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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1911, p. 1

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£ ai s a ear in"dvance; $1.50 to UJnited States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, UHURSDAY, ARL27, 1911. VOL. LVII. NO. 17- M. A. JAM ES & SONPoreos -E*~z~ ~ - NOTICE TO HOUSEKEIEPERS C;URTAINS, CA RPETS, RUOS AND LINOLEUMS COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN are showing sp)Lendid collection of Lace Curtains in WVhite and- Crean,- Madras, Scrims, Bungalow Nett, etc. CARPETS in Union, WVooI, Tapestry, l3russeIs, Velvet and Aýn elegn ragf RUGS ail sizes in Wool, Tapestry, Brusselsk, Velvet, Axminster, and Wiltonv COILCLOT-HS AND LIN>LEuAMS ail widthis, noý better gos no better value anywhere. COUCII, JOINSTON & CRl-YDERMAN BOWMANVILLE. BANK OF MONTRE. ESTALISIEV 181,7 Capital -$1 4,400,000- Rest - - $1 2,000,000 Total Assets $ ( 83,169,159 Savîngs Bards Head Office, A. McCIe11an M anager, Bowmiiville Branch, NEW SPRINC- BOOTS THE IEMPRESS TFor ladies wear, THE CL ASSIC For Children THE GERMAN For boys. THE PALACE And the SLATER 1For Men. Also poJpular ch('eap knka4ý- Our teprrcast sida eni- trance is convenient and we are ready, as ever, tu show you the best uip-to-date values in- sb3oes. THJE BURNS GO~. LimiThOD OSHAWIA, on fMAINFOUIR CORNERS. Farmers' Attention Why commit pramium note county LvMutual yoursalvas to liabilîty in a 'iebn yuu ain insuna in such comopanies; as the- London, Pérth & Gore Fira Jusurance upnisu frm 50e o $,00parhuda ufd lIssuauica u u ian m 'gChe hast d(oingi- , m bsi- nesin CanIada i ae s lomw asr tua owst. HARRY CANN, Tise Çity Hall 1 useralnce Maus 1 pliolif 50. Bowmasiviile. VISI'T TO PINECREST, N.J. Ediforial orpndce New jersey as seau front a railwa coach window on a trip from New Yor City to Atlantic City lias tita appearance ut ufne huge Fui-est ot Pinesý wiîhl nuir r- uns small lakes, rivai-s, lagoions, and loc- casional small communiiýiities orsetm t, but it cannot cunsistently !,y any clai tu heing au agricultural or aven a hiontiuln- tural stat, atlaast th)at portion ufit ri whicb the "CentraI Railr-oad out the Sta1c ut-New jersey" passsromt Jersey Citylu Harris Station in Burlînglon Cu TI is an old settlad Stata, ut course, but the south-aastarn section ut i, ut fior tha rail- roads tbat i-un thru it wouldý in a!1! li.keli- bood ha enjoying ils primeval conditions but as it is thara ai-a sevýrasiumll vil lages and a tew tuwns locatcd in the tarrntury thbm wbiclî wa travalled iaud had ouppor- lunity for observation. New York il1ioniairesprtssonland business nman, bava a rflue, lrechlb bouse a mung the pinles iuBuliglncouinty and un Fridlay April 21 in company w ith Di-, William A. VWita and Mi-. Chias. Baihl, two ut its members, weset ont tu i silt Cbatworb, NJand ocaity.luordar tu hava a full dav's ouiu,g w i-ose aI Ilia early boue utj..45 a.mi., took thie alavatad railway to Curtlanid-st. neatr the soutb point ut Manh attanlan' haeat 2.301 a.m. wa took a ligbit breakfast al a restaur- ant l'open al niglit". Iucidenitaliy, we may ramai-k that "New York nieyerslaaps," tuoras we lefI oui- homne we met youmng men and girls avidentlyreatuenîng trom ,a party and at the elevaîted i-ail way stations we saw seeraa couplas ut waii dcressad and apparentîy respectaïble young pýleuple. And in the restanerant and on the tai-iy huaI 1were saveral persuns. Aftee eýpjoyîng a nica breakfast and a CUp u 1t tcoffea we crossed the Hudicson River by Libety-st. ferry to New jersey wheee at Jer sey City we took the early newspaper train witb ils bîîndecs of hundles u mof nngpapers tresh from the presses for readers in the country towns and villages. Saveral other passangers, maie and temal , u this eariy train