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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1911, p. 1

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~ns il ~~~Yo ayea' !iadvance; $1 .50 to Uie tts BOWMAVJLLE ONTAJO, URSDAY, JUTNE î, îgii. VÔL. LVII. NO. 22. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors. NOTICE TO H'eOUSEKEEPEPRS 1 CURTAINS, CARPETS, RUGS AND LINOLEUJMS COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMANarshwnà spenidcoletinof Lace Curtains inWhteanICeam, adaScrirns, Bungoalow îNett, etc. CARPEtTS in Union, WVool, Tape-str, Busls eve An elgant range o)f RUGS alize n\ol aety Bruissels, \'el vet, Axmi-inster, and Xitn L-4ILCOTH!SJUNID AINCOLEf:UVX ail widths, no ete goods, no better valuei(-anywhere. CO0U CUriJOULIN S TO(,'N &CRY D àERA AN BDOWMANVILLE. pe_ NEW , SPN Foýr1la d Ies wear T1HE FrChidren GE-RIMAIN For boys, THE PALACE And the SLATER For Men. rcýady, as uavec-, t o w you tlie THE BUIRNS GO. OSHAWA; ONT. MiNf FOUR CORNERS. V*'lîv commit t xorex o t prou jl.uin n110 bliy ii ussulire in .îî ;',nfni S as te Lonot, êrth fore A f i 7et ulO ' bîd it y uil h1 a nu e thirce 5i0. îO xbc r I UÏ -BKF[ ES 7A BLISHE9 1<17 Capital -$ 14,400,000 Rest- - $12,000,6000 Total Assets $183,169,159 H~ead office, Montreal. À'J .MCeIn IMaaeBwauieBanh Aie yon going tu England this summer? Boats begin runniug tromn Montreal first w eek utf May. Btter consult M. A. Jam!es e?!rî about tickets. Boats are ta stý fi'g up. as nI orse Shoei ing ' rnisatifaetoril\. Ou i' sjîecialty is slxoeig but tx du uther biacksnitbing as xx cl. GEORGE WATTS, OPPOSITE SALVATION ARMY THE OLD HOAR SMITHY, BOWMANVILLE. [RESU SEEDS FOR SSPRJNG SEEUING 1911 Justrociyedsudfor, sale at, et. Murdcks.Al pur- i0'- "DISCOUNT lui l (1t!;day ut April. Ore our sdaanyfrumi PETER MURDOCH Seefisanasa, Boissalativihie. I We c semed t10 ho a trangertaceii).O1 S- o. . , lîy Irshlsjig gi ci every nlbeir passinger ois lisp, ltie h ti iEtssiats douce, basket mlv porson %ve sav otssout k ix on , .td pass bail relay, was Mr. F. M. Fiel, 1, K.C.,os týib i, i'depoie fiances, and ail uurg's lest kusoîvu sud su,,-bâsîi barris- givon over hie dwbie bld oncert lime tors, svhose coîupauionsiiiîeped mater- given by lise 1boyshbaud. TIc flnai ialîy lu give added intorcat ltiste waking -ercise was exceedingi) lis eiy sud ci eal- lours ut thi oure.OrPiîa ueefi wilci enllsnsiasm. At s givei sîsgnai tIe name utMaraen sud tise coachs aisad lise gronpsoutgirls rau tossardLtie centre ut it ivas namefi Sorlinus. XVe amo a ilie[tie banxd stand-lu apparent xx liclcou- cuîronus lukîwlioxv il eceivefi that fusio", was ing barn cj ctes, isardiercisiefs, natoe, su like uni- r own Solina village sud shouting schioo criles aI' tise top utf svbich name was drmf roni six bIttera tîseir s olces. Wixeu al iad arrivofi as drawntî rom a hat aud consîinsfi to spOil near as tIey cocîlfitise baud slmuck up S-o-i i-îs-a. xvhiie îssufikerciis atnd schooil arrera The Lackawainua Raiiroad is oftîc waved. "Star Spanglefi Banner" anîd al cailed tle I"Road fi tAutissacite" because the children. sang. Traly, iti-%vas a grand ut its ote tlimutîe anthýraite ,_ýcoal boit, finale il10 stslinteresting cilidren's ce!