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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1911, p. 5

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TIMIE GOES 0N Ylur eys xveed help frorn tirne to tirne, and we urge youte cornýýe hiere. Ltus lie your opti-, We, make to order lenses for every know defeot of sight. We useý theý (e i f mteil aintain ;L highstndt of wý,ork, but keep R. M. MITCHELL î!GO.,, Drug-gists -Phione 92aà. - Opticians Bowmanville* INYÂL'S LAXATIVE IRON TABLETS. When a person feels "blue" -'la Il tiredot" doet feel lîke doing aaiyting" cannot concentrate bis mind on b1iS work - feels weak men- tally and pys.ically-doubts lis powers -complains of poor appetite and sleelessesssuffers from headaches- -01hen his' nervou;s system is run-dow17n and den1ds a good iipbuilding toniic. sease," and prve-eminen,,tly an American diescau1sed by, t(o)Close attention to business, overworký, worry, overstudy, etc. Nyal's Laxaý,tiv:e Iron Tablets form the best netrve and brain food known, andi bave restored thousands of sufer- ers to hbealth. Bottie of 1l00 Tâblets 50Ç R, MN. MITCHELL & CO., DrgitsOpiis îdREMISE2 FOR _iPRIN6 SEEIJiNG Jutrcived and for sale utý Peter Murdock's. Ail pur- chss eis, except cern, 1ioh gîvýen 10'/, DISCOUNT 1utti IS l ay of Api-il. Ordeýr your seeds e,5 nly fronu PETER MURDOCK Deering, Implements Stand the Test. F' armens "1who knuw" use aud ne- cammiiienil Deering Implements,ll "ahiei t ime". Tbey are made for work aud stand fie closest inspection. Sec aur Clover Leaf Manfure Spreader. It bas sîl other makes bcat-tracks like- a waggori, bas eudiess upron and spreadls -3 tO 3,0 loads ta thec acre. This i only a few improvements over ofiers ,c-'et Metal, Material 1 biave becu a-ppoiutcd local agent- Metai Shiingle & Siîing Co., of jYIestonl, mnfcmesof île fumons ISafe Loclt Singlec and ail dhieet muets-i 1, oioeEgine for al-3 H.11 P. A gret argaiin. FRED T. IIOBBS, TîrceeDoons WJest of Expqress ffce SPhone 166. Bowmanville. 'GOODMAN & GALBRAITH BsrrIss udlictr. Noaispublic. A. K. ceO0 MAN, D. C. GALBRAITHt 508 Lums(deni Bldg. Yongp & Adelaide-sts. Torontc, Ontaio, BOWMANVILLE STATION. GIOING BEAIST. 0GOINO WEST S prss 844a1ns xpress 4.22 a. i :Expiress 101,, ocl .4 Pa 3ng. .31 P. ni. Passenger 1.48 p. nM. Local .4 , asenguy .59 Miail 9.588 BO1WMANV\ILLE, M1AY 41, 1911. Mr. Geo. Pingle, Otawa, vjs;iÉed bis parents here Sundlay. Miss MarionVa et has returned home fromn St.Cahrn. Mr. Roger Fishle'gb, Toronito, spýent t1he week-end withi friorsdslhere. Suckers are up and the boys are bar- vesting them wjvth -netsadser. Miss yteM1eods Toronto, at- tended the Murdof-Ailen weddinig. .Mr. Geo. Brayv, Oshawa, spent Sunday withbis couisÏinMr- Geo. WV. James. Mrs. Hienry Wade1,,, Kingston,, is visiting Mr. andl Mrs. S. 0. Taylor, Cliarlecote. Miss Luella Evron shawa, lias been visitinig miss Ethel L. Vani-Nest at Lornie Villa. Ernie -marks Companiy in Opera House Monday n)ighit. Corne anid etjoy a good laugh. Mr. anid Mrs. Luther)J. Stainiton, Osh- wa, were guests of1lier 'uncle, Mr. M. A. James, Suniday. Mr. anid Mrs. Arche Tait spent Sunday in Port Hope witb bier mothier, Mrs. L. N. M alwho is i. M'r. T. H-. McMurtry, Mýon-ýtreal, was in townMiidonday, guest of.