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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1911, p. 7

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I ORCIIAID PLANTING. appear doaiing with tEe care of dahlias, cannas sud climisg rases. Those who.'intend plautisg fruit "Intensive gas'deniug an a smnal trecs this spriug, whether beginners Plot" gi-ses tEe exporience ai the pi eXporieuced fruit growers, il wrter in tEe management ai a small ho interested in sud, pei_,hapý,se- vegetabie ýarden, describiug the ,cr'e saine safa imat.',aIon f em preparatian ai tEe soil,'fertilization the March nuum-er ai TE Canadian ai tEe smil sud plauting. "WEat ta -Hortictultniist of Petorboro, Ont., grow sud bow ta grow it," explains - whi~e devot-es considerable atten- in detail tEe makiug an-d manage- tien ta tbis subject.- Sehection ai meut ai a bot-bcd. ýoil sud location sitable for, or- ChaNt, preparation for pianiPAISA SAE how te plant, tEe best vieties, An bdeleui air ion le. culivation akter plautiug sud PaianSgisc pud' o other subjeets, a i ueonature aretEe mst advSaned s cieontfe prin- deait with by competent authori- h otavne cetfcpî- ',,iu this number. Articles ais - ciples, sudnotbing -:n tEe maiketi jdeaiing with 'bsabjeats of ta day eau compare witb if,. It ac- .ý4Y11g, iertilizing, 'ienewisg aid complishes somach mare tius(îtEe ercliards sud ather matters whi-eh odnr one u iO5i 5 willipproveai interest te the pra qickly that users are astonislhcd. tics! frait -grower At this sOSSOS. AgersinSudgeadicate dandraf', repaît ai the depatation ai tEe fraittopers andiugEauitebin i ue, an.d vegetabie growers who waited sosflighi,.icigio n au Ee oveumet rceuîy n ~ scalp aud splitting hairs n . ùtue ontadt he pvroposotrif chay ngre s-weeks or we wiii refuud yoar mon- i-ses i thi rpsedambri bycangstaf y. reps ientantio who baccom affd Parisiau Sage gives a fasciusting thirs ,eptatiau. o-A ilustation lustre te women's bau sund makes ~~~~~~this duain nilsrtoa it beautifal. It makes tEe haie showung tEe members afis eu grow iuxuriantiy; it is tEe dais- tation on the steps ai the Parlis- tiest sud imost îefrcshing Eaur dres- >ment Buildings, Ottawa, aise ap- sing that science has produced, sud peasS. jbas net s partiele ai grosse or Amateur fiower' gîowers sud gar- stickiuess in it. Parisian Sage deners can seure mnas-s sefai sug- costs 50 cents at yenr druggists or gestions f rom this namber. Articles postpaid f rom the proprietois, TEe _______________________ Giroux Mfg. Ca., Fort Euie, Ont. TEe girl xith the auburn Eaur is au ~ usuL .~1every package. Sohd sud guaman- teed by Jury & Loveil, dmaggists, Ulb _ j M_ - 1teed hy Gco. E. Moore.1 ., luna ireai Cerreeted QuicIcIy by the Use ol -Catarrhozonc Jatarrh l-9ans inflammation. Wbere tre i- inflammation there is always ym "re or ',ss offensive secretion. In- filamyntiai, uuay be of the very active sort, but it !,s Often of the slow kind, anmd this is the Particular formn lu which the brcath is îeudered offensive and the preseuce of the sufferer be- came.s au offence te every persan of detlicate sensý-Iblty. .Bad breath is in itself sufficient to urge you te correct it, because one dis-- likes to be wtipleasant to their friends but this form of oatarrh is dangerous because it supplies a hotbed for.the deVeIorMCný fCn~usto or. oe otiier disease.s cf the thýroat and lungs. lBad' bresth is an evideuce that the "T robes -bs-e found a gaod restiug ~ce sud are csrryiug on their