betbreod c! f duiry cttie te select s elopoti under, large umounts of for the duiry ? To sncb mon I urould sucln1oae niui ue suy that there is ne best breed. hay, uarm stables anti kind treat-I Some tbink because tbey ihasve Jet- ment. soya tbey are on flic royal i-ctIte Yenu muy get pure-bretis if yeul succesa. Others thrïsk thut the Rloi- can uff orti theni, but ali brmers ar-e stens uill hring prospcrity te the a not able te huy pure-brode. Hou- fa ras. eu-or1, alumys use a pure-hred sireý. Thisis , brl islkptas- srlibsI The breeding bull always ropro-a F or ail tue meaure et ýsuc-cese Wbich in Ris cervice 1I have ku cur Ris name I mugnify aud bles Aud tender praise te Hius alune. For all Ris curu Ho- intercedes; Ho ebringi Uthem te the radiant shore : Ho beau s me, while the "eurth Pillaý are kucua te have effecteti anyý- remarkabie cures, auJ their use us strongiy rocommouded. A trial cf them wuili co-nvinecanyoaze cf their value. A REEL JOKE. If urus tise elder's day ut the areý very common among the pure sents half the value of the bree - rcuedIe s, plate, and e -was sh avrng 's breeds, and a pure-bred scïub is ing power of the herd if it is de- In triumrph throjugh the open prier to church trne, whie-- ,cinat wvithout doubt tht worst scrub of sired te grow calvýes for the dairy. dor"a slight, cut, with the razor con thie aîl. Select hi-m fromn some of the well- ext 'remne end oüf hîs nose. Callinig Select cows havi4ig individual ýex- known families cf the, breed and be] My heait ~i grateful fervor bis wife, he asked her if she hJad _________ m dot 1, sue that he possesses prepotencvi glows auy court plaster. okt'est and scales in starting a ,herd. Botter and more uniform reui ) f breeding may be secvired if the, animiýals are of one type cfI bre ïiad great care should ho- lc--i éeQised( in gettîng indiv-iduals whnlh posss to a certainty the charac,- teritic wedesire, te perpetuate in Wh-latý we daîrymen wanti is a herd of ow that will give aý profit at th!e paui, whether puebesorl gae.The eues tÉhat wi roue' ,a i un of butter or.c) es the pays aýnd cheerflnliess rpae groucLih when stom-ach, liver, k-i4neyos and bowels arecele zxtrlyto do. their dut y b y uluicl gives promise cf heing a To Ru uwho led me throug he good cal! getter. attife: A bull of this kind uill glu-e you, Tu grace divine Ho nour testeursS excellent resuits in umprovling the,- Abusuidauit outrance intLolie herd. Seme cffb-ohest lbords in 1My seliii h lb iving breud Hoebeds, the ceuutr-Y are higb gradei(s tuAt i i. ý'ImïRiqs ure-mnrusna doe have resulteti from tfliccoatinueti Whie froini yight thre "at use cf gcod s-ires. rcds luI ordier te o successfuî asbred- praiso HlIm fer the epe)(n dorl ensI uems uasm ftheles- T.WA ON aso ociatod uib uir stock;loa ttinOt,19. bur-ý elunideual Itype cf eut mintis anti aluray1%s l ot lctcuanti mating ~ ho seekiug te improvo the type antid h l1 g forlu a t LI. Se s-he puoice,, gourwipurpose na Il gLxsora btI outi' by miigbc citut rea ic.Btanu ire\,ou She Au tepoueteaimluoe"eî oa',t gffurei er speia ciurcteisi i te cheap enkcuI lmy-iveo lu. Se just proucio 'clapouud c buteret bu'mea nLi at. galion ofviok.Il ___ Vigr nticostiutonare tua)ý- 1ý i-rsGnls . SoIt by Jury,& seatils. nlesea cor poseeso Lovil, Bormanîlle vigor ii consitutio she ull mak aYou will find some in my sew- mgý,-basket," she said. At tchurch, ini assisting with