-........._____________________________________ BOWMANýVILL1'B, mAY 25, 1911. Auiditors' Statement Tiiwn of Bowmanville for 1910~ To liis WVorship the Mayo)r and Counici .li oToum 'j Bowman ille. GENTLMEN:We, the undersigned aud- tors, b eg to report that we have examined the books and accounts of the several officers of thec Town and also those of the High and Public Schoois for the year 1910 and findt the same in harmony with the reports and detailed statements herewith submitted. A. BARBER }Auditors. J. N. McDOUGALL, Dated March 5th, 1911. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSFMENTS 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THEE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, I910, RECEIPIR Balance Dec. 3 Ist, 1909 ...$ 48 41 Public Property............... 607 65 Fire and Water....... ........ 449 05 Cemetery ..... ................935 00 Sundries (Railway Tax)........ 129 39 Loans ............. ..........3650o 00 Debentures (Refund).......... 1591 45 Propcrty Tax i1 9 0 9 ý.. 1426 43 Arrears of Taxes ............... 216 46 Dog Tax 1909.......... ........ 2 00 Dog Tax 1910 ................. 200 00 Statute Labor Tax 1910......... 74 00 Graham & Finkle Mort. Acc't. 6o 93 Licenses ....i. ..............55 00 Electric Light Plant........... 1166D 55 Fines and Fees............... 176 20 Legisiative Grant Public School 265 00 Property Tax 1910........... 29302 46 $83799 98 EXPENDITURES Roads and Streets.... ........$s 2821 93 Public Property... ........... 2589 70 Poor Relief ................... 311 SI Police ............ ........... 1377 92 Printing ...................... 277 72 Fire and Water ............... :667 63 Cemetery.......... ....... ... 643 10 Salaries ......................1211 00 Sundries........ ............ 434 58 Loans ...... ................ 37250 0 Interest...........-......... 430 91 Debentixres ..... .............. 7899 96 Local Improvement Debentures 2257 42 Graham & Finkie Mort. Acct- 225 00 Charged tb Lands ...............19 00 Electrie Light Plant........... 12421 35 Public School Grant .........6215 00 High School Grant ............ 2500 0 County Rate... ...............1905 90 Street Watering. .............. 315 00 Balance .-...... «............25 35 $83799 98 ASSETS AND LiABiLITIES 0F THIE TowN 0F BoWMANVILLE ASSETS Balance in Bank of Montreal ...$ Unpaid Taxes............... Premiums .................. Arrears of Taxes ............. Rent .. ........ Water ............ Cemetcrv .... 1..... Fire anid Waler......... ..... Ceme).tery ..........-....-... Scliool ,Property. ........... Public Properîy......... ...2 Puiblic Properly Lands... Stone Crusher................ Foundry Building....... -.... Mrs. Padden Properîy.....,.... Station Liglit............... Charged againsl Lands...... Evaporator Mortgage acct .. Local Improvemnent Debentures Cash in Police Magistrate'shands 25 3S 1318 801 5500. 128 IS 25 00 50 73 223 00 10000 001 3400 O00 464oo o00 20000 00 1200 00 80(y 0o 5000 00 125 0 36 50 19 00 2083 43 585 00 5 26 Cash in Clerk's bands...........37 75 Elecric Lighl Plant ........... 13500 0 tI05,0I7 97 LIABILITIES Debentures, Consolidabed . $46564 35 " D.0.& P Co ..... 1642 83 de Durham Rubbcr Co 2649 86 " Fire Engine.... ... 1486 20 " Bow. Foundry Bldg 3223 o6 le e "I Mac'ry 592 74 " Evaporator Bonus. 2449 50 " Town Hall....... 3673 80 " Dur. Rub. Co. bonus 12271 65 " Graham & Finkle Mortgage accî. 283 30 Electric Liglit..1..12000 00 Note payable Bank of Montreal 1250 00 Balance ., .....~.... ....... 169io 68 $105,017 97 Chemical Engine, One Deben- bure Note, Due 1911 Witli- out Interest.............. $ 229 00 Local Improvement ist Issue...1. $2,892 20 2nd Issue ..... . .6,905 74 3rd Issue .....,.. 