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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1911, p. 7

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TBAN E.sabîished 1873 0F'CANADA 80 Bramhles Safety, convenience and Iow co&t unite to make *MoBey Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way, of sending small sums to any part of Canada. YUnder $5 ,... 3c. $10Qto $30 . . .0 'Oc. k.$5to$10 . .. 6c. $30 to $50 ... 15c. Dx>afts issued for arnounts. Savings Banik Department at EverY ra--ndi. 87 BI~cstoc : W J.WHITE, ITBF SECRETS tRF NATIONS C IPL TUlE RISES WIUCII SPIES REN TO SECURE TIEJI. ' iT' Remarkable llow LInform stion NW IN PRET HA About Forts and Guas Lcaks TNI TUIN FR IT--TV Out. HN T 1 II--llfq Two years ago a case of espien- VANCOUIIu, B.C, Feb xist. 1 age came te light in Geîmany "I am welî acquainted witli a me which revealed that such extensi-ve known te theusauds in Vaucouv and valuable information had heen Victoria and New Westminster, who1 gi- on te France as necessitated'the -nearly a year was practically a cntp replacing of the whole systern of frein Rheuniatisui. He was se troul Westýrn forti essos, and aiýse ith the disease that he fonnd it dLffici te even turu ever in bed. His heý sw eepiug changes in fid urtillery. appeared se weak that lie could baré The spy xvas one Herr Schiwaîa, waîk up stairs. an ex-jou,,rnalist, who had become a Last jue, ha received a sample Oshawa, Wityan-d Broolin. n re weriy managen. ilis muic its ias toenotertain non-corna's and sel- diers te champagne suppers, and y -7" by this mneanus ho'sas able te pnmp IF W ~ IP flI then f the tacts ho requir.ed. That tis .ianmn . ça nviî-,z ofnep ma-,,hx- The, Secret Springy, Wholly b. <"I caîl yen not servants, hut Pricnds."-Jesus. Whna mjan says friendship 1. tIink hie utters, the deepest word in1- hunnspeechi. Lt ranks, even a littie higher than love, heing a sort of nnsolfed love, love with the itch an1d hunger oxtractcd. WVe do not Iove our friencîs; we like,( them. We love our children, wife and parents, and kinfolks. We like applos and coistard pie and a cozy fire and a good hed and slip- pers-anti our friend. Like goes farther in ,than love. Like is a voice frein the suheonsci- Dus self, a cry from the inward and unknown mue. Lt lies hehind the will, beneath the judgment, in the Far darkuess of our secret seul. Lt doe net say that a *wife cannot be alse a friond; hut she rarely is; j she is usually an enemy, to whom we are mnost passionately att'ached. And if she he a f riend, then that friondship has grown up fromi o ther sources, and is of a different tex- ture'and quality frem the sex me- tives which make marriages. Net mnany women would tolerate cern- radeship from a hushand. Perhaps this is as it sheuld be, and nature needs foercer fires for her, NECESSAIIY IRESULTS. StilI rarer is ftrendship hetween pare!-nt a-id child. Lt >is an arnazing ting I have notic-e d hore, hew La~,itelligent and culturod fa- theri anýd son hotdh ý11rivc for friond- ship and cautattain it. Some- tmsthey siuc.ed, hut s0 rarely thaýt it mnay h (;aIIed a phen-omen- on. Whence, then, come friends l And who are they l And how can one make thei AIl answers to these p,ýathetîc questions seem te me to he unsatisfactory, partial, insuffici- eut, and hy the way. The rules of the wise xvill net xxerk. We do net make friends hy boing nohle and geed; friendship does net arise frorn sirnilarity of tastes; and other- wise eue can, in actual oxperieuce, dive- a twQ hersewagen,, through ahl andi any cf the prescriptions of the proverhial philesophers. I arn preuder ef liking my friends than cf any other cüf my small vir- tues.