c t- t NO DSGRCE TO CONTRÂCT ECZEMÂ cawl It may not lie necessary tbo continue to sufer. kmdisease is one of the mnost dîiýluT problems of medical science Whiole libraries have been written on tise treatment, but if ycou are suflering you do not need t-he symptomns described. You know ail about that. Most Cases of Skini Disease are Curable Sôme are not. _ Wisere anything eau cure or te- lve ouais <isu hnd p<on Nvssl's IEczema Lotion used by day and Nyal's Eczema Ointment by niglit. The Lotion is more sgtyin daytime while the Onmn ie more prolonged action at night. It stops thse intolerable itching and and ýperi:ýt s sleep. BUT THESE REMEDIES DO MORE THAN RELIE VE- THEY WILL CURE, BUT YOU MUST BE PERSIS- TENT. -Good also for Tettef r, ]3arber's- 1Ich, Ringworm, Dry or Scaly Skin 'Ivy Poisoning, etc. OINTMENT 50c LOTION 50c R. M. MITCHELL & Co. Dtuggists Plione 92a. Opticians Bowmanville.- ARE-YOU READY FOR HAYJNG In selecting liarvesting ma- chinery it is only natural that tise farmer should want thse best, Compare .DEERING MACHINES Witli other makes and a glance wilI convince you of thse superior- ity of thse Deering. Cail and se our I I I ~ I -i I BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST ExrsS 8448a. :Express 4.22 a. nM. :Expess 10.1 Loal 7.43 asegr .31 p. mi. Passenger 1.48 P. nM. Locýal 6.49 , :Passenger 7.58 Mail 9.18 , Daiiy, BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 22, 19111. Social and Personal. Miss Myrtle McReynolds, Toronto, is visiting at home. Rev. W. C. Washington preached in Disciples Church Sunday morning. Caldwell's conveyances go to boat] Tuesdays and Fridays. Plione 127. A despatch fromn Kingston says the camp is mucli smaller than last year. Mrs. Alex. Wight, Providence, spent the week-end with relatives in the city. Miss Leola Sudworth, Ingersoll, is visit- ing lier aunt, Mrs. Albert Washington. Miss Cota Scott and Miss Olive Hyslop spent Sundav with relatives in Whitby. Mr. Win. Cann aftended fthe retail coal dealers convention in Toront o last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davey, Toronto, spent Sunday wifh relatives in Bowman- ville. Mrs. W. F. Djoll, New York City, is botham. Miss Marie Painton and MEs. J. CouVi s, Toronto, spent flic week-end ai Mr Wm. Miss Greta Wickeit, Peterioro Normal, lias completed'hertferra and is home for holidays. Miss M. E. Higliet, Pli.D.,,Elmira, N.Y., is spending summner vacation ai lier home us Cobourg. Mrs. Rev. S. T.Bartletf, Toronto, spent Sunday wiîli het parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hellyar. Mrs. James N. Campblcl and Miss Agnes Campblcl, Cobourg, are guesis of Mr. J M. Jerome, Orono. Remember Bowmanville mercliani s have a haîf holiday Wcdnesday aftcrnoons during July and Augusi. Reserve evening of June 28ili for tise sfrawberry festival in Methodisi sehool- roornsai 6 p.nm. Admission 25c.. Mvr. and Mn. WWi, Newsomr, Vancouver, B. C., wif h lis sister Mrs. A. A. Power'. He î!nw reiurning frow. England. 3 1,s-' _!..Jamieson, son Reg. and daugli- l'ter Doris. and Mrs. H. Jamieson and son Fran.k are visîtilisg -elaiives in Tata, <'u.gnfine liorses have arrived from [Montreal f0 lie used in, open air riding school ai Horse Show Park, Cobourg. Mr. and Mns. Norman E. Wright and daughters Myrile and Marguerite. Blacli- stock, visifcd lier mqt ler Mrs. J. VanNesi. Rev. J. and Mrs. Kenner,' Mitchell and Mrs. (Rev.) Thompson, Victoria, are vis- ifn r.