dnt to a iîion sttf the asatem, suelb a aigPain t1 h id.&.Whl hi ost 11cacdC1e. yet ,Oara Luttel Livar PUIS Éare equ'aily vainabia in Constlptin. curing and pre- coct a'l disod1raofftheatomzrach.BtimuIata the live r kad rgulte1he owas.ven if tlley Only Âcbebay euldbe amoatpriceles10 those weo suifer from ibis diarss couspiaint ; but fortil- ýiateiy their goounesa doas otendbareand th8ai ,wbouoce try theus wiii findI thaselîtile pilla vain. able, in an many v,,-- that lhey wiii not ha Wil- jWlo4 tu do ,witbout ibaus.Buafraisikha Î lho bane of se 'sylvs thlat bava la where ,we maie eur great b e. ua pills cure it while othars do net. Carler's Litte LVer Pilla are very susailand very easy b take. Onecor two pillsia le a dosa. Thay are strictly"vagetabla and do net gripe or purge,. but by their gni action please ail WhO 0AETZlM ~cla~ 0,EuZW TORL Àr . McLAÂUGH'LIN. IlritrSolîcitor and Conveyancer. -me-BIeakleîà Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Money 5te joan at resam. ahle rates. 48-lyr. BCW ANIJL. . ONT. n-,O01D MEDALIST eft rlnity IOr- 1j ilvergitY, Toronto; Pour yealpl Attendlsg Ph Si ciau snd Surgeon at Mt. Garmel 1HospiWa nue.ad' Residence. sllsto t. Tel IÀ Business College Course. MiI paýy if ht is taIkenI aia good sebool. Ph C15 500ebetteýr than theBiih I Ajerica Busness CeliteKe, Y. M. C. A BuidingToronto, the schooi tisai o 14y~ the foremosi business muen of Cnla bave attended. Students enter- gý should wîrite for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, Pricipal. NOTIE25 A-,ND COMWMENTS We ,'ligl'y sayteourevsta "itishuante rr anithat "the flah i wek."Btu, we do net suf- ficiently relze r imprenss on otbers-especially thie young - that if we woulcl walk inrihosns and moral bee-uty we miust ha e ry strict witb curselves, very cni andi vigilant. Indccc, eteinal vigi- lance is the price of individuel in- tegrity and berner as it isteprc cf miany ether Wblescings, idvda and social. Cosiec-i1late self-interest petent, and blind et, the same time; excusesý for silips and lapses are easîly feunci. We must recur frequently 1to first principles, searcb eur hearts and ask ourselves whether we are living up te the bighest ideal within us. "Gooci men" etho commit acta they know te bc unlawful, discred- itabl-e andi wrong are simply men who have grown caraless, slevenly and indîfferent. If tbey steppeci te refleet, te woigh, te, cross-examine themselvcs, they would bring in a verdict cf "tguilty" against tbem- selves and resolvt te menci their ways. Moral carelessnees, like physical, is a habit easy te acquire, and it takes trouble te prevent or te referm it. But ah lf e is disci- pline, struggle, trouble. Witbout trouble, anxious thought, assertion of the deepest and finest in buman nature as against 'the lower andi etcasier," there is -ne grewtb, no assurance even cof a firmn holci on "fixed" moral assets.' It was ont of the most cevout andi cloquent of French cburcbmen who seici that, 'while he did net know the beart of a criminel, he knew that of' the honest mian-and be shuddered'at its 'blackness." lie bnci reference te poteniel vices anci potentiel sins. Ie kuc;v tho varie- tics of temptation and the need of moral vigilance. Other philosopli- crs and ethical teachems have imeuh- cated the need cf cultivating noble tboughts, and noble hbits of minci, of dwelling on higher aspects cf crawing freelv on the foun-! tain of righteousr'ess. To i, great actions, great deecis ani thougbts, te test daily perfor, anci ordinary conduct by dei prefesacti ou selemu auciti casions, is te insure