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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1911, p. 3

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Canaa4a's Gift To Thrle Twelve Nations (rom The Canadian Centuryn Whcn it was flrst macle knowu -iâth licIlcip-recity Compact nef onhy gave Amierican fummers f ree enfmaince te Cainadian markcts and exfeuded fisire prirlleges te fie Unit-ed Kingde4m and tfie British ýohenies, but aise opened flic de)r wide te fie Argentine Repubhie, Austria Ilungary, iRussit, Spain, 'jerwayy '- weden, Denmark, Swit- zerlanid, Japan, Boivia, Columbia and Venezuela, Cun.aidians lu.n gen- eral flieuglif tiere must lic tome mîstake., They could nef. be1ieve that witiout gcfting auy concessions wiafcver from any country exccpf flic United States our Govemument weuld admit farm produets fro)m al fliese ceuntries info Canmada to compocte frochy wifh Canudian farm broduets. Tic wording cf flic Re- ,ciprccity Agreement was rcry pain; flicre seemedte he ne doulit about ifs meuing; and yct if wvas s;uci an ,exfmaordinamy arrangement, seý un- fair te Canadian farmers, anid se iikely te heacq te disputes Vwitli fli Anierican customns 4offeiahs fiat many people blihev'ed fi at flic Gev- erumeuf would give stme explana- tien siowiug fIat fie agr-eement hadblicouwrongiy inferpretedý. Io erer, flicre is ne longer au suici hope. Mr. IRobet L. Bordeni ques- tiened Hon. Mr. Fielding ou-,fils point and Mm. Fielding adm'iitted that fie iRciprocify Ageen menau exactly whaf if appeured te, mean and fiat Canada wo)uhd getI nothing whatevcr ilu returu fromil auy cf fie twelve foreigu nations or the Britishi ceuntries tiaf shars wifh tic United S,-tafes the privi- lege cf sendiug f heir fam-m produefts f reely into tic Canadian markef. If tic Rcciprecity Comlpact simp- ly provided for f re fmade lu farm producfs between Canada and ft Unifed States fliere mig_-it reasen- ably lie differenrce c)f opinion as to ýwhefier if wouLd lie adcvantageous te Canadian farmners or nef.* We fhink fiat eren suci an arrange- mient wuld have lcua lad bar- gain fer Canadian farmers, Liecautse flic, surplus cf fariit produesu f th Uniiifed, States is enermeously greait cm flan flic surplus cf (Canadiar farn produefLs, Icc(ause f, lic. f rminî tontson is cearier and longer in tie Uifodc( States, and becausýe our far- maers wuhdaiways lic at fie merel c)f tiche if eisaio)f fie unit- cdStates Cegrts wihe fhey wouhd lhave ine-voiif tic cection cf C grsbut sf11 i lere woulk lie room for arg-ument as teý whetlier our fammers would gain enougi lil ,a-dission cf their predluete Unit- cd States market s te cempnj-ensatî fhem fer lestes linflic home nmarket; but f roýmflicarmers' point cf view uofiiing eau lie said lu faver cf ah- lowing fwclvc foreigu nations and flic food-experting Brifisi eloinies te- tend their famin produefs feh inito Canada witliouf ivngoui farmers aunyfhing te ompenst thcmn for this uuexpecfed come ~tien lu tic Canudian home market. BY L W the continu ance o f, this agrèee ment te a ýnumber less than 100 proviclec that if any lamp shall be (Centiuued from page 2.) discontiuued before it lias been ir entire street lighting system, while use one year "the Company" shall the lamps are burning, at least be entitled to be paid rePnt tu the twýice a week, se htayln end of one year frojn the Lime of wiehci fails t u hum properlny sa h its having been first installed anc lie romtlyreprted an pu inuse d, unles rdered fera short- bre ror l' medîatey eaed imt er time, whcu special arranýements is uderstoed by "the Company"mabeace thait the utmcost diligenceshahl be 22. It is un.derstood and agreed use.,d in order that the streets that paragraphs frem 7 to 20 in- squre~audpubie lacs saîlli clusive herein contained apply only squarcesntdpubie paes, l etO street lighting, and