t-y P ï Z, TWANT folks to know what a 'splendid flour Cream o Lthe West is. I want you to buy a bag at your grocery .t.... Ti t for a couple of bakings and see the recuit, Cream, t'D westîI is guaranteed for bread 'Wîth Cream cof the West you will have success or your money ba.ck. Your bread will do you credit or you don't pay one cent for the fleur. Bring back what you have left ini the bag and your grocer will refund your money in ful. It's an absolutely straight guarantee, madami, and al the best dealers co-operate. A stroxig, nutritious, light- risirrg flour, unbeatable for bread. That's Creain cf the West, Try it. FIErhereby affirm and :declare that Cream of the West ýî 5~1Four s asuperior bread fleur, and as sucli is subject, te our absolute guarantee-:money back if nlot satisfactory atter a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized te 1 return prîce paid by customer on returu of unuseâ p~oro ~on fbgi lu i e srpeeted.n c CLUBBýPT T an entirely newoientry by running - - a inoL from ]ickerdike on the main The STATESMAN or NEws will bc fur- licie tbrough the Pacifie Pase Ceai, nished for i191i in connection with the fields, as well as thoe of the Yel- under-nameti publications at prices stated - îowhead, and provision bas been Daily Globe, morning edit ion ..... $4 50 )Daily Globe, 5 o'clock edition. 3 50 matie for 69 miles of it te be con- Daily Mail andi Empire........ >4 50 structed this year. Toronto World.............. 3 50 Aiither entirely cew branch will Daily News,...........2 50 ho constructed betwecn Regina and Daily Star, incountry ............ 2 50 Meese Jaw, a distance of 49 miles. Daiiy Star, in town.............. 3 50 Besides a]] this construction work Wcckly Mail and Empire ........ 75 avs ieg fgaigi ob Weekly Globe ................ avs1mlae fgadn75 oh Weekly -Witness ....,............. 75 accounted for, and tlîis will ho car- Weekly Sun . '**'-*»............ 1 85 ried on te the extent of two hue- Farmer's Advocate ... . ...... 2 50 dred miles -on the Regina bouc- Farm andi DairýY , .... .........,1 75 dary branch and those othors which Family Heraltd............2 O00 lne ocmpeei Home journal .......1.........I cmplted Christian Herald ......... 2 50e I addition te the above, the Christian Guandian ..........2 50 Company je erecting sorne'O! the Canadian Farrn .......... .8 largest bridges'in the West. Uver _______the' Red Deer River on the Totfield- Calgary brch an enormens PR SERTYFOR WVESTERN bridge, 200 foot higb, is now undeïr CANDA.construct1_in. Anthruge ,,bridge bas jus;t b een completed at' Grand Truîîk Pacille to Spend Sev- Prairie Croek on the main lice. Ai entein Million Dollars'Thbis third -is to e ho ntrucêted furtbe' r Year.west ovor the Athabaska River. An- Ycar.other over the Skena River, which Seventeen million dollars wîll ho is te be the largeet on the Trans- spent by the Grand Trunk' Pacifiecocntinental. luning 1911 in constructing new linos anti ereçting station buildings tbrougheut the West., There will be 619 miles o! werk undertuken Éon Uie brunci uines anti completeti duning the present seacon. Thie eill inclutie the Calgary brancb, Battieford. brandi, Melville-Regina braeh, Alberta Ceai brancb, Re- % ina-Bountary braech, Moose Jaw Iranch, Prince Albert hranch anti Iiiggun te Calgary. Tiere will aise ho265 miles of main line-track laid, -as well as 200 miles funthen gradicg 4)n tile branci linos, Arrangements are aise boing matie for tbe emection of 14d station buildings. This je the iargest anti meest oxponsive year s work that the Grantý Trunk Pacific bias untemtuk- en. The, majorit1% o! new branch linoes te o cotuce will'ho laid A NEASTER GREETING. Epb. 1: 1-0 Great was the work the Father -wrought When Hol who died for ns wes brought Triumphant frem the dead: That "working' is the standard now 0f what Ho ready is te do For those divinely led. ' 'iLi a~ster tliLe manitsy D e y{urs New life for ail your ransomied poers To joyfnlly receive: A nd may you see in Easter's light J{ow great lis His upraieing miglit "To reward who believe."