~ Whn hink of Bill and Lige a-nd A[ an Ralph and Newt 1 9Corrected Qnickly by the Use OU Ca',.tarrhii 1 an inflammation. Where i ~ there is inflammation there is always 4 more or less offensive secretien. in- Y ~ flamnmatien may be off the very active sort, but Lt is often ef the slowv kind, and this is the particular form iu which the breath is rendercd offensive and the preseuce ef the sufferer be- cornes an offence toý every person ef delicate sensibility. Bad breath is in îtself sufficient toý urge you ta correct it, because one dis- JIkes te be unpleasant te their friands but hýi form of catarrh ia dangerous eaueit supplias a Iiotbed for the e--:ip~an of Consurnption or o' ot iseases cf the throat and lu-ngs. adbreath is an evidence that the mnicrobes !have tound a good resting place ad are carrying on their evil Lnýreads, into the health of the body. Ca',ýtarrhozone acts at once and de- sýtroys thes-e minute organisms, but it dosmore-It heais the inflamed sur-_ faces Lu which they feund a nesýtiug place and cons( quently reuloves both caue nd eets" (if their acn. i weý only hicilly estîimated thel vaue.'prvetin ndusedÀ 1aar. ozzone a'4 the bagýinniig cf a cold or jutbefore it becometns weli seated,' the daadlay ravagea cf Consiumption wouldý Le sf-ayed and the terbeagonieýs cfl esuffeýrere cf Asthma or Brnhtacer- p!etely abolishied- LadI breath, Cat'ýarrh, Býronchitis, Asth- Frnîs-a-tives'. tHe umec iLeina dates bis recovery fromu that til Teo-day, there is ne man ùï Vaucou, eujeying better healtb. He was building a lieuse this fail i shingled a good part off the roof à DE110-NSRATION, third spraying wichI wijl lufr Lthe I ORCi~RDDEMONTRATOIN, control of the cudling rnoýth will be lRIA 0 US BSI/T lu -NorffaUmbtrland and DMrham, -given js fe h issom8a have iFruit groxxers ofýNorhumh)erland fallen and hefore the calyces close,C and Durham counties w'illbeý glad and the formula will be 1 te 40 of te knew that the Fruit Branch of lime suiphur and 9, pounds of ar-W the Ontario Department of Agri-, senate of lead per 40 gallons of the Culture, iri co-ciieration with thie mixture. ' HDistrict Office for Northuimh.erland--runing and' demonstra,- o._S and Durham, has seen fit te take tions will he held at each fte t s" over four orcharcs for derronstra- fur orchards to give hs tes- getts, Director of the Fruit Brauch, work done and te ask any questions Toronto, is carrying on a c-ampaign -regarding it. 9ro. for hetter orchard mianagem-,ent all A special feature in this demon- anr, over the Province of Ontario te stration work will be some experi- for show that quality And quantity in monts in cnuncetion with the thin- pe appie production can heobotained niug of the fruit. It is the object led we h rhr eevspee of the experimenters to ascertain rt eatmeut, as to Iertiîizing, culti- whether or not thinng the fruit rdly vatiug, pruning and sprdying, etc. will pay the farmer xith a few acres The management of these orch- of orchard, and iuteresting resuits of ards in Northumberland au.d Dfur- are iooked foraloug this Ue, Thin- and ham will he in the hands of Mr. R.{ ning xii probably commence a ou e.S. Duncan, B.S.A., Dsikt Rep- the first -of July and continue 'ver reseutative at Port Hlope, wlîo wiîl thiroughout that month. and beasseSyM.H . Fry -of The conditions upon which these n a Vineland, Lincoln Coun ty, an asso- orchards wcre taken over are as 7 e~ alypw e ~.J AA A ~-' ~ -as B. - ACY ,ruThei ii se pîisra txnîu.w ra - KEd the1» Çor-~U ________ sgahw nto avroceîhe as rnuchas Mrie. E.Milî (assitant ad sprys theorchar thre $i,000 forhavindivdaies ef in- astMr.nwlton Que.,)(aistan postinaster tical and therough training in fruit chard, furuishes sp'ray matenial and 8 100 for ar fma in