eu againat sbabby, shameful ný honorable acta. Geec ie conserve and nourish their nasa" ; moral healtb wili n( take caca of itseîf than physi tee, raquires exercise, air, preventive meesures. DistanIcC Is Uifo linraîce te tbîse Whoîl wish te get the best. Maiiy students frein Th aoiyym the dstantprevices udhelited Staies Temariyy attiid the Commons pessati )/ LOTT suffrage bill te a, set greeter than the bi 0 tisa acisual figura Cor. Yenge andi Alexander Sus. onth e en thi TORONTO, ONT. o h eodnn that was brought 1, d I -10et 1oed poitions. Opeis entrie yeaî Eneroîw- Write for ctalo)gue. The tarma of las- w. j.ELLIOly conciliation" bil thse zant of these.uff z 'èl s cetto,, Root Compound. hegreat Utlerine Tonic .andIy peulator on wbjcb women can .deend.tSl irea ,'deree8 o~ f trength-Nr. 1 1 o 2 10dgessronger 83' Noil flo)respecial ceases, â5 pecr box. Soid jb yIl druggists, or sent p repaî o rceipt fpio Free pamaphlet. Addcess: Tý,Hi 000 ÎOK MEDICINE O0.,TORQNTO. ONT. (fomerlfj Windsor) 0Y7Pýi f Canadian Northiwest Land Regulations. A NY Person who la the sole head ofa family or auy maie over 18 yasid. Diey bomestead a quarter section of aveul. ebia Dominion land un Manitoba, Sask. etbwuor Aberta. Tire eniicent must apne1)ar iu ucrson ai the Dominion Lands AgIEucy or 'Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by roxY -may ha madeaet eny ag. ency, on certain conditions. by fether, mohr-son, dauglitar. brother or sister of iutening lizhomesteeden. J'-i,s:--àx inîths' residence uinon aud ultvro f the land in eech of tbmcee»Yc r, A liemeateeder mey liva with. iiia miit- ie. of bis homesreed on a las-m -'01f Iea-'t 0acrs eieY Owned end 0-1t P iim. or bY bis ftCher, morh- CýutlsLor bother or sister. 1-a lii tri(Cs a homesteader in s n ay re-emeDt ae Ounter 6îlor eIonfgsrde bis homestecd. Price ica cvv. Dutues-Muai ceaide six io tIse in eecbIl of six yers from ýdate cf omteadetry (înciudsng the ime re- ,uirD to enu omeatead ecteni I and caitivate fifty acres extra, Ahoetar who has exhanstcd bis lsmsedright and raunot 'obtain a pr-mpion m 'ake a rnnrchasedlborne- tend u tin districts. Prise $300 uer ar.Dutie's- ut eaide icsxm]ontho in tedlA of tîr'ea yeers. 3culLi-rate fdfty Lacrles W W. COIY, Depnty Mnstrofbb teir Nr B. Uaotbovrized pbictof et Isia 'Vitdinaiy tisui1n3.î luk vbicb the the w. ýouci reaci àigbest est ives 167- ie maje nit iding of t before th st yeer's -ce utenf f rage te a million women. It was disapprov- cd, in a spirit of self-denial, by the women of the werking classes, who refused what they thenelves might have obtaineci, in the hope that the general cause would ultimat-ely Restoration of S t o M'a C. Power - Comes Qaickz, With the Ri;ht MZedicinc- "MY food seermed te decompese i 11Y stomacli," wrîih Mc. Falph Ciere mens, et NewbridP-0. "I bcd Steinacli that feuIi,ý in corne way t Perfocm its work. Digestion secre, more or lecm arrested and I grew ti yeliow, nerveus. The stemiach beca-. distended and impeded apparenCty thi ?ction of the heart, for ot'tei'; et nigni ~t ixouid do great Stutîrs. At trnes 7 ,vould vomit a mucous mess, and> a. these times rny head ached mesi ter- ribiy. A friend, who had been cuce-ý fasimiler conditio, adise me tu ~ake Dc. -amiltei's rPlls regularI.y hxich 1 did. The resuit in my cas ai5 slrnpy marvelous. Dr. I-tamiitecn'ý 2ills remeoved the cause, strengt 1hene,' zb toach, excited the liver to normna ction, the iidneys were released oc ýx,-,essive werir. Health soon giewe; %;Lhin me. I cen now eat, slcep, aur live lik@ a ilve man." Be adviscd-Use Dr. Hem1tonsý Piiý they are suce to do you gond. 25c erbo,iaintailldeaiers, or Tue Caý arc-hozene Co., IUingstn,Cad. r. mloD When Dr. Morae's IdmnRo PIS oured her Chrol astiion ilints -.