(Dr., Bell.-Collingqcood Btil- 'tMr. aley W. Perey lias passed bis ~priaryexamnatonstaking finit class hononrs in flic Chartered Accountants' C. Washington, B.A., delegate fro, .MC.A. of Toront o, lefi Tuesday mn) ,ing f0a ttend a convention ai North-. Mrs. Denver Cavanagli, Winnipeg, Mn lias been vîsiting lier sistcr-in--law, Mrs. J. H. Cavanlagli Rf Mr. W. H. Willianms, Liierty-st. Mr. W. Upton Runnals, Inspector of Loan Companies, 0f Victoria, B.C., is visiting lisi father, Mr. John Runnalîs, Port Hope. Conigratulationsf0 Mr. Ernest McCul- loch, son of Rev. R. McCullodli, Green- bank, who sfood ai tise iead of bis class iu tise late University exams. Is ilicre anything significant in tise fact fliat Jimmie Reynolds and flic Interna- tional Flyer pois came f0 grief about one mile wesi of Newcastle tise same week? Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenfield and son Victor, Mn. and Mns. Herb Fletcher and fwo childnen, and Mns. H. Meader spent Sunday wifh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caswell, Clarke. Mr. F. W. Kinkendaîl, accompanied liy Mr. and Mrs. Morion Murdof and Mr. Good mnorning-? Do yuuse Loscombe Goal? New wall papcr and window sisades or sisade clotis, ai P. C. Trebulcock's. Leave your order ai Caldwell's Livcry for Arygle Tucsdays and Fridays. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mason and Master Ted are visiting relatives ai Cambray. Four tanks, 7 foot staves, nearly 5 foot diamet et, for sale. F. H. Mason & Son. Order all your funeral designs or eut fiowers from S. J. Jackman. Phone 8o. F. H. Mason and Son receivcd anoflier siipmcni of high class buggies. Sec thens. Men's Suifs nmade to order and satisfac- tion guaranteed ai Gaudi. ,lolinsi on & Gryderman's. T ry a ton of Leisigli coal and you will use no other. Order from E, W. Loi- comnbe, phone 177. 1000 early tomato pliants, not in boxes, to clear ut30e. per 100 aiS. J. jnrkman & Son's. Plione 80. Lehigli coal is harder, laits longer and contains more licat flian other coal. Sold only by E. W. Loscombe, phone 177. Gentleman's silver watch and fob lost. Reward for refurn f0 Mr. E. J. Burli, Dat- linigion, or THE STATESMAN office, Bow- manville, Special bookis frons leading wall paper factories from whicli you can select ex- clusive higli class papers are ai P. C, Ttc- bîlcock's. GCoucli, Jolinsfon & Gryderman are show- ing an elegant lot of ncw Spring Coats and1 TnUs idts nl urlA.nl- tho srrv lnt- - est styles. Get a can of Chi-Namel and give your oil ulofh *r linoleum. a coat. It will bring ouf the color and make it look like new. W. Ml. iustan. E. W. Loscombe, flie Lehîgli Coal agent, is filling orders withi fresh mined coal, aIl sizes,,and guarantees flie lowest Summer price if paid during june or July. Next gafhering of Bowmaniville Wom- an's Institute will be lield at the. residence of Mrs. Isaac Tabb on Tliursday june 22 -Coronation Day-wlien the annual pic- nic will be enjoyed. Ail members corne and br-ing your friends to enjoy a -1pleasant, afternoon. Silos erected. F. H-. Mason & Son. Room moulding af P. C. Trebilcock's. "Loscombe-Coal" is Lehigli Valley Coal-nuf sed. Leave your order at Caldwell's Livery for boat Tuesdays and Fridays. Phione 127 Dress Goods and Suitings in flic newesf shades and weaves at Couch, Jolinston & Crvderman's. Spring housecleaning is on. That means new wall paper. Special prices and patterns at