- Wleu we 55w île porterm(iuthticMarsdeu Iebration und",rivery tavora biec onditiotss, wa îlot liow lu kocping wiliî the appella- weatlier being idesi. Some 20,000 litile, l ion ofthlie road lis appoinîxtîssent wias for girls are practisiug ils fances sud other lie is as "1biack as tle ace ut spades" but stîletie exercisos undar 200 teachers whîo lie was as gofi to us al as le is back are given a spodiai course lu qnalift bm sud we werc sumprisefi lu sec lwvo passen- fur iîsstruting tixeir scbolars. Tic Scot- gars decline to give hlna quarter in re- tish fiances hoifi prominent place in the cognition uthils g ofid og g srvin.e. Terpaiclorean Art sund most of the But all e snaal iPeuPole are 5501 in île scîsouls ivent tîmu ti spiendîdhy. Mie cemeleies. Tis portai anleiotu li nolicefd i iaimauy ut the chilfiren were ladis lage'pper aga n whcl1 lu put locgu .Thiabig aunusi May tcte is ther ats ceanfitheir ja0ves, t spcc- jnul nl to please tle youngslers but 10 ial pajins t iedsLj, offf te Cbaao Ivè tise auides ut the benefil suit cases,'ari!thMiOfftI ca'Let.lhseexr isa re doiug for the youu1iger No perun ce hiegmfiges lhp ugils ut t1icpublic aclools su building a porer wsu wrked LIs sili a sd wa thn p syicaiy,îneialy anfimrai as ~ ~ C[! obiiga u a oîiweii be. sud Lgiving 1tIem e rec-L bodies asud gr-ade- W ias w 0111sueCpîofeon [tiefrqueîîy aîufled - telperformi-anices, par I ut île1 1Imigration Officiais aitie Il W55 asigîit cvwunld inul likc toluave bondar. AGarman o ccupïiaied etheisef. Il lad beupostoonefi fruai over or p~ îf I genit USakf uedyuwnCu urpioswoafflr lu igliting apiil iixevs aCanladian odtos I ou sd is qsinsDcusotecar Nw York!, May 20, I9l. M.'.; aicter asud couidn'l aawr.Thinl ie sakef lii ihow long ho ad( bn, i tiecuunry.GENTLEMEN! TIC u nasîrta waa nul very sati- .îfuy S tttryînig lu ascartaîn Tf I",pessn-'l Selueiat MnrSiS. 1John or NeI Iiv pnf leu ,pesn u Yior-k hoie tiugit tfl e Gomianai(f i vi aior ahop 2 fluorS aSst W.H.D - Moîel oldgonle ruai Motreal! g ' barer alop). Parties reqluiriug luNwYr.Hae l iisyi "ouiwu fouie wili peaegiva aie a cahi. aini py le oudct $00for l lafPicfor rsigecdepeulda ourcou-Al tx" leGrMarIlu nderatlofi faent li1onfutgaraCýicu; 5c. per suit laiowaai)ýt abot s wlhasfIeagntunderstoofi iaii. p1ic1.1Ialso (do Frencýh cieaungsdLr Soo hacam bck itiauoffcarwl ciauig.Al work ýguatranteefi rigîit or coulf ,i k tîleGransdle soon fuf n lre w ii a mfa rhtuaieh lauded atNew York, weutto Gan- THOimAs P £ATE alr ad va onrel u wa atmsugb22-tf Bowaianvilic, ELDAD ANNIVERSARY Auniselses)' setrvicos of El,'dd Sabbalis School 've eil attendefi anfi passcd off issost successtniix. Sunday