"SPliE" AND "TIR1E."1 jTh fLIE LTLITHE The cucl fsae ztïabhýhed 1 73 0 F A N A D 80 rcnc HATIlieheard Lte b st awyers j ~ ~ojh0afpro iteiaud owes A fI 0 Tst~BLIJ~S ~lie iistered to statesmen seem e akepr'enGheLac th lTensi e, sgetn Aviaefor Manufactur;ng and Co0mm1ercial Huethyaetheslavescf termos Wholeal1ecan1dciRet,Éa ilMe(-r cha n t,JMuiÎc;pal11ieS, svidl[lyuwith arsgintat -M 1Jkeslla r gesýýt thetire, Cororaios, fa rmer- t nd pri vate ndiicu aiS, toche mplacency,ththyar subjert o ilblack fits, r"tEr Wo, cmnn-Lyda E PiK= nNrhadac etln blenr "day s m achli,"inlEset andinWe, Sai~s ak priet tevr Bac1~or waevrmay b h e has 'Vgtb eC ipo An fpeces nis~k o w m a n v i f l e r a n c h : A . N . M C M ! L L A N , o i t b À r d e p l o r a b l e l a s s f i n i e e h a r c i t h b s . ànormal. Snc ep ceihe Ble seOt JwsoseWeak 1ýl Te fkîe i",ýl tematr w. j. HITE, realize tbat thes mod ae* , eL et rma femaýile wi akness 0 pehadc o ' Branchesa1~o at ewcastle Actù~.g~a~ager.another outwasd adssbesge a' eetbeH es rn dr'e Nwovle Or oan snwasdigree and L thtu Cshaa, Wit~ andBroklinbeltby minci, rerrlyfucis Cornpon.Itok Jsiîg n o iseverall ,, ill : ";otte f Ytja e hn sece ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ heathv bodes.I ~U d I lia faled to isisî It is hard avi ~g. but'the blues". str'ngth eraily hesok ha.islngP ma eeai etaedt u ria i emdt ne lsetts k. much 1: II iso ta en oso is b d ae ' d y ha -PUp csi 'Il',ed .AJ1 xcllnces Every te iti ttnio si e mm a k e 'rhabenpoed In H m AeT oetion, female weknes, Liglit MinddPerson 'Wants toPoss caeconyactanaostcyoîkdetesscetilpetd Laesearsnuoe; "Thn saîtleva the Lord, th11y prove of1Im, or fea riu, btthe fott goewati nkjCnd.Te pk htlose~ ao."Jeu.do inet 1 lov im exce0pt ha makeIl,,;s aalthogh t is wnerfily Mke lret h 'c Pebas f ail iwords ini iiin tIn 'ïl seme ýspot oilf ganss odutdchmcl ;î(i aboîtoîyvupitht t; ereis neootiser remey iw ~phnonis more iastic han 15it e budten tyleIte I",t isimiiiit icf its l eds ti teumee icine tltst wl cure emalei w-,aak- Tise htth svhich ise whema ov.it means ý _ýlas manydifferent inqu'lireýd, teucmmadis te ovenot at al aibl botworiîng ' IPnsS ilsoad e ucesfi ary een S lal icre ijýS ý i (an]evertima. Th L- ii "le resuilt Îis tat ail througitiseChaneof Life as Lyidia 1E. J n hc ag er 'he ITea worIÀ wich wena a, Yn wil If .1it: canniot, adit, certaýinl-[sp0in rout sn eit 'araPnibeCmund ai fmiti aeland tpak i mans lo More 1uer isslannovt, as, it lies benweailith hapemttd elie oundandbecnsfrom n rativeroeots and herbsi. . W'he toslt i ieserhih It is ile aor ...ears it lias been curîng subsanc, ad qintessence cf what ,sheuild Jssp t h see ly taken up bywhe lootiand car- iiî nlma ion ucaration dsTieseehtati hooe le i mre, cf Iwhat lie longs te bte. 