557 66 20355 6o ASSETS AND LIi LITIES ASSETS Balance in Bank Jan. Ist......25 35 de Il Clerk's Hands ........37 75 44~ Police Magis. Hands 5 26 "44 Collector's Hand .. 33 il Unpaid Taxes..........1318 8o Arrears of Taxes ...... ......128 15 Premiums ..-ý...............55 00 Rents ..ýý..................25 00 Station Light.............. 36 50 Arrears of Water. . . ........... 50 73 Cemelery ............ ........223 00 Stock & Fixtures, Elecric Lighl 524 00 $2462 75 LIABfILITIES Note Discountcd ........$ 1250 00 Graham & Finkle.... .......... 283 30 Debenture N"1o, 86-............ 305 50 Accts. Not Presented, Estimated 500 OO Balance........ ....... ....... 123 95 BOWMANVILLE HIGn SCHOOL RECEIPTS Gloverniment Grant -.......... $ 922 76 Counties' Grant. .....- 922 76 Count ýi,' ies'Grn Maintenance 1007 90 Towv-n Gat..........2500 0 1F'ee -.-.>.>.............. .....296 90 Football Club (U-se of Campus). Io 00 IBalance on hand Dec. 31., 190., 86ý oo $5746 32 J. Eliolt, Princjia......$-1399 92 A. R. Camneron, Asst. Te-aclier 7 3 3 36 MiEss MvcEacbrjeï-, " 666 68 Dr. Dned, " " 466 64 M'iss Nchiol, ' r 300 0 0 Miss Stevens, " .r 300 00 t J. S. Mooreraft, Sec'y-Treas. 69 >96 L. Jollow, janitor........... 334 92 Sundries Entrance Exams., Conducting. 6z 90 Deparîmental Exams., " - 35 50 Printing............... ....... 22 21 Stationery.................... 36 18 Fuel ............ ............. 259 88 Library Map, &c.............. 4 50 Apparatus..................... 7 75 Chemnicals..................... 38 64 Supplies...................... i0 64 Interest....................... 80 95 Expense unclassed.............. 30 33 Sehool Ground Improvements 39 40 School Building Repairs......... 89 35 Balance on hand, Standard Bank 89 93 $5746 32 We cerlify that vie have examincd the High School accounts for the year 1910 and found the same correct. A. BARBER, Auditors. J. N. McDoUGAL-L,) RECEIPTS AND DiSBURSEMENTS BY CLERK RECEIPTS Cash on hand Jan. , 1, 191...$ 37 75 Hay Scales......... ......... 85 80 Cemetery...........935 00 Fire and Water.............. 449 O5 Town Hall.... ...............2480oo Public Properly............... 337 35 Licenses.................... ...QO0 Elecric Lighl....... ......... 36 50 $2184 45 CREDITS By Deposits in Bank... .ý...... $ 2146 70 By Balance on baud Dec. 31, 'Io0 -37 75 $2284 45 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, ELEC-_ TRIC LIGET DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS Current Metre rates and Supplies$ 3368 38 Balance................ ...... 1253 67 $462 05 DiSBURSEMENTS Supplies chargcd 10 Capital acc.$ 1010 JO Ordinary....... .... 854 37 Fuel Account ............... 971 46 Expenses .......... ......_....1016o Taxes................... 312 00 Salaries Jenkinson.......... $380 35 Graham........ ... 242 75 Burns..... .... ... 214 20 Lyle............... 62 50$ 899 80 Labor................. ...... 472 72 $4622 05 AssETS AND LIABILITIES 0F ELECTRIC LIGHT DEPARTMENT ASSETS Arrears for December, 1910 .... $ 294 41 Arrears prior 10 Dec., 1910, Est 51 o0 Balance ...................... 930 06 .$ 1275 47 LIABILITIES Outstanding Accounts......... $ 21 8o Balance Disbursements........ 1253 67 $1275 47 We are unable 10 give a more definite statement as 10 Assets and Liabilities in connection with the Eleclric Light accoi.ml owing 10 the fact liaI we wcre not able 'bo- oblain a Stock ýheet showing bhc amount of stock, as Fuel Supplies, etc., on band Dec. 31St, 1910. A. BARBER, Auirs JN. M DouGALL, j uios OS HA WA Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paul recently vîsited relatives in the City., Mr. and Mrs. Newiton Johins spent the week-end wilb Toronto friends. Miss Irene Bray, Enfield, visiled ber aunt, Mrs. Thos. Bradley, recenîly. daughter, Mrs, Gumpriclit, Pelerboro. Miss Amanda E. Bond recently visiled lier sister, Mrs. H. J. Harris, Parkdale. Miss Dorothy Hoig, St. Hilda's College, Toronto, is holidaying witli ber parents. Mrs. (Dr.