aftîrtscon Pastor Andersons spoko lu tise clilficen ou îhe rigisl use ufthtie Bible. Rev. Jobn Garbut. Glairmats of Bowmanville Dist- rict, gave 5 a5orile Osermon in tise oven- ing sud 'large asîdieil-os xvero prasent aI luth servicee. Scisavi sumd choir ttmnish- efi siugiug ïaI ail ser, iý. hlouday atterînoiîlie durcI wosagatu filuefi wisî e clîi on prosoîsteclan iuîerestiug poin. Recitaîlonis vere giveu by Bessie Reyîsods,Rusl Vice, Myrtie Vice, jack Reynoîd s, Lvdaî Taylor, Mary Reynolds, Elsie L1 gîîfEdus Taylor, Aumde Williams, iNorma'n Van- N est, Lots Vice, Melville WXerry, Mamie Wcstiake; fluet, Vertia sud Dos ocu Van- Neat; dialogue, Tisa Seasons, by lwo girls sud lwo boys; snotlor by the inftant ciasa, sud two otîsers, TIc Natiotns, sud Love, Purity and Fidelity by a isumner ut girls. Abundeu lutsiui was urnisxiefiby lise aclool inude irectoruhM. A. B. Mis asos Vice s gaiasu rMss lor, vo itsrM, . . ieeu, .h. prsele lereor) ] isIesuer hm tle ucýw alefI uwhich la a great ipue montou îe oli diing l. Evcryune A fotbal mtchbaiw'eou Solila sud s-i. Da 1,igi Laue sam beween Talnutun i sl T runrslted inl ilr for îl latte, e scor1e being 4-0. 1ujîletheuingRv. Glas. A. Sykes, B3.D., Toronto, gave a verlitere2Sting lectur o"! Ie Cai0ut1 caTwven'tiath Centunry" wiicih 11e large audiencegreatiy, uoyf.Solos ivore \very pleasîngly saung- !)Y Ms ae es Laura Bragg, Mliss Do)rotl Heava, su d fuet by Mr. to plassure ufthîe aiv,ersary services. suprmneueutasd tîl e leaders asudoffi- cers of tle aclo'ýIlol areOlue conlgratîahatefi' Ou îleý succeaýs outIîle auuiversary, MAY TRNew York, hence nu iead, tax vwas duel S SIEUTONIC VISITED. Editural Cur'xxespndence Scratun was reached aI6.30 a.m. aud BANQUET To AGENTS 0F WHITE STAR- iutes 2aiiowed for retresîmnts. Ours Do unr readersej un r treports ut our bing a special train nu preparattion hlld DomiNTioN LINE AT MONTREAL. travels? is a question thIat 1las be n-been made for teedinig 130 or mure hnnry wered batore jt is-sakf.S mn aepuple, the resuit being that as ic mor About 200 passenger agents, steamsbip a tuldl us tiat theyrndabloutrtr ips with ing supplies fmum baker, dairy sud othiler mon andi newspqper men fromi Ontario un intereat tiat wu are encouragL9ed Ito give surces had net comne in, ouly tIc first the west tu Nova Scotia ou fie east weme' thecm some tiic acisd ubseivatins evry unset the counter got-a "nckthc guests outhle White Star-Dominion Stesm- time wetakeàal glypiessu1ire Otn.loi o vers ut the prev i nght. Even tie slip Company at Muntreal Tiursday One eatre t tesedesripivetripLiss ISpourporters wlo lad bee n utuy ail aflernulon, May 2511 un tic steamer "Tan- nute at luiu,[ dthtis tjiat necas-,ibt could getloiigtau eat. We havýe tunic" which tbhey lave recently transfer- SaliySu feunietemnel siias travole congh toknuw tIc vaLuý1e ut a refi frum their New York service lu tic tu e mde.We re ul esrou utivrt- unc Io a Jlng joumu,1ey