-is,,brother, Mr. John McMurtry, P. MN. Mrs. H, fHeal, Peterboro, spent Sundiay witbh ler sister,Ms.F. W. Kirkendail, and other relatives bere. A grand opportunity to purchase a Summïer cottage at Port Bowmanville is being offered in anothier olumn. Mr.. Ford, WoTodville, and Miss Lottie Gorrili, Camîbray, -visited Sunday at Mr.. McReyniolds, Brookhull Dairy. florticultural Mfembers:-Get your or- der filled at S. J. Jackman & Son's. Large [stock of botb plants and bulbs to select from. Phione 8o. Hearty congratulations fa'IMn. R.Gilhes, Principal ut Port Public Scliool1, on pussing flic exanuinuuions af ueu'Vni- vemsity, Kingston. Rug lost in front of Banik oft Montreal, King-sf., Bowmanville, Sunday morning. Finden pieuse returu ta Glover's Livery stable sud get reward. Mn. Chias. Painton und Mr. Ernest Black- burn left Tuesday morning fan the We1st, the former goiog fo Saskatoon, und the latter ta Edmonton, Alfa. Ernie Marks with his dramaîic compuny xill lic in the Opera Hanse, Buwmanville, Monday, Tuesday und Weduesday niglits, May 8 to îa. Papular prices. The Feafien Faundry, wbichlias, been daing a rushing liusiness lu the aid Bul- iard Parlars the past tirce months- in- fends moving if0 Osiawa sbortL, Mn E ias Greawa1y 'ha8 gueaîh u proved ii.tbcappearançe ofais popiyerf,tn cournet- C(hurci sud Scugog-sts. He is na_ýw building an addition la Ithe bouse. Mr. Harry Cano, City Hiall Insurance auce Agenit, lias just neceieL a. d nice sup- ply of calendars that lie1 is givingý away. Thenie is un're tom you. Cai! ut bis office, Teaciers siauhl repart fa iflic fuspector thue nuinler of candidates for Entrauce Examinafions and tfliccentres at' vich tluey wisb fa write by May ; of ecd year. The Brandon Suin gives aý picýture ufthfli Brandon Choral Sacî_icty. Amoug flic of Miss Edifi Quigg formle r!y of flic Pst Office Staff of tl1.totwn.î CiSurclu anniiiyercariel wili soor lie lire. That is wlicn we sec the muidens lie- deckcd in their new dresses sud miliinery and flic yaung swains sputing their liesi driving autflts. Mn. Tluos. Creepen bas punebaseil two bouses an Havehock-sî., Toranto, and hlas remaveil tram 109 Montrose ta 256 Have- lock-sf., where bis mnany aid Darlingion fnicoils wiii finI hitu. Miss Mabel Brock, Toranto, tonmcrly of ibis towo, was ane of the succcssfui candidates in the necent Nommai School Exarninations, sccuring Second A., on Teaclier's certificate. Mrs. W. J. Brittaini's maoy trienils lie,, andl in Toronto willie pleaseil ta he r fliat sic is, mcovcing niccly trom cmie necent ilness andl bas been able to mc n home tram flic bospif ai. Mr.,Gea. L. Stevens, Peterboro, wvaisin town a couple of ilsys luet week demoh strating flic E. M. F. automnobile, of wbiclîl lic is district agent. Wc undersuanil that Mayor J. B. Mitchell punchascil anc cf uliir licst 5-passenger tourng cars. Mn. Stevens expccts fa place several more E. M. F. cars in ibis vicînity in tbc ocam .f o- fume. .Dominion Rifle Aseociation present cd Lient. F. H. Marris last wcek witb