t aut½d Cers-ci. Ue oxla Pv tism ani ucue t sni a nlsi Lups aances1 .nila nWm Cs.lou i-a 'e---unt t U'lg iile leon le lisel oq Cp un , n c b sycil p, hittisa cosre i u bis L no- -vý1 -U r2s pix eý triied sgrover themi. ,Wonder'ffl Dvre ei per A Oe', 'iuw ~ (anused Cheiý-es. Use ocly the r dear ni taceadCrat. solid fruit, adding hot water. as f 9ed ,btsaealjuchata -9. . India is goxerme by the British, at ReaIIty Il il j rightet a orLuS ea1a utocypîrt of it is governed dir- cao. Splendid for mince pies ocr ythm ft~ ,6,4 fatsauce toecat sith hakcd pud- surmiles ef India 690,000'squarue ding. ~~milesar ude te ai f the Canadian 'a'ewii tsIntvurneasa 60000ot e^ erne cold auduiencags IIBR.o te 0,0,0 ibtns mec uen iter.l emdie- oa ee 'iA c sery fine hmead big and little,fon-eNaits corn exerna aplicaion.lcJmin ena qulait -cf milk oti rler cf Hdeaa ih uts popu- lation of1,0000,ustertolc Fthm oriszy d otu be ae oi, ten spread a battor-f iitryo - abes cbetke hreor fu c isswti ardad oedsu lEER OD".BJL 2698 square miles uaýd its revenues rnles adyt i ' r ieapples eut as th-Ie a ausafer; lny cf 12,000,000, cdeWn te a petty, ReFheMrisy scuem, parify t1ise iood, adover â fwsqa ced ises isene thi sisces cf rhiij' cit sts exsure miles' cf helýp it throw VofI thse diseuse, and ab;bttreegswheehafjOhot* a da ew tisousands a salve to bc applied inside pntc ugxad i sii teml e ro evne Thero is as mach oariety je th(eir nstrl.This comubine reatinent ino wn as and crumb, oaîsgover the fruit1 _UC î'î 1 n a iou WaIebreed ing and bearing. and abýiIity set jea pancf hetwaterin a md- ~ ~ ela in their territeies and a4 e criate os e te ookutil the cstard Ord.er s o in, *Lýe uesSurectemrceterc- îis firm and apples edr ev etr trih akt iefss with meringues on top, plain a te attackiig the disease frorn i ,th-in and ,7ithout, smon cures. btcfapl iî,n ais-k dcnquerers fromte rt;ths 'iing. are descended firmA-hrats ý Mr.î A. O. hibodeau, General Merchant in Rogeroville, N.B., writes eu iR 1hubarb Sheluret.-Cookrub b Jan. Sud las .o Aga h 'Afw words as te the merits ef vour aarrh Oure. For the wihuoeefgsvee t vlcouegeta rAghnidrt iersanis last. M yeas1iha v, buen rrubled withCaCarrh of ie head andstaý,ach add orange ice t tt e aud a litý i .heir anetal ri:h ern sa and during that tune have tried all kinds of ether Remedies with ne tiIodrdgîtni isYrps .U i euis i tred y our atarrh iCure ,vhch - i a in te b qhs hlegiimale as sema vs tis dLle. :hgiyreome t tu those whii are uferngwjxOis in fcc escafit tsee______________________ ames in Eelad nd France, diss." upfuis cf sierbet; straîni, add cnee outtfi thaar!-reit-l th FflerMorriscy's 1Noc. '26. beatenecgg swhite toe esery tsve Cap- pt it in tise fira. Ik was hiemres ohr rehiscfrui o60e for the comibiced treaticent at yoir dealc. 6fasctiemxre ndrez.fter's s ii could and bield utthtie Mughla Serve in giassas a; nd gamnisis caci This free and unfetterod axier- empire went teIl)p;icasý. diss, -he one cten wil bcom sma ificul3 u tie Egiih Po-Some are. highiy edacalý,ted, oths I Mmc. Golden, ~~brt ýiïït isewdwc u eaPssiedsoigmc tend ithriobaisjuice sreke er-old bimner was ciIlaS d4-1 iay icenticasnes ots t om un cc qurterîsocd c chepedfendant. I îreeredginger nd o -cm 1Il pour Counsel fi)rtise wwï ,,vsid tat ara. ie a ae fn te - a good cosard anti ga-nisis withMr. Golden imade ,a vs;11lýl îvicg i, lsmesangtcashvaru seîpet re i xd strips cf ange- prpet t iswfe uti sa nt adpro-d as ann olenu- ý4 lice. ~~~~~fortiscoming al ietm c usspe c ier r tsesshwr deats. Tishetion at lisse c or agsy soicy.Tsr RhubarbMrnaePt six eierh eokdi o e.are net nafse sisospondti ieir mon- poudscfmisbais wics as ee Jtientsesb vnta-ygielfr yon scisocis aed coloegas and mu- peltiadou ct mllcbs,~Mm ode'U)iioîjîe, ~seums, on irratiec works acd I tea xeerie ktie;a1o evn Mvr oflisde ien ntia-e-msttramsvays, on ronds and bridges gmatd pel ad jace i tuo oange tisnîslveson iseffiienc an ccd twtalamns,ïcee-hal)pok s 1- sartns f iar' sera er c ccli c E glss eants ani ai E Cu RSe l,*IONU 0 W ST R r o s; a d oi a nd s ho thro'e MUSP10MS $ ci n leny o slte sate tuen mcsd eas, isope ~fna mi ai tou and aouton otrocrs lugthrngmshoms ae s t intsdai e etinsaî -1tsr,<ovrcc otsan i CNDA dncn irls, efiicm faoit aiace, if a spcaen iek ce, h n tes it j ce tal- ciit;hanxtd theis e j ise Grand - --a-- a yse nt id cs Bmnn-gs I - tse~ nt sirtekep waemi aurn"i !g. T!_ friaeanipctrs isr ae ~tn ne , po te o ci o d uh fu s iL)f ti a bu te ve m , nc tu ce tht-n Ta cds J ne bi ri , e vi si ou de et,-!gls p in~~~~ anndy cat t vVItad i g ts e s ni g c at t. - - - p - -2t1, Jl ii nd 2ts îg J pt, g osf aur d pi c s sh wi xt o uî tt ol s- d ou to ed ti e 'a ne b tteanuntîