Vi orm'mro ms aidealur-ore tonc up wealc stomnachs-supply th(, digestive juices which are lacking-ensure yorfoot bctng properlyoconvcr"cd mb brand nti i. vrod bloot a-id act-îvc ban 50.a box at your druggist's" or from 32 Nationalru nd Chemical Co. ofCnn..ula, limiteel, - . Montreul. Notes of Particular mIn STRAWBEIUIIES. Cleaning Berries.-Noîv that the strawberry season is here, an ex- cellent way to cîcanse the bernies and destroy ail germs is to place tbem in a collander, rinse ini cold water, hulk and then pour oûver boiling water, drain, and follow imninediately by cold water, xhich leaves the hernies bright, firm arid plump, free from aIl objectionahie mnatter, Try this and you wili nover ent thein prepared in any other way. Strawherry I{usse.- I pint w hip- ped ciearn, powdered sugar, te sweeten, one boDx of strawbcrries; crush and mix witb eream and heat togethi-. Serve in charlotte ruse paper cups with lady fingers. Top off with strawheijies. Strawberry Shorteake.-Make a good biscuit crust, roll it out about a quaîrter of an inîch thick, dut into two cakes the sanie size and shape, spread ýone over lightly with melted butter, lay the other over it, and bake in a bot oven. When donc they will faîl apart. ButIter them Canadlaen Service. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. MONTREAL - QUÉBEC - LivERPOOL Dominion May 6 june 3 Canada May 13 June 17 JuIy 15 Laurentic May 2o june 24 July 22 Teutonic May 27 JulyI July 29 Southwark lune 7 Special C'tion sailing Megantic June io -July 8' Aug. 5 Laurentic andi Megantie, largest and most modemn steamers in the Canadian trade, Superb accommodation for First, Second and Third Class Passeugers. Canada and Southwark, one Class Cabin (calîeti 2nd class) Rates very moderate Interiding travellers, are requesteti to c-ommunicate Local Agents regarding passage on thc above mentioneti steamers or to Company Offices, 118 Notre Damne Sýt., West, Montreal. For ail information apply to M. A. JAMES, Agent, BOWVMANVILLE,. c v T1 v Operating the Finst FIeêt of Passênger Steamsliips on the St. Lawrence Roûte. SUMMER SAILINGS. Montreal to Liverpool. ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. orsican Msy StU, Jonc 2Znd. rîrinan May 12th, june 9tb. uqjsian May i9th, Jonc ifith 'ictôrian May 26t-, june 23nd Montreal to Glasgow. Toian May 6th Jonc 3rd Grampian May 13th June ioth SOotiar May 2010 June.17th He-sperian May 27tU June 24tb Montreal to London. Onie class (Moderate Rat-e) steamers callîng at Havre, France, Foýr fu particulars of ates anti sailings apply t-o M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Ontario. Canadian Northern, ROYAL EDWAlflRD ROYAL EORC Fromi Bristol Steamer Mlontreal & Que Ma Y 3 Royal dwr May 17 May 17 Royal George Mlay 31 May 3J Royal Edward june 14 june Il Royal George june 28 June 28 Royal Edward JUly 12 toigb end vb-ene the stalk will' break easily,' but duuo nt eut- it. The tender prsmay be left whele or eut jnuehainch lllï pices and boled in sate ater uitil tender. The Litia will softeni in t-en or fifteen min- uites, se it is best neot te put thom in the boiling water until the rest bas been boiling for twenty minutes. In, ariother pan beat some milk or eream, and into thîs drain the hi- quid from the asparagus. Thieken with butter and fleur . Cut square pieces of toasted bread, dip them in- te the cream grary, and lay them on a bot platter. Add the aspara- gus te the remainder of the gravy and peur over the toast. The tough endis can ho used for seup, or they cari ho boile-d for a haîf an heur, skirnmed eut, andi thieun away and the stater useti for boiliug the rest terestto Woet Put, Leret