so Iliut il seam)s lu "supply a faIt want" other Iban as carr,.ier ut pi-ml-. ed inteligence aîîd expre-zss matter. The Central Rail-oad utf Nýew Jersey was ana ut the lines thiat was necw lu us, altiso we had heard many times ut some ,)f the tew Iowns Ibmu whicb il passes. To begin with, Jersey City lbas a population Of ovar 250,000 and vry many utf its cit- izents cross daily 10 and trom New York by ferries over tise river or Hrudson Tubes under the river. Morning ant-d evaning- tihe rulsh ut peule is a sighlt ta lhid. The chef City ut the Stafa ut New jersey is Newark with ils 350,00 and oune -of the mlost impor-tant m aniutactue7ilng-Centres lu thle Uniied States, haring 6c, factories uflacture.PrhAmoisnxiprtt town ut of30,oo0 inriab)itanits, the gi-eu t tidal sbipping point for ca.L ess kno 0w n towns arae aaan e BnFarmling- dale, Lakawood, Lakaehurst, Wh)itirf, etc. Oui- objective point was ra-acbedi in due tima and as if lu add novelIty to theaouting the manager ut Chatsworth Club baving hean-advised ut oui- vil in adrance an- gagesi a carriaga drawn hy a pair ut mules wbicb was at oui- service for tha day. Automobiles ai-e not numerous im that burg yat su the sound ut an auto horn wili, make tbem i-un like dean. Arriving at the Club House wa bad a waslî and then sat down aI 8.30 lu a nice hot break- fast., When that pleasant engagement- was over we tbree pleasura seekers and- --rCurran, resideiit-physician to thieClub, set ont in oue muleohile Ibmu the- pine toi-est tu, a geudetic eminenca and station to ha known on future maps as Pintecrest. Atter a ride in oui- tbrae-seaatcd vehicia thbu the pines wa reached the "hilltop ut our ambitio)ns." Aýnd to unir astonislied gaze it commranded a view inter-ceptad and houndad tônly by the horizon lu every dir- action, Iu ail oui- tra'yais 7wa bave neier- sean the equal ut Pinecrast výiew. Except- ing the smoke trum the angines ut two or thnee railway trains passing Ibmib the e- ritury and a vri-y ew village buildings and the water of unelitile lakre, tlic eye saw unly pine foi-ast and sky. We ware intormed, and bava nu reason tu cubt the statement, that within une cii-de ot vision trom Pieecrest 14id about 35,000 acres ut pine foi-ast. There maybhaiuouintiin-tops in the Ruekies or Selkirk ranges wbeee one can obtain magnificent vie-ws, but lu une t-avals ove- tham we have neyer sean by turning on one's heels such aan expanse ut apparently solid foi-est la every dii-ec- lion as oui- eyes heheld en Piriecrest, W%ýoodland Township, Burlington Couilty, U.S.A. Odor ut the pinas is considered une ut the hast remedical -agancies known lu medical science anid residenca in a pine toi-est is ofttn recommineuded for cousnump- tives, astbmalics and othaer suferai-s from pulmonary or bronchial troubles. Pina- ci-est would seam lu ha an ideal place tue a sanitaninm. Wban one cuisidars wbat the-air must ha fi-orp passing thru anid over a vast area of pîne foi-ast it muisl ha readily conceded that it must ha heavily fraigbted witb odor ufthtle pinas. Atter spendmng a waek in-Nev7 York City wîtb ils. tuu11dosAnd dnst it was truýlyn- tific and sanitary equîpment for Ipersons needing res't and treatmient. One featuire will be asn-hme over every section of the building wbere patients will take sun-baths and breathe the wbiolesome healing odors of the pines. Wba t more ideal location could une find anïywbere for a saniitariumn? Its location is muost advantageous, too, not only as a bighl elevation w ure t wcevrdirection tbe wind blows, ils fragrant odlor ut the pines, must comce, but being so cenýtral, tuu, vwithin ani are!a coni- taining New York, Newark-, jersey City, Atlantic City, Trenton, Phila-delphia andI bundreds (oft places OCtlesser Population, from wbicb it can be reached in less th-an 100 miles