Cenuine LUtte LiveVýrPlIS. Muet Bear Sgnature of see Fac-slm1lo Wrepper Below. voeY amafl nas c~i asy C ~ FURi EADACUL, EiTEFOR DIZIONESL I EFOR ýTORPID LIVER. PI F R SALLOW SKINj. FOR THECOMPLEXION A. E. MeLLAGHLIN. IrrsrSolicitor and Conveyancer Offce:-Illeakîlel Block, King Street Bowmnvile. ney 5.0 loua at Mrmesoa abe rates. 48-ly' B.J.Hazlewood, M.D.9C. lm BOWKANVHJLE. . ONT. OLD MEDALIST ot'rnt i ~3ferstyToronto; Pour vean Attendi i surgon tbM. Crme Kpi, rfuecd Residence WeiliIgton St. Te RoObon@ No.phlas. The Great EnIglish. Remed' ,iA Tones and invigorates the whot nervous srstemnakcs ne' Blod in od aels. Cures Neri eus Debility, Menta and Brain Wor>-y, De. pnency, Sexual Wcakness, Emissions. Sper matorrkoea, and fflecfs ofA. buse or DEcesse, -Price $1pur box, sîfxfor $5. Onewillplease, si 'wUI cure. Sold by ail druggists or mailedsfi plain pkg on receL p of pnce. D'en, yamphe mnicledyfre. The Woa Moicoine Co. Lformerfii Windsor) Toronto, OnI Engineers and others who relize thie advisabil. ity of aving their Patent business transacted by Eýxperts. Preliminaryadvice free. Charge, mre>ate.,Our lnventer's Advleer sent upori request. Marion & Marion, New York Iife Bldg, Moîf ruai and Washipzton, D.C. U.S.A.- STEAMSLIIP COMPANY, LTD. 1 re Yôu Sending for Relative. or' Friends ? Prepaid tickets issued from any point ir ýýreat Britian to- destination, in Canada Direct service. Liverpool to Halifax and Montreal. Glasgow to' Halifax, Portland, Bosto. )r Montreal. London or Havre to St. John anc lfontreal. (according to season) Low Rates. SUperior Accommodation. EarlY application for berths advisable foi March, April, and may sailings. Full infor-mation as to rates, etc., on applica lion to, M. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville. SyflOPsis ci Canadian i4arthwest Land Regulations. A NY person who is the sole bead ofa family or any maie over 18 years old maDomestead a Quarter section of avait able Doino land in> Manitoba, Sasli aehewan or Aberta. The applicant must appear in ourson at the Dominion Land, Agency or Sub-Agency for tbe district ifntry by proxy mnay bu made at an.v a" encY, on certain coniditions, by fatber, -A B Y-LAWI to autlo,s;.e andi con-j firin a etn agreement between thte-,T71. z' Corporation,ý of thte tcwn of Bowman- I vile andth /e Seymnour Power andi tlectrie Conpany, Limited, beaïing date February 27t1s, 1911, provicVng for the. sale of t/te eleetric ligitI plant andth /e granting of afranchi.e to t/te' dd fo the LonfiL1s due Seymour Pozver and Electric Corn- Lo Lis Fam ks RmeJy. pan y, Limite . Glanford Station, Ont. -"I have taken 't Lydia E. Pinkham's WIIEREAS The Corporation of Vegetable C om - the town of Bon manville and the pound for - years anin eyve r -ound Seymour Power and Electrie Coin- any medicine to pany have entered inlto an agree- compare with it. 1 ment in the words and figures fol- hati ulcers andi fal- lowing, that is te say: ig of the uiterus, and doctors diti me TRIS AGREEMENT madie (i ,ne gooti. I sufered duplicate) this twenty-seventh day drafly -i of February, one thousanti ninedegantilyul hundreti and eleven, Between: " medicine.I t bas THE CORPORATION 0F THE also helpeti other wornen to wbom I have recommended TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE (here- it"-Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanferd înafter calie.d "the Corporation") Station, Ontario. of the first part, anti SEYMOUJR Ao rCr POWER AND ELECTRIC COM- AohrCr PANY, LIMITED, (hereinaîter cali- Harvey Bank, N. B.