t> F1RST CHOICE. Mm. Juwback-"My dear, I was û ne of the flst te louve." Mss. Jawback--' Oh, yenuiways Mm. awbck--"Ican.prove it thi ýi1timo.Look ont in tho hall andI iec the heaitiful tumbrelia I bmou-Lgbthoe Uuràad Mter Lonig lofutufferillg by fDr. Williams' Piink IS There is an- excellent eason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pille have cured the most severe cases of ineuralgia, sciatica, and ather complainte in tise gr(,, e that anc known'as dis- orderi of tise nerves. This group also incindes St. Vitus dance antI paralysie,_ antI the comman state of extrmeenervousness andI excite- ability. Encis cf thece complainte exist hecause tisere ije eometising tise natter xith tise nervous system. If the nerves have toue-are strong andI heuithy, yen will net have uny of these ýcomplainte. The reuasi ,e Dr. Williams' Pink Pille cure nerv- ("uS disordeme je thut tisey estome w.euk, un-down norves Vo, their proper state of toue. They net bath diectly upen tise nerves andI on tise blood cupply. Tise higist miedicai authomities have noted tbat nervous troubles generaiiy attack people who are bloodiese andI that tise nerves are toned wisen tise blood euppiy is reuewed. It is thue seen that Dr. Williams' Pink Fil" cure nerveus disorders by curiug th e cause of tise trouble.J Mmc. J. C. Adams, Neorris Lake, Mlan., enys: "I am writing you ut rny husisand's equet Vo let. you know tise great henefit Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Fis have heen te iim. -Ho isa river driver andth ienefome unucis exposed te ail kinde of wea- tiser and wettîng. As a recuit hie had an attack of rhoumatism, andI tison te adtI t hic mieery a severe typ-e of neualgia set, in, iecating -citis e f t side ef tise face, andI caueing him sncb terrible pain that it would drive him aimost wild. Nie wa.s treated by several doctors, andI finally went te 'Winnipeg, wisere they hliitemed hie bond andI applied hot 2piacteme wh1icisne.aily only ad- detI more Vo hic misemy, ant Ieho e- turmnet home stili uncumed. In this way hoe suffemod fer nearly six yeure, tying ail sorts of medicine, but nover findîng a cure. One day while ho was suffeing I went te a store o geV a liniment, but they did, net have tise kind I wnnted, and the stemekeeper neked, me wisut Iwant- etI it for. 1 toltI hîm about my bus- band andI how he suffered, andtihe piaced a box of Dmr."Williams' Pink Pille on tise counter saying, 'Take my advice, thie le wiîat your bus- baud should take.' I took tise Pille home witis me. antI my hushand started taking tfram, Iar nont sure hew many boxes hoe took, but ou thing is certain, they completely cumed hbu, andtiehohue nover since b a n tou cis f t isese to rtu rin g s. You eau, teilihew uucislho erdtIwben I say1 that the huir on tise sie of hie Isead in wisich tise pain was located tumned quite gray. It looks oddt, but liese ys itJ dees not matter since tise pain is onee. I, helieve hoe weuld net have een living new had. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille not cured tisese terrible pains, andI yen may ho sure we gratefîîlly recemmead them te al > our friende and al enffeing one." Seld by ail dealers or by mail ut 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 froî Tise Dm. Williams' Me- dicine Ce., Breckville, Ont. RIIS TRADE. "I knaw n sligist, unaseuming fel- lew who eau tako any man's nerve "~Whisiebl' "Tise dentit." B,eady-made Medcine-You need re physician fer omdnary ic swien V ou have ut hand a hottie of -Dr. hlomuas' Eclectrie Oul. For coughs, îoi)ds, so-re tismeat, broncisial trou- blos, it is