ome mre-St. Lawrence route. The celebration was ing scilyof unr persuldoilg. o-cie:s simlIliar lto s un 'e, latnuc eenjoyed in, tlit form of a luncheon un huard aund a ina udcuinsIbuCiIi nt as 0 good breakfaist Vi,hUI fritiig 0 eerai inspection, Mr. James Tliom, gen- wîîte ut unr traveýLs wt1itu eeecsmk lg u mohy n eldea manager ut the Canadian Service, tha my ee lusoe ater avrig t aunh anwicesiet vertÀgie ieconduîcting the large partv over theleiner. pesoalladaio.Nohtg inls a hrprerasbtata Tthsoac. le iAtteýr inspecting lie steamer tIc psrîy baron(ilnr desre, but eitiewitin aiigro w aecano s tIc aineatat dovn tu luncheon wiîli Capt. James, liasspeialintres fo th msoiiy utraiwayruoi w iae sau nywere R.N.R., in the chair and Mr. Ilium as readers,-su a!t lie risk u ieîgclled cegu- anid siold Ibe seen by aiL aeleaS- master ut ceramonias. Duriug thie lunch- tJtam e cniu l eltedr T le sugtla waflinchorchestra gave a number ut muai- Jams apes bot or audrigs It WeniIcefi somi'e ladies fiing iup when ji cal scections, Att er al liad dune tull pemi"isp,lu wrlite tU m ouls luLgnuupie u e red eeigtejlwb l.Gco. H-. I omt lie C.P.R., ut, trippS tuoew\V\'ok u h n O IHbkn ounlg lman w-1ihabad .Ca rlou heGTRD . J. O Aprl 1 ws dffeen frnt icuneut'Soe buqet uttufpaairuses nmet :a Orr, Manlager NationaLl Exhibition, Tom- May 18 l somerespcts- t", 1l' le e nerpety yvuung ,Llady eietly loer isd uîîte, and Messrs.,1H. G. Tbuorlcy, Tom- diferel anaemnt udby ifametIley were îlec liap)picat pair ou the 23rd utuo, R. F. McFarlanie, Gen. Pasa. agent, raiiways. street FerrymîiuLig acrusa 11eH rudson aud P. V. G. Mitchell, Freighl andi 2nd As s,)nio 1 t!nr ruL,1eaders1) maiy hava Oc- Rýiver. Other youug people fouud cacli Pasa. Agent, Montreal, J. Rusuf The casitn lu vis;it New Yumk anm llýf ,)ý-Limeafe other and weme seoun ublîvioua tu ail other Toronto Globe, W. F. G'Bierne, Straiorrl huIns respectriugaag ementsiay hoiti srountdinga. We Ihougît wliat a differ- Beacon, aud othars. Iu Iheir speechies the order juast lr.Whuw aka a trunklI ence hetiveen tle meeting sud lie pamtiug guosta liad uotiing but praise for tle we bave iltakiîen by a Uion Stati pr-I with sud People. The braciug, refresi- White Star-Dominion Lina in puttiug tam trum tliebagerun Toruto t1 iu air- as teit from île uppor dack ut the suci fine slips as the Teutunic, Laurentic, Am ericanCstmofieu tiseL rigit lof ferry steamer ou wiich wa crossefi from la ganîic, sud utier maggificeist steamers thl maiintracetua ronlt-st. L\An New jersey tu Manhattan was greatly anl- un the St. Lawrence route, sud for tle uofficer exiamines contfents afi seuda le joyefi atter 15 boums iu a sleeping car and liospitality extended lu 11cm on this sud truuk tmu iii bond, su ht uxmntion ý)we put in île lime practîsiîg deep broalli- maltv uther occasions. The officiais ut is mafi ata the Falls or BlkjRoý(ck. Fewý ing or as, musicians sayv, diaphramaticali the company gave