toWonen FIkSANGEL FOOD. Do net grease pan; yeu want t-he - cake te stick firmly. St-tdy yeun wel, mx 1theberieswit plntyofeven te find eut if it bakes a gooti wella, amdxt-hobenes witb placnt- ebUown te the bottom. If cake tees sugar, ad se intaesvar plaundnet crust on bottom it wili tai eut t-i neted.Spea t-e en-je atianti shrink in tbe fail. Put cake cakes in altonnate layons, hernies on .namteat .o s n e o top, anti oven ail spreati svippedlnamdrtyho vntht enoa orchalote rsse TU jun05eneugh for biscuit- tee bot fer but- crem r carott rsse Te, uiester cake. Experience oniy can t-bat bas run tnom t-be fruit can b eho o n hs ont. If yeu sec senstc t-the cke nas t- ieutandcake browning before it- naises te S-raewihtyheoncake.aMlt seuone top ef pan, t-hrew oven door open Strabery Shrteke.-akeoneanti cool oven inst-aally. Be net pint et baking powder biscuit afraiti; the coiti air n iii net hurt dougb. Roll in a round, fiat- cake it-be cake. Watcb cake closely. about one inch thick. Bake in a Don't ho, atraidti teopen door every 1quick even uril'bnown. Split treo ormnts hsi U caretully, se as net te make it-treLrfu ints hsi h heavy. Spread with butter. Wbile only way t-e properly bake thîs, the crust is baking prepane t-he cake. Whcn cake bas sîsen ahovoý usin ornge, benes ort-be top et pan increase y-our beat-. fruit-, uig rnes ebos o hn it is donc it- begins t-o shrink. peaches. Add sugar t-ot-ast-o anti Let- it shririk back tt lles ci cf pan, let- stand until short-cake is haked. t-len remeve tnom even, turri pan Spread fruit- hotucen t-be layers upside ticvyn till cake is coiti. Loos anti serve immctiately., en cake frein'tunnel anti sities et Jelly anti Butter.-Jelly. -- Cap pa i hakie n eoe anti wasb two quarts et st-rawber-pa wibakfoan mres. ries. Cnt- np t-broc stal!ks (large) ef rhubarb into smaîl pieces. Place NOVEL HINTS. in a granite on porcelain vessýel sitb odrdmgeý il1efcu one pint et coiti water. Place over Posdrt anesawl efcu fr. hon cooketi, peur in siv aliy îemove grease stains. anti drain. Mea5ure juice anti place When cooking spinach, cook in a over fic. Te eacb pint- of juiice al- cheese- dot-h bag, easily liteti and iow one pint- et sugar. Put sugar draineti dry. in jar and place- in even te heat. Pad t-be ironing huard- un bot-h Stm oftea t-o pros ont bunning. sities. Use one side for white Whcn bot atit sugar te bo),,iiing gootis; t-beet-ber ton colo mcd.. juice and cook napidly until donc. A teaspeontul of glycerine atideti Test by dropping somne in a ceidti te einse water makes n eolen saucer. Put- in giasses anti esver. blarikets coeeout- like new. Butter.-Mix strau hennies anti rbr- Clean t-be nust- off t-be ire barb frein shich jeîîy nas matie elot-bes lino wit-b a weolen ciot-h tip- andi rub through siero. Toecacb pet first- in kemos ene, thon in santi pint- of fruit atitioee pint- of sugar .. seap. Plceosr ire, ceok unt-il -hick; Te insune fineiy flavoreti ceffee st-jr constartî t-opros oct burMing.-ettb r runicttebtr Put rip saine as jeliy. adding boiling svaten. - A soft finiish will ho giron ,onn CHEESE. chamois dlot-Us aft-r sashing by running t-hemi thoeugh t-be ciothes i Cheese Balis.-Te crie cup mti unîrnger. cheese atiti cre-haltleîîp gLrated Tti ,,JCin Useati crumbs, five tiropa Worcestor- dark co)los use a whit-e d-ress skimt- sbiie sauce, anti one egg ssell heat- when t-îying -on. TUe centrait- is aI on; mix ucil anti mli inte sinaîl help in obt-aining a neli tielinet halls; place in wime basket anti tîy lino. in bot lard t-o a tielicate brosvn. De net- discarti your artificiai spoons grat-eti eheese, four table- speens butter, ene-haîf cup et di'eam, t-broc oggs, pepper anti sait. Coek che-ese, ereaun, butt-en, anti seasening until smnootb. Atit eggs, n-cll heaten. Fill tUe ramekins t-broc-te urtbs fulil anti bake six muinutes. Serve bot. As Seasoning.Lot t-be left over pices et eheese got bard, grate, anti keep in corereti dish, anti use wit-h spaghetti or macaroni, vitb pot-atoes au gratin, or any dish svbieb nili ho impioe d by a sprink- ling et cheese. 