a miri- istume of flic Jubilce Cup ivon by the Can- adian, teatu ut Bîshey iu 1909g. The cup, whicb [5 of coldcuiver, is about fire inches higli sud heurs flic inscription, "Jubilce Cup in Cammernoration of Fit- tiebli Annivcrsamy of National Rifl e Ass- ciation." We understanil that Lient. -Morris wîll attend Bisley again this ycam. Offlcerc of Bowmanviie Hockey Club met Satomday niglit to wind up, the busi- ness for fie Ïpast scason. Allaü' flic local feains failcilta win a game in iller dem- ies, tiîcy fluished tfli season with a smal balance ta uliir credit in flue lank. A vote of thaniks was tendercil Mr.Ai Taylor, propmhcetor af tihe ikfort liberal manner in which lic tneated f ce management sud members aftie Clb, Bowmanvilbc is crly looming. Mali strangers were seen on the streets Satu - day attemnuon sund cvening wbho have istelj corne fa town fa wark bu auir busyinidus-'ýl tries. WeV are hed in flic ist af ai hanse fainie. Htesloarding biousýesi und ,-ri\vute- bouses are beiuig filied with mlchunaiics sud nc-wcomers are smnliiug daily. If 'yýoL1 have afd nshilr o e are not usiiîg 00w is your chan a u if ta goadliuse. Mrs. A. C.'Allin snd cdaugliten r nc were suImmon1eilfd CfevilK0ss Wedniesdayi, 2rth ulit., awinig ta tic seri- ons illncess of lienrusaivl o iVisitinig -eatie t ubat iplacýýe dante train Cali- fomnia, where lie spche t i ien, t1]his home here. Msae aesinice icen e- civel, givinig u of slighit imlprave- meut, but lis coniditionl is cill qulite Seri- lons, is ailmienitben a severie afîack of ! rysipelas. Goo l àorning. Do you Usý osoil Coal? If you wanf fresli fisli get if at T. H, Kniglit's. Bowrnanville Spming Horse Show Sat- urday, May 13. Every page in this issue contains some- thing for thereader. T. H. Knighf will have fresh fisb every diay except Mondays.-' Farmers -sbould read article on "Caré of Orchards" on last page. It pays to adverfise in the James Papers. If also pays you to read fhem. In our Healtli Colnmn this week is an amiticle on Catching Cold mead if. New wali paper and window shades or shade clofli, at P. C. Trebilcock's. Refrigerators, davenport lieds and kit- dieu cabinets. F. H. Mason & Son. Order ail your funeral designs or cul fiowers from S. J. Jackman. Phone 8o. T. H. Knigbt is paying cash for Eggs. He wants ten tbousand dozen by May 15. Mer with scrapers and hoes are giving King Street ils annual cleaniog-up this week. Very speciai values in Black ai-d Col- omed Silks at Coucli, Jolnston & Cryder- man's. Enamel your iron lieds and make their look like new. We bave the goods. W. H. -Dustan, T. H. Knigbt is fishing for your fisi' orders and bas a good hune of fresi' caugli f ish. Dmess Goods and Soiiings in the newesî shades and weaves at Couch, Jolinsi on & Cryderinan's. Try a ton of Lehigli coal and you wii] use no other. Order from E. W. Los- combe, phone M7. Wiili our carrnage painis you can make your old carniage look like new at the cost of $1. W. H. Dustan. Report of inqu,,est on the dealli of Wal- fer Roy-Chartran of tii town at New- market appeart ou au muiier page. 1Buggies! Buggies! Caîl and see our samples as mosi of tbem