>' Alfred and litîledaugliter, Philadelphia. Pa., are guesîs of lier molli- er, Mr. Robt. McLaughlin., Miss May Dillon bas been appoînted or- ganist and Miss E. Dale Sinclair, choir leader in the Preshylerian church. Mr. Earl Baîty bas successfully passcd bis first year's examinations at bthe On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph. 1Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Luher J. Staînton attended anniver- sary services at Tyrone Sunday, guests of Mr. M. J. Werry. >Dr. Lyman Lauchland, Dundas, and Mr. Norman Lauchlaud, Montreal, attended thie funeral of their father, tbc laIe Mr. Wm. Lauchland, one of the oldest and most highly respected citixens of bbc town, who passed away at bis home on Simcoe- st., S., after a brief illness. Mr. D. M. Tod held the annual formal opening of bis handsome ice cream parlors Saburday niglit, whicli were beautifully and artistically decoratcd wiîh roses, car- nations, lily of tie valley anid palms. An orchestra provided music while the large crowds enjoyed lie varions concoctions served by an efficient staff of waiter.s. A fine liîerary and musical concert was given in Medcalf-st. Methodist chorcli May 16 under auspices of Epwortb League. Mrs. Jean Blewett, our popular Canadian poeîess, who bas appeared in Ibis cliurch Iliree years, in succession, vias greeted with rounds of applause and gracefully acknowiedged tbe warm welcome given ber. Her ciief numbers were: I Homesickness of Mrs. McGuirc," 1ow LixbehlEncooraged Her Basiful Miis- ister," "Tic Workman," "Cyulia5" and by request "ýTortoise Brovin" anj "Old Fashioned Fnlks," and wias recalletl eaci time. The piano duel by Mrs. 4. Bale and Miss E. Kîrby was skilfully reâdered, as was also the piano solo by M s Ida Arn ttwhnm îsagiftied-yonng L f Miss Bambridge. Miss Irene Bra.ý En- field'sang two solos very sweetly an re- spondcd 10 an encore. Master Clarende Ryder, a six-ycar-old boy, greatly pleased tic audience witi bis> vocal solos. Mr. Roit. Henderson, viho is always well re- ceived, sang "The King's Own" and gave an equaily fine encore. Miss E. Kirby and Mr. H. Salmond wer-e eiien ccom- p aniiis ts. For Infants aud Czlin The Kinid You Bave AwayS Bouught Bears the~ ' Signature of COMING ANNIVERSARIES Salem ................ ...... May 2ý Eldad ..... ........ I...... .. ..28-2ý Bethesda ............. -........ June È Hampton.............. lune 25, JUly Haydon .................. 25, jUly' SALEM 8q e -:ý~101. ::. 11r Mr.1~ E..> Mada ha enî 1Mr and Mrs R J Luke, Kedron, vi8iî- ed at Mr W Werry's... No Division this week.-...Mrs J Hall, Enfield, visiîed aI Mr A L Pascoe's... Several from liere atlended anuiversary services aI Ennis- killen and Tyrone and the churcli parade aI Hampton Sunday ...Mr Gordon Reynolds lias arrived home frein. Winni- peg, where hee bas been coufiued in lie hospital for many weel.s witb rheuinatie fever. Hie sîood the journey welsud is iinproving slowly. ... Mr J Baker bas laid the corner stone of bis uew rasidence -..Mr A B3 Crydermani is training the seliolars for lie anniversV~. Buggie s! Buggies! Cal. and sec our samples as most of lhem w.kfi go ouI aI end of week. F. H. Masn & Son. TYRONE, Recent visitors: Rev. A. M. Irwin, B. A., B. D., Newcastle, guest of W. R. and Mrs. Clemeus; Mrs. Jackson and Miss Jackson, Millbrook, aI Mr. Wm. Hambly"s; Mr. Vice and daugiler Mona, Mr. and Mrs. Leecli, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry and dauglter Audrey, Solina, Mr. Thos. and Miss Lillie Penfoud, Mapie Grove, aI Mr. J. H. Mutton's; Mr. and Mrs, H. Pye, Bowmauville, withilber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Branlon; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cann and famnily, Salem, aI Mr. Samuel Hooper's; Miss Rutledge aI Mr. Wm. Challis'; Mrs, L. T. Courtice, Calgary, Alla., with bier sister, Mrs. A. H. Brent; Mr. aud Mrs. H. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Stainlon, Oshawia, aI Mr. M. J. Wer- ry's; Mrs. Chas. Dawison, Moutreal, witi -lier daugiter, Mrs. A. W. Clemens. . Aithougli extremely bot vicather pre- vailed, large cougregalions stîended tie S. S. annivcrsary services Sunday. At 10.30 a. m. an intcresting program, con- sistîng of a chorus of welcome by thie children, recilations by Harold'Clemens, Gordon Farrell and Mary Richards, thre quartettes by tie juniors, a solo by Miss Evelyn Brent, a good report of last year's work of the S. S. by Mr. Alex. Sîaples, jr.,-an«--a -ca-pt-al -TallUwiihcliiden n "Makiug a Success of Life" by Rev, A. M. Irwin, B. A., B. D. Tic importance of 1 ueinîmendiag lie good conduct of chilîdren was forcefully impressed upon parents and guardins, vibo were advised 10 keep a firm h lold uipon -Lte ffectfions- of the littie ones. At tle evenîng 1-servi(ce Rev. Mr.ý Irin ,a gain miade ?a sir-ited adeso opmenî i',of youing People in tI-c adolscent pcriod of life. Tic cboLir ingood \voice rendered ltwo splendIidsectoswic all appreciatcd , and the, conîribulions to tbc treasory of bic SundLay Scbhool were very libers,makingtle services of 1911 altogellier higblysaifcoy...Tun bon and Tyronle football teams played a lic g-ame hlere on Frîday, score t-i. McILaLlgblin & Gray Buggecgit styles. Make chloice beforýe cdelivery 10À customiers. F. H. IMason & Son. evening Rev. H. T. Lewis, Oshavia, was the speaker. Mr. Fred Troîl also gave an address, and music was rendered by Eben- ezer Maie Quartette and a solo by Mr. Frank Wallers, Courtice. Women with pale, coioriess faces, wlio feel week and discoursgcd, will receive boîli mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's rou puIs, vihicli are made for lhe blood, nerves and complexion, IENNISKILLEN Methodist anniversary services Sun- day, held Ibrougli the kindness of lie Presbyleîian friends iii their larger cliorcli, vere well atlended, especially in the eveuing, aud despite lie intens-, beal. 11ev S G Rorke spolie in lie morniug on seed-time sud barvost. ie toldlie aud- ience the necessary altributes for lie in- [tervcning space ncîveen Ibese perioda were failli, hope and courage The sing- ing of the ehîdren lu lie mrnring vias mouch appreciated . Text of the eveuing service was 'Bearing hardness as good soldiers for Jesos Christ." lie congre- galion cerlainly bore lie beal as Lyood soldiers. lie choir, as us'îal, rendered excellent service, sud Misa, Irene H. Bray, Eufield, also sang a solo le lie pleasure of ail.-...Our village vas higbly deligbled over the soccess of our football team in playing willi Bowimanville. . Mr sud Mrs F W Lee and Mrs J A Jew-. cli auloed 10 Bowimanvilie tb bear Hon JuisticeRiddell'.s address. Messrs J J I irlue and G B Fraser also atendled .... Mr G B Fraser was called 10 Havelock Salurday by tie deali of a ncpew. ... . .- .Mr aud-Mrs Fred Rogers, Whilby, Mr and Mrs Lutlier B Bradley and lilîle Ruby Frances, Canninglon, aud Miss Ireýne Il Bray, Enfield, vîsiîed aI Mr- F W Lees ..... 11ev sud Mrs S G Rorke, Welconie, alîlie parsouage. .. .. Mrs J T'rirumýer sud lutIle daugliter Mary, Tor- noaI ber fatber's, Mr J1 W Virtue.... Mr sud Mrs A Morris aud l:tle daugli- terOroun, t1rasSe IDrt-. -Mr7 sutd Mrs Ebter Sandeî son sud daugbîer Maret, Oshawa, aI Mrs F Sanderson's , .Mis (Dr) L B Williams suddag. 