evil but-ads bta the heaitlî of the body. Catarrhozane, sces atý once sud de- strays these minute argauisms, but it does more-bt heals the inflamned sur- faces bu whicb they found a uesting place sud causeqaentby remaves bath cause ams d effeets f thebr action, If vW LI eo n 1y ýi-g W estimated the 'alue of prevention Ifnd used Catarrh- ozone at the bOginning of a cold or jutbefore it becomnes weII seated, the dea'àdly ravages of Conaumption would b. stayed and the terrible agonies of suferrscfAshma or Bronchitis com- gleteIy abco'ished. ) ?There is no îemedy as effecttve for bad breathi, Catarih, Bronchitis, Asth-] ma, etc., as Oatarrlsozone. Besides beiug healinrg sud soothIng t Is germr destraying. -Nothin~g ever offered te~ 4te public cas camparý with. it ln bits jlromnptiess-, effciency, and permran- ency of action, sud you can bay lit tromu any deaer lu. mnedicine throaigh- euOt the Dominioni af C7anada, 25e, b0e, an-d $1,00 sizes. By mail *from The Catarîhaozose Co,, BuIffale,ý T. n 1Xngst, ont. Report ai S. S. No. 10, Darling- ton. Names in eider af merit: IV. Class-Msbel Coach, 80 per cent. ; Edgar Scott, 64 per cent.; Russell Wright, 61 per cent; Mii- dred Martin, 37 per cent. III.-Wilmot Wright, Eveiyn Brent, May Wright, Leslie Hoskin. III.-(a) Douglas Cole, Ewsrt Hoskiu, Rosa Shartt (equai); Har- old Hoar. (b) Viols Sbortt, Ethel Mackenzie. (c) Howard Brout. Primer-(a) Bodîrice Bigelow, Chuntas Bigelow, Winnie Cale. (b) Willie Hoskin. Houais iu Speling.-IV., Edgar Scott; III., Wilmot Wright; Il., Douglas Cle, Ewaît H'oskin, Rosa * Sheortt. I. Beatrice' Bigeiow. A. I. THOMAS, Teache r. "I. OB1TUARY. Mr î Thos. Arutrong, Clarke. Thomas Armstrong died Friday niglit in tEe Nicholis Hospital, Peterboro, shortiy aiter bis removai there. Hesît isilure was tEe im- mediate cause ai death. Deceased was 59 years ai age, sud bail been empioyed in tEe woods ahi witcr, but came ta Peterbero two weeks ago. De-ceased les-ses se-es brothers aud tEree sisters to mours bis lass, nameiy: William, James and David, of Kendai; Richard of. Mas-srs; Edward ai Muskoka; Andrew ai Peterboro, sud John ai ManagEas., TEe sisters are Jane aif Kendal; Mis. McLean aiToouo;Mis. Pst- tersas ai Carke. I g I e MRS. ANNIE VANI ORST'S ILEART DISEASE CIURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. She found quiek relief in the old reliable Iiidney rernedy, and ad- vises ail heî' friends to use Dlodd's ikidney Pis. St. Benediet, Sask., March 13 (Specia).-Gladuess has repiaeed tEe anxiety that reigned in the hons-ehold of Mrs. Annie Vanvorst aif thus place. For some tumc past Mrs. Vanivorst had snfered f rom Kidney Trouble sud palpitation ai the hesît, sud fbars w cre entertain- ed ai those terrihiy sndden fatali- tics that se ireqnently accompany affections ai the Eeart. But relief f rom both ailments wss quickly found in the aid reiabie remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pis, In an inter- visew Mrs. Vauvorst ssys: 'had palpitation ai the hesît sud my Kiducys were ont of or- der. I took ose box of Dodd's Kid- sey Pis, sud fonud great relief. For s Kiduey pill Dodd's Kidney Pis cannot he beat. You miay pub- lish wbat 1 ssy as t may be the meaus oi beuefittisg others wbo sui- fer with Kidney Tr'ouble or Heart Disease." Pure bieod is the basis aif ail beaith, sud yen can't have pure biood unness your Kîdneys are in good working eider. Dodd's Kid- niey Pis nover faau ta put the Kid- ncys in perfect workisg order. TASTY RECIPES. New Bariey Dish.