-I can highly ed "the Company") of the second recommund Lydia E. Pinkham'ti Vege- part.table Compoundi to any s'afering part.woman. I have taken it for female WIIEREAS "ithe Corporation" is weakness andi painful menstruation seiEed and possesseti cf- cer- andi it cureti mu. - Mas. DEVERE tain gootis, chattels, plant,' BARBOUIR. machinery, andi ciectrical ap- Because your case is a difficuît One, paratus useti by- "the Cor-I doctors.having doneyou no good, do :}poratio.n" for the purpose of not continue- to sufer without givîng producing eleetric light ant eIectric Lydia E. Pinkhamr's Vu etable Com- euerg in he . Poundi a trial.- It surely lias cureti epery inthetown of Bewmianville, many cases of female ilîs, such as in- anti of carry-ing ou its saiti business, fiammation, ulceration, displacements, which goods, chattels, etc., above fibroid tumors, irregularities, puriodie referredti t, are taken to include pains, backache, that hearing-down lu uescabeswire, uesac-feeling, indigestion, dizzinuss, andi nervous prostration. It costs but a cumuaitrsinsulators, transform- trifle te try it, and the result is worth ei ers, lamps, works, appurt-enances, mnillions to many sufuring women. appliances, tools, electric light fix- Il yon want speelal advce tu rus, and ail andi evurything usud write for IlIo Mrs. Pinkham, IV by "the Corporation" in conuection LYnn, Mass. Ilb 18 ree and with its business as producers of always he'lini e- ad o cerain othe gotis ntities hereto to the other, the receipt! Schattels iu stock for the purpose of weefI yec fsi ate 5supplementing and supplying its hereby ackno'w1edged, the partiesi in1saiti business as such producers ofhrt UULY CVNN Selectrie liglit and energy, or for sale PRMS1N GE ihec tin connection with samie, anti-cf POIE A D olloww s:c certain real estate whichis parti- o t he sflos Scnlarly tiescribeti in two convuy- 1 Te Corporation" agrees toi lances, the first dateti the fiftucnth seilt "the Crpn, ni"h day of December, 1905, matie bu Company" agrues te purchase frorn tw cen The Bowmianvillc Electrie "the Corporation" ail of "the pro- Lght Company Limiteti, and The perty" in the recitals above refer-1 ~Stark T. L. & P. Systern, Lirniteti redt t at anti for the sum of $16; ýs which was registeret'i n the Rugis- 000 payable by "the Company" tai >LtyOffice for the Registry Division ih lrof"the Corporation" thoficec of the West Riding of the County cfteCerofthCrpain"n -Durham, in bock 16 for the town the miunicipal buildings in the said of Bowmanvill'a, on the twelfth day tnofowavlenthe.twn cf Fubruary, 1907, as number 5428,t-nnhdycJue iate anti the second tiateti the twenty- heour -of twelve o'clock noon; anti sixth day of- January, 1907,te, on pnymunt cf saiti mon-uys "the between Benjamin Werry cf the firsCorporation" agrees te delierto part, The Stark T. L. & P. Systern, 'the Company" a gocti anti suffici Li.miteti, cf thc second part, and cnt deeti cf transfer cf ail the saiti SLois Werry of the thirti part, xhich' "the propérty." was registeret inl saiti Registry 0f- 2. "Thé Comnpany" shahl search nfice in bock 16 for the town cf Bow- the title te the lantis at its own ex- imanvîlle, on the twelfth day cf Feh- panse and. "the Corporation" shahl ruary, 1907, as number 5429, on net bu bounti or requiredti t fur- which is containeti a watcr powter, nish ceither Registrar's or Solici-1 nandi dam site anti certain buildings, tor's abstract cf titie to the samne Splant andi machinery anti other con-, other than any it bas in its posses- structions, ail of which- p roperty1 sien, or produce or furnish any titie îs hereinafter referreti te- anti is te f ducds or copies cf saine other than