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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1911, p. 8

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is a favorite in distant countries as well as being the moe popular Polish in Canada and the United States. Australia atone takes over haif a milion boxes, per year. ' Superior merit is the reasoné It contains no Turpentine. Tryit with a match, I a" Nt is good for your shoes.' THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited, HAMILTON, Ont., BUFFALO, N. Y. and LONDON, Eng. & IBARON CH GMN (10,-3) the Pure HORSE ROUTES. brei Clydesdale stallion, the property of John Davidson, Ashiburn, will stand for mares~ for the season as follows: Menday, May 15 will leave his own stable, Enfield, PRIDE 0F ALL,-i3652, xiii make the proceed to Geo. Wilbur's, Bradley's, ceon; season of i911 as follows: Tuesday, May thence to Chas. Stainton's, Taunton, night. 23, xiii leave bis own stable, Hampton, Tuesday proceed to Robert Scott's, lot 6. anti proceed to R. Hawkey's,' Tyrone,'con. 6, East Wbitby, noon; thence te Col- ncon; thence to bis own stable for night: will's botel, Brooklil, nigbt, and stand un- Wednlesdav, proceed to E. Aunis', -'Iot 25, tii Wednesdav noon. Wednesday aifter- cou. 7, Darlington, for noon; thence Lo coon proceed t0 John Davidson's, Ash- Wesley Giaspeii's, Taunton, for night. hum, and remain until Thnrsday nooa; Thursday, to W. Fursey's, lot 30, B. F., thence t0 Raglan Lotel, night. Friday Darlington, for niglit. Friday te bis ow n return to bis stable, Enfield, and remain stable until Tuesday. Terms $14, until the following Monday rnorning. JOHN JQLL, Manager. Terras $15. W. J. ORMISTON, Man- ager. THýE MACINTOSH 11558, the pure PRINCE PRIAM (3616) [i0854], tLeibred irnported Clydesdale stalion, the property ut Robert Beith, will stand forpretyfCl& ivwl mkth seasoex of 1911 as follows: Monday cooni, season of 1911 as folows; MeQnday. will May 22, xiii leave bis own stable, Waver- leaye bis Qwil stable, lot il, con. 2, Mlan- ley Stock Farn, Bowrnanvilie, and prQn vers koad, and proceeci to T. H. Clem- çeçd lto OriQental HQtel. Nwýe é, nght. ence's, lot 3, con, t, Darlington, noon; Tuesday, relura blorne at cigbt. Wednes- thecce 10 Oriental hotel, Neweastle, nigbt; day, te Hampton Temperance Hotel,i Tuesday to J. J. Baskusviile's, lot î8, con. coon: thence to T lo§. Baker's, Solina, 1 1 Clamke, coon; thence to Moses Cowan's. 1 cigb, ad rmai nitii burdaycee. lt 17, ccn. 4, Clarke, niglit; Wedriesday te' Thumsday atternoon, to John Ol e's, lot j* Henry's, lot 1 16, con. 6, Clarke, coon; 32, con. 2, Dar lington, niglit. Frîday, me- tibence to C. J. Huglison's, lot 26, con. 6, turn te bis own stable unitil Monday floof. Carke, nigbt; Tbu,-sday to . Soucb's, Terns $15. ABrEL SCOTT, Manager. con. 6, town lice, Clarke, noon;', thence to bis own stable, cight. Friday te T. J. HARRY WLK-rbe 'well-known Cole's, Maple Grove, noon; thence te A. and popular trotting stallion, "Harry E. Rundle's, Ebenezer, nigbt. Saturday Wilks," wiil coi observe a regular route to Ivan Law's, lot 25, con. 4, Darlington, duriing the season cf 1911, but xiii be coon; tbecce to bis own stable. Terms $15. roaded to any reasonable point to micet CHAS. FLIGG, Manager. those desiring bis service. Harry Wilks! il the sire cf Harry Wilks 2.34, Hazel LWAD CIF (04) h Wilks 2.31, Eva WîlkS 2.16, andi Murieli O LADCIF (04)Th Wilks 2.i8'2, and is acknowiedged to be Grand Young Cldyesdale Stallion, the tbe best sire of road horses in this section propersy of S. Dean, Cadraus, Wîll serve et the Province. -Ail communications mares fee Ibe season of 1911 as tollews: should Le addressed t o0. A. GAMSBY,1 Monday leaves bis own stable and preceed Maple Ave., Orono. Ternis, $i0 to insure. to Wnl. Vanc.