, auctioneer. By'leathermtsasreC.e 0et 5 pi ...... to..2.. and responded most liberaily to the many If you are nervous or dyspeitic- try >~ Boys' ssrerg 0 o2oparfr.. 9 o 5 demands made on them. Lastiy the songs Carter's Little Nerve Pis. Dyspepsia I ais'adGil'Rigod lvs go ssrmnto ocr n by girls and boys of our, Sunday Scbooi makeés you nervous and nervousness Read this List Carefully. sizes, regular 35e to 25e a pair for .............._19e merited and received appreciation. The makes you dyspeptie; either one renders duets by the two boys, Hercules Winn you miserabie and these littie pis cure BAH9AýNSCALRE A L OVR T E ST RE.and Kenneth Mason, received round affer both. BARC INS ALOR AL OVE THESTOR. pi of applause. Proceeds over $37.... Lades ad iseswolln.mâsred buean bac, egla 3e A society of the Order of Foresters was SOLINA. Laie' ndMiss'wolln îts rdble ndbae, egla 3e organized bere recently. The members 1 J & 'S a-&l and 25e a pair for ........................................19ge clebrated the occasion by an oysteri t i3 yS a Ladies' Moeha mitts, wool lined, ail sîzes, regular $ 1.25 and 1.00 osppçr Wednesday evening .. . .The young Recent visitors; Mr. and Mrs. S. Short- for 79e; and regular 75e for ............................. 50e popie of our church were royally enter- ridge at Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. John Vice Hen's fleece lined unider'vear, regular 60e a garment for .. 39e, aind Mr. and by Mrs. John Cowling at Myrtie; Miss Gertrude Pascoe at Hamp -_________________ andM.anMrs. Fred Cowling at tbeir ton; Mr. R. Joncs and Misses Gertie and Boys' fleece lined underwear, regular 40e for ...................29eC home near Purpie Hill wbere they remov- Edith Scott, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas. Vice's; Feather-Stitched Braids Uen's tbll wool uriderwear, un"brinkable, regular 75e for.... 4Q- cd from here a short time ago. Previous Mr. Geo. Vice and Eari Hill, Oshawa, at Me's St George underwear, guaranteed ail wool and unshrinkab(e ota r.Cwîg rbdbe uio oe r ebr ihlCutca 6-yard pieces, extra wide, new designs, regular $1.50 for.......................... ................... ' ible Class teachexi in our Sunday School Mr. J. Reynolds; Miss Della Werry at reg. 4 yds for 5c, sale price 6 yds for .,5c Loss for years. Many bave gone out from lier Bowmanvilie and Toronto .... Wc extend 6 yard pieces, extra fine quality, new ciass and are filling positions of trust and our congratulations and best wishes to designs, reg. i5c, sale price..... ...... foc CONT ISS T IS AN THENRECRE YOUbelpfulness today..Sunday evening's Mr. John Montgomery and bride (nec service was a union one beld in Presby- Clara Nichols) and welcomc bier to tbis Padded Rose Supporters. en's sweater coats, grey with bine and red trimnîings, regular terian Church and addressed by Mr. E. 1. neighborhood ..Mr. Chas. Blancbard is $1.50 for ............... .......1......................... 99e Moore of the "Pioncer" staff, Toronto, moving to Mr. Robt. Burns' farm, Hamp- For womcn, with beit, rubber sbank, *Boys' sweater coats, grey and blue, regular 75é for ..........5..