ha known as "the property" ; i these in its possession, cither fer AND WIIEIEAS the parties the purpose cf vcrifying the ah- )r hereto bave agreeti that "the Cor- stract or othurwise, anti if "the poratien" shall ccli te "the Cern- Ccmpany" bas any objections teO the pany" al cf the said "the preper- title it shaîl deliver thecsamne to ty" andi "the Company" shahl pur- "the Corporation", within thirty chase from "ithe Corporation" al cf 1tiays after the date hereef, anti if the saiti "the preperty" at the surn "the Corporation" without any de- o f $16,000 on the ternis andi condi- fauît on its part is unable te make tiens, herehsafter set ot: a gocti titie to the said lantis with- NOW TITS AGREEMENT WTT- in ten days f rom the 'date cf saiti« NESSET-H that in -consideration cf1 objections heing delivaereti, if "the the premises anti cf the su-m cf o.ee' Company" declines te take sucli dollar ncw pnid hy eacb cf the par- title as "the Corporation" is SO able to make, then cither party may ~ asisened'hthdraw froin this contract on the' th, Company" cf any sum cf .419 ilE3-to ach tý-oncy paiti on account cf the pur- ________chase rncney, anti "the Company" (lausd Papitaion, nd Pe ',hall net bu entitieti te any cein- Causd Papitaionand re.ensat.On or expenses in connection Slee - lin erewith. If "the Company" fails, eU d s1-e iof-W."her-steeita nteCmay a Fo lias ne eq hseoal l llureerisa aces 2ïo f ate tuaind t catse aninrd- andtialIments cf the. cotire taml- ' I refuse anything but Nurviline, 50enr a grant will autornatically 'bottle, trial size 25c, ail dealers o-r The ',Cule, oto (_peratte'i, giving to "the Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. ('o"îcao"' and te hts succassers anti assig-ns the right, prix ilege anti au- Ihoriity toe.eerpeles, together.with L ý.251 wm il ner'uss six guyxs, cross armis, brac- ,Al~ her aapliauces upon ali CURES tAlIL PAIN s-$..',ig,ýaysad ul la.~ft io -IoBow rnauýville,1 J o un exense ~ teref, or heTencents per kilowatt heur, subjetý purpou cf uppiyng elctriehghtto rduction as aforusaiti if paiti heat anipwrte milt he nue dc within the tinse -lirnit, ant i sah of "the Croain anti cf the continue at sncb -rate untilth inhabitants of the town of Bowinan- thirty first day of December fol- ville, anti te creet such wirus over, iowing, andtet entitle any other con- under or across all streets, highway,% curer to the rates mentioneti in or public pinces lu the saidti twn as the option above given, the cluction may bu nccessary fer- the proper anti shail bu handet inu t "the Com- saf e conduet of sncb electricity fer pany" before the thîrty-first day of1'et1N C9 tIse purpose aforesaiti. It b.c 'ing un- December iu any y.ear, anti if so ticistocti that the foegoing. grant hantietinl shail bu continneti for is net te in any way ceufliiet ith a onu yuar fremi the first day of Janu-, certain agreement now existing bu- ary foliowing, anti not bu hiable te Makes quickly, deIiciouw tweun "the Corporation" anti "the change for twelve monthc. It is ai- Company" buaring date the thirti- se undurstood that the user off due- hot biscuits, cake; and uth day of December, 1910, but is tu trioeunergy for ighting purpoess as bu construeti oniy to apply toe dcc- abovu, is to have the privilege te muffins with greatest case trie lighting anti huat, anti power use electrie unergy for usuai do- te any consurner who ruquires less mestit purposus, sncb, as heating . adcrany than '25 berce power in cennection flat irons, running dustless clean- with any business bue may be con- ers, sewing machines, anti othur iucting, anti for