P. C- Trebilcocks. Chi-Namel is soldonly by W. H. Dustan. Martin-Senour 1007, Pure Paint sold only by W. H. Dust an. Wait for Bowlers' Excursion on Civic Holiday, Aug. 7th. to Peterboro and Rice Lake. Particulars later. Very special values in Black and Col- ored Silks at Couch, jolinston & Cryder- man 's. Why burn your money faster than is necessary? You will not if you use Lehigh Valley coal. Sold only by E. W. Loscombe. Phone 177. We would empliasize thse fact thaf the1 BULI( of our Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits are NEW, made for this season's frade. No licitergoods and no better value any-1 where. Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman. Bowmnanviilc is noted for ifs pretfy green lawns. Why should if flot have a reputat ion for ifs pretty riesidences? A coaf or two of Martin-Senour 100'/.Pur e Paint will do if. Sold bv W. H. Dusfan. 4b Thos, Peate's pressing and faîlor. ring works is carried on two doors east of Dcnisem's barber shop. Asi 1 have learned the cleaning, dying, pressing and tailoring business 1 can do anything to garments as rwell as any man on carth. Gents' outward apparel a specialty. Prices 50c and 75c. This is not more than haîf others1 charge. Ladies' skirts cleaned and press- ed. Suifs dry clcaned or French cleaned. Ail work promptly donc. LODGE 0F INSTRUCTIONV and Mns. Stanley Davcy, mofored f0 Ty- MASONIC RuENT 0F GREAT INTEREST. toue aud spent Sunday evening ai Mn. W. DEERINO MOWERS Challis'.-0 HAY LOADERS Mn, Franks Môrgan lias a frcak, in tle The Masonic Lodge of Instruction- for' shape of a Plymoutli Rock chicisen which Otonapee District, No. 20, waî licld und C SIDE DELIVERY RAKES lias f hrcc legs, two lu regular positioil, and flic warrant aud auspices of Jenusal,-,, tise extra anc a litile foaflic test of tle Lodgc, Ne. 3 1, G. R. C., in flic Maso, i c SELF DUMP RAKES Etc, iglit lcg. Hall, Bowmanville, Tliutsday affernton Tiursday, Coronafion Day, îwo rnIs and evening. Tise meetings wcre cl Fulllliue of Deering Repaits ai- of Oshawa Bowlers will come fa Bow- ai tendeti, there ieiug irefliren precnt manville and fwo rinki from Bowmanvillc fnom cvcry lodge in tise district. ways on hand. go fa Oshawa fa play an Eston Cup match Lodge was opcned iy Warshipful kas- iunflic Lake Shsore Lawu Bowling Clul's fer C. B. Kent sud officens of Jerusâlcm t FRED T. HOBBS, Sciedule. Lodgc, affer wisicis Wor. Bros. Edmudi An auto parry frons Toronto spent îwo sud Leace of Hope Lodgc, No. I14, ex.e Tisrec Doons West of Express Office, niglits ai Tise Bowman lait week com- piified flic Enfered Apprentice or Finit Phone 66. Bowmanvilie. prisîng Mn. sud Mns. Chester D. Masscy, Degrec of Freemasonry. Mrs. J. M. Trelile sud party, Mns. Auget, Tise officers of, Hope Lodgc flien va- ansd Messrs. J. Montgomery sud F. A. cafcd flic chairs, whicis wcre faken by W. ____________________________Wiseeldon. Tlicy cxpressed every satis- Bro. Kent sud officers of Jerussiens Lodge, faction wif h tise service given at ilis *hio cxemplified thse Second on Feliow- _____________________________- hRIc4i4~e ud cnstnt lil lisîery. crafi Degrce. Dr. G. S. Hodder Wilson, son of flic Thc Lodge was opcncd in flic Third Rev. A. G. Wilson, fonmcnly of Tynone, Dcgnee by W. Bro. A. P. McLeau snd of- lias starf cd practice as an, Osteopathi ficers of Petenlioro Lotige,' No. 155, and RU BB T Rphysicin in Gueh.