invaluable, for ceaide, humes, bruises, eprins it je unsur- piissedl, wiie fer ente, sores, ni- me antI tise like it ijeaununquestion- OUR HOMELAND. (Tune, "Tenting To-night.") We are thinking te-night of the oltI 1home land,, Join in a song of cheer, In a hentfelt sang for aur early homes, AndI the friends wo loved se dear. Chorus. Happy are our heurts as we'me standing ta night, Clasping each a f riendly hand, Longiugly we turn witb feelings of deliglit To Durham our aid homo landI. Singing te night, 8snging o-night, Singiiug of the aid homo landI. We are tIeaming to-night of the oltI home landI Full of aur childisis jeys; 0f the tIays ut sohool, andI the games we played With tbe merry girls and boys. We 'are grateful to-night for the oltI home land:- .Woodiand, and fildt, antI hili, AntI the rippliug streains, andI the sweet wiid flawers,. Haw tbey live je memory stili V Full justice was- done hy ail to the foilowing menu, thse servie ho- ing ail that conid ho desired. Mm. J. Hi.xH. J ury, cf Bowmanville, suppiied the inscious Devonshire creum, served on the deep upple- pie, -which ail pronounced "extra fine," with a tIecide.diy more-ish flavor. THE MENU. Ceam of Tomate en Bellevue. Rouet Young Tnrkey, Cranberry Jeily. Potato Natumal Green Feus. Deep Apple Pie. Bowmaisvilo Devonsahire Cmoam. Assorted Fancy Cakes. Wafems. Fingers. Meringues. Black Cofice. Tipfore P artnling of dessert Presi- .Rectation- "Cynthia's Comiug Hame.To-day" Mms.- Jean Blewett. Song- "Bowl of Roses" andI "My Treasure," Mms. Ethel Y.,Knowiton. "Old Onken Bucket," J. D. Keachie antI Company. Addrese, "Durham Ceunty, Our Birthplace-We Love It Stili," Mm. Sam. Clarke, M.P.IP. Song, "A Bird from O'er the Sona," (White.) Mmc. Scrymgeour-Massie. Address- Chairman Hughes thank- ýetIail fer their prosouce, andI rend letters from Mayor J. B. Mitchell, Bowmanville, antI Dr. James N. Hutchinscu, Winnipeg, the latter being eminiscent cf eariy tInys in Durhami. Sang, "Wreck of the Hespemus," (Hatton) Mm. ArthuÊ Bliight.. Responding ta an enthusiastic on- coreý ho sang "Rail, Canada is Our Homeland," (Watson). Duet "H-omeward," 1Mr. andI Mme. James Massi". Chorus "LeatI Kindly Ligbt" Company. "AultI Lang Syne," "GotI Save the King." Company. Pian.ist-Mme. Melville P. White. Leader ef Sangs-J. D. Keachie. The Company, after an exceedinig- ly enjoyahle social andI musical ev- eing, dispersed about il p.m., witb fond anticipations of a similar hap- py me- union a year hence. We endeavomed, as far as possible, to obtain names andI addmesses of ail prosent, but fear that came names failed te reach us. NAMES 0F THOSE PRESENT: From 'Bowmanvile.-Mms. Mar- vin Bîîrk, Misa Evu Bîîrk, Mr. and Mms. W. Caun, Miss Mary S. Coi- ville-, Major W. C. King, Missý IFranc. M. Jexxell, Mr. andI Mrs. J., H. H. Jury. Mr. andI Mmc. M. A. James, Mr. Thomas Ted, Miss Mar- dent uHughes mequested al Vo sit _________------- andI sing, as they did with great entisusiasm, led -by Mr. John D. SUFFERED FROM Keuchie, DEVONSHIIRE CREAM. VIOLENT CATHARTICS (Tune, "Robin Adair.") 