1ec L.uela, Toronto, with Mrs C J Ps eoe at "Ced,,ar Lodge ...Miss Franices Couleoy, Messrs Robert Dickinson, o JacmausudHarry Walkr, to, aI MJr E-n,)ci lees' _.Mr AhuIAln Base Line-,su Mrs Chas Roger,Hamp. tnaIMr Joh1n Pye' .s. D2r. J. D. cKclogg'S Dys enl e ryCCo rIal i s -ey coeaimorbuis sud alI iufiammatory disordeurs tatchange 0(f fodor! ae may,,set up in ie sLolmaci suinteties Thes coplantsarc miorecmmni somr Iban in winer, but Ihey are nol confir>ed 1 the cvarm montis5, asl undue laness of thfe bolvels mray sý1eeaana reif in Ibis Cordial, 1 Wesley Glaspell's, Taunton, for nîgil. Thursday, 10 W. Furscy's, lot 30, B. F, Darlington, for nigil. Friday 10 bis own stable util Tuesday. Terms $14. JOH-N' JOLL, Manager. PRINCE PRIAM (3616) [108541, tlie property of Robert Beilli, yul stand for season of 1911 as follovis: Monday noon, May 22, will leave bis own stable, Waver- ley Stock Farm, ýBowmanville, sud pro- ceed 10 Oriental Hotel, Newcastle, niglit. Tuesday, velumn home at nigil. Wedncs- day, 10 Hampton Temperance Hotel, noon; thence 10 Thos. Baker's.. Solina, nigit, sud remain util Tiursday noon. Tbursday alternoon, 10 John Oke's, lot 32, con. 2, Darlinglon, nigit. Friday, re- turu 10 bis owu stable util Monday noon. Termas $15. ABEL SCOTT, Manager. HARRY WILKS-Tlie well-kuown and popular trotting stallion, "Harry Wilks," yll ot observe a regular route during thc scason of i911, but will be roaded 10 any reasonable point 10 mccl those desiring bis service. Harry Wîlks is lie sire of Harry WilkS 2.34, Hazel WilkS 2.31, Eva Wilks 2.16, aud Muriel Wilks 2.i8'2, sud is acknowledgcd 10 bu tic best sire of road horses iu Ibis section of tic Province. AIl communications should be addressed 1o0O. A. GAMSBY, Maple Ave., Orono. Tcrms, $1010o insure. Bell Phone. 20-tf LEWIE MACINNES, 44,17, the im- ported Clydesdale Stallion, property of Thomas Hylaud & Sons, Cadmus, wilI make tic season of 1911i as follois : Tues-1 day, will leave bis own stable, lot 21, con. 3, Cartwright, sud proceed t0 Temper- suce House, Bîackstock, nigil. Wednes- day 10 bis ovin stable. Thursday afler- noon proceed 10 Te.mperance flouse, Burketoîî, niglil. Friday lu Richard Asi- îon's, Haydon; thence 10 Rd. Hawkey's, Tyrone, nigit. Salurday 10 Wallace Mil- le's, roon; tieuce 10 bis ovin stableuIll Tuesday., Terms $i0. THos. HYL tND & SONS, Proprietors. YEIAHIS,- 119921 6.7972 (533-bb-th imported Percheron- stallion, licý property of Mr. G. W. Soper, yull make season of 1911 as follovis: Monday, leave bis ovin stable, lot 8, Broken Front, Darlinglon, suid roceed 10 Blake Curticeý's, Cour- lice, noon; thence'10 Commercial hotel, Osawa, for ;igit. Tues7daiy 10 o hn Shrp's lt4, con. 7,ib, noon,- t ue 10 A. T10,iîo'lo2z,con. 4, Drigofor nigit. Wdedy pro- ceed 10 A. E. euigaTem,-peraný-ce nigt. hurday10Alexander Ru1er- ford& Sn's Kibynoo; bietuce 10 Sop)er BrsKýen-dal, n-igit. ,Friday 10tempener- suc-fotl, Nevloniville, ii. Str day proceed 10Oriental Hotel, Newcastle, noou~ ienc 10 hs oinstable util NMon- dlay iioriirig. Terins $Sig. W~t BARABEManager. I -~ -~ 1 1 Sunday School annîversarv will be hel on Sunday May 28. Sermons will be preached at 2.30 p.m. by Rev. John Gar- bull, Bowmanville, Chaîrman of the Dist- rict, and at 7.30 p.m. by Pastor H. S. Spence, B.A., B.D. Singing by the school at both services. Collections in aid of school funds. d n i Refrîgerators, davenport bedsad i- chen cabinets. F.HI-. Masen& Son. HAMPTON4. Mrs. Wm. Scott, Danforth, Miss Irene Peters, Toronto, have been wilh Mrs. Wm. Peters for a short holiday..Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams,Oshawa, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Williams..Miss Florence VanNest, Bowmauviile, spent Sunday wilh Miss Miidred Cole. For years Mother Graves' Worm exter- minalor h is ranked as the most effective preparation manufaclured, and it always maintains ils reputalion., 1 Roofing, ail kinds. F. il. )'ason & Son. COURTICE Visitors:-Miss Addie Nichols with her aunt in Toronto,- Miss Gertrude Brooks, 0. L. C., Whitby, at home ý,ccompanied by Miss Ethel Dale and Miss Vivian Rouse; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nichols aI Havdon..A number from Ibis localitv attendcd Anniversary services Sunday aI S. S. No. 3, evening service aI Ebenezer being withdrawn. ..Ebenezer S. S. an- iversary wiil bc held June iith-i2th. Par- ticulars later ...Mrs. A. Wyborn and daugbter Della, who have been spending the winter with lier brother and ollier relatives at Grand Rapids, Midi., are1 home. , > Brantford Roofing-betr ind cheaper1 Ihan shingles. F. H. Masoiý1& Son. Those unhappy persons viho sufer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Car- ter's Little Nerve Pilîs, which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic sufferers. Prîce 25 cents, SOLINA. Miss Nelson, an cxperienced dressmaker1 is prepared 10 do sewing by tlie day or aI bbc residence of Mr. James Jebson, Rog- ers' Farm, Darlington. Sunday ScItool anniversary will be held as follows: Sunday May 28, sermons will be preached aI 2.30 p.m. by Rev.T. H. P. Anderson, Hampton, and at 7 p.-. by Rev. John Garbutt, Bowmanville, Chair- mnan of bbc District. Singing by school ini aflernoon and by choir li even-ing. Collection in aid of sehool funds. Moniday May 29 aI 2 p.m. a good program will be given by the scliool consisting of dial- ogues, recitations and singing. At 4.30, p.m. a football game will be played, Ty- rone vs. Taunton. At 8 p.m. a lecture will be gîven by Rev. W. B. Caswell, Tor- onto, on "The Top Flat." Mr. and Mrs. James Jebson will sing a duel and Miss Laura B. Bragg, Providence, will sing a solo. Public cordially invite&. Gel your Anniversary Oulfit from the Anderson Clothing Co. You will know that it is the 'laîest style and the best value you can gel for your money. Be- sides you will have ten suits t0 choose HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Dr. Dandeno, the science master of the school, will be pleased to give any infor- mation he can which is likely to be help- ful t0 the agriculturists of the community. Recentiy a prominent orchard man of the district suïbmitted for examination some twigs and branches of young apple trees which were seriously injured by some pest to him unknown. Dr. Dandeno's re- port is as follows: The trouble is due to an insect called the "Buffa lo Tree Hfopper." INJURY-The damage is the result of in- jury to the bark, made when the insect is depositing its eggs. A deep slit is cut (lcngbbwise with the twig) through to the living wood, and the wound thus made heals very slowly, partly because a secre- tion poisonous te plants surrounds the eggs. Branches so wounded are subject to other diseases, and often become s0 weakenedÏ as te break down. The wounds are nearly always on the upper side, and the damiage is confined to young trees. HABITS -The egg hatches dut in early summer and the larvae, afler escaping from the eggs, drop 10 the gronnd. If succulent herbage, such as weeds, be near by, the larva makes ils way to these and feeds vigorousiy upon them. While feed- ing upon Ihese succulent plants, the larva undergoes several transformations resuît- ing ultimately in a peculiar duil-green, triangular insect with very small wings. This insecl "hops" about from place 10 place and when ready to lay ils eggs, mov« to the younger branches of trees which may bc near at hand. There it culs several slits and dep.osits ïls eggs he- tween the bai&k and wood. TREES