wiil go out ai end of week. F. H. Mason &ý Soit. FREE! Wiib every $i.oýo order fromn us we wiil give you free 2 namied Dahlia Bulbe, atm celection. Phone 80. S. J. Jacknîan & So 'n. Lots of fun and music ai Opera House next Moudav niglit. Ernie Marks Coin- bany xviii provide entittainnenit. Don'i nies hearing Iheni. Don't discard your torniture because il is scratcbed or weafher-beaien. Chii- Natmel will restore il like uew. Sold only by W. H. Dustan. Hardy Perpetual Rose Bushes, strong two-year-old stock, for 25c or $2.50 per doz. Now ready for Spring delivery at S. J. jackmnan & Son's, phione 8o. - The old bowling green is bcbng put in shape for the corning season. The new grounds require'seeding a gain so they wiil not lie ready for use until j uly ý,ist. E. W. LoscombL, fic Le1,(high Coal agent, is filling orders withfeei rniîîmied coal, ahi sizes, and guarantees flic lowest Sunînen price if paid during June or Jnly. Ai-e you guing io England ibis summer? *Boaf s begin muiining fmom Montneal first week of May. Beiter consult M. A. James early about tickets. Boats are fast filliug up.' BASEBALL GOODS- Basebll Goods ai descripf ions-wliolesale asnd relail. Clubs fitted froni bead 1,u foot. The largest and inuit complete stock iu West Durhamn 20 selectfon, .B Martyn, Bowmanvîlle *An execufîve ,etiing of the Midland Football League waa 'hehd in Petembomo Monday, Apnil 24th, -when Geo. W. James was appointed Presidetl oftise League owing f0 flic res'gnaiion of Dr. J. C. Devitt. *The gnt-dal rreeiink of Bo xituanv'lle Womienï' ~tiowll lie held on Frîday, *May 12, aI f8 p. s'a. inithe Council Rouin. AIl members are specialhy requested f0 lie presenf. Eicctiou of officers and general business. Mm. W. H. Wiliamus, WestEnd Smifhy, King si. is the man te pot your Lawn Mowers and edge tools in firsi class order. He guarantees satisfaction on ail work pot in bais bauds, Lawn IMowers called for and delivercd ilu town. We do not wauî 10 paint the town red, but we do wanf Su tell you thaI a coal or two of Martin-Seruour's ioo% Pure Paint w.ill miake yoom borne as attractive ias tlie Little Red Sebool House lu fli West. $Q e1 ii 1nv by W. H. Dustan. Mm. John N. Lawmie lias purciased Mr. David ,Darcli's, nîce residence ou King-st., E., and Mm. Darcli bas purclaased flic Neads pmoperty on King-sf. from flic Goodwiin estate, prices'in botb cases being considerably biglier iban formerly pre- yailed. MEAT NomliSonuth, East or West Ül f-dno beciter meats than we ban- die. Our Beef, Veal, Pomk, etc., is cut from tfli finest stock raised. You don't have f0 be an expert to cboose fthc best meais, for iliey are ail the best. Try one of our Prime Rili Roasis or Porter House yo&i1t-pru-i.te1bu1ri'. J. .1M - .n can" andl bai a good voyage, We wei- coule ail to canada andI trust Ilat they inay aill find comt 1ortabIe homes ini flic land 01 opportitiy. Ohiîlcbren OCry FOR FLETCIIER'S e ý-Silos eecteil. F. 1H.,Mason & o,ý 0 Roomn moulding ai P. C rbloks "Loscombe-Coal" is Lelhigh Vatlle Coul -nuf ced. Wby not take your Produce 'fG T. Ji Kniglit. Hie wili us@ you well. Men's Suifs macle ta order a ni sa isfac tion