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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1911, p. 5

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NO DISQUAE TO CONTRCT ECZMA conjtîinue to sufler. 'ýkin d4isease is one of tic os Wihoio ibranlies have be written on the treatment,' but if youm are suftering you duo nut neeý(d the symptomns descibed. You know ail about tiat. Most Cases of Skin Disease are Curable Sème are not., Wiere anytiing eau cure orne- liieve you eau depend upon Nyai's Ecxema Lotion useci by day ,aud Nyal's Eczema Ointment by nigit. The Lotion -is more sigitly in daytime while the Ointment gives more prolonged action at nigiýt. It stops tic intolerablo itching andl and permits sleep. ]BUT THESE REMEDIES DO MORE THAN RELIE VE- THEY WILL CURE, -BUT YOU MUST BE 'PERSIS- TENT. Good also for.-Ttter, Bar4o's Itch, Ringwo-,m, Dry or Scaiy 8kin Ivy Poisonînag, etc. OINTMENT 50c LOTION 50e R. M. MITCHELL & Co. Druggists Phione 92a, Opticianis Bowmanjville. ARE' YOU READY FOR HAYING In selecting harvesting ina- is only natural that the £armer sIMuld want the best. Wîith othor makes and a glance wll covic you of thoe suporior- ity of thie Deering. Cali and soe flEERING MOWERS HAY LOADERS SIDIE DELIVERY RAKES SELF DUMP RAKES Etc. Fuli Une 'of ioeeriug Repairs al- ways on hand. FRED T. HOBBS, Three Doors West of Express Office, Phone 66. B owmanville'.1 s - Valuzable Town Property For' snutb-asi qurter n the ltion crner l n severa igotuidig oinîthsoutefri trees lu eehudleaingpleTy0oIfJ.landaonndth page. Tihec ericsewill soonliebcgaflier-ed mlt,boný lookiha wino doulit take ils plac amng he iedguides for thiose who are seeking fo iig lu etraiing of Vihe oug.The lbook ouglil 10 appeal eespec- baly 1 teches' eadngcircle and aitu- FOR FLETCHER'S BOWMANVILLE STATION. OOINGOEAST. ' OING WEST 8~pes .44 a. ut. :Express .22 a. u. Exp r,s's 10.18 , Local 7.43 Passen]ger 31 p. u. Pseer 1.48 p. mt. Bocal 6.49 , Psegr 71 Mail 9.181. B(GWMANVInLLE, JUN L, 91 M4iss Siella Mason is visil ing frends in Toronto. Mr. S. Bertrand recently vis;iied friende lu Marmora. Guelphi Lawn Bowling TournamP.-,ent'lie- gins June 27th. Mrs. Philip Tlyler, Tononto, je visiting old friends here. Spectacles found. I Enquire ai THIE STATESMAN office. Mn. John Hellyar, er., je visiling rela- tives in Tononto and Glinton. -1 Mr. Jolliffe, Ottawa, je visiting hie granidfather Rev. Wmn. Jolliffe. Mn. Wmn. Prower, Bank of Montreal, Montreal, Que., je liolidaying here. 1Caldwll's conveyýnces go 10 boat Tuçsdays and Fridays. Phone 127. Mrs. J. M. Black, Winnipeg, 'Man, le visiting lier father Mn. D. B. Simpson, K. G. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Oke, Fodmorden, spent Sunday with lier sister Mrs. _A. J. Courtice. Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Sandford, epent Sunday witli hiesister, Mrs. Frank H. Morris, Beecli Ave. Remémber Bowmanville mendiants havea haîf holiday Wedhesday afiernoons during July and Auguet. Mns. L. Paterson, in company wilh Mn. and Mns. Geo. Gornieli,,Salem, visited Mrs. Jas. Wood, Orono, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Avery and daugli- ter, Ingersoll, have been visiting lien aunt Mrs. W. D. Short, Concession-et. Mn. S. Frank Wilson and son, Mn. Mur- ray Wilson of the Wilson Plibliehing Go., Toronto, gave us a fiendly caîl Friday afternoon. Messrs. Ernest Relider,,Hanley Percy, Howard Percy, Elton and George Hugh- es, Fred Gale, Toronto, speni Suuday at their homes. Mn. R. Gliddon, leader, and the famous 57tli Regimental Baud, Peterboro, have an invitation for a week's engagement ai Scarbono Beach. Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Foster and daughier Doris and Mre. . ansd Miss Young spent thie week-end witli Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Foster, Castleton. ~Electrical elorme have been very pnev- aient so fan ihis season., Saturday even-1 ing and Sunday afternoon there were two witli considerable rainfaîl. The staff of James Publîehing House desire to thank Mn. W. H. Halfacre, TLy- none, for a box of luscious sirawbernies, the finst of thie season. They were deli- ciolus. Mn. R. J. Lowens and son, Mn. C. H. Loweus, have been eng-aged by M. W. Roerigk, baudmaster of the 451h Regi. baud, to play with them during Camp_ ai Kingston. 1Lieut. Paul Trebilcock will lie oui 10 camp again this yean aflen an absence of several veans from the regimeut. Hle is attached 10 the Golliorne qc ro Pt- em-Soro E.,aminer. 1We congratulate Mies Ethel Bartîcît, B.A., daughter of Rev. S. T. Bartett. Toronto, and grand-çlaughter of Mn. John Hellyar of this town, on paseing lier final exame ai Toronto University and winning the Prince of W/aies Silver Medal. Mn, W. L,-Smif-l, editor of- lie Faim- ens' Sun, Toonto, lias purcliaeed Mn. S. Halliday's fanm soulli of Orono for $4000. He paid $300 addtional t 'or the crop. Mn, Smith will continue hie dues in Toronto being convenient 10 Ithe . N. Railway. Members of flic 3rd Prince of Wale Dragoons under command of Lieut. Rd. Joues lefi Monday,10 undergo a twelve days' camp of instruction at Petawawa. Tie Dragoons will have a new adjutani in the person of Major A. E. McLaughlin of Bowmauville who, until a few monîlis ago, was in command of "A" squadron. Mn. W. F.* Allen, Ex-Mayor of Bow- manville and aun Ex-Wanden of the United Connues, wa-s iin Cobiourg last week at- iending assso f eCoulies Cunil Mn. Allen presenîed1 the counlies wiih a fine portrait of himsecf, whicli adds 10 flic collection of pictures of ex-Wandens in the Counties' Council chamben. Squire Allen le ithe oldesi ex-warden of Iliese counties living in Canada. Rev. Wilmoi G. Clarke, B.A., President of Bay of Quinte Melliodiet Confenence, wlio succeede Rev. H. B. Kenny 'in th}e, pastorale of Belleville Tabernacle, in,/a receni communication 10 James Publiýh- ing House writes lhusby of "your excellèéjIt paper": "The iirelessentenprise and mal\1 cd ailiiy manifeel in thie jounnalistiet M.JmsStanlcy suslie the be(f ieý spleniid i broodmare on Saiurday morniing aifier foaling. She wav;s a beauti- fui type of an' agricUltura-l nmare and was Miss tanly's avorte diverliig geile adkind and nait afraid o;f autos. Lose between $ý250 to $.300. Th3is mare wýas oli- tained from Mn. George _Mc7Millan, Port i Penny, lfour years a go ýtaagood igure. Good miorinig ? Do you usez( Loscombe Goal? Miss Mildred Jolinston je s siting friende in Toronto. Mrs. R. Easton, Toronto, ise visiting Mrs. Thos. Hoar. Miss Effie D unham, Toronto, is holiday- ing ai home. Mrs, joseph Owens, Warkwortli, visited relatives in town recently. Miss Laura Bragg, Providence, is visit- ing Mrs. Rd. Rrown, Kirby. --Miss Carric, . 1Hawkins i- sp)eïdiig -the summer ai Under Clif, N.Y. New wali paper and window shades or shade cloth, at P. C. Trebilco,,ck's. 1Leave your order at Caldwell's Livcry for Arygle Tuesdays and Fridays. Mrs. W. J. Bradd, Saskatoon, Sask., 15 visîing lier father Mr. J. C. Dudley. We have had 'to hold over several articles for lack of space this week. Goodyear baseball team was beaten in Cobourg Satunday by a score of i0 to 6. Orden ail your funeral designs or cut fiowers from S. J. Jackman. Phone.8o. Mn. J. D. Hoar and Miss Florence Hoar are vîsiting Mrs. Keese, Clev eland, Ohio. Mns. W. H. Williams and Mrs. J. H. Cavanagli are visiting friends in. Toronto. F. H. Mason and Son neceived another shipment of high clase buggies. See them. The dealli of Mr. Lewis JolIov ibas oc- casioned wide-spread sorrow., Obiiuary next week. Men's Suite made t0o oder and satisfac- tion guaranteed ai Couci. lolinston & Cryderman's. Miss Leah and Master Chias. Roblin, Hamilton, are visiting their grandfatlier Mr. MI. Mayer. Try a ton of Lehigh coa! and you will use no other. Order from E, W. Los- combe, phone 177. The Daily Globe from, now to Sýept. y, 1911, for $i.oo at the James Publishing House, Bowmanville. Waii for Bowlers' Excursion on Civic Holiday, Aug. 7th. to Peterboro and Rice Lake. Panticulars later. Miss Eva Curtis, Toronto, is home afier her receni severe ilinees. Mr. Fred Cur- tis speni Sunday ai home. Miss E. Moe, Y.W.C.A., Hamilton, and Miss Nellie Pattinson, Toronto, spent Suniday ai Mr. Jos. Pattinson's. Providence invites you to the, straw- berry festival Tuesday evening. Good- year Orchestra and other talent. Comfortable house wanied of 6 or 7, rooms in good part of town. Address, T. B. G., Drawer B, Bowmanville. _Mr. W. R. Chaplin and 'Alusin Mnr. Ern- est N. -brown, 1 oronto, spent S>und[ay with the formen's sister, Mrs. J. R. Pye. Lehigh coal is harder, lacis longer and contains more heai than other coal. Sold only by E, W. Loscombe, phione 177. Rev. A. F. G. Carscadden goes to Cree- more; Rev. C. B. Jelfery to Vroomanion; and Rev. C. W. Reynolds to New Lis- keard. Gentlemdn's silver waich andl fob loei. Reward for return to Mr. E. J. Burk, Dar- lingion, or THe STATESMANý office, Bow- manville. Special books from Ieading waill paper factories from whicli you ca i, select ex- clusive high class papers are ait P. C. Tre- bilcock's. - oucli, Johuston & Cryderman are show- ing an legant lot of uew Spring GCoaltsand Ladies Siealmade up inthveyl- est styles. Mrs. G. C. Haines and Mn. andMrs. John Gox and son Haines are viii t he former's daughier Mrs. Gillieri Parent, Walkerville. Several tliousand