THE INFlUENCE 11F WO1IN They Rve.Assum.ed the Spiritual Lead- ershi-p of the Age Thli universal opinion of mankind ther or ,not lie dare claim hie loves places flic love to God as the chef God, lot hirn love bis wife. If that motiefoce iin morals. lis not loving dcify, it is the acat Riltnext to this in imrportancelthing to ift. and ini power ,ornes the supreme1 Ii speak soberly. I refer to ethi- love ofoune mnan aad one woman. 1 cal power. Sincere, loyal love be- If aa hia ',iýveits ýrootpin the ls-!tweea one man ad oanevomaa isi Eire, of the body, as a lily bas ifs f0 my mind a buadred times purer rofs iiiflie moid, but its flower than that purify supposed to bloorn and spiritual coasummation is farth- in the unmated. A good wife is a est removed from eartliliness and better cure for ueworfhy thouglifs bias flie fiaesf ethical flavor. than fasfing aad flagellation. Il is amaziag how rnany saints And equally good is a suprerne anld couacils and ecclesiastic pole- exclusive affection in fthe woman mies have regarded the love of wo- soul. To ufterly love ýone man, f0 mnan in any way akin to cvii, Whie choose irn and dling te hirn religionists fulminafed agaiasf the ,FO BETTEIl0OR FOIR WORSE" dianger of soff smies and laughing efye-s te thei soul. down in Provence is not to ha called conducive te re- thec troubadours wcre founding a ligion; if miglit almosf lbe called bertter theology,- wbicb crept overlreligion ifself. the Alpsad touched one Dante,j This human love, romandie af- wbo1j perhaps îM'ore than any other'fetion, which ]ooks to marriage as genjuiis lbas rescued womaa frm its normal fulfillimt, ousts sin in thLlnl !sneadmd e he -best way sEin caiji be ousteil, by maan's spiritual -guide. The sub-1what Clialmers called "the expulf stbance of bis gospel was tbaf i-f is'sive force of, a new ernotion." If wo.1ma wbose seul awakeesý, the stoýps moral lesion by thie mosf Pc- seuil of man te bis kinship wifh tent of orlanfisepfics, love if- Go jd. 1self. f halsthe diseases offlie, THE ANCIENT JEWS seul, nef by t he crude mefliod:, cf '115I fher "court of women" in bleediag and blistericg, ineauifaî- their temples, and the Mohamme'-fions and auflets, but by tJflýic a dians dcny tliem seuls; se aise tbe tional 1scien7fifie principle of "s hiermitsacd holy anchorifes prayed sisfîgntrtefirwoffi*a te lie ýdelivered from fbem. on if o)ur civilization of te-day is Il goes te the seat cf life and efeandi af least if is kinderand empowers there. Il stimulates tbhe ml-ore bur-nane; if we bave penefrat-wht corpu scies o h prtt e ed 1ito file core of ail religion and vour and destroy ail deadly mic- foundc it te coasisf cf ne more norroes and dangeosbcli lesta mofionial alfrnism {,aî-j I is significant that all rougli trusm ifhdynmie, te pimeflic mliddle ages men worshiped a c usof ou) avatae'siba wornan wifli a-baby in lber arms. mca aveassumed the spiritual If is stili signifieant fliat fthe rosf leadc!