Ho d aiedsoufis- "îbolontyQeueetat wrîtes. grewing. Mr. Fry will aise Coin- pumps andAprayLIheE PIIOS TEre s of P iLLUIs.lp refrmton for aredo i-ýýh,,lbeivta"Fruit-a-tives"l plete the orchard sulrvey xvork of times, while the iarmermut a-________________ operatiensfo three years before is the greatest Rheumnatism cure iu thei Durham cuunty aiusîg mueh the nure at the raté ùf 19. loads per bytro scnein f o eluten owswrd.Tyi yeurseif.r samne linos as that carried on in acre, cultivate tboroughly until the temptaien was tee, strong. ud- cedene t yar0 ar a box, 6 fon$2.5o, triai size, 25C. Northumherland îast' summer, middle of June, sew a cever crep denly he, lifted his big, bev tickc, labor. At dealers,or froimFrut-a-tives,ýLimited,, The need of sueh werk in these and render assistance in prurnng, and brougbt it dewn Nxvîth snob Four yoars' pienal servitude was Ottawa. -1Il srpgan paigacrigtfoeonheedof.sbpaso get a kind of warmth about the the sentence meteil eut eonly last -_------ two ceunties, "Tlie Apple Coun-scaigadsrygacrintefceothhadoashpast cockles cf my heart ne other con- year te a charmiuggevrestnied te.A fie l h asrstc1 of Ontaie, is quite marked, the instructions of the Department drop.tho animal, with its ak1ull templation ean produce. in Bel-lin, and said te have heen in army ýc,)fessed te) the writer that in view of thp fact that so mauy of and board the moul while doing the crushed, dead as a stoiie. And the itterest borts I have the empiey of twe great PexVers. hsuce,'ieatchdete the old orcýhards; arc heing senieus- work. The farmer gets the apples, Hastily picking it up, hie rau a evor foît are these made by the dis- According toth evideuce at the GermanEmas in- Paris, suc- ly neglected. When we consider bttesl anth opee e ad wyadpa.di loyaity of ethers whom I thought trial, Frauleîin Petersen, frem cee nsugiganwFec h ubro ce htwr n without the consent of the Depart- amoug the furze hushies, intendiug friends 'and trusted. Nothing is Hamblurg, obtained a post as gev- rifle eut cf the ceuntry, a rifle with nuaily pianted eut te appies, par- muent, te take it home on bis way back, 50 saît and nauseous ýte the seul as eru.ess in the home of a naval cf- certain parts bis Goverument very tieularly in Northumbherland coun- Mr. Duncan is endeavoring te do and then returned te the flock. the taste of Judas in the miouth of ficer's wid.ow. This position en- much wanted te flnd eout all about. ty, up te a few years age, and the this work in a very careful mannor, They ýarrived at Tilshead 1inth memery. seat efrablcd 'bler to get acquaiute~d with 'The rifle vins obtained hy bribery,'Sudideîî decreaseocf such plantiug tn iiuinyratrl ntor-ds aaîours, aud fterd treceiving And it emtum-o this,' af- aIlnuImber of young naval officers, talcen te pieces, and packed lu bis we are led te xsouder why such is wbich wil e applicable te anyo-bsfupneSrgdsatdfo toi' aIl, is a sermon-that religion, wbom she, attracted by bier bag., His official card secured the the case. INot only are the old or- chard througheut Ontario, and it homne, walking rapidly and thlei rightly taken, is rather CHAIRMINO PERSONALITY courtesy of an unchaiionged pass- cliards, negl'ected, but maoy youug i xece ta i okwilb unngt ei io;btw.ub A FLIEDSIP ORGOD tesuc adoge. tht he as abl go 1of the Customs, and lhe tool< erchards fron '5 te 1'2 years cf age Of mucb -enefirte the apple grow- got back toe bre the sbeep wai than a love te God ; and that 'we to get from tbem .chants, plans , and advantage of that ceurtesy te pro- r osatct h enupueorso Dt ai n Nrbuneradlieîn th awn was liecoîn g a wold bttrtrnsae l teserestbtitws resn odi-vide bis employers with bis best's unsprnyed and soîne