that al othei 18. Lamps lt brnngi ama-paragraphs herein contained shahl 1er saisactr to"tenCorpma- apply generally, unless,- by th--ir tien" shaîl be repaired or proper cnet hyso iiain o lamps substitnted within eighiteen same to definite objects. hour akr is~mc Xiz ben gven 23. "The Company" sliall net cut, hers"te erpnorti bee by te or permit to, bce(,ut, by the-Ir offi- Clerkthe Cro, ti," orthelamphorcers, servants or workmen, any lmps rfered ùtee, ordorottree upon the streets withiu the humpsatifacedtoly. r 'o nttown imits except under the-super- 19. "The Corporation" sliall keep visoadwt h osnc ou fyle at the ofice of its Clerk a some person to lie appointe.d by blueprint or map of the streets and "the Corporation,"' through its blocks of the teWu, aud "the Com- Coujicil, for the purpose, and it pany" shaîl mark thereon in a shaîl net erect its poles or striug mnner satis-factery te the- said its wires se as te damage any tree iClerk, the geographical location of l in the limits afereseaid, except ~aehand ver lam, ad inthewith the consent of the aforesaid ý'Pint lof£tlie locatPon of any lamp or person. m amps beiug ehangeAd, or new îamps ,24. The poles, wires, cehductors, ýbseinig added, "tlie Cempany" shaîl and every, article, appliance and U xithin five days of sucli changes or apparatus whicli may be necessary additions mark the new location of frýtectrie lighting, are to bie fur- sucliîampor laps. ished and maintaiue.d by "the 20. Al' safety appliances adopt- Comfpany" at its owu cost and ex- ed by the best modern electrical pense, and the lamps, wires and practises shaîl be used throughout other conductors shaîl be -th rough- tlic system aut1?lerized directly or ly insulated and "tlie Corpora- indirectly by this agreement, an-d tien" shaîl net lie held respousible zny improvement se adopted in for any iujury or accident which lamp fixtures shaîl be nmade known may be occasioned liy the poles, te the Clerk or "tlie Corporation" wres, conductors or electrie. cur- and if then required by "the Cor- rent. "The Compndy" hereby fur- poration," througli its Council, ther agrees that it iili indemnify sliall forthwitli be supplied by "tho and save harmles~i "the Corpora-' Company." tion," its officers, agents and ser- 21. Changes of location cf îamps vants, and eacli and, every oeeof Must lie madle by "the Company", them against and from al suits and within thirty days after the re- actions of every nature and descrip- ccipt cf the notice frein "the Cor- flo b'uit gii n fte poration," and the actual cost only and against an-c from ah daimages, of tlie lahor and mates-ial lu mak- and costs te. whici, it, tlicy or any ing change shm11 be cliarged to "the cf them maylbe put te by reason Corporation.""Tlie Corporation" of inju-ry to the person ôr proper- rescrv es the riglit at any time te ty cf anotlicr, resalting frein ans> discontinue auy lamip or lamîîs, as .upec rceeciemtram it may deemn expedi'rnt, provided, chinery, implernt, apphiances, or howeer, hat he nmberof lmpsfroin any plaeing -of IDolos, wires or heweertha th nuulie oflums oherappi;ance used 1u erformiug contracted for under this agie trap'Mpn ment shah net lbe diuiinishecl dur- this agreement, or from aux' act cf omission or -commission claimed against "the Corporation" or "the rv ý- 7-ý Company" or the officers, servants or agents cf ecd, in connection OR A LUH with matters invoîx ed under this Mea....................agreement or performing the ser- Meatk...................300 Ibs. xices cortemplated hereunder. MBut..........er4 qs 25. "The Corpoîation," tlrough ge ~................... 27 doz its efficer dtily appointed liy its VLgetables .............. 