-Boii until ten- der a beaping teseupini ai coarse hsrley. Aise bail 10 cents' xorth ai spareribs sud same amaunt ai calves' liver together until tender. Wben theo meat is remnoved f rom tEe rihs gîind it-,ap rosi fine with tEe iver, then mix thorougbly with the hariey. Add sýait sud pepper sud moid suto ittioecakes or halls sud f ry in deep butter or dî'ippisgs unu tii hrawn. This cas alsa hc iried withiout moiding muao cakes and is deicious. Waffies. - Eggiess Wafles-One cap flour; anc rounding teaspoon- fui haking powder, saît ta taste, anc cnp sweet zmilk, eue tablespoon- fuli melted butter (or' butter sud lard). This wiii miake tErce waf- fies. Another-Beat two oggs, add two caps oa ilu, oeetablespooiu oi mil- ted butter, sud oeeoa lard, two caps oif four, sifted, with two tes spoons bakiug powder sud a littie sat; mix weil together. Miller's Worm Powders cure al ailments oa- children luEo magie. Sold by Jury & Loveil, Bawmau- ville. H-o Is s nwusc man' who agrees witb bis wife rather than argue witb bier. 16 t e owerto njoyto he flliife's VIgorOUS Heaituh work and plasure-omres only with a orax, SodaigAmmonio ~'utoiu eas 111pefct-s ly thigstvemles hhand /adng fosrm. 7,oth e i, poapa>rycnvre ns, florsand nwrdoodwandk rîe- faierato, boxath oroom is'or wh otGQD 3US aionaell-do alOte or-an.d do itt« bettroan a zyhinuese - o N pt More thanT hat, GOl deDsTirale doani th quiad part o fe wo r Is n asn om Twihe oLDut yours 'ee helpti savi.N our strngt uwsh t en-i and temper.n an.forsadwodak e frgrtr ahro rwa oGOLD DUSTisa bleoin lsp ipwý Mre frm-citifGL- UTýiI& 1 h hcally cofbinedWithk savifing uisngdi entsOf magic oe. a 4gLD-~.,W lae oby THE n o.K.FIAN COP Y imakers of FAIRY SOAP, the oval cake. THE HERALDS& (Týo be surug by severai ai the yeungest or reeited by one at the Mission Band meeting.) lst. The membhers af this Mission Banc Who have been asked ta leud a band Have cheerfuliy consented: And whiie they now their giits em- ploy, We knew that you will ail enjoy The programme hiere presented. 2nd. When first tEe gleriaus Gospel -- Was -sent- io< every-dirne_ Those wxho' received the message Were filied with iaith sublime. They bncI that goid mast preeioti In wbich there is no drass: Te us there cames a message From soldiers ai the Cross. 3rcl. To make us eanuet xvrkers --Wc need iaorrned--te ha- 0fwbat is uow transpiring Iu lands beyend the ses. And naw a friend will tell you 0f that in which we find The ueediul information Aud help of.cvery kind. 4th. Those who believe in Jesus Possess the Light divine: And 11e mest piainiy tells tbemn To -always let it shine. But wve are called ta listen Ta one from distant lands Who wonders why we falter In keeping His commands. 5th. Ricbly the Lord bas blest you With lufe and health- and vîm: And we ta uight request yeu To freely honor Him. Those 11e isonward leading Who in His service live:- 11e sendhs whst they are needing By what yau freely give. T. WATSON. Uniandale, Ont., 191.1. CARRIED -LADHESSý Tu BIS HOME t Miss Georgie Langmaid ai O. L. C., ýWbithy, spent Su-n-day at batme. Mr. Lander's auction' sale went ýoff witb a fling. Miss Wannan, Oshawa, spent Sundsy at Mr. W. Giaspei's. Miss Tbompsou recently visited in this neighborhood. 