dahlia ble allie leading varieties, iod each or special qulo- tationsfo quantity. S. J. Jjackman & Sc,, o~ o > Zion Ladies' Aid announce a good lime and a splendid program at thecir straw- berry festival Coronation d-ay-June 22. Sec bills for particulars. The Christian Guardian and STATES- 'dAN to end of igîr to a uew subserilier for $1.50. Send orders b Jam-ýes Publish- Ing House, Bowmanvillc. Mn. and Mre. Geo. W. Allin, daughter Eilcen and son Albient, Vancouver, B.G., are visiting hie, parents Mn. and Mns. W. W. Allin, Post Office block. Misses Florence Hawkins, Eilda Coulter, and Clara Pennington, Port Hope, Messrs. D. Greer and H. Western, Cobourg, vii- Mr. Wm.,Paintocn's Surnday. Purse l, containing eumn of money, on Tuesday morning between Post Office, and Silver-et., Bowmanville. Finder ne- warded by leaving ai STAT7ESMAN office. E. W. Loscombe, thie Lehigli Goal agent, is filling onders with freeh mined coal, ail sizes, and guarantee the lowest >aasumer price if paid during June or July. Mr. J. H. Devili lias been rcnomînaied as conservative candidate for West Dur- ham for the Provincial Legielature, Reeve A. A. Powere, Clarke, is the liberal can- d idate. Jimmie Reynolds failed to wialk- to BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. FLo,(uR f TOU is .........$52 5oo$ D Wý'liIEAT, Faîl, bush11.......oo0 10-- D R ep]iug..........00010ta 103 Gra s e.....O0 Oto I o5 BARmLET, 15 iii , No. y.... o 50 t10 O 5 OATS, w .i.e....O032 f0 O( 35, Ryr-,.............o 6s5 1-)0 o70 BUcWHET".........O46 0 O47 PEAS Blekee, 0"buh...,oo o o, "Can'adian 'Beautis... 0 1ta0 -O,95 "~~~ Smll........001008 "~~~~ BIn..........O 01008 GLVESEI.......0')t 07 001 IIMOiIYEBU........6 o0b7O BI STTEU, beÈ tble, no.... 00 O EGG5,-doz...........O ooto-0(Ï1 POAoES'll.51 i5.....-,.. .O0 00 O01 TL', ht'týOn - . .. .00o otei 1200C MRS. GARBUTT IIONORED. lie neglar meeting of tIhe Womau's Missionary Auxiliary wae lield Wednes- day afiennoon lu the sclioolnoom of lie Methodisi' churcli. Mns. W. Coombe, Presideul, was in lihe chair. Afler the openiag exercises M- s. (Rev.) T. W. Job- iffe gave a veny 1fine exposition of the 27f h Psalm. The Hleralde gave interest- ing reports: For China, Mrs. T. C. Jewell; Japan, Mre. T. G. Baker; Frenchi work, Mfiss Crydeniman; aindlWodMrs.- L-.-A. lb. Initeresting readcinge, "A Chair ride in Cheatu" liyMs.L A. Tle, and "Our Mlissionanies on aaio"b Mrs. John Garbuit were imucl enjoyed, Miss Ida M. lrewiu sang tw ýo solos tha t tooched all heanis li tei sweetness. At the close Mns. A. E. M!cCready read this ad- Dea r Mrs. Ga ébutitî Ounlichait of our Woman's Misionianyý Socbety and Ladies'. Aid we take Ilijeopportunif y ofexpre<-' sing oun greai ap)precia4tion and heanifet thanke for your uintin,.iug inlereet in ot*r -work. Your zealdto, and negulaSi allendance have been a-n inispiration, and wotiy example 10 ail and we teed iiai wc owe you adelilof gratitude for fiel interest you have alay îanitested lu our spiritual wefare, We could say mucli more on tuis pereonali subjecl , could eary more about lie pai of an-t;ing, bit we will nof. Afler