-'s, lot 2, con 2 Cartwright, BellPhon. 20tt oca; thence to Robt. Hunter's one mile BellPhoe. 2-tfsoutb Prince Albert, nigbt; Tuesday te. A. Gilroy's, lot 13, con. i Reacb, noon; thence PIANISTE, the Imported Registered'te Angles botel, Raglan, nigli. Wednes- Per churon Stalliin, xiii make tbe season! ay proceed te George Sbeckleten's, lot ot tçtî as follows: Monday, wîil leavei 19, con. 10, Darlington, nocm; thunce te A. his own stablei ai S. Snowduc's, Maple Sharpe's, lot 2o, con 9, Darlington, cight. Grove, andi proceud 10 John Montgom- Tbursday proceud to A. Hughes', let 3, ery's, lot 22, con. 1, for noon; own stable con 9, Darlingten, noon;,thence te is tor night. 'ruesday, to Win. H. Clemeins',' ewc stable lot 20, con. i,Cartwriglbt, nlight. Salem, for coca, own stable for night, ru- Friday atterneon leaves bis own stable naning untliTbumsday momning. Thurs- and proceed to Arthur Hanaab's, lot 21, day, 10 Rd. Osborne's, Basuline, lot 27,1 con. 6, Cartwright, night. Saturday pro- noca; Simon Penfouaid's for night. -Fn- ceud te bis ewn stable- and remain until day, Central Hotul, Osbawa, for neen and follewing ModymrigTens$. cight, then te bis own stable for fon ' a orningAs. EMnager. Satn,,rday, remaining until the following CA.DAMngr Mocday morning. Terms $12. JOEISANDERS, Manager. COLESSE DU BALCAN, 253 Vol, -19, JOHN (5423), imported Beigian staliion, preperty et Mr. G. W. Seper, xiii maku suasen etf LANCIER de PE 1l-fIT, 61, (44430,)i the 1911 as follows: Monday, luave bis ewn imporîe 1Bugï, ian raft stallion, tbe prop- stable, lot 8, B -roken Front, Darlingten, ertf G.W. op,. xiii stan)d for season and proceed te Blake Courtice's, Cour- ot111a follews Mna, wil leavu lice,,noon; thenýe te Commercial hetel, bis; ow1tbe ou rs, LKendali, and Oshawa, for niziht. Tuusday te John nrced ia Starvile10Brnmacombe Sbarpe's, lot 4, con. 7 Whitby. non; Bro., sac, con;tbecete 'J M_1arsb s, thencu te A. T. !0îo', t28, con. 4 Der aknih. uSdayte R. byDarlington, for ighit. WensdaY,1pro- Rowe_'s, Kingtc Rolýad, neiar to-wn unev ceed te A. E. Jnig' Temperanlce Hope%(, tneon; Iunct10Tumpe-_rance Heeloý, Hetel, Hlamptffon, ce;th uto Iohi Ccox Ils, soie73 1:nrm11ce1; thenice t ig.Tusdyt leadrRuILer- Nexcaslu ete, nght. Thursday, te, owl ' tord & Sec's, Kirby, noon thncete ope ers Bwavilneen; thence te John Bros., Kenldal, nigflt. FrÏiday t( e Temper- Chali'~Manurs oa,* niht. Fr-iday, ance Hôtel, Nwmn mlenght. Sa tur- te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Jae oc/ce;tuc eLes-_day receed t rtlHt ul, New castiu, kardnigb, Satrday 10 i wnstable, o ;te'et io hiewn flstable Lantil on Keadail until ondav mrning. Temmisîday mnomniing. ems$, BOWMANVJLLE, MAY 18, 1911. ZION THE flAN BEHIÀNU THE BRUISH Whio is now reaping the golden liarvest of the painting season. Protect your reputation by using-- The gMa-rtin,-Senour -Paint _100% Pure Scientifically correct propo rtions Puire White Lead, Pure Zinc Oxide) Pure Linseed Oi, >Prpentine and Drier, no.,adulte ration or substi- tution of any kind. Write ns for chemical analysis. W. H. DUST"AN, The Quality Hardware. lingent nader the direction cf Misa Aima James, Si.