------ .r-,"'-i., zes- o - - - ----------- an1 iateresting story of relief frem aimost intoierebie suferings: SUMMER LINGERIE T. "I ana hardly tell yoiu how great my Teraeonorteitemus suf eriuga have been, Chronie liver cous- Teeaeoc-i plaint eccompanied by biliousnless ,err aof lingerie etiqujette that aqre well daiiy source of trial te me. Every day te follow. Certain sorts cf under- 1 expericnced the sickening effecîzý of clethes. Don't weer lace petticoats these ailtucats. I longeci for some medi- with a cloth suit. Embroidery raf- cine that sheulci permaiueatly drive them fies are the eues te be seen with ewey. " Heariag of Dr. More's Indian Root stuff" dresses. Wear embroidery PUIS, I thought they wcre werthy of a witb linen andi ail other heavy sum- trial. My surprise wes jadeeci greet. mer frocks. When yeu "dress up" From the vel7 firsi I experienceci relief. in muslin or swiss or silk put on Continuing wîîlî rhem I feund my irouli. youm lace trimmeci lingerie. From les were riowly but surely leaviug me, tehbtc rpit nudr and bef&e long I once more knew whatth hai ofppreyinud- lu was to ba frce fromn the harassing cf. wcar; it is casily acomplisheci andi fecus of tht aliments thet heci long sick- satisfactory in the -end. Avoici col- eneci andi weakeaed me. So greac is my oreci ribbons, unlcss cf the palest feith ln Dr. Morse's Indian Pills that I tint-but white is now the cnly shahl never on nny accouat be without "creal thing." tlaem."l Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure Itis a vital question, this what B owel and Kidncy as weil as Liver troulb. te wear and how te wcar t. Tlhe les,. and keep you lleethy. 2.5c a box latter is almost cf more'importance attyour dealer's. 14 than the former. We have seen peo- pie whose clothes were astoniahuýng- iy modest-plain, if you like-but, gain mor e. ' The newer bill andi its leuowing hew te wear them, tbey progress in perliement seem te brung put their extravagant sistems quite thet "more" nearer te band. This in the shade. It isn't how mach bill bcoacly grants the parliameut- mioney uaust we spenci, but bow ary franchise te wome-n ouseholci- well can we i -,vesi te utile h ILike every pucet ndcr the crs-e weman householder being- ci- skies, clothes are a invastment. ther the owner of a bouse, or theîý ten- It rests with youýrself ihew much ent ofeein wbolcor in part. The-re interest yea will get on .iyeur money. is provision, howevec, again-1t plur- al voting on the part of- marrieci SUIT COATS. wmnwhose himehends' possess the The favoreci styl,,e jacket in the franhis in oretha oneconti-tailoreci suit is the tbilrec te -4lve franchiei mr ha u cnt-button short, srigteut jacket, tucncy.fitting snugly over the shoulders and the hips. It is frequently cut The bill is obviously intendeci te with square corner, but a fe w cut- favor tbe single woman who bas eway cifeets hve recentiy been a defineci position in society anci sh'w which are meeting wîth fa- îs sef-sppotin mebe' ofit.ver. The simplýe uotch coller andi us asel suportug embe ofit.revers are pariciularly desirable. The equal suffragists favor the mgia- Suis arc shenwt alro sure, if only as a broader entering pointeci collea ,3anci fency revers of wadge than any yet efterc c. Whe-, different types. lu the -dressier thes- tbe bill will reaeb a tbird a'ndicuits there us e tendeucy te favo r the, empire cnt coat. This is