(rship o! the age. vigorous religions movernent je In our churches a is "fthe court fhis opeeîng of tbe twent-efh cen- of mca" thaf friages fthe rear of tury is beaded by a womaa. then meeting; witli us, confrary te Tbe dying Bunsen said te bis Llamn, we soectinmes donlit if m'en wife, as she sfeoped te kiss him: bave seuls. I say if a mac a e "In fliy face bave I seen flihefer- corne soecntangled wifb institution- ual al fheology that lie cannot tell whe- DR. FRANK CRANE. ,-BOY IIM" Boy Jim was a herse flue!. lie kucew if himself fhorougbly, and many geod mea wbo had misscd herses were preffy suspicions o! ùim, but be w as exceedialy "slim" iu lis way of doicg fhings, and nef ah flie skill and experience against wbich le pif ted himiself lad ever been able te "round bîm np" once le was on a liorrowed liorse's back. Ris name arose frorn fhe f acf fIat lie- lad licen on the prairie f rom boymoed, thouglh ho was aew twen- tysxor sevea, wifl a weýatîer fanerd face, wbece dark skin was brokea by several scars. lis ready smile aad merry eyes, surmounfed b y a shock of curly brown air, lad s;tî1l semefý,hing of a boyisI .leok Beyond tliaf, ho was a taîl, wiry. acieman, whose muscular body acd4 sinewy limbs had been efrengthened and kept supple hy herd work and constant exercise iu the open air, for, let if be under- steoil, le was nef a herse flic! ex- cinsively. HP, would work as sfead- ;Iy as aay iman onfIe plains for 3 c), or oevea 12 monflis. Mien be would vanish like a cloud, and always a herse vanislicd witI him. Wby l idd if ne one knew. Èf lahappened again lasf niglit. The ,)Id longing, restloss and per- sistent, lad corne on linsi in fIe nighf, and the borse he wvas ridicg 1ew ad been tppreppiitsed as a sacrifice to -the cravicg. By dint of sýýteady riding and short breaks for rcst lie had placed a huge slce of prairie betxveen hinisclf and flie spot where lic lad worked continu- ally for the hest part of a ycar. In front of hirn, rising Iikt-o a row of gigar-Lic b-,- les from tIce earf b, y stood a, lice o! hlhs, and if wes te- wards theése fIef le lad Icen liead-j ing -ail moraing. They lookcdqie near, but bis practised oye, as cleant acd keen as an eagle's, teld lim le lied tîre-e good miles te cover lie- fore lie recdled fleir base. -There-le woli-find--a--gorge,- a_ luge crack in fIe blis, dewc wlose ruggcd side dropped a cafaract. The, wafer, striking fIe carfl wifl a roar, !rotîed furionsly ever rocks and boulders intc- e valley wlicl. opcced cftIhefan ccd o!f tle dlism, and, f cd by a unadred hlls !rom ciflier fiank, ceea becamo c deep and dangerons ferrent. About fîrce miles down fIe vailey was e troc hîiden cava, wlere le lad once retired in pence and seeurify fer many weeks, Stiddcnly Boy Jim tfned lis liead ced ieoked lack. Beliad lim were five blacck dots. They lad cof been fIere a few minutes before. lie steppcd lis mount ccd watehed f 1cm until fley grew int o five foy herses witli dolis cri, fleir lacis. Tliec, swicg,'ing round agein, lie sent lis onsfeed forwcrd atf a sfcady paco. There was ne need te tel Iim fteattise mca beliiad wcrc messen- gens o! deafl, wifli lassos cf fbeir saddles and revolvers et tîcir lips. The di seevery did nef disturli lis peaca o! mmd in fIe leest. lie lad nîsrsed lis hiorse ccrefuhly, whlue lis pîîrsaers must have riddea liard for hens's te gef