-9e wbo gave a vcry intcresting and encourag- ton ..Mr. Wonnacott bas leasced Mrs. extra heavy elamic, 4 straight straps, reg. Men's grey extra beavy ail wool soeks, regular 25c for........ 19e ing report of the présent ouîlook on tern- Arnot's farm norîli of the village . pie2c sl rc...........9 M-Yen's black wool soeks, ribbed, regular 25e for .............. .19o eac ok tbigbsoiinta hr aebe ubro odbe Corset Hose Supporters the time is not far distant wben tbis in- lately. Mr. B. G. Stevens represented Men's black cashmiere socks, regular 2 5c for ................... 19e iquitous liquor traffie 'will be buried lock. Solina Divi*sion at the Temperance Con- Kleinerts snap-on supporters, strong Stual boys' overcoats, beax er clotb, trisnmed with-brass buttons stock, ramrod and barrel so deepiy it will vention at Port Hope Monday...Rev. clasps, assorted colors, elastic î'4 lunches and neat velvet colors, sizos 21 to 26, reg $3,25 for . $..2. 4 9 nte eal osi, o pe h r end fteBpitMsin o-widie, sale price per pair........... i9c rj day. .. . Mr. F. W. Lee is suffering from a onto, preached an excellent tempérance Jus a ewboy' veroas lft sie 3, xcllet alusregla severe attack of ....... Mr. and Mrs. S. sermon at Eldad Sunday .... Mr. Bert Bis Hose Supporters $8.00, to go at ...... ......... ..$2.99 E. Souch and daugliter started Saturday bas returncd from E-ýngland and bas been on the returu trip to their home lu Stet- engaged with Mr. . i. E. Tink.... .At the Shield brand, one inch elastie in babic's, ASADEln DORM NEY RramiNrn tler, Alta.,... Miss Madge MeConneli and close of the Division meeting Friday chids', maidens' and women's sizes, reg. Mr. Moore, Toronto, wcre guests at the nîglit, Mr. Blake Balson was pieasantly 15c to 25e, sale price for ail sizes . t. oc only, 'boys1' ov2rcoats, sizes 28 to 33, regular $5.00 for ...$3,7"9 Parsonage...Misses Florence Clemens, surpniscd by being presented with an ad- vlen's overc.o-ts, beaver lotb, sizes 36 to 42, reg $8,00 for ... $4.49 Laura Bragg and Winnic Rogers were dress which was rcad by Mr. J. Baker and Siiko-Shine oayme' bavrovreatqultd ote cîar, ey ats gucsts at Dr. C. W. Slcmon's. Mr. S. E. Werry presenteci bim with a beavr oercbat, qulte, otercollrsver laestbeautiful gold watch before-his departure 5o colors, ail good shades for crocheting st'yle, dlouble breasted, regular $ 18.00 for .............. $12,50 to tbe West. He thanked the Sons ot and knitting, reg. 5e po, pos' O Onie beaveï- cloth overcýoat, quilted, Persian Ilamb collar, regular Tempérance and the churcli for the lovciy H air Nets $20 fcr....................$14.», ZION. gift. Short speeches wcre made by S. E. I4aslinied smocks, regular $1.50 for ................$1.19 Wcrry, B. G. Stevens, R. C. Scott, J. T. Silk -Red Cross" large sizes, ecd one in Mr. ad Mr. Jaieso andMissGar-Rundie, Foster Ferguson, Jas. Cam-eron, a saniayclodcvrwt arpn Bos'od sit, anin fom.. »........$2.25 to $8.00 M.adMs aisnadMs a Bert Buis, J. D. Hogarth and A. L. Pascoc an dawring, any icolor reg.10e fr pin Meesan Byw'idd su ps, aing fesront 0 fr......3e fatt, Stouffv;lle, spent Sunday with Mr. aail wisîsngini, ciyery succreg.in thfofar Meus god eav witercap, il îze, r,~uaî 0e or 9e and Mrs. G. A. Langmaid. . . . Miss Brown West. He has always been a wiilinig is visiting \ith Mr. John Cooiedge... worker in the churcli and Division and Dressing Combs. YOUR DOLLARS WILL DO DOUBLE DUTY. Miss Ada Cooledge, Oshawa, spent Sun- will be much mîsscd. Ubekbe ~r cv,8ice og M1eWs heavy braces, Police, regular 25o pair for................... c spent Sunday with Mrs. B. Giaspel .... aw.A, wmnwoi ek evu n M 'smocha gloves, wool liaed, regular 75e pair for ........... 