Colonization Excursion TO New Ontario June 22n.d Tfie locw rate of one cent per il,e each -7ivay (for second-class tickets> wiil b in effeet from al stations hin ntaiKing- stoni, l Mad-waska and W/est, to al stations on T. and, N. O. Ry- lHaileybury anid Nrh.Return limait j uly th. "Cobalt Spcïial" leaves Torontýo 3.30 p'. M. VACATION TIST Muakoa Laks;)Lae of ays; -Temagam:i Aigonqin Par; 'Magalnetawan River Frenh Rier;GeorianBay; Lieaueand fnl iformaý,i(tio-rom jurýy &Loveli durig te ~e~onthis cornfortable ataerxii]le, Bowrnnville .......... 7.00 n. n, Oshta"a ............... 8.00 n. m. ...tb.............. 8.45 a. m. A ixhiToronto at 11,15 arn, Xetunrn levesYoung St. wharf, Toi-onto, ;ut -5Jp . RÎETURNFI ARE FROM ALL PORTS % . Low Rate ~ Quick Despatr.h AGENTS F., C. Pethick, Bowmanville. C. 0.1110 MAs OHW. 'M. llËaavj i wA È. . BLOW, Wli f BM-, ATTRACTIVE 1 SUMMER SIIOES Take ap- e in next time you pass hthryou v. ant shues or not - and see; in what a masterful way we've prepared ijor the- Summer shoe trade.I Men%,s, wornn'a, chl]dmn's- ail sorts et shoe wauîs well povided for, and donc îthe way we alwnys do thinga. TIai rmeans flot cnly large variety for sÉeccion, bal helter shues fom youn .he2Bar, Pump WC'il get yonr business, if your ,teally in earnest about getting the best shocs your inoney can buy. We're rcady to show you whcn you youir ezrdy tu 1ooký F.R. FOàL EY, " PARLOR SHOE STORE. BOWMANVILLE Z~o1d ky Jury & Loveli, Bowmanville. BOWMýA14VILIE, JU-NIE 15, 1911. SOLINA. Mr. H. Goyne and Miss Dean, Mr. Harvey and Miss Richards, Oshawa, re- cently visited at Mr. John Balson's. Miss Emily Pearn, Fenelon Falls, visited at Mr. Wmi. Werry's.. -Mr. Leo jeweil, Toronto, visited friends here... .Miss Gertrude Pascoe visited friendîs at Eben- ezer. Several electrical storms passed through this vicinity recently. .. . Mr. H. Short, Tory Hill, and Miss Regina Short, Courtice, visited at Mr. J. W. Brooks'. Roofing, ail kindý F. H. Mason & Son. Strawberry festival at Zion chnrch on Thursday June 22. Darlington League game Enniskillen vs. Taunton. TYRONE. Mm. George Gilders, Hespeler, Mrs, F. Rundle and son Fred, Port Perry, were recent gucats ot Miss Lizzie Vistue.. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner visited Mm. H. Osborne, Canuingtou, and frieuds in Mari- posa and Lindsayý . .Tyrone Sunday Scbool picnic will le hcld lu Mm.Wmn. Hambly's grove on Corouation Day, 22nd. Everybndy should attend. Free convcyances trom thc village to the grounds ... Hundreda of people witncess-, cd the football game played here betxveca Enniskillcd and Tyrone Saturday. Score 2 10 i lu tavor of Tyirone. Go lu boys for firat place lu bbc season oft 191-t. Comus cripple the tedt and make waik- ing a torture, yct sure relief in Holioway',ïs Corn Cure is within mach of ail. HAYDON. .Our Sunday Schooi is prcparing for a grand time at aur anniversary on Suday Jane 25 wc- arc f0 bc tavoredl wifh ser- mons at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m by Rcv. J. W. Wilkinson, Toronto, who wili also siug at ench service. The school will, famnisb music. Collections in aid of adiool fuda. On Snarday July It Dominion Day at 3.30 p.m. a hall game will le piayed and' at 6 p.m. Enniakillen and Tymone foot-1 ball feams will play a Darlington League 1 game. Tea semvcd from 4 p.m. Af 8 p.m. a grand concert will le given by firsf-clasa artisbs fmom Toronto: Mm. Harry Bennett,c entertainer, Miss May Crabbe, elocation- ' sf. Mm. Frank M. Bemmose, fenor soloiaf,r Prof. Bowies, accompaniat. Admission:1 aduits, tea and concert 40c, cbildmen 25c;t 1cm or concert 2qc, childreu 15c. HAMPTON. Mr.- John Joli was taken ill Sanday mumning, bat is mcovring... Mm. and Mrs. W. T. Clarke and litIle daugîter Audrey visibed Newcastle frienda Sunday ....Mm.anud Mrs. Cleve Ciemence, Kir-s by, visited at Mm. J. T. Cole's Sanday. ...J Sevemai trom beme book lu the footballP game at Tymone Saturday evening .. Mrs. R. Avery is slightly letter. .Mrs.a John Wakeley bas had a lad attack ofe rbcumatism. Mm. W. G. Doidge att- cnded auniversary services at Ebenezerc ....Mm. Wilson Wilcox is at womk again after being laid off for somne time withc muscular rheumatism. . .. Miss Lena Nid- dery, Toronto, is borne... Mm. Walter Keller traded horses 'fecently and'nows drives a nice span ut blacks ...Mr.J.H.s Cryderman and xitc, Bowmanville visited trienda bere Sunday .... .Rev. T. H. P. Anderson gave lis vlcdictory 10 bis congregation heme Sunday cvcning. My ficnd, look here! yoa know howa v.eak and nervous your wite is and yout kuow that Cartcm's Iron Pilla will e- lieve hiem, now why nul be faim about itc andi buy bier a boxt ENFIELD.a Receu'î visitors:--Mm. and Mrs. Johna Coiwiil, Hamp ton, at Mm. W. Gco. Ormis-1 ton's, Mm. and Mms. H. L. Pascoe, Taun-a bon, af Mm. Ellis Pascoe's; Mm. and, Mrs. George Scott, Folcy, aI Mr. Jas. Scoff's; Mm. Levi Niddemy anddaughters MissesL Lena and Gracie, Hampton, xitb friends ;9 M. and Mms. W. Lamb and Miss Lamb,1 BrocIk, at M. Johnson Niddery's; Mr.a and Mrs. Harry T. James, Columbus, at l Mr. J ohn H-ephurn's; Editor andMrs. M.s -A. Jamiies -and -Miss--EttîiL.,VanNestr Bowmanville, at Mm. Samuel Bay's, Broc-f ide; Mr, nnd Mms. Berger, Toronto, af- Mm. B. Powcll's ...Dr. W. E. Tilley in-b spected our achool 1aI weck and was well i pleased with bbc progreas and present t condition of the achool ...Anniversary service on Sunday eveuing was well at- lended. Rev. Roger" Allun, Brooklin, pmachcd a Kood sermon, -inging by bbc choir was mach appmciatcd and the pro- ceeda, about $90, xvcre cxceedingiy salis- factomy. No tea was beld Ibis year. ENNISKILLENP No League Service heme Ibis week.c Fiday cvcniug the auxiiiary of the Mcth-a odist W.M.S. wili bold an open meetingv whcn Mrs. F. Daisy Cruickshanlr, Peter-t bomo, wiil give report ut neceut branchr meeting lu Napance. Gnod musical andr litemamy pogam. Theme xiii also le ice ceam...Mm. H. J. Wcmy was lu tbc city lasI wcek in cunuection with order of Chosen-Friernds ...Recent vis-S itors: Mml.,John Veale from England and Mms. Wn'. Bnoad, Hmydon, at Dm. C. W. Slcmon's; Mms. Wm. Bradley, Listowel, 1 at Mn. Geo. Angue's; Mms. Frank F. Brad-t ley and baby Mary, Winnipeg, at Mm. C.1 J. Paacoe's; Mrs. F. Sanderson with liert son lu Oshawa; Mr. Win. and Miss Flor-c ence Trcwiu and Mita Addic Pye SPentE Surday at Mr. Fred Smiîh's, Enfieid; Mm.N and Mra. V/m. Trewin and chîldren, Hay-1 don, at Mr. Jas. Stainton's; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, Misses Chistina Sandersona and MaLel Ryley xv, itî tnicndin rCant- ' wrighf; Messrs. Martinnand lHamilton,c Toronto, at Mm. Thos. Craig's; Mms. YN.s Bycrs, Port Penny, witb fienda; MmIs. S.1s Batsou and fricnd, ltwn, at Mr. William1t CA sTOR lA For Infarnts anld Cltidren. B'ears tise,.-ý COMING ANNIVERSARIES'i WORD TO FOOTBALLISTS.j m-ania cmm-eo scart inr. Among the many beaubtifuil weddinig gifis werc a chleque for J,ý,O and a hiaudsomc, of silve-r fi'om the grýoom'is parents. Tic lbridc's ,loing aw'ay suit oa'0fdari, brown l road- ciotb1 with btf0tch.Mm. and -Mms. lrloewiiil e at home 10 their frieuds ltter Se-pt. sfafIbirhomie, 9c Bthas st., Toronito. PROVIDENCE A strawberry festival will be hield at the residence of Mr. W. J. Bragg ion Tues- day evening June 2Oth. Abundance of strawberries and creamn and other good things served from 6 p.m. Good program of sports is being prepared. Music by 'Goodyear Orchestra anidlocýal a nd outside talent. Pbi cordially invited. Admis- sion 2.1c; children 15c. FOOTBALL. Wcll on to a thousand people witnessed the football game Saturday evcning be- tween Enniskillen and Tyrone at the latter place. As the championship pro- bably rcsts witb thcseteams, this accounts for the large turnout, and so far neither team had lost a game. Tyrone started off' with a rush. but the attack was nicciy clearcd by Trewin. Ennis;illen then got control of the bail and pressed so0lbard. that the only way Tyrone defence-couid clear the goal was by making corners. No less than five corners were awarded Enniskillen in this haîf. Tyrone scored the first goal in ii minutes. Hoar shot which Adams stopped, ou the rebound Fairhead got the bail and land.Hcdi t be- twccn the. posts for first counit. F7ive miuutes later McLaughlin vecdthe score on a pass from left winig. This hait end'ed in a mix up bctween Scott and Adams. The spectators then îinterferred and the game was delayed about 25 minutes. W/heu play rcsumecdEnskln made a dangerous attack but oorewas there with the big kick. Tyrouec was given a free kick near tfihi ponns goal whicli resulted lu a score, Bambe- mng responsible. Dr. Slimon attemipted to eveui up but Couch was in the way. Enniskillen bad three more orerkcks, in this haif but no goals resýulted. The game ended with the play lu centre field. Enniskillen has protested' the game on the ground that the reterce awarded them a penalty kick which was not taken be- cause of the refusai of Tyrone to continue the game. The protest will be cons--idercd Wednesday by the Executive. The standing of the League ]S W L D P G Enniskillen 3 1 0 6 Io Tyrone 2 0 2 6 8 Taunton o 2 1 I I Bowmanville o 2 I1 I1 Very many persons die annually from, chiolera and kindred summer comiplaints, who might have been saved' if properl remedies had been uscd. If attacked do not dclay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentary Cordial, the mnedicine that neyer fails f0 effect a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. EBENEZER Anniversary, services of the Sabbath School were attended again this year with success. A former popular pastor, Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.A., B.D., of Huntsville, preacbcd three times on Sunday-in the morning to parents, afternoon to children, and cvening to Young people, ail address- es being interesting, profitable and of a very bclpful nature. A very cordial wcl- corne and hearty handshakes were given Mr. Wilson by many old friends. The choir, uncler leadership of Mr., Robt. Cour- tice, with Mrs. W. R. Courtice as organ- ist, rendered good imusic, lit addition t, selections by the school at Lt(e alfternooni service a duet was nicely sung b y Mrs. W. R. Courtice and Miss Elma Pickeil. ln the cvc ning a quartet by Misses Mac and Aima Courtice and M'vessrs. A. E. and F. W. Rundie addcd to the already, good services of the choir. Monday afternocn a severe thunderstorm intcrfercd with the sports. A large audience assR.empbled in the church when a good p)rogratm in charge of Pastor Barnes was renidered :by the school. After the opening hymu and prayer by Rev. J. Hl. Oke, Todmorden, and a short address by the chairman, a chorus was sung by the girls tollowed by a newsboy's dill. "The Festival of the Daisies" was very attracfively presented as was also a flag drill and chorus by the Young tolk. Master Evereit Welsh and, Miss Aura Osborne dciightcd all with their readings and a song by the, littie girls and a spear drill, were muclrenjoycd. Addresses were given by Rev J. H-. )Oke and Mr. F. L. Fowke, M.P.,aa, the latter spcaking on Canadian Citizensipj, a subjeci that strongly appeaied to the, pat- rioticfeelings ofail.- MissMildred --Peu)- found presented the Secrctary's report, being very sati3factory. The credit of 1 training the children in drills, etc., belongs to Misses Carlotta Courtîce and Lois WVerry, and of the singing t0 Mr. Robt. Couriceý,. £The ladies served a splendid tea comprising ail the good things desir- able, which everyone fully enjoyed. Pro-i ,ceeds over $40 Iu the evening under auspices of the League an excellent program was render-, cd, the church being weil filied by an ap- preciative audience. After singing "Ail bail the power of Jesus' name" and prayer WORKING CLOTHIES FOR MEN Ileadquarters for Everyday Warables' Betbesda .........._.........June 18 Haydou ....... ........lTune 25, July 1 Hampton ......... ....."..25, July 1 BETH'.ESDA Anniversamy services of Bethesda Sun- day School will be hid( Sunday, Jane, 18. Sermons will be preachled at 2.30 p. m. by Rev. John GarbuýtBonil, and at 7.30 p. m. bv,,-Rcv. H., S. Spence, pastor. Music by t1le sachool at-both services. Collection in aid of scliool fands. COURT ET IC-E Visitors: Councillor. and Mrs. Geo. A. Stephens spent at Mr. W. E. Cour- tice's, Deputy-P-evd. Mr. Lorne James, Osbawýa, at Mr. A, JT. Gay's; Miss& Millie Jackson with Mrs. L. J. Courtîce; M!issý BmItour,Ashburu, vwithi Miss Aima Cour- lice; Mr. and Mrs. Chias. Wight: witb bier tather, Mr. R. Cour-itce,-;Mr Frank' Han- cock, Winnipeg. witb bhis mother and sister: MrsJohjn 'Mart;n, Toron¶to, witb Mrs.W. . îCurtc e Mss Aima Dobson, Oronoc, ,witb i , ss Bir Ldie Deane; Mr. John E. enoun, orôto athoe;Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. RniSolina, at Mm. John Wordcu's, Miss FoseOshborne, Dunbar- ton, at homeý; Mr. Elmelir Raudie, Toronto, at home; Miss nz ,sobowmanvilie, wibh Mrs. W,. R.Pikei and Mrs. R. E. 'Osborne, IM!rs. R ihardsl-, 0shawa, with Mrs. Ira Truli; MJr. E,,Edm--ondson's resi- dence waa struck by 11. liibting durîng a severe thunýderstorm îStu[rday eveuing. Considerable daag wsdonc bt4 no one hurt. A woman wboila-. weaak. nervous and siecpless, and whio bas c rold b !auds and ted, cannot tel aud act lîke a wehi pElrson- Carter's Iron Pis euaiz the circula- 'tion, remove nroae anad givel steghand meat. OSHAWA Miss Lola Hag,,en s, visiting friends in Hamilton and Bu ffalo.1 Miss Elorna C('. _Be -cker, Toronto, Sun- dlayed with bier pairents. Citizen s ot Oshai--wa are engaged luina camipaign for Local Opntion. Miss May Keddic la g>ucst 0f ber brother Mr. W. G. Keddie,, Ottawa. Miss Kathierine Scott is guest of Mms, Geo. C. Wrigbî, 1Detroit, Midi.- Mr. H. J. Harris, Taronto, spent th e week-end witb Mr. anid Mrs. L. J. Stainton, Dr. Redmond, Edmonton, Alfa., bas been guest of Mr. Robt. Pye, We-stmount. Rcv. and Mrs, C. W. Reynolds and cbildrcu bave been visitiu)g relatives in town. Mr. Norman Found bas passecf bis first year exams at Toronto Uuiversity withi honors lu Science. Rev. A. A. Scottf,wite and family, of India, who are home on t umiougb are vis- iting relatives in town i. Oshawa Camp, No 44, W.O.W., have uuveilcd a beautitul monument erected fo the memomy of the laie Chas. L. Goyne. The Central bote'l has changed hauda, Mm. McCroban havîig soid 10 Mr.ý Collina of Toronto.5 Mis A recently' pres- euted wibhi a silver crecam jug by thc Bap- liaI YoiungPepi' Society ou resigning bier office as Presideu,,t. Mm. Thomas Goy-, ie, of Toronto, was married af Oshîwa ou Jane 7th f0 Miss Effie M. M. Heard, daugîter of Mm. and Mrs. John Heard. Thec marriage took Splace at tue home of îlie bride's parents, Nassaal-st., Rey. A. R. Sanderson officiaf- ing. Re.T. W. Jolliffe, Bowmanville, oc- cupied thc pulpit of Simcoe-st. Methodiat , hurch çemy acccptably Sabbath morning and Rcv. C. W, Reýynoids, B.A., in the eveuing. Mm. Geo. Heuley sang "Hold Tboa My Han-d" wh]-icbwas mach enjoy- ed. Mrs. A. Baieba been appoinfcd organ- ist otMedcait-sf,.Mtoda charch and enteredon ber dl-l"esl1astSablatb. Miss Miamie Noît sang spl)euidîdly "One Sweet- .y Soiemu Thougiit" at thc evcning serv- ice. The marriage oft Miss Marjorie Greta Cawkem, yoanigest d-tugîfter ot Mrs. S. W. Cawker, Whitb, to,' 'rmerly of Oshawa, to Mr. Johin Vemuon Clarke, fook Place Wed- nesday mom iiluSt. Mathias'-_ClarcI,s Toronto. Tie crmoywas performedj by tbe mector, Rev. F,-. H.Hailley lu the 1 presence olfie îîimwc'ýdîafe relatives, 'îhc bride, who-waýs giV(-n away by hier uncie,c M. J. H. Brantoni, Oshiawa, was wearîngr i suit of tan clotl atnd black' bat witI willow plames. Th-ere were no attend- N suts. Mm. and Mms. Cl7arke left lafer ou the Niagara bat1 for a trip acroassfhe uine.t --If you are ne-rvonis or dyspepitic-fry Car- ter's Little nerve pils. Dyspepsia makes ,vou nervaus audnciervousuesa makes you ilyspeptic; cither one icrenders yoa miser- alle, and these Little Pilis came lotI. TIc residence of Mm. and Mrs. James Girose was the secne of a pretty wedding Jane 3rd when thelir daugîter, Florence Evelyn, was united ini mamiage witb Mm.r Lt is becoming a common occurrence when Daàrlington League football matches are bciug play cd for some of the specta- tors to rush on the field' of pfay when the rcfcree gives a decision that is not to their liking. We admire supporters who are loyal to their team. They may yell thcmsclves hoarse in showing their appre- ciation of the good pinys of their pets or by way of encouraging th-em. Bt il is not showing loyalty to a t4 when several hundred over-cnthusiastic rooters make a raid at the referce shaking thcir fists at hlm, their eyes filled with anger and ail]talking like a bunch. of suffragettes endeavýoriug, to tell him how littie beh knows ab)out thc game becausc they do flot agre with adecision lie as ma--dc. Tbis is bordc,,ring ou rowdyism aud is certainly very unsportsmaniikc and un- gent-lemanly behaviour on the part of the offenders. Had these samne persons been conversant with modern rules of football (I910-11) tbey surely would neyer make such1 exhibitions of themscîves as bas been seen on the gridiro 'n flua season. Thiey mxay flot have known that captains are thle oniy persons wbo may appeai to a referce during thec game, on bis decision. If a fýew of the spectators would bear this in mimd tHere would be tewcr dciays and les trouble duriug the game, You wiii flnd that in nearly hine cases out of ten wben, a disturbance arises, it' is encourag- cd by the spectators, not the players. Most pisiycrs are familiar wîtb the rules and! they k1now as weliasthe refcree when theyar not playing according to rmies. Spectators and players are reminded that thc motto of the Darlington Lcaguc is: "Healtby Outdoor Exercise, Gent lemanly Competition, Good Fcllowship.", THE BALÏMORAL HOTEL. The Boqrd of Managemnnt of The Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanviilc, have de- cidcd to continue to mun this popular lsselry as a first-class commîercial buuse at same rates as The Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rolph, the new managers, are alreadyî popular with the travelling public aswcll as with the regular boarders. Clarke pcqplc who are wcit acquainted with the new managers are patronizing the bouse. There is good stabling and cvcry attention wilI bc given to ail pat-, rons. The bar is supplied with favorite' summer drinks and'smokers' sundries, There are stilI some good vacancies for boarders by the week. The public is askcd to share their patronage with The Balmoral. MAPLE GROVE Mapie Grove Sunday School Thank- offering services willeb held Suuday June ï8th in the churcb. Addresswxiii be gîven at 2.30 P. m. by Mr. C. C. Washington B. A., Victoria Universit y. Special music and recitations. Collections in aid of schooi funds. JAýCoa STEVENS, L. SNOWDEN, Superintendent; Secretary. The Ladies' Aid wiii bld their- annual strawbcrry festival on Zion church lawn on Coronation Day, Thumsday Jane, 22nd, when strawberries and other good things will le sere d at 6 p.m. At 5.30 p.m. a league football, game wilil e playcd bc- tween Taunton and Enniskiilen. Morri- son's Goodyear Orchestra, Bowmanville, and other oatside talent will give a first class program. Tickets 25c; cbildreu 15c. I-NSTITUTE LAWN SOCIAL. A iawn social under auspices of the Womcn's Institute will be heid on Mr, W.* Chas, Werry's iawn, Solina, Tbumsday evening June 15. Music by Goodyear Orchestra and a good'program by home and outside talent will be provîded. Cake and ice crcam scrved lu abundance. At 6.30 p.m. a game of football will be play- cd-married men vs. single. Evcmybody come, Admission. aduits, 20c; children, IOc. LONG SAULT. The annual picnic ot the Long Sault school will be heid-in Capt. Wim -Farrell's grove on Friday Jane 30th. Among the principal teatares of the atternoon wiil be tIe races by the scholars and others, lu- cluding the "Bun" and "Sack" races, and races by old and young men, also oid and youg womcn. Two games ot football, will aiso bc played, one betwecn Juniors and the other bctween thé oid men and the young men. Dont miss these. Every- body corne. Bring -yourseif -and some- other person and be prepared to enjoy a good time. 24 3 DARLINGTON' Miss Moise bas returned to ber sdhool rnuch improved in bealth. 'TUDY AT HOME' and qualify for"' good situation in businlebs life. It will cost littie to (1o this. Get our plan- .Write The g haw Correspon-ieice 39lot 1 Tonge St., iToronto.I Only 4 ays at Sea. WHITESTAR-DOMINION Service Sailing Weekly Between MONTREAL -- QLTEBEC - LIVERPOOL -by-the the( twin andf triple screw s teamersý LARGEST, FINEST, LAU RENTIC wMOST MODERN STEAMERS BETWEEM CANADA AND EUROPE MECANTICl ORCHESTRAS CAR- RIED. TEIJ-ONC jONE CLASÈ CABIN (I> CANADAMAXIMUM JACILITIES Repîcte with the latest devices for con-iz fort and safety, including Marconi and Submarine SignaIs. The Third Class Accommodation is the best experience can devise. Closcd rooms only For all information apply to M. A. JAZME-S, Aet BoWMANVILLE.ý L. 0. & B. 0F QUINITEAMB ClGO (LIMITED) MAIL AND EXP[RESS SERýVICE Rochester, N. Y., Co- bourg, Port ilope. Str. CASPIMI COMMENCING MAY 29thl, ST EA ME U Leavs Coour........... 1.30 p. m Leaveos Port Hope.......... 2.30 P. m Daiiyexept Sunlday ýforChrote N. Y., (Port of Rchstr) eturn- ing steamner leaves Charlotte at 9J rý a.. aily exeeptSuay Pull iformal'tion rm allagents. E.ý E. HORSEY, General MJanag-er, Kingstore M. A. ýJAM'ES., J. H. H. UY AGE4T-s, BJW LMAqv ILLE, NOBODY BUYS" OVLý1ALLS TO PLAY TPtCiSýS WITI- THEN SUCH A-5 IS SHOWN N TH!'-E PICTURE ABOVE, INWHWýICH FOUR îM1EN E-XERT1ED ALL THEIRSTREGTI- iNITI-E EFFOP,.RT TO P PA PAIR 0f' PEA-BODYS' VEPALLS, BiUT iF TMEY WflL iJ- STAND TMISIIIEY 'WOMRI UNDEDR THE IAD KIND 0F LEGITIMATEWER WE ARE THE /--GENTS OF GUARANTEED OVERALLS. Besides Peabody's Overails -and Pants,we carry other- limes at i.oo and 75c lin Blue, Black, Blue with white stripe, Cottonade and Moleskin. Working Shirts, Blue, Black, Black and White, Ki',ý 5O.75, imo. New- Blue Shirt with,,two separate- collars $1.25 SONS, Cotton, Cotton and Wool, Wool, 10C, I5C, 20C and 25C. 1V~TT hND -C:IgLOXIS, Cotton or Leather, One Finger or Five Fingers, 2.5c, 40c, and 5oC. This Store will close èvery Wednesday afternôou at 12.30 Dùring JffIy and Angust. T he Anderson, Clothi*ngCUo SUCCESSORS -ro The Mason Clothing Co. Childlren Ory FOR FLETCItER'S C sT-ro--R àA Ohilciren OCr- FOR FLETGHER'S LAWN,ýMOWERS. Thc old reliable is on decc again and woald solicit yoar patronage as in tle past. I wiii gaaranfee f0 sharpen your mowen to give entire satisfaction. J bave the lateat impmovcd Ideai Grinder coupled with a vcry large experience, and yen can dcpeud on a good job bcing doue. Also ail edgc bools gmouud, sudh as knivea, scissors, etc., saws sbmnpened, and ail gen- emal Jolbing doue witb neafuesa and stmength. Thanking yon for ail past pat- ronage. ThceVWest End Smilby, King-st., Bowmanville. I8-3rn. W. H. WILLIAMS New Trai Service to "Lake of Bays" An importanttenture tînat will be lu- nugurmted during bIc coming season' wil le a new train service f0 fIe "Lake of Bays"district. A standard Grandf Tru passanger train will leave Toronto witli through coaches, parlon cars nud dining car at m015 o'clock lu the morning, daily except Sunday for, Huntsville, remcbing thc latter point at about 3 o'clock in the affernoon conecclng -witb -tIc steamers- ton points in fhe "Lake of Baya" district, anid affomding passengersflic oppotanity of reachiug t11cm destination in time for dinner. Thc Sanday cvening boat service from thc WaWa hotel, Brifannia, Point Ideal, Portage, Deerbarat and other irr- portant cmlling ports on "Lake of Baya" to Huntsville wiil be ruou ê.ame sched- uic as for season 1910, daning the montha of July and Auguat, and wbich will le n boon fo week-cnidems desiing to.retumu to the city for business ou Mioudmys. THE BURNING QUESTI1ON? YOU NEED COAL, and may as well have thc BEST, that la SCRANTON; no doubt about lb. We bave almemdy ecccîvcd sevemni cars of Freal Mincd coal, bigî t and dleani; and f0 those of our castomers wlio are lu the habit of laying lu Iheir coal early, and those who wish fo torm Ibis exccllenb habit and arc pmepred to tale t11dm supply NOW, we make tbis proposition: We will fil your lins. or put lu sudh quantities as yGa tliink you xiii reqaire, witb -,freal dlean coni, any size yoa wisb,1 and gane yoa the iowcst summner prîce if paid for duing Jane or Jaly. Thcsame rates will likely be made about thc fimat of Jane mnd will be based 11pon t11e uanty tY fceai wee ali'tbe "0 secuire mit tc leiower rates prevailing dur- ing April 10 My T'Ibis proposýition should commeurd ifacif f0,D everyone using coal as it gives absolute protection in thc matter of price, and avoid the- rush and wommy of tmhu îe coa whn he eaferla olc~and otherV codto~for- delîvcmy are not as favor- abl-,e. McvlCieIlan-n & C,-., Limrite-d, î May 9, 111.Bowmmunville.