AF- FECTED-In this locality we have seen apple, pear and cherry trees seriously in- jured. It is said that raspberries and other shrubs are also subject te attack. REMEDYSo far as can be learned, il seems that there is no direct remedy. A recent bulletin of the Geneva Experiment Station regarding this insect gives out the statement that dlean cultivalion (meaning the destruction of weeds, grass, etc, around the trees and along neîghboring fences) is the only remedy. However, there can be no doubt that proper spraying would dlm- inish the injury by prcvening 'other in- sects or fungi from using the egg wounds as means of infection. In- case green herbage is nol near at hand, the insects have been known to feed upon leaves of pear trees, and in some instances 10 girdle the twigs. In such cases, spraying would certainly check the insect, especially if some insect poison be used in the spray iiquid. APPEARANCE 0F INJURY-The bark on the upper side, near the crown of the tree, (one 10 six or eight years old) has a scarred appearance, each scar with pointed ends, rougb, and of about a quar- ter of an inch in lengîli, but varying con- siderably. Nearly every voung orchard in this neighborhood appears 10 be affect- cd. Smart Weed and Belladonna, combined with the other ingredients used in the best porous plasters, make Carter's S . W. & B. Bactrache Plasters the best in the markret. Price 25 cents. DARLINGTON Mr. josephi Wilson, Toronto, has been1 renewing old acq.uaintances here.... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood visited friends at Hampton...Miss AIma James, Miss Merle Poweý-ýr and Mr. J. D. Storie, Osha- wa, visited aI Mr, Thos. Power's. . .. Mr. R. McLatighlin, Oshawa, visited Mr. F. T.1 Guy ...Union Sunday Schoool--held a very successful annîversary Sunday. Ad- dresses were given by Rev, Jos. Barnes, J. D. Storie, R. Mc Laugiilin and Rev. jas. Hodges. Singing by the sçhool, duels by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Piekard, town, and a recitation by Miss Alma James, St. Thomas, completed the program. In the Lut*UHIYNi Who is now reaping thé golden harvest of the painting season. Protect your reputation by using Thne Martin-Senour Pai«nt 100%0/ Pure Scientifically correct propJortions Pure White Lead, Pure Zinc Oxide, Pure Linseed 011, Turpentine and Drier, nlo adulte ration or substi- tution of anykid Write us for chemical analysis. W. H.IDUSTInA N The Quality Hardware. be tder, rauI-i Voilag, taudanoyo r oni -I Asf-c Ohie- !,or 3 tbu t .1lg,,nd h.g1v, Ib is made in Canada. TI, mnarnduty t10rpay. Iow ,t prims, iower freight froso a HOME i dus iry. Our bookenu Spsoyngis j, ren. W i, fr a roy. FERTILIZERS W" aise ssll NitraeiofSoda. Muriaie o! Poîass, Suipbais o£of uaand Acid Fopae Sold b 'y Jury & LvlBwavle Deering Implemfents Stand the Test. Farmers "wvho know" use and re- commend Deering Implements, "il the time". They are made for work and- stand the closest inspection. See ourt Clover Leaf Mlanare Spreader Il has alother makes bet- ,-- lit1rea waggon, hawcn lswpron spreads 3 to 30 loads to the acre. i is only a few improvements over o Shi-eet MetalMae~ i have been appoînted local agent for Meýtal Sinigle & "'SidingL Co., of Preston, manlufa'ctu-rer-s ofthle famo)us Safe Lock Single and ail sheet metal buýiding materials, in goodl repair compilIete with pulleys! A greatl bargain.