- T I' yAT.onxT~ --IIisiU lclufit> r trlOlLiin o Ion c yrailroaldideve1opmnent. Rapid 0-a Station, Ont., 1911. etrîos avea'Xadybeen made to-- 1wards eompletin1g(,l'e main line be- A Remiedy for IBilious Headache. tenEdmonLten and thie Coast, and -Te those subjeet te bilious head- Up tej the present 3>35 ies of steel ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pille hbas been laid. Frein Edmnonton, go- are recommended as the way te ing West, the Iine jes completed 'as speedy relief. Taken accordîng to farv as Prairieý Creek, which je the directions they will subdue irregu- entr-ancete th-ýefoot-bile of the larities of the stemach and se actj mq!ie, ad rùm the Ccast wojrk- upon the nerves 'and bleod vessels ing towards itho RocQkies 163,iles thjat the p in thr head willi 14 tý,rek bas already been laid. icease. Thexe are few whe) are not, Tis yoa the we-rk wihihopsbdat4oitiesujctte ic iuses ahed a raidl asposibl, ad ad fmîharwith ýits ttendalt! from Pari reek P>f lly ntereis.Yt'1010ne ned siffer wt 165 ieý WiW ecrnltd, il s ile:at han,. 11ro , thei, st nd10 iles are t Lecntutd ~r icutn yo ur burdens by The AM berta CQaI brandi v,4111tap ecouniting your besns VEI[ IS BECOMING RARER- TURKiISII WOMEN WILL SOOIN BE FREE. Education Le Playin-g No Smal Part jn the Widcspread Change. The election o! the ti.eputy for. Bagdad, lemeil Hekki Bey Buban- catie, as Minieter o! Public Instruc- tion, hue raiseti very much the hoesceanti aspirations o! thc Turk- isehwome se bra' ely fighting for their enfruechisement fromn the deadening limitations o! habit anti usage, o! tradition anti supersti- tien, suys a Constantinople cor- respontient. There je evcry reason te î believe that their expectutione will ho realizeti, if net cernplotely, yot in a ýery murketi dogree. Por- bape in ne other country cun the ,Minister o!' Public Instruction do se mucb for the cause o! the eran- cipation o! the fuir sex as in the Ot- toman Empire, anti this'is net only becauseo bere the neeti o! proper cd- ucation for women is se great ind tue grip e!f tradition se bli , tyrannical, but principally because scarcely anywhere dcc e etuehe - mon themsolves se ready te reccivo, tiie ativantages anti b nefits e! liberty anti freedom !rom the ýclog- ging chuins o! actiquateti practices anti customs. HELPED THE YOUNG TURKS. Lt it cet yot sufficieetly known ji Europe whut a splendid anti de- oisive part they playeti in the luet bleedlese revolution o! Turkey. It is net tee mucb te say that bati it net been fer their courage anti self- sacrificing spirit e!ftievotion, as tiieplayeti turing the political up- heaval tue years ugo, their country woulti bardly ho now in tue posses-, sion o! ite censtitutional regime. They supplieti large sume o! moeoy for the. movemeet, they acteti as secret intermediaries botween the leaders o! it, they.kept np, te the very hast, intimate correepondonce with the immediato entourage e! the Rot Sultan, anti in muny cases suffereti onormons privations, îm- priseemont anti even teath for the groat cause-e! the iberation ,o! their people. If one compares the state o! Tunk- isi womec, say o! twenty or thirty years ugo, witb their position ut present, one îe amazeti