cases whure excc.,s smail matters cf a similar kinti, anti over 25 herse power te, any individu- aise entier regulatiens. as to at- Fo asdWt lvlnsBk ----- ai or corporation is centracteti for tachments te be approvuti by "the odrie ih lvlnlsBkng or given it shah bu referabie te Company" te mun a metor requir- Pwe ean t rsns n ivr the agreemnent rufi_.'red te cof the ing 25 h.p. or"less at the saiti rate tbirtiuth -day cf Decumbur, 1910. of threc cents pur kilowatt heur. makind it more wholesome and ap. 6. "Th Cornpany" for itself, it1 The pow er useti shah bu governetiÀ Sucssors and ascgus, su consîder- hy anti inchudet inluoee or ether cf ezig A puecar ofttr atio-! of snch graxit acti privilege, thu above rates as may bu tiecideti peizn. pr cPal ara heruby undurtak2s anti agreus wit"ty the saiti consumer. nowder; no alum, no phosphates. "the Corporation" te supply te ahi 7. "The Company" is te have thu parsons being pcrsons cf financiai rigbt teo .purate the present system (IG O standing, inhabitants of the town cof lighting streuts, rusiduncus anti ef Bowmaî>viiie en the sti-eets on other buildings, xxhich it takes oeur CLEVELAND BAKIRG ?OWD-ER CO., NEW YORKC wbich ts hes arce erectet i si with- as it is, subjet te sncb impreve- lin 250 feet cfcane, electt'-" ,' ,ergy munts anti repairs as may bu tieem- uxpensu anti to the satisfaction cf frorn the junctien et Duke stý'reel for the purpeuof ighting at a i atu cd nucussary undur the conditions the party xxho may bu indicateti by with the Base lina, south ote th cf ten cents pur.kilowatt heur, with hereinafter set eut. the Council ef "thec Corporation," Grand Trunk S' ' tce. ALSO fromi a -discount cf twunty pur cent. if S. "The Compauy" intuntis, su anti shahl own anti be ruspensibi40bu junctien cf Liberty street ani accounts are paiti within fifteevt days scen as it bas perfecteti its tran">fer the plant, the maturial anti the the Base huneecactcrly on the Base fri-c the date cof the delivery ef in- mission hunes from Trenton te envient te the peint on the outsitiu 'une 25o feet. voîce cf camne, anti for which pur- Oshawa, te operutu the electrie walh cf the custoer's building 12. "The Company" chahl anti will poesncb date shah bu determinet i lghtîng systern heruin contemplat- whcrc "the Cornpany's" wires en- aIse at all timus turing the continu- byethe date cf ielivering at tise ru- cd by means cf currunt cenducteti ter the saiti building. "The Cern- ance in force of this agi-ernent up- sitiencu cf sncb user, or by the day on caiti transmission hunes, but un- pany" shall cee that outsîie quip- on being requiruti setticdoby7 "the aftcr it is depositeti in the post cf- tii caiti transmission hunes anti he 'ment, wbun installeti, shail bue in 'Corporation" through its Council fieeý at Bewm11anville, aý,idrussedti te rospjective sycteM lu cennucticu cacbh und evury case properly iu- ut "the Company's" coct andi cx- saiti user, for the amont cf the tberuwith is fuliy completuti anti sulateti anti ctberwise protuctuti ac- pense, ereet, place anti put«up ai invoîce iudicateti thuruon for pi-e- working satîsfactorîly, it ia hvecoi-ding te the hatest then knowui maintain auy furtbcr or' atditional viens supply. te rcsort to the syctem anti power practises. The wiring insidu, for 'number cf 'ulecti lamps of equal The inhabitants referreti te se now employeti in operating the pi-e- sncb building chaîl aise buc i-cper- quality anti description on any Qf using sait eluctrie energy for light- cent lighting arrangement, but ce, ly insuhatuti anti ociurwisu, proteet- the struets, squares, munes, parkzs,,, ing