sigli f ohlim, Wifl fthe cavera waiticg for lieu down flic valley, lie lad nofling te fear. If w-as tenie, aimeet idiculoas, floagli lis pussuers must bc, in deadly carcest te lave staci fo bis treil wif I cc doggcd tcnacify. Tea minufes lefer Boy Jiin dasli- cd ito thflcaeriosi, and, i-c-,pîng Ùte thfe rig-lîto!flicestrecm, ernergedý infe flic vaiR-y bcyond cf an in- creased spced. Thc turf befweeai flic river and flic foot o!f tbe hli was vendant aed flat, offcrn a spiccdid sfrctcb o! easy going for a final burst. A lead brougîlit im iinsiglif e! a '"Tna i hm e O6y lays from i20 t* ISQ eggrata i Ure, aid t" aesu c eeka. Urider tavoraWe conditions the deSCendanis et a sÏngie pu wd um ilin latitmots hcW'~ Il Sekeessoudomneusg ' --M, s 4' Ls" B1y Lydia E.Pika ' Vegetable Compouped Toronto. --I gladl ieyou Sv testimonial infaoro£y.o7r1 onderful niedichies. 'Las £ October ï wrote f0 you for advice as 1 was completely run dow.,n, had bearing down sensation in the lower part of Sbowels, backache, in 1thé sd.I also suf- * ý fered terribly front After receivinf S your directions, y' closely and arn now I entirely free froin pain in back and bowels, and arn strongý,er in every a; al took Lydlia F. Pinkham's VegetabeCmon be Fore rny baby was orn andI rcornendit highly to ai.1eH at omn-MRS. E. AntirWomau Cre apeCreek, Sask. -I have used Ly1dia E. Pinkham's Vegefableern pounid and Blood Purifier, and YIarn aow in perfect health. I was troubled with pains every month. 1 kro-w otheýr women who sufer as I dit a-id JI will giadly recommend your medicine to them. You may publish this if yon think if will help others.-Mrs. F. E. Cooic, Maple Creek, Sask. If you bolong te that countless army o! women who sufer froin some formù of fernale ills, don't hesitate to try Lydia E. Pinkham Vegeýfabie Comn- pound, made f rom roots and hba,;. cow placidly ,grazing haleif a mle ahead, and, beyond that, wi h a thin wreafh o! srMoke floatieg cnt ofan iro n cbi.'imnev stond a ý,üýd th ougbffully. "Eveýr lin te Gully Flat?" sIcased ",Know if backwrds," lie said. TIc fhud uo! bofofs oufside was di stiacfly beard. "Dun't ynsek"sbe cern- manded, "'Cept te baýck Ime np. My cause was iMaryY'Lrail. D'yc under- stand l" le icd dnefndesacand le- fore lie conlel akthe deer fiew op- en, and Gingr tnk, a ýgianf witb red liair andad , sfepped inside, followed byNoy Thompson, who las a proboscýis ike flic famous Duke cf Wellicgfon'sý, only longer. Behind fîem werc fwe other mcn, and tliey al Icld revolvers in fleir hands. The fiff h rider sfer)od af -a distance, holding fthe horses., "Yen kmki put yonr bands np, Boy Jimi," said Ginger Dick. "I reck- on wegot yen f bis time.' Tiie wonîsfepped lefween tliem, and, pntfing lier bands on lier lips, loc at ftle speaker wif hfiahnee. ",Yen got redliir"sIc remark- cd, "stieking eut o' the ngliest heý,ad I ever sebuit if's real pretfy comparcd wîti yonr cîeek. tiow dare yen e)pen uy d oor wifli- ont knockingl Giniger fIrmly-, "uhour arber- ig a boss fh(if, and \wceaiai'f stand- ing on ermoy ili him." "orei is 1"repl ied the woman. '"I sntfor hlmi. Hie'd TIc - four mca iook lifer and fidgeed useasil. Tlecrc al troubied wi he lc inbrd ceurfesy and!,] esetfrwmnwhicb is ciarcterstieofflý,ic ranclier. "W~'r sory rnrm,"interpos- cd osyTopo."You'vc gof a kicicart,1u fiaf stery won'f wasl." TIsew'ma-ecdhim scornfnliy. "If' yen) coid P ec as far as flic ccd e! yornose," she riemarked in a, biting tone, "you'd nîotice this child sitficg liere wet l iirongli." She, swung round sideway s that fley~ miglit sec fle ic ac behind lier. Hll' w as standing ina1pool o!wafer whicli lad frcldfrmbscohs "Look at irn" I eie."Ti 1 ho se. hiâ. asvuucneil! 1I-îI. Wl,,; ceu say !-" ---vu"-nose '--ii,,, )j ni".' iiwai letc 1t-e ihorse uac,,.alter irenon ,e sany ofcensiderable size. leing chaed. lis eunly chance xvcs cymeen. Tue xalley was inliabif cd. te keep on riding, but le stops te on rn-, if yo're wiiiing." Hie wcs A xoman 'carne-eut o! the hnild- fefdli ry liffie 'un enfter the wafer. feeling veny shy in flic presence or îng, holding a ýchild by flie land. Didn't stop te tekse bis gui Off ev- lis wife. She cangît siglit o!flice rider, ccd en se's lic conld, shoot. Thinli Ie'd "Yes," sI-e agreed, "yo'd b1sf deserticg tflicdhiid foi' a montent' la' donc fItat if le was tannin' fer go, e! yen want te." ran ahead ccd fried te dhase some awey i "Would v'on w oui' ' ,on 1sfme chiekens towards the but, evident- Noscy Tliompson lieked bis lips sfay i" le starnmei'cd7. and even lis ly fh-inîg fbey migît le trcmpied and drew flic lack lI o is bfree hnddeep 'fan conld nef idetis( lo upea. The youngsfer, leff cf lib- acrosswlis notonf, ltlc lu bis face. erty, tooli off a-soff cap, and dart- sfared at tIexvouîac ccd thin pris- "I reekon I weîll," .i ci'rm icg in a zig-zeg lice affer a buffer- onen with e face cxprc'(ssing -deep lcd hirn. "Yoi lfinrd some dlry fis, gof very uer fIe edge o!fIe fliongli. clofles o' Tems in -a box, in t' e fer sfream lefore flic weran discover- "Si e etfrhm cr, rot. lie was jusf year.-size, lut- cd if. Leex_:ig tflicehiekens te flir dida'f you l" le irquir>ed. "Whaf not se good-lookicg." fate, sIc danfsd ecross witl iaced- for 2" "Give oves' 1" sIc gisped e min- ible speidting eut- -wild-ery- F-othrr fIe f i ime fIe womac les- utc jeter.__"yoLu'Il-have Me as wef o! wernieig et the saine limne. if cf d, ccd a Bush ,came into lier as yotirsclf, Jsm." If was tee lete. TIc child, witî cIe cks. licHeiengled joyeasiy. ccd, lift- ifs eye on flic speek e! meving col- "If ain't ne business e' yoans," ing licr in lis arms, carried lier in- or, ad lest te all sease of danger, sIc said; "lut I neekon l'Il lave toe csliccfy te attend te fthe wcnt lcading over the leek into t elleue. ,I'rn Tamn Macplesson's hld. fli dep, wif caren îeow. widder, an' I kcew Jim liallef That wes Boy Jim's lest f heft. Boy deip, was t îirfyrds aelwcyafore I was rnarrnmed. lic uscd f0 lie owns meny herses and mach wBoyn fhi hpenedyad flic corne sperking mnie t Gully Flat, cattle bimseif now, as well as a whenthishaepnedand helut we qnarrcled 'lent notling, large ferniiy, and lis wife declanes sensamî whcl fIe womau gave an' le went awey. Thie rest don'f fIef prernarifal coartsliips anc a made hie île od fiagle. lie li ecv- matter, oely I leard lic was ranch- inistake, inesmueli as-. lier bnsbaad er heard suýh egocy ced despeir in ing cf Mewson's, an' sent word te lias lcu coarfing lier ever stucs. a larnan voice before. If seemed îirn as 1 was lere-an' free-an'________ te l -e celliag _ u-p on _flice -wlole_ uni- w- 'nltscli. verse fer aid. S~~ite spolie wifî ail the embarrass- ATRP ALI'XS. IPulling bis liesse on te ifs ment. o! a wernan makiag a centes-AsFr sCaBeSnItsD- launclies cf fIe women's side, lie sien, lut Ginger Dick's face wasAsFr s aBeSnItsD. spneng off ccd, cnying "Hold sfil' hand and ineredaloas. voild of Animal Lue. lim 1" dived into the sfrsarn. If "What you got te say tefIef '" A part o! the Melay Penissla isI was a splendid ]cap, ccd bnougbf_________________ overed by an aimost inabrokea for- Iim te flic surface close te wîcre 'est. TIc native population occu- flic chîld was- vaînly sfragglîng forFO- ~ ics lut a s eal -exteaf o! groaïtd; lî'ef I. To seize if and tara olI n mu. I I u cd ilie part, whenab aedoned, lis lack wxas fhe work cfFi0é I i an la-SE qnsckiy gees lacl to wlldernnss stant. Feeling flic nseicssccss o! agein, eSe dense is fIe growfli fIat swrnîig gans fe nten, icAnIdeal :R-emedy for Coughs, cîcu et middey tIe woods anc derli foated witth if, kickicg ouf for tle Ctrr, and full o! ýgioom. TIc paflis aiong lank. Bore Throat, wh«ihîtflicuttifers o! raffan makie If seemed an cternify lefere le Weak ,'.Chest. theýin ,wey anc nef more f ban a foot rcaclcd if, and whîec, essisted ly and c haîf wide. They anc kepf as fnIe dr womn'shad, lic ýws emed 'fte ha-vicg made a speciai stndy passable as mach, penbaps, by on t dr gnuud liewespnefyof the tretetret of the tirect and ests o! prey as by mca. To this weli exîausted. Thec instinct e! uungs cor twenty yecrs, Prof. D. Jack-' 'fonestf Mn. Maxwell les devoted self -presenvafion was active, Iew- son states thet in bis opinion no pre- the entertainicg pages o! lis booki, ever, ccd le looked round for lis perettea fer generai t'cm;ty use is sOe la Maicy Fonesfs." herse. If was peace!ully gnczicg efficient, se hite1useo .a ta cure Affcr an licu's walk along c fer- fourhuiired ardsup te valeyas 'Catarî'hozý,cne. four ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A huîrdyrsabfi aly A is es fer maciag this claira, csf pafl, a7casuel observer niight in the direction lie lad cerne. A for Catvjicrbne, D'. ackson says: Iscy fIat, se fer ashliceould sec, fIe mils beyocd if, coming fou erd 'fiCatairrhozene 15 .ýfree fI'ornopium'. forcsf confained ne fioess, ce but- them lke flic wind, xxcne five herse-b "The piatient ccc- btectl Its rich, tenflies men rding lmos abrest.elsemnie fum. es direct te the diseeised e, no birds, ne life o! any mecsîsc autcf bres. pot. kicd. But if yen sit apen c falîcu "low ýccc I fbeck yen l"seîd fthe "L s a remed'y that treats and fr-e mtuni and loeok round, yen wentran, clasping flic child te ber cures aa---rvents diseese spnead- may sec a liftle more. ccd tr icg tle sooflie ifs frightccced 1-cg. è ligin re n lot4to bowls. "Reaches the einnriýmest recesses of Ii nccn iototo the throa.nom, ronohiaI tubes, and sigîf, yen may sec an oceasionel Hliuglied biffeniy. "l'ins, tee luags., fiowen, acd iewer down, perhcps, wef an' tee wicdcd te rni, an' my "lAlleviates chzest sorsasse. yoar eyc mey ligîf apon a spray o! gun's ful e' w-aten," lie remianked. "Stops coughing instantiy. blessoîns f bat e canefal scrnfiny "TIc oaly fhieg yon en do is te "Prevents bron<;.h1-ai irritations. ' ow ndbuymewn "R'eiieve s ciogged nestrhls. slows to elac miniature oncbtd. cnt mie dw e nym-ve "Cures saI'fies cd ai catarrhi Thene are fcw baffe-rfies in flic fIîey've finished." "Prevents Le. Grippe. fonýesf, but uew ccd tIeni, if yon arc liindedfwerd-s fic Iriidiy "iesproven isefa cure for çweah byone o! fltý-e)Ipcings aemong tIe liirn- ;ib, iinls wlc ough S, ceids. ced wînhnIt,."-reaure xvat ffIe patls arc te uis, fiiil , " ý a2ce, 1 1Catarrltozoce e uquetieab1 Iltl en aysee a mothI or a butterfiy "I borrowcd fIat hoss," waq fIeiag iii free f7rontcld'wydasmnie grim repîy. -ferý -r 4ýd odýeks PRÉ' lien ets travelled fient th1 cemme1,ncted by he 7i,-d4ciI po tc lorseman te bis face, cc e and sold by ail reliabie dealers. Be- fsbdwif b suddetideferinaf,'in. wr fiiainge't "aas "Ge info the hIeuse,'e i d ooe ny 1ag 1 et w 1mol)riti]S, anit ucaned,îc $l; "4Quiel IDoni'f ruai, w cL h i ralrszs2ecd501. By mai! "WTIhat'stfelic se o' fti" l clofrernLThe CtrheoeCoipany, Reoescort Gay r lega. IIýgýstoin, Ont. etrscl oGay r "D a'f lk." sýIc aimlosf lhissed Faded hair--Removes D anr "Ge issie40 C R52 Pl druff and invigorates the Scalp Tlieeeed atatcbniai. Ye a ainîletssîy remeve a- ïnY corn, 1--Promotes a luxuriant, TIc~~~~ I!,efll'vdlicd ehr bard, soit, or bltceedlng. b' lp eiosînlg tIto cdoon. sat flc n sl Pyig etamsCoteExtactr.Ap- eathy bair growith-Stopsius due chldje cair nesrbursleaes e ean cntans falfi' ou.Is not adye. TIi0 ac-:Ill srirandss. becausemec rn. i gnout. flille î'all. Ilii rcelig c fue sbsttuts. Neark, N. J.. U. S.ýA. Manei's laecedf 'ekcc hst"leT A11 -I15~rEUSP, ALL SUBSTITUTES ~~ l'Vr sale and remeddb>' - Sî~îtddd nt ikd a!,bsm:GInN cXT MOR Jury & Level. 7heo inqnired, looking at Bey Jim'. ccNofhing," was flic curt reply. "If ain'f your business." 3 "I gucss ifs my business te knoxv if I'm being spofc,"le rcforted; "an' I'm going fer know. If wid- der Macplicrson seont for yen if wvas te make if up, 1I reekon. An' if yon came te sec li er, if was wifli fhe samei, idea. Se yen iiwen't objeef ,tet marrýy hirn rigît aa. i ok cd4 at lier inquiriagly. "Ain'f bic ask-ed yet,"' she re- plied, "nef by Jimy."ý "Wal," rcmarked _Noseýy Tliomip- son, "le kmn ax yeo, an' w m7-ýe'il kco.w by yeur ans-wer vwlieflie3r you bic lying." Boy Jim looked at fIe womac's well developed figure and prefty face wifb a glint o! admiration in bis cyes. lier pewers o! invention and superli acting acclairned lier to e emore flacn snally elever, and she was nef a day over f wcnty-five. "Mrs. Macpherson could ha' liad me when lier carne was Mary Trail. She km lhave' me cew. 1I came bere te ax lier. WIaf yen say, Maryl" "I reeken I will," she said, "but don'f quarrel wifî me agen 'bout flic way 1 do my liair." A visible gria sprcad ever flic feaf4ures o!flihe ofler f lrcee mca, but Ginger Dick scowled. "Wai," he rcmarkcd, "Miaister Todd is oufside micd in-,lchess lie came fô s cee asyen',ou justiceC. Gncss we'Il fefel him1r in and lit ch yen twe fogether in11 no0time." The wernaa wea er(imsn, and Boy Jim fook a stcp forward. "That is," coetiniued lich speak- er. "If you aic'f foolin' us. "I aia'f -objectin'," said flic wo- mac lefore ber ýsnpposed lover could speak. "There's more rooem outside." TI-ey ail treoped out, and affer f hicgs lad bsec explaincýd te Min- ister Todd, le stood inside a circle o! mec and horses te solemuly per- form fIe marriag-e ce 'emony le- fweea a vcry wef briQegroorn and a very white !aced. bride, wlie, neyer- tlieless, r.espocided te fli, questions ta a firm voice. WIcu if ývas ailover they rode away, teiiing- Boy Jiri le eould pass by, fapping ifs bcavy veivet one ehuld, about 37 per cent. ; t'we xvicgs. chiidren, on about 31 per cent. Yen seldori bear a bird, but if Unmarried and liaving an ia- yon are quiet acd waif long enongl cerne o! $2,680 a y-car la Norway,' sorne finy suabird may cerne'your yonr incorne fax paym-ect wýouid le way, or a jungle len may dcreep ouf $421.29,; rarried, wifl eue clild, from under a lush, acd scratch for $389.94; married, wifli six child- ants' eggs in an open space whero ren, $355.17. Ail thaf yen would a trec lias f allen. If yen kaow- gef off your iccome fax (married) wlieîe te look for tlfim,ye vii for havicg sixý chiidren xsod lie sec flhc fracks o! fouir-foofc cin-$66; ýal fIat yeýn vouid get -off by ais,,but yen will no e o fi ain-lvigfixe more ehiidreanld e ais tbemselves. $44iaid six bits. Marricd or uni- In a !orest wliicb yen cowtu Wcarredin Norway. yen wouid esl- sQ. extensive, yen bave ariglif fo capepayin;rg -an income fax oniy ly expeef more flan yn av ser. ainganin icome lcss tîca$83.08 Ants, a luffterfly, evn 3isd 1d a yeair. Tiali o! paying au incoe nef and cannefrepesetheflclifefaxont e! $7 amnt ofths refglocminvpac. But more yen cannof sec. Yon are flic centre o! a smnail cir- 1 BALIBCI cie wlose radins varies f rom fiffeen te flirfy yards. Inside this cii cee13a Warnning that tihe Kiî,dncys are yen can ses more or less disftanct ly; I>*Siek. ontside if cveryfhing is hiddeu. Even se linuge an animai ,as an cie- A lad lack fnarns every fwenty.. pliant is somiefires invisible cf four heurs info eue duli round of fift-eeîî yards, and alrnost alwcys iu- pain anîd isery--yon are lame su visible at fbirfy yards. flic aornicg, nagged ahi day Iy a Wlierever yen go yon car'ry witli dullirobbing backacb can't rest you fIat litf le circleouot side wlieî in '%c evening lies flic uckaown. The pafli flat' or slcep xvehl at lie S bebind -yen- is,_ as soon as if ngî.tbrf passes outside fIat circle, as fuill Ite bend ever, of flie unknowcnas flie pafl before strai ghfen np., yen or flic fangie on echclsi-de. So littie do yen sec fIat fisc feelingcai,-r-,i cornes oves' yen that you are alone P ven a lîgît in fIe midst o! r-aysterious, hiddcn w-eigîf Any tliags. Te c feeling flat immediafe- j suide twst, ly folloîvs this is itfliese myster turc or evk- ions things are net rnereiy liidden, 1war noemntscads atarc lut arceeiely îidden f roi',Yeu. oifee!pain fîrough flic weaký The c-ircie thaf moves with yeu is spot., flic veil ds'awn against yenL. îYen Booth's Kidncv Pis recelIe0i conid imagine fIat yon w etc a iveak spot, flic kideys. mdqik trespasser, or a-f al events regard- î etr ide eil n on cd as sudh. * fort. Thcy arc guarecteed.Al Then yen lave flche orible feel- daesccArHiss 0.,o ot ing fIat from lehind flic fre dpadsad fgits o. o ôt trunks wafdliiîîg eyes are lookireg sai 1oin The R. T. Eoot b Ce., 'Ltd. Fort Erie, Ont., Send lfor fr-ee upon yen. If is lad enongl at aay fimo if yen arc clone ccd aui -box.wliieh xvi liegladly sýent on quiet; if is worse as flic sue sieks application. and light fades; ià is %vorse ifi bY Sl n urned auy iii chance you hiapipeu fo knoxv ville by Jury &r Luvoil. fIat -yen lave lest nefot 11Y YoUr xvay. but -gens' senese of dir('etmnci. A SITUATION VACANT. At ail times yen may sec tlîiiegs lappen o! wlicfich hereasorî is bard Johnson, fhe fency dealeýr,la to divine. Althoungl onf a breatîs left bis boy Jinimy inecharge cf b 1is o! air can le fplt. te move, a fropd slîo-p. e! a palm rm i begin te s-vcy gen t1y The first ensfoîner was ani o(,d lckwý.aid anl forw;ardi, v'Iiie ail lady wio vas -ont te bny a jre- eeft tIc eflier fronds offlic saure troc for lier son. SIc was verydiict remaîn as nîofiealess as fthc trces: f0 picase. astd Jisnmy bega te ge round. Yen cexamcine thie palm to sec impati-ent-. At hast fb-c lady p)iclicîl if flore js possihly a ratf or soins u1P a litit sateliel. thier aijnimal et ifs bas3e, bui c an "Aie -usuefisi edcj- dicoernfh-e. Sorntisegtr-skn " heisquircd4. ad.ai3d xiia nded i. ed ficlady, siin npoesy Buýt Jïia-iyivwas qul t l )CoecL-, NORWY'SINCO3IE T-i, jsin Marid cii Atefav<ed Bt lseifstruck tho e il i...-.i..,1, 1,,.~ P,,, Snmuhhî~ iffeu ff lic froc.", con a o inuttenohig oi if yen'awerc umansd;on aboult oac-fwenfef(-h of it if yen wero meinr- ried cnd lied ne chidren. If yen lad ediîreyen sf111 wontid l; faxed onon neffie fif. Rate(3 hih-7-a anCe nt,. Wl-fb-an W!t corne of $5363 a yLcr yen would l taxcd, if nnmairn-tàiie[, ol n more flan hlai!)f your income; if marnied and laviag no clùldrea, on aboutno 4 per Ce--t. o', yOur nfIehaving "In.d 10wi yur litsha'nci dc,- ,inig nowmr.mb""O, he' doig mli le's -got a -jobI la a hoee'lstk flre 1C1DN~14B, LVER, STOMACI E R - tislde1cr, cttsper boz, orT- t'i Pmi C., 1,, Om4. TD30BellTelecph1one Se37rvice IL iht- ens the dm,4i tasks of thïe farmerps wif e. lU the family BNU lSweri 18 sindispen- sable. It is z conitan' ho-usehoGd oomPanion. lt S11ops for her whem se i toobusy tto u.Itbrtni lier la closetouchi th the social l'If te aui4àe Loved ones far away miay b. zraçhed, for ihe.Bell iel 13 al most iùn1tiess. It relieve-s the molieot:Ly of life. Site cannot ha lonesomne with lie Bell Servioe at lier comrnand. It is a constant 8ouroe of plea wre and i>,ofit ii, the home cîrc!e. haia aleady ,Jar niîýb-r cof Rural Sfflb cr1 lu thi dÉLrIct i.Cip~' lies wiU b. e lMrM To avorid ar td~potetwii ~ ~s req~re te Seviceurg.y~ gt yu ott befo~ethe lae oc dh1 Zr T II, ~tM*~R ~m & TriREA