dyine'2, from cute.h nwta eeoh ol e wold hete tanlae Ilth scrtstfia i ws rese t ~ secrets. w.. of fodan___,j,______Fuit-back te Chitterne with that heavy Bihle's admonitions to love God by close,.wnt f fod ud ourevaion. Fruit- bondon on bis back people w duld h the paraphrase te hoe fiends with At least oee payment te this " __-grewing was nvrmr nnedorn rI ~~gotting up in theý vidlage and ho Qed. doyen wonian as tmaced te Brus-SURE SIGNS a "heost" than at the present tile RII[iw- oudh en Tlv obaa ovninlslwheuce she received $125 ev- - and it is te ho hoped that the tak ' The only tbîng te de was te hido seund; but te hoe a friend ef God- ýery montb, said te ho .freinan agent That yen Have Kidîîey Trouble îng eover of, these orchards hby the fI the sh.eep and returu for it on)i tha that is a searcbing and swondlike of Franco. If Y-Our hack is constantly aching District Bma'ncb wiîî have thoe de- TELLS ) ôSIJ0KR<Yfoîl owing night. He ooceailed il vvrd. It -menus te ike hlm;-,net t is remarkable te what limita and if yen oxperience duil shoeting sîred effect as their pus pose is t nas hiolocvre twt te avoid hum; te seek bis presenco; cf audacity the spy will go in or- pains, if your urine 15 thick and show as clearly and as accurately- a mass of dead bracken and berb- te ho at ho'me witbhlm; te ho cheer- dem te obtain xhat hoe knows bis cloudy or your passages frequent as possible what mnay ho accompiish- ON ATRhFRAL IR a aftnnotheln cd, consoled, quieted by thie employons will pay well fer. Somle scanty and painiful, your kidineys od througb cane aud feoding in the FOUNDA CUR FOR LL REtagoandngft treat- thought of him. tbree years ago a weii-dnessed man and bladder average orchard Lhmeugheut these ILS IN DODD'S KIDNEY ening snow- began te f ail, and aq Spoaking fer mysoîf. I eau say of gontlemanly appoarance airmived are eut of or- ceunties. PILLS. suew was ou the greund hoe dared 'that 1 nover came inte this comfor- at the outrance to the Breakwater der. Neglct The demenstration orchards are net g e te recever the sbeep, sinco tbeeltosi ltlIhdsetFort at Portland, England, and quikiy brîngs74LD situated as fellois :- bis Ïoetp ints would betmay hlm, presnt-d t thesenine a crdDuram Cunt.- WestDuram-But tbe snow fell ail nigbt, and aviay ail I bad, ever been taugbt, peete ete etnlacron rheumatisrDrbmCuty Xet ubi dard e reum uonth dbtpurponting te como fren tbe admîr- diabetes, hm Jas. Stanle-y,' Bowmanvile. One- bh vstrd onotadnn-wat must bis feeling bave been Qedha icured toar m bai thon in *Command. Ho was bago, sciatica, haîf mile west ef tuwu, Ou thein esand suffered froui Rbeuîa- xvn lho loeked at it stii f alling lu i Gdhdicre oadm y shown aîl over the fort, and net un- etc. rond,' Toronto' te Kingston, coin- tsIu w oe fD~' the rnenning and kuew that h oi rnain m, ndtek y igtfl iith crdhobn pesntd as Booth's Kid pnrisiug 80 trees, principaîîy spies, b9 ave gene for the sheep witb sale- plceasbi snatbi tbl. returued in due course te the Comn- blwîs kusadrast.Fi iducy Pilla enred ber. ty, since ail traces would baveý Lt des et equre ny ssuip-manding offices' vis it discovemed nyPlaaebe ucl biea.d tien of holineV, or sinlesaneste do t oafogr.guaranteed te ' Dunham-Nathaniel Nicholîs, Wel- enqikyoltred this; it onily needa te presume upon Ag iean lf 108rsxtensuinr relieve or yeu un oy ba ck. They corne. About foui miles north and Haxvthorne, Ont., May 22 The wentbor centý-ied ittenl y the v'astnol mindeduiess, kind- mes, icenied08,by t u depo are the wol' rtspecific fer west cof Pont Hope on the main (Specia).