at the very striking changes thut havýf takeni place ie thoir social anti public standing, je thein !umily relation- sbips, je tbeir attitude towurtis Western ideas of civilization, anti in their whohe general trendi o! othicul conceptions anti maneer -o! tbinking anti living. The modern modifications in the oxternal attire are already remankuble. Where is, for instance, the traditional dense black yashmak (voil) o!fefrmer years ? A large number e! Tnrkish. we- mon walk about ut present je tbe crowded streets -o! Pera or je the busiest thorougbfares -o! Galata wivtb quite uncovereti faces. The feretije, or the upper gurmnent, bas untiorgone many changes o! late yearc. t is seltiom as witio anti as looso nowatays as it useti te ho two or tbroe etecaties ago. t,-eow sel- dem bides the outlines o! the figure as bashfulhy anti as tiffitiently. Fre- quontly, tee, one encouners a mot- ern boit over the feretije tighthy en- circling the waist anti bninging into relief the form e! chest anti choulti- ems, te tbe iutter tiieguet of the more pions section of the Moehem worlt. QUESTION OF DRESS. Tbere can-bh o ne ubt that, je due course o! time, Turkish womcn will -ho alloweti te tros ike tbeir sisters o! the West. Net hese strik- ing je the pregrees tbe Turkish wo- mec have matie o! late je thein so- cial intercourse antiso cial amuse- ments. t is a frequent ight ut present te meet a woman anti an eff endi, wbo is net ber huchant or Nature makes the cures after ail. Now and then she gets into a tight- place -and needs. helping out. Things get started in tlie wrfln6 ioerfrn 4., Something is needed to check disease and start the systern in the right direction toward health. *Scott's Emulsionh of Cod Liver Oil with hypo- phosphites can do just- this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famishedtis- sues, and makes rich iblood. SCOTT & BOWVNV Always keep a disb o! crackers in ,your wanmicg oven anti you'll no"ver have soft, tastelese ,craekers.' Whee polishing the steve att a hittle sugan or syrup te p olisb anti it will neot bure -off se quickly., Cnt bars o! launtiry couip je bal!, Place On top shel! te dry eut, anti ,the coup will hast longer. To prevent tomate coup fmom curdling udt bot tematees (with coda in> te the thickened milk. Above your siek have ecrew books, on whicb bang ernaîl articles useti oftee. Lt will oavo muny -stops. Cabinet anti ciel! combinet. An effective scar!fer a hall table miay ho mate o! liaee crash witb a figure embroiticrot on each ont anti e!f the camne design us tic paper on the wali., For wusbieg windows, wbicb eboulti ho dene wben tho sue h neot sbininig on tbcm; use warm -wuter with atablespoonful o! kerosene ad- dot toeach pail o! water. Ie hakieg-biecuits have the oven quite bot ut firet, but lower tic temperature just a little before the Wlil "àdd materially ij miiaking the biscuits ligit. Tie a narrcw ribLon boýw abeve the handie 01 your uimbiella. leave a ioop Long enough te slip over your arm when yen ggo shopping. This je a good'way, to avoid losing your favorite uînibrellai. A very good garnish for, bc iled' fieh, can be made wvithiid eysters. Make a batter o[fleiur, milk and twe eggs, season it te taLte, dip the eoysters ini it, then'iin breaidu-rumbs. and fry them a pale bon The, best tbing te danrnsty needls-better than emîe,', îs eem- mnon earth. Just go onut in the garden and stick your rusty needîe inton the grund twe or thiree times and yonu wPilbe surpjrisýer. at the re- It.i ýiu vi]1L will neýt wrinkile aLenhe seam. Moment. Le politice ho was a Re- fermer, one o! the eunly suhecribers te( anti reader o! The Globe. He wae breati-mindeti, geniah anti kinti te ail anti active ineovery gooti work. Ho louves te meure hie lose a wi- tiw, one son anti two duughters, MrC. Mowut, Toronto, anti-Miss Mincie ut berne. -Revs. McKeen anti Lirnhert contincteti the funoral Sunday, whicb wae very largely ut- Customer-"Are yen sure thie hs roui Ceylon tea b" Well-informeti Young Assistnt-"Certainly, cir. Mr. Ceyion's came is on every pack-, age." Ce"'un ims If there 1g an aliment la the throat or cheet, it is suneIy essentia tiut the remedy be conveyed direct to the a!