Cenuino Little Liver Pla Muet Bear SIbnature of -Seo Pnc-Shnhes Wrapper Beow. i'V-7 $=au. end as easy ttake as augar, C' FOR REMÂACHE, AR ERS FOR DZIES FORL BILIOUSNESS. IV R FORTORPIO LIVER. PIL~ FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. ________ FOR TH1E COMPLEUIO0 rffU-F 510< HEADAG&=AL A. E. MeI.ATJGHILIN. Ica,rïster, SoUitor and Conveyancer. Olfllce-Bleak ley' niock, King Street, B~wiavilo...oncy io blan ut reason- ahie rates. 48-lyr. ]B.J.HIjlwood, II.D. ,O.M BoWXANVIjLLE. a ONT. GOL> MEDALIST of -Trinity LIt - Giveraity, Toronto; Four yearg Attendi, g PhYSI Clan and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Ho6pt%' Offee and Reidence WellI'-gton St. Tel rIboae No. ]os. CoksCotton Root Compo)Und r The great Uterine Tonie, and 011 -Oiysaf O effectuai Monthly Regulator on whjch woxnen con - ~ depend. Sold ini three degrees of strength-No. 1, 1i;No. 2. i 10 degrees stronger V No. 3. foldircalld aes5 per box. repd on al ruggists, or sent eepamphlt. Address: ç1 COOKtMEWII 9C.TORONTD. ONT. <ormerly Wtindso White Star- -Dominioil. Cantadian SerV]ce. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. PORTLAND, ME.,-LIVERPOOL Megantic.. April i Southwark April 8 Canada... .April 55 Megantic . .April 29 Laurentie and Mogantic, largest and most modern steamers in the Canadian irade. Superb accommodation for First, Second and Third Class Passengcrs.ý Canada aud Southwark, one Class Cabin (calied 2nd class) Rates very moderate Third class also carried. Intending travellors are requiested to communicate Local Agents regarding passage on the above mentioned- steamers or to Company Offices,, 118 Notre Dame St., West, Montreal. For ail information apply to M. A. JAMES, Agent, BoWMANVILLE. Operating the Finest Fleêt of Passénger Steamships on the St. Lawrence.-Roùte. SUMMER SAILINGS. Montreal to Liverpool. ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. Corsican MaY 5ih, Junie 2nd. Virgiian May 12th, Julie 9th. Tunisian May i9th, June 16th Victorian May 26th, June 23rd Montreal to Glasgow. lonian May 6th June 3rd Grampian May 13th June ioth Scotian May 2th June iyth Hesperian' May 27th Juine 241h >Montreal to London. One class (Moderato Rate) steamers calling at Havre, France. For full particulars of rates and sailings apply to Mv. A. JAMES, Bowmaliville, Ontario. SYnOP8is of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. A NyPersn who ls the soie head ef a fmlorany male over 18 years oid, mnay hnmestead a onuarter section of avail. able Dominion landi in Manitoba, Sask. atchewan or Alberta. The, applicant muet appear in persen at the Dominion Lande Agellcy or Sub-Agency for the district. Eîîtry by proxy mai' be made ut soi' ag. e rcc'. OU11certain conditions, hi' father, mnothLr. son, daugbter. bref hem or sister of intending bomesteader. Daties :-Six monthe' residence', upon and cultivation of the landi in each of three yeams. A homesteader mai' iive wth. of at least 80 acres soiely owued andi eccupieti py bim or Si' his father. imoth. em son, daaghter, brother or sister. lu certain districts a homesteader ln good standing may pre-empt a uuarter section alongside his bomestead. Pries $300 per acre. Duties-Muet reside ,six xonths in each of six years from date of homesteati cury iuclading the time ru. quire teto arn bomestead i atent>) sud eultivate Ilfty acres extra. A homesteader who ha. exha.usted I bs bomefstead it and caunot obhtain a Isre-emirtion, miai' take a purchasFeti borne. teati'ru certain diistricts. rice $3.00 iuer acre. DllsMutmsile Eix monthS.ln sacS of three yearo, cultivate if ty acres aasd emet s bousewor-jth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy 1.Minister of the Interioý. NBF.