-i.His manyfiends Corinthian Lodg, No.ioI, sud flic Tui willbe leaed a kow hathe as ull orMaser aso Dereewas exemphificti, recoveneti from tic injury lie susîaincd t W. Bro. McLean being assisted liy Past lis liack while atfendîng Allient College Masters Rush sud Morrow. Having insfallcd s new sud n-a whicli confined him f0 the bouse for a Afier remarks by flic R. W., flic D. D. date RUBBER TIRE MACHINE, I1 am aumier of vears. G. M., A. W. McLeod, Newcastle, R. W. prcpared fa furuisis sud put on rubier i Alonzo G. Washington, Lyle, Bros. Rusis d Bounsshl, W. Bras. Pick- thies af reasoualile prices. I solicit inu,., sud fwo dauglifens, Miss Eliza B., ard, Sutton, -undle, Leacis aud Morrow, B.ýA., Principal of Higih Scisool, Beach, tise Lodge was cioscd lu harmony in fie youn patronage. N\.D., sud 2Miss Olive M., B.A., Principal Firit Degrec. The speakens spoke in Gail ai fie East-End Blacksmitli of High Scisool, Claremnont, Minn., are igsigi praise of tise work wiicli was put visiting ai lis brotiher's, Rev. W. C Wash- ounliy tise differcuf laidges. Viîifing brefS- Spiop sud gef part iculars. ington, M.A. Miii Olive lefi Tucsday ren also paiti many compliments f0 mens- moruing via Kingston sud Monfresi for liens of the local toclge on thein icautiful A. W'. PICKARD, a trip fa England suid île Continent. lodgc room sud furnishings. BOWMNVILE. Plou 18. 1-ff Spring siffing of fisc Higis Court of jus- Thc viîiting lirefliren wene gucîfs of B(ýVMANVLLE.Plioe 18. 13t ice (non jury) oplencd Monday liefore jerusalern Lotige af- Balmloral H-otel, Honourable Mn. justice Riddell. Thene wlicre tle needi of fishe r man wùe - t - were anly two cases ou tise docliet, viz: wcll su.pplied. Valuable Town Property For Beacon vs. Dalinigfon, Goodman & Gsi- Among thase present eTejý: Bras. R. J. Sale. braitli for plaintiff; D. B. Simpson for de- Edmuas, F. W. Spcner, R. J. Keeler, fendant. Wadcll vs. Moment, R. R. Gea. Ha ncack, Jf. rM. Bndlas. Leachi, W. Waddcll for pflaintif;, R. Russell Las- E. Dawc, C. S. HTam1ly, G. Rýunnalîs, Part A large 12 roosu btrit b s, itutdonthe EvanH.-cLin for def2fenduf. Hopec; A. P. Lan A. Dsvidson, J. F. not atquarter et the Lo toue r Rigis.a anLe Cocsie-t.There are ever 40 appfle, pe ýtfý Tiseir many fricotsin tisis vicîiniîy wereAln K. G. Lecis, T. Hi. Gillespie, Wm. auti pluanitrees il gootvaietes.Lani - pleasedt a notice in tlise esuhîs of tise 1Uni- Hli, H. Russ, JF. H.Dawon Peterboro; pies oves sasscie ai coulti b ltvteti V t 'svrlgood busildinug los with -sense frit -ýý, csinuyexmiair s nsecond yearis-A. W.McLeod Ei. iH-. Dickinson. J. Pan- in each,anti lcaving ptenty ott lanti areun t seitie namues- of MiUss W. E. Pheîlp as hav- ker, R.Goer M. Clark, J. RE. Rinci, S. ,housýe. Large stable, dtin lg ebii, pouttry 1use't, inig obtaiucd fiitciasýs houons !in odmsA. Perrin. Necwcaîtl1c; W. G. Rulndie, John ibsli atiingotiorie. isisa ue tcsaiiecours-el, d Mn. A. L. Phclp -as isving Davey, 'T. M ako, .M .Gilfilla-n, S. proery.Wolt sd bus ati~ areot~ otobtaineti second dlais 1lo)'ns in fIe IPiil- C. Saunders, B. G. Garscadden, Giea.Aý -oter uIdin los epaatly.Woud xe geosopliy course, dagh c ni soný of Rev. Stephecns, J. Waddf'el, T. Siih!, Orono; for orono ~ JOHNJ. ASON L.Pis, Bighfon,' fornly pastor- of N. H. Suton,Oncce E, WYV Pickford, Bemui Souiis Darlingion and Tyrane ircuits, Nonwoodi; sud othenYs, The Chuirches. Rcv. W. G. Clarke closed lis pastorate in Port Hope Methodfist (Churcli Sunday, Mr. T. G. Baker, President of Meîliodist League, lias been appo.inted delegaf c f0 Bay of Quinte Suinsuir Scisool ai Well- ington July 3-10. Sfrawberry social and tea under aus- pices of Ladies' Aid wîll lie leld in tlic Met hodisi sclioolroom on Wcdnesday June 28ili ai 6 p.m. Admission. 