59e and Mrs. Fursey, Miss Furscy and - Mrs, sleepless, and who bas cold bauds and Iet in black, reg. price 20e, sale price.. 10eo Mea's heavy flannel oveshirts, regular 90e for................. 590 Almond spent Sunday at Mr. J. Herring'S Caunte l aIrnd ctlke aiecili ron, High grade rubber combs, 6 assorted, ...Open Division Friday niglit whcn a Cre rnPlseulz h iclto tles, regular 20C, sale pric ........ i5e. 4V.en's mole skia shirts, ail sizes and colors, regular 75c for ...49e good program will be given. Everybody rernove the nervousness aad give strength t boys' wool shirts, sizes 12 to 13±, regular 40e for .............. 29c weleome... .Mr. Arthur Clarke, Milandan etBl kRu erD sig Tlannellette assorted, pini-, blue and gney stripes, good qualîtv, paid a flying visit to his sister M . Combs. 36 inches wide, regular '12 le yd for ...........i............ 9c Taylor .... Mr. Chas. Cooledge left Mon Asred xr go uaiy eg rc dlay ton tic West..Rev. Mn. Kennedy, COURTICE sotd xr odqaiyrg rc Flannellette, dark colors, suîtable for quiîts and mca s shirts, regu- Toronto, preaehed to an appreciative aud-- 30e sale pnîce............ ....... 22c lan 12ec yd for .......... .-..._............ ......9e ienee Sunday morniug on behaîf of the Dominon Alianc.. Th homeof4M.o Carswell Sons of Temperance wil Fine Combs. IT WIL PAYYOU T LAYDomAiSniLY andM i a..Cmeo wThe cete ofr o,,ia box social iu their bail on Tuesdav IT W LL PY YO TO LamyIN ASUPPY.-att rJatin iay evening Fte c en e vekmng, Mareh 7. Good prograni will be Bull dog brand, fine dandruff combs, Dhildren's bear skin coats, with cap to match, reg $2.25 for $1.75 about 200 friends gathered to show thein u seryteCpan fteenet e.pie1e aepie.....0 Wool buggy on cutter rugs ia dark colons, reg $1.75 for ...$1.39 preitien of Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Lan- oially invted. P rongambome ncss.de 9 der, their kind services, cheerful cff crilyivtd rga omne ede Ladies', plain and ibbed cashmnere hose, regular 25e for... 19e n semi hc te r edô h at 7.30 P.m. Ladies' black and tan hose, sizes 8-ý to 10, reg 25e for . ..19e oan stionf hi dearelWonsey Spnayers whieb fruit gnowers recognize Shieid brand, best quaiity, ail sizes, fuily Ladies' pure wool Lama bose, reg 40e for 35e ; 3 pai r for ... $1.00 Sask. Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, their best at F. H. Mason & Son'S. guaranteed, reg. 5e a paper, 2 for... 5c Ladies' pure wool Lama hose, heavy qualîty, reg 50c for..40C pastor, called tic gathening to order and Epworth League concert Wednesday Da in edè Mrs. Jos. Langmaid read tic following ad- cvening, Pcb. 15, was in charge of Miss ann ede Ladies' heavy wool overstockiags, regular 25o pair for .........19c, dress! Aimna M. Courtice, who gave splendid as- Bmt quality, solid or amroted si zesË.for Bcst ualikid gloves ( Stoarey's) he v inter kid, blaek qaad ftan, M- a- Mf- Le+Il-a er sitace-ote1po -am y _nd-îna oo oreot-neg 