the coll ectfion, he n ot ic,,edt ovoryene smile as he passe-ci te la( )te. VYery much iannoyed, he nkdone of bis asitat f teewas auynthing "IsoudSathwa"-" an- swerd th asistat. "hatis that upon your nosel "Cutplaster, 'vwas the reply. "Ne"sad he rind 'itis th-'e label roma so ý o cttn.It says, M'arranted 200 yards.' CURED BY An. abouegaategeith every box et. FIG PLL.They wllcure BLADE trubeCONSTIPATION, slfJc;uisl ; INR and aul STOM. deii-r, 2 c'~s er oxI, or Tice Fig PRINCES PATRICIA 0F CON-. DauE;ter t the uke eA Cnnaugit. Royvalty anid th chlldren. The decisio fiatthse King and Queen urlîl drive to tiie CytlPalaceý te uratcl lieutheir 10PH000 Hid guest are euiJeylng fie fete means fie addi- tien of anoflier impiortanlt oyant ta tlIsa 1st f e emnorabe funictbons et ibis Cerounatien sme.Fîrýe tmes tlieir Maesie ulîlmakcIre prgres firougbI flie streets et Lendon. On 'May ii, tliy rive ,)tehfe CrysFtal Pallace taý atedthse fiperiai cenýert rane Icounection uiti tIse o)euiing'o! tIse Festival -,f Epr.on Jne22 tiore is tIse l'historie Ceronafion procession frei BcktgliuiPraace0 te Wstmin- ster Abbey; an tIse day fellouiuug ti, rayai proýgreýe i breugh London; on Jane 9 tIs roya vist t fe ui bil and fite retura througri Northi Ldo;ancd on Jane 30 fIse , scond tttve to tht Cryotal ýalacA. and Consigthbe Most rEminent A B-sa pisae olir named T~'L TTAi * Phsic;M0,ue WasDespeate. Medn'iof we isuden promlo ___ Man n toR out JCHICAGOs, i IL-M r. j. a. tisu ttheruk c non commiis- Dos eoer f 34Va uren St., a so~oiert Iefc hth i aetsWr o h Corona- Tht t otwel'knwnwolesale dry ïod;to nsetydt o 32 heurs to-Bknha PacelCn Faydele, taesas folloylis: oe o eo-e eth lt toldLk atc , l;hn "Bu I ay nt- yu, oveyou aud ued wold o ceaed.New ~'"I av caarr Reim, t fSpprs tGtoia The King itak,ý,ti c. h etatv -î hanthirtaneas.Havwe ta enm-s. Jsu. fguo ha Iea mketnt andgrrso ts i Wstr usipersona1 intereîttaeer 'tiie ts thowuad, ani ole, by icty t eertin niearh fodrset aJwu etiedt gaddecrCraieand heMjet1sui us vaýlsUpo il:! s ha c au- tenduig to my business for those rfB al edcin_ýesand with physi.cians, cfnmiles distance froni the te!In dolire"Iutîd s aîJuuJ.- two yoas, nd el awhl lot bet- wtotgetting any Iasting re- At I o'leckin th moringo3tec s epire qura oiondeu'rthan that -f tr. Ti, etk i, sa.oo.nd can sey te you that 1 up his post,epcigteh eev InedthRnseeryiarv- Ce orias bcaso t s mdcofphiospbyaswa evr tteedin have found Peruna the only rern- ed ut 6 Eo'lo, Lot ne eue cm.lto eths bu ieCourt who our hlocd, car health, our sleop, Creece.that has cured me per'- Thýero ho ste, foodloss auJc-hdne enboubtaacls oc and t thrds<cf eut1love."Po get rd cf bte uJits spend,,- 'mnnî.~ ee eicootnahr htewtGihihm eforelie asceuded lthse BPeaudelaire wellcîs tpin hift u'its penus,'vomua li e For ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: cfaIpsin htldei pnth egt.i suîaqo- "5Poruna lias also cured My ' nxt ay uJ h ble cfr the fl- thro)ne. And lnot less*thanl bis energy,, wfocatarrh. Shealwayskeeps low-F ing"nieh, Iunt*il 9 'c"lock a.irs business abllity. the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ suitbstemotseicten tepaeunwiccu tin 0the ýhouse for an attack onteoeon af be ruh tils noe exaggeratien ta say that bis heayan vasy uaity.I v al hnin u eln ae cold, wihit invpriablye:u(resin shceer exbau ile ofoîl ldoain a ,jeety bais revolutlonizod life et reaýlly