-Unkathnrized publication of thisi adrertisemeflt iwll uat be uaid for. [NOTE-:S AND COMMENTSI SOUTE oral days or weoks in which týo study Engla nd will do almost anytbing at short,,range the gswds of the for social amelioration., Money is governing classes robberies of this always needed for hospitals and character would scarcely tend to di- flInd advaucingyeanrs bring an incroasing tendency fo constipation. The corrective they need is Entirely différent from common laxatives.' Pleasant to take, mild and painless. rA tablet (or Iess) at bed-time regulates tho bowels porfectly.- Increaaing rdoses nover needed. Compounded, like al the 125 NA-DRU-GO pre. paratjons, by expert chemists. Money back if not satisfactory. 25C. a box, If your druggist bas net yet slockod them,f send 25c. and we wiiI mail them. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. 22 Au Englisb speeialist on diet, Dr. Talbot MeCartley, is sa4d hy a London newspaper to have found, te bis own satisfaction at least, that ien andi womneu who est muehr meat -are jovial and mîrthloving, whereas vegetamians are soher sud serious. He is quoted, also,, as ex- pressing the opinion that meat estexs are more courageous, an as- sertion which bas been made often by the oppouents cf vegetarianism. If it were an indisputable fact that meat promotos geniality and a love cf humor, the mosat con- firmed vegetarian migbt ho persu- [sded to change his diet, for ne- thing is more valued or valuable iu the modemn world than lsngbter. But is it a fact? Surely the nog-ro, the most mirtb loving cf human ha- ings, bas beon largely a 'vegetar- ian, tbough perhaps more from necessity than eboice. The ancient Greeks were as witty a people as ever liv'ed, but tbey ate little of flesh fceýd. No more did the Itali- ans or the people cf southemu France in, the day s cf the trouba- dours. The love cf fun and the wit cf the -Irish pessantry would seem te have beenjý derived more from potatees than fïrm beef. As' regards courage, the ricèë,eat ing Japanese surely sbowed enough cf that in their war with the Russians. In ail such questions there are subtie influences cf horedity, cli- mate and physical conditions to ho eonsidered. Physically man iii in- deed what he eats, but the relations betweeu bis physical sud mental natures net toeconsider the moral -arýe net yet satisfactorily ana- lyzed. Perhaps- they neyer eau ho sstisfactorily analyzed. Vegetar- isnism appears-te ho hest for some and a mont diet for others. Na- turslly the individual who thrives ou either helîieves that others should do as ho dees, aud the food faddist is as much iun need f aspj it of telerance as the religions bigot. YOU have pro- Ibably been'in- tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from "force of habit" have just Içept on using enother tea. Break the Habit and buy Red Rose, riext tîme. Yor rooer W1U Recommend It 83 charities. In defanît of botter meaus, duchesses throw.,open thoîr palaces at a guinea a ticket, that lesser -eople may gape and stare. The newest. invention to promote ,nd staring in aid of char- ity is an exhihit of the tiaras that are to be worn by peeresses at the approachiug coronation. It is oven intimated that this, display may ho supplemoénted by another-tha't cf tiaras possessed bv untitled Engl.ish women and Americans. Sncb an ýexhibition might hring in a f ew hundred pounds for charity; but the pointed emphasis it wonld lay on contrasting social conditions might bring more loss than gain. It might aise act as an overstimni],îs to the eriminal ,classes. More and more frequent are accounts of jewel robberies on English trains and at Englisb country bouses.« if the prefessionals sbould have sev- minish. On the other baud, the av-ýthe John Bigelow farm, sixth line> erage ]3ritou dearly- loves a lord this season. and would doubtless ho willing to Dr. and Mrs. Limbert and'infant son, of Parry Sound, spent Easter pay well for a sight of his lady's at the Methodist Parsonage. ceremonial headgear. And we Rev.. W."