5ea-lp-,2per 5 feect at orclînary prîces. AUI ~ /A~ I you know that Carter's moQn Pis will rç- gonceorge. .. Miss Midçd e4 çnf9uîyJ 'itlieve lier, now wiy not be fair about it has reýturteedfon Istn r-ends and 18e CUSH ION TOPS 18e o kins f usomwok ro pty ~ and buy hcr a box, relatives at Solina ...Messrs. Kenneth v fattended. Good accommoda- Mardi numben of Suburban Life is thc Courtice and Wmn. Sullcy attcnded Tem- 75 Tapestry Cushion TOPS, 20 M tion, good work and quick big garden annual, and is filied witb prae- perance Convention at Port Hope Mon- biches square in plcasing. figure Iltical, helpful articles for tic amateur, con- day ý... M>iss Miuniel Penfound visited Mn. deigs oeinrchylow depach taining also a large number of remarkably and Mrs. W. G. Rund1e, Toronto.... s nwvni il elw fine illustrations. This is one Au-terican J. T. Littlejohflis is visîting -1Mn.Cpa reaadmnonsae1m ____________________________________________ magazine that will interest eveny Canad- Penkins, Toronto. M. Harny Piair bas ported direct fnom Bunopean -ian. Address, Harrisburg, Pa. purchased Mn. Jos-epli Bandsfanm. makers. Sale prc,ýecdi.,. . i ENO1al DOSE. Ln-V nvile'sLeading Store. VIARCU Ilware Sale, its are buit up from litti.e things. as count in the -aggregate. as and nickz nacks, for next to 'nothing. Ile of littie things to, demonstrate the completeness of 'Our impress upon the public that we have everything no matter is important sale you are offered these goods at remarkable 7prices. Save it for Reference. e, Comniencing Mardi 2nUd. Hat Pins. 1Extra large beads, 6 in a box, 9 and io inches long, black only. regg.10e per box, sale pnice per box .......... ....... 5c Collar Buttons. Gilt, t doz assorted shapes on card, reg. 25e a doz, sale pnîce per card ........ .9e Pound,Hair Pins Shicld Brand, large sizes and stnong, reg. lea package, sale pnice 16 packages for ..................... ........9ec Hair Pins Tic wouderful box, 100 assortcd pins, invisible, crimped and plain, graduated sizes, reg. 5e a box, sale pnice 2 for ... .5e "air Pins, "Orkney" In a-faney -box, 6 different Styles, 24, 3 and 314 inches, plain or crimpcd, reg. 10e a box, sale pnice 2 boxes for ..., ee Invisible, Hair Pins 100 pins to a box, any size. reg. 5c a box, 2 boxes for.................. .5 Boot Laces Lot no. 1, 36 inches long, for men and boys, reg. toc, sale pnîce per doz .. e5 Lot no. 3, 45 inches long, for girls and women, reg. 15c, sale pnice pen doz, .... 8e Lot no. 4, 36 luches long, for men or boys, reg. 5e a pair, sale pnice i doz for 10e Tape Average India tape, long'Iengtbs and wide, white oniy, reg. 3 bunebes for 5e, sale price, 12 bunches for ......,..... toc Blockeci Indian Tape Patented non twist, made lu England, widths o to 7, reg. 5e, sale price 3 roils toc Bunch Tapes Extra long lengths, warranted good quality, 12 picees, assontcd widths in a bunch, reg. ioc, sale pnice of 12 pieces. .5e Tape Measures Tallons, 6o inebes tape measures, neyer- sible, strong make, reg. 5cecach, 2 for. .5 Lead Pencis Plain on nubber tips, assortcçl colons, made in Bavania, reg. 2 for 5c, sale pnice Linen Threads Fly Brand, 3 cord Belgian linen, loo yard spools, black, white or dnab, reg. i0e a spool, sale pnice.............. 