bute a man, we oughit te place. To bear -grudge;s, te are a very sýhort time." faint. Cor1 adbsbogi e ehd hate imustoc ma-,-ch te bute hbj. bitter suimosities, t Io h evil te _________________ ueepantonwsthtth 0 t, a n the wo'rof a ove eign That is, sve lshou)ld net bho ulllîng auy man, to look and hope for dis- gimnetulcomnehacemt-Hbsmdekgsiitoauinn te gise him tb' pluasare cf making aster te auy creqture, is te idwell quaity and tentit bybredîn ted suicide and in 'the hensuing con-, , usl1s8 us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i uoap;aduecnsrl nthe lowlands, in the miasmatî('I,,theire te some ýcflbIis owu Iiget uio h enr a be ege ua 1 Inan at its beaid wbo ltustS eause hum more discomfort, if hoe swamnps cf life, aind te breathe fe-1 This should not ho ollwedup 1ten. The case w as reported th-e (-oubeiconversant with eve-ry one ef heurs us gcuuiue l Will, by letting brile and malaricus vapors. toUlsl.Pa ehv he hibei Czar, who f ertbiwitb made Mi-s aiIcts n etisado him scthat ho canuot disturb our AGETTRIUMPH. fr1 rpterfrtcavsa bu ofano omsinefcrantI seeiugthat it, le condýuc-ted on the pouce. If 24o 01, months of ugo. Their off- set,-,i afl esnt c f $12.50. met modern hures. Why should 1I lot my -eemy rob w eu,)ya orl ffrt pîlpi bc,îîhomore sieosauJ____ ___ s n h a2ocso t e l Ie cf my r bis sako ourselveýs up t(,t) mesa, L thehih-ihee wilvho ette cr res'Ut LS thuan iby SBETN OTAT otdaily Inctinc;h h should 1 I indiei hogthh4la«,wee oesc igsa oing animmtreaimlt arrangements Cfer tIseCoranatlon are te me a lakcobà tbe-Atopinus andIJsu;ifi eeuberpogn.A bnvln lIld apnddscribedf ta oThe DailyMîro: tirno andI givo me a "wkLit e inighlt" ruse thas te libe poiint hee redcÏ)relro eces.eedy1eh vstngasho I shalput asido al feeling ab eu I aa feed car eaemy if ho hunger Fed them a àliberalraincmikseeayuug neriieuus TIeKgbsltoucdheel- bhm, evon if it tksasmc mrlantIgive bim drink if hi, thirstfý-dsail ýl -elCJ ode e Isebtleslîp toBcia 1, uic~~~~~~~" havethe doublestsatiuc rouigfoaadgc te h negigpuîhetfrasCe effot asa drnkar nees tote- u'umhingoverhimwbic is ieu-best cf cure. Keep in mmI ht fmsdienosîalc.Nooewak heenw fuse luis liquci. ~~~~~~~~~bad qualities are moreesiytas Tctuhsctdîiîas"uevyne oesttIeobl:te saullt, andi over oursel-ves, whlich is r iloutIli rvu. The worid c mrou puig flpesr mitted than the good eus. ors balunthesnbol ao --)f Liin i em nfsnîtely greater ca'tdounthngwit. 'v tiei uzy Workr0oom. D)r. Holî-nes calîs argument the t TI{ IEA MAHOD, "hyrotaiepuradox o c feIs"- UD R SPORT AN-iD mnt"table lu hie atudy verokigCoastl- thesef orur ic reseutmot : levl i a smull tube as iunalaretegni nur.On bis left, a cul ttlpoe on ii i Irz fh wih hic itisb1, isrght. !lu tba oo elu is Sir woî,yti uin omin i[rLed ete argue with a fooiilý fit eeysrmeeur aoit o. ha e We e o lhe Ring kocuà al, lo boafsa Ski) e oLh flowu atray'belet lok atter a dejzen thtuge hth tna ime urb anweod weu ashoti if h2.1 Itllyr~aieînarx pauin hc, ssouu apida~o:uJ e~i~~iie aeet n ra oflt gveln od, Jidnethik t- "gt een"wut malice," ber Éte bail 1into bad blooi tny eesb bad Jonc hlm wroug: agaiust thý1e n wb bubsJonc s btercus, biesbuapaibm erbspitseplye(ertes ainelelisutcmelo "1 hiaven't time. I uam toc busy." exil ils te édesce-nd te bis plane ai-d fbiles tcst p ill bu-lviiý i, adst eoe0i e as n auryduu Iee eg A maus asonct swmadled eut cf te share with him b is Jevil's broufcaeprtoswisisat-adlceslnc nbrditettbs ro h eehn esm $5,000 by a rascal whem ho hud cf muîignity. i septic propeutioýs tender the ucund china.