I an~bian n advance; $i .50 to United States. ~uIoeL!VY ~1UNMEZ~ - a m Min-, - am THE C OIRNER S'HOE TORE We Have SUMMER WEIGHTS In COMFORT AND~ HAND- SOME APPEARANCE ALL THE, 111 POPULAIR STYLES LADIES' 111- heel, Plain toe, Shoes Low or H igh Cut. ICHILDREN'S StraD) Shppers andi Sh],oes.. Entrance (during aIterations) -from iSîimcoe St-reet East 'Side. 111E BURNS GO. O LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. MAIN FOUR CORNERS. 1l~ Fir.st Class Hôrse Shoeing llaving 8ecured a competent Bloor man as mv assistant I amn better prepared than ever to do flrst ela&s borse shoeiag prornptly and satisfactorily. Our speciadty is, shoeing but we do other blacksmitbing as well. GEORGE WATTS, OPPOSITE SALVATION ARMY THE OLD HOAR SMITHY, BOWMANVILLE. CORONAIIO N CHINA, PICTURES, POST CARDS. Justeeid China Caups and Sauecers, Bonk Bon IDishes, Peu Tray, fhandsomely deeorated in tcolora wVÎi toyaL Coat of Arms, and po)ýrtraits of Kinog George and Queeu MaNLry, Steel Engravbngs of Kin Gore,(Xored Engaig (,f iKing eogeami Quee Mary alse Royajl AuSovnrBook- ltwiherlgravinga o(J King and QuteeussuXn amssg o bis peoplie. W. T. ALLE~N, Big 20 Bowaanville. i BOW1XANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1911. a Farmers' Attention Why commit premium note county Mutual yourselî es to liability in a wheu you eau insure bu sucli companies as bbc 1London, Pêrtlî & Gore l'ire Insurauce Companies ut fr,.m 50e t'o $1,00 per hundred of Insurance and no> prem- ium note.. I represent these three companies xhich are a- mong the best doing farm busi- ness bu Canada and rates as low as the lowest. H ARRY CANN, The City Hall hIssurance Muns Phonle 5ci. Bowmautviie. I tANK OFI IMONTREALI I 181,7 Capital - $ 14,400,000 Rest - - $12,000,000 Total Assets $183,169,159 Savinge Baxil rIead Office, Moritreal. Manager, Bowmnanvilhe Branch. ___________________________________________ 'E $oa year ' NOTICE TQ,- HOUSEKEEPERS CU RTAINS, CARPETS, RUQS AND LINOLEUMS COU CH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN are showing a splendid collection of Lace Curtains in White and Cream, Madras, Scrims, Bungalow Nett, etc. CARPETS in Union, Wool, Tapestry, Brusselb, Velvet and Wilton. An elegant range of RUGS ail sizes in Wool, Tapestry, Bru3seIs,\V'eIvet, Axminster, and Wilton- OIL~D~OTII)%'NE) LINEMLEU'VMES .t11 widths, no better goods, no better value anywhere. COUCII, JOIINSTON & CRàYDERMAN BOWMANVILLE. VOL. LVII. No. 25. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors,. EDITORIAL JOTTINGS. THE EDITORS' OUTING. Appointment by the Provincial Agri- The Canadian Press Association's an- cuit ural Department of representatives in nual convention is being held at King the counties has met wjth favor. We can Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Tuesday andi speak with knowledge of the excellent work done by Mr. R. S. Duncan and staff Wednesday. Tuesday affernoon th e in these United, Counfies and we1 are giadj editors' wives and lady members of the to note that the Ontario Agricultural Coi- Association were given tally-ho drives lege graduaI es are now taking positions inarndtecyadenraieateat Hizch Schoolc nast,.9rhers of iarnil1,ren t-,i rudteîyanetraida e other counties. The idea is to have a teacher of this branch in one hligh school of each county. This it is hoped viil have the effect of turning the minds of many young men who hanker af ter professional life, back to the farm, Scientiftc farming is one of the finest occupations lu which a person can engage. TRIP TO ROCHESTER WARDEN KELLY TREATS CuNTY COtN- CILLORS TO A1N OuTiNG AGOS The annual outing of th-e Wrdnof these United Counties bas grown lu infavor from year f0 year and increased niner est, and the outinig of vit, ,when M. T A. Kelly, Reeve of Cavulan ndWrdn extended his hospîtality to) bis Cotuncill Counfy0fllcials and a few ,personial fins surpassed them ail. The buisiness of thie june session was expeditedi, Council meet- ing a day earlier than usual. At: , p. m.i on june 8th the ferry dock aut Cob)ouirg was alive with animated gucsao h Warden to enjoy the sil across theu waters of Lake Ontario to) the ioer Cîty. eosides meýmW. oif Coun1ties' Council Nachtan, the genial Clerk ad Teasrer as Nestor of the gathering, is son iiTed, Sheriff Proctor, Solicitor Bogg, Di. Lapip, Counties' Gaol SurgeonDr. ïElliott, Hlouse of Refuge Surgeon; Mr. J. f. - Fýi'E t:Re- istrar; Mr. W. F. Kerr, Couty A ttorney_; Mrs. W. F. Reid, Maitroni of theGalMr Sam. E. Fergusoni, Tuirnkey, adMs Lannan; Mr. J. r. Mcmillaii, Sprne ent of the House of Recfugeý, adMs c Millan, Matron, alof Coboutrg; xW- dens Chas. McNeii of CavaLn and A. L. B3oyce of Percy; Mr. R. Ruddy, . - , - t- erboro; MÈ. Sid. Preston, Bethan'y; the' members of Cavan and MlrokCoun.cils. Ontario Ferry No, i of thec Grandl Trunk fulfilled in every way the neýcessitie2saud pleasures of the occasion.Tesilcrs was delightful, with scarcely a rilple on the water. The company, ais is u.sual, broke into congenial knots for favorite pastime, some in wraps on deck to njoy in quiet converse the beauties of thle lake, some in comfortable cabins to indlOgein a social game, others, as incliniLon dic- tated, in state room or beiow inspecýîing the wonderful machinery. Genesee d(ock was reached on time and a train frorq Roch ester, Buffalo and Pittsburg railw ay conveyed the party to the city. A iiight ut Rochester! Who could attempt f0 describe, or would if he coulti, the varlous meaus of entertainmenit. Did onie's de- sires run to the mQving picture sos there was no lack; dbd somiethling moire convivial appeal to the party, thiere were "Rattlesnake Pete's" or thie"Amgy Dollar" Saloon; or had thie smnrur- sorts or beach au greatter acnti- hr was e ýverythîing t1ofi1t he bilil. ciitecif them were said 10 have stated th ffe next! dayý, like the Scotchman whio took in the Bowery in New York, wben relating bis opportunities ýto a friend on returning home: "Sandy, I'd net begrudge fwenty years of my life if I had had the same privileges before I was couverted." In Rochester, as in almost any big city, one can find almost anything he seeks for, jnst as every sect dlaims to gather from the good book the foundation of their belief. Morning came, as it surely does, and the caîl was made to do the city in touriug cars, and il is but due the Cify of Roches- ter f0 state thaf for beauty of roads and streets, parks, cemeteries and groves and general faste and excellence throughout ils government and appoîntments it weii deserves the praise and admiration of ifs own citixens and ail visitors. The Ferry ieft Rochester on the refurn trip af one o'ciock Friday. "Homeward bound !" How sweet if sounds f0 the ab- sent ones usuaily, yet t fiPe niajority the home feverhad not come, so short and ent "ertaiuing had been the visit. But the Stars and Stripes must be forsaken and the Maple Leaf redonned. The good fel- lowsbipof the outgoing trip was frepeated on the return until the Canadian shore was in sight, when a felicîfous feature of the function was precipîtated. Lieut-Col. MacNachtan invited the Wardeu and his guests 10 the cabin, stating in words ex.- pressive of the delight of ail present at the hospitality of Warden Kelly. Mýr. J. W.,Crews, reeve of Murray, and Mr. W. J. Bragg, of Darlington, moved a resolu- lion of appreciafion bn very fitting lerms. The resolufion was abiy supportedl by ex- Wardens McNeil and Boyce, Reeve Irwin of Campbeliford, and others. Warden Kelly in repiying to the ex- pression of fhanks was visibiy affected and intimated that if his guests had en- joyed the outing if was the best speech he couid make. He had with the able gen- eralship of Lieut.-Coi. MacNachtan aimed 10 give the friends an opporfunity of en- joying themselves, and if that end had been atlained he was more than pieased and repaid. Three cheers and a figer closed the ceremony aud the Ferry soon siipped but o dock. Thus was completed the happy occasion, one of those green spots in fhe desert of lite, designied f0 sweeten the journey, to make men forget the strifes and asperifies of ambifious love of power and place, and f0 recail in happy remembrance in after years that (:ithis montb of Jone, [911, ith Wardien Kelly and is Concil, an event so fouo f enjoy- a ENGLISH CORONATION. IWith the wboie English sekn ol lu the throes of excitement over the pros- pective coronation of King George V on June 22nd if is interestiug to glunce back over the corouafion ceremonies of Eng- land's kiugs and queens in the years long since crystaliied into unchangeable bis- tory. Coronafion does'not seem 10o be essen- fiai to kingly authorify in Engiand, and is notbing more than a formai but interest- iug ceremony that, perhaps, could 'be fotaiiy, put aside. We know thut the King of Spaîn, the King of Sweden, and the Emperor of Germany were neyer actually crownied by any special ceremony. We ofteu hiear the paradoxical phrase "The King i3 dead; long live the King" and we won)ld-r xvhere the sense of if comes in, but if is literaliy truc, for the reign of the nwruler beg ins with the deafh of the predecessor and not with the date of cor- onation, hence there is no reai intcrreg- nnminitact. History, however, fails to reodthe case of a King of England not havîing been duly coronated. C"oronat ions used f0 take place only on ai Suniday or some festival day, and historyý records thà't 16 of the eariy 21 Engiish ornations orcurred on Sunday. This oas changed in 1688 and since then seco- bar days have been mainly chosen. Wýilliam- the Conqueror was crowned on a Suinday, wbich was also Christmas day, in 06 and he wus the first king to re- ceiv-e his sovereiguf y in Westminster. The coronation of King Richard III on Jly 6, 1-183, is said t0 have been the most gorgeýous nd splendid one utp f0e that lime. Si-x thouisand grandly aitired nobles of bis court attcuded lmi in state from Baynard's Castle to W',estinlîster palace. He was crownied in the Abbey by the Archbisbop of Caniterbuiry. Richard and bis queen miarcbed bare-fo--oted lup the main aisie of the Abbey to the shrine of Edward the Confessor, wbere the preliminaries were hield. Immediately affer the King's def eut af Bosworth, Henry VII was crowned on the battlefield. The King wore bis crowu mbto that baffle and losI it lu the melee, and Lord Stanley, a nioble, forund if and piaceti il ou the new King Henry wbo was afterwards re-crowued bu the Abbey. Il is said that fhree different crowns were used in 155,3 when Queen Mary was coronated-that 0f Edward the Confessor, the Imperial Crown, andi another one mnade expressly for ber. Each in turn was pluced uipon her head. She refuseti te sit buthe corouafion chair, claimiug that if hi been deseýcrated by ber Prot- estant brother, Edward, aud iused another sen t lte pope. QeuEiizabectb's coroation wa stomy nea risnerbu hetowe,ýr one minute anti the quen of Englai fhile next, was surely unique. Here wvas a change from the old Catholie order f0 the Protestant, and the ceremony was attend- eti witb many misunderstaudings and much rancor. The corouation ceremony of Charles Il was spectacular and fireworks, if is dlaim- ed were then for the first time used. James Il was crowned with great pomp and gliteriug ceremonies, the most mag- nificeut up to thaf fime, but the corona- lion of William and Mary was tbe most significaut of any, fromn a potiticai and religions standpoinf. They were crowncd as joint sovereigus, andi parliament soon afler approved if for the firsf time bu Eng- lisb history. Iu ail of these ceremonies, religious jealousies betwcen Catbolics and Protestants were conspiduous, caused by the changes thut were made bunflhe form of the oaîb of office, and bu the details of the ceremouy. t is said that Arch bisbop Sanicroft refusedt 1 officiate on the grouud thut William and Mary'claimed the tbrone by acf of parliament, and not by heredi- tary descent, and the Archbishop of York crowned-Ibe Queen and Compton Bishop of London, the King. At this coronation a copy of the Engiish Bible was again used, ifs use having been omitted by the Catholic divines bu Ibeir ceremoniai coro- nation proceedings. ,When King George III was crowued, 176t, a large diamoud feul from bis crown, and this, by the superstitious, was cousiti- ered a bad omeu and many have uttribu- ted the loss of America to the incident. The coronation of George IV was a very elaborate affair, The oatb was ugaîn cbanged iu form t0 fil in witb the union with tie Utîurch of iretanti; severai iiray- ers were aiso omifted in the ritual. Exceeding ail others bu splendor was the coronation of Queen Victoria June 28, 1838,'wheu she was but 18 years of age. The populace could noft be restrained from breaking bu aI opportune times witb deaf- ening appiause, the Hnlieujab Chorus was rendered by a choir and orchestra of 400, 'and the people scemed f0 feel instbncliveiy thul they hat inb their immortal quecu, uudying in fume anti glory, the presaging assurance that their country would be blest and prospered by the grandest char- acter thal ever graceti a throne, anti, fhank beaven, f bey were nof mistaken. CHARLES M. BiCE. Denver, Colo., June, 1911. ESI ABLISHIEV 1 Oshawa cifixens bave decidedt f begin a Local Option c.ampuigu with a view to vofsng on a by-law uexb Jauaory. Gooti resolotion. Obw necti bave no fear thut, Local Option wllkilI thut -ah tw.It wll rather beip) the lbrn classes te, boytbb ouses the1(y occupy anti make bbc towu a saler, better ant imore moral resîdential place anti the $ioo,ooo that go the bars annuaily will1 fint its way int other business chunnels. Local Op- tion is one of the greutest blessings thut bus come t0 Bowmanville bu this genera- tion anti if adopteti anti properly enforceti will be a much grenIer blessing 10 Osha- wa. Our energetic frieud, Mm. J. A. Culver- well, C. E., flhc lairti of Glenride, Port Hope, is now enjoying home lite aff eï the successful completion of blis public affairs. He is now soperintending lantiscupe anti building improvements to bis new home ou Amerîcan Colony Hill. He bas recent- ly purchasedtibb Fort Orfon poperty making together wibh bbc present cousoli- dutedt hree properties, sonne five acres of bamkland, gieîî andtiritige, ovîelookiug Lake Ouftario and Cobourg anti the bis in bbe distance, possibly bbh is surrounti- ing Campbellfomd ou the Trent River. Mr. Cuhverwelh is a benefactor to bis. town anti bis fellow-cbbizeus highy appreciate bis love for tbc beautiful as sbown in the greaf improvements lie is making. Summer moufbs are bard f0 finance in newspaper offices anti a dollar uow secms as mucb us five wheu money is flush, theretore all editors persouaiiy sympathize with the Belleville pui sher wbo publisheti this *appeal: Edifors are human. Tbey have heurts anti souls anti most of tbem have human feelingsý. Being bom11an tbey have human niecessities. Theiy must eut, wcur clothesý anti have somec kii of habi- fat. So miust thieir aiis One of bbc thiings an editor iim Ut have10 ove these inecessilies is mny.G nru e, must gel bis mouecy from bbc product of bis lubor wbicb is -the newspuper. There are certain things that grabe bbc soul of bbc editor anti wouud bis hcarf anti feel- ings. One ofthbese tbings ispbohave a man whom he trustedti lree, five or possibiy seven years for subscripfion come lu, anti stop the paper wben bbc editor sentis bim a bill for bbc umount. The generai public may notfteed very great inleresf in the routiwuy discussion between the couufy counicils of Ontario anti Durhami counties, but the Port Pcrry people are, uccortiing f0 The Star wbicb refers f0 "The great convenicuce the new rond would be f0 the people 0f Port Perry," anti atits 'Wc do not blame Cartwright mercbaîîts for wishing f0 retain their tratie. Thut is simply a matter of gooti ~business sense. Port Pemry people feel the difference in their volume of rade, anti know that the big bhi oes mucb in diverting business f rom the town. Cart- wright roadway is un important thorougb- tare anta taps a wide urea, anti is a necess- ity 10 a greaf many rabepayers. If will be a muter of common justice f0 muke bbc ne,,cessarv grant for the making of the new roati." The Star atidresses these wise wortis bo Ontamio Couuty Council. We sincemely congmatolafe our confrere Edif or M. M. G. Purser wbo last week completeti one year us publisher anti cd- itor of The Port Hope Times. We are glati to be able to say, f00, thul our con- servabive contemporamy bas greatly im- proveti untier Editor Purser's careful man- agement. t is beter printei,, tar more newsy ant inb everv sense a cieuner, saner niess paper than many of our exehanges. Edbtuî Poir.er in reviewilg bb, vear's ex- perience apfiy suys: "During the fwelve months thal bave rolieti away we bave matie many frientis, anti have offendeti a few people, but every uewspaper man must do this bu auy commuuiby, wbere a percentuge of ignorant people reside. The position of Editor is a diflicoîf one 10 fil, andthbb great question is not whut to pub- lish but whal 10 leuve out." We wish our worthy contrere mnny years of happy anti successful journalistic experience anti many more prompt paybng subscmibems. - BOWLING Skips nmet Thumstiay niglît, wheu these rinka weme draft cd: 1. J. H. McMurtry (skip), John McMum- try, J. A. Harper, D. B. Simpson, K. C. 2. John Lyle (skip), A. Mitchell, J. El- liott, W. L. Mulory, W. F. Allen, J. P. 3. J. Deymuu (skip), J. J. Muson, J. S. M\.oorcmuff, T. Heliyar, T. Toti. 4. C. B. Kent (skip), H. Rice, JT. McCon- ncie, B. Britt on, F. F. Mý-orris. ~.Dm. B. J. Haxlewood (skip), J. B. Mit- chell, Geo. W. Jamles, L. A. bice, Dr. f. C. Devin,. 6., W. B. McMurtry(ki, W. C. King, W. Fumze, F. J. Mitchell, A. N. McMillan. 7. D. C. Betfs (skip), R. Betts,' R. Os- borne, E. Whibe, M. A. jamnes. 8. R. M,. Mitchell (skip), T. G. Baker, G. R. Mason, C. Rebtier, T. C. J-ewelh, Harry Canu. n. C.-H. Andetrson (skip), C. C. Meath, bbc Brown Betty by the Women's Press Club, Wednesday evcning the memýbers of the association and their ladies wiere te be guesîs of the Toronfoc Street Ruilway and n ere f0 be faken f0 Scarboro Beach where they enjoyed f lhe freetiom of Ibis populur amusement rcsorf. Tbursday morning ut 8 o'clock fhet Press part y Of 400 or more will go- by special train 10 Penetanguishene wbere fbey wiil be the guests of ftic Sommer- Hotel there. Affer luncheon ail wilf embark on the steamer "Wabic" and sui tbru the isies of Georgin Bay to Parry Sound -Where lbey are fo be givert, a banquet by the citixens and otherwise enterfained. After the eveuing's pleas- ure the company wili go on board îhe large steamer "Germanic" and spend'the nîght. Friday morning ut 8 o'clock Ibis fine fioaling sea palace will sail tbro the 30,000 Islands. f0 Coliingwood where the Press gang wiil be gucsts of thal fiourish- ing city ut lucheon and will be tuken uround bbc city bu automobiles. At 3.3ûý p. m. thcy entrain for Toronto where they expect f0 arrive ut 8 o'clock in lime for trains for home. E ditor anti Mrs. M. A., James, Miss E.E. Huycraift aiMi'. Geo. W. James of the James Papers are mcm-- bers of the excursion part v. TOTAL RAILWAY WRECK FLYER LEFT TRACK BETWEEN N EWý- CASTLE AND BOWMANVJJALL > Persons wbo bave stood ou the plat- form ut Bowmauvilie station wbeu tbe 1JIternational "Flycr" pusscd ut a specti of between 6o ant io7 miles un bour eau form some idea of bbc ularm feit and confusion witnessed by passeugers on No 1 "Flyer" on Friday utternoon wbeu seven coucheýs carrying neurly 300 souls ieff the rack less than a mile wcst of Newcastle stio and wcre boru from their trucks antid plunged mbinthe earth plowing so deep bu some instances thal ftbe windows wcere ai- mosb ou a hune wilh bbe surface. Hwa accident of Ibis character under suicb con- ditions could happen wtb iy_-wneftatl- ity and no other very seriouaiMjuie f passeugers unrd trin iowis a iysbery is almosf a mrcîiA cmmriarav- chler of Toronto, numcid James Madili1 was in vestibule wbecl tbc calamity occorreti and whcn the -,aches disconncctcd ut thaf jonction be fell f0 the ground uudi was crusbed beneath the next car and il is supposcd instautly kiiled. Dr. A. S. Tilley, Coroner, was instructed by Couîîly Crown Attorney W. F. Kerr, Cobourg, to holti an iuesf. He summoned a jury of whicb. Rev. A. Manseil Irwine, B. A. B.D. is foremun, viewed the body ut the station and udjourned to Fridaycevcning 23rd iust. wben il wili open bu TownHail, Newcastle, ut,8 o'clock. Madili's brother from Pet- erboro took tbe body bo Toronto, bis home being ut 50 Spencer Ave. He leaves a widow but no famiiy. He wus a nativec of Pickering township and wus 47 years of age. The cause of bbc fiyer leaviug the track on a perfectly straigbf hune cun oniy be conjectureti. Some tbink aspreudi rail caused il but as the beavy engine titi not leave the rails, this bbcory is not, serioosiy crîfertaiîeti. The ftende~r anti seven couches ail rau into the egrth be- tweeu bbc two bracks and anoîber bbheot:y is thal bbc tender jumped bbc track anc> caused the couches to foiiow. A broken axie is stili another fbeory, It wili be a grcat safisfaction if the inquest brings out the bru cause. If was the firsf fatal acci - thuf the Grand Trunk bas huti witb ibe1( International Limiteti since ifs inception' M6 years ugo. This ftrain, which runs be- tween Montreal anti Chicago, is the fast- est bu America, avcruging over 542 miles per hour, including stops. Right aiong where the accident occurredthebb train is schetioledtf run between Newcastle and Bowmunville 4.52 miles-bu 5 minutes. about a mile a minute. The stories told by pussengers cause al f0 marvel ut the escape of s0 muny passengers wben the- seuls iu the cars were torn from fasten-- ings, windows lumps, doors xvere smasbed' f0 pieces anti the couches wrencbed from bbc trucks. A few dots, muuy bruises anti a fracturedi boue or two seem bo comprise tbc injuries. Fortonutely bhc couches titi not t uru over but simply tippedti 1 one side but as bbc bruck wus torn up. for ioc, yards more or less, the shuke-up wns terrible whiie il lasteti anti passeugers jostieti andt trown bu ail directions. First aid wus offereti by manv anti aitho excite- meut rau higb for ten minutes, there wacs great rejoicing wben if wus ascerfaineti bbul s0 few werc seriously iujured. Hu- dreds of people visiteti the scene of the wreck thaf cveninganti the nexb day and also ou Sunday anti al express surprise tbab passungers were not more seriouisly hurt from the demomralixe-I, condition of bbc train.- Grand Truunk officiis sent doclors from uneigbboring tons and trainiswere sent from Toront)o 10caýrr.y pussengers on tLheir westwarti jouirney, reacbiug the cily at 7.15 P. 11-., less tha-n 3 boums hehindt ime, anti a wreckiug train from York was soon ou bbc scene of trou- ble wif h n gang of workmen. A teuipoýr- ary rnck was laid round the wreck-ed cars so that traffic was soon reýstoreti. 0,1-