25c. Tise Ladies'-Aid Socicty of St. Paul's Churcli will liold a Strawberry Social on Miss Fairbairn's Law, Friday, June 23rd, frons 5.30 P. m. Adm iission 25c. Every- body welcomne. Oakwoodl Mefliodists are preparing toereci a liandsomie new edifice ai a cost of $12,000, of wlicli suma $8,ooo lias already been suýLbscribced. Rcv. W. Lim- iert, Orono, wîll be pastor nexi year. Leskard Methodisi Sunday Scisool pr - sented tiseir rcfiring -pastor -Rcv. Wy Limbert witli a beautiful silk unsbtehL and a case of Milifary brushes, accompan- ied by an address readiby Miss Elsie Haley flic presentafion being made iy Miss Maie Miss Alice E. Stewart who lias co pletedhler fiffietisanniversary as a Suay Scisool teacher, was recenfly pres tfed wi h an address and a puirse of $25ý_ gold liy tise Presbyîerian congregation ai Orillia. , Tise address was in, book form, bound in leather and handsomely illumi- nate - - 1 Pains Have Vanished Neuralgia Completely Cured. The cure of Mrs. H. L. Barrett, Guthrie, P. Q., is another victory by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medi- cine has sueceodod in many cases wlmere others have utterly failed. Mrs. Barrett says: "I suffered Intensely from neuralgia in the headý face andi shoulders. 1 had usedvarlous medi- cines without relief. I heard of Hood's Sarsaparlilla and decidedti f0try It, andi 1 bless the day 1 did. 1 took It several months and now feel well. AUl niy pains have vanished." «et Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Solti by all druggists everywhere, _ NOtices Of Births, 25 cents; Marilages 50 0 F.ceuits; Oeaths, 50 cents, each insertion. When fineral cards arc priateti et this office, insertion free. BIRTHS R 1In -I Clarke, ,1nne 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Ilobt. on, È-vON-la Clarke, June 14, to Mr. and Mss, Hoelwanl, a daaghter, -~ MARRIAGES PERRYTOW-' PIERsoN -iAt the residence of the, hride's motheil, Thornton's Corners, June 14, b)y le.J. Hlodge, B. A. Mr. Win. 11. Perryman, O~f~ssSdMiss Edith A. Pierson. SyoRtiE-DE'xOEA therene of the bries noterMrs. E. A. Deariboru., Oshawa, .June 14, b.,Rv.J. llotges, B. A.,r. A, . Storie ant1i Mi-s jennie F E;, earorn, both of ROBRTSMADENAVthe residence of Mr. C. . onre,14Dee-ryPark Crescent, Tioronto, WIn 17,ÙnaAmeia, daughter of the late James W. and Mi-S.MaUn Vo Perey M. son of Mr. Thos. Tise Mefliodist League Monday even- ing was in charge of Mrs. W. B. Tapso, CRSHu LitearyVic Prsidnt.President T. . Coruish, ageti3 Baker presided and Miss Lena Haddy read EMY-Ai fh Saiptre esson atef hich allUfe- letV, vidow oet peafed 23rd Psalm in concert. Miss M. ycar. H. Stepliens, B. A.,ý took tic topie "An SIARl'-.