1Wood-becs are the arder of the day. Tbreshing machine is again in aur midst. Miler's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Jury & Loveil, Bowmau- ville. Mr. Artbur Staiuton's home wass hrigbtiy illumiuated au the uight ai Monday. March 6, wbcn a large number ai the peopleofaithisneigE- borbood gatbered toether ta gi-se a romerauce te Mr. A. Chalwill, another ai aur young men, who is about ta follew the advice ai Horace Gr-eeiy af tEe Now York Tribune, "Young mas, go west Save np your money and buy'aý fam'm." Mr. Jes. Lsngmaid calied the meeting ta order sud Miss Florence Cameras read tEe following ad- dress: Zios, March 6, 1911. Mr. A. Choiwill: Dear Friend,-Yaur many friends sud acquaintauces ai Zien choir sud congregation, Eearing ai your going ta icave our -midst, have gatbcrcd togetber ta speud this so- ,cial eveuisg witb you before yoa go. Yeur uisefilness sud wiliisg- ness ta help in-the churcb sud -nighborbaod in anything in whicb you bave -becs needed lbas -becs by aill apprecisted. We ask yeuno5w te scept this signet ring 4-hd cufi lisks as a token oireujuembrasce froni yoar many iriend, net for the more value.,hbut the good,- will you take witb yen. lufutreyesrs, when wearing thcm, may it brng back ta yon fond memarses af Zion. We wisb yen God speedd every success su yoar 50W home in the far West. Ksosisg yen wili inake uew friends, we hope yanr useinlness will stili go os in ail thst is goed snd right. May your trust ever ho in Him wba daeth al things well. Sigued on behaîf ai Zios Neighbarbood. Mr. Chalwill repiied, tbsnking bis friem)ds for their kind remem- brances. Aiter s number ai speech- es, al joined mare joyously, per- haps, than musically, in sisging "For H1e us a Jolly Good Feiiew. The re'minder of tEe eveniug was pieasantly spent su games sud sisg- ing.____ FARXI VALUES AND WAGES. From Census sud Statisticas Monthly we learu tEst vaines and wages in Canada made s good re cord iu 1910. Total vaine ai livel stock an isrms is ý593,768,000, or $34,979,000 mare than in 1909. Price of herses per bead is $132.50, miich cows $42.60, ether cattie $30.90, sbeep $6. Swine alose show aslsigbt drap, heing $11.30 per hc-ad. Total value ai horses is 4$2903,398,000, miich cows, 8126,613,000, other cat- tic $131,781,0Q0, and ai sbeep $15,-1 819,000. Vaine af swise $31.157,- 000. Highest average pi-ice ai herses wss in Saskatchewan, milch cows, other horued cattie sud sheep in1 Ontario, sud swine in Qîîebec. Horses thrce yeaîs aid sud aver reachoil the ihest price in Brit- ish Columbia, wberc tEe average was $225. Swine per 100 Ibs., live weight, ranged irom $6.50 __nMa- nitoba t5 $9.69 in Qnebec. Pie of nnwashed wo)ol wss 18 cents in 1910, ai wasbed woi 294 cents. Avecrage value ai ýoccnpied fsrm land in Canada was $38.45 per acre. It was highest in British Columbia. Faim help for summer season av- cîaged $2-5.15 per mosth for maies; $20.70 -- fenWsles, conntisg board. M.e ' 'n average ai $34t7.10, sud f ý209.69 per year counit- ing board. Higbest prices per mosth in summer are paid in Sas- katchewan; Alberta sud British Columbia, wbere tbey are $40 sud over for maies aud $125 sud over for females. coanting board. The Rates of wages snd board are quoted for the iarm, where maies are einpioyed on the laud and le- males in the bouse. They are av- erages computed from a large num- ber of returns by farmers ta the Census Office, Ottawa. leton, and Mark Munday, Bow- mnv icl. Presidents ýof local argýasiza- ions: Port Hope, F. W. Gai- brai'th; HopYe Township. R. J. Rowe Clarke: C'axaýi. W. H. Stapies, Ca- -an Milbrok, Pcv. Willii ohso;Manvers, W. J. GlIenuy, Pontypool;- Cartwright, W. C. Fer- (Crowded out ef last issue.) A LIGITTROUSE KEEPER'S From