- FRED T. HOBBS, Three Doors West of Express Offlice> Phone 166> Bowmnanville. FARMERS' PRODUCE. James MacConuacie wisbes 10 inform the public lia I bsoffce sud varebouse wilI bc open only on Tbursdays, Frîdays sud Saîurdays during bbc motis of April, May, Jonc sud July wlien be vill bc pleas- cd7 10 receive produce from farmers and oliers wisbiiîg 10 dispose of same. i5-If Bowmanville, April i0, 1911. CREAM SEPARATOR TRADE FEAR EXPRESSED 0F COMPETITION FROM MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY Tic fllowing is a clipping taken from The Toronto Globe of May 201h 1911 in a despaîci from Washington, D. C.:-"A remarkable appearance vias that of Fran- cis J. Areud, manager of tic De Laval Separator Companv of Newi York. He objected 10 lie duty ieiug removed from cream separators, althougi be bas for years had free addd5s 10 Canadian market sud does quite s rade tbere. Hie said il would bc giving tic Canaadian makers a big market sud getIiug uothing lu retoru. Hie prophesied biat in five years, viti duty off, tic Massey-Harris Company would bave a quarter of lie trade in United States." The Massey-Hsrris Crcsm Separator must bc a dandy wien a leading oppo- sition fears competilion from Ibis big Can- adian Conseru. From tic above siate- ment people siould bu convinccd tiat F. H. Mason & Son arc bandîing machines liat liere should bu no qesitation about buying. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS Spucial meetings- undur auspices of West Durham Women's Institutu viii bu ield as foliovis:-Kendal, Metiodisî S. S. -Room, Mouday May 29i aI 2.30 P. m. Mrs. W. J., Hunier, Pleasaut, oun" Plea for thc Boy". Orono, Council Room, Tuesday May 30 aI 2.30 p.m. Mrs. HunIer, "Don'I Worry". Newtonvîlle, Wcdncsday MaY 31st, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. HunIer, "Little tbings liaI [make home bappy sud otiervise". Mrs. HunIer isone of oor progressive Womcn's Insiituteimembers, an efficient district officer lun Peel Couuty, aud is mis- tress of a fine coutry home. Tue Local branches vili also assisl ou lieprogram. A cordial invitation is exîendcd 10 every lady 10 participate in Ibese inter- esting sud profitable sessions. Miss R. A. WALSH, E. E. HAYCRAFT, DisI. Presideul. Dist. Secretary. HORSE ROUTES. MAIDENHALL (8459) (14484) tic im- ported Clydesdale stallion, vilI stand aI bis owu stable, Maple Grove, for bbc seas- on of iqît, excepî Mouday noon at Geo. Aunis, Ebenezer, sud Tliursday noon aI Ciris. Cox's, lot 7, con. 2, Darlinglon. Terms $15. CHESTER POWER, Propri- etor. MUCKLE WILKS, bbc famous trotting stallion, vill make thie season of 1911 as follovis: Tuesday, May 23. vijîl leave lis ovu stable, lot 21, con. 3, Cartwiright, sud- proceed 10 Temperance flouse, Black- stock, nîgit; Ilience 10 bis ovin stable u- Iil tie folloviug Tuesday aflernoon. Terms $io, TriOS, H)-L AND & SONS, Proprictors, PRIDE 0F ALL, 1365 2, wilI make the season of 1911 as follovis: Tuesday, May 23, vill leave his ovin stable, Hampton, aud proceed 10 R. Havkey's, Tyrone, noon; Ibence 10 bis ovu stable for nigit. Wednesdav, proceed 10 E. Aunis', lot 25, A10 T- i 1SHO'T-r We caui show you ton suits to any other stores o)ne. The most to choose from and the most for your money. Tihis Week's Specials We have about 35 Men's 2 piece Suits in light Gray' Fawns plain and-striped, light weight, cuifs on pants, right-up-date, We did not get a chance at these suits during our big sale, but are g-oiu toclartemno-te slire.for $10, $8.50, $59 7.50-A great chance for a summer suit. WTe will sell them while they iast for ........... ................ Great Suap iii Solt FeIt Hats We have about 7 5 Men's soft hats, ail shapes. We did not 'Show them during our big sale in December as they were then 50 unseasonable They are worth $2, $1-75, $1.50, $1.s0ê We wîhl clear them at .... .............................. This Store will close tvery Wednesday afternôoui at 12.30 Dùring Mùy and Àugust. The Anderson Clothing Co, 4SUCCESSORS TO The Mason Clothlng Co. THE MA# BEHINU -t 1 1- -r -L ý-r 1- -L 0L -r HE. RE OFF TO A. GOOD STÂRT