of" railway travel and haL put down pýractîcally ai its very gatewayý for the la nd acquired is skirted by the railway alon un sid, s tht those qleeding ah- sou.te, rest froin aIl distracting noises and bnwisb to live up in the: cloudis, it is beleve, PnecestSatitarium the hast place, in Ameurica for res-t, rcuiperatin anid treatmnt.I,1 CANADIAN CLUB One of the largest meetings sînce the organization of the Canadian Club in Bow- manville was beld Monday evening at the Balmoral H-otel. Prof. Jamies Mavor, professor of Political Eçonomy of Uni- versity ut Toronto, was tbe speaker of the evening, bis subject being "Japan and China"," n hich hie dealt particularly witb question of the East as it appears eýtfï' preset nt ont. L Starting at tbe thireent andturteentb centuries, the speaker gave an interesting outline of the prohbiems âand ýcnitionis of tbese e astern couIntries leadcing 1up to the presenit time. Prof.DM'hvorlbas not gathered biis imimense value uof information solely tromr books, as lie lias visited the Orient several tîmes, having spent sume moinths Iast' year trav- elling extensively through Russia, Siberia, Manchuria-, Cinta and Japan studying tlie conditions and characteristics uf these couintriecs and their puple. In bis closing remiarks he said that thase cotintries are trigoverý a new page in history and what thiat mjay be we cannot say. A hearty vote of tbianks was accorded Prof. Mavor, moved by Rev. T. A. Nind, who Was one'of the most attentive listen- ers to the addrcss, bie baving -spent two years in tie East during the Russo-Japan- ese War, and seconded by Principal John Elliott, B. A. President jury presidled. The cuistomary banquet preceded the ad- dress. The Canadian Club bias been extremiely fortunate in securing excellent speakers for ail their meetings. It bas been nu [srnall privilege wbicbi the members have enjoyed in bearing such admirable ad- dresses given by mien at the top of their profession and who in some -.ases enjioy national reputations. Citizenisand atnum- ber of the leading farmers of the town- ship have sbown their appreciation by at- tending tire meetings regularly. The last meeting for the season will be beld W"ednesday, May I7th, when Judge Riddell çiîP be the speaker. Further par- ticulars later. I. 0. O. F. AT CHURCH FlrneNighting ale L odge, No. 66, IOOFcelebrated the 92nd annive-rsary of Oddfiellowshîp in America by attend- ing divine service in the Methodîst church Sunday morning. The Lodge was highily huonored on this occasion in having with themn Bru. Jus. Powley, Toronto, Grand Master of I.O.O.F. of Ontario, who gave ashort address in thec lodge roum- on the urganization and gro .thi of Oddîellowship fromn its înfancy -c the present imie, previotis to niarchiig to the cucl.A- bout 1.30 memnbers were present, includ- in- visiting bbrern fromn Beethuveýn Lodge, Brokllio; Eastern StarWhtby Corinthian and Phoenix, Oshawa. ev T. W. Jolliffe, Past Sovereign Grand Mas- ter, who lias preached the annual sermon to this lodge on several previous occa- sions, delivered une uf the best society addresses we bave ever heard. He chose the familiar story of David and Jonathan, and after retuting some ut the charges made against Oddfellowshiip and secret societies.ha spoke on the great work they wara doing among the sick and needy unes and said that instead ut being' op- posed to the cburcb tbey weile assistîng hy caring for those in distress. At the close ut the sermon Grand Master Powley, who ,nccupied a-seat onibte-platform, said that- as the Ex$cutive haad ut 380 lodges in On- tario lie was pleased to ha present on this occasion and spuka iîn the kiïndliest termis ut the relationship ut Oddtellowsvrhip tu the Cburcbi. The thrae great links of the order are triendship, love and trutb, the middle