guaranteed at Coucli, Jolinstont y' Cryderman's. Reserve Monlday, Tuesdaiy and Wed ënesday for flic Emýi-Marks Company Ji Opera House, Can you lieip) T. H-. Knighit get , tei thousund dozen Eggsý by MaIy usthi. ' nmostlbave themin. Springlihousccleaning is oni. Thttf mewarf Ënew wali paper. Special prices ail tpattere-i ai P. C. Trebilcocks. p- Miss Annie Wesfawav and Miss Laur Barmowciough, Port Hope, spent Sondai ut Mm, J. Westaway's. Lehigli coal is barder, iasf s longer an( contains more heat tlan other coal. Soi( only by E. W. Loscombe, plione 177. Tou chli)upyour piclore tramies witl Chi-Namiel, gilt or whife, andil ficsi provernent wiii lie surprising. W. Il Dustan. Special books fromineading wavil papei tactories from whicliyou can elctex closive higli clacs papers are at P. C. Tre Sblcock's. Coucli, Johnston & Cmydermnîaný are show- hg an elegant lot of new Spriig Coafts zaiic LadesSuisail made np in ti vemyle est styles. Sevemal thoosanil dalia bulis, s'il lb tleading variefies, Ioc each or speciai quo- talions for qoantity. S. J. Jackrnan ~ Son, phone 8o. Spaying--Tbose wisbing Limie Snlpbni for ftuore use, leave o6rders al once as plant wil chut dlown veny shotly. F. H. >Mason & Son. Wby humn youn money faster thun is necessary? You wiJi eifo i you use Lehigli Valley coul. Sohd only by E. W. Loscoinle. Phione 177. Order your Gladiolus, T ulinose Sum- mmrFioweming Hyacintbs andl Montbreta Bullis, Pansy plants, etc., now, 1trom S. J. Jackman & Soo's. phione 80, TSNS1IITHING---Anyfhing made in GaI- Svanizeil Iron, Copper on Titn that Is wortl rnaing. Anyfhing repaired that ;s worfl mepuIiaiing at J. B. Marfyn's, Bowmanville. Cliýi-Nýa meh cao lieuseil ou nykini of wood f'on. vour pantmy shelves i o youî parlor: tables. Any picce of fumnitore can lie made fa look like new wili Chi-Namel. W. H. Dustan. Wc woîîid empliacize flic tact Ibat fthe BULK ot our Men's Reudy-fo-Wear Suits are NEW, made for Ibis season's 1h ale. No better goodc and no liciter vaine any- wbene. Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman'. One of Bowmanvihle's oldest andl rnuch- respected cifîzens passeil away Monda3 in flic pencon of Mmc. Aaron Bockler. Few people are pivilegeil 10 live aven flic go- yean mark andl li as liriglit and active ut cie was. Mn. Thos. Snuw and Mmc. jas. Mathewt left Tuesday eu route f0 Montreal, wbere they sail by tbe "Royal George" of the Canadian Noriberu Sieamships for Bris- >toi, Eng. Tliey were book-eil!)y M. AA James, agent for the C. N. R. Muîcli sîace iunflic Boys' ut The Youtb's Compauson, esp-cialy at thts seasoii, is given ta expert ot baseliahi. Ir tlh, issue of May flic 4tli is an aîrticle or "ifcbiing Curves" whicb every amateur player siould read. It is illustrat, cd. Chi-Namel floon graining com(ýipo)nu makes a beautiful finicbed 1border for fluor rugs lu oak or any colon ta cýuit the mug. GSaining sels ut 45c. Aniy anectai 3use thein andl make flic old l fluor look liki colid Oak. Caland sec themu demon- strated at W. H. Ductan's. You will lii sunpmised 10o sec bow easily it can lie donc. flow___vi-îe,-:Y:ie met in Council Rootu Friday aftemnoonl, Mrgi