- !aor -fCatarrhozone Is breathed into th. ore, irritated throat and bron- chia itbes, because Its balsamic fumes kili thýe germes and destroy tbe cause o! th.- trouble. These are the reasons wbý,y Ca,ýta-rrhozone neyer yet failed to curea geuine cae ofCatarrh, Asth- ma, Bronchitis, or Throat Trouble. The wonderfull-v smthing vnxr,, n-a- Catarrhozone Instantly reaches the furthcst' recesses of the lungs, pro- duces a healing, curative effeet that Is impossible wltb a tablet or liquîd, wbich gees mercly te, the stemach, and fails entirely te help the throat or lunge. - Te perman.ently cure yeur winter i11s, your cougbs, sneezing. and Ca.- tairrb, by ail means use a fried and piroven remedy like Catarrbozone But' beware ef tbe substiutor andi imîtator. Look for Catarrhozone enlyt50c and $1, at ail dealers, 10 25e GJAIRANTEED 25o Money Bach il not Thouorghly Pl eased asitie tbe ittie party o! wuitens. As they entoedthte door, the wo- mac anti the mue word pusheti acide. Tbe deor closeti. Anti ut thut very, moment thre man who enatchedthte door keob clippet inj. lie helti the brase knob firmly je hic bande, and the huchant was thrust aside: FIGHT WAS ON. Then it starttet. The two with prier 'nigbts ut- temptedti t dislotige the trespaseer. Thp, wc>mn ,gtrnofr him - Tht,., rO,. daring boy's father rushied upF. A crowd gathiered and the figlit was on. Calgary people have lots of im- agination and they love, above ahl othIere, people who are suekers. The early story of the man and his wif e homos,,tead had been told already in the local papere. Somoeone else struck him ever the bead. The old man was knocked from the stoop elear across the street te the gut ter. The crewd was still wreaking vengeance on the two after the pol- ice had driven them back f rom the entrance te the land office. And when it was ail over the womnan sto-od defiantly on the top "Cerne onl back, B1ih. We'll hoki be ut tgterutto-mei',row," sh cicdwhnth -sele o! battis ut s;lc'ego aay' aid yQIng Vauxje abasbu ,ot ~wey'. i -e' brother, premenading together or ORONO. driving in one anti the came car- niage. Often yen wilscelber enter-* (Freim The News.) ing a Enropean shop without being accempanied by an Argus-cyctigor- Bcrrister R. Ruddock Waddel illa o! a euauch. wasbhorne from Toronto recently. At social gathÏeringe anti func- . Mrs. Samuel Hailitay has been tiens of tbeEuropean section o! the xisiting in the ýcity. population it is net now at ail rare Messrs. IL. Sleep and N. Thirtlýe, te neet Turkish ladies mixing witb Kendal, left for Saskatoon. gentlemen, if net on ternis o! the Mesdames Joehn Parker and H. Western spirit o! equality, yet ie Arch, are improving. a quito open, candid and uncen- Millers Grip Powders Cure. Solti strained mannor. by Jury & Loveli, J3owmanville. Le matters of educatien mucb R. H1. Allen and wife, Leskard, laudable activity je beicg tievelop- visited friende at Cobourg. cd by the Turkisb Goverement, as Mrs. S. M. Biliings je visiting ivell as by the wemoen themeelves. bier daughter, Mrs. W. J. Inch, Tbey are doicg ahl in their power Weston. te