-Thomas. xiii turnish the evený- ing program-...Mm. A. E. Jennings' floxv- ers are a gruat attraction these days..., Mm. Frank M. Browvn, Traders' Bank, Newceastle, xvas home Sucday xveei. .. Browvn & Allia builIt ic roda et Frost wire fence for J. Colxvili, Sm., Fiday sud Satnrday ... Mm.H. Ellotsudwxie yis- itud trienda la Bewmacvilie Sunday ... Mr. M. B. Crydurman is having nice xire fence erected in front sud ameund Lis ruai- dence xvich xiii add te its appearacce vcry mch.... .Mrs. (Rev.) Cook, Mrs. Aaderson'a mother, bas been quite iii, but is imprûviag. Pianos to ent for aanivesary services at Br-adley Bros, Oshawva. ENNISKILLEN The Methodist Church SaLLatL Sebool anuivumsary xiiiLb eid as foihoxs.- On Sunday May 21 sermcns xiii Le preached [at îo,ý30 a. m. sud 7. p. m. Ly Rev. S. G. Ror'Vsý, Weiççnte, a fermer pastoî'. Siag- ing by tLe achool hn the morning and la tLe evcning Ly tihe choir. Collection la aid ef school fuada., On M/ednesday :May 24,-Viçtcî'i, DaqY, a Darliigton Lea8uC foot-ball match xiii bc pisved, Taunton vs. Enniak ihien. Teua servud at 4.30 P. m- Rev. Chas. A. Sykes, B. D., Toronto, xiii lecture on "Lussens tremn a M/alinlua Garden"., Gcod musical- programme xiii Le given Ly Miss Irene Bray, Enfiuld, sud Messrs. Henderson and Heuley, Oshaxva. Admission: Tea and lecture,, Adulta 35c; Ihildren 25c. Tua cm lecture, aduits 25C; Chiid reni 15c. Public comdialiy invited. New efficers et W.M.S. arc : Presiduat -Mms. H. J. Werry; Isi Vice-Prsidnt- Mns. Jas. Siainion; 2nd Vicu-Mrs. Chas. Stewart; -Re. Scc.-Mrs. C. J. Pasce; Cor. Sec. Mrs. F. W. Lue; Treasurer- Mrs. J. J. Viru; Sup. Systematic Giviug -Miss Scuch; Watch T owem: Mrs. John Slemon, China; Mis. Jas. Stainion, Japan; Mrs. Citas. Stewart, Frenceh Work; Mrs. Wm. Oke, Indian Wonk; Ongacists, Mrs, J. J. Smith sud Mns. Wm. Siainton. Recent visiicrs: Mrs. J. H. Rogers htome trom ait xtuadud visit with ber aisien, Mrs. Smith, -Brighton; Miss Soueb with frienda la tewu; Mrs. Dowvning, Goderith, and Mm. Chas, Barroxva, Hampton, ai Dm. C. W. Slemon's; Mms. (Rev.) J. A. Juel iu eity; Miss Gertie Stevens xitli lber is- ter, Mrs. Rcbt. Burgess, Tymone; Miss Sadie Virtue home after speading a xveuk at hiem unce's, Mm. A. Staples, Tyrocu; Mm. Garnet Chapmac, Oshiaxa, ait home ovur Sunday; Miss GrLce Rogers, Toron- to, at Mn. H. Rogers'; Mm. sud Mrs. H. J. M/enry and daaghter Aima, Mm. sud Mrs. M/m. Stainton sud chiidren at Orono.... Mm. and Mrs. F. W. Lue teck an auto tnip 10 Pickering Sanday..... Last xvcek's League metnhad atepane pro- gram. Ped e xe esigned, vnet cnIy by cvery Leagui eruber preset, utais Ly a large numbur cf visitonsý, xvich xvýas very eucoumaging te the temperanice xvonk- enrs. is Marlon Virtue sangvuyff- îi:vLi, il, Doa't Marry a Ma Mho G',etready for îLe aniversay Ly ak.- ing ain erysleetionof voar ccxv sait it THE ANDEfRSON iCLOTHING CO. Thyhave the lagui evest rmange et want ',4-,ieok ight sud kuow tht onm ciethuLs are tLe very laiest, sudteknow thatyen ave ceured tîLe mostpsil fer yoar mney, yen viii bave te Layl yoami t trom th-cm; 'Le rmesiareail - ing i. AUCTION SALES. SATURPAY, MA!x' 2e-A large quantîty of fumËniture, includinig Ledmoem suites, vel- vet suid plush coverred sofas, band camved mabegacy'sud oak Ledsteads, etc., etc., on Market Square, Bowmanville. Sale at i p. m. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. SATURIYY, May 27-Miss Nettie Coles, Welliington St., Bewmanvilie, xvilseli ber Leuseheid funiture and tnmnishicgs includîng WaInnt Parler Suite, dining meemr, budroom Sutites;, soe carpets, diLshes Sale at 2n.i. See bis. L. A. W. TOLEacine. PRI-AD DEMONSTRATON, The Durham and Nerthumiberiand Bran celiofthe Ontario Departmuent ef Ag- ricultureý, i s holding, under tLe supervision et Mr. R. S. Duncan, District Reprusenta- tive, Port Repup, tegether xitb H. S, Fry, assistnt ila Dumonstratien Orchard Werk, au erchardi Demenstration on the tarm cf Mr. Jais. Stanley, '2mile west ef Boxv. macviile on tLe Torento and Kingston Stone Rouad, at 2 P. m. on Saturday, May. 2otL. Demionsîrations xiii bu given ia prunîng and spraying and iiLe quesýtion et Orchard Manaýgementxiiibu discusscd ast xvl steccmbatin1g cf iseet peýstsanadc tunusdisassEveybdyis ccrdiaIlyS mx" Ltdwa n. aniterestig attemnoon is expected,(. Miss Adams, Ebenezer, spent Sanda3 'ai Mm. Sidney Trevail's ...... Miss'Ado Cowliey visited recently at Mr. jas. Her ricg's....Paster Anderson preacheda very imprussive sermon lass Sabbatt memning, Mothem's Day .. . .Taunton Foot bail tuam uxpecîs te play Friday, May 1' at Tyroee.. _Mr. Robt. Jones and fniené jspent Sunday at MrmHurrîng's buesr ieaving Oshawva for Toronto, xvbemu h'E intunds residing in the-future .... Practiet is in pregruas for tLe anivrsary....» Program next Friday cight is Crusaders' Pianos te ent for anniversary serv ic ai Bradley Bros, Oshawva., IENFIELD. Recent visitors: Mm. and Mrs. John B, MIcCulioch, Oshawva, at Mr. John McCul- loch's, s.. Toxvnline; Miss Maggie Huaiuî, Toronto, at home; Mms. Sheppard and Mrs. W. Beckie, Taunton, xith friends; Messrs. Fred L. Bray and Frapk Bray and Miss Greta M. VauNcat, teacher, at Mms. John VaaNest's,-Boxvmanvilie; Mm. Gec. Cechrane at Kirkfieid ...Have yen ail huard that Mr. W. J. Ommiston woen irst pnize on "Baron Charming" at Boxvman- ville Faim? Weii, le did against strong cempetition. Sevemai from heme attendcc tLe Faim. . .. People-hureabout xvant free mail delivery as soon as possible .... Con- feence here Wednesday uvenicg 10 con- sider if theme shahl be an aunivumsamy,. The children xaat onu, cf course .... Al are iavited to a Reciprccity meeting aI Ml Casweil Tbursday afternoon at 2 c'clock. Tise members cf tLe Home Circle, Sons of Eaglacd, and Indepeudant Foresters are ieenste-i I muet at the Sons' Hall, Hampton, Sunday at 6.30 P. m.- te attend service lu tLe Methodist ChumeL, Ruv. MVr. Anderson xiii preach. Visitors.-Mm. Fred Tamblyn, xife and daugbtum Marjomy, Omorjo,' at Mr,. H, J. Hloidge's; Mm. J. H. Crydemman and xite, and. Mm, Fred Cryderman, Boxvmanviiie, at Postmaster Eliiott; Mm. Wes. Redman, texvn, at Mm. J. Westaxvay's; Mm, Ellis Pasce and xifu, Enfield, at Mm. Thos. Pascoe's; Misses Lena Niddury and Irenu Peturs, Toronto, at honte; Mm. R. Griffan, Eufleld, witL friends- Mm, F R. Kersiake aud xiteStoxvn aI vM. Geo. Kerslake's; Mms. E. Dowvning, Goderich, Mms. C. Good- man and daughiers Winnie and Louise, Mm. C. H. Burroxvs, Oshawva, at Mr. J. H. Burroxvs' .... Passera Ly admire the beau- tiful garden floxvers et Mms. Ellis and Mm, A. E. Jenuings. Big day of sports in Boxvmacviile May 24t. Be ou thte job and ecjoy yourseif .....Mothuî's' Day xvas observed bure Sunday. _ .Mms. R. Avery is under tLe Dr's cae ... . Arnold, infant son cf Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, is quite iii ý. .. Mms. J. H. Burroxvs la improving sioxly.. . An- Th~MehodatSunayScbýol a rniver- ba c xviiLeU'ldonSuP ayMay 21. Sur- mousxvii L pmachd a 103u a.m. and7 P.m yRv .M.JxiBAB.D., Newcsîi. Ciidra xiiigive special MUiss Ficrnce Ceme-svisited ficads lTocto mciy .. MssFlorence Werry, Bthad , h rfrienda la New York Sta-te 2. Maor . C. King la Lav- ing a larIge ambr fruit plaated ou bis fammi occupied Ly Mm. Rd. Haxvkey. ... \-Mm, Robi. Burgess sud tamiiy bave movud ente Mm. Rd. Bracioc's proerty .... Then iu is a geod epening for a music teacher to seure a large class of pupils hure....., Taunton sud Tymone footbafl match xiii Lu piayed here Fridav night instead ut Tbumsday, 18tb ....-..Mr. Nom- man Tenant xvas recent guest cf Lis uncie, Mm. HugL McRoberts... Mm. sud Mms. Dawson and c hild are guests cf Lis sisier, Mrs. A. W. Clemeins. Don't1 forget the big cuebratien n laBex- manvilie lMaly 241h. See big bis and pregramsaLatPost Office. Brantford Roicg-Luîtcm and eheaper than shingles. F. H. Mason & Son.' Gel ready for the anniversary Ly making an early seluction et your uew suit ai THE ANDERSON CLOTHING CO. They Lavethu largcst, nexvest range ot suits ever shoxvc in Boxvmauville. If yen xacîte look rigLI sud knoxv that your ciothes are the very latusi, sud te knoxv thar yowlïnive secrete ot pssie f'or Vour money, von wiii ihave to buy ycum suit from stbem; the rosi arc ail do- mag OS HAWA Mr-. J. D. Siemie ite as LuilI s fine uexv garage, Mm. Arthur Fuît, Barrie, Las Luen gust et Lis motbqr. Marks Bros. played befonu large cnoxvds ai tLe Opera Honse. Forty hLeurs devolica la Leiag observed la St. Gregory's Chureh. Mr. F. Ray' ageo th îe Mtropoliiaa Lite Assurance Co., bas beun transtermed to Sudbury. Drs. Henry, Armstrong and Truxvin Lave eutered on their Summum sehedulu and xiii have tLe hait holiday until Oct,-i. Mm. Newton Manningcof tLe Seboci ut Practical Science staff, Toronto, is bell- daying xith bis mother Mrs. M/m. Mac- ning. -Mm. Cee. -Akinson bas gonu to the Northxvelansd Mr. J. C. Wallace, London, is tLe aew toreman ai the Vindicator Office. Wc e esuîry te icaru that car xvorthy toxvasman, Mm. W. Lauchiaud, la vumy iii aI Lis home, Sýimce-at., South. He Las since died. Mi ss GLraceý Babeock las aeeepted a position xvwilL the William Da:ývies Co., Toronto, and leaves Mouday ccxite enter on, hem duties, Rev. H. T. Lewis, B.A., preachued ex- cellent sermcns la Simce-st. Methcdist ehuneh Sunday Mav 4 sud sddmessed tbe Young Meu's Club la the aflerucon. Mothema' Day xvas obsunved in Medeait- st. eharch by a special service Sanday mcmning. Eaeb member ef the-. csmgrug- ation waa asked te xvear a wvhite fioevr in bonor cf tLe Lest xvomaa xvbe ever leved- your moiben. Mr. J. B. M/atson, Field Secretary et the National Sanitarium, gave a mostinl- teesling and instructive iiinsirated ad- dress on Tahencalosis, thueM/ite Piagu, ln the Preabylerian chumeh M/ednesday evening May 3rd. Mesdames 1. Schofluld, Robt. Williams, O.,C. Richardson, E. J., MeDoxveli, sud Misa Anna Studbam xveme duiegatus frcm Si. George's M/omcni's Auxiliary sud Girls' Auxiliary 10 the M/omec's Auxil- iary xv'icb met la convention ai Toronto reeently. The change cf dieiamy that cornus xith spring and summum Las the uffet lanxveak stornacha cf setiing ap