the light-bouse at Lobster Cove Head, Bonne 'Bay, Newfeund- land, Mrs. W. Young seuds an ex- persence af Zam-Buk, wbicb, shonid certaiuly set as a true beacon light, guidîug all sufferers from skiu dis- ease ta, a sale barbor of refuge. Mrs. Young- says: "I sufiered witb cezema -for scveu- yeers-, uad- te .my great deiight Zam-Buk has eured me. The disease started on my breast, and spread until it ex- tended over my back. The itching sud, burning-especialiy wben the sffected parts were xarm-was ter- rible; sud yet when 'the eruption wns scratcbed or rubbed, it tursed ta bad sares, sud caused great pain. I wcnt te a ,docetor,-sud--tr-ied vani- ous prescriptions, but semed te, get no henefit, se îried another doc- tas'. Again I got no relief, s50 tried a third doctor, sud then s feurth. Althongh tbey ail did their best for me I got ne reief from my pain. "Sexes ycars is a long time ta sufer, sud I bad got nsed te the tbougbt that I neyer wonld bie cured wben I saxv a report in 'The Famiiy Herald,' teliig how boee ficial Zam-Buk was in cases ai skin disease. I tbought there would ho ne harm in giviug this baIma a fair trial, anà bougbt some. "Well, fîom the use oi the very first box I saw-Zam-Buk was going ta do me good. I perscrved with it, and the impravement it worked in my condition was reaily wonder- fui. It eased the irritation, stepped the pain, sud the sores began ta dry up and disappear. Iu short, I fouud Zam-Buk ail tEst was dlaimn- ed for it, sud witbin s very short time it worked a complote -cure in ni,- case. ", Not ouly for eczema, but for ul- cors, abseesses, varicose veins, bad leg, poisoued' wounds, cuts, cold soies, cbapped places, piles, ring- worim, cbildreu's eruptions, burus,' scalds, and ail skin injuries sud dis- ca ses, Zam-Buk will ho foiusd un- equalled. Ail druggîsts sud stores seli at 50e., box, or post froc iroma Zam-lquk Ca., Tarante, for, price. Refuse harini lsubstitutes sudi, INEWCASTLE. Mr. John Doi1glas has bought two fine Jersey cows. Mrs. John D 'ver and daughter, Miss Cherrie, visited hier brother, Mr. A. Elswarth. Miss Clark, sister ai Clark Bras., af the model farm; wase married rec- eentlv t, oa. Yo-ung WIoefa,,o. Manager W. G. Bryans ef Trad- ers Bank, is giving'up, bouse keep- îng. The famiiy wiil board witb Mr. Frank Bennett. Mr. Thos. Barrie bas rented th-e Jo11 & Son butcher business fer six months,,during which time Mr. Joli will be absent in the West. --Mr.--YÙ -H Chaplinattended -the- Auto Show in Toronto, and we won't besurprised ta see him with a fine new auto in, the spring. Mrs. Thos. Douglas wiil accom- pauy lber - daugliter, Mrs. Tuer, home for an extended visit at St. Mary',s. Mrs. Margaret E. Scatt died at bier daughter's. Mrs. (Dr.) Brent, Mahone Bay,_ N.S., -Mareh 2_. The fanerai toek place from the Misses Lee's, Monday afternoon te Baw- manvilie cemetery. 11ev. A. Me- Leod eanducted tho serviccs. Ladies:1 Tako Miiler's Compound Iroî Pis if you wouid have nice, clear complexions. Soid by Jury & Loveli, Bowumanville. Mr. Jim Carscadden is again om- ployed witb Mr. D. Galbraith mak- ing appie barrels at the factory, i*n succession te Mir. Sam Edwards, re-, maved te Bowmanviiie., Milier's Compound Iran Pis, anly 25 cents for 510 doses. Sold by Jury & Loveli, Bawmsnviile. Mr. and Mrs. Tuer and Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, and Mr. Geo. Douglas, St. Mary's, attended the funeral oi their father, the late Thas. Douglas. Other relatives present were