-Mrs. T. G. Alexander, cold, and during those hunijgry daya- ness, and ferbearing wisdom of insi Tames anidb tempe dety kiduey and bladd'er trouble. AIl Kingston read, comrpising tîo troos wife Of a well-knexvn fanuior living even that poor ceiont)r of sepn sncb a hoant as Jeassreveals to o, vhi hl enaged lu camnyiug eut druggists, 50c. box, or pestpaid ef spies, heu davss, gneoniug, pe- near bore, acýds, ler testinony te or -dezing away the time wsden- us. t requires a tremendous burst manoeuvres in the North Son frein the propniotors, Thle, R- T. waukee, duchess, baldwin and that of the thousanda who bave led him, fer the danger ofdÀ cv cf menai courage te believe God fouad themsolves always withlin Booth Ce., Lirnited, Fort Erie, snow. hearued frein their own expenience emy was ever prosont lu bis mmid-- likes the kind of man I am; but I ange o a steain tra-vler. Wheu Ont. Froc trial on application. 1 Northumberland County. - West that Dodd's JKidney Pilla cure Kid- foncshe. Ltelg was airtcrie, ou- ýdo believe it; and the result is the tfor-sx osheop stea a Sod ndguriugd i wasn-Notambrcapital obene Dsf-e groatat eticaldynaric o my lfe tenty-îx hurs hd1pasedsuSolfandduafoteed neBowanyNrthurberhndiW. G. Nble uw Diease.tweîe yaasd" o iovd bi ,1gaetehcldnmco y iecommanding officer came te the ville by Jury & Lovoîl. Port Hope. Situated about mid- "Jufee fo'ow hfeadbswf -the friendship cf Qed. conclusion that the trawler must 1way botweeu Cobourg and Port Mrs. Alexander anys. "My back and bis bilîdren, -crying te hlm fer DR. FANK RANE. ho fshingin a unusal snse. o SUCESSFL 110 RAIING.Hopeou th Kinaten oadan or nchd, mysi.ep vin bnoenua - on-foo. steaîied up tehonr, xvhen wbat was Slc osfenfmle htchard of 140 trots of spics, russets nfehng a rcsad the feod ferlte w a ynd ther is amazement te Sind ou the bridge 1 edle t ow exp ct oin dfa itters s of W agers, Bn Davis. duches and tired aud I w s toubled bih ear n te d nt gtit Ros m to, bing d l own, the nthlete .e u in d n- e d y u t x et g o it r fc ùd n t g t i. R a t m tu1 i tiu flertha D. Tems' c-maus furnished with pewerful mnr-pven' -~a te e olW. McConnell, Coiborne. Exactly and added te my suffening.doedeiinfrm thtoub th'ng fin r than D r Thom as' E c- ine g asses. midwaysobetsvlenn CoîhorndoeeandbeIw ennsoinrna vnryw sm nnda v.y cfnit was dasedistressingormast e madden- lectric Cil. t rendors the muscles legass or as long ns yen eau ceutrol thein. dwyoitassdsreinsmde- andsi nws lible tkesth scc- The names -cf the vessel and le ed huht etem -.-, a Rrîghton on the main travelled woru eut Condition w-heu 1 statted in as that of the penil ho was lui! nesa out ef them and strengthonscpanwr kedh as chance, remembering that fer de- rond, eunsisting eof 120 trocs, pnin- te use Dodd's Kidney Pilla, bot 1ILt was a full fortnigbht befoise th, thom 1er straina that may ho put wnrnod eoff. veleping tbemselves and their pigscipaliy russets and greeninga, wifh arn tbankful te say they 'gave me wisbed for tbaw came. Thern with-ý upnthein. t stands pne-emiiîîont DESIGNS ON "Gi-B." a large poî-ceutage of prten n few suew, Wagner, Canada red, relief nhmest f rom the, finat. 1£wo fbar and trembliug Sbergehd went upnpoti 5Hehlaud pippin and three spies. boxes cured me comipleteiy." fer bis sboep, onhly te, find that it fer thia purpose, and athletes vibeh The instance cof the publication ueeded. Keep their bowehs in cn-i The sou lu the firat tbnee la Clay Dodd'a Kidney Pis Cure the had been pulhed te pieces and th-1 for years have been nsiug it can of an luterier pbetegraph of the don, ospeciaily at farrewing tîî?e, loam, and lu the hast, hîght saudy Kîcfneys. Cuned Kidneya mean flesh devoumed by dogs and boxeýs'. testify te its value as a lubnicant. fimt Dreadnought lu a German pa- taking cane net te feed a looseuîug hoam h_____murtesaestane u 'I. ~~per shows bow lu'timate the inteihi- .enough diet te scour the pigs.