500 Iba. Council, shall, upon beiug satis- lied as te tlie coprectuess thereýf, Thiîs represents a fair ra- certify tlie acceunts cf "the Comn itio fora mn fo a yar. pany" for aîl services performe.d tionfor ma fora yer. hy "the Company" in each preced- But some people eat and ing mouth, ami the acceunts s0 certifled afte'- beiug approved by yýeat and grow thinner. This the said officer shahl duly bce pai-d by the Treasurer cf '"the Corpora- means a defective digestion tien" net inter than the fifi eenth -andunsitale fod.A lrgeday cf the mouth ýfollowing that in .andunsutabl foo. A arge whichi the services, are rendered. ý&izebouleof 26. No riglits or privileges te -sizebotte oferect poles, wires. or other appli- 4 'Jauces are couferredl by this agrec- i ment cther than those rcquiredËofr limits of "'the Corporation," "tlie equals in nourishing proper- Company" shaîl have a man on tlie ' of ~ scenie forthwitli and within a rea- ties ten pownus o meat. sonalile time after the aiarmn lias Tour physician can tel yo licou given, who will cut or remove suc l hes or wircs as may inter- - < ow it does it. fere xitb the work cf the firemen, auid as te this the Captain cf tlie 10X BALE UT AIL DrU-GGISTI Fire Brigade shalliec the scie judge. '8.~.i 10,.. ..ame cIn pera.î tht dfo .TuaetIe man represeniting "tlie ' Satle av.egfBank an dd' kihBo.Compauy," as aforcsaid, is net at ~ahb..k veni..l aOd L'.4ýk PeîaY thelceneof tt i ire witiw t le time Sr-OTT & BOWNE jmWntiened the, Captain of teFire 48Wia.n8r.t.W's ~ i 'Brig-ade, or person )ii icharge of lthe Brigade af flic fime, may remove AT D M SD O É or cut flic wircs, or may direct fite D A W D RF3 samne af lis and their own risk, and unuu vunas if siail-be-flic dut>r cf 'tfle-CUom FIJ-t1U-t pany" as soon as possible fliere- D E IE S - Saffer te reuder harniets tic wîres -and linos and te restere fiemn atSAE ONYB sonce after fie exigeuicies whiéh AE-H D -caused flicir remnoral have ceased te"RI--lVS exist, witheuf expense te "tlic Cor- F ITA IVS peratien" ; provided ne relate shahl libe asked for, or deduicted, by "fie CÂBÂSIONrf. -Corpo-rafion" for any liglits wiicli "Two years 'ago, the doctor mnade may lie extiuguishcd by sucli con- forty-four calîs ou mc, and thon said tingencies.lih1a4done ail he conld for nie. 1 was 8feigwith intense Kidney Trouble 28. The cmpay" hah ef leand Inflammation had set in. Twe eliliged te ereet polos or posfs, 'Or other doctors.were consnlted and agreed -remore lumps fer streef igits, lie- fIat nething could lie doue te heip me. e twecn fie fiffeenth day cf Ne-vem- On the recommendatiwx of a neighbor, ber and flic fiffeenfli day cf April I teok "Fruit-a-tires" and they cured - feiowngdurng ic onfnuace nme.*T-day> I take "Fruit-a-tires" aa- fltoius agrmenth ý1My e niymdicin1e. I ami in excellent of tis areemnt. eaith, and 5'rtit-ae-ti*es-" la the 9 29. If 18 furtie-- agireed by "fie medicine tIat curd neaf tr 1had boe e Company" fiat if wilh fumnish i co- at Death's Dotôt'for months. t. ric current for liglifiug flic Muni-J am glad te le able te, give yen this Ycipah Buildings -iiftche wucf BeW- testimniual. If nia>'benefit somneother munrlle t a a4nu rat cfweman suffering as I suffered, as I inanill ata iiax)-nni ateof e fiv at I -would ntef lilve to-day c-iglit cents per zlee flusand watt had 1 not used "Fruit-a-tives". theurs. MRS. P. e. WEBBER. 30. "Tic Corporation" wîhh puy <'Fruit-a-tires" -b>' ifs marveilous r te "fie Company" loi- cad-iimen- action on fhe kiducys -cempletet>' Y descent ehectrie liglit se igited on restores these vital organs te their î- the public streets, lunes, squtares, normal strengfh and vîgor--and cures eparks and higiways lunflic towu c(_f ever>' trace of Kidney Trouble.,- 'tFruif.. Bowmanvihhe for fie fu'il numbe)ýr a-tires" is the euly inedicine in the werhd made of fruit. of liglits as heinliefore prorided tei Soc. a box, 6 for $2.5e, triai size, 25e. thfli satisfaction cf "fie Corpora- At dealers,or fromi Fruit-a-tives Limited, htien" or