a residence shahl have the op- ceeu as it is satisfiuti that the conl- et inl like manner by the consumer anti bighways ln the saidti twu tien instuati of adopting the forage- tumplateti arrangement referreutin lua cases, te the entiru satisfac- Bewmanvlle as "the Corporation" îng rate, cf demauting a rate baseti is cufficicut, it will rescîl andti iaps- tien of the Inspecter cf the Cana- threugh its Counili, may.f roma time on a fiat rafteltn cents pur montb fer te "the Corporation" the landi dian Fi-e Untierwriters Assecia- te time tiesignatu for the. purpose for each roi-n luis rusiduncu, xith hureinhufere refi-retut for theI tien, anti "the Company" shall not cof exteuding sncb eleetrie ight sys- 'the addition of a rate et thi-cu cents nominal ceusidurution cf eue dol- bu obliged or compelludti t attach tom cf the caiti town, provideti that pur kilowatt heur. In arriiviug ut lai-. Tn case "the Company" eper- or turu on electi, cor-eut ntil "the Company," iu uxtentiing such the number cf rocms su sai hcusu, ates the cluctrie lighting beirr : the ahove conditions are fuliy cern- system bu3 cut the imits providuti cuilars, halls, bathrooms, closets, for a continuons perieti et thi-ty phieti with, anti "the Comupany" lu the precutiing paragraph beruof, storereoms, pantries, porches, vus- cix rnonths witbeut rescrting te the shail net, at any tima, or in uny shaîl net bu requiredti t carry its fibules- anti entbuiidings -shail net pi-usent power plant it shah Ibu con- event,' bu respeusible for the wires. hues a grcater distance from light bu ceuntuti, aitbeugh lightud. "Thue sidereti that its contumplatuti ar- or amuhiancus ucuti by the cnsumner te ight or fi-cm its linus thun ini Company', shalat its own cost sup- rangement is satisfactery anti "the or fer the coi-i-nt'or any action existence than 250 feet, uxcupt up- phy the mters toecacb cons umer, Corporation"' will bu cutithedti t theruof afttr duivery te the' con- on terns et "the Corporation" puy- but whure the menthiy inveice ex- the conveyance referredti t. It lscorner. ing tise actuai oust cf labor, poies Iceutis the sum cf fifty cents undurstoed anti ugructi that whun 10. "The Company" shail, aIse, anti wiring, euly fer the utiditionai charge shah bui matie foi- muter eut, the time ai-rives for "the Comnpany" turing the tern ef this agieemntt, distance, anti;lien sncbh igbts are but whci-e the montbiy invoice is te reseil anti transfur the handi i- kuep anti maintain 100 incandescent se erectuti anti instahicti thuy shahi under fifty cents "the Comnîtiy" furrudti tut "the Corporation" electrie lumps, known as 80 watt bu muintuliet anti ightet fi-cm the shahl bu entitieti to charge lu atidi- nudur the, arrangemien t conta ineti Tungstuu lumps wstt 60 candie tinte cf theiir erectien anti buing tieu te its mentbly invoicu a muter- in this clause, numberuti 8, 'the powur cf ight, in series, anti as paîi foi' by "tise Corpration" ou i-eut cf twunty-five cents a month. Corporation" shaîl only bceuntiti many *moi-e us "tIse Corporation" the same terms,,, anti conditions as While "the Company" shah bu un- te receivu thu landi in the condition may, through its Council, fric time th ose thonutn g!qp te the ter- titieti toati theu muter i-cnt nuder lu which at sqid tinie it is in, andti t tisa, ruquiru, which sit na-mntien cf this agi-cernent. the conditions abevue set eut, if it "the Comph'tly'ý is net.te bc respon- decn up iet u eaeia 3 Ts om1pan1y" ah1al fur- bu Jounti ou the fi-st day et Janu- cible fer any changes su carne caused such points anti places as "the Cor- nish, ureet nt uitinlp ary