link being the foundation and the une that hield themn together. The principles ut Oddfellowship are based on the fatherhood ut God and the- brother- hood of man. Rev. fohin Garbutt, pastur ut the cburch, whu, assisted in con- ducting the service, welcomed the visitors and bade tbem Godspeed in their endeav- or to uplitt mankind. The choir undar direction ut Mr. H. J. Knight sang twu anthems, "O Clap Your Hands Together" and "Praise the Lord 0 My Soul 1" The members were marshalled to and from the churcb by Lieut. Wilbert Hae.'Ounie- turning ta the ludge roum Mr. W. S. Bragg, Noble Grand, called the brothers ta urder, when. votes ot thanks ware ex- tended to the Grand Master, the visiting brethi-en, Rev. T. W.. Jolliff e, Board of Methodist cliurch and thse-choir. Short speeches were made by Grand INMaser Powlay, Col. 1. E. Farewell, Whitby, and Warden W. J. Haycraft, the latter two old Durham Boys, and Robt. Adair, May- or J. B. Mitchell, ichard Allen, Aider- maît F. C. Pethick adotes. 'Among1 the older membars present were Markus Mayer, S. F. Hill, Robt. Adaîr and Rich- ard Allen. Visiting members were ater- wrsentertainai at Hotel Bowman. CLEAN UP. f Ie warm snnny days, will nu donht Iha a raminduri- tu buusakaleensand binciissý mien that tueuir premnisas ara tu be cleanesi tu tbe satisfa'ction f ut Saitarv I;lspec- tue Jarvis, notice ut samne havin been ipuaI- asi up )arulnsitown. Evei- oneole ,would cido well lu read lthuse i-11ies as comlply witb tha eutirements.' This is the seasýOn foýr prompt action in thau in- teresîs out tba public liaaltli andi comtfort. By m n 1gthetuwndeanin vypart we shall ha pro)tacting ,-th-e public ibealth] addisýcouring the bouse fly, Whicýli is Ouautfthe mullst spur'adic agents u ofese dissenlmnatiun h lreeds joy;ously in bouse- hoîd flîh, apl lte -,stainluthabhot sun out eariy spring and surmemr, -: (a M Pare Maple Syrup The season is late and the, Sysup scarce. Wve have the first-cf the season shippedfrom the Province cf Quebec- on Apr'il i 2th'and due here about the 2oth, This Syrup cornes with a guarantee that it is îo pure and will- have the ge-nuinelý Maple Flavor, per qt. 35c, or per gai. $1.30. MAPLE SUGAR the real kind shippeci with the Syrup, per lb .................... 15c F. A. HADDY, GROCER, BOWMANV[LLE. EDITORIAL JOTTINGS. Deep sympathy is extended to Mr. W. F. Maclean, of the Toronto World, in the death of his wife. Whîle she had flot beeni in the best of health, the end came, as a great shock to the grief-stricken huns- band and daughter. THE SITATESMAN fextends its sympathy to the bereaved ini 1the great lms they have sustained. We ardently wish that some philanthro- pist would present the young women and girls of Bowmnanville with suitable swim- ming baths. Every town should have swinmming tanks where ýfemales could be taught swimming. We are always hear- ing about previding facilities for boys. This is one way for benefitting girls. Ev- erybody, maie and female, should learn to swîm. Mr. Geo. Keyes & Son, publishers and proprietors of the Coîborne Excpresa havepur sympathy in the great loss sus- taifned by the fire, which destroyed their printing plant- last week. Tbis is the fifth time that Mr. Keyes, sr., lias suffered fromt f ire, but this is the flrst timte that the tire bas started in his office. We hope tosoon see the Exprýess rise from its ashes bright- er andi better than ever. Toronto detectives visited -certai bookstores recently and seized a num 'er of books of fiction from United St es. Two are "The Yoke" and "Cynthia i the Wilderneéss". Summonses are to is- sued against the dealers for keepi ob- scene literature for sale. We wo er if they found any copies of "The T ail of '98" by Service? 