ÂtS evening with tise Pocis" ansd gave aL very ais s4ssqsili interesting addcress. Miss Ethel \VanNesi GR ýAt AV V sang "He shah llfced li;s flocis" from "'TisCbrc-s.,Be Messiali," and -Mn. H. W. Huchbeson 'sang , rlilcV iwo seleciions:, bof h soloisis reccivinig JOINS TON - welldesrvedâpflaus, 'ohuston, beixý welldeseved pplase.danghter oetVhe Sunday was flffhsgly observed in tise Interred in u Il Metchodis i Churcliliy ;special Coronation service's' Paistor> Garbitf ook for tise subjeci of liii morning address tise words, "God Save fie King." He said fli cGoto- E nation was simply a religious ceremony, E.I not a State function, and went fo show, e tisai King George V acknowledges God -Monumni as hîsKing and promises f0 rulehispeople, C wlio are a religlous people af heant, in Bowmanvillt accord witi tise pninciples of flic Christian religion. Tise greaincîs and continued prosperit y of flic Britishs nation can only bc preserved and maintained as thcy te- FUN* main truc f0 God. His evcning discourse IT~ was on "Kingly Men" lis fexi bcing "Man L. i looketis on tise - outvw'ard uappearance -buft- God lookcth on flic heani." Tise choir Mcs provided very suit aile music sucli anfisemi ;Su licing rendered as "'Hail fo fisc Monancli" pro "God is tlic Refuge of His People", Bowin "Praise ye tise Lord", Gloria in Excelsîs", and the Esther Doxology. Mr. H. J. rn e Knight sang splendidly flic solo "God Blesi King George". Thc whole ser- vice was of very great inferesi. tise N special musical numbens being greafly appreciated by flic large audience wlio atendcd. Thse Mission Band of flic Mcthodist Torone, ivit Clirucis licld a pleasing enterTh7uý.1me r, in ctaoge swf1dzL3r Scisool Hall on Thursday evenc.ing Yfrem July Ir when a goodly numben were preseuf f0to og e enjoy tise program so 0 icely given by flic liii le ones. Principal T2. G. Baker, of flic PublicScisool, prcsidedî and prcscntcd tise W. following progranr : Qpiening exercises; Chorus by flic Band, "Tise Children's V. Friend is Jeans"; yearly report, Miss Belle Will trcu. Courfice; Esssy, Japanese Dolîs, Miss aniisals by th Cathserine Warnica; Chorus, "Let tlie Gos- visit Blackto pel Liglit Shine ouf"; recifafion, "Litt le: DentistrT Childreu of Japan", Miss Lola Souci;song Bell Tele by Primary lass; very excellent addrcss Office and on Japan iy Mrs. (Rev.) H. McConnell,& wio liefore lier marriage- spent some years in the work there and was well aile fa make lier remarks very inîeresîing. I DR. A plessing preseuistion tien took placeI iy Misses Dorothy Belilman and Evelyn Dickinson w sen Mrs. Rv.) J. Garbu t aýd. f1 wa3 given a nicely lio-,und volume of ~rdaeo Shakespeare and MiýssM E. Jonesi a Life OFFICE:T Memiers Pin. Bauh of theýse ladies have ( been active workers and expeci shorîîy fa OFFICE HCI sever flicir conneciion wiili fie Band. BLACI<STOC A chorus, "Pasflic Good Tidingi Along" I xill ho at Bo was hearfily sungaffer-whichncfreshmcnts PHeONE 90a wcre servcd and a fine social urne enjoyed 1-- 2 illiara George Cornisis died Junc 10 1,19 d 30 years. Deccased was flic eldesi son of Mn. William Corniali, was idru and spent al l is life in this village, and was a young man higisly respect cd. Tic funcral Monday was attended by mneies of Wolvcrhsampton Lodge, S.O-.E., of wliich deccased was a Past President. Rev, W. Limbeni conducteditise service. Pallieat- ens were six memiens of tise order. His young widow, who is a daugister of Mn. Roif. Hoocir, sud fline chldren, have tic deep sympafhv of flic communif y. ODWAY TO SAVE MONEY Buy Your Goal Now-and Buy Scran- ton-tise Vcry Besi. Our stocks are near- ly complet e and tle cjuality excepfionally good, and wlien we say thus affer 36 yeans' experience WR KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, as flic Schooner Mowaf las brouglit in fout cargoeS, 2000 ions, Of tise brighiest sud clesuesi Chestnuoftisai could lic produced, and fwo cargoci, 1000 tons, ai Egg, Siove and Pea of equally good qualiiy, ecdipound 0f h flic vcry besi Scranton coa!. Tise above stock is f flic hanbor, and we have also, a fuît stock of tise same qualify aitishe G. T. R.