1 Cheese Delight- Toast andihutt-en four pieces et Useati anti lay inj baking dish (casserole), cosen svît a hait pount i etgrateticheese, t-hon make a cream. sauce cf butter, one tabl-espeeni, one tablespeon flour, one anti one-hait cups et micb milk, saît, pepper anti dash cf mcd pep- pion; peur os or t-ho toast anti cheese ani baue bout- fitteen minutes. COOKIES. Molasses Ceokioes.--Tue anti orie- liait sugar, t-ne ,ocaps molasses, one tablespoon ginger, one table- speen eloves, one tablespeon cinna- mon: Lott-bis corne te a houl. When cool stm in four eggs anti oe tablespeon soda, anti fleur enough te roîlleut next day. Mod- erateoeen. b pice (Jookies.-Cream together two and one-haîf cups of sugar, ene- baîf cup of butter; add te this two e.ggs, orie eup seeded raisins cbop- fine, onc haîf teaspoon soda, one teaspoon ginger, pne teaspeon cloves, one teaspoon auIspice, one t'easpeon cinnarnon, tue cups flour. Bake in mederate even. CORNMEAL. New Use for Corrnîneal. -To kccp ryvuwr - iîUý- irtoîîrlït-w and11 not bouùylotions a i cldcicreain, but try pancorumeal. mnixed with'a smail quantity of salt.. You will fine! it is most effective. Gasl -e nd o uei.Dpa stiff b ýr Lush ini gsoline, tien in eorme l ndmbovrany sîe w osteid garmeýnt. You willbe sur priseýd to se- howeautifuliy it wil d a antihfrshen it-.It aise re- mors sotsfren rgs nddraper- les. For fuil iniformatiion aipply to, ASPARAGUS ON TOAST. M. A. JAMES, 11- prepairng asparagUs wash first, Aget fr anaia Nothrn temshps lin achiece nmust be lbandled Bùiwmanville. reeparately M teet;±iaed Lakc offthe puin utsnrert roses, bnt use inoîn lor tiyeing t-ho îinse ssater useti Iwberi sasbing fatieti ink st-ockings, nibheiis, or dr esses. WOMIIN DISPLACE ME-N. Drive Male Lîmîloyes Ont, of Lon- don Offices. TUe înost significant, tact t-bat emenges trem t-be cenonation con- sus eftht-e City etfILondon, just con- cludoti, is t-he st-art-ling iricrease in female ompicymient offices. In t-ho busy s , ýquame mile stheneon are con- centr-atoti t-lie biggest commercial anti financial int-ercsts, thbe women areý st-eadiy repiacing mon. TUe prescrit day secretarý invariabiy wcans skirts . TUe typist ieeks a tnim lit-tic figure in beitet blouse; pot-ticeats swish t-be legs et office steols. Women re c verysvhemc, mon next t-o newheme, In thbemodern business -office. And accortiing t-e those in a position te jutige.', very indication points t-o a stîii greator snporsessian of mon by girls in c ity offices in t-ho next t-en yeans. The beati et t-be mployment de- paitment eftht-e Lontion Chamber et Commeorce, on being aEketi for bis opinion on t-bis stateocf attairs, oxplaiiedth -att-bore, is eue great I difference bct-ween t-be sexes in t-bis "The junior shorthand clerk is ver y difficult te gct-of the boy QUEEN 0F ACTRESSES PRAI.SFR PF.RII-NA. Cured by Lydîa E. Pink- ham's VegetableCompound, Fox Creek, N.B.