Aý L. Nicialis. President, iunflhe chair, s J. T. Morris reail a paper on A Wmf' lway of dobng bousewamk. Thc moll call on pnîîiug away fors called forîli varied ariswerc tram thee members. Tue snnal meeting for ehectian of officers sud gen- eral business wil lib ell Friday , May 12, ait 3 p. m. ini Cunucil Rootu. Let eveny memnber make au effort ta lie prtcent. Mr. Fred R. Faiey, ofthti Parlor Shoe Store, is greatly elated- oven the ;iiccess oh bis loth annivcnsary sales whicýh tooi< place hast Friday and Saiurday. Froni euriy mornutil ciosing turne costomers liesiegeil flicstore for creof fic vgreat bargaine. Ou-iers by piux-celu any, and s0 great was tbc ýruish 0f patrons thal rnany were unabie f0 lie pjroperily waited ou., If was the biggect two days' trade lielias bail since lie started business. He uttribuies mucli Qf his success ta the ex- cellent assistance rendered by flic aiver- tising in The James -Papers. A flrst-class line of boots sud shoes is aiways in stock andl customers may lie assured tha -t only tbc bcdt is kept und every effort made ta suit thue feet wif h style and carntort bn footwean au the Parlor Sboe Store. FARMERS' PRODUCEý. IN OTICE 15 BEREBY CII EN tlsat tise anutîtal CEN ERAL MEETING ef lite tatockholders of the Pert Darhtuiglon Barbon Cotapany u'til - ho helti ut the offic& of the Cenipamîy tIi Pont Dam'- ihugînlu, Foi, lu oh Boxiînauville, eîî Mondsg, the 521h of Jîsue. 1915, ut the heur cf FOUR O'UI.iJt'K in tha afternoon Ion the election of Dirusciors for tue sait1 Cosspsuy Son eusuhsg year anti for tran- soction oS sacla busilsees as mssay cosue before the meeting. .1. A. MuCLELLAN, fbicr~tu"v. Dai~"i ai Boavotaîseihle, Apnil 54, 7.514. 17-4w "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, *Designer and Dealer in Monulients, Tablets, Markibrs, etc-, i 3s Granite andi Marbie. e Bowmnanvjlle, Ontario. j FUNERAL DIRECTORS rt L. Morris &So Most Coniplete Equipuient Sunclay andi niglat cails *prousptly attendeci to. f Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches: ORONO HAIMPTON DR.,J C. DEVITT, I Grtnt f DENTST, Gru teo x oal Dental College, Toi'ouîo IOFFICE. Tenoperance st. lBowmas-iîîe, I(just off King St.) OFFICE 110111: 9 Ilp. luaiy I except Snnduy. IBLACKSLOCK: lst Monday of each îoionth.j jWil lasttBloW uvle offiýet'est of tins,,. P1710NE 90a llOUSE PiseNis901 Valuable Town Property For Sale. A large 12 sooin brick bouse, s;iuaedontho esouthl-east quai ter of the lot ono tE7, id ,t Cýoncession--s. Ihere ar ý e er40 apple, pear s a1nJ pluni iesalgoti saieties. Land coni- priseS oves' n11 rej- tIcold beis ided t) inake ,,everal gooi bild1ing lots witb soute _fruit tree.sw inl eachi, antileasinig pienty of lautiýarotuti the r bouse. Larbe stable, dris i g shed, poltry house, etc., on the prcîoýiise,,. Buikciiugs are e\tra c eh ci property. Wi ,ihueadar fluio r otiter building lots xeparately. Nou lico age efor Toronto propeity.JON. A N Bec niA tlle. --wOOD SEl ONDiiAND ORGAXIs for ',le- A4pply lu MisS.F. O. M,o0, kîg liow- e itasusîlle. 