bricf ondlines ut the i pacsons are aivare tisai agaecan hob breathiug. Wc 55W severi great ocean history ufthtie White Star Lino sud tha checked in île baggage ri in ilTom-iotuliuera Iiig at Ileir docks sund tisa river as increaàs ofuthle St. Lawrence roule. Mr. tu sîsy botel ur rsdec n Ncw-Yrk or uisual Iai al l imes duriug île day -vas a I Thm, as weii as olliars, spoke in higleat 50c. tpiec , n:vidn n u iheýr came rosimoviing picture ut al kinda u trns-terra ufthîe excellent workut tlie Govemut- or~~~~ -îndin. hi iLi\'rygîatcon- plutation tsud piessure crafl. mnt for ticir toresigîl lu deopeuing sud venionce. A pet sois guing acustieAtiGttn ohard a Iotis Avenue hiorse ligliting tle St. Lawrence, making il the iautic Ocean cdu Lhavte icr bgaOi-catr uneut the ancieni relics ut Gotliam,, great navigable river tlat il is today.1 ilaly leced îmulu ny teaer ai1ng ince tie days ut Jonathan Slick's [-Ta Hpe wss aisu expressefi Ilat the devei op -1 trum any dock in Guîlami. l iemne ite in New York" we lendemef tle niment aluug the river aud ut the port would Wescotl's Express Go. wili caI -'l V iau dctor a Canadisu dime xhicl lie handed 1 ultimately warrant tlie bringiug ut sucli New Y ork resîdoîsce or(luol fr aggg -Lbakvith "We dun't take 'em." We e-1 great slips as the Mauretanîs sud Lusi- give a'cieck aud forwaird it luaypit marked that wa cuuldn'l 500 why Ameni- 1 tania into Canadian porta. in Canada ins bond whare tiare-t is. aICuls- catis csu't take Canadian ailver just as TIa Teutouic is île longeat steamer toms office. Sudh conveniuni2ocS 1in con- Caniadians take Unitedi States coin. Ho, ever seen in tie river, laving au over-ali nection with the transport oviefrerplied "Gis, tliere's lots uft hiugs we ca't lengîl ut582 foot,sud with hem poiserful baggage betweentibese twu coniittries cn- iscI can'i sec wly 1 abouid't liave as engluas uf 18,000 isrse puowar, capable ut duce,- tlecworry ut travelIof0arini oîîeyas Gmei u ae't"dvlpu pe I)20kuiols an lour, ih su hata ersn my alt lte ongjor-This zî le way )many wrigmou phil-' is expectefi sua wii w thle bue ibbon uey care fre a sud cuv inl.t7- -o Tizc'i x-vllluIla ra mi- Ihonora on the St. iLaw-ýrence roule. anl opoînîyu'iîtu York atL uueythan tiee ýau use wiilo a- lut 01u s grsi1 uecis -ilysd tiird iaps Ilemsia tr frtsi xcri n ws me u lake anicailiîidy u eueeai nagd niafu ais $i425 ron Tuoul su $20 etratma oi ld i-; nuavoniy divide i d ia i is Rua as been added it liubiroas Pulssn erliiue is' es, ,Tw o remaedy? hc io nld a spaion !udbaui persous may 'lccupy a boi thus cttiug We a, -Lre gisÎ!- , we rlelf evYr ul eoaeiLug u mkn soutees he ibatin ud ariugmu etudt is'al d8,0 rl raineflu ahi lie 1Tisird1 Gclass bas aio 1becu roýarrau-1 dircclyovr is loîs IewYrk cun-1 exorcises joînedinluthe celelmation oun Iac sdhieps ubr iii obertrbed iii iatus svemal gnd isotilI odrato 1 rziacres ut iuveiy green sward. Sx coeicbis ieîeformer Second rates, su> .la aii t 1otha Il na ten-1scîs ofutManhattan sud B-ouxwi-e Ciasa diuing saloon i- as been coîsverted, day excrlnnef n l eyexosv representefi sud ecc scisool w ume in head tmIaî ssu in onc gRo or ttedei wthmmc axiey.trimmiug um dresa distinsctive colors- rep- las1Icoîs providcd oit dock. 