-,'I have aiways ila p;ains la the loins and a wealc- ness therp,, anîd often aftcr my meals rm y food woûld distiress me and cause sore- ness. Ly d ia E. iPinkham'sMe ge ta- ble Compounid has done mne m u ch - good. I arnstrong- er, digestion is bet- ter, and 1 cari walk with ambition. I have encouraged mlany mothers of familles to tak'ý-it, as it is the best remn- cdy in the world. Yo u can publish this ,n tOc paper-s." - Mrs. WILLIAM BOIJRQUE, Fox Creek,-N.B., Canada. T:ie above is caly eue of the thon- i sands of grateful letters which arc cotîstantly, being reccived by tbe Pînkharn Medicine Company of Lynri, Mass.',which prove beyond a doubi that Lydia E. Pinkham's \TegetL1abe Com- pound. made from roots ai herbs, aetually does cure these obstiriate dis- eases of womeu after ail other ineans have failed, an~d that every such sut- fening wo.-an owos it to herseif to at icast give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound a trial *before submit- ting to an operatiori, or giving rip hope of recovery. imrs. Pinkliam, of Lynn, Mass., Invites jl1 slek %,omen to write ber for~ advice. She lias guided thousands ta liealth and lier adviee is free. kind. If .7i boy is a good short- band writer. it seeres te be fcared that hoe l be always a shorthand witer. For the girl it is -a very different inattcr. She doesn't mind becoming just a shortband er. The manager o1 one of the larg- est and olIdest commercial training, colleges, indorsing this statement, added : "I should net be surprised if the census figures disclose an amiazing increase in female employment. We have, been placing girls at the rate of 2,000 a year fo >r some time. And these girls do vcry well. Tbey i11 sucb situations as typists, secretar- ies, cashiers and bookkeepers very efficently, and there arc, wornen in London wniecari command salaries running well into four figures as buyers or he,_ils of departreents. controlîng a nuinten et C-hers. A isoman is wontb just assrauch as a marit-bat is, sUe is wonth what Uer nork brings te the firm. Ye cari go into many big oQffiCcs now-a, tinys anti s0O nemari aboutthbe place oxeept t-be managing direct- ors or t-ho managers; the rest are 'girls." SENTENCE SERMONS. TUcie is ne in-evitablo tragedy. The solo way te tbwnrt destiny is te do just t-ho centmary t-o t-he cvii it wouiti bave ris do. V/e over-emphasize doatb. If tlîmty ears et telicity end inir an accidentaitientb, ail these t-Usrty yoans seoin te us lest in t-be e sombre heur. It otten bappeis t-batt-ho miston- t-unes et a wise mari resemble t-bat et auiy et-hon ian; but bis gooti fon- t-une nover is anythiug lilke the geeti fýort-une cf a tool. Tbere are ideas -%hich ne catas-- t-roeecau remeb. Wboover heltis one et thiese idens, whicb ris-os ab- ose th-bevanity, the indifferencc anti egotism etf everyday lite, is invul- ennUie, ILAIR GROWS TRIN. U'se Parisian Sage ini Tiîuîo and-Pro- vent Balidness. If your bain is gnowing thinnen anti thinner anti causing yeu ni- ety go t-o Jury & Los'ell t- ay anti get n large, bot-ticetofPunisian Sage for enly 50 cents. It is sncb a de- li-.fui and i pptreshbiny iressirg t-bat you will like t-- use it regularly. Parisian Sage is gunrantect te stop tailing Uir andi itchiig 'scalp, te eratieate danîtimff anti nmbe t-be bain luctrons anti radiant, or meney bnck. Thone is t-bting just- as geeti as Parisian Sage. Sec yen get-t-ho package wbich coit-ains t-ho gin1 uith t-be Auburn Hnir. Miss Boodby-"So Mn.Bnit- witty el" V Miýs nx Ntex- actly ; h'e said h-e had to laugb every time ]he met you." The nge o!grief speaks al l-gagsand knows how to use Miss ail wors, but the nge of joy nev- ,;j ïa er p rs ber lips exc,(ept to 5speak 2 M ani, we(ofa j*oy Wheven a savage can ' r -gfdowitiyedos-udesad mentai e geatremedccy, Peruna. do se aherdy..4Ii ariowe. iHîntluifor opeing futjr.T A-ly remdy tA t bnefits iesin ta o ryn qpon Iwi[tbia kie strengthons the nerves, js ol a tpiwr ateýr for If te ~:esM i::l irnpatred1, thenerve easy hd-AUi ore Off and besidýs pocers bu'oî'e aemie, and 'nervous mmllavid cutig your bands, asi - b.'tLI. .a eU4ý" 1fteritimes lias happcned. cd. I gave hum t-be Tablets anti Yè-àh--th--ung anti growing lite. t-bey matie a fine hoealt-hy boy cf TUe nîeisture t-bat fiews nloiug bim. Nosv, whenever ho is cross or t-elie nes et ils direct-ion, t-be cho- troubleti uit-b constpation, I ai- micals that it- absorbs anti sustairis, ircys give hum t-be fa'blet-s andti -ey the lit, t-be light-, t-be air t-bat- re.lies e hiai igbt awny.