'uy of ma'n tbe love ofQed, Iiried te al parts -of tisebody, s- pl rac-eents, fibreid I tumors, irre-glaýri- !isaastebst Whnyn atieeoe ta ie uwrte thlis plain and snIb- clndin!g tbel brain. The bralie, tie, periedlio pains, backache, andFr fslagtfuns yen love a man , somnanl,a ifld, sttaý,l ojcio stisý: that thle wbchnetsapktf isppiy )înrvuprostration. M c bave ntasie 0 r Gcdwecn have inet mincidi ,ea consmanti te love anything Àessenit i 'anb o) te able iftote do ivs If 3ou wantspeilavierÎt Weesrlog pece of w,-lsat yen eanutîl wI ýe know ally gooýd alld beanitifillni i ne more thinking, is natuirallýiyindignant atioitMsPn1aLnas yen Pinsfolk expre1'ss t1heir most ur les tan na, nto te arn findin-g pee)r and isueblodsupi- 1l readawy epfl aemd hmfe tr. ~xltd~dal hc eln f hi eknu-',it. plTi Ô t, anld aïitgigl I nt ctaioa Sain .XA~ union ithGd, Iand eendescrîlbe Sýle w uh elv h euIes lging ou stri, it rfuseste bepoe d thiata fifteao hndedhOn,,i9l tise nauec dîyîself by thîs'of nature, and deeds ei t hroijSin, aither peaan r ireasolcabie . Ipart of 'a gra'in of tataine wý ,Vill " ET 4ESE! wvr; hue fuinsanti pel'frvet efscrfcandi tiseleand lit- Yn h radi ael l pa irhakilia oss60,0,00ti liesbis C cirties ue pecisely tise saine tiechide.The oligtinheîte ninelf-t"een or tsntand iunder tie en e ight1(5Iw the Oeaiis 1Doue ona wod e xp-ress their lovwest forni censists in oui beng uman beipesontstts cniind- It is roai that thîsis ts cf seflhes ns hee esntlk u- cibed is an ainpaabepart cf deadIie-st pois5on known), aithongis JaPanese Raiiway Tan Loeis tius slf-revealin)g. Oui tiings ste-ps aside frornthe hnan ts 'riteteprm";tatisr r avrlohr ta n t Tesee Japan thkorougisl, teias- tretfemmunla of belief censieits net race, hie is peiverted, and( is a sti- i5 "cByren,ýIle"Ior "pueticai," anti a faiîly close seccond. For cexample,1 ter its pioblenis, te probe its seul, irs wýisat our mînds assent te and je th ie alseniss and inet for the' that a mmnd capable cf making itsi pure hydîocy-anie acid (net that te pluck thse whole heait of its ys oi reaso t_,n acknowlediges, but ra- mOera lst. esxner ce uni.- foirtabIe ust ha ,la u6ually soid ini th'e chemists' shops, taiy, would probably need se *a tiser ýin ist ui desires are drawn Ge)d, ne matter what our religion1 great mmnd. Yen are in errer hich is o)niy a -2 per cent. sein- feleow "globe-trotter" assnrcd Mr. teJ. Asu smtrn dcevsit- ra a s egas iqiscivzed, We tee sari,,nth alctien) i is e excdngIY peisenrouslA. M. Tsorpon -l'ailOfafot self in 0Isat it suyï;, fLý-or iwords standýs ferit. perfction'f h1rnan exen the k:ing upon his thione", ftisat tise ie inhlat1ion cf itsarn- nigit." Se entire toogbesis a re thnslvsbt thoist ,1'Lfurorrnchaactar. iaturally, ihaafre Iebla. ,i vo are tiseitirn 'f a ten wllcaseintat eahne lmed by tis auathor eof "Jap- it defor. few e<f cone's acs arry Must Uv1aninus love tei bur. asuritht enare sacrîiiifg ths estbslf ntssmnnrsnsa hr ogenougis t- ,et with tsmo.eS utrapprev al;WiCiI T ~ getrt h asr n iera-q____a vivid impresýsioncfJpne butnesel s va dceive-d in Aiat 1 A D ýf-(I)rqnenty entwiclyernteif it mcc. f tie tiongit cfQed s ditast- ~nfer enî roube isto b tîaad SIN ilERR TRED EERY-cenresy ow ta "peasa" s te ns we ante soeams agensient cf the 111HTHlD.î>.Ct!