5c Dome Fasteners Sbield Brand, sizes 0, 1 and 2, black or white, reg. 5c a doz, sale pnice 2 doz. .. 5c Blouse Pins 3 iu a box, assorted designs, plain or pearl or brilliant settings, reg. 25c a.set, sale price per set............... _15e Hair Barrettes Assortcd sizes, canved in ambon and sheil, highly polished and pnettily decor- ated, reg. sold up to ,,5cecach for ..... 19ge Assortesl designs, shapes and sizes, nuctal fastenurs, reg. 15c ad ecab sale pnice caci ................. ý...9e Back Combs Assorted colons aud shapes, neatly de- corated witb brilliants, fancy earved and polishcd, reg. sold up to 75e for. .. 2-e [cMurtry & C'O.,' LIMITEP, BOWMANVILLE. Agents For But.terick Patternse Silk Embroidered Emnblems. For deeorating cbuldnen's suits, anchon, star and bar on ecd card, lu cardinal, blue or white, sale pnice per card ..... 15e Celluloid Hair Pins. Large size, 4 pins on a card, reg. price toc a card, sale pnice .........3 for 10e 3 extra large pins, sheil or amber, reg. pnice i8c, sale pnice pet card . ...,,.. ..oc Safety Pins, Carlton solid brass, sizes 1, 2 and 3, or assorted sizes, t doz. on a card, reg. price, Se, sale prîce 2 cards for.......... Bell set eontaining 45 duplex guaran teed pins, sale price per set........... Orkney, solid bt' s, with guarded coil, all sizes, reg. 10e a doz, sale price. ..,. Red ÉEmbroidereci Initiais Any letter lu tic alIphabet for mankîng lincu or cotton, special prce rer bnci Se Hooks and Eyes. Champion machine canded, blaek or white, reg. 2 cards 5e, sale price 6 for, q.9 Hooks Eyes andi Bars Dorcas, black on white, assorted sizes, reg. 4e a card, sale price 3, cards for, ý -.Sc La Belle, biack on white, sizes o, i and 2, reg. 7e a card, sale prie... . .,ý,. Wool Mending Best quality, tan on black, eaeb card witb a damner, reg. 2 cards for Sc, 4 for Se Orkney Skein Mending Pateilt folden with damner, sale price per skcin .. ................. 1. -.5e Invincible Mvending Wool 12 ounce balls, black only, reg. 5e a bail, sale price 3 for........7.......... l0e Pins Shield br'and, 365 pins, a pin for cery day in the year, neg. Se a paper, -sale pnice 2 papers Or 730 pins for......... ,c.e Shîeld Brand, 500 pins on sheet, regular tOc, sale price................. Lae Pins Fi-ne peani beaded brass pins, -,2 on a card, reg. 5e a card, sale price 2 for,-.-5c Thimbles 1Tic Wonder, 3 clectro plated thiibles to a box, reg. 5e sale pnice 3 boxes for ioe Collar Supports Celluloid transparent siieid brand, 6 on a card, assorted iengths, reg. 5e a cardl, sale pnice 4ecards for ....... ...S Witb double pnong, pins, peanl ain(> bnilliant studs, fincst quality and fn reg. ioe a card, sale pnice 2 cards fo-ý Dress Shiielcis Shieid Brand, size 2, washablc, reg. 15e a pair, sale price .. ............... l0e Shicld Brand, sizc 3, washable, reg. 20e a_- pain, sale pric.. ......-.....îC, Stay Binding ' In black on white, ' inch wide, extra strong quarity, rcgulanly sold at Se a roll, sale price-, 3 ous for..............Ioc 15c CU'SION CORDS 15e 50 cushion cords, fui lcngth witb lange tassel on catci end, &iý black, ne 1, green, yellIow, bu bnown, white an - tan, plain andl mixcd colons, brigit satinfiis - 1 1 >1 ýý - 1 - 1 ý i 1-1 ý - ý, 1 , _ , ,, ýý ý , 1 1 . 1 ý i: i - ý, l ii 1:1, < 1 Il 1 ý 1 1