0 t Can I believe my eyee l Devonshir~e The Warning of Mr. Geo. 0. Cream. Oh, what.a glatI surprise 1 Devon-' Fox Is One Thiat Should sbire Cream. i B eddb l We are meet suroly bleetBe edd yAl To ho of ceum peeessed- FootI that we ail likohet; Deon-' ew 'mou ou the oud are better shime Cmcam. knexvr than genial George Fox, whose EV E R YWOl ANd ' SHOULD REAU THIS LETTER And Tako Mrs. Ripley's Advice Lots of women are suffering tortures with their backs, when they need flot do so. Mrs. Ripiey had sucli frightful pains in lier back that she could flot do lier housework. She tells liow slie cured herself. WIL]LIAMSDA1Ii EASyr. t"I cannot refrain from writing you 'about the benefits I have received froin taking GIN PILLS. I sufering dread- fully with my back and have suif ered 'withi it for twenty years. I tried every- tbing but got no relif unti JI bouglit GIN PILI.S. I have taken six boxes of GIN PILLS and now I have not the sign of an ache or pain in my back. I anm 10w 48 years of age and feel as well as I ever did iniini life. There is nothing that can bol a place with GIN PILLS for curing Pain In The Backte ivhich wolen are subject.' MRS. MILLANOR P. PIrrZv. Trry GIN PII.LS at onr expense. Write for free sample box. Deaiers seil GIN~ PILLS at 5oc a box-6 for $2.50 and moneyrefunded if they fail to cui e. National Drug and Cheniical Co., Dept. A. Trorout. S Eriends threugnout the~ West are legion ln the following letter he expresses gratitude for signal services rendered by Dr. Hamilten'c PUis. Ho gees on to say: "tIntil' I used Dr. Ilamilten's Pills and expcrienced their wendorful mildness and curative power, I asti- mated the value cf every pili by ita activity. Talking about this to a well- known physician I met on the train the eother day, ho explained there are lifferent kincis ef druge that act upen the bewels, the meet active being Içnewn as drastie. Except in extreme, eases where the life of "the patient depends upon speedy evacuation of 'ho howels, pille should neyer be dras-. tic. ]Purgatives cause catarrh of the bewels aud Inflammation; their dose must bc increaced, caucing even more harm. With such a clear expînnation 1could sc why Dr. Hamllton's Pille are curative and net irrîtnting, why they are rnild, yet most searchiug. "From my experience I racemmend everyone that takas PIS to give up the old-fashloee.l harsh, purging pill. nd, iustead, te use Dm. Hamilton's. rhey cure headache, bilio usness, con- BtIpatien, had stomach, and keep the systeni ln perfect condition." Refuse auy substitute for Dr. Hamn- lto's Plle; sold for 25c., ail dealer% om The Catarrhozone Ce., Kingston, j Cure Cntpto DURHAM OLD BOYS, Durham girls aiways make-Dev- Annual Banquet Best Ever. onchime Ceam., Durham boys always take-Devon- Toronto Durham 01-d Boys' Asso- sbire Cmeam. ciation 12th Annual 1e-Union andI Whe boght the Cream to-night? Banquet on Monday eveniug, Feb. Mm. Jury Sure he's ail right!1 27, at McConkey's, 29-31 King St. We'ii cnt withi gront deiight .Try's W.,' city, was an unquaalifie-d suc- fine Cream. cees in ail particulars. Weather, was prepiticus, the G. T. . ex- Then lot us loudIy sing-Devonshire cursion that day f rom ail stations Cream.-, hetween Brighton and Whitby in- May Jury aiways hring-Devon- clusive carried crowde froni these Ceam. towns ta Toronto, severai cf whom Thnnks, sir 1 Your cream se sweet stayed over for the Rie-Union, and Makes apple pie compiete, the splendid musical programme as- Gratefuliy now we'Il ent-Devon- sýistcd in bM-rinýging eut the largest ehirme Cmear.. compnny -of Dumbamites that bas ns- sembled at McConkey's at any pre- Aftem a. haif hour spent i11 dis- viens annuai gatheming of this As- cucsing the "good creatures" pro- sociation. A haif heur was spent vided for our physical delectation, in the parlers for social grectings the company was favored with this and renewal of acquaintances, andI vemy excellent musical and iitemary that time was ail toe brie fofr the b-ili-of-fare: officers to exteud the glatI hand te THE PROGRAMME, ail. Wives of the hends of the or- Ym w tHm yCmay ganization, Mesdames Hughes, oe e-om