16-tf n G Y FOR S LE-Etîlber tire Tudlhope, titi cao.Apply to Mîts. JoHN'i-. ONEY TO bOAN uat lis e, 5ustd lave dii percent on mertgaige scuity. l'îsl'f fi Aýpply to it. R. Loscomna,, Barrister, Bow. Iinanville 82 tf FOR S LE-i Square Box Top Buggy, 1 Pbaet- onu Top Buggy, 1 Cutter, 12 Sets Hiarnes- - cheap. Apply toiL. Consaisni, Jemneler, llow- nsaiivi!lle. iîf c OTTAGECS F01U SALE- "Siunset"id "idora dora" cottages at Fowsnauille Beach, foi- iîliteli, cheap. Apply Gise. m )s u, 16q fMontrose Ave., Toro tto. 18i IMPLEMENTS, ETC., FOR SALE negootI inipleîiiiesit,6 ebeep aInti a uîtt tti. s ti1 ,l»uy Apply oJS ÂCo, cia 'o Fo nîvlle.1-t yADIES' COAT 1.OST-Brown cloth coaLt lesýt L4 hetweci ,lBoss litna hIe antd Bethesda onmi Faste r Snulay. Finîler pieuse lea e attise *S'rx'rS:aN' Office, Bossisianville. iSîf MARE NVANTED-A C13,desdale or Dratîgisi maestbe foi- breeding purpose. 1State aeandi price. APp~ivtO W. IL COLTON, (2oîbone, Ont. Mention tbis puper. 1821, F OR SALE OR TO RENT 50 acies, ,onîh hall of ,îortbh lall of lot 17, cois 3, Carta riglat. FIl net sold wsill be renteil foi, pasitire tItis season. Appiy te Jîs. GimN, Couirtice. 17 3aw OP ORSALE -Nec, Miauîghlin Opel, buggy, cîîvered plaeton, seconti-hanti cookiîîg ranlge, Flac n mbe I. Al10 be sld clseap ppyt R. J1. Mî1Laeuta, Scugogsat, lîowinanville. 14-3w y% O0 LO5T-lis Bus inisille on Suîîday, April fth a broîvu undtwhite terrier dogwith teliaranid Oshuisail g tue ailuchseil. iler IEMAN OR WOMýA-N WANTED for, wi'k >L at home paying $2.00 or s3.00 per day sith epportunuty te.dvaîîce. Spure tinietee c useil. Work îîol difficl and reqilires ne exper- ience. Wa'eLINMITEI), Spudina Ave, Toronto. flOUSE TOPRElNT-Bricklibonse, erner Elgini anti Concession streets, lBec maux 111e, colt- taininig 8 rerns, 'dectric liglat, futinace, bath rooin andi ail moedern ceniveiielice,,. Apply to Mtvsa Buii, box 67, Boimanvilie. Plhene '12.. 3 tf IMPLE FOR 511SALE-Massey-llarris cul. tivqtorv, Eraîîtford mou cr, Mulssey-Harris hîay. rak ie, anis erdouble sx'usgon with rack, -t sinlegie harro()\% s imle piew, Chathunt -fuîniiîî salli, set sinuebblih.Wl esitue,'m Bîtaî.,,Cnt'i Bec niuxtil. l1,3w H ORSS FO-SAL One býrou i l tîrse, te.,s years obl, cegb " aot 10lbs.goodt t doluble Apph1 te W. , Bý1>,i111) ýo l o LAWN MOWERa. Thie old reliable is on deck aanand Wouild solicit your pa tronage as in the2 past. 1I will guialanîce to shlarpern your mower 10 give 'mure satisfaction. 1Ilhave dte latest improved Ideal Grinder coupfled wviîb .a ver.y lrgmeiei dc , ndyu canl depenld 0on a goo0d job) being -donie. Also aHl edge bools groulnd, sucli as kiives, eraî jobbinig done witbi neaes n strenigtb. Tbaniking you for im alpt NotiQes of Bîrth1s, z5 cents; Maerriitges 50 cents; Deathis, 50 cents, eacisinsertion, IWhefnntersi cîsrds are printedlat h ffeinsertion f ree. ti BIRTHS j1(fýlT-1n Clarkre, April "fot, te Mir. suidIMrs. Ycett, a son.- 1 C CS-t, NecaxleApril, te Mrauand frry qîncla, a son. IL -IluNswcastls, April fnte Mn. aiti M rs.-Ernee;t Rinca, a dangliter. MARRIAGES N ir- IL age t he boule ef b brde parents, pil 2601, Iby Rev. Il. S. Speuce-, Euitlt May, eictestdauglatÉer of Mr. Levi Sliiiîer,, anti ~'N sQt'orge Scott, Oshawia., -\ erses i ALLaS lu nBowixîvlle, Apit i 2, by, RLex'. IL.Monroe, B. A., Mr. ('lanet , tjî MrolanIMiss Florence Isabel, thirdilu- ter of Mr'. J. 