1It i s the vilest bpk of thekind we hav,-e ever read and, In Our opinion, is unfit to be read byyounig 'people of either sex. Every reputable newspaper in Caî ýda sarfcslarge sums of money everyy in the pursuit of its editorial 'policy or by refusing business propositions which it holds to be not in the interests of its read- ers, is truthfully said by Woodstock Sen- tine! Review. Newspaper which adopt in the interest of the public a policy to gov- ern its editorial and business columns must expect to pay the price in loss of revenue. They should have a right to look to the public for at least a measure of ap- preciation and compensation. Renfrew Board of Trade gave a comu- plimentary banquet on its tentb anniver- sary in honor of eleven citize»ti who have beenin r business ;in that town forty years or over. Tlhe erur asks if any othdr town in the Province or the Dominion o~f 3,700 peole equals Renfrew in its recordl Of h.aVing eleVen ttsesWho Ihave e in butsiness in thie town for over fo)rty vears. Nine of these are still in active business, besides a nuibe>,r who wvere in active business half a century g n yet reside there. There are als eea cases of sons continuing businesses found- ed by their fathers more than forty Vears ago. As showing the solidity of the town and the continuity of purpose uf its resi- dents, the record is a good une; and local pride doubts whether it can be equalled. The M1ercuryý contains a cut in which the faces of the eleven bonored ones appear. A person looking thrii the list of offi- ciaIs of the United Counties of Northuu-f berland and Durham, as published in re port of January session of Counties.' Coun- cil may- be justly excused for askî--ngf-why such discrimination occurs iin the use of "'Mr" and "Esq." For instance, Editor Given is "Mr." and his co-auditor is plain C. A. Wilson; the Janitor is Mr. Thos. Wark wbile the Sherlif is plain 1. O. Proctor; the auditors of criinal justice accouats are F. D. Boggs, Esq., and plebe- ian Alex. Campbell; the gaolor is W. fIl. [Reid, Esq., but Ex-Waýrden Samuel' E. Fergusoni is only plaia Samn. Ferguson, turnkey. School Inspectors are greatly different. If is Dr. W. E. Tilley, A. Odeli, Esq., and unadorned Robt. Boyes. The responsibility for this- differentiation in -adorning county officiais rests, nu doubt, un tbe proof-reader, who in this case was apparently the offce "devi" Womati suffrage was tavorably, men- tioned in this journal reently, hence it is asuing that corroboration of the posi- tintaC occurs in an interview by Dr. Macdonald of The Toronto Globe with the Hon. Dr. Finlay, Miniister of Justice uf NtW ZlealaUd, a PrOfOUm tdnt CtOf POI- itical science and a lawyer of tbe higbest standing. H-e is thus reported regarding. wumau suffrage havîuig tonied up the pul- idecs of that country: "The 'women take quite as mucb interest in public affairs. as the men, and tbey go ta thbe polis, quite as freely. 'More than 80 per cent of the elec- tors vote in any election, even when tem- perance or other social or moral questions in which women are specially interested are not an issue. The votes of the wonien certainly have mnade advanced temnper- anicç legislation possible and effective. G reit areas of New Zeal1and are now dry, and in a very, few years national prohibti- tion, forbidding the. mainutfac-ture, impur- TENTH ANNIVERSARY On Friday ce-,t the Parlor Slioc Store copltess tenth yvear in business. We have endeavored continuously to, serve the piublic with g00d gonds, taire deaîing » and courteous treatment, helievîng that isatisfled customners are ouir best adver. Ltisements. On thase principles and wvith the valuable assistance utof STTS. MANt we bave huilt upI a finie business, ouf large ye-arly îinerease being the bestei- den cea ut theappreciationuf tir efforts. Eacb year we celebrte our anmversiary wLitbl a "SpeLcial Sle"and ith isbenur tentb w-e want to ma-ika i,- an "Extra pcil"and on F rid!ay and Sa.turday, April 28 and 29ý, we wi]lsbuwv more and better bargainis than aer hefore, These are not old syls n outut date, but broken sizes, dsotne ieeca trom i1,5 to 35 par cent.beo thereua pices. Ibis is the uniy Seia ae wve bave in the a, aud iwhen we say "Special- "ïwanm-an i.