-L imbert went to Osha- should not expect the Americans on wa Thursday to attend the funeral the spot to be far behind either of 11ev. Lewis' little daughter. as egads urisit -o jelel.* Mrs. J. E. Richards and daugh- as rgard cuiosîy o jewls. ter, Alice, spent Eastertide at Port Perry. DIRTANDDISESE.Wesley Ough and wife accom- DIRTANDDISESE. panied the remains of bier mother, Mrs. Beal, f rom the. city for intex- Lowcring of Death Rate, Due to ment in Orono cemetery. Inereasing leaniness. Mr. Harold Rickaby is home fr-om Wheu the celebratcd Paris phys- Normal School, Peterboro, having ician was asked how the city could {rtteu on his final exams. for sec- prevent the comning of a plague ond class or teachers' certilicate, then ravaging other European Messrs. R. C. MeCullougli and places hoe answered, "Boil yonr W. T. Lyness, Chicago, Ill., Miss ice !" That tersely called atten- Jennie McCullough and Mr. and tion to the necessity of utter dlean- Mrs. C. M. Horswell attended the liness and that even ice made from funeral of Jane McCormick Mc- impure water carried disease. Cýullough, f rom Toronto here on UYellow fever,11 said IHenry Weônesday. Ward Beecher, "is God Almighty's Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong opinion of dirt." The chief con- and Miss Elma. Dobson, visîted Mrs. tribtuting cause toward modern ef- Thos. Nichols, Wesleyville, the oc- ficiency in surgery is that surgeons casion being the visit of hier brother, have learned to keep dlean. No- Mr. Jabez Miller of Winnipeg, thing is so spotless as a ýgood hos- Man. pital. Everything is boiled and Mr, P. E. Doncaster of the Do- sterilized - beds, instruments, mini on.Public Works Department, clothing, wasbrags, floors, hands, Toronto, bas been transferred to and finger nails. That is why they British Columbia. Percy visited save lives there. Nobcdy would die bis mether and took some soundings if be could keep perfectly dlean. at Newcastle and Bowmanvillc har- Death is the final triumph of dirt. hors. 11e leaves for- the West in a ______ ew weeks. - ~ Messrs. J. G. Ho-ney, G. M. Long, BABIES WHO SUFFER M. C. Hall and A. K~nox attended FRO COSTPATONthe Spring As~sa- jurvmrnn t FROII COSTIPTIONCobourg; and from the township, Thos. Patterson, Oa.k, Col.* Hughes, The littie ones wbo sufer fromn John Penwarden, Newtoniville; constipation. colic, indigestion, or Robert Martin, Lake Shore; Simon any of the many ilîs that aff lict Baskerville, George' Grey and chîldren, wilI find prompt relief in Harry Dudley, Newcastle. Baby's Own Tablets-a' medicine 11ev. J. Doyle, Regina, Sask., that is guaranteed ahsolutely safe Western Secretary of Sunday and f ree from all injurions drugfs- Sehools and IEpworth Leagues, ad- in fact the only medicine for babies dressed a meeting in the Methodist sold under the guarantee -of a gov- Church Tuesday evening week. Mr. erument analyst to contai-r no opi- Doyle spoke on the West and its ate, narcotic or other "soothiug" great possibilities, to the delight of stuff. Concerninig them Mrs. Er- ail who attended. nest Plamondon, Ste. Julie Station, .4 Que., writes: "It is a pleasure for SPEAIKS WITROUT TONGUE. me to lot you kliow what your Baby's Onu Tablots have doue for Organ iRemoved, But lilan lietains my. children. My baby suffered Commnand, of Eight Letters. terribly fromn constipation and al- PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 VEARS Dra. K. & K. are favorably knowu îhrongh- n Canada where they have doncsi ,,j-,ness for over 20 years. '1housands of patients have been treated and cured by theil, great skifland through the virtue of their New Method Treaiment. Wheu you treat with themyu know you are deaiing with respon ~sibie physicians as they own andi occupy thieir otvu office building in Detroit, valued at 31 00,n0. Wvheu they decidu your case ia curable, ail your worry je removed for von know they wli net deceive you. Tloey