'liorue Allen, both is ocfi',xie DEAT1IS] C so-ai]ît At Port Perrly, Apy flrd,,Mis. teos W. Crozier, in lier 83rd yeax. BiutE--lu Saginac-, April 2lst, MalLry Deacon, widow of the late Johni Bruce, BLuîava'rv-lu Oshawa,' April 23rd, John Wcsley Bleu ýett,;ageti39 vears. Interredi ifion,,. WtaLax' Lu 'T'oronto, April 2th, Mary Aîîn eeîeJ1,y, beloveil fe of Cape. 'uha. Wakley B (KEciu.- is Bownanv ile, May let, Elizabetb, relict oS tise late Aaron Buckler, fis lier 95th A ýiu l Foronto' Aprîl 26, -Lifale Arîl, dangh- ?e oSi the late Robe.rt Ard, Clarke Isîterreu i ik I maI, Lu NewcastJie, Apiil ltI, Janie Blac- buoi, reliet of the lato 'Villiai B.'Almli ier Fi,ui-,,-A-t 111 Ban-st., Toronsto, May 2, iii las',- of Mc.r -ot. Fieldting, Bow tua il vile. 'B o 'l , At 1 ,2aWe , ei e5t, 'jor stAr4l 281 lnyChar-les Bonriier, lu his 781hyear,. for 25 yeurs Western Manager of tise Allan Line ofsteassips. Phone 5. Bowmanville. 'File seasonl is late ami the Syrup, scarce. Wte have the fisnf the season shippedi frorn the Provnrce of Quebec on April t 2th and due here abouît the 2,thi. This Syrup )cornes with a gu-arantee that it is 10000 pure and W-111 have the genuine MapleFlavor, per qt. 35c, or per gai. $1.30. MAPLE SIJGAR the real kind shipped with the Syrtup, ï-er lb............. ....... 15c GROCER, BOWMANVILLE. SaE '9---F HATS ýA-ND Needling tise rouin for other goods, ave havé, decidled to dlean our entire stock of bat-s and.caps ai acicepriceýS for quick sale, -Inv Mut in tise Store reg. $2.50, $2.25 anci $2, sale pî'ioe $1,50 Il1.75 1.2-5 Il t. .1 1.50 " 1.00 t' 64 i 1.25 and 1.00 4l 44 7.5 ti IL 50 'I 75 50 38 Meni's Caps reg. 75e foi' 5Oc.IReg. 50c for'35e. lReg. 25e andl 35e fer 19e. 'This includes aIl of our -Niew Spring liaIs and Caps. W/e are shoxvinîg tlis week fthc finîest as'sýoitment of high clwss 'Dme's8 Goods aund Press Silk,,ave liax e u, erSiown -See thenu Eiegant and up- to-date trimimrîs f tch Ladies' New Spring Suits, Coats and SkTirts- Northway Make; New Waists in Silk, Muslin, Nett and Wash Materials: New XVhîte W>a-r-S,'kirts, NigQht'Robes, 'Corset Coversi and Dra-wers; New Dress Musl îns, Cotton Vols, Mari seuett(s, Zephyrs, Poplins, V'es-tings, Prints and Grian;Nw FloncigsCorset Cov er ErhodreEnri dery EdFcgings Insertions and Allovr Emboide-1ries and Laces. And a f uit assortmnent of a a, l eS ry G oods. * fï Groers'Due Bui eUli S.W. Mason &Sonl INetdoor to-adadBnEwavle GARDENERS SHJOULD, GROW TOMATOES 25c a bUmlel; anid we lmay )ý P3c abushtel. \We advise, you not to iimake ýcontracts with ont,4 of town cn(errls as we are going to pay the highest rnarkietý prices. It will' be to your inlteile8t to patronizele il- dustry- 4,a C RE S FRE LAND We ofer the use ocf 4 acres ofi land free to thýe Inn who will plant tomatoes on it and dclix er the entire crop to us at 25C a budhel, For- further- particulars cali at Caleonianilis.« JOHIN MACK,âAY LtdO, ___ 4' 's --n à fý-- VING 4 ýUP' Il

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