-Re- nn htalipnte r tandet___ ___ geceseurd y pis reu.enthy mmethttedeeoion fITbese onchards have heesi plant- ob the blood. That menus pure BURIE» WITR RIS GOLD. gis. Twecyorsago, ithia a hort te me am thery glands f ed f nom 30 te 40 years, but have bhood aIl over the body and ithe POTATOES. is To easag, itinashrtth mmar gans depend ee egeteau refli ef bark hanishinent of that tired, heavy FreeliMier oo Ri Wait ~period, negotiatiens weie discover- largely on the number of pîgas in 'i bndhy lu ed n e f pingdfeig n hs aisadahs Scalioped Potatoes.-Sic-e a q the Grave te Ride From Family. tdhte ho actuofhyrlutpogassb ferofiaat hittepand, hast but notIon the sale ef secrets ef our Gibraltar make the sow take cane of the piga uht ffri a enefata muelo nna akn peatshpasced er uter a misr nme Anhne, bodefeuces, and documenta describ- by compelhing bier te astay witb theml very low grade. Tbey have nîso 11-- hku ihpael lyrc -1 mier naed Anglade who ng ou subiarill defeces sffere SRERGly LD'S SREEPand. tatees, spriukleoesspwithe saitalpepper,, died at Pan, France, recently, car- stoien ore othan ue ocasin .sc A T leprtoféa day. usadbti s oeth wh- and a scant tablespeenful of fleuir; rintopt o sfoga tu bld th balance, mbae ta out occsiofse- A brough Pil.-TO cean tho good management, lierah feeding An Englisli Farin Lanorer's Crime thn another layer of potatoes, and into r th e reve n t auy e uel e Ouesteh vach andu howeis ef im ' ,and tho negh pru ing and sprayig, and lard Luck. se on until the p tatos are used,. usîug the money. Ho b a& steadily embassies lu eue country and an- and irritants is necessary wheI tbey will respoud and give antis- One of the moat interestiug ster- thonbscaver tbe toups oftbicracke rebsîsed, te give auy information -_wMw their action is irregular. The pilI1factery resulta. les of the mauy coucern4ng sbeep- covumba ande ai ums ef tterj, about bis possessins, and ater bis that wiih do this work tboreughly Noue of the orchards wilhi ho stealing given lu Mn. W. HI. Hud- andver ahinthe poate witb mik, death bis wife made a systematie PlT Ulf~are Parmehe's Vegetable Pilla, pruued very sevorely the first year, son's recent book, "A Shepherd s nhoku,.oert ve u senncb of the bouse, witb the ne- ýPS AOBIG which are mild in action but migbty on account of teir negece centi- Life, st1hat of a South Wiltshire Friod Potatoes.-Cnt tbein initc suit that about $6,000 'sas ond in jj' lreut.Typrg-pnesy tien and the prunlng that will ho farin laborer, nnmed Shergeid. Theaaicbs u uteeg rs gold and baukuotes secreted in FRi~ï.IfE~ and offectiveiy, and werk a per- done wiil hoe more of a cleauing ont mac was eut of wonk, baviug been lard jute akihiet te keep thein frein She believed that this reprosent- GIN PILLS SENT FREE manent cure. TLîey eau ho used ef the dead woed and a thinning eut discharged, frein the fanin at the aticinig; Cook on a show fine until cd ail bis weltb, but wbeu a bauk \ewn l sfeesfei iuy'ithout fear by the moat delicately Of the to)p. Ahi the trees will lie end of the harvest. Lt was au ex- co ni h ml iapaa out-of-týe-way places. 