guarantees b cure ail curable cases. No matrhow xnany doctors have failed to benefit yen; no inatter bow rnuch money yen have Vpent la vain; no matter how dis- couraged yon rnay be, do't give up in des- pair until yen get a free uopinion from thesu master specialiste. lif you are at present wlthin the clutches of any secret habit wihich le sapping your lire hy degrees; if yeu are suffering from the resuits cf past lndiscre- tiens; if yonr bieod bas been tainteti from any private disease aud yen dare not marry; 5-, 4if yen are married andi live iu dread of symp. toms hreaking ont aud exposing your past; if yen are sui ering as the resuit cf a mis- speut iife-Dre. K. & K. are your Refuse Lay yonr case before them con fldentiaiiy anâ they wiii teil you bonestly if yon are curable., Dit. K£eNEsur, MEPICAL DIRECTOIC YOUi CAN PAY WHEN CURE!> We Tient and Cure CONSULTATION FREE VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, Bocks F7te on Diseases of Min. If unable BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS te Gall, write for a Question Blanis fer KIDNEY and BLADDER Dises HOME TREATMENT andi ail Diseses. Peculiîr te Men. Cor.Miciga Av.-ad Griswold St., Det<, t.Mièh. E Ail letters fmont Canada must boaddressed mu to our Canadian Correspondence Départ- mont iu Windsor, Ont. If you desire to Fee us porsonaily call at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as we sesud troat ne patient& in our Windsor offices 'which are for Correspondence and Lqaboratory for Canadian business only. Address ail letters as foilows: D-ý. RS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, ent. Wrte -forrpiae tdee J r f k "f 'r, Cleveland's BAKINU -POWD]ER Makes quickly, deIlicicus - hot biscuits, cakes and muffins with greatest C"s and certainty. Food raised with Cleveland's Baking Powder retains its Ireshness and flavor, P making it more wholesome and' ap. . f4 petizing. A pure cream of- tartar ~~ powder;- no alum, no phosphates. CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK< row," and ask for an "alm," but The surgeons cnt M c lower not for a "gift. " The only tone lip and tbroat to the 'pi"and ~f the scale whicb bel eau enunci- hurned the tongue out au the root. ate will ho "fa.", He eau both The vocal cords wore ot affeeted "hope" and "mope," but not by the opemation. Mannec is fifty- grieve.~ two years old. ttîongh ne 1150 a cloctor there was no ýchange in bis-condition till I ho- gan te give him Baby's Owu Tsb- lots, but sinco then he is eujoying gocd healtb." 'fho Tablets are1 sold by medicine dealers or by mailj at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SR OiNO. (Frorn The News.) Mrs. Alvins Parker is improving from neuralgîa. Miss Laura Allin is homo f rom the city, indisposed. Mr. George Seymour, Station Street, is building a second story to bis residetnce. Mm. sud Mrs. Norman Green- field, Bswmanviile, visiteti relatives bore recently. Mrs. William Long, Port Hope, formerly cf this -village, is danger- ously iuT. Mm. Frank Sheppard will work à 9 Despite the loss cf bis tonue hy an operation, Fred W. Manne, cf St. Louis, Mo., will retain comn mand cf eigbt letters cf the alpha- bet sud thoir combinations, afford- iug a vecabnlary cf about fifty words i-n common use, accordiug te Dr., Greonfielti. Sînder Maunn's tongue was removed by the hospi-J tal surgeons te provent bis death f rom a cancer. The surgeons ho-1 1-Wevo the cancer was due tQ exces- sive smoking.1 The souuds wbich Manne will ho able te artienlate witheut bis tonue are the vowels "a" as in srm sud! (o" as iu blow, andi the consonants In liter ature, Manne will ho able te name Poe and Pope, but net Longfellow sud DLryden. Hoe au refor te a "pome," whieh most per- sous will recognize as "poem." Ho can address bis parents as "pa" sud "ma," but not as "'fa- ther" sud "mothie." Hoe au cali for a "bow," but net for an "r