Mrs. Strowger ai Ta- rante. Walter Douglas ai Buffale, and Miss Alima Douglas, Taronto. IA number ai riends of Mr'. and Mrs. W. H. Baskerviile surprisedi them at their borne, base lino, Tues- day evening, March 7, and presont- ed themn with a handsomo cased, parior dlock, an extensian table aud a pair of blankets, and te Miss Eva aý gold bracelet and brooch. Mr. Bsskerviiie and fimily are about ta le-ave for the West. _ Mrs. Thos. Quinlan Passed awayr Tuesday morninug, March 7, after a protrscted -period of iii health ifrom ýcancer, in bier 46th year. She leaves wîth the bcreavèd hugband a i am- ily ai one son, Edward, and four daughters, of whom: the- youngest is nine ye-ars ai age and the'eidest about sixteen. The funerai took place 'Thb.ursdsy mornin'94 fronu St. John's R. C. cburch te Port Hop1e cemetery. Principal W., W. Jardine,' B.A., bas had la, grippe. The choir ai the Methodist church providcd a -great iiterary and musical treat at the concert Fridsy evening. Miss Mariel Crowe, elocutionist, O.L.C., Whît- bv; Miss Bragg, Providence, and local talent provided the pro- gramme. There is same talk of the choir wearing surplices. lIIEUNATIS3L. Cured by Boot 'h"s Kidî4iy PUIS. T. E. Foster, oi St. John St., Fredericton, N.B., says: 1 have found more actual relief' frein Booth' s Kiduey Pis than in ail eise 1 bave ever tried for rheuma- tism. The my limbs have iesseuied great- b better suad' D Istrauger tban- in years pre f ' viauis. My- ap- petite h a s built up snd I est su-d sleep botter tha i I have iu ovc'- three ycars. My generai iieaitpi is greatly improved, and 1 cas creduit this only ta Bootb's Kidney Pills. This is the Booth Kidney Pil! way. These wuouderful Pis are soid under a. guarantee te reiaad Jury & Loveli have the sole agency for this cammuuity on "lWeeks Break Up a Coid Tablets" a preparation for Colds snd La Grippe, as superior te aid iashioned home remedies asth Modern automobile is ta the Ox-- teas ai the early days. --5e GJARAINTEED 25e Moîiey Back if not Thoroughly PleaârÀ Makos Ilsa.m.eDaklng Easy Tua eonly haklng powdei' mae am Royal Grapo Oemof Tariar- Hg mALU ,ND LIME PHOSPHATE guson, Blaekstoek; Clarke, 11ev. J: A. MeXeen, Orono; Newcastle, Harry T. iDudley; Bowmanville, M. A. James; Darlington, A. L. Pas- coe, SeLlina. 1Convention sessions were bright- ened by soles by Mr. W. -H. Ner- ris, the Teronte baritone. The evening session took the fana of a publie mass meeting, whieh was well att-ended. After the opening exereises, eondueted by the Chair- *man, 11ev. A. M. Irwin, the fol- iowing signifieant resolutien, pre- sented by the Cemmittee on Law Enforeement, was brought forward on motioni of 11ev. W. G. Clarke and F. W. Galbraith: "That we, as citizens and work- ers in the cause of temperance in the county af Durham, ineiuding representatives from its varions municipalities, record aur emphatic poetagainst the inefficient ad- ministration af the iaw affecting the, sale of strong drink within the ter- ritory eof aur observation and ex- perience. Within the cannty of Durham local option by-laws have been brought'ijuta operation in the municipalities e f Bowmanville, Millbroek, Clar'ke, Darlington, Hope, Cavan, Manvers and Cart- wright. "The lieensed sale af strong drink aceurs only in the municipalities of Port Hope an.d Newcastle. As a re- suit af aur observation and experi- ence, in aur judgment the present license system, as a means of re- stricting the sale af intoxie&rting drink, bas shamefully