yCmay Scott, Yeiiowlees, Keachie, Squair, Piano Soie, "Liebestrau-m" (Liszt,) Jeffery, James, Mans, Tebiiceck, Miss Violet Grote, Talling, Stark, Casweli, Gilmour, Song, "Corne Back ta Erin," Galbrath, White, and others, as- (Claihel) sisted in the welcome. Mms. Carolyn B. Houston. Entering the epaciaus 1 dining- Song, "OltI Folks at Home," rcoon, the tables presented a very Company. attractive andI inviting appearance, Addmess, "Mememies of Boyhood in being arrang.ed in a diagonal plan, Durham County," 11ev. R. J. with plates for eight at a table. The Fallis, fommemiy of Cartwright. reom was decomated with flags and Song, 'Guardian Angel" bunting, andI when the company. (Lehmann) was seated-over 200 in number- Mies Lauma C. Hughes. the sceeue was a. very beantiful one. BallatI, "MaýcOregom's Gathering" Mm, James L. Hughes, the popular (Scott.) President, presided in his usual John D. Keachie. ubiquitous mannt-r. R1ev. R. J. Inter.miscion cf haif an heur for Failis cf West Toronto, asked Get's social- intercourse. y bleceing on the feast, after which' Song, "Love's OltI Sweet Song," ail remaîned standing andI sang Mmc. Melville P. White andI Corn- beartily, pany. garet Tmebilcock, Miss Gertrude Young. Newcaestie.-Mm. Mark A. AI- lin, My-. Evan H. MoLoan, Mm. and Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. Orono.-Mm. andI Mme. AtIolph Hon ry. Clarke.-Col. John Hughes, Mr. andI Mme, 'Geo. W. Jones, Miss E,] M. Rowe, Toronto.-James L. Hughes, Pre- sidýent, Mme. Hughes, Miss Laura C. Hughies, 47 Dundonald St.; Thomas YeiowlesSecmetamy, Mme. Yellow- lees, Dm. N.J. L. Yellowleee, 32 iDi- visionf St; John iD. Keachie,' Trea- sumer, Mme., Keïachie, 66 Bismarck Ave; W. F. Mans, 428 Spadina Ave.; Pmincipal William Scott, Mme. Scott, 576 Chnmch St. ; James Massie, Mme. Scmymgeoum-Massie, 49 Concord Ave.; R. B. Andmew, Mms. Andrew, Miss Louie Andmew, city; Mise It'ellie MacMurtmy, 276 Rusholm Rd.; N. B. Cobhledick, Mmc. Cobiedick, 1508 Danfomth Ave.; Howard Lord, Mme. Lord, 6 Balmuto St.; Dm. andI Mme. Wai- ton-Bail, 344 Palmerston Boule- Ivard; Mm. andI Mms. G. H. Hous- ton, 121%4 Lippincott St.; Mr. andI Mmc. L. W. Veale, 132 Wright Ave.; Mm. andI Mme. W. H. lElliott, 124 Walmem Rd.; John Eiiiott, 100 Pal- merston Ave.; Miss Noma Coleman, 272 Arthur St.; 11ev. D. M. P. Tai. iing, B.A., Mme., Tniling, 92 Oriole Rd.; Mm. andI Mms. Wm. Stark, 74 Waimem Rd.; J. J. Copeëland, 160 Spadina Rd.; Miss Vole Grote, 140 Av-en',- Rd.; Mme. B. Casweil, 73 Roxhero W.; S. R. Wickett, 124 Isisheila St.; Mies Lauma- M. Wick- ett, 471 Queen St. W.; Mm. andI Mme. John Wickett, 367 Berkeley St.; Mm. andM-. Wallace Maac, 428 Spadina, Ax W. H. Shampe, Miss Edua M. Sharpe, 10 Femudale Ave.; Dr. F. S. Riches, G. S'..Rich- es, 453 Devemcoumt Rd.; Mrs. W. P. Pmower, 23 Alexander St.; Mm.* antI Mrs. T. E. Knowltcn, 146 Wel- lesley Crescent; Miss L. Oulton, Mies M. Oulten, 115 Macdonneil Ave. ; Mme. Walteli Wilimott, 74 Crescent Rd.; Mme. J., H. Thom, 54 South Drive, Rosedale; Miss M. McConnell, 127 Bedford Rd.; G. Reynolds, 13'Isabeila St. ; Miss Olive B. Clarke, 203,Beatrice St.; SMm. antI Mme. Arthur Biight, 527 Palmerston Boulevard; Rev. R. J. Fallis, Mmc. Fallis, 11,- Soumanren Ave.; Dr. antI Mmc. J. T. Gilmour, Wumdeu's Residence, Central Fmi- son, City; Mr." antI Mmc. Wallace Muas, 220 Major. St. ; George Por- ter, 254 Clinton St. ; Mm. D. G. M. albmaitb, Mme. J. K. Galbraith, ,Sunnysido Ave.; Mmc. Jean ý,wett, 492 Markhiam St.; John S. id, 220 Gerrard St. E. ; Mr. A. Mason, 1 Garden Ave.; Mr. A. Veale, 214 Close Ave. ; Miss M. Raines, 68 Spinghurst