pro- final reaciing ibis session is proble- iducec in various weya. Combina- mratical. But the course of thirugs, tion -of empire ides andi straight during the past fear or two, denetes fronts anci backs are smart. Side the dangers of deiay. Tisemr atnu. contnr.e te be weil x;eting, the more radical anci comn liketi. Large collacs andi revers are 1 1 - 11 1much in evidence. prahensîx e becomes iegislatuen andi the more auppoers t wiss COVIERED IWTI'llECZEMA. FASiION NOTES. Beac f ringes are a faci of the me- menut. Chang-eable ýchevi;ot is oeeof the naw fabries. ive with j ;' "~'"'~'" " s us -usoia sceýýr upunîjuav On March 21st, 1910, Mm. Angus plain st eel buebles. id great MeMillan, of Port lioct, IN. S., There arc seme wondcrfully pret- 'mnances wrote us: ty hair nets we-ru, of golci anti sil' )ctcinea '"My litile boy thre ycars olci ver, andi olc i sLver isý fasliionable. ceaI oc- was covereci from beaci te foot witb Ouaeof tha neweat-.,4 sheevas is rselves -cezerna. I tried over twenty differ- about ibrea-quart"er leingih andi is cn is nt kinds cf salves anci washes but as wielcai tha botiem as et the ut i-could net sec any improvement-in plain top. M nmuai feet it scemeci te ha getting wesse. Dressy coat sceaves endi eny- " good- 1 was about discoura:gearalc haci where beineen the elbow anti the eo more lest faitb in al kinds cf se-calleti wrist, andi ample width is a feature ica; it, cezema cures,_ wben I saw an a-d. of ail. catclling about D). D. _D. Prescription. Fancy effeets botb in ceats and * hght, I sent for sample boutleaend the shirts are plaiuly discernible third application cenn ccc me ibat among the important trendis. I baci et lest get a sure cure. Two- 4 botles effacteci e cempiete cure." NASTY BIRD. British Wbat D. D. D. titi for this litile A litile four-year-old boy living in vemaa's boy, it will do for any skin suifer- a country iown dîsturbeti andit.oek ing wea cm. A milti, soothiug liquici made semae eggs from under a sitting baen timete; up of Ou cof Wintargrccn, Thymol, balonging te a neigbbor. The neigh- a ui Glycerine andi other ing-rediants, it. bor compleineti te the boy's motiier, givefu penetrates te the coot of thc trou- who later calledi ber bey te b-er and 'g eibic anci wasbes the diseese germas began te reprovre himi, whan ha ha billeut. .broka iu witb 1he-beiqestion.:'"Whoi he pre- Why net get rai'ef i Simply write telel you t" The meiher sait-' A to-day te the D. D. D. Laboratories,Ilittie bird telc ime. Now, tell me, Dept B.S.,- Cotborne Li.01hW many eggs did yen taka'l?' The bihl-a Toronto, and tbey will sand you -%1httla boy, stemniering, saii: '"Wel1! frac 'trial bottle. Well! Wlîy didn't the bird tell you abua jj-ý-&LOV -the whük o--f-i-i- cho_ I TUE KAISER IN PALESTINE. Traces et Ris Repeated Visits Ey- erywhlere Found by the Tourist. Wheraver ccd roofs appear in Palestine it batokens 'ncopaan in- vesion. Redi roofs ara encroacb- mants of tbe modem -adi anca guardsoh western "civiization." Meuy streets lanliaif a migbt al- most pass -as a part oh a German village. Thie rows oh prini ced- coofeti cottages, eacb with ils neat garden, are iune degree Syrien, Thare wuerc. Germans in charge of the ýcarriages te Nazareth; thare ware Gersîan houais. E; an tisa Am- enican consul was Geuman. It is impossible net te notice "'vs- deucas ohftise Kaiser's irterest in Palestine. At eech visit tlue Kais- er pays ta tiselioly Landi a bit cf gooci noati is hut, xvit'ca Ruth Bryau Owens, in the National Monthuiy, anti afiar teking-tse drive te Nazareth we hopeti fer the coin- fort oh