Plecases everybodly. Is used by men, women -and chidren, ii ail parts of the World. There is a reason. .Its superiority over other kinds. BOOûISE 0F PRIIJIî e MAN SOUGHT WAR31LTU AND RE- FUGE IN Pur DWELLINCS. flow theoun Building of Olden The, , auliait bansanin'owllinigs wene shelter places maie hy- na- tare, as ii)ncayeu, bat when the Piogrýssi4of nman bai reucheditis Neoiihbic perici a form cf human architecéture n'as developei unditi badi uuici in common with ftha buiding mthoiscf haron'ing an- imais. Thut is ha suy, primitive sun wnt ho the eantis lika a hut-aifcx seokiug n'crmtb uni refuge iii"pif in'eilings. Vu b h wsunt under- groundis i5 a n1,stoy which I v-an- turneto expLain parriy by that bu- mun instinct shcsnoir receuciies us ho coai pifs cini tube ruilwuys at-oudsable liniment us Norviline"n1 Thuns c1 ïs ibchevery cencut le'tter o , J-jheight o f Ires S foot 6-100 incises 1hal ls. If the urcîmitechumul pro-1 j. En- uisien suho tlires nar Velling- ho 5 foot2:3-100 inebes. Wemen in hlams i-ri liard tuts ho crack dur-1 hon, 1. E. "f tuad a s amy valIuabla ,horsda Paris ane atuler by lmoît 1 14! ing the finit peiedi cf Gothie I thUfaiekd I stenuer ameîtb uo, ui.incbes thaus cinuun in the rest of vaults, tiuey must have heen a His Irout swellad uni bard lumps de- Frarccord thoýusanifli -more difiscali n pris- veoe.His neutnils rau uni ho hai a Aco ng hc the surno ahborsty, iivo time, uni with priin imoh hrribl e cougis. 1 in 1908 1,379 Fuglisb u-mothers uni ods cf construction, uni tuets triai Oifaernt utre- iugtn iOsniarly meustun- importanceocf tisa diafliaten i motsbt - d i Theavaserage beiglut cf the builiugcnua asuihls fl nablo hotereietherscrulrhusad al sy herse of hîsmoth suas bouni te lue 5feot . ~~ ~Pain and saffernîg I84-100 inchas uani bon the iaaghtcns joc t nhue pleaiing naine c lii I shunt i te use 5 foot 2 2-5 inches. Englul wcm-en )f W/ccd, unidlie pridei hîsselb onî N Norruhine. I1uix- bai thits groscu 1 1-2 inches tallai iii jolkcs und i snunt eparîca. Oual f UvKL ilineanetfle etNonin a generution. di bhomet a fieni srhou- numne sud nabbei'th mxur s' Tecncion t o cay ov mixur thtems c 1ie Stone, ani natnrally a nainse ~da,,uni eest three tisas a day ansd I rons the shtisties i5 thut the wik<tsatsua te gcia'chance te ytJO n'eui. scaucoly belioro tise suasParis v emun cf 1911 cernes behn'ecn i - "Ceci semning, Mn thaDt herse pickcd Up. Norviulina candteEgih ofradthe uuîh mss. "od mri r î,7 i,1Ialsc have useci Naviline for teFglbnobr-uiteFgihShone," ulie u,1,pleasautiy: "uni Ole in herses undi eowu,, and earnstîy - aughtar cf 1911. huit she is nte in sMi Soouialtaliffle' eom niiltet oeveuy mari that is 1hall au iuch taller thsan the formcr hpeiîs M3' QSite andal thakyn rasn hc"i unidisa-sili much t t growr before sheMr m hwiMsWo IFor stratus, uprains, un'elliugs, clle, icce1h oteptayFg LM.Wci mi lcri n /o distemnper, congus, uni colOs, no luni ece h uneprr g. uniaillitlitiespiluhons l" met u-ilproease efficacicus lu th, gin. Su'1e is gradllaiiy g-oxsiug stbeas "enilxe'it ca -,tll-rta stie- Punis mrlin.___ ___ ___ juian- or heait, for internai or exteruvat us.Wherever thone is pain, _Nervltus4Ye '0 bottes 50c, triai 5150 25c, ah llait , lt -arsnpc ud ae upng eý,or The Caharrimezene Co., Kingston-, place on butler thé cdesied t1uic!c - in al ihfc,ýs ufurs. rc~,uconnes 0 ',n,-ee,ctI tind tfi e uh ti. t) tbbUini nfi.]