* I trietia. makes it- possible ton t-be possession lot ef th-er meticino, but- notbing ot t-ho plant lite, are n ontiertul anti seemeti te agree witUb im tili I got- necessany beyoriti ords for expres- t-be Tablets. I woulti net- ho ith- sion. Yet se-'riany people ivili net otut t-hem." The tostimouy et Nrs. take anv cf tbese great tuntiamn- Arnolti is t-bat -oetthousait-s et tals into osteaioiat oo et-br mt-hrs. venori nieeve nîthlessly tiest-roying it-. uses 'Babys Own Tabiets have Humulis is destroyet, goeeaily, irortis of praise ton t-hem. TUe t-broc ssays. First- by overcultisa- Tahiets, are seld by ieti:cine demi tion, by keepiuîg dostriPli gmest-h ors or'by mail at 25 cent-s a box betîveen trocs altoget-bor ai noiver frein The Dr. Wiliianîs' Medicieallouing it t-o gel lange crieugh t-o Co., Brochrillo, Ont-. bhofe value as humus. Second, it- ______ is tiene by dry pleughing, t-urning ORCHRD UGGSTINS. up great- quant-itios cf soti anti leav- ORCHAD SUGESTONS, ing these clotis t-o dry eut in the Field irice bein at- t-le yeuig 'oct- suri turing sumnmer or bot tall t-mecs If t-be bark is gnassedtl te eat-ber. Net-bing will se cert-ainly t-ho soodtht-e t-mecs aay ho saveti kili a fieldi as tisis, yet m-acuy sup-i by bridge grafting., posetiiy gooti tarmens de t-bis. TUe A t-nec cmii ho bridge grattec in t-ird way is by huunirig oven a fildit iess t-ban hait an heur ant ili is bot- of heary grasses, bent-ing t-hoesti ton t-e tako t-bis tine't-o do ilt than t-breoro more Iriebes teep, anti t-e lot-a valnahie troc due, t-bus tnying eut-t-be -eiast-iit-y et An heurs iork sut-b a sharp wine bot-b soul anti humus, anti prevont- at- t-be foot et youm peach t-ecs ing t-Uc seoti on veget-aticu planrt-et kîllîng boners may inean an extra trim get-ting a goot ,holti in t-be bushel et fine poaches. grounti. Vit-b ne chance fer n liv- If t-be charti bas gene te weeds ing it- canet gress. Talte cane et plow ennefuily jnst deep enoug t-e t-be humus ant ili will take cane et miss t-be rets, ýcultivato as yeu 3yOri ireuit for t-be gardon, anti next tal laatPraie sou dlorer, cou peas or some et-ber APesat Png-ie-Pm- nitrogen-bearing plant anti pieu lee's Veget-abie Pis are 50 corn- t-be mext- spring. poundeti as t- eroate on bot-bt-be There is just- -as mt.cih scuiso in, stomach mudtht-e bouels, se t-bat- pianting an urcbard anti thon alloir-'thley net- alorig t-be ubole alirnen tar îng t te sauit fiotsei as triere a iei cxcsruu.y aaos:L r is in plant-ing a cern fieldi anti ai-' net- tastie in t-hein woi lowing it t-o mn t-o ieetis. mildiy purgative, andtih-e p lÇeep t-ho fonce aroundth -e on- oetatking t-hein is ens' equa chard as tre rom iveetis, grass andtih-e grat-ifying. effet t-bey p trasb ne yen ucult ycnr choicest Compountieti nly et vogeta' gardon plants. V/eeds aiong t-ho stances t-hoe urt-ive quali tence are fine barbons ton inseets. svhicb nere tully t-estet, t- Thbelsst nla;P in+1heior~ld f-s,foi11relief 'rithbout chance ýrk, but pleasure aileti by hile sub- it-îs et lîey at- ine obi: lace n wi wofitin- the poultry yard is the orchard- jury. any kind of an orchard where in- sects