impreve the very tieficient state, Mr. Blackburn of the hase hall e! primary education. Soi-e pat-' parlers spent Sunday week et Port riotie Turkisb ladies bave combineti Perry. te ereete je Constantinople an je- stitution for girls, wbere domestic After paying bis Toronto ister a ecenomy will ho tht y Eurp-vîsit, Dave Appleten, returneti on an toachers. A sehool will ho ereet- Monday. cd fr taieng c>me i th cuin- The C. N. R. station yard is again ary art, anti proparing tbem for cf- becoming a veritable bec-bive of' ac- ficî.cnt\,servîce in the well to-de Mos- tivîty. lem bouses. Several clubs for Turk- iviilIer's Compoundi Iron Pille, isb, women bave sprun'g up in Stam- only 25 cents for 50 doses. Soiti by boul andi in other quarters o! the Jury & Lovoîl, Bowmanville. metropoîje. W. J. Bragg was acrees frein Pro- vîience, and, Thomas Scott--froni Tyrene Mondey week. nnnEngineer Ftarding louves for rt« S ~~ ~ s Cîn MIUIIQ ~nolumbia, engirîeer Jnig I N TB BLBOwith the C. N. R.1 IN TH 8109 Mrs.Harry Linton, Toronto,-vis-4 *itet iber mother, Mrs. Doncaster,« who bas heen troubleti frem inflamn- Make tkaUse oaf a Toinjo Ndiiumation of liereyes jo cc al a IIeussity ecd down frem the city oncon e!f the critical cendition of his fa-4 Dr. Williams' Pick Pills are an thor and remained ever for the all year round tenie blooti-buildor, funoral.f and nerve-restorer. But they are Wrî. Knifton o! the C.N.R. on- especially valuable in thoe pring gineering staff, whe lias been -offý wbon the syctom je loadeti with im- duty the paet two menthe ewing te' purities as a recuIt o! -the indoer ilînese, le back again on the Job life e! the long wieter montbs. looking as well as ovor. There je ne other season wbee theI After long yeurs o! slowly jecreas- blooti is really se much je need -of ing feehienese, fer the peet throo pu'rifying anti enricbing, and every menthe of wbich time hoe was con- dose e! these Pilîs helpe te make finedti tebieshet, Wrighton Foster now, rich, red blood. le I the spring passet away April 3, ageti 61 years. one feels tireti anti weak-Dr. Wil- The funoral took place Wednesdayt liams' Pink Pille give streegth. le afternoec te Bowmanville cemeteryi the spning the appotite is often wliere bis romains wý,eiè epiaceti- o1 poor-Dr. Williams' Pjnk Pille de- si de those ef bis departeti help-1 velop tue appetite, toce the ste- mate. Mr.' Foster beaves te meure mach andi aid weak digestion. Lt hie hsse, ene son, Burk., now rosi- js ie the eprieg that poisons ie the dent je Toronto, and tbree daugb- blooti finti an- outlet ie disflguring tors, Ilborne, viz.: Beatnice, Elma piieples, eruptions anti boils-Dr. anti' Margaret, who will have the )Williams' Pick Pille speedily clean deepest sympatby of overy acquaint- the e becauce they go te the ance je their erphanhood. ne)ot e! the trouble ie the blood. In The death, eccarroti Thursdayi the spring anemia, rhoumatisrn igbt o! Mrs. Susan Bcdl, vife of neuralgia, anti macy other trou- John Bec]l, employeti on tbe Don- hIes are most persistent because lande Farmi, Toronto. Mrs. Bcdl, of poor weak blooti, anti it is at whbe was 79 yeare of ugo, wus taken thie time, whec aIl nature regains ilI witb a colti last Februery, anti life, that the blooti mest serieusly tii net rally. She was bore ie neetis attention. To impreve andi Botimin, Cernwall, came te Canada fortify, the bleeti 's isthe special mris- about 25 yeurs ugo anti hati sinco sien o! Dr. Williarns' Pick Pille, 'iveti cour Orono, where she was anti that je wby they are the best higbly respected. She leaves a son, spning medicine in existence. If Erneet .Hewke ol Leekerýd, and twot you foc] the neeti e! a medicine this -deugbters, Mre. James Brown o! spring give Dr. Williams' Pick Pille Lurgan, Bruce Ceunty, anti Mrs. a fuir triai anti you wiiI reoico ini J. W. Ough, Toronto., new bealtb,neow strength acnd new- Oneofo! our eldeet anti most re-i eergy, anti will hoecpecially fit- spocteci citizens, Mr. Nelson F.t ted te stand the torriti bout wbich Hall, passeti awuy Friday, Mardi cornes a little hater. 