alI, ieiien liime non pace can separate os whî e memýi-ýory aste. So we will only say you hiave gone away from usw\liere fo,,nmenlýy w\e siînove toge then t0 build up God's iouse and now you wîll do your part tfiene; Il is ours 10 do our part here; but fie camei cause nobles us sîjîl, tie camre zeal etLipiiubtec us stili!, to taithifully serve H-lm iwlose will muet lie ours lu fils as in ail ihings. Ae a 10kçn of our love au(d 'appreciation we ck youvt 10 acceptiltus suoiburel of peanîs and chinSa, tea set as a ligiht rememibrance of our a reinden of mue findhpand ,deep affctin lwas.S-gined ounlichaIt of W.M,.S. andf Ladies Ad Muzs. W. CooMBEir, Pres. W.Mý.S. Mus. W. CALD'WELL, Pres. L. A. Mujs. A. E. MCCREïADY, Sec. W.M\1.S.1 Mu',s. J. J. MsN Sec. L.A. Mus. L. A. TlOiL Mns. lobe made -13-e preseutation 1o Mrs. Garbuti wh fitingly respondied atho overcome by the uucnxpecîed gifis and good wislies trom lien fellow workers in these two cocieties. 'tlie siniging of "Blesi le ithe lie ihat bnd"ittinl.,y cloced lie fanewell mueetinig wihl Mns Garbutliefore lier remioval 10 Cobourg, Boys, nead lucide pgs S'lus VI , . . H. MaUU1i& 1Suit. Room mo-iulding- ai P. C. lrebiilcock'e. Ch-Nme seobd only by W. H. Dusian. Nice brick nesidence for sale. Sec advt. "LocombeCoal leLehi Valley Coal-aut sed. Country uewe chould reach unea day carlier next week. Matin-Senour 1007. Pure, Paint sobd oniy by W. H. Due a n. Four tanks, 7 foot slaves, nearly 5 foot diameter, for sale. F. H. Mason &Son. Leave youn order aI-ý Caldwell's Livery for boat Tnesdays and Fridays. Phone 127 Drese Goods and Suitinge in thie newest shades and weaves ai (Couch, Jolinston & Sprnag iouscleailn,igleon. Tiat rmeaus new-ý -Wall papcý. r. Spviî pncesapftternls ai P. C. lrebiuldocke. Mn. Geo. MTlayvnardl -ias sold Floradona cottage at PortBom vie and is uow off erng "Sun:-sci," Sec advt. The great dramaf je1ineat of lie season wibl lie the play "Mary Qocen of Scots" in tic Town Hall, Oronoa, Jonc 22. Hean il. oned Silke ai Couci, Jolinston & ryder- man's. If you would. enjoy a pleasant drive, good pn-o&ram and lofe of slrawliernies and eream go 10 W. J. Bragg',- Tuesday evening. Gelta eau of h-ae and give your oul eloili on linoleum a coal. Il will ling ont the colon and miake if, rook like new. W. H. Dustan. Wiy lioru youn money faster than le necessany? You wiHl ot if you usei Lehigi Valley coaïL. So;ld only ly E. W. Loscombe. Poe17 Orden ynr GaiooTulirose Sumn- mer Flw jngHainlsand M\oiireta Bul'be, Pausy p1lants, etc., now, from, S. J. Jaek-man & Sn',phlit o8 M/e wonld eînplia.size the facti liai fie BULK of our7Mcn's Red-oWa ut are NEW, mnade for ihus eason's trade, No liciter goods and no lctrvalue auy- wliere. Couei, Joinston & Crydermiani. Bowmanvllle is noted] for its preiiy green' lawas. \Wliy shoulditothva reputation for itspretty residenices? A coat or iwo of Mri-eon100!, Pure Palol wii do ji. Sold liv W. H. Dustan. Two ,Gligtbug ies nanly uew, forcale aI Mason & Dale's. Tliey i ook these in I FUNERAL DIRECTORS I LMorris & Son ,Osunday anS nightf en alîs prnmptly attended tn. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches: ORONO IlAMPTON1 I ETA B.USINESS Will treat diseaýsson ail domesticated animais by the'latesi knnwn mnethods. W iii udst Blackstock Weduesday ni each week. Deutistiry a Specialty. Bell Telephone Counertion. office and Residujce, Bysîs' Blockç, ENNISKILLEN. DR. J. C. DEVITT, j DENTIST, IGraduate of Royal Dental Colege, Toronto. IOFFICE: Teumrnce St.* Bowmanville, I mtoff Kig St) 1 OFIC HOURS : 9 a. un. ta 6 p., in. daily BLACKSTOCR: let Monday of each month. Wilb tBowmanville office reni o tinte. PnOISE rn90a HoueRPîoTa !I)E90b GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristels %nd solicitors. Notaries Publi.! A. K. COOGDMAN, D. C. CALBRAITH 50S Lumsden BIdg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto. Ontario. JANITOR WA&TED. Aplctosfor the positioni of Janitor ni Rownanile HghSchool will be received by the3 ,,er ,ue Pt.n noon ou îuesday, Joue 2,th. sal,o i100O.00 lper annunt. ThIl,-dudiesonithe office eau be sscertaiued ou J. S. MVoorcraft, Y OUN MANWANTFD-To workat buteher' ing busnesou with soute experieure pre- ferted. C. M. C.XwKER & SON, Bowînanrille 0t ONEY 'r'O LOA N -a(t fle, and by e anti a hall perent~n tnîgag seuriy.Piuate fonds Applylto R-. R. ilosco,ýitE, Barrister, Bow- inanille32-tf 1 O A LE1Brick bause andSfour Iacres oflanSl U LbryoNortb, EoVuîanville.Apply, 3-,7, Bemnil.24 Louuille ,beach, incomed, th;-ebos cheap for cash. Apply te GLo. E. MaîNsD Y(59 Mont rose Ave , Torouto,2-w A EYUDI:AF) ?AuAid tethose liard ni llearing, sent ou trialire fie expense o risk. AdcsGuoiiGs Tir-tN&Go., 107 Par Ra Ne YikCity, N.Y. 2Siln ti ltîser articles, bztween Coibourg alutS .iby xpres te J. No trMA W IUS Dx lingl iBldg, Torouto. Zfi siraye 0 ueni lot li) i, ou , o 4h Any itforîationleaSing teber tcl, er mxil lt be iaukfuLlyrcivl hut ig4 F RM TO RENT--Excel'len ui oren! i ai F OR SALE A si,1faIim iof 10 acres,.. ein pati l ot jl , i rlgm n tie gods'lui la iît" etidn;md cilcu accntsutaifit.Thnsile is i aipml o gaieuig purpsss ne tifrutte .NR staio. lesat lae e u nveîn ot Hood's Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and al] Cther humors, cures ail their effeets, makes the blood rich -and- abýundant,--st-re-ngth -ns al the vital organs. Take it. There ie no "just-aà-good" medicine. Insiet on having Hood'e. Get it today. Notices of Blrths, 25 cents; Mars'iages 50 cents ; Deatls, 50 cents, each insertion. When unriicards iarc prinited nt this office, Insertion free. BIRTHS3 MICIHAIUL-In Darlington, May iith, to lr.and Mrs. Wn. Michq el, a 8011. MCMASTER In Courtice, May iYtb, toe i.and Mis. John MeMaster, a daughter. MARRIAGES Mt1CnArL-SYOWEALL--At Medcalf-st., Paison- age, Oshawa,- by ]Rev. A, B. Sanderson, Miss Clara Alice Snowball, and Mr. Norman James Michael, both Of Oshawa. GOYIa -IHEARD On June 6th, at the hotue of the bie asus. Oshawa, by Rev. A. R. Sade7o;-is Effie M., daughter nf Mr. and M ii hn Heardand Mi. Thos.Gonyne, Toronto. Moîîïs BNSONOn Joue 3id, at St. Gils BndonEnglan , Mjor Rob,1eit Cochran Morrs Royal;11 ile-y1son"f thoe t on. Alexander Morri, P.C., Tront,and EmLily Constance, dangber 0fThoms Mooe Beson,, Port Hope, ConyJiffge, Northu)mbeýiland land Durhamt. DEATHS JOLLW luBowanvileJune 1Oth, Lewis MEAR-In owîanvleJue iith, Betsy Wakiey bloxedwife of Mr. John Heard , aged NcCulwuNA Whitby, June 12th, bis Honni Nei erimn Senior Judge ni Ontarin Cnu~yage 36yeais. DwNAtLindsay, Joue lSth, William S. ono, ae 2yeaîs. Fuiseral front tLhe resideuce of bis brother ,%MIr. Mark Dowsnn, Quteeu-st., Bowmanvjlle,, on Joue 15th, (to-day) at 2.30 p. iu "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in ilonumn-nts, Tablets, Maîkers, etc., iu raieand Maîble. B cwmnanPv ilMe, Ontario. AGENT, BOWMANVILLE. I ~il - p PINEAPPLES FOR PRESERVING Now is the tirne to buy Pineapples fo-r preserving. The pîie ap1-ple season is early anid usually short. We are offering pines at prof- table prices,$1,25, $1.50, $1 15,'$2 00 per doz. The most econornical sizes are $1,50, $1.75 per dozen. Get our price foýr gran-ulatLed sugar by theý '00 lb. bag F. A. HADDY,, -GÇROCER, BOWMANVILLE. 7m rNew Thisvveek AtI SW.,Mson &Soni's 2 pieces 4 yards wide, English Linoleum, Special value. Flor Oilclotlîs, 1 yd., !,ý, 1-1, 2 yds., wide, new patterns. Lace Curtains in white anîd ecru,- Ladies White Musliu Dresses ail sizes, and »priCes, White Linen and Duck Wash Skîts. Nev ParasoLs for Ladies and Oidren. Emnb)r3idred Dress Musijus and Fiouncing!Ls. White Muslitî Waists, witls Kiîssuna iýleeves, the veryiatest cication in Waîsts. Ladies' Collars, Tics and Belts ill the nest styles, Speci*als This Week. Ladies' Tailor-made Suiss balance of stock to clear, $14,75 suits for $10.25, $15 suîts for $10.50, $18 suits for $12.50, $18,75 suits for $14, $20 suîts for $15. Ail new this sea- son, Northway Make. Ladiesnd Misses' Spring Coats, $3.50 and $3.75 coats fo-r $2,75, $5,50 coats for $3.95, $6.50 for $4.75, $7.50 for $5,50 $8,50 for $6 , $-,10 for $7.75, $12.75 for $9.75, $14 aîîd $15 for$0.,$1 for- $12.50. 12 (doz, Blae ACottot >se, great a îLs,2 pair for. 25e 10 oz PreLionToweI s 18x 3, re' 7cecdifor 2 for, 2S'c 3 d o Toi as admdpure linci, reg.sp m O ah fr c, g 5c or7k e 20- for 10c, etok complete- and up-to-date.INoetrvaus Early Closing N otice. t This Store.w-I be closed everyWdndyafron at 12.304oclock durinig JlIyanAgut SOLE AGENTS for thAe Leather LblOeal.( -And the Hm ornlDesPatterns I Groce-rs' Dulý.e -BUis Tak-en as Cash a tdorto StandardB'.k, Bow invti t - i i RUBBER TIRES Haýving iastalled- a aew and up-io- dai RUBBER TIRE MACHINE, I am pnpaed1 furnieli and puf on rublier tires ai neasonalile pices. I solicil your, patronage. Cail ai the East-End Bîacksmiili Sho p andel patieulars. -A. W. PIOKARD, î --------------- %m- W hy flot decîde rlgh)t now to buy a DOMIN- ION lf PIANO. If tcrmiýs are any con)rside,,,r- 101 aton Iwill give -ou anyraonbeternis, youi can pay by the motcr four times a year o)r three times a year. And if that does fo suiit yo'let me hear from you and we will tL ,k it over. The pianos are righit in every parti,- ulat' aýnd 1I will imake the i*ce r1ight. IJAMES u DýIVMAN, . 7 1

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