-I Thon she thouight Ïï about Crown do-i, lIsartmout. T'Ihen lie tutu's te I rcenfrom i mîlJauIger froni bloc J time tj e bgin ber little sermon. you again. -11 Thon bis Majesty deals wttb tIse trusted. To the surprise cf everY Rate is destructive. Love us c picg ext is othugpr- "iyJu, h ean ~~ atrthut bas brouglit yen thbere cru, o ud n efor t pos- uiv. vey ngr felngtorsperties relieve and case the pain. ycýou n_ very unhappu- te have i premlptly and dectsiveiy, and wltliout eu ite, the maa. One cf bis frionds adoua sometbing il. us. Eu-ueml-Te trchra o!,-sple- stn nte-r-rbfr i h]aywseo od;Js ue askd imwbwifurs huth di tcucfloe laron cr ifefierThn ts îc, eraibulsove- tad u to orerbefreaI te uy rateetwods;jut qle neot Iake stops to, get justice. l al nma lf lveiste tae dthetissue, auJ set up the cluas for puuisbment 1" 'eywel'Pleaso de!'or 'No, i'm "Wl,"sii o 'tsthswy: nsic JbteiIurueful procoss (cf hueL,1ing. 'Please, asa'am," broke in Ihearadthtuu' d! If i s 0l ot as cit o iaiu'Nuee estepr ubd wire scratchesý, unsect boy, uuthbibs mouth bull cfcae ArntgfoFoln us. sibly egainmy me eo u pa- isbuiom cf Jwesu se ore rfI tigtsihdsue uhae-1j11"th1at uasn 't me yen isaur. If rs "Iele eudy igla th flîu;but il, would tuke me1gcntly ithuýn wherc ho says (auJ ho emu otr sernwcmb-Pt.Hogv etn et ben very buoay orr tIe lecf abou twoveur te et to cae prctisd if: "Lve yur ee- hes'heat soros, chufe -placýes, e-icme bre auJ tube youir Jaung"fooiual Clnilu> ; i sc ýwo eýa-ý, e gt th cae prctieýÀ t):"Lov yor en- every name, assigne the actual quar- truhal the courts, auJ in the j ie,"are foot--are aIl quiekly, cured by e~fr aipra st cuy eie montmea voît f bard feeling D. RAK URNE. a Bk tulecssat'ures Beware of Onmnsfowaar ho le ta bo l atedace dlio _______________DR.__FRANK___CI piles« Abi druggists ýýauJý stores. thl otinMruyuany servante are )te be ut thse visi- ____-Use Zam-Bak Soup, 21c. e- jrtatbiet. thtonF - 1Lors' dlsposal-ecvery dtalàl attenided 'S~cheupest are the eules that ure viut____ ____ansrercury will surely destroy th, ense f0 and tichced off on liste and plans te keep in car bords. whole F.ystem wherie nterisg et hroughushwrk. W'e REEES"theo mucous ouriaces. Sucli articLote But if Io the same uith ahi hie r '1 s aeanacrc mrvd".~TlIEEE. hould nover be ussd except on pre- a"' ~ ~ ' cf dairy cous that represent Acriptions fromn reputabie physicians, an.rr e eeyfleCrnto r ' L breeds fdiyaw ta ersn the damage they wil do iste tn 11( rangements. Ai the so-calhed routine the kil cf ear la hei porec- (The last urords cf the lato D. L. to the good you car, possiblY eri. fSae fl emr otnpr thssilio eurinucoflsuuertnet Y d eri fSnae; t content s rouineock aa tien but ia adopting uny cf thoso Moody.) tfactured by P. J.