-.R. FOLEYz, NW INDUSTRY Tha latest inutry t ha;tai-ted lu eut, growing town is a cannllîlg factorsy undler thle manag-ement ut tlîe- well-knowi frm ut John MacKaýy Liniited ut Caladlonia Mills. Buiild -ings and mrachxinery at-e noý(w bei erected, which will beý complated in time for thie cannin, season. The chiief prodiucts to ha cannied thisý year are toj- miatos and apples, Already orderis have been received for 5,0w0 cases ut "Thet, Real M\,aclCay Brand" and more ui4ders are- cous- ing in claily. Ini another year they wvill incelude corn and pueas, in their productsr We are also intformedc- by Mr JL. Nfor- dan, Manager, that the firm n tte puttingl its tamous peaajtpdf and piti-4eadý balyon tiarkm inpackages as wll The estahlisbing ut a caninag factory la town should prove a g-reat convenieiceta local gardeners, as-, heretofore it lias beem necassQry to cart thce gonds to Osfiawa. EASTER WEDDINGS Miss Hulda Lysell of Nfolinie, lios and Rupert Mason utWf cit, Kan..w4ere nurried at the hçname ut tle brîde',s parents* Mr. and Mrs, Ax.ýel C- , 7i163Tw t- fifuli street, Wednesdayafsloo-Api 12. Rev. D. S. MýcCowun,, pastor of theý Fi-st 1Mýethodist ehnrcli, pficia ted iii the -resence aýft1hejmdiate eatvsof thse bridai pair. The creon hur was 3a o'clock. The brid,ýc wore a travelling% -0wwn ut blu-e ser-ge. Foii'owing the ere. tny and a congt±atulat ory prida weiditig supper wa seeye to tise sm- bled&guats and the niewl-y marrîed pair took the 10-23 train for- Wichita, K" where tlley wîýill make their home. Tl1uý bride is a x)4.)pular Moin-irl and achn painter ut abtiity. She wFas un,[e ut the painters at Mrs. S. DE. 1Poola's s1tudio for- some time and for a year va attbhesýtu1dà ut Miss Luella Craig. M- ao sad. partmient mianageýr ilu a large, art store at Wichita. ;Out-ot-townasts w ri. and! Mrs.Oscar Lysaîl ad a nâ -luyLysa-it or Chîcgo, rothrs tLe bride, adMr. and M\rs. Fred 1Masun ut ofDaveupurt. thse fo-rmýer a brother u1 the ýbr7idegrons -MoUe Dspath. uperes n iany friand-s inand arouLnd 'Bowmianville loim in hearty congratulaiios. DURHAM COUN1TY BOYS. From the ,S'outh Paeij Mai , lar- aisoi, Chili, South Amrerica, wivearu tat the Englishhospita-.l at Temuico,whc coçt, including raquisite frihnssd as bads, bedding, waedroes', etc., $1 ï,47$. The lumber used in the construction was puecbased from tha well-kniown English firm ut ldessrs. Phiîlip T. Smith & Suons, Victoria:, and was pai for La medical ser- vice randered their 5006 em-ployees, all al wbom receive the n4ecessary medical at- tention ini the Engliss Hospital, wviueL was ut luvaluable assistamnce in meeting the expenditure. Mx-fSmi4b, the senior member ot this fi-rn, is a West- Durhas boy, formerly resi1dîLana P Hampton. Mer. W. 1. Smaîe, Secratary and Manag- er of Inter-provincial 1Fa-4, BrandonM.,Aîý the great agricultural uand industrial exhii- bition in Western Canada, in a latter to the Editor write%: "I arn t.aki-ng the libert? ut sendig you par express ,tu-da-zy a Parce[ contaiîîing a tew lbs of the Sweepstakes Red Ffa Whaat at ouir recant Winter Fair. Tbis wbaat szc(,ued1 par cent and waighed 65 lhs. bdhe ia huhel. 1 kniow that it is very seldom the a taimers ot Ori- tario sea a ganuine sii-Lplt ut oui- No. r liard.- Geflerally spe)taking, imanitoýba, Whaat wlaen it reaches poi.uts utf ship- ment in Ontario in huik liasbeau mûixedà --,Aepu-n---rng- SepteAr at u

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