later pilgrims, that the Kais- cir night pas that wey. luInoua place is a tablet emacteti by the Kaiser te the Srutan, et fothers thrifty German colonies; banc a gond mes1, there n femntain present-eti y him. When on the Mount cf Ascension the guide pointeti eut tise egendary foot- print of the Master impes nil the rock anti alse the impress i eft hy tise prophet Mahomme, oee uow, whewre is ihe foiprint of"tJ Gema Epeonb There is vastly' more unknown couintry in the land of happine-ts than in the landi of serrow. Completely Cr OurLtteByf A familY cari suffer no greater affliction thanto have a child sub- ject to fit$ Or ePilePsy. Many a father or niother woupç gisre their ail to restore suqç1 a chilci to health. "I amp eartiky glad 10 telli you of Our Ptle t he W"coaipletely cure4 oflit. M-e-12~ucc h ing luee at to years of cg ii ad théim toi r ,er. I îricd r decoracedontspei~jatbut chem ;aZ4 iý m oldun e Ard bot >. 1' etrtv aie REVlIVAL. "Review Thy work, (O Lord ;" All heurts with fervor flîl; Lead men te hearken te Th.y woi And seek te do Tby wiil. O Lord, Tby xvork revive; This is our carnest plea: Seo may Thy mighty spirit strive That seuls may turn te Thce. o rd O Lord, revive Thy work; Andi by Thy power divine Casi eout the hitiden things tbat lurk. Iu hearta that shoulci ha Thine. Revive Thy work again: Wc look te Tbee, O Lord: May lie wbo was for sinners Be everywbere adereti. slain1 Revive Tby -work, we prey; Seud blessing from above: May willing eues their Lord obey Andi grew in grace andi love. 0 Lord, Thy work revive, Wbile herae oua sengs we rauce: For ali that we freux Tbee desire We uender fervent praise. T. WATSON. louia Station, Ont., 1911. SLIOWING LITS PACES. This Old Lady Wvas Partiüular About Her Fomen. lu thet deligbtful record of so- ciel cuctoma in the cighteenth cen- tury, "The Mcrry Pasi," Mr. Ralph H. Neville msakes a gooti jest of the extreme fermality of the times. Lord Lyttîcten wes once mucb piqiiet by the uýemarks of a certain elti lady, weli knewn for bier strong predilection for hbeeuty anti athîctie form in bier fomen, andi in censequance fixeti upon the following methot of imaking lier ridiculous:1 A frienti ofhbis baci un Irish ser- vent Df rcmarkably fine presenca, with a great fond of native humer. This man Lord Lyttletou berrow-' cd, anti instructeci te apphy te the olti lady, xxho, as wes neil kno'an, hati advert-seti for a foetman. lier latiysbip aither was, or aff ected te be, troubleti by the most delicate; anti irritable, ucrved, which coulci net endiue the slightest disturb- ance or noise. The new servant, banslsomaly dresseci anti well pewdee cd, pre- sentcd him"cîf et tha latiy'a doer, andl tua erranci being aenucszlj ha was seon ushared. into ber sel- ? - i e My lady was alone, andti eir asie rsg the youag man -a varicty of cea ns peu sou;alljcile urMdcl questions. thseanswers te wbsch ima patients lu oun Windo ii se.mcc teha etifacory sh teti Laboratony for Canien ussnre oni him she, iketi bis appearauce nîah RSLKtNDY& E as ha steeti, but ,she xisbeti te sec ; -fe O urprvtadee bim walk, te kuow xý,hetlier ha did that gracefully, a main peint with Tise man welked up anti dewuthe reom, the olti lady's cyca fehllowing him closeiy, anti in evident admir- bis fine figure, H li a ws nexi order'ed te tùaibis wey, then that way, then te make bis bhow, then te carry e fan anti PNEUMONIA. book; lest of ail, to waik Luic lcsgLh Pneumonie jus net dreaedc merely of the room again. Having walked the lest time the f or its powrem te seize anti kili mian matie a profounti