. huion- tJ oodb dcue Q C URE sqauîS des nof break or stick te Yo eu aiulsIo,-y ramnone ayr elith er fbar,!. ucti, o r eel , b apio PutuamCo"n ExtnucwTUr ahi tn(Mhuoi5 takisg bis nove hua, ouvs uc san, onttusnu love) "A , if';-osu o me, Miss Substtutes PUTNAM'SleNLpous c n- Ch, use!vNn' esc -GORNE X TR Ï' C uba An'willyen 'aw when stomnach, liver, kidneys and boweis aeke-t in n.n ý-Der con-dition by a situc cars ana rSoid ~ey te lui boxes 2se. FJ0Sn1A ONEA CMýR It iq Tlrough Ütl, iO Riced laod Actually Julake Thora is just oadr for anue- ma-more nci a lo.An' -e- mua us sîsply abcolsi, rau dc1n condition. Than tih i ooe n'euk breun cvrwo)rk, woryor iil- nas s, un examninat.on of the blocid wiii show if te o eukani wat- amy. The cemmn r y-,jpÉôms are puleneis of lips, g au ni cheeki, sisertness cf breatis nipalpitati-on cf the heurt abten thi si!ightest ex- ention, mil ay-es auni a lois cf ap- petite. Anaemia ihiaif isý a danger- cuis treable uni may taiýs into coui samption. If eau oniy' hacnci eby makîng the blcoi ri a ni rei, mor~eUy VJiIii~l Ucairîy-iue necessary n. ùishe4cto every part of the býcdy-. It is a provc fct ha Dr. Wil- lia-ms' Pink Pis hav1 cared thou- sands and thuad fcases of anaemia he, aere. îintended 5to mae ew )rchblýd, and are compunced n te rostscientiâc1 maziner wt th ties , unredients for thLood knewn te mnJ dcal sci- 'ence. These Puýsis ae fota cure ail. They aeitnc ocr those diessthat have their' origin in 1tJorwatery .,Jblood, and starv't, w aknc1r rvsand the r6c-nrd eý.f their scs in doing Lthis, is theïr cntn increasong poiDularity in evey paýrt of the worid. Mrs. R. Coito, len BC., says :"As a imaLtter 1711 "uT I wSh to Say a Word in prai-J TD. W] iiams' Pink Pis fr 1 la teî hv done for niy daughler- oe 1 an the ether 18 years o lg. Bth were pale and bleedessands u f- cd f ronm manv off th !ymtem1 edf anaeinia. Tbeywul tire ýeasiiy, suffered from feun headaches, we-re easily disceuaicz and often fretfui. 1 saw in oiir home paper the story of a, yourîg grl who had similarly suifered jand1w as curcd threugh the use o D1)r. Williams, Pink ilis. 1 bougIitý three boxes of the Pilis and mny diugiters startedl Dte take thêm. Beor hey w cie done they began te fel beter and look better, aud I ý1ot a af dozen more boxes, and h,, th-', tlme these were useJ, they wieî1e enjoy ung the hest of healith, wiv', oscheeks and net like the saine rs tail. I aise gave the Pis I mv irtie boy was manager of the Spink Milis uit Pickering for 22 ycrns, lias taken a Position us office manager, with bis two sons us assistant boekkeepenes, ut the Maple Leuf MillitKoea Thse young son cf Mn. Dan Ciru- zer, -on the James Diekîc umn 'Dickeyi's Corners, got bsi~i finger caught in the chin cf thejý sae.W/ban release-i efigr was fud te o, eurly irawn firons j its socket uni so baily crus heai thatI if may have tc bc removei. Suni-ay SGoec Day in'tha Metho- diat cburch lait Suniay. Senuions woro preuchai by 11ev. A. R. Sun- dersen cf Meicaif, Street church, Osbawa. Speciai music by the choir uni 1Omeno orchestra, ani singing uni recitatio'na by the chil- irais. Orono Loige A. F. & A. M. new- ly eiected officers are: W.M., W. G. Runille, e-electai; I.P.M., S. Cutteli; S.W/., 1. iH. Raid; J.W., W. G. McljýCuiioch, M,..; Chaplain, M. M. Tueker, A.D.; Treasurer, John