ifs efficers appoinfed for Ottawa. ssaid purpose by ifs Council, and ________ Y upon suci officer giving his certi- yashrfrm fe Croa c finte us fersaîd fi su eftien" siail purciase frein "fie e twelve delurs per ycar, payable Company" al fie polos, wimes, -monfhly, as hereinhefore menfioned tmansfemmers 'and ofier apphiarices during flic coutinuance -cf tuis ennected fierewifh, on flic streefs agreement, and '"fite Corporation" and higliways, as are lu use te dis- furtior covenaunts and, agrees that frilinfe elecefrie enorgy teflic in- fmom--fie- -commencement cof f-tis. habitants cf fie town cf Bowmau- agreement nef lesst fhan. oeehlun-vilfelghngprosadfr edred incandesce nt ligits, togoflier vlefo- htn uroe adÏ- witli suci addifienai incandescent lîghfing ifs streots, ut a prîce o tei liglits as inay lie ordered by "flic ugrecd upon liotween flic parties, l and if h ate antarea Corporation" frein fime tote imefipatecaotamos Ste pi ce, fie sainie ýhah lie ascer- shahlieb paid for frein flic date they faiuied liy arbitration, oaci parfy W!ýe-ligifed b ' "fie Company" dur-clioosing an amifafor, and a third' sing fie continu ance cf thts agrcc- ambifrator by flic fwo, and in case meut upon flic teris pr.evieusly set flic fwo caunet ugree upon flic 1f orth. flird arbifrafor in sevon duysaffer 31. Thts agreement sialCu111- bliig uppointed b>' fli respective meuce and continueilu force for a parties, flic fiird arbifmater shlni r pciod cf feu years frein tflifrst lic aplioinfed liy fie Board cf Rail- 'day cf Juiy, 1911, with rigit 'cf me- way Cemmnisskin-ert eof tic Do-mi- newai for another ton years if de- ion cf- Canada. Se soon as "flic sired by "flic Corporation" and Croain hl cd oen a furthr righ of reewaccl thlt agreement, and ifs riglif te end ef fiat torn if "fie Cerpora- canicel is aeknowiedged hy "flic tien" desires, and in ecd renew Cmayorideriieb tc ai if parties cannt ugre us toe ie Cepa'oris dctesixmnd b>' li rates te lie ciargcd f hey are t c etehl Jegpifreain o si mroufsle- refcrred te flic Board ef Railwayfoeliexraonc ierfti Commissioners fer fie Dominion cf ton years referred te, "thle Cerper- Canîada. Tic desire cf "flic Cor- afien' may serve notice on "tlie porat ion" tei extend1 thts agrcc- Company" cf flic appoinfinent cf mont as aliore sliall lie signified b isallmtr ydeh o fi ifs giriug te "fie, Compan ' six Company" te appoint ifs arbitra- menis otce u rifug f fs u-for wfhln sercu dayt thereafter, fenfi nosete i do. n f t i-and in case cf "fie Company" fail-- 5 tenion o to or ncglecfing te appoint ifs ar- 't 32. "The Company" is te hure bitrator wifhin said fume, "flic Cor- froc accesut ail timies toe fli e- pomation" may apply te flic Board mises on wiich fie' curreut its sJcf Rallway Cemmîssionxers for flic cd, te moud mefers or te determuine Dominion cof Canada te appeint a if flic current is being carried, dis- sole arbitmator wio shaîl defeîwnine fributed and used in a proper om said prico. Iu case cfflihre urbi- impreper manuer, or for.flic pur- frafors adjucating ounflic aforesaîd poses conuecfed wifh f lis ugree- price, flic award cf un>' txx cf fiem ment. shal liec final and conclusive, and 33.' "The Corporation" is net iiiflic case cf eue arbitrafer sot- teli permitfed te use flic current ting flic price as aliove, lis axuard 5furnished te if for any purpose or siaihli c finah aiild conclusive, and tin any place olier tino is pmovid.edfliere sial liec ne appeal lunciflier for lu thts agreement witliout liax- case, ceither ounflic law or fuets, ing first olifained the writfcn con- nom shall any award se made lie tout cf "flic Company." open te lie attacked on any ground 34. If is furthem agreed fliaf if whatsoever. Tic expense cf sucli "tic Company" shail fail fo carry arhltration and thlicocsfs attend- eut this agreement and is in clef auilf auf