ý station for fie con- venience of farmers and otiers wlio do nof care fa go tf0 fcli hanor. Ont present cash pnices for coal dcliv- ered f0 all parts of île fow n are: Chest- nuf $7.00 Pertofn;, Pea 6,0pet ton, Egg aud Stove $6.75, but sisold there lic any reduction later on il our customers who place thici ordens early wili le protcc-ted as usual by a refuud. Tise prices at iharior or station ane, roc .per ton liston toewlio wish tIo arrange tiseir own liey WeCae lo I-att isa a goodsupplv of FresisPortlan'd Gemeu1t, Pine iand Hem-i loc'k lumi-ber, dilessed sud nndnessed, Sii- gles, Lais Crol, Salt, Land Plasier, Doons, SassdMudns If is alwsîys a pileasune fa show out goodi and quote priesan iar constant aîmi is Vo iplease cour csoes Be sure f0 cal eatly asud leave youn an- der, tise carliertisliciCter. Alclelzii& Co., Limited, My2, îgîîý BomarvLlle. DEATHS 11 Orono, June 10, William George 30 years, the la-te John EoDundy, in ber 88th Spruce Crcek, Manitoba, Jone 5, laged 51 vears, laVe of Dariington ihe resitience of Mr. John McIntyree owmanville, Joue 19, Margaret GaI- Of the late Neil Gray, aged 85 years -lu Chicago, Il, June IL,- Louie Oveti wif e of E-dward Johnston andi he late Geo. Wlh aged -22 years. Owmaeville Snnday. 'Lest We Forget" R. BOUNSALL, )signer andi Dealer in utls, ablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marbie. ie, Ontario. NERAL DIRECTORS lorris -&'Son Ost Complote Equipment auday andi night cails mnptly attended Vo. nanville Phones 10-34 ORO0NO IHAMPTON iRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE tesý yen tewrite for its handeonse No vacations. Sommer TJerni ?rut. Wv. i. 5SHAW, president. 'rard Steý., Tronte, Il Il a W hynotdecid e right-now to buy a DOMIN- W ION PIANO. If-terms are any cons icer- ation, I will -give you aniy reas--on-ableems you can paIýy by the month]or fr timnes a ya or three times a year. And if thaýt does fo suit you let me hear from you and wve wilI talk it over. The pianos are righ-t ini everypat- ular and, 1 wiil make the price right, JAMES, DEVMAN, AGENT, BOWMANVILLE. If F ý lý -Mk-, 9. ALEXANDER, v S. 0F o. V. C., I~ Ct iseases of ail domestîcateti telatest known inethotis. Will tI \Wenesday ofetch veek. ra Specialty. ephone Connection. .d Residlence, Byers' Block, ENNISKILLEN. J. C. DEVITT, I DENTIST. fRoyal Dental College, Toronto.i Temperance St. Bowýmanville, (just off King st.) OURIS: 9 a. ni. to 6 P. ni. dailyl except Snnday.I OCK: lot Monday ot each month.I Bovuanville office rest oft Vlue. Ho UiE PHONE 90b GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis anti Solictors. Notaries Pubie. A. K. COODMAN, B. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaîde-sti. Toronto. Ontario. JANITOR WANTED. Aplications for the position of Janitor et als insville ,JIgh fichool will be receis cd by the undersigneil op Vo noon on Toestiay, Jue 27th. Salary, $300.00 per annini. Thce(loties ot the office eau be ascertaineti on appicaionte J. S. Moorcpaft, 24-2w Secretary. ilOUSE PARLOR MAID WANTED AT O-NCE. Apply teMISs. J. W. ALEXAN DER, Centre-st., Bowmanville. 