Waideli, re eloctai; Sacre- tary, T. Smith, me-elected; Audi- orJohn J. Gilfilan, INeji Coi- vile, M.D. Mn. Isaac Cobbiedick felu frcm tisa top of a 20 It. luddon Waines- day smning, brouking a rib or tn'e. Mn. Cobbleiick hb a uan th'con- tract ef builing a cornent Icunia- tien uani stable union Mn. Colin Staplos' humn, whuicb is on a stoep bill-siie, unidn'as suwiug off a large 1mibfron atni1liowrtrae thut intor- foýrai suitis the raising cf the build- ing,, an-i wben bau iiy isaîf 'y thbîongb tise imb iroppai lies its woight uni swnng round, knocking the ludion frein ts bearng. The remains of tho late Mms. Tho- mus Rousîhuco wome laid in the ce- usohe -you May îitb . Deceusei wss MUary Filou Winter, n'iue nas a na- tiv-e of Yorkshsire, ,Etiglani, uni came te Ibis country with lion par- ents ever flfty ycars ago. Hon1er habnthe lahe Thos. Roantrea, w ,as a n'eu -kucu n iller fer usany, y nsu thîs district, buving rai: the Leshani uni Omonc Mili; h n'as also ut diffament tises engagýeiý in înilliug business ah Pewuiians ii uni Gardon Hlli Since the de- ceausa Of ban iushuni seven î eauu ugo she bus maie ber bouse alter- nately suis nrelatuvos ut Toronto uni Oshawa. bbc didai ahebanbuther's Mm. John Wunter, East Whihh5, wbc is thealaut surs iving mounher ofIaa fam iiy of six. Deceasai smaas a Ife- long7 mmber ýof the Mct1hoiist chn-.The services ah the grasvo seare conductai hby the 11ev. William Lishont. Pull her-nsirreT., W. Jackson, Jeha ikay /m r ,as, John Miller, JmsBou Raiph Shutt. Reais ment fi-ou a distanice ar: .BRen k S~ TO useLss trips to town for the pr9ges-ivefarer.His Bell waits 1t.x'l tc"idi oa re iiýgt 'More ship- T~ ~1 Tleponeis as neciý-ary to the up-- the~ii~i ur Àcrmer as ae mdmagrioultural impie- Tý t.,EPONECOMaNYl reçuir -tc eriçeurgrd~, & our coni rad ic no be~r te nil ae o ate nd h"bulniit. CE "-'ATHEL I 14AEi~lTEIITMTAEi gives a hard, brilliant and 1agting polish. -Review, uni pumhly alto by the dis- It i god fr yur hoe. - '-apearausco of many hunge -animals. it i god fo yor socs.whih inearirpmehiustenîc tises wonld bave bmokeu tbrcagb the THE F F. ALLEY CO.,Limitd, nof cf a pit dweiiing. TU ÈF. F DAL EY O., imîtd'ach pit waî rund in shape, jaît HAMILTON, Ont., BUFFALO, N. LONDON, Eng, liko the entrance ho a barmen'; it wcat icwnwund for sevon fetuani semoetimues for tan; andi ci anlte mentýiswasc a fmri cover ofinen- NEW GERMAN SIIEILL. rmach wtha view te peuetmatingl uni m1)ai ýsProm te behem t Can- qualities as te scafteing fin e, andianed in upwami tothe bsurfmaeuni Ilks Trench Protection anud is in reaiity un aeriulautomatiel ailou i ivrnenuniemura,îai Shlieldeid Batteries Impossible. riazn 'a. The contre cf thet hipeptho . The protection cf tronches uni aboeli is filied with explosive mater- tUNtDRGUN home. ,rmnor shielia field batteries Js ials uni shrapuel shot, wbich is UDRRUDbSS ut an end, for, if a Icading Gem- infenici te be exploed as in un akin te the Ncolitbie usure hut in mnan militany autlîcnihy i5 te ha ordinamy shah uat a praietemminci Germany ing the time cf Tuci- ,eievi see-anihy hitherto enjoyei moment. In addition te Ibis theme Ihis, the finit century cf tisa Christ- by seldiers thmougb tise protection une four partitions, in each cofi ian ara, for the Romna istonian cfbu-at-ok iiar bulcv bcbthere us a tseries