ýA strî J ~ a tu aayzasfr'swecnfl \ iheCav flacaaniin ,tisaiOcidet, i tîitiig aleiloe sigth îsete oioof htie aily regime. Inspssbeta 1 1 ",(d S, 'ryen must coiiquer your pet weak- Tisis was i-ts epaiac f -Mis. epiazd, inie n art teminisis iglsest sanse, anti ourtast-es aie paretý-ici anitti oni ye, wisofr afferds us mucc. ý1-ý,lJ, f rageileOn.Isnf om- meingte emetion tisat beanti- backs tnrned nison wliat Vwe know nes ani fo sose'f n avassaGeo.Newan, f OangoirmaO- fias tise f amily, prescîves friand- te ha realiy wcrth whie. Ipennad cf candy canuliarbor a Slisaeein Jan., 1910: tien by the way is exýceedingly in- slip an apropiata Qe. Tse emmnd t loe Gti s atlioisand "blue devis."-Yoi-tiss' "Jwstriy troubled witish terestad in us.,lie stan-ds by my WIIAT IS LOVE?' commandti t knew God, te think Comiipanien. zam ni my f ace, neck and l'ilnds sida on tise pafr and iaugising- cf hum, te cerne into tise influenice --___q4 _ e four peuars. I trieti evary thing iy peints onit thlat tise top of bis, First of ail it is a distinct erno- afbspîoasy new e 'RDSDALETPIO.3 sd Isea'rd t4-11 ef, tisen saw youi' iead-isa is cf more tisan avarageý tien, -cornes, as sxe say, fror Qedativerisaei(nt in tise paper, sýentciefraapbeyîacss y tise hei, ani otfrnPtis iitll din we can nemore lselp giowing lvteinta ecnhptseIEaaosofRdeyn WlfratilbttefI).Dstisis, orsa.p Lrlyrahsm ,or tLise vxiii . As ceai as we c an de- nlv ohm hnw a e h raain fHdoyneWlit ojinmy face anti get well. It is "Me big," ha says in hic quaint fine it, it is; that pleasurable feal- glosv in our hearts xvien we see ai Cause Instanît Death. new twe years anti ne retuin of tise Englisis,"but yen inucis more perfect rose, a gergeons sunset, a1 ing aroused in us by tise presancce kinti deeti, or an innocent ciild. Althougis it bas been stated tisati eczema. I consider I arn cureti and big." cf tise belovati oject in oi Tscuecfesaisfsl-hyocin isftice dea'dliest poison lit certainly was a biassing te me." Hea us, likealal tise J apance we tisongists. 'es, o haecf gredand cf' kcown te science, tisis is net quita omta io eîby e u-mtaaigypolite. It is welal net te tdrift away frem ~~5,O ne racnit correct, fer fr)ieeczerna, sait rheuma, ring- Wben, ise cenes round te! exam- tîi m senese bsi.No intel- passsi sh ethar eti to cge iic It is true that ne more tisan half Worm in iany otiser skindisease, yen ina tickets, isebegins isy standing leta rcsne speech ner act, psens Ofs1thatul. y lstop np ýtise agrain is sufficient te destroy life, 1wili fe el instantiy seothed andtihie at tiseend ef tise car, takes cff bis IncIb calieti loe, nlass it hae e.c tiearseul.r"Bisstiarisee otisat a ingle peund cof tisa ior-! itcis reliived at once wisec a few cap te tise ionerabie assambly, hatd omoi subeonscions self pued." rible substance would be capable drops cf tisis compounti cf Ou cof boxvs te tise ground, rnbs bis kneas b~thsstanefic, XVe leva ama xLosiieiandai bt-I cf causing tise deaths ef more tisan Winter green, Tisymel, (Qlycerinje, 1svýýith hic hands,dasii) hic breatis orr cPoc ,o flcwer, n!y astise Wes1pe15,000 people. But tisera are ether etc., is applieti. Thse cuires al seeniadby and dclýivarc himself of tiegstc ise bjeet i usinvet rmscingQ ti dustisat arcvnmodaly eapraenttee, a noneec nJ'apaniesel gîýives u asrand ti 1 st iîs iithenigis, lciitisey areneyer Fr eI lH l vnli fac tý((ýn aýorial oti0 f ..D picsJ nngntie translat,0e asj' emotion. crrn eaing anything aise thlat is found eu