abound. Nothing happens to us that is not of the saine nature as ourselves. @TArEOF 0mo. CIT't Or TCLr , 1 Or past depends entire]y upon, LvuiAsC NY our priesent, and changes perpetu- Frank J. Cheniey naivý oath thut 11a1l witb it. la senior p&.tner of!,ue rin of F. J. Y Çheity & Co., doiniîibusiiness in the City of Toled o, Uunty Iand Stau Srr'i a l a h wîd oforesaid. end that sAidrli, will pa71îS-rowi sodastewrd the suai of ONE rJIRDODLLAP-53 and well, understood; but Joy wo for each and every case of Catarrh that mIl say ý11 nissadi- cannot Se cured hby tihe use ni Hal,mgt yi tl nissadi' Catarrh Cure. FRANL .J. CHE11NvY.' I ciothes, SWojrn to before tre aid eubscrîbed ln___ my prcsenice, Ibis (6th iday cfieeie, " upsetesratde i A. D. 18863. S'vn " i A. W. GLE&SOi, tebaywr i orbue SxAL No~~~~~ý"tai-JVPubla "o i;m iemkst pe Hjall', catarrhirbwe le taken Iternol-an pudgs lY and acts dir-ti ' onth blood and mau c,,us surfa f th1e sytem. 8.ud " ts htby yelingat" for t tl ons yfrec, I~'. . eu NEY& CO', 'roleda, o. aske!(d th'e fre bssn Sodby ail Druggists, 75c. chucled he 'he! Take Hl' aiyPi o osi hby ls&tiuil. ~s el at thie top of bis vie Mrs. . Specer isited ber waughter intOshan f rom Toronto recently. Miss Annie Wade, iiaby spc iqL thbe week-end at the parsiroage. - Cecil Carveth andi MI½'s Uglow visited Port Hope fniends recenýtly. \. Will. Chaplin s1ippîed 50 hanrels of spies te thecity.TuKn o ~V in Mrs. YW. Coans visiting brliue ver year1-1 fat-ber na'T Nagra iho is Misses aror anti Vivan Cal- 5 hraýi ,hitd-e dit-v recently. eA MissLilianBeunsali, Bowman i CîntrpiIîiato ville, visiÎted Ehea Bennett. Expes'iments tlîat trifle NY Mrs. Meadows, Dale, visited lber %fnfits and ChkIIreR-EXj reother, Mrs. Deleng. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elsworth risitetid at Mn. Chas. Wiliiams', Bowman- ville, recently._ Mr. Walter Douglas, Buffa le, Castoria 1;s a hýarxnless si and Miss Alma Douglas, Toronto, g0ene, Drops and Sootliiný were home Suyiday week. contailus neitîter Opium,1 Mr. Roty Hooper, Eowmanvilie stib5t-ine.'Lt-s age le itsg was guest at J05s Watts' Sunday and alinlys Fevenleliness.1 week. Cle trlee eti Mn. Bond, formerly of t-be C. N. and la tulýeney. Let asing R. staff at Orono, was recent gueittol and Beweuen.Its ivi at Mrs. Colcisell's. SciahadBwý4 i Norman MeCrimmen anti Wilbur The Children's Pan-ýacea-. Dudley, Bewmanville, visit-ed at H. W. Dutiley's.Ei lier. A. M. Inwin pneached an- niversary se rmons at Tyrone Sun-th day; 11ev. H. S. Spence preached he ne. Pearce, Darlingten, and M,. and Mrs. W. C. Colo motoreti tiown f nom Bowmanvilie andi visited W. H-. Pearce. Sheriff Eilbeck is spending- a few days at "The Wiliows" beftore ne- tnrning te his duties at Dawson Th City. Mr. Sam. Henry is having a IflUse rrC water works systein put in at bisTO ,1aneoay,7 bouse and stables. The n at-or wiii È be forced througb tuhing fro spring some distance assyb _______________ h.p. gasoline origine. The cost- wili total about $,5010. 1THE DESTRUCTION OF HUMUS Durhamn Lodge A. F. & A.M.! There i5se little attention paid ncwly electeti officens are: W. H. te the htumus of t-be soil that it is a Gibs-on. W.M. ; Geo. uil IP'M.; wonder t-bat t-bore is any left in thbe Fred Fiigg, S.W. ; Ellas Dickenson, greunti. Many people will spenti J. W., Chaplain, Dr. Fanneombe; t-me and money on fertilizprs, beth Treasurer, Stephen Porrin-; Ser're- green and 'chemical, when if t-bey tary, A. W. MeLeoti; Tyler, James' aikp-alte uu natte Parbr. ,would net have been eut fer the extra non have spent as mnuch tiîno1 AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE, eury h.dcyt