Ave.; Mm. and Mmc. W. W. Mason, 15 Hlanna Ave.; Mme. W. J. Virtue, ,ss Lanma E. Raniton, 76 Gmace t.; Ms. George M4nning, Miss thel Manning, 624M EuclitI Ave.; ýr. anIxi.Mme. Fred R. Hleai, 529 -ilg St. W.; Mmc. Hy. Dunsfard, .15 Beatrice St.; Mr. R. Rnddock iVatdeli, 300 Huron St. ; Miss M. F. G. Waddeii, 596 Spadinu. Ave.; Dm. W. T. Willnrd, Mmc. Wiilard, -96 AnnetLo St.; Mm. and Mrc. Thos. E. Heur, 29Puéific Ave.; Mm. Joseph Brynt, 463 Delaware Ave.; Mm. Geo. E. Movuard, 169 Montrose Ave.; Mm. C. 1Il. G, Flot- cher, 40 Woifmey Ave.; Mm. A. J. pottmeH, 742 Bathurst St.; AMm. VW. Craig, came Wickett & Craig, Citv.; MI. antI Mmc. Norman Beilman, 89ý Winchestter St.; Miss Annsa Bell- man. 89, W;nchester St.; Miss Ada L. Wright, 396 Clandenan Ave. ; I Misses Bemtha antI Dell Doncaster,J 59.6 Chumch St.; Mm. andI Mmc. A. Chuilener, 60 Fnmnham Ave. ; Miss i L. Annie Cheer, 128 Crawford St. Miss Mary Katersan, 432 Jarvis St.; Mm. D. W. Armstrong, 121 Robert sýt. ; Mm. J. W. Hannam, 67 Grant. St.; Migses'Edn antI Queonie Han- ,i-n. 98 D'Arcy St. ; Mise Margaret ½ýFeetere, 113 Bond St. : Miîs s label Davv. 25 AedenAve., rTh.bi- Hill. 34 Park Rd.: Mmc. '"îles Millar.Mm. an'r . . H Dc'vis, 105 Geoff rey Ave. ; Missý Win- in tea must be dis- tinct ive, pleasiiig and unvaryîng to merit continuous use. The flavor of Red Rose Tea is ail its own; and it neyer fails to win and hold ap- proval because it neyer Du rham boys andI Durham girls that night ditI well renew Friendehipe fnrmed in eamly yenms when heart te heurt wus true; AntI they ail spent a happy boum jnst as thiey used to do Down in the home-lantI of Durhami. LOVERS CONVEY MICROBES. The Autrian Police Stop Romantie Courtsbip. A customn of .ceuntry oourtship duting fraie the immortai past bas been. interfered witis by the police in Upper Austrin in tiseir effos'ts ta snppr'eýs the foot-antI-mentis dis- ouse whicb iWs uffecting aninialin j that provi nce.:l The microbes are,_ it jesuid, distributed by hbumana agoncy. e' Infocted umoas have been careful- ly chut off, but in spite of ail pro- cautions the diseuse is spreeuding rapidiy. It bac now acutrmed te the authomitios that the ancient coumting custom kuown as "Feu- sterin" may ho esponsibie for the extension of the diseuse frmr onel fanm Vo anotiser. "Fenstomin" je a species cf seenading intIniged ie by the young pensants. After the tIay's toil, the young man drosses in hic beet clothes antI with great secrecy slips away from hie home to the fanm wheme the girl of bic af- fections lives. Thon, standing be- neath hem bedmaom window, ho sengeoltI folk£-tunes. If the girl, is favorahly inclined te, hsm, see ppoars at the wiudow andI ullows the ewain to kise hem baud. The police say that no other com- munication with the infected farm eau bave taken place, antI have con- sequently forbidden "Feasterin." Dismegrd of -thse egulation will involve fines and imprisoument, ColtI caffece may make the boamd- .ers hot. Indsodrs and diýs- eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies' remedies. is the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but aiso regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chli dren of ail ages. They rapidiy gain weight and health on smali doses. FOR SAIUE BY AII, DRUGGISTS Sendr l0e, naine of paper and this ad. for otir beautiful Savings Bank aud Child's 8ketch-l3ook. nach bank contains a GOood I.uck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE 12C Wellîpii oSt., WoTronto, Ont. The wertI which he preaches le aiwaye worth whiie. Extoliing tbe Savionm AndI heltI in Hie arme, Hie joy is