upen same shah liebe rne b>' ut au>' fiae for flic spaceocf tire fie parties -hemeto lu suci propor- monflis except sucli defaulf shahl tien as may lie determined li'vyfie lie eccasioned iy- fime, war,,e- award, and flic value te lie award- blcîion, flood, tflic nes cf Ged, cf cd shahliebcbased ou fie actual eost lich King, cm fie enomios of fie cffie oquipinu lest a fair percent- 1Kiîïg, or ofier cause or causes of ugo for depreciatien, und shul acf a ike nature,, "fie' Corporation"','include uni' value for flic franchise shaîl have flic rigifte caneel thts or gocd will cf flic business. agreement.' If "fli Corporation" 36. 11u case "the Corporation" idaims flic îiglif te cancel tuis i[akes over the business conte mpiut-1 agreement under thts clause, and ed under fis agreemont, under flic "flic Company " coules is riglit, procediug clause, "the Company" flic question shalliec determiued agrees- f0 fumnisli lectriceeegy te by a Judge cf fie Count>' Court cf "tic Corporation"fe operafe ifs saidi flic Uiiited Couxties cf Noîthuin- business ut a rate nef toeoxceed bcmiund and Durhaum wise de- $25 per herse power per annuin for cisien siahi ho final fliereon. a fw-enfy-four leur service ferrflic 3.If "i- Croato" ea-pwe cfaluean 'sMy goîng clause, or in the ex eut cf'stalle d for said purpose, anîd puy- "the Cerpomation" >nef rcaewing Iale moatiîly wifhin fiffoco duys af- ils conftrt fliceend cf feu fter flic date cf flic account euder- yeurs, orauthfice ed cf fwouty cd,flic pexwer fo lie defermined liy __________ -rcading% tfaken f rom a curve dîuw- sssrisssu3niug wxatt nieter, aîî>d flic maximum A R IMAS ANGEeading for ton ensecutive minutos TO WOME N paidfr 4 at ocnttt TAKE GIN PILLr» eue horse power, or ut, a rate ccii- sisfing cf a service charge cf twelve TrNXsIDu P.O., ONvr. dollars per cennected bercýe power 11I received your samnple of GIN per. annum, plus a meter rate ef PILLS and aftor using theni, I feit go tii-ce-eigiflis cf oee2ent per herse mmucl lciter that I got a box at ni>'px-rc 4 -ats sdtmie druggisf's, sud now I uni faking thepoeof76wtsasderid third box. liy an înfegrading mefer. o The pain acmets my bacli sud kidneys 3.If is undersfeed and agreed las aimnosf eutirety gene und I uni heffer thfat "flic Company"' iste fake orer than 1 bave been for yeurs, I was a under thc agreement te purchase great suferer froni Rheumatisni.but if and seil, "flic proporty" cf "fie lias alh left me. I strengi>' adrise al vomneu, who sufer froin Pain Iu The Corporation," and is te mun'flic Back anîd Weak Kidncys, te fry GIN sa ine frei n ad inînîdiafely uffer PILLS. MRS. T. HARRIS. acquiring "flic pîopety," but ahi Thîousands cf womien, righf here'iii arc ligits ncw lu use are te ho Canada, ewe their robusf bealth, their ahoiisied and tie saine are te lie streugfb and rigor, their bright oyes aud donc away witi aîîd replaced wifli rot>' cheeks-to GIN PILLS. ýAnd f1 o> know that GIN PILI<S will cure the incandescent lumps lunflic mauner Kýidue>' and Biadder Troubles with indicafed liercin, xxif lin eue hundred *which te nian> wemeu siffer. and twenfy days frein fie first day Do ust as Mrs. Harris did-first, c(f Jul>', 1911, but for fie fume tic *rite iora free sampie box of (GI N arc liglifs are operafed lieeunder PILLS aud fry theni. _ rTI, if flic>'dooaircigffrfepipsef yougood, get the egniar 5ý)c boxes at ,ah relgtfrheppo f your dealer's. Your mono>' prom1pti>' paymPent shahl count as flirce in- refunded if GIN PILLS fail te give cýandeseepnt ligifs, and are fo lie rciief. ,aioal Drnig <sud Cheinlicasipperwl' inniaed aud operated, c, Dept. A. Toronto. 16 but afor flice xpiration cf flic said t eue hundred and tweuty days no charge is to e emade by "'tic Com- pany" for opcmating the arc lamps, thon gh- thecsame__a reto__lie epe rat- cd iîtich incandescent hamps refer- mcd te are net duhy instahled. 