'lise e 'rsononFrd y ay 18 was 1reseritiug every shade cf lue ainbasiv. 'A Tle Tcutonic las been a pcpukm tax or- 011 idy iboys' baud truai Selool 21 turnisîsed Itisele ou tIse Soutiansptoîs-New York mun,1 overthle Gad' us Railway to Buffalo, 1nsns;ic uos a pettiy decoratcd stand ins t,' isesd adging fruai tle lisî she brougît ouns Ilence ytîs Lckasvanua Rairoad 1 eteu tefefmpeiofiiwtc utrfrt n uCndiitpplr New York Ibva special tîsmu train of five icïLeo h ilrpdofi hcio e is rpt aaa htpplr PuIlma-ns. ,;i elecîric ligllefi antI tosso tood fiutteming lu île iindi45 pretty Ma/ - t,.iy xiiiclilsg 10 hem u ntIi-trade, omis de-!tgu sud equipnuxotl. Ur ion Station poýlosgi y wiii c-ibbons ut tis clool cotor, The woîsdemtul growthinlutravel lu sud was lert ai 7.31 pais. 5 convoriit louir nes t .and t ser-e comtortabiy seated tmoro Montreal is bringitîg great changesi tu beaveTorouto as one eubv pecuan ileIL os a i uuo uxerînoking -ils tisefaciliiies providefi for passengers by betora ioaving. Mr. A. Leadley, Gaîîadi- tcgi x lvthtl uaun1e big sleamshîp lites, sud non sud ian Pssener Agnt o theLackaanra iror 'ô r, --i _-ars f age ThtIsuc,- r isss arearleeiil-gierdive o teeSt ani r .Uoal itan lititPs ihni - r n r.A-larnevr;ei.Tosnsfur- t, songer Agent ufthme Grand Tunuk Rail- d Car ,xcegc ie d betwe- prograni is pelrit tuonl otîser rouie, as il mc- j way accompan die îeexcursion sigave\l, i I' iesgil7s il' 55noI 15 gave sonsedue tseatui canxuae oisîla every atîion sud cale for l oxt-ssc. cot iîiniFigatsd îtouac sy, vi- c titp ou tise river sud louc sudconsort t tie pssengrs ars1 O i Loi ~î i tley dfi ton, eal ismCgis Ic boadfxptne eutliseguitisa weocrtui iouwil ittci ut t "îý. IÎt îl leaise-< I pao ,ama , sel rcst nul to be peoiehae w udei hablit ctakîgCi eOtc,- 5divide ain] is, 2 lile uî ts-mI i Le - ogos c xi u. l 4 urîbeti sîn PUBLISI-ERS' EXPLAINATION., Our big Wh.',arfdale Cylinderi Press was badly damaiged Tuesday evening Last afiter about 200 papersi had been printed. After telephoning to Whitby, Cobourg and Port Hope to seeý if offices there couldprn THE STATEIPSMNand THE BOWMANV \iLLE NEws, Mr. W. H-. Wilson of The u idï'e office, Port Hpkindly place bs arge press at our serv\ice. So early on Victoria Da mnorninig our Foreman and his assist- ant witbi a 1usd of papjer and t-ype of foýur pae ftils journa1ýl seI tIt to drivÎ%e to Port Ho(pe, printeLd 1the two editions byJ electrie powsýr adreituriied to Bowmanl'- ville abou t io.3-0 Ip.. oth1 papers wevtre mailed Thunrsdaýy morninig so that country subscribersrecivdtbir favorite family paper on time wvit11out any kn:iowvledge (of the extra trouble ncsayto