inflammation, ru- su]ting la dysentery sud choiera morbus. T'he abuormal conditicu xviii continu if t atieuded te and xiii cause an exhaus- tive drain on the ytm The Lest avaîl- abie imedicine ha Dr)1. J. D. Kellogg's Dys- entery Cordial. It elears îLhe stomacis suid bcweis cfiritats eunturacîs îLe lu- fiammi-aiiou and resicres tLe ergans to l.thy actions. Rev. J. A. D)oyle, eia Sask, M/est- ciii Secretary etf Sunday Scols sud Epxvorth Leagues:, eeeapiud ithe paipit et Sàime)oe-st. Muthodist ltareh Sabbaîb aAd oldist ' !ch Legu s inimcoe-st. eue Mocday e veniug. Nexv ffices etsim1coe-sî. Mutihodiat Epwomtib League are_:Pes-rG.ap m-an; it Vice -Mm. F. TiL; 2cid Vice2 MisaPVaulvaikenbarg; 3dVice Mm. R. Landlur «th Vice- -Miss E. AMorris; Ltr ay-MNiss L. M/iliams-; Secretamy -Mmi. R. M/otee;Teaue- . C. Aadmexvws; Pianist-M.ýiss Ida Arrnoîî. NEW ANNIVERSARy SUITS. The Mosite Choose From, sud îLe Most for Yoar Mersey are tise advantages et buying vour ccxv annivemsary sait or famnishicgs tmoma ANDERSON CLOTH- JNG CO.11 The advantagcs cf being able tea cose your ccxv suit, overceat, rainceat, bat, om any kiud cf men's tamiahinga trom the larguai assemîment etfccxv styles, tabrica aud colora ever assumbicd la any oe store su the Couuty et Durham, muai ap- puai tea a'ny macnxvboxvants te give bi~s idi- vidual taste full sxvay. This is tLe ad- vactage xvwe effer te every 'man or bey eoming hume for Lis clothiug. We've sa mach of cvemything, sud cverythingxvu have is se sbsolutuiy ncw sud correct tisai it la tLe casiesi thing la îLe worid fer any man te make a satistactemy selethea, ne matter hoxv mueis Le xants or Lî,w mach Le xisbes ta Lay. Sais ange ilprie trom $6.5o te $22.e0. Our ccxv Stmaxv Hais are in, ccxv Neck- xvear, Hats5 Caps, Shirts, Undemwcar, la tact cvemything. in chothing sud furnisis- ingas for men sud beys. Must coi Lu centoandcd xvih common cathartie r purgative pis. Cariu's Lit- tl%Lîvur Pilis are entireily uuolikc them lun evury respect. Onu trii xiii prove their saperienity. SOLINA, TYRONE, Buy Anderson'Clothes And- Be Satisfied NoD Matter What Price You Pay For An - derson Clothes, You Are Sure to -Le Satisfied, Because You Will Get: 1. Better values-ior-your rnoney than you cai get in any other store. 2. The Lest clothes Lhat skili, care and conscien- tious effort cana produce. Aren't these good rea!sons for being satîsfied? opaionwl prove them beyond the É,possbility of disi)UtE. And besides; get-ting L this undisputadieLest(,in values and qualityv,yo ca choose from the biggestw riety to L oudanywhere. There are extreme stylesý for, the man who wa nts fashioi's latest word- and "quiet effects, for the man of quiettaes There's satisfactionfoevr Tnn SUITS AT' $6.50, ,10, 12,50 ,7e18,a id$2 ï,, làaioaS at $8, 'i0, OdTrousersý, FIo $1.50 to $5.00, Buy Your Boys' Spring Clothing at Ande-rson.'s Get the bahit of s~igroe bybuying your unsigad hats, frorn Anderson's Complètê Mén's Furnîishinigs Departmenut The Anderson Clothinr-gCo0 The Mason Clothîng Co. , :ql mA, 0 L-Iý.A Miss Neson, an expunienced dressmarker is prupamed lut do sewing by the day or at tlite esidence-cf Mr. James Jubson, Rog- - rs' Farm, Daîlingtcu. Sunday Scliool anniversamy xiiiLb elei 7as folioxvs: Sunday May 28, sermons xvii 'i Le preached ait 2.30 p.m. by Rev. T. H. P. rAnderson, Hampton, and at 7 'p.m. by Rev, John Garbnt, Bowmaavilie, Cbaiî- mnaof the District. Sînging Ly scit)o in aftcmaon and by choir iu evening. Ccllection in aid cf school tunds, Mîoaday May 29 at 2p.m a good prcgram xiiibu givua by îLe scbooi consisîiag cf dhd-ý ogues, ecitations and siaging. At 4.3c, p.m, a foctball game xiii bu pisyed, Ty- mccc vs. 