38. Nothing in tliïs ceentracf shall lie eonsfrued te give "tic Cern- pany" an exclusive trandhîs,,e orcx ci usive use cf the streetsý for tic purpese cf supplying electrie ener-ý gy for higlit, heat aud poer. 39. If' this agreement and the franchise hereliy givon lie continu- ed in "tic Comupany" for the period rcferred te cf full fhirty ycars, at the expiration cf said period "the Company" shahl remove ahi its polos, wires and other appliances which are used in cenuection witi electrie lightîng and furnishîng lieut and power as deflued ln thts agree- ment, which ar'e wîthiu th~e limits of the town, te peints eutirely eut- sidc cf the limits of suid town. 41. It is furtlier agreed thaf the expression "financial, standing," îîsed in pamagrapit, or clause, 6 hereof, shahli e satîsfied in flic case cf auy person, applyiug for electrie higit who xx 11 pay for fie.conuec- tien wif i s-premisos if anything is due for fie samne hereunder, and will pay in advance tic sum cf five dollars as a guaranfee te "tic Comn- pany" fer tic paymeut cf, ifs ac- confs, said sum cf five dollars te lie refurncd te suci person af the end cf fwelve monflis affer suci payment if ail accounts againsf him, te saîd fime are duly paid. 42. "The Company" ugrooes tei give te "tic Corporation," within thirty days affer fie third rcadiug cf the by ,iaw tu lie submitted hbore- under, flic bond cf The Electrie Poewer Company,---Limif cd,- in-flice sum cf $2,000 for flic due execution liy "flic Cempanùy" cf aillfie tcrms cf tht a gmeemeut. 143. "The Corporation" wili tub- miffe tice electors cf "tic Corpora- tien" a by-law foundcd on this agreement, wifhin fifty days, affer flic day cf fie execution liereof liy "flic Company," and in flic eveut cf tie saine net meceiving tic assont cf fie cleeteors in mannor preserili- cd hy law, this agreement shaîl nef lie bindiug en cither party te samne. IN WITNESS WHEREOF thc parties hereto have liercunte set flicir corperate seuls, and have causcd these presents te lic sigued by their respective proper officers flic day and year flrsf aliove writ- ton. (Seul cf Company) - J. G. G. KERRY, President. A. B. COLVILLE, Ass'f Sec'y. (Seul cf Corporation) J. B. MITCHELL,' Mayor. -JOHN LYLE, Clerk. AND WIHEREAS if is nccessary fliat tic suid agreement aal libe sulimitfcd te and recoive -the as- sent cf flic clectors cffite muni- cipality cfflithe wucf Bowmanvlhe iný manuer provided liy flic Consei- dated -Municipal Acf, 1903, iu me- I speet cf liy-laws requiring flic as- ] sent cf flic electors. THElIEFORE, flic Municipal Ceuncil cf The Corporation cf tic town cf Bowmauvihle, witi the, as- sent cf flic saîd electors, enuets asq follows'1 1. That tlic said agreement lie,'i and flic samne is iercliy ratifled and conflrmed. and shah libe inding up- ,on The Corporation cfflithe wn ef Bowmanville accordiug te flic terms1 fliereof.1 2. Thisliy-law shah "come iloe force and effeet irnmediafeiy on andi affer fie final passing themeof. i 3. Tic votes cf flic qualifled choc- tors cf fie mîînicipality of flic town1 cf Bowmauville shs.ll lie faken ou thts by-Iaw lu pursuance cf the pro- visions of flic Starutes in that lie haîf on' Monduy, tic third day cfi Apr il, 1911, frei naine o'ciocl inl flic foienonu te five o'clock in flic afternoon ut fie fohlew iug places: For the West Ward uthflicCotin- cil Room iu tic Municipal Buildings in fhe towncf, Bowmauxihhe. For flic North Wurd ut flic office cf fthc Bowling, Club ounflic nortli Restoration of S tom a el,, Power Cornes Quick1ý With the Right Medîeine, "liY fOOd seemcd te decompose il îY stOmach," writes Mr. Ralph 0Clm. taons, cf Newbridge, P.O. "I had stomacb that faited lu tome way t, perform its worc. Digestion seemer more or less arrested and I grew thin, yeltow, nervous. The stomach becani, distended and impeded apparer.tly