cf hoies ai- says thut emote Germnutihes untonluensias ceuid te haaptei te eceive rifle camhiiges. "maie urtificiai cases ini the cautis wut te lteinvention cf net bsTs sles fr a ua'nl cos emci withbvust beups of iung, than Ibrýýea diffemant siels i hich ail svithb fb- axis cf the shah, uani are so as te orihsn inten a sheitor baedoaim ho bll or- wouni or- iirechei backwami. By means -of a, fnom cli uni n storeboase also for emybiy hus protched. timing device the cartriiges may hamesti. The noir projectiles are a cens- bcho efonate-i succossively teo dis- Tbrcugis ail this animuginive Y býination cf the guenado ubrupnol change ballets in the wake cf the peici of tinse, froun Necluthie iays sheli suwith compaiativeiy thin wnils.1 sheli. fa oun ewn, thut first idea cf men Ir-,stcai of the cii arangonsent of 1 The idea is fc regulafe the speci -bis instinchive liing for noandeil the burstung change uni the single of the ballets se that tbev wili hpsbsgn o mg-sug tise fuse pî-cdaciuig explosion byI stike backwani despite the for- 50 that suc findi t* in prehistoric couusictanidnsaking the buliets wuni motion of the shoîl, unidlit [fanerai meunis, un the beehive ni fraigsuants usove lîke a colne- 'the euemy behlini the tronches. The bouses in Inelani, in Roman tam- ik bn'n tise non' iboils au-o de- efficieucy cf this shoil liai nef as pies ieiafe-ite Vesta, in wbeoie snihoprodaco a fwo-foud mis-Yet beau sufficientiy illustrahai. A windowsiof Gothie architecture, in se.The Krupp grenade shrapnel great many buloets, ai-e n'stod by tho dose cf St. Paui's Catheimal, carn; es a pecuiiarly uu-mngei the prescrit arrangement, an ac- undini the pieusunt urocms hut chaýrgecof bails placai ah egular couint cf beiuug dimctai too bigb te only the other day, as us France. intLervs auni angels aund deponi- stnike -the euemy n'if bsafficient an- Yeh somobow alten being the iug on a certain combinaticu cf I rgy. This uew n caponi, if is ho- principal forras un architecture for tie fussfor heir disehurgo. lievai, wiil rerolutionize the pro- a ime anumuginably long, the Th,--cli ýfsionai grenade'as sont methods of defence. roud hocume a very subondinafe effective oný!ý l\, when expîcîing _ 1 - hhiag, i ieliig empire uni prace- tmog f.e an eissrving a bat- ZAM1-BL'K LIE LED BABY'S dence te a shape nos o te h founi tei-v, but Plnce if iinet possesu SOIIES, in nature s orn srork-i.e., thie uypenrt ive fç- 1 c it w-sustse- Mmi. C. Pum, c f 479 Seigneurs square, the igbf angle. Squames 105~anhtise a mGeci shiclis St., Moufroul, -writos: "! cunnotI andi obiones deohe repose uni st-itb suicfeu gi non' are pro- hll yen bcw thanki ai I ara for the weught, wbule ýcircles uni rounici Ti- t i. T eveir Bisauz shrapnel cuire Zuns Bahlhas workei in tetn n t hfum uoe rntubseai suitis esny Fîrsi-tseisi5 a particuiarly case cf my babyuo. Ho was trou- lfhiug n fleyu ntiv eelsggts-c pcweýrfui one.. Ifs peuehrutinig bled witb scalp diseuse undI îtnicied ysey ntiia cighun pmcw-cr is equai te that of a capro- eveythinig I ceuli thiuk of, but ùîihaut,ý movemeut uni sp-ced, uni niceîisei shot, uni, fbroîugh its vain. Fiualiy I fr ei Zum-Bah. I ILLIMITABLE SPACE. arangoasont cf the charge its de- coli ueo au improvemeut ulter fwo Se long us, the duameten of a s3truchiveneafe bte ing s applications!1 Affer peisevcring roudlieuse iinet -exceei from equaaly gueaf. witb tise Zas Buîk freulmeut lha is eighteen te fueuty I-cet, turudition- At the recect officiai triai cf eue non' cempieteiy curai. Zar-uk a is ailnethois n'oli saffice, prebably of these shelis tore a bele a square cetainily a wouiemfui bai ns, uI their thin wails of, uattlei polos yard in sizo in a fn'c bet fbick sisaîl alwuys koep it ou bau'd." piastemai with Clay being stmcng bric seul, uni a namben cf mani- Mothers shoarli use Zum-Buk for encuîgh penhaps ho heur up tise nuins standing beiinditi were de- ail chilircuî's shin sores, ingrm, rubtors cf a goid roof fis ah is hc stroyei. Dammy batteries pro- scalp sores, cuti, chafings, braises, say, a tbutcbed roof, ircealiior-tigbt tachai by hsro inch tiîick armer etc., hecanse of its great panity. Ai- unidirîni rasisting. Brut circular plat e w-arc ols iy- doîno10,000 i se cures pilas, eczeuma, 1ai e, uuss ttrFsz-wce- rf-i tise~vaics no' hhsfn-iahu,00fotetc., ail îes ouly, thore a s ne mecs in range, uni the gunnors, represef- vancose soadstores. theun fer a chief with sensvanti uni aibweoiden dummios. simufferai ingisunsores25. tbe, etrotaiesan ow mysupe byýý tefragments uni bulis. frZanBy'ah a nd25c r hubli aiet uonh, n 5 amnofay suppoe The th ýir aboli is nef desigi fobhyssahenieskeicuhe wuteid a mach bigger round bonnse ______________________________ sias ,~,______for bis court, buildeus w are troab- -lei, siuce a mach lange:r ci-cie WIY11EN GROWING lTALLER. bai ho ha oofai oven witb bouvier L--A j rafteri. Frenchu Acudcîny of Sciences Says This put on the simple settiei Prine mEdward Farmer Sol- They Are, w'alis a streuger tbrast uni a greafen bunien ; thore n'as aise a enlY Declares "Nervi- Acccnîiug ho the latest shahîsticu greuter surface for tise nini te Iie'is a Specifie. Paris womon are grosrg taller, bout ugaiusst unidfisose nosr luchons uneThe, resaîts cf tise measuinenent cf apsot the old tradihional routine of 225 women luos 25 ho 55 yeuns of! liskilhci n'orknion. Ifmust bave "Aiter ftfty yeans' oxperbncau ais go have bacu communicahai ho fakani mauy centuries for -se Sax- Sherses 1 cun safely testify lai no the Academy of Sciences uni they ci, ho evolve thoîr system of living rauîaidy gives sucb good resuittafor-c, n t utec t u vt5 uirthum ng-toln ---j - - -- -- --- -- -- savs M. W- erinl-Oi- !ïz. 'fiý FI!.! - _, =F-" - -ý - 1 r-, wne had rrleumatisun, ana tLIUY troc, 'horuld; J. Iý R. vruer,'or cempletely cured him. Ceihorne; Mi,-sLenla A,11t-1,Sun,1-1 Sold by ail medici s deler or derlauud; Mr. ui Mr,,. Li. Winter, SaX #Is nu-bf by mail ýat 50 centsý, a oX "er SIX Whithy; Mns. W. N. Winter, Osh- ULIIUUV> Ie boxes for $2.50, frounT eD.W/l aa Give mne ten gallons of>B.," "English" ft'ite Paint.1 liains' Medicine Ce., Bckville, A former weli-known resfdent of «No, Sir ! I won't take any other kind. Ont, Clarke, Mr. Oe. Bingham, passed "Yes, that other paint inay possibly be good away May i3th, ai the home of bis pntbuiftisl ghiievraywhdon't daughter, Irs. C. ÉB. Borland, temkrstl 'u n ei lfa~y. j. IlNO they are trying to sel1 £iamelyJý, what is in t e paint. .W/est Toronto, aft.Enr but a few days "I always use 0-0l "English" Paint becasýe iguantûeformula "i1nes s. Dcuedw as bornEi D ar- lasM the cap, ýeligg me th at it i of 70 white 1e4d, %z (Frm Te Nws. lnttn i 183.'1eo- ndun erlite, pure