21, je bis 83rti year. Hoe hati heen Those Pille are soit by all medj- je hie usual beultb up te a.fow tiayst cine dealers or sent hy mail at 50 previeuste bo'is tieutb.lHe wue a cents a box, or six boxes fer $2.50 Kaek-sm4it4î y traee at wbicb ho hy The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., worked untîl suceoedeti yhy bs son,t Brockville, Ont, Mr. R. F. Hall, who continuodtihteE _ >14- -business until uppeinteti postmas- TIMELY HELPS. ter in succession te tue late Robert The couple, wbo are Mn. anti eIrs. William Vaux, came enigin- alhy frein Poterboro, Ont. They hati been a littiýe time je the States, but came to Alberta a felv years age. Recently, they do-cidedti t file a edaim fer a quarter section o! lanti, anti took up their place, on the landi office stops, waiting for a chance te registen. 1 Lt wes .-going te ho bard work te' get je firet, for other people want- ced the lanti aise, but the phucky wife ýsuait sho weuld do ber share in waiting for the lanti. On this particulun moreing two tank mon stooti on the landi office stops belbow the couple. Every move that was matie these two watched with strungo, anxio.Wseyes. On-e was an- elderly man, and the other was bis son. Tbey hati bee waiting ail nigbt.' But the worn anti the mue by teking turne lied spent five nigbts there-five nights anti five tiays. Tbe countecances o! tbe four, incîuding the weman, were pale anti anxioue anti bag- garti. 1 HUSBAND CAME 3AICK. Se when tbe womun took hon place on the top stop ut the lanti office anti hen huebanti went away. Ho promiseti to sleep till neen. But je -fi!teee minutes ho wae hack, anti tbougb the woman stormeti, ho urgeti ber te heave tbe place anti ho wouhd stick euttue day. The wife wouldn't louve him. So, tbey stant- eti into epeeti the day there te- gether. INT RUDER SLIPPED IN. Lt wvas long afteî uight ventu landi office clerks wero, coming te work that the landi seekors werc disturbeti. The man anti bis wile helti tbe top stop, o! course, -anti they matie way for the civil ser- vents as thcy ectereti the doon. Whee the clenke enteret, the younger o! the twoe tark men etigeti up the stops ant in the course o! time, unnotîceti, ho matie the next stop te the two who huti prionity. The intruder watched tic knob o! the doon as a cet would watch a monse. The womun noticeti him and wbispeneti te, ber bushanti. But the huebanti suit there wae ne dan- ger. Soon a group o! post office anti othen geveremeet empioyees buet- led up the stone stops, cr.owding FAR SIIPERIOR, Jury & Loveli have the soie agency for this community on "Weeks Break up a Cold Tablets" a proparatioa for Colts anti La Grippe, as supenior te it Lasiionoti homo remetiies as-tice Modern automobile je te tbe Ox tourne o! the earhy ticys. RESTEQRED BY PERUNIL Catarrh of the Lung Threateffed Fier Lifei Miss Nînette ?orter, Bre, ntrée, vs, mont, 'wrItes: 11 ave been oure>d bly "1hdseveral hmrbgso b lungs. The doctors dii net help nl* m kiýil md 'ttÙn.d rnove r hive curcxt =- "I saw a testimaoniall n a perure almanseci a caa.'3e lwiiar to mine., are, 6 eirnnenod UPi< 1* eý , eIowly at firet, but 1 oeuld ge ethe t wae-'n 5"pu e 1Âfe I a4 t it a wvbfle mne oraet mUp 