and dccay- - invegetatieon-tiii e ul rotteti Mrs.W. Anol, Edýont npart-ides boeatb the sod. Because Mnsa. W. Ar:"KnlEdent en, lit is deati is ne -sign t-bat it bas ne Alt., rits: iKitil sed m avalue ia t-be therapeuties ef plant box of Bab ly's Own Tahiets. Tbey lite. It-lbas. It- bas a most distinct have beenin valuable t-o re anti I ue ihuti thr sveylt realiy do net kriow lîow I ever tic luxuriance anti hantily any weuld have got' along sit-honu fruit-ion. It is neût i-n it-soîf a foed, t-hem. Baby was poorly; bis diges- but it opens the way fer eveny' tion was hadandi ho wae (arstipat- -' i - , - ,--- Over 30Years. -kfe Great lngio emcd4j nervous systena, maltes new >lllood lin nid Velus. Cures .lVeo'ss opa DeitnMetalandi Brain VWorrîj, Des- poatieney, Serucid Wealeness, Emission., Spe,'- onatýorrhSoa, ani9Idfects ai.4 tbuseor dreea Pnvico $1per bo, sixfor $5. One, wilipleaso,isix wmul cure. Sold b r aIl druggistMro maicti -p Iplain pkg. on recelpt of price, Ner pamphict maalledfrce. The Wood Medilne Ce. (formcerly Wisûr) Toronto, Ort. CLUBBING LIST The STATESMAN on NES will be fur- nisheti for 1911 in cennection with t-ic under-nameLjci publications aet.prices stateti: Daily Gloe, orning edit ion.$4 50. Daily Gliobe, 5 o'clock ediîtion. 3 50 i)aily Mail anti Empire ........... 4 50 Toronto World............-.... 3 _50( Daily News, ................... 2 50 Daily Star, ini country ........2 50 Daily Star, in town.............. 3 50 Y Iý malfo 55±,11 iJjJt ........... Weekiy Globe ý................ Weekiy Witness .............. Weekily Sun-................ Farmer's Advocate........... Farin anti Dairy............. Family Herald »........ Homne journal...... .......... Christian Heraiti............. Christian Guandian.............. Canadian Farn........ '7 2 50 1 75 2 00 1 75 2 50 I 5 THE IDEAL HO0RSE STABLE. A wcli krioun st-ockman says: TUeý ideai stable shoulti have t-be herseý tacing nrt-bt-o obtairi an even t-cm- pemat-ure, it shoniti net bo tee largo- se t-bat jou keep t-be animal beat untier cont-rol, antinet have stable t-emperatune oit-ber mat-eriaiiy raset or ion cnet when hait a dez- cri animais are oit-ber taken eut- or- brought in. jTUe ventilation sheuiti ho perfect anti ns st-nong as possible up te tIbe iniquit-ous draft-point. Lot t-be cc2ii- inig ho as bigU ,as cnenoi-ent, andI if t-be nise builtier lias left an incb on se opoen'arounti t-be nppen etige, uhere t-be stalylemen cannot stop it rip ail t-be botter. Nu mîat-ter wisere the ventilation cemes trom, get it, anti Uc-e cernes in t-besseak link, t-be uncont-nollahie desire oetht-e stahiement-o kep ,t-be place much t-oo bot, rieglect-ing t-be herse toi t-ho comtort anti conveni- ence eftht-e humans. "Dai," saiti lit-tic Henry, "l'cl like t-e knesv somet-hing." "V/cii, uhat is it " querieti Mr. Meek. "V/bat- uns yeur naine betore me- zi lu-. i-; ,, ma qer TO Speil ris aeTMoA-im2.00 p-n.o APRIL 4, 13 MY ,0, U, -DuNE 1Ï, J ULýy 1 1, 25 AUO . 0, 22 cSEPT. , A. sriMh(es ontaai pQ, TOU RIST SLEEPIGCýAR on~~ ~~ as xuoa eooibe eh.llyeripi i. -~ ilias been nmade undeEir 1ýper- nai supervision sinc lts nf'ney 0oW no one todecelve 5yotu In tl ms and 615Jnst-as.good" are bu lt-h. and endanger t-he heaithjoï xperilence against - Experimçt bl-tefor Castor 011, Pare. ig Syrups. Lt is Pesn.T Morphine por ot-lier Nareotie gluarantee. It destroys Worins; It cures Diarrîrna and Wind ig Troubles, cures Constipation ullates t-h" Food, reguintes t-le ring healthy and nat-ural sieep. [liýe Mlot-ler's Fniend, iz Signature of__ LIULI waý uau ýlju Jiu waý- uv.-ua- nýýrfÏpje nn(:l kin(-l (ýf 7a Elv mAil It -t i 1 1 1 -t 1 -L -r ýT L -r 1 1 L 4 r-t-