th( action cf the heari, for offen at nigh! It would do great stunts. At times 1 would vomit a mucous mass, aud ai these times my head acbed most ter- ribiy. A friend, wbo had been cnred of a similar condition, advised me to take Dr. Hamilton's Pisl regularly, whieh 1 dld. The resuit. lu my case e as slmpiy ruar-vetous. Dr. Hamllton'- PlIls remeved the cause, strengthened1 the stomaeh, cxcited the liver te normal action, the kiducyo were released of excessive v-ork. Hcaith soon glowe d within me, 1 can uow eat, steep, and ive tike a live man." Be advlsed-TJse Dr. Hamitton's Plils -hey are sure te do yen goed. 25c ' r box, at att dealers, or The Ca- tar:rhozene Co., KCingston, _Canada. Or. Hamilton'sPIS Cure Indigestion ESTABLISHED 1873 TheStandard- Bank -of- Canada Head Office:» TORONTO Record of Business as at 3lst January, 1911 RESOURCES GoId, Silver and Goverii- mont Notes, $,8,54~ Due b>' Banks - - 1508,928.9Ô3 Goverument and other Bonds 2,910,243.84 Loans on Cail and Bills Discounted - m - 24,994,553.09 Goverument Deposit te secure cimp~latîon - 100,000.00 Bank Premises 677,965.32 Other Assets - - 151,052.61 LîÂABLrîES Capital paid up 200000 Rescrve Fend and Profits - 2,616,556.69 Notes in Circ,*ation - 1,967,102.00 Deposits- - - . 26,413,503.17 Due te Banks . - e 370,148.28 Dividends m 60,018.(» $33.427,328. 141$3. Dividends on paid up Capital-TWpIva per cent. per annum. Toronto, 3sit Januar>', 1911. side cf Churcli street,, between Tem- peranee and, DivisioBs streets, in said town cf Bowmanville. For the South Ward iu tic base- meut cf the Public Scliool on Vic- toria street,_ iu the said town cf Bowmanville.* The following porsons shaîl be the Iletumning Officers for the taking of tic votes at the said polling places: For the West Ward, John Lyle; for, the Nortli Ward, John S. Moorcraft: for the South, Vard, James Nookes. 4. That Wcdnesday. the twcnty- ninth day of Muicli, 1911, at twelve o'elock noon, shahlieb the day and heur, and the Council Cliamber in 'tie Municipal Buildings' the place where the Mayor shahl attend te appoint persons te attend ut the varions polliug places and at the final summiug up cf the votes liy the Clerk on behaîf ci the personsi interostcd in prometing or oppos- iug the passing cf this by-law. 5. Thatl Tuesday, the fourtli day1 cf April, 1911, at ter- o'clock in the' forenoon, shaU lie thc day ami dticl heur, and the Co)un-il Cliber'in the Municipal Buildings in the towu cf Bowmanville, tlie place wbei-e the Cleî-k shahl suin up tlie number cf votes given- for and against this by-law. NOIE TAXE NOTICE tliat the above is a fl-uc copy cf a proposed hy-law whicli bas î-eceived iiLs first and second readiugs at the Municipal Council of the Corporaüion of the tewn cf Biowmanville, ami will lie takýen .jute consideration bv said Municipal Councilland finallb pass-, cd lix said Council (lu the ex eut cf flic assent cf tic electors being.oh- tained themeto) after eue month from tic first publication in The Canadian Statesmain newspaper, the date cf tlie flrst publication lie- ing, 'flursday, the ninfli day cf Mardi, 1911, and flic votes' cf tfl qualifled electers shaîlliec taken tliereou as follows: t l'or thc West Wamd at the Coun- cil Room lu the Municipal Build- ings, iu the tewu cf Boxxmauviile. For the North Ward at tlie office of the Bowling Club con the north side cf Churcli street, lietween Temperauce and ]Division streets, in the said towu cf5 Bowmunviile. For the Soutli Ward in flic base- ment cf the Public- School on Vic- toria street; lun the said toxyn cf Bowmanville. And commcpcing at the heur cof nine o'cloek in tlie forenoon, until tlie heur cf five o'clock iu the affer- noon cf Menday, the third day of CSok's Cotton Root 'Compouiid. 