bow, anti quickly, but elso for uts apparent said, "Your latiysbip bas axamineti powier te select thea mesi uuhikely soeabat net aheof my accomplish- vsctîms. Most persons have liveti mania, which ara ail cqually ex- througb the shock efhbearing tisai callent. You have seau me wahhe, soe friand bcd suddeniydieti oh now yen shahl sec me trot." pneumonie e friand f rom wbom Wiih that ha troîteti up anti dowu thcé luati parte-d but a fuuw ciys or the room with the utmost viger, e; an heurs befoce, leaving hiru et -untilne-glases-1 china, haiîrs endwbat sejmertsehiaht-ý,nnfclI) "f everytbing aise tiancet. physical xel-being, an-ciparhaps Than stopping a moment,' the protesting ibtat lie titi net kîsew reseai seiti, "Now, iny lady, you what illuess meuint. l-a-v.e sean m rtttnexVislow -TlTht du7ase us5t, hurus o yeu bewI cen gallup." the appareuîily stroug, robust pao- This hae aise perfermati with bis pic ofhchavy weight anti heartv uiniost euergy, autd ruuuing dextu- appetite, aluisougli it may attack stairs, bohtet eut oh tbe bell door. n u,.e sgl-saeo a ______present.b The siroug anti ful blooda i mdi SOMETING SOTHIN<4. viduai tube lu ai ,the 0amc timep "'Weil, mny ittie -ruin," saiti the somcuhing ýoverwcigbt is' cspccially house-surgeen cbeerily te the ncw un danger oh pucumonia, andcshouidp 0 ~1b pausent, "how de yen led ?" "lic taLc partîcular care te avolcits. Ifh, seama ailrih, said the nurse. bis diet is tee heavy-anci that mcy s "I've just taken hi', îempeuatuue." safely ho assumeciut shoulcibbe "GCoud.liave you L.ad anything te rrîthlcsslv eut dean, especially as et, souny h" 'I bcd a uitile sir "te mcci anci tisa eimination of ai- "Whet dici tlev give you V"' 'This cobol.S lady gimme a piacaeh glass te auck, The weighing scale is a gooti sir.",friand te sucis c parsen, andlchenul -- hae cousulteti regularly. Thýe scale "leur wihe is somewhat stnong- dc ntaruohosurut xr nîintiad, isn't sna, Littie n V' I ad or tuso, it pro; "s it; andicf- jou-tan a wciglit in acces dance witb cgeI "Strong--nintieci lA furniteure pl- at îiîibshodtriei tC ish pecler came bacc yestertiay, and en be maintaineci, in mosi casas, s in five minutes she coiti him on a ý nnlsema by tis eaxarcisa cf a ltine self-con-I and Dr. MI Jrca4Iivrp poison csinuamcs e iieuriml raid a te ure FXela OW hera are isosis oh people whlo un- bait, h uwtyand Zay. th na b thrf ý- 5, î 1doleutly pariait thaînselvas te ga-t tîrt ye r v . ïd th l iespil.a d vcfa n h wn Y ub nel flr te r l y o ü m e4t7mnts m o îi s . T ie y t is e - I _ ,i kh o fti an rt n r 1 will cl-ucîljd h cusanîyramincicci - eLis evwmr U îsenem " Pl'p'Ts p-'umnuia gnî'lglu îer, if RO 1f,~GUE, WîndallM iadh .ndon wtach.eu Dr. iles Nerine ____________________ Te ocditiuun 0f tise meanumust ha raegizcias ururipectanttisais Ui ut whau it is repr-seýnete I bc, Resforescowlor te Gray or t ,i presece ohf the gcrmn, as proveci a llledic;inec mone seily Faded hair--Removes Dan- by th, a hcit[hat[ t isera ,is lasmortel- fer nervlu dsass sc as fits, druif and invigorates the Scalp ,Idua n )g tise thu and arul spasms, St. Vtus> dance,cnul -Promotà,es a luxuriant,tiaamigisstutad sin zý Ti-,ý ds-he ealthy hair- growth --Stops its Smohepres usati hy the frequendy lkacte oinsaniuy or cause ap mti p in le u weak mnts.Dr.Mie' evi falling out. la rot a dye.liyo hssbec ae he u bspron moat ecsffeýî,cti-ve i" Mnrci 80ad SOc etDeC,( oeordi-eecý resns te nnene etbm lias reeeipt of once ~~~~aed deaýlens anie, Sed lOc forhissittatemee s'tma- ing theedreade madies. sasoe cdnle.