broken down. There does not appear ta be one legal restriction placed upon the statute beeks and devised ta regu- late the sale of strong drink but is flagrantiy and more or, less con- stantly.violated. As a result of aur observation and experience af the twa systems we recommend local option as vastly siperior te and in- comparably more effective than the license system for the curtailment of the consumptian of strong drink. We furtber order that a capy Of this resolution be ferwarded te the Pro- vincial License Department." The resolution carrîed unaniimous- ly. Addresses were given by 11ev. J. George Miller and Rev. Wmn. Ket- tlewell, Field, Secretaries of the Dominion Alliance, dealing with various phases af the present' pro- gressive movement along temper- ane fnes in variaus. sections of the world. Salas were given during the ev- ening session by W. H. Norris, who was. well received.' The convention will undoubtediy be the means of securing a dloser organization in the eounty. and -of, keeping np the effective work wbich has already proved sa sucecessiul in its several municipalities. SALMON. BOILINO TIME.' The foilowing' valuable table of time fo'-r the -ba.iling of vegetabies will be of use te many cooks: Asparagus, fifteen- to twenty minutes. Beans (sheil), oýie ta twe hôurs. Beans (string), tWe heurs. Yeung beets, for ty-five to, sixty- minutes. Carrets, forty minutes. Cabbage, thirty ta forty-five min- utes. Onions, thirty te forty-five min- Utes. Peas, twenty-ta thirty minutes. Spinach, twenty ta thirty min- utes. Tomatoes, fifteen ta twenty min- utes. Turnips, twe -or three haurs. 1e-' 'Have yeu ever neticed wht smail feet Miss Fetcham has ?" She (jealeus)-"Ne, but I've ob-1 served what smali sheoes she wears." Prince Edward Farineçr Sol- emnly Declares "Nervi- lime" Is a Specifie.,. «'After fifty years' experence. in rais- in1g hors.5 1I zan safely testify that no remidy gives sueh good resuits far an ail-round stable liniment as Nerviline" Tflus opens the very earnest letter of J. J. Evanston, who lives near Welling- ton, P. E. "I bad a very valuable horse that took distemper a nlonth ago, and wa~s afrald I was going to lose hi m. H!s throat swelled and hard lumps de- vel oped. His nostrils ran and hie had a *terrible congh. 1 I tried different re- Nervline medies, butrewaq I my horse af bis CU*jEi pain and suffering I ~ till I started ta use %p Nerviline. I mix- Q UICKLY ed a bottie of Nr I -- viline and we oil and rubbed the mixture on the thraat and chest tbree times a day and you wouid scarceiy believe the way that horse picked up. Nerviline cured him, 1 also have used Nervilîne for colle in horses and cows, and earnestly recommend At tc, every man that is raising stock." For strains, sprains, swellings, colle, distemper, coughs, and eolds, no lini- ment wIll prove so effieaclous in the stable as "Nerviie"-it's good . or man or beast, for internai or external use. Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse substitutes. Large bottles 50c, triai size 25e, at ail deal- ers, or The Catarrbozone Co., Kingston, Ont. COjR N SOU You can palnlessly remove any corn, either bard. soft, or bleeding, by applving Putnam's Corn Extractor. it: never burns, les-ses no scar, contains ne acids; is barmiess, liecause eomposed oniy of healing guniq and baims. Pifty yearLS b use. Creguaraiteed. sold by- a1l dru,.ggists, 25eboitles. Refuseý SUbsýtitutes.1 CyOr N EXÉ%TO

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