'i-- he great Uterine Tonie, and 'only sate effectuai Montbly Regulator on whicb woenu an depenci. Sotdiluthreedegrees o7' f strength-No. 1, ýoi; Me 2 10 degrees stronger $'3 «Ne. 3. for special cases, è5Per box. SOiM by ail dmngglsts, or sent treptaion receipi of pmic. Coo MotrneCLTluepamblet. Address C GMsON. torer i e33.427,328.14 GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. PROMPTL YSE URED We soticit the business cf Manufacturers, Ilogineers anci others wbotrealiza the acvisabil- iiy c having theiýr Paienbuiestaacd by experts. Preliminaryscivice free. Chars mo.derate. Our sent uMon requesi. Marlon & MarýLon, New York tife Btdg, Ment reat:. and WXashington, D.C.. U.S.A. inpavi plntCrigoew e joinstadtBosnds oha o nd a cre ditodaylve. Ytyn ncr athese40oubes tdha th orldme fhosee dy ihaslcuo h mare,Kedalspavn ureba jsad illosns hdlarse ersen cIn te 4 er ta hs ol' Mounds, P.O., Oids, Alta. 'II have, used Keudall's Spavin Cure for a number of years Wil great success, and I -e,-tink it cau't ho beaten S' as an all-around stable 'h' liniment for Kicks, <" Strains, Sweiling of ahl kiuds, Ringbone and Spuvin". AnRHuR FLETrCTZE. No tcliiug when yen wil ueed it. Get a bottie now-$î-6 for $s. Our book-l'A Treatise- On The Horso"-free ut your dmnggists or write us49 Br. B. J. IKEND>ALL CO,. Enosbnrg Faits, VI. 'TaADEMARKS SAyone sending a sketch and descriptlon mmay tlnlctly asrertaln eur opiniou free w ether an $cientfk .N entea. en f "iveonuul'0 P"0a"6", ekiy aret air- 'il' 15f W 1 fil- April. 1911. (Signed) JOHN LYLLE, Clerk. Date-d af Bowmauvrilc Feliruary 28tli, 19.I. BLODO DISEASES CUREO Drs. K. & K. Established 20 -Years 83rNO NAMES LJSED WITH. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT S M.rsT. IieÂTMT4.. for a serjous lood, disease with whjch, 1 had been mnik.teâ for twelve years. 1 had consulted ascore ys.oikstaen 1kiud. of blocd q f minerai wtr eos b ut"'on ly em i ~ .~poraryrelif.They would>help lme.o e"timeibut after discontinuing the medri cines the symptoms weulcl break out again-running soresè blotlches, rheum Satic pal,r leoseness. o h air, swefIrg fthe glands, palins of the haud naig; 9FRCTntAt £NT tobneh ofteàk Jdyppt Btmcls, TY TATMENT etc. I had given 'updîn despair when friend advised me to consult you, as you had cured bim of a similar disease 8 Yeasao K bad ne ope. but took bis adviue. In three weeks' time the sores commenced t=1ha1Zn and 1 became endouraged. ! cûutinued the Nxw MRns'oio TnasÂTurNr for four menthe fin~tth ed f hat timeevr.1 yptm ad disappeared. -I1 %as cured 7 y cars -ego and n e ' o ny dise.esc. lily boy, tbree -years old, lasosund and healtby. 1 cer- tauycnrecmendl your traten wtbai m eart. Yen eau refer an prot Me rlvatey, but You van lsethis testimonial ayou wisb.WH.. We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEIN S, VITAL WEAICNES S. BLOOD, SKIN and SECRET Diseases. IJRINARY, BLADDER and lClDNZY cQmPlaints of Moni end Women. rnERAre -yeu a victhm? 1-av you lest hope? Are yen intending toe rr lias @EALEU your blood been diseaseci? Have you any weakness? Our NEw kIETnefl XREÂTME~IT will cure yen. Wbat it bas done fer others it will do for yen. 'Consultationi Free. Ne matter who bas treated you write for an henest opinion Fr. of Charge Cbarges reasenable. Books Free-(Illustrated) ou diseases of lMen. NO NAMES USEDJWIHOU RT NCN ENT. eorythins confidential. Q u estion liât an d co si .5 oofTre t en 'E E.C O S E T DRS.KEMNEY& ENHE DY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St.., Detroit, Mich. NOT CE All letters fromCaniada must be addressed ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see uis personally çall at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat Do ,patient& ln our Windsor offices which are for Cozrespondence and Laboratory for Canadian business oniy. Address ail letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. 1 ýl

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