'iiid Bladder T roers Lam 3akid cntttd ste en an- scaped thorougbly se as te facihi- ceptiouahhy cold season; there w- .tender. covor tromwitb milhk and cirk prese ted a note for p ym ent Rîseua tisinTrte btest LaIN PILLS, ad Cfnl teffec a s pr eed n rge n t i e- tate-sp ayig operations. n e food and n e fuel lu the b u e le o k u tl t e m l ia p a ,ý of a boau promised by the miser see for themselves thlat GIN PIIL.wilI' eperatien. The onchards will hoe sprayed and hoe bad a wif e ad evramal is la iedpt ifeenofen ndn and said that Anglade had a docu- really cure ail tbese troubles. -thoreugbly three turnes with com- hblîdren te kocep.arfmdpete. ment cenfirming the transaction, If youn Kidueys une weak-if it pains merciah lime suiphur. Fimat, wben One eveuing lu late Decomber a tho widow decided that lier bus- yen te uinate-i f your back aches-if A CELEBRITY. the leaf buda are bursting toecatch dreyer amrived at Chitterne, oeeCf baud must bave taken.the paper te hauds'aud foot Pare crippled with Rheu- Mr. Joues was an excellent man, the oyater aboli hnrk ouseadtse the honely isoiated villages on Sal- Enraged Creditor-"I've hand the~~~ ~~ grae atism-give GT N PILLS a chance te rsesesii iausnsnddmd hso itsrthî t 0 e-isbury Plain, wýitb a fiock cf sbeep enougb of mounting ail these stairs the grave, ~~~ ~ iprove that tbey willlrelieve you and rseosi ibuiesadO-blsemie tegh1t10Se-wihlevs iiigt ihaeeydyt cle hsbl,'Df- The grave wns epened iu, the pre- cure you. It wou't costyeu a cent. Youest su bis waya, bt no(-t dîstinguîsb- ondly, juat hefore the blossoma bcbb wa diiu e isba, vnya e 1clleetilîl." Da iCe- seuce of a magistrato. Packcts of do't have te boy thon. Simpîy write cd bon auything lu particuhar. Hua, open, for the scah enterpillar, sncb severai miles away. Ho was aux- to Wl, autîlyn iec bankuetes and bouda, wlth a nuni- us for a free sanîple. 'site, bewever, Mssý. Smith Joues, as tetaepla, aebaes ons te get te Tilshend that nigbt, of ne'ss that wilh please yn.Abten hem of other documents, inclueing ",A short tino age, 1 received a free-'sas a 'somnu of rare accempiish- cauker vverms and hud motha at a and wanted a inan te belp hlm. temrwI'ngige vente theon eue ougbt fer, 'soro found un- sampie of GIN PILLS 'shicli I have monts. She 'sas an artiat of more streugth of 1 te 35, 'sith au addi- Shorgoid 'sas on the spot, and basculent." tae wihsch od fetst Ibr- than ýordîuary nhillty, a brilliant tien of 2 pounda of arsenate of lend undeto egiwt l e h donth mn' ampia. Opor 'itti enclose Soc for a box et thei. fm-ti4 ain ft ~ T suin of fourpeuce. They sof lt eut BLOOE HOLMES C0G1TATE1. tunnity 'sas taken te searcb n bain- believe GIN PILLS are just the things pianist, and possessed a 'sc fr-f 0glon ftemxue h hen it 'sas getcing dank. ,Thcýý beo cane wbicb, acerdiug te Ang- for me." RICHAxan HAMLVN, marisable sweetnes, a and power. _______________ h(eep woso put on the rend!, 1tue iSýhele lade's 1ing -wish, 'sas bnrred 'sîth EnauNcu RIvnR. At n largo party ou evcnîng, at deere"Il-r hoBc, a d f,ýIhi0IS hlm. Each section of the cane 'sas GIN PL.LS are so caliedbecause tiey 'shich she and ber- hush,1aud 'sOi'O ergold folloied at tiýse t11,iSt opffIar fou t nauntsand gohd ucntain the mnedicinal principfle of prescrit, lier inigiuig aptivnted a Lt'asa cold,cody nh, , 0fal es 'srapp)]ez le cotten 'seel. Juniper bennies, the esseutial priucipleof stranger shevins ue of the guesta, ! th ýrenteuiug snow. and s c'ki fs to- _______Gin, but de not contain alcohol. 500. a and hoe nskod te hobuintroducod te hno cudhrdiy itîgs h sti. 110WSHE NBW box 6 fr $~O- t deier. au hon ha requ.est 'wssgranted. -the dim bmaof even the idna -ýN~ * HOW SHE KNEW, ~~guaraeteed togivesatisfaction ornxueneraÀuoy 1 'ý' 0 ( rende.Smpeo fe i e wieAtfte r afesmnue'hnoralneep. By and by the temaioti mii, aleud, tco Hubad I sodr shh er u s. Naitional Drug and Chetuicai Ce., the hostesa aeadtesu o can th bbyh-) t steal eue assaihed hlm. Ho is Il the peeple our ne's neighbhrs are. I Dept. A. oet.5 1sy togfthnragohr ,easy, ho,'sas-a-hig,- powe>fuh1man. cas1 is-1i-i C;; X. EC tli li"ý i a il 1 M 9 k '0 m ilib gaulb was a pa U'Z' 1 dr-".ý.-- Li -plir (2lit ilialy ... 1 1 .

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