lln-seed oTi, pure turpentine ah dryer. -IikoW this Mr.Cha. Temsoncou eceda number of yeurs worked the farun formiula is the standard in paint making and I know that -Lam taking service in Kirby Methodlist churcb eat of the village, now owned by 15 cac hu s htkido an. Sna.Mr. Fred Cowan. The late Dr., 9-11 "EngIish" Paint made by ERA DR M LRSON Newlîf fo a uater Miler ~Bigbam whe ut one time practis-ed 1 tr, cooiat use. Corne in for a color card. LMT CNeunli on uiste. MSou by Medicine in Orono, was a brother. Jouryd Lool, I lsewmanvilie. Deceused is the last survrvîng mem- Miýss -Elizubýetldî MePherson bs e-ber -ef-ru iucagei amity- ýfsou4n turned f rom a lengthy v-i-it at Mr. daughters. About :M years ugo hieS lie, o ua v ie William McPhorsonj',s.Toronto,). left. the farm and started lhvery__________________ M'iller's Grip Pou ders Cre Sold business ut W/est Toronto Juncien by Jury &.Loveil, Buauil. but sincc the death cf bis -%fvsvTomsWasddell, ani te.thens me Mr.Rchr ee iitileriien years ago, hie has livei pretty daughter wa eMs .B oui-0 teM rs. ohnr Foter ýî((h,, is- au- ch a retired life. Deccased was land, W/est Teronto, at ulînse placeuuT YS c ;twice marrici, bis first wife being Ih id i oefrsneyaî r ville, recently. Jae lVe solicit the businless , Mauatue3 Mr.Oru hupe cfth San- addell, daugliter cf the late Past. lis second wife, wus Mary Engineersandotherswhiorauiz.etheadviabii- ard ankstaf, sentheldaV in ______________________________ Flon Hurter, sistcr of Mr. James ' y u ivgtei aetbsnesoasce T r oB n ko. ta fu n te r u nitM rs. J a e s B re w n ef by experts. P reliiniiary ad vice free., C har8 ez Toronto. ~our town. To this union three sons request. Marion& Marion, New York Life Bldg. Mr. Li. Pinder, Torontospnt IElUITIISIM AND OUrNrnu ' e eog iga fMoni real aiid Washilozton. D.C.. U.S.ýA. helidays ab is fatbor's. Hïis(cou-SEE Buffalo, N.Y,John C., of Vancotn- sin Mn.H Pope is cenvales'ucg ver, BC.,an James G. cf Mcd-"lhav e a cigur ail the saune." Mm. .r'ul.ea fw , a nidUmen Father Mcrmiscy's NO, 7 Fliminates the fond, -Oregon. D(,eeased in rolig- A few wceks afterwaris awel boy, JohntL. hoeughta new!UliçAciaoion weis a Presbyterian, und in po- dressed manappeare-ainiithe cafe rs-lities a Liberal. gSrvicês w ere côn- ani orderei food. "Mother douc inCulgryAll., uerethoducted ut the résidence, W/est To' Marie" gluncec at him antircg famiiy noI réside. mente, by 11ev. Mr. MeKarîo, and nizei in luins the stranger wbc b)ýai Bich, rc biooc isP producai, by Many twtruents wvi!] ulieve the aches ut the grave beîe by 11ev. J. A. net paid for bis onteutaînmient. Millers Comîpound Iron ýPulls. and pains of rheurnttsn, but thee is only I c.Tepulhue-Luce Te eean etea old Sold by Jurmy & Loveli, lieu ma . oee wy te cure that dead discase. The Mes- .1.PnicGog "Mothor Marie" thut he hud bheard uille. conimon sensé mLtho-l is te reniove the icfberkin.nW.s e rough siG-oorme cause, and the effects will soon disappear. oirTo.LtiAe.Mrand bai resois cd te put bier te the Mn. James Farrow, jr., Kix- IRheurnatisni is c-'nsed, as is weil Robot. Knox, G. M. Long. ts.H o'dta h u i mount, uni Miss Muy Kinsman, known, by the fa-lire cf the kidneys te et efudta h a l Manvers Station, visted lus sister, perforru ulicir îutendei uerk of fiitering - -------thut tbe sailors bai repmesented