oltside tise boa ocf write tise 1D.D.D. Lbrtrefhos Tisse isetal cfieingQed wetisscing. Bonuii uas is reacieaitxielgit. Dpt. lB. S., 49 Coiborne St., Toý- "ormsthîrbe xain tiseafoe, actiserc is n nxatins e acantI a aw n as 1Tetacine isocf tisese. Itis et us anid iost ruut~d i gg oftefeigi o er iýspirit sisonld ha loue oien r 1wisat sciantists eau a Microbe Pol t b-pea e"e, Ilhpeyei*l aoy nen stir cfhe etiseisfeelingon, in semac Juryemi&rLev1eSifo aren enurare cleariy mistak- a o wa rali s orsn ie rde o iem cbeof r .1arenthis creature cf imudif a.Tlisey may,, obey Qed', or ap- on f tisa nirailevehinelss cf tise tetacus, or lockjaw. A fatal dose'MLA11T,1\11)ES.isvig bacc boîn into tiîss xrkdig ________________ucuvarse. of tetainaii would be but a fiftis AAN RE WL-Erý.tecsk yen, rnest gracicus and snp- I1tio cet ask that ycur idea of part cf a sirilar dose cf uyescin. linman trac4- dwelflersare umt 'y"t arer c i es, te show yeuî angnstiy Th«eI1n1oihats ae smn, o a-Or, put anotisar way, wilie a PoundCdb hesiea infrpr extinet. A Mavan nelwspaper 1blesseti tickets; after wisici I beg Ï4saîss betis ef us ara far f rom tisa weigist of hyccein would suffice te describes a n îtrsing isccvary yen',lxiii bonoraisiy deign te gricti Is r ah !pcibut it is rigist te tiamanti cf kili aboya 15,000' people, a ponnd matie ini Sentis Canara. TishKe i and crush mie, wse arn but as a1 ccv man that lia have coenoction of tatanine wlvn uld kili oer 75,000. y 1, ivng car Mangalore, in- se'lau cof tiesecii, iseneatis your kinti- or mental imagecf tise iigiscst , By actual exparîrnent, it las been cbu, it apper a clan(wicaessiy s.- iis. EIave -fou a Cold?.-It Can Bcitruest, nebîesttisings in life; what _____T scorn e t reaeil yncsiy Tise p-assngers, ceasing fer a eve_ yon Qe mayl1eha 1ugis.te-h beylive in bt nhtan..aiimmntfoitserîc. at hp It Qaky OUa r e S Wihoopilng Cough, Grippe, Brorueitis, Catarris, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Ca t tri ifzn !s net lika thaer rae- aebut J.s se Ieailng cc ootiin tt sxlas Ll b.te through theZ Scheem t klîs isegaris that causa diseaseseth Lh'nd n lungs. Catrîhzoe uicilyscothes and ss haaleinda If ye r cjc eLroatiria IS b-rentheci.' ' th ILsý niant., i 1i vihynbenh hog h Catniozee nhaercaresheaic POOR IRECOMMENDATION. A oucg Setclîrn living in Lon- dion ma.-rriet a beacîtiful anti talent- cd Ecglîiswo--ýman,, cf nism enihawas justi pred. t lon aftr li musnae a xat t Setaci-nd (iWieel, I Tm,IIye hae geteu i~ ~ ~i n xic"sct ts eltigenielnan I 'cxx xlsatcan Ic d, la l a And Take M .RilysAdvle, Lots cf women are suffaring torturas' with their backs, whcn they needtiit do se. Mis. Ripieyhlati such fîigitfnl pains in lier bs)ck that sila couud net do, ber hoswr.Satlsiow shae about the bcefts aerci'dfo ifuliy v ýith 1nîY bick ctibae ufer wit tfor twventy yas reieey tliig but got ne,)relief, until Ibogt GIN ILL I ave tak'eu six bof GIN P1LS manti10ow 1Iflave cet fthe iSî'gncof anl ache cipain Iin mlybak I an no' 8 eas fge cui feel ias n'el as Iave dii ii nm lite eý 1rei, uouIlicg tiat dan hiolci a place witINý PLSfor curring Pain Iii Tue flsck teG WL.lml wmnara subljýc." M]<s. Miu,îA1'eR.P.