'Taunton. At 8 p.m. àa ecture xiii bu givun Ly Rev. W. B. Casxveii, Tom- cule, ou "The Top Fiat." Mm. aud Mrs. Jamies Jebson xiii siag a duel and Miss Laura B. Bragg, Providence, xiii siag a solo. Public comdiaiiy iînvited. Se thue pucing Midlacd-League base- bail gaine in Boxvmauviile May 24th. Pianos te runt fer acuiversary services aI Bradley Bros, Oshawva. McLanghiin & Gray Buggies, eight styles. Make choîce betore delivery te custemers. F. H. Mascu & Son. -Get ready for the auuiversary by making an early selection cf youm cuxv suit at THE ANDERSON CLOTHING CO. TLuy Lave tLe lamgest, .cexvest range et suits ever shovn ip Boxmacville. If.ycu xvant te look rigbt and te kuexv that yeum ciothes are the very latest, and 10 kcoxv that you have secured, the most possible for your money, yen xiii have te bny yeur suit from tbem, tLe est are ail do- ing it. tics cf tron, combinud xitL other tonies and a mast perfect n05'vine, are fonnd lu Carters Iron Pis, xvhich strengthen the nerva and body; and inîprove tLe Llod sud complexion. DARLINGTON FOOTBALL Represeutatives efthîe clubs in the Dam- liagmton Football Luagumet at Jenîags' Hotel, Hampton, Wednesday cigblte reamange tLe scbednie oxing te the xitb- drawai et Solina team from tLe Luague. Prusident John Baker presided. It xvas decide'ri 10play a double schedule as foi- loxvs : May i6-Boxvmanviiie at Enniskiiiuu. " 8-Taunton ai Tyronu. 22-Tyrone at Boxvmanviiie. 24-Taucton ai Eaniskilien. 29 Tyrone and Taunton at Solina. June 3 -Enaiskilicn aI Boxvmanvilie. "6--Bowmanville aI Taunton. " 10Enniskilierî at Tyrone. 13 TauntenaaI Boxvmanvilie, 21 Eaaiskilien ai Taunton. 19-Boxvmaaviile at Tyrone. July t Tyrone &Enniskiiien aIHaydon ENNISKILLEN 4- BOWMANvILLE 0. Atter going through tlîree seasons in tise Darlingtca Football Luague xihout a dufeat Boxvmanviiie met their Waterloo a t Enniskiilen Tuesday night in the open- ing gamenetf Le season. M/heu action ceased and tLe smoke lhad cleared but tlie ain contiauEd, it was fcuad that Enuis- kilien Lad made four succeseful sttacks on Boxvmacviiie's geai, xvbile the town lad- dies Lad nol even been xithin daugerous shootiug distance et the encmy's fortress. Enaishilica team la mashaiied Ly Dr. C. W. Siemon, Wvho bas eeun la active ser- vice for many ycams on the firiag lice sud "ýcame Lack" as strecg as evur. The ru- miainder efthîe team la composed et ex- peieneed players xvho are a husky Lunch everaging about 165 ILs. and play goed football. The heavy gcing xvas just te ihuir liking. Most cf the oid guard xvbo Lave graced îLe hune-up cf Bowmauviile team la the past decade bave etired fmom active sçrvice Laviag hung np their cleat- cd boots and uoxv glory in victories cf tLe past. The majomity cf players on this year's tcxvn tcam are juniors xvho made a very goed- shoxving- againat their beavier eppcnents ln their irai appearaucu. The game was clean throughout, there beiug ne penalties ferr i'cgb play. Mm. Frank Werry, Tyrone, referued to the satisfac- tion et players sud spectaters. The uine- np: Enniskiiien-Goal, J. Adams; Lacks, S. Tmexvin, H. Anuis; hait Lacks, A. Smith', E. Hoerane, F. Smith; fomwards, Dr. Siemon, H. Siemon, A. Adams, W. McLanghiin, R. Gilbert; Bowmanvilie Geai, G. James; backs, A. Broxvn, A. Frice; hait backs, L. Faikaer, W. Redman, F.