lpublish it Mr. C. Relider, Mnaiýger ofBora. ville Foundry, has giveni us evey ossýiile belp by personal attenitïin and by putting bis best expert ma-hfinïi;ss(on tlie l i as we are hpigto prinit u r aprsonouir own press th is week. Wegrealy,,app)re- ciate the efforts of Mr. Relider, Mri. F W. Kirkenldall and others who hv ep ed us ouit in ouir isfortune. THE CHURCHES. Mount Vernon and Pro-iden2ice, anni versaries next Sunday. ,Rev. W. C. Washington, Mj. A., preach. ed in Disciples; Chuircli Sunday muéuýing The Official Boaurd of)Ci pblord Methodist church .gave $'125.oo to the "Btur- wash Memorial." Rev. W. J.adan a forme r pastýor, will preadli at both serv\ices in the Dis- ciple cbu(rc-h nextSunay Rev. Herbhert Ben-Oliel, wlmholis been assistant 10 Rev. Canon Scragge of St. Peter's church, Cobonirg, will go to Lake- field, Bay of Quinte Biranich, Woman's Mis- sionary Society, of the Methodist Church, will be held in Napanee this week. Miss M. E. Juness, Organizer, and Mrs. (Rev.) Wmn. Coombe are attending f rom Bow-' manville Auxiliary. The following represenitative froru the congregation to the Qiusrterly Board of the Methodist cdur-ci wereelected Tus day- eve-ning as follow,. Hellyar, jr., T. E.~~~~ Higibîhm L orris, Jas. G. kick- ard,ý C. Rebder, J. Wal1ish, W. M. Ives, Dr. Devitt, H. A. Farrowý. M!r. Artbur Pheulps, soni of Rev. L. dîcurews log;ia l1nd was, iisened to with raptateto. W trstate dayl tu egaein mis iuarwokfrle nex.t fiv onh.Eni Rev. iJohn Gray, D. D., Or-illia, wlho is 150w in bis S7th ve ar, cel1ebrated is dia 1moud jubilee in the Presbyterian inîstj 1ry on May 21, havinig been uî iained a pas- tor ut the chiurcli in that town 6o0,years ago. For thirty 3,cars lie'\Vawa ic >in his pastorate but oxving to ill1-heLý,th re- signefi but conitinued teu hv(.intatm on The Preshyterian church out that town li as hafi only three pastors in sxyyas At the Methodist LcagueMndyevn iug President T. G. Baker gavï plni paper on the "Lite ut St. Paul.'1Miss Francis Conley read the accuntut aul's conversion as the Scriptue tso, and two musical selections wereinuclij cujoye asolo by Miss Ida Pi ',ida ntu metlsolo by Miss M .Sees .A Rc,'ceptiun ut newnemesafspca First draft u tainososfhs changes: Bowmanville, H. B.Kuy;s- awIla Medcalf, S. C. Moore; 1AeLWcaeH V. Mounteci; Orono, W. R. Aiche1 Ty roue, IW. Higgs; lHampto, C. -j.- Gý tl; Enniskilleu, J. E. Robcson S. Daiigtu S. F. Dix ;Whib i. E. Sxs-!î or Peri , R. Bamtorth; ick' g, D. E Tohnston;Clrmo , .W. Mrvn Prince Alb u at I '. ood( r: lPort H ope, E. C. Lakerý , Cobug. ohn-Grbuti'am borne, .So o;CeteoaniG - ton, H. W oc;RsîctT .P Baudeziso, E. E.'HowJ.a.d; l;Cat Nuans. H. . S . oceHariortJ .Bans Ch-aninLna, S.1. 1wl,oodvitie , W Linitcit; B .lcv GTbrne,, W. G. vil side, . E. Hwamd; apaneew, J. P.~ ~ ~~~~~ice v :o;Pctu is, .H mL,3 hi ý e b i3, m ao n i eia 1 Chas. T id) h L ÎÎT

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