* Rira s ry GcIN PLSat otir psîe Wie fortee sample box. Deniers sd IN rýPITlLS aticcabx 6for $?50 anti11o1ey efundei if t'iey fl ,lte cu-re. Nationail 3Ding suad Chemical C. et A. Torencto, 5 The iïgilnal ~ -~Gin Puis made bv sip i thnIais. cicertain ki5s flc jungle trees, anti they subsist on yais aii ment. Tisey ara dark- kciniii anti noteti for thair fine phiys;ietise wemen baing aven more("inscular tînu tise men, anti ue cf tlair ciif occupations is isce-gthriga vay anrous Ienpicmen, sncatise becs cf Cara buLiil- li tiar ïisoniey cmbsi 1) ;on Isle tre-teps ofteu-i as mîis as 120 feet bih.Pa lMal Gazette. Wl-fT Q1MAy 1DOlES. cisI4ii, givinlg thern asstuti uci ixenor svoen ar f agwshw' e ave ,ours mn. ltise condtionindiateil] tise abova tise onlly possiblde C scsqutLecc'iCe Tise ansiýwer ï)te tntqustin s cleariy wu-ittec1 furi, th1se ,who hlave cmprtIltisetwontien. t' willl go isard wtisoir-csidî,su ft wîli goe hardier witb oui ciilti- 1 7elu's rch.idllte, if we do ne awnk te tiseýw fac ttfor Itisegatmi ortuf 0cr pneoTnla ediuetion I s a1, teseia expressi of a Japanesie greigfmbie -amont their looseê layais cf eclotises, anti nitim1ateIy r pretince tseir bisenerable ticket,, lIA UNO U 'SZTYTE After tisis tisere is more bowing- on lotis sities, ai!tise uarti, stili bowing, vanisises,7P lMssWildred YMartin i, unider VL~5 tise tictr's cale, . J. l,Brosisiprsc Mi. John LCle. Town W&-, . w2- manvile, sus in teJwîuM.;cl darson are improving sioxsy. yecn g in x i natn ruokn.cflsasios Si Xii. W Ycslt ýac ge vs, lov t ~nich s%,in.th villag u îý, _Net. . A solte ai.MucL BihýdinsL s'ifc Eeî P1r L Ax~~A 'h vI iaqute ii atnnticd tise funerals ief1aud__danger 1hdiaivedLin Terente Mocdcay.rd '5i1ui pachode niguiA t pliVe.r .CWenradl il. Kuncs.liue2a sicLceApary bcf FuËcrhtrs h aTeo xc îy serocs liamuge donc.-ribleuExppeiecce, ing~ ~ ~~~~~~~~U insul lc ilg uurec h se th cesinni a aaontsstiet, "Wisaie A. Eth e as sometimeiSýýs inclde danger- Jencine liscd ?" anti wa olite ativatupsantýi etema isrd.. cd p AH uerrnu wn euggchips. Mi.anJ.miC. Werner Ntii toeon utilldicm a tecihertupai't ad aterrtib l exproof.ce on est Iiac'emc tox c.' tis isiati c Yetnipau xpiencet MenIbers ofeSens cf EuieglnndnCa-g nadin Frastrs nti omeCircenur o iedin tie hk eencti " fommti parde t tS hallcfutiewForbdeaSes."Tsy satioreui$ f mmm Scsdayexcngnti ac=", c lutitl a place foàh r iecur-i and u Miii itreet hoinsreeaie ani cc the , ,, ,atixccutetfoCts te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i tieesucsuwhi aseia a- nty! is tiseir P. Anaîso. Afcr tse srvic tis cesi ns xxouaieisace rundth a~~~~~~~~~~eý- seefihah n aseit uv pt cris ntehat dahenvey Itccesauianit iseyld borne the anti te tithecisucisechoirefor th about ta usserractiereti.e-iaga. Wo hati arr dcugai-d ceit1e - 'BDODS;CisEYistma as f in g oistewitiaam'ow ARE UE URE UREFUR were aph ceks, antitatdyg ve2w ena trte otiehrnef w'as a1î 1but ix 'i. ock oýiiith cttiafreti-t)is, whîcb e hrit- Mr. ý'iîo:0uW mas s abot ter ce ha prae t b Jankist who ladiiati t Uisanatiw TUÂT ODD'SIKIDNEY PILS pan vf(bolisel-eil as slowf- AE n1ff ý1E SU xE CURE FOR iug up alciil extrial ie fryîgt he KJd' IDuEY DIlSE. iwostio' a atl