2-tf CLERIK WANTED-Giri et 16 Vo 18 years pre- terreti. Apply persosnally te MR. A. F. RIwN- DLE, Courtice, or atidress, Oshawa, P.O.. 2ù-tf YOUNG M &N WANTED-To vert at butcher- ing business, eue witls sonse experience pre- terreti. C. M. Cxiwsesn &SoN, Bowmansville MONEY TO LOAN -at five, andti lve sud a hait percent on nsertgage security. Private tonds Apply to R. R. Loscomms, Rarrister, Bow- tuanville 12-tf ~OU SALE-Brick bouse anti tous acres ot lantid on Liberty-st, North, Bowmnvilie. Appiy on the prensises Vo ALPH'A PINCH, or te box ý317, Be>wnianvile. 24 3 SiTCSELOST Ctaining suit et clethes anti other articles, betwcen Cobourg anti Bowmanville, enjue 6. Rewarat for returu C.0D by express te J. NORMAN WILLILXS, Dar- ling Bldg Toroto. 23tt FAAR11TO)liENT Excellent fan Vto resit at 0skawa barber; splendid dlay loani, first- casegr ,in anti stock tarusi. Plowtngatter prsn rep;Possession April lst, 1912. A pply te6. (P. (CoNTOsbawa (otb22tt PRP TYFOR SALE-Bikcta situat- et o OtaioStee.ceutaiuin"lg msixenis, lag pury, goo,, ella[ (cseen Sur), g ';j, 'l' t aal ,ol fruit, bitiesappîs, pea3aniplusutrees. W. J. Touoss l", iowsa- vill , 1litt bo 'i F ORSLEAsal aine 0 ce, en art etlot 10, ic,u, Ditý ligt, I iy mie boues a goutordr.Alse 4 ac.resof rchroard in witcrritais parpllins, grape , t acrei et maî fuit bb sai s vliA.iptF. fo gadein prpse: uemletrnitheC..R STRAWBERRIES Strawberries are scarce 'Intis distrct canid season likely to be short, would advise buying early, we are makzingý arrangements for an ample suppl- as long as the season Iasts- prices accordi.ing to, market. SUGAR Get our prices for sugar by the bag or bbl. GEMS Fu!] stock of gemls of ail sizes. JUG SPECIAL QUART, SIZE Good shape new design regular 30c Only 20C. F. A. HADDYj GROCER, BOWMANVILLE. New This Week, At S. W.,Mason & Son'ýs pieces 4 yards wide, English Linoleum, Special value. Floor Oilclotlis, 1 yd., 1-1, l-, 2 yds., wide, new patterns. Lace Curtains in white and ecru. Ladies' Wlhte Muslin Dresses ail sizes and prices. White Lineis and Duck Wash Skîrts. New Parasols for Ladies anîd Childreu. Eînbroidered Dress Muslins and Flouncings. Whit e Muslin Waists,' wit h Kinîoîîa Sîceves, tise very latcst creation in Waists, Ladies' Collars, Tics and Belts aIl the newest styles. Specials This Weeâuk. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits,. balance of stock to clear, $ 14.75 suits for $10,25, $15 suits for $10.50, $18 suits for $12.50, $18.«75 suits for $14, $20 suits for,$15. ARl new this sea- LUson, Northway Make. Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats, $3,50 and $3.75 coats forý $2.75, $5,50 coats for $3.95, $6.50 for $4.75, $7,50 for $5,50 L4-$8.50 for $6,25, $10 for $7,75, .$12.75 for $9.75, $14- and $15 for $10.75, $16 for,$12,50. 1doz, Black Cotton Ilose, great bargains, 2 pair for.25C 10 doz. Pure Linen Towels 18 x 36, reg. 17e each for 2 for 25c .52 yds. Pure Linen Table Damask, great snapb'per yardi-.35eý 3 doz. Linien Toilet Mats, hand made-,(c, pure linen, reg. special, S10c ecd for 5c, reg. 15e for,7),u, reg. 20c for 10c, G en t's7F -u rni s hingS. Stock complete and Up-to-date, obte.aus Early Closing Notice. This Store will'be CloSed eVery WëdnesdAy afternoonm at'12.30 o'clock during July and Augumst. SOLE AGENTS for the Leather Label Overalls. and the Home Journal Dress Patternýs a~ Grcers'Duc BUI's Takceti as h S-Y.W. Mason&Sn Next dloor to Stanidaird Bank, Bw avle m AH her brütlier Mr. -MI u -h