-lHy pcîeCo.eeitthpenna"ortte Newr.N J., U.S.A. SOi bai drpga's. f h.fitt atis LSE EALL SBISTITUTES "bat Codcirau mute înemoisu aINs to bMW-itYour Moneyis iri nd. cor u popandr A n.alby a&t sose fiseitistru, .foevr ÏA IL-nMDCL0. eotCn uy&Lvî.oal tsetnei ii aa t t There's a deal .fo know about -wheat. If I didn't select the wheat I couldn'tè guanantee thec fleur. Creem of the West Fleur cornes from Cream of thec West Wheat. And if certaily does make good brLeadi1 the hard tuhoat, flour guaranteed for bread Yeu just try it. Il it dotsu't give yoa right down satisfaction your grocer pay-s yoar moaey back. Tiuai's tht guarantee with tvery bag,- The Campbell M lling Company, Limited, Toronto AJeCHf5ALD CAMPBELL, President 107 oPb- ou us y otbtain und-er Cenjtral i neis es oliege etf Tor- Oýnt0, is s"s' a'p'rt te su ce19S. T 'Ibead as ve(.17it. tiliy net investigate for yourseif i Our free catalogue expliiis. Write for î.tV. . .5uxIw, Prin- cipal. OUT WTTNCONSEN.T 1 Ho waa anc rceao. t hôw t±h# O -- norea hlel- "Itooik your Ni!, METaron TazAszra for a serjous bloo disease witb which 1 bad heen 1sflictc es.ý ~for tweire years. I had coosulted ar ~ .e Of physicians taken ail kinds of b1oo inediuine, visited Hot Springs and other luineral water rescrts, but only got temn- ~ norary relief. 'Xbey would heip me for n trme, but atter dt otiuu temd cines the !113om would break out * S - avan-umnng nves.bloîrlie, rheurn. p2,pislcics5eot the haïr, sweinigs ofthe glands, paletofth-, banda acaling, ~ BOTT~~T i~hn us c fia'Skia, dyepeptie stomnach, rvTOAMi tc. I1,ied iven np tin despair whenaa %t ý"1.1T fianüd aýdyvsed me toc nsuUi you, as mn lied cured bim faema-dea 8amO' 1 bcd no hon', wlitt o his adv i atbree weeka' time the gracmccdbha aad becme ecurge.I co'ntinued the I'{w Mrrson T kvM5'uîý, for four itb Xnd aet te end of tat rii-,e every sympten, hlieduiiappeared. wnere'7yraao audan igo etanydi asesine.My Loy, eh ce yeara old, ie sound and heai7tbyv. ci tainly cau recoirniend yovir treatment with ail ny heari. ,Yeu eau cefer any person t me privateiy, but yen u nusu ibis testimonial as you w'eh1. W. 'Ii. S. 'We treztE IDVU5 DEB3iI'F7, VtCS ENVITAL WEAICNESS. , O SKIN ted SEC" Dizces, UIMNAR-Y, Sà . ýLADRad U&NEY complaintse ofMe" and %Wedseu. ~ br1ye a 'letm? H.,e ou lest hcopo? Are Yeu intending to marryl HS yerbood been dieaci vBe _ouatay weakuessn Our NEw Ibimofl Charges reasenable. Books I-res-(Ilo"t on diszeases of Mati. NO N AE USIZD WITHOUT VL~TTE XCOENT. Eireythagconfidcà&]. Question liei and Coolt Home T-_t, eF RE. staers freni Canada mustt haeddressed lan -Windsnr, Ont. If yen deacre to Estitate in D trouas tva sceanductreat xvhich are for Cmeodneandi iy. Addres;s ail l etters es follows: nonla; that ist yt he gediuý,rmi always present, an d ïrcady anc wil- gives it a che-fce. The most successful way' to givn t a chîance is to neglect a bad cold, ard thus break down the natural lefenses of the system. If every bac cold were met with starvation, physie andi fresh aiF it, would de- part in disgust, and, the lurking pneumonia xxith il, for the large burglar cannot get in through a hole which bas refuseci to admit the- smaller ene.-Youth's Compenion. Pessimist Jones-"lIIow is it, Smnith, that yùu look so hale and happy and well ?" Optimist Smith -Exery time IJit down to, worry I fail asleep." Mrs. Mater--"Have -ou seen Mr. )ater's son since he get home froma oUllege V,' Daroghter "Yes, ma; aw hia last nighit." Mrs., M. - 'lias lie iniprove~d rnuch ?" Daugh- er-"Awfully. lic's got a meus- ache."1 4 lui 10 vmolqvw ivirs. K. bmith, ot wýnniveLy. man.. tells