Mus. IsaciWinter. the, une acid out cf the htood an minh- - PRETIY POXIANCE. her te ho, andilho added that ha had W/clverhampton Loige, S. 0. E. iuating it fieux the body throuEi the neturnei te the cufe in order te ins- B. dee wii aten te Pcsy-blardetr. Wh71eii the kiducys go ou strike-- prove bis acqîiaintance witb b ler. teinuluc Myttha l e uric arid is c< mied to the joints Straiuger W'eil Treutcd Refuirnq To odslse i daiy o'cehcMay and tissues, where it causes stiflening ai esCH eee, le w as a counit und a large mau- Anotiien Clunke boy Mr. Rbet trbseumatCuin. ag s heîe is materiai for romance in facturer, and asic-ci "Mother Roa'ntree, who bought thege Fathier Mcmnriscy, the iearaed pi 't-an Incident wbichi bas oecurrei at Marie" te becomo bis wîfe. Th4 Fler ili u Torui 5 eau uopbysiciar, -after nmuch research devised a Marseilles in a littie cna kept by "sailors frieni" consented, and bias sold out bis 'nterest uni is taik PmescmuPtieuuwbiclu woudatdrci nayeungl ounan notai for lhemr wteIitecaeolhobre cf gcîag te the'Nrb s. uekidne5ys id by toniug thrni up te beauty uni gooiness ef beait. bus a now tenant. îuug O on oteNrhe vigorcus a,-cC:or, cause tLiouu te dlean the Thbe cule is close te the barber, - Messrs, Peeling uni Su-ideýr of yet heuiacdTisrney theScyuiur ewe C., ereii hi syteu c th ac aid.Ths rnioyand is frequ entai by sailons, who the eyln1ourPowr Co, in0hekuown us No. 7, bas been usci suiccess-, village reccntly taking au iesthi- fully un thousands cf cases, 'gave the nainsecf "Metiser Marie" W/len r pa in eringue adl uuute f he mout f pwe lii- u~îenMomisys iuirnnt il bnngte the iandiudy. The young we- oeahaif te-aspoon c ýf bakiug pow- Iv o c rquredboe.relief frein thie effects cf nheictatismr, man bai te deai with the rougÏbcst ioerte euchi ý,otnsiecfg. ly teho rquird boe. Tay e- uile bis No. 7 JTab lets ui t1e -erof sailor mon, but lhem kundicîs te, Will becoief iiy iprovai.' p'eet to have their transasmien i1. Ille on th-. cause and ý1i du-, tinucecure the ber, customers n'as hen boiet protec boere by Sept. ist. dsgse. tien.' Wben tbey bine uney, If the chiliren require pysi lWti'Y 5uffur fronu thiîs painful and trou-shfoteuaîieptonwal none acts se nîce as Miler's Woý_rm b~e~affiction, Nwheu b!,uing the ParIi , Pewders; very picasunt te take. cenl*nuon s enlse nu1îetbods niae by supplied wîtb tobacco. esi- l, Fat ber MorCcy und iurcessfu11y foiloxtei ors nover umpoecion hem kininoîs, Sodi by Jury & Level, eu- fer yeans, it is possible teLai Nature a ni aiwuys pui bl er w-honi they ra- vilie. Ito restere yeni teiîoa'th? oevedtieir svuage-s. cv&LVL av oeaec Mn. J. Ranley Billingi b a ased I If yenunee otyoistre-aic you One day a strange funeuuio ha oumuiyci WesiBeku is tin year examunuýtUiens ,in Me-i-mu tubIlsknol c seo ýone wbo h, uiapauc nee h ue o ali" rprto o oi chuici ui let iaiEngner-ulu wuibegliadt tan fatna'îe Mernie"imediueisiva od fl rippea supaior 1 foi. ahoe ub'Icb iai -1c a o ,ir x i vtnrer c in aibhns.M.L W,.tiDn- - urs tb as!e ak adsue e t isreqinm ensatoretnîoe elsashemdm uooi sucoseulin asung bisseondc'c. 'bo, t1ynr ieatn, or1ronuillilIuI ueterhowouiuiuk yer xm 1)o islyi-- (l (is Fthr'l",cyMiline L0' acia. ismpi sa tatle ai2c UAATsD 5 tus. n :ont4k t a ue'i'etnlitin-y frra îgn, n Mm Iac /ite c)f ortow, wo ville by jury &Loveil j"Nvr in;'*aid the laii la-d Ï-T