1Fuýj'y ,,,c nbsaic> tuuîn mweg. This grem les.,' and ins ees k 'ity P31as coct ~Igrev i 'we iey teau I hai b-ae for a 7ong tmepd v.w ZeUMYFrJ F10111OF A P[IJCKI COUP[E TO OBTAIN QUARTER SECTION OF LAND IN' ALIBERTA. Scene on Steps of' Calgary Land Oflele-Crowd Punished Intruders. "Sleepy Billy l Now -you just cheer up and thon you go and sleep, and ll stick here tili neen. T hon you can coe back, Billy, and tako another spat at it." The littie womnan wbo spoke was standing at the doer of the Domin- ion Land Office in Calgary one, merning last weck.. It was a cold,' chilly dawn, just as it had beenifer the past five morninge, when the little weman came te take her bue- band's place. Ho had camped on the steps bore every nigbt of tho five, and now rose yawning and stretching,,for the vig-il had been a tiring one. FIVE NIGHTS ASND DAYS. "Well, yeu are a brave man," he said. "Ceme right up bore and we'll stay till the police pute us off." Vaux wect up and took bis place, and bis wifo put lier arm ie h8arm. BEARINO DOWN PAINS, What woman at sometime ýor other dees cet exeperience those dreedful bearing.down pains. Mrs. LE. Griffith, of Main street, Hlep- werth, Oct., eays. "A heavy bear- ing-dowc pain bad settled acrese my back and sides.' I was often un- able to stoop or straighton mysel! >up. Many times each nigbt I would have te leave my oed with the jr- rogular and frequent cocretions 01 the kideys and juet as done. eut Lin the merning as on retiring. 1 1was languid ~ and would have te lot my bouse- work stand. No- D I thing - I had tried would ho - ' Boeth's Kidney Pille and con cluded I would try them, which I did, and soon found the long sought for relie!. My back strengthened and I be- gan te feel botter and strenger. I new. enjoy my eleep witbout being thisturbed and feel gratoful' te Booth's Kidney Pille for what they diti for me." Booth's Kidney Pille are a boon te ~viner. Sue wouki kcow lecs of ekachos of she toek more o! these -wecderful pille. Tbey are na- ture's greatest speciflo for ail dis- eaees e! the kidneys and bladder. AIl druggists, 50c. box, or pestpaid from The R. T. Booth Ce., LtI., Fort Erie, Ont. Soid and guaran- tcod by Jury & Lovoîl, druggists, A gargle e! sait and water strengthecs the throat andi usoti bot will cure a, sere throat. As a tooth pewder sait and potach of soda will keep the teeth white and the gums bard and rocy. Fisb scales mnay easily ho remov- ed by pouring bot water -on theni slowly until the caies curl, thon scrapieg quickly. Wasb je several waters, 'baving the hast cold ani well saiteti. and ne climo wili ho heft. If a picture ho ciushod in the mail dampen the creabe, prose with a warm iren andi then place under a press or woight, fur a shortti, baving firet roýte,!to'd the picture 1 ide by covering with white paper If a wooden pail, begins te leak fIll it with water anti thon stand in a tub o! water. This will swell the wood and it will loak ne more. Wben a hutten cernes off a shoc, rue through ahl the other buttons with the samo tbread witb ,,which you replace the missing one. Tt will straighten tbem aIl and make the next hutton sowing a task f ar je the future. Very often smaillbobes in hlack or white kid gioves are better mon- deti with court pla>cer than hy sew- îng. Cut the piaster a littie larger than the hole anti apply witb tho unglazet haýck te the inside. This ie tee bcavy, for fabric gloves, bow- ever, and tears tbem still furtber. MakesIkmeBaing Easy mado fromcRo a rP ~~~~i ci-opefTata ý ý to taee out, Thife j'feet use th. ize.Ii.ic, i rT 71 r -t ---L -1-- 1 whe, ..,aýkinz thi-, '-i' fol -L 1-L --r -l -L 1 « -U 1-