su anv yuur thut the total lu- by tietericration, floois, breaking rato, heg t onima iig ap, nete a vol-ce for thse prucetiing yuar or time uwuy by reasen et watur, fi-e or directwithtie limita cf the saiti turcs indu diDg>cos tise uni-ent bas been duivereti otherwisu. anti is net te buebargedti onl h oloig piurp bracis ts, as may b requi-uti fur thEi uequals or excuets the sum cof fifty with neghigencuetfauy kinti in con- beeoltiefineti, whicb sait i ioac- _sait lighting syst-ami, anti shah lceýep cents pur mentis for sncb timu (ex- nection witb camne or any part cf 1tiescunt eluctrie lumps are te bc et in proper rupuir ail su 'h pohe'a, clusive etfsauter sent) the amount camie, or fer any acts cf commission the bust anti most approveti kinti jlumps, wires anti fixtures, anti in chargeti for sncb muter i-eut shail or omission iu regard therute, anti useti anti known. case cf any suits for damnages cans- bu deductuti frein anti alloys-d te ne duty ite bu cousidui'ed us cast 1. The lilîits cf th si.ton ecd by tise eluctrie curment fer or by the consumer on bis cubsequent in- upon "the Company" te do auy act, fere t'i te 'eediutptoan me- sno h oe, ie n v voicus. Tise consumer shahl elet lu or refrain fi-cm ting auy act, graph bai-cet may bu desesibut as ethur satter connecteti with' said witing duivee tote-the Cern- which muy bave the cfet cf rate- foilows. ibin yts te Cmpany" pau," hic o th tw muhos ing the value et the suiti landiantiCdECN ttecuhus wil defcnd ail sncb cuits ut its ewn indi ,cateti uliesi-es te bu upphicti wuter powyer in connection thure- CM ECie lvni hlxes n-lpyaldmgsad in hic case for the ehectrie energy witb; it being utii-stoti that tise'ec crnroncesotn c tstwshpcests for which "the Corpcmation" fumnishuti te hlm for lighting pur hatu tmyb t ieprcimr; cf Darlingten in tise County et Dur-,î may become hiable by reascu cof poses, ancd sncb ciectien shuil stand' ticueti is ah] that "tise Co paux' hum (new forming part ef the towu suci scuit or cuits. geeti and bu un"baugýeqble wthout is te seil anti transfer. It is ualso unf- wmuiiu;tener- n 14. "The Company" agi-eus tisut tise consent of "tise Company" frdurstood that "tise Company"' 1 sthy uhng le;thu ne jrunni tisepls ureciut, hI tstelve months. Tis eulection forte bave thse righît to reinove fi-e oceso ln o n et te n pc danfrouet rc-uit shah matie by the cencumrer sisail bPu thu prumises ahi poies, ci-oss ai-ms, cneso u eapitop site n as bu necosmoudeusthtly, or mate bfer tie ci-ieutis ehier i ny, wrec icuhaors ani thtie wust scite et Scugog street; sc st nennt ieaion mad heorethecurentis e ier-guy, wres inulaors an otrtisuncu doxvn tise xvst side et Scu- lng preperty ewner unueccssarîly, cd in case et a new consum er, anti Iehectricai upphiances situatuti ont-an hthesmsalh ritd if net se matie tise inveices shahl site cf tise buildings ou tise premis- gog Street te, a point opposite the inai tisuttiesncahbu crectedac bemd panti c' rgeu1i for cur- us. anti aise ail machinery, engines, senti sâsiducf Queun strek thence soy um"nhe roreaoaîatistue-r + ýLent ut tise rate fi-st mentieneti cf boliers, urneke stacks, sbuftin,,struette sotie streut; thene its Concil, andth ie written approv- gearing, dynamos, switelî hourds, tiewn Ontarioe straut te Argylu ai efthtie Clcrk ef th'ie Compora- anti ahi "eltricul apphiances incite streut; thencu aioug tisa nertis site tien," ýor o)ther officer designuteA ELI~ Vofethtie buildings, except tise wutar 1 cf Argyle Street te tise west side cf for sucis pcrp ose by tise Council cf RELE Ewheeis anti sisufting fricm sait I I "et hoc dwnte etisatheCorporatin," shal bu neces- 7' *wisehls into sait buildiings. ite et Duke streut te Aibert street' uni-y for anr uew lumps eructed * ~9. "Tise Company" shah emettiecwstryotsents îiI under this agi-ernent, but scup-> ~~ * tise poîes, cross ai-ms. guj rcs fAbr tett iews iec proval shail net relies-i, "tise Cem- -lised. r nt IlghtedurqeWuc, a 1301 t,*on of anv niight .exceeding thirty cons ecuitive lminutes "ihe Corpora- tion" shahl be entitled te a rebate (Cenit !1-1- onmpage q. TAKE ONE, gret ea ith.utLgEttn twohaer avseilbeefneain Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain P'ils anti they always relieve me. I have been sa bati with Neuralgia that 1 sometimes thought I wouid go1 crazy. Sometimes it is necessary to take two of them, but neyer more, and thev are sure to re- lieve me." MRýS. FERRIER,I 2434 Lynn St., Lincoln, Neb. *?:rice 25e at your druggist.0 He sheuld supply you. If he does net, send price to v3, we farward prepald. DR. MILES MEFDICAL CO., Toronto. Mi-. Aylwurd's lutter tells the story: Caniphelîton, N.B., Feb. 5, i909. Fatheri Morriscy Meti. Co., Doî-ing thse winter of 1907, wblu travelling' on tise Gaspé Coast, L coutractetila suvure Colti which sutt1èd Upon My longs. Alter I returneti home 1 wrote tc, Father Morriscy expluining my casc. 1 receiveti a lutter fi-os bim with a prescription for his medîcine, which could net bu filheti at the timu hure. Alter one wek's delay I receivud. it, just in the nick oftime to save may lite. Aller one month's use I fuit hike a niew man. Vours t-uly, Jm>o. Aylward. Tisere is not niuch tise, to luse when a cold setties ou tIelungs. Pacu.-monia killis îithin a week. \Vith Father Itor'is-cy's '"No. îio" at hanti, yen don' t even have towait for adoctor. "No. se" cures ahl throat anti Iung troubles. Il is a ruais Lnng Tonic, anti fortifies against future attacks. Trial baIlle 2,5C. Regillar size oce, ut your tiualer's, or fisFather Merriscy Medicine Co. t1,11, Menti-ual, Que. E" Id anti guamanteeti in Bowrnun- Ville by Juryý & LeveIl. cession, anti fi-eu there tetise place et begiuuing. ALSO cern- mnencing ut the joncfion et tis ecaut site cf 111igb street witb tise nortis site cf Concession street anti rua i« n ng nrti aiong tise cast si7te et Hligis street te a peint oppojrite ise nosth s sie cf Fîsut street ; tlisence wcsterîy uleng tise norti sit"eto Firut treet te tise >'ast site et El- giei street; tience nos-tiialig tise eaut siteetofEigiîî stieet te thse neî'tis sii e et Thirc sî' recet, thence vesterly along thseici-tii sîde ef Third stî'ect etiste! jonction ý-f thses'est leating te tfise presenit eiectilc ight pester' he's anti Scngog '.treet; tlise -e southi ulcong tue stest site et Scugog "truc c te Cencessii sstreet; thenc, caut aiong Concessions streut te tise place et beginuing. Aise 6O0 feet 0on Luisb erty street nestis cf Concsci,'n:seî street trom tise soct-test angle et lot nurnbesr ten lu tue second n cessioin oethte ton ns't-;p ef DatsJ g- t'oî (nov forming part o e tomi î et Bowmnnvilie). \LSO s-oni , junction cf IKing anti Liber'ty sttcî'l s enst te tis ecaut isoisarv ,, ."l nîn-P su tise fhst ."enlcess<i o n.AL- I F' r E [DY FR Nervous E.xhaustio-t Grief 'anti wenry drain tis erc- ývous system vith disheartcelýifUg r'apidity. Tise sir,- ýarc la'a'-of intei-cst, ladc f TIpetitc, inns-1 1nia.rTie oiy i-umedy is Foodi,Rest anti sscivu repuir, "ASAYA'-NrtU- PlAU." is anti makes possible this cure. IL feetis tise nerves, intimes sieep, qiikens tise appetite, nids digestion, restores nerve vitality. $f.5o per bottle.- Obtain front, thse local agent. JURY & LOV2LL,.ý