(2heney & Co Tu-uncterily performed, Ia bis case. -, , Iledo, 0., contaitîs ne rnercary. and te "Thse King urants te know aIl about bre, hl h o-taken intern~al[y, acting riréct1y up~Sovon tig a uskote r Thero is ne phase cf the dairy their original homos and thon pi lan, io ethe victory IHoeguvçs; en uerýnauy and nmade i Tlo is o wn vryOth et PO' uerk Hn list His prfectlove csts ot all ý,andOhpeple, bave fo&uCo.deeut more cuio ful management thun dees oral managýement conferni to the My seul te beights cf hliFsslHo leadas .old by Druggiste. Price, 75a per fliat bis rieur le generaly3 correct. He the reedn_)f tlij cci, w rites W. conditions under urhich the breed Whoere I s1u idweol brvtce 'aelalsFml il forcnt' ene fadc ermlng opinens, en M. KeIy.have heenJuelopied. o orfoim h ut e se. seelug fiat they are acted on. Upeniltie cour depeatis success or -If a nma hs Jrseys, givo theni cedes, n l aet est tta failuu-e auJdure must, ater selecting Ilie cf Jersey cure anti feed for thley And I beholti heu-eai's open.XVben a man. recegnizes ho bhas tiere tes ne dehay or ldlenoss; lie la hei- '7ok e he cae ad- er fed canotsucced n srubfareand d the ability te make a namne for constantly making inquiries as te thse boa, lck e hu' uremat- br foti cano sucoe cuscrb fte nti doo."hiniseif onl account cf bis bruin, pTrogress matters are making, uranting ntu tethe huuiîineg cf ber pro- fodder. They ucre net intended . ta kirour urliy llgs are nef ceni- -utsIfriht ur's.Meaýýt gludly I inai irebeliov -ho rosette to dresa in erder te gîve itd ads u Thefut hu diryenbae e- The Jersey cou is a delicate, nrv- WhditI for, ail my sun tonIe: uditntin Wby! Thse King lias lied suing vtdmorieateio to ohrplias- eus machine auJ requires uýý,rrmth, To Ru um n coaiÏdenîce _i me baiuss doors fitfed te mauy ot thse os cf ter dirig ta kintneas auJweaIfeeigtIsan omlt - Hmalonle. A Cure for Rheumatism-A pain- rooma te expodite matters-na apon- tetehedng atèeec muke ber profitable. l Ail 1tutMy uraitilrg spirut Ineeds fui and p@msistent borm cf theumut- Ing or sbuttlng ef doors. m'euit Icf Ëthe tou ils coecf If Hoîsteins are cleteddo net Ho ,gives fre oo1) 's noudd imlacusdb ipriisluthe "ukniniPlcIs uet til- irusons uby se muny of eut expeet them te tnlriv"_ on cîoseîy store; indtereatcfdfctvIc-Ldyadtho Ri sngoi tc uet leu dar brs r ntcpal c e-coped, scunty pastures urbere AntI irile from ime the carte- tion cf thie liver and 1kiducys ý.Th e tn If. Tiere isane faing. Qucieflynd hi-cc apbeofr- rP bod becomes tainted b'the rr uiiyn- aafydrctu u tuerning a prof-(it fr their food auJ fhey are compelled te rustle ail day codes, bv' in- trolliig and keephng overyono up coaqt cf attenciance te guthor sufficiont foodi. My Lord presents thle opentoor." troduction cf une uaciti, uhich caus- te thue mark, the Ring is aluays cool Givethe th cae tey erede-es mach pain in the tissues anti in and quiet, but always docidod," We -are oten usked uhich ils the a1Gu-e ten-itl cu tther cre e- - m s P~amele's iTzt1ale, It's an a.bsolutely trui.glit thei bceat dealers co'.operate., ruigfiour, unbeutable fer the West. Try it. guaruntee, mudarn, and aDl A strong, nutritieus, hgi' bread, ha sCre am of LoI3 r t cm r~01=3 O= 0 cmOC= O= 0o=1 o flE erel-y affirm and declare that Cream of the West "Flour is a superior bread flour, and as such is subject to our absolute guarantee-moneyback if not satisfactory atter a fairr trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized ta returu pri& paid by customer on return of unused. portion of bag iîf flour is flot a s represented. 1110 pbllMillng Co. Limited, Toronto. ADcýý0c: c adcampb0a--j 0 0 ô den Fori Sale by,:-J. A. Mime, Bewmanville; C.H rysdale & 8o,ý,ï Oshawa' J. R. Fisher, W. C. Britton, Newcastle; -Chas,. rttn Cak;J. R. Cooper, Orone. WHAJONCE SM ISOOIG Te CUBBING LIST ïgi I DOIN TheSTATESMAN,, or NEws wil be fur- nished for I911 in connectien wîith the under-named publications at Prices stated, INTEIIESTING BITS 0F NEWS Daily Globe, morning edition_. _4 _q F110M TRE STATES. Daily Globe, 5 o'clock edition ...3 50 Daily Mail and Empire ......... ..ï 5o Toronto World.............. »-3 50 Itemis From the iBig Ilepublie of Daily News,................... 2 5 1Daily Star, in country.......... 2 50 Interest to the Canadian Daily Star, in town.,....... ý.... 3 5 F Weekiy Mail and EmEipire...... 5 Reader. Weekly (Globe........ ..I75 1Weekly Witness...... ....... 17 A Brookiyn bride had wedding Weekly Sun......... ....... I 85 presents valued at ýi2,00 stolen Farmer's Advocate......... 2 5o f rom her home t he night before the Farm and Dairy .. ..._......... 75 ceremonyFarnily Herald ....... ......... oo ermnHome journal......7 Twenty million fire crackers, Christian ed...... .............50 more or less, and abotam,1ý) Christian Heara.............2', ýo Chns,"torpedoes" arrived in Canladian Farm............. 21 85 New York on one boat. i - To get money te send ber sick Toronto's dry dock will be the busband teEngland, a. Greek wo- first of its kind in Canada. man vnug si ou wiotka actertusect bo acmontb-oit ayfo ae A Passaic pr)iicat ut a uedding ln bis cburcb tienoucetý,d i nethrouriug as -a superstition, anti forbude thcse prosent te continue the prue- tice. MarriedLsivfoon Johin Rentra, cf Yonkors. N.Y., uge bety , urife cf !a sugar te - fîatery employeeL,, bas gýiron birtb te be(r turentietb cîsiilti.1 Governor- Dix bhas signet the bill of ageïf.nintoriag poeorb- iard rooms s or public bowling al- leys in LI!(' State cfdNewr York. Bi,,tten b3' a dog last October, a Xibkll .Y., uroman is slouiy ty- ing, wurituf euesymptomni f rab- i,but sloly bcauno4cf bu er ly 'for thuthe diseuse Mulli p JusticeCGmanun, o Blirsèe tieclarýes thut aîooie hut nef be tirven ut a speed grutet than 1 Mes au heur lu approauh- ing anti cressig intermstug stres. At the ptiton f a liffLle gr' fat he r fou r - poli ceen ucr pncot on guari te0tient aumoile traf- ie froni a cr), aNer ork stree(f1 on the day cf ber crias ulh i&ph- theria. A Boston urman ubo bas iust tiet ef irectio)ns that beui go ber monmen aJ tatneodaeO berb bueml ae pnuctiigphscanléeaig Penn, bu lef fora tie y lr!t I Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Jury & Loveli, Bowman- ville. CI$ YBphoo lue§D. adiV ioUo h hl nervou sytmmke e Blc i ldVins (auesNe mailedree. hteod Mo leeCo.' (formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont. EXCURSIONS To SeilTrains leve Toronto 2.00 p.s. sa ARL4, 18 MAV 2,10, 30 dUNE 13, 27 JuLy il, 26 AuG. el 22 SEPT. 5, 10 seodclntcketIrnsOntasice staon Lteprincipal LWROUND-TRI'-'PRATES- W .'dpeg nsirua$33 .00; Edmeton aretsc $4100W. ..d te eiherpeitsin ropr e ik gos ot. ,css wthie60 day. f'-n, gi.g da. TOU RI ST SLEEPI ýýNG CARS Varly application mue .made v c FOR LHiMEStKR'PM LE -t ý-t Li lu Ill K)ILI LI M (:[Ji] Il JI TI - y- g 1 _j-j -t J WANT folks to knew what a splendid fleur Cream c, f th3ýe West is,. 1 wanf you te u a 'bag at yeur grecery store. î se it" for a co uple of bknsand sec thei result. isgar'an tee d'forbrd With Cream of the We'st Ny01u willhave succeýss or your, money back Youir bread wîIO do yu credif Or yeuî don't, puy c-ue cent -for the llour. Bring back whuat you have left in tise bag andi yeur g1recer will refunti yaur rnoney in full.