-VanjNest: for-i wards, C. Adams, H. Adams,ý E. Turtie. F. Cry.-ýdermian, P. Harmsxvomsh. Altcter e game tLe youatg laies very pieasaaliy eutertained the playersof et iL thmslaîe Orange HaTll.Sadwchs cake, ceffue and ice cra vere semved la abunldarce. FOR FLETCHER'S CATO0R lA IIDR Il J. C. DEVITT. GraduaIs qsRoyal Dental (ollege, Trn OFFICE: Temperanre St. Bosmanslli. (mst off Ring st.) OFFICE 1101 IS: 9a. om. te 6p. ins. ,,,iy except Sunclay. BLACKSTOCK: ltvl olnay ofcatis menti. xviiibeet Boss ians iilise office reet oflý ime. Pao-c' 9maHos.Pea O M Fashionable Footwear FOR summer Yon do coi have 10 sacrifice style te gel a comîcîrtabie sLe, neýithier dIo yen Lave to sacrifice cemiorite get a stylis s aLe xheu yeu buy yenr foot- xveam ai tLe Parici Shcc Storeý: The Ë2 BrPU,~~ This is oncf Le cewust shapes thait is V'ery mueb ic vogue ftitis eso T --yire in Tn Patect aud G un PARLOR SHTOE STORE. BOWNIANVILLE. MVT. CARS WELL. -niversary as usuai 1 1 -on- -t 1 -itiiv ist. ý iome- -4 L PeopleetfIbis section are te bu favored xith a discussion ec Ruciprocity nuxt Tbursday p.rm. in Sons' Hall.' Our people wacî light on this vital questien and tbey are goiug te bave it theri. Fair play xiii be given te opposition speakers, toc. DARLINGTON The Base Lice Union Sunday Sebool, xiii boid thuir acnversary Sunday May 21. Rev. jas. Hodges, M.A., Oshawva, xviii give an address at 2.3o p. m. and Ruv, . L. Lewis, Oshawva, ai 7.30 P. m. Special music tromI outside talent at both services. Ail xveicome. Wu xiii al L e off te Bowmacvilie for Victoria Day. Tbey are baving a big day ot sports. -Hoiloxva y's Coma Cure takes the cern out Lv tLe rects, Ti y it and pro je iL LAWNMWES The eld reliable is on deck againi and xvould solicit your patronage as in the past. Iwxiii guaranteu te sharpen your moxvur to givu 'rntire satisfaction. 1 bave the latest improved Ideal Grinder coupled with a very large expuriecce, and yeu can depend on a geed job Leing dene. Aise ail edge toils ground, sncb as kaivus, scissors, etc., saws sbarpened, and ail gen- eraI' jobbing douecxith ceatuess and slrêngtb. Tbanking yen for ail past pal- renage. The West End Smithy, King-st., Bowmacviile. ' 18-3.-r-W. H. WILLIAMS. Port Darlington Harbor Ce. Annual Meeting. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tint tlic annuel ORNERAI MEETING ot the Stockholders of the Port Darlington lîarbor coiupatny wfIl be helt et the office of the coinpaîsy t Port Dgr- inglon, Town of Bowinanvilio, on Monday, the tflfh of Jone, 1911, at the hourof FOU R O'CL()CK in the afternoon for the election of Directors for the "ait Coinpany for ening year and for tran- - teticon of sucb hosincs,. oîey sorne hefre lhe UW 1 > J. A . M c LEL A N , en'tary. D t I Bwma uxille, 4,pril 24, 1011. 17-4w' Townshà-ipFof Dar-llngtoll Co URT O0, REVISION .AND sitng fihe court of 3 Reistoifor: le lie~ ~~~i TO a uth', siIlage of 1HA)IONo Saturday, May 27th, 1911, at î O'clock p. 11, to,ear n'ldohdeterm ii ssor 1 plaints oýf eroe nd omissionsin the1i esuin Roil forihe-; 'sl ftipal' for 91. Ai lper,- b~(,, attnd-safocsid H. ELLIOTT Clcrk of lIe Tîownship of Darlinglon1. D)tda it anpton lie iti day' cf May, 1911. 192 11 ni- ý-m* LI* ., J-

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