ndwew ole- gan, butrI ofie v seady in-,th surette Isla9 ïrsunnateti ti.apot, f oE imo ndirne ise fri Mr eSieiuliniastMould ais nbihnailea ctts 0os May ts2 det9 s si-!mun t e ant tbfleae c-ýeok asheamu sonfa ndsure o fisxplce s af ccatitsrivicos e -i Deodd' idney Pill r ue IwcrdsteOue esc ati eforý1 e te uretter isintiY ram-out, N. i., p et fbiin iati i eeand 'My trouble starteti xitis a coiti," plunge threuag i ie fra:il sies of Mi. Moniaison states. "iMv mus- tise burning enlie, grabbing thse cles Woulti crcmpv, Iisati Incache flrst thiugs wýe geýt bld c-f in, our anti I bcddiëzz pa lls. My iseati iurrieti exit. Severa! cf ns es- often acisetialîd I bcai rati, ccv-Icpt safnktant ci nsfl ons feeling svisil sîecks cffliitcitycotti flasisetiniufront cf my eypc. By iseaping 1p so ni icsof I sufferati in tisis wny flevolr tiuitwotundtheie islc fa naigi- two menths anti was treatati by1to being ciiffati!close te tise sbil tioosL ut thsyidn't ceern e'l b~uimgleAr me hati sieltr, and able ta e do mmeb fnrme. TIen, i by u""wiakieswe ladsvd boxres in ailantino Iarnl "aùtiueîn eiat aet n sr a 1il ns reci. brecti anti a fes tins cf preseiet 1-U haeny two ýor threa cf ment. (Oi rifles reene. Of Mi. ]év, Molio' vnpt)oms yen rMay pieces of blankets anicaïs, we hasure yeur Kittincys are cet in matie cervaîngs fer oui bodies. and goctid working cide r. Bcd Kitineys [we kept a gooti lic going tia5 anti inean Backacise, Riîuacnaismcigbt; huit ne matter isew weuap- lieart fDisease or Briglt'sDIbseaselpet uP Oui feet, tSey we" coeez- unness attecdtat. Tiseoee sure sng9, anti constant!y remliu.ed lus way a cre heri i touseDodd'stiat xeliad ne boots, xx'ay tccrPiso t s e Ddul v e eui tieaxpect thse r 01 Our swe r o fuîcr cuic wixs A-1AFFRENCEut beaamea question swe A DIFERECE, xist. The weatiserlbeane Fuy.isn't it tisat tieseaenielad, cnowig anti loumicg, au tiing can s h a ian l nor in a mon- On te t e ctb y n n i a arcisy anti a disgrace in a repuli-tse0n tti e oi poinsC W "'W at is suclu a tisig l" csigit we m ot te beti mwiis, "court presýentmect." Iceaîts. On tise micgOf Ftiethir A H Pii for AJil Seasons.-W iute r acs olatm ,e ove tit seg flic, w a lpa anti .unniir, in cny latitude, whc-pý isa in iitorriti zone ci Arctie t4 n- d a sb u e "S o q i o pertuieParele'c Veecalec.xc essiielig ong Ilefor Puis TL ca i ipciduo ed ise sette ta e us a 'yfret bir afriand aw 1 ni ieit qï,c a.a for, YooLisa are mati tetxa iisstail Cliniate to se i t eir fresi ns se an ti strengti . h jcc ua a a f a 1 - d e n et g resi stLa l a q u li n t b ave ,- an > d in u ar. cojscessetinicmac pus cw nntise ytitchosvanec nalket. cuetl . 'i io't ~ei cfth leue hofeMe tse vas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SL oLliUnXt vnn erie ~ RJ TO BEAT THM B he mat a ising youug mac eF use becene n membar cf bis chrci. bilmine that MWi "Qoot eveun.g, MyMonn gae evry i/1 ever attend a liace of w oi'5ifl i ,dontu y l. t8 la "c es. ictieed , sir; r eg uln r ly v er tdn a e oln su h a t % IL , iucay igî,"repiti t ie young 0eatthe bal. Tisy, testhe sig acllo, výitiasm e "Im nmy nihon mcxay The otber niAe'- ut may t su( jýuv17,1p. Says Lt don a ti P f e] c] k; f CI -i