in pmoaching The Gospel that charme. In toiling how sinners Are cleansed hy the blood Ho stands where the faithf ni For ages have stood. Ne othor attraction Can make k'4m a power As teacher andI preacher AndI man for the heur. Bo6Anse ho is seeking Mankind Vo hefriend, Upon the true preacifer May blessinge descend. T. WATSON. Uniondale, Ont., 1911. NOTRIERS! Preserve Yoisr Childrcn's Hir. Every mother ebrinîd sc that hem chiidren's hair is dressed with Parisian Sage, the wondemfni hair restomrer andI germicide. A littie negleet on yonr part 110w, mnay men much lacs of beauty when ycur girl grows ut.i. Frevention Botter than Cucre Parisian Sage is a igidly guar- anteed hair estomer andI cures scalp diseases, proventshair frani faliing ont antI crentes n rich lux- uriant growth of hair, a glery te woman andI the pride of man. A pleasant hair tIressing-iadies like it, and youm tIruggists, Jury & Loveli, guaranteos' every bottie that hocoelis ut 50c., andI stands rea&te, V refund yourmoney if it £ails te do its werk. By mail post- paid from Giraux Mnnufacturiug Ce., Fart Erie, Ont. Sec that the Girl with tise Auburn Hair ie con encis package. Seld antI guaranteed hy Jury & Loveli, tImuggists. PATTERING RÂINDROPS. Varyiiîg Sound Effeets on Uînbrel- las of Different Fabries. "The patter of the maindrope on the roof, as the poot pute it," said Mm. MueGlinokintona, "hue oe sound on a shingie roof, unother -ou a tin rQof andI quite another stili on a roof of corrugated imon; andI there's as mucis vaiety je the sound of aindrops, falling on um- "Yen maise a cotton umbrella, for instance, andI the ain failiug on it i bas ne resanance. On a cotton um- brella, the fabric tbick andI soft andI compumatively iooceiy woven, the raindrope f ail with a soft, aimeet n oiseles rt of duil thud;ý the ain antI the sound are abeorbed i11 the cpengser fabric. Ne livelinese in the patter cf aindreps on n catton umbreila. "But naw yen take what they icnll a union umbrelia, madIe of n cioth part cetton andI part siik, -or part linon antI part silk. Home we do get a patter of raindrops; thse abric is closely woven eneugh andI tight- ly enougb stretchod te give corne me- sonance. It is a distant patter thatý we get when the aindrope strike a union umibrelin; but on urnbraiias we get the full effeot of puttoring maindrope ou iik umbreilas only. "The siik umbrelia is made of a Ifine fabmic, 'cieeely and uniformny nif re B rittain, 363, Delaware Ave. Miss Edua Spenco, 503 Euclid Ave.; -1, M1 II l MI i Mr. and Mrs. Melville P. White, 61 'lJ~l~ Hawthorne Gardens, Rosc.daie; Miss Alice Yoiiowiees, 23 Division __ T7 St.; Dr. N. J. L. Yeilowiees. 190 Spadina Ave.; Dr. D. J. Goggin, Education Dopartment; Miss Je sio L. McNaug-hton, city; Miss Evaý E. Wilkinson, 645 Bathurst St.; Mr. andI Mrs. Sol. H. Jofery44 Grace St.; Mm. and Mrs. T. E. Washington, Mis.,es Rhida and Loula Coleman Washington, 663 Euciid Ave.; Prof. antI Mme. John Squair, 61 Major St.; Mrs. Walton, Isabella StMss Marie Painton, 71 Isabeila St. ; Mr. andI Mmc. Alex.î C. Waldîe, 22 St. Patrick St.; Mrs. Honry Shoard. 56 Grosvenor St.;i Mrs. John Smith, 62 finyden St.; Mrs. D. H. Baker, 67 Henry St. ; ~ Mm. andI Mmc. J. Skitch, 60 Belle- vue Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ga--, 181 Arthur St. ; Majer H. J. SneL- grove, 118 Macpherson Ave. ; Mrs.Iî1 M akes A. H. Moore, 38 Wilson Ave.; Mrs. A. A. Brown, 106 GoultI St. ; Dr. antI Mrs. F. C. Royal Bakinâ Trebilcock, 722 Spadina Ave.; Dr. poduce at b andI Mmc. Jos. J. Hoidge, 92 Ad- mirai Rd.; Mr. andI Mrc. E. T. fine and tas! Brittain, 323 Lippincott St.; Mrs. jthe frostedl la« W. Y. -Brittain, Miss Ethel Brittain, 363 Delaware Ave.; Miss M. T. CIusts aflr. Rowe, 19- Wood St.; Dr.,and I Mrs. wholesome, % L. B. Williams, 511 Markham St.; fuda h Mrs. P. Morris, 1026 Dundas St.;, Mmc. M. J. Downing, 8-Baldwin- pare. Royalj St. ; Misses Williamson, 21 Suffelk Place; Mme. Harvey Anson, MissROA C Sadie Anson, 375 Ossington Ave.; Miss Katbl.een, A. Stacey, 14 Gren- ville St.; Miss G. Maud Peterkin, 203 Beatrice St. ; Miss Zlinda Morshead, 13 Grenville St. ; Mr. __________ F. E. Loushuer, 75 Yonge St. Oshawa.-Mr. andI Mme. D. M. TIlLE PREACLI Ted, Mmc. F. F. Brittain..Ro.1.5 Mr. Sam. Clarke, M.P.P., Ce- Rm 0 bourg; Miss Irene Serynigeour, Amongst the hest leatI Huntsville; Miss Florence Kerr, 0f manhood andI yoi Woodstock; Mrc. Andrew McGill, The chief je the preacl Janetviile; Mies K. Oulton, Camp- Who preaches tne tel heilford; Mmc. W. J. McMurtry, For weaith of true tro. Galt. AndI heauty of stylo e> I i fails in quality. woven and as tightiy stretched ho- tween its rihs as a drumhead. It is on the silk umbreila only that we get the fuîll cffect of pattering rain- drope, sharp, ringing an.d resonant, If romantically inciined, we have no place where we can go to listený to the patter of the raindrope on the roof, we can get somewhere near te that effceot by walking abmoa.d in the raie carrying a silk umbrefla," Cestiveness and its tr..hn the excretery organs refuge te pý. form their functions properly the in- testines become clogged. This is known as cestivenese and if neg- letted gives ise te clangerous com- plications. Parmmoee's Vegetable Pis will effeet a speedy cure. At the first intimation of this ailment the sufferer should procure a pack- et of the pille andI put himself un- dem a course of treatment. The good effectc of the pis wili ho ai- most immediateiy evident. HAD A TOU.GH FOOT.. A haro footed negro wandered in- to a biacksmith shop in a little seutheru town. While watc bing the smitb pound the iran into chape, he unconscieusly stepped -on a red bot ceai. After several minutes had passed, he sniffed hic noce ence or twice and remarked in an inciden- tai way, "Peahs te me, sah, dat I smelic rubhah burnin'." Millem's Werm Powders are a wonderfui medicine for ailments-ef children. Sold hy Jury & Loveli,- MEATS. Beef or Veal Loaf.-Take -týO' pounds of chopped meat, season witb sait and dash cf paprika; soak haif a loaf of bread in a pint of milk; make a sauce hy meiting two tablespoonfuls of hutter with two of fleur; stir in pint cf mik; cook until thick; mix hrea~d and sauce Iwith meat; make in loaf, cover with crumhs, andI a littie chopped on- ion may he added if liked. Spiced Meat.-Two peunds of veal, two pounds of pork, and two pounds of heef, chopped fine; eight mulk crackers, relietI fine; four weii henten eggs, one large tahiespeon- fui of sait, one tabiespocuful of chopped parsiey, one teaspoonful of summer savory, one-baif nut- meg ,one teaspeonful cf cinnamon, one-haif teaspoonful ofe cloves. Mix tboroughiy, as for veni loaf. Bake in a, slow oven for four er five heurs, CGarnishing Roaà' Pork.-To gar- nish a perk roast, stew six or eight appies, sweeten and put through a ricer or sieve. Dissolve one pack- age geintin in littie cold water, add one-haif cup bot water andI stir into apple sauce.. This can be ftrnetI into any sbýap)ed moidaý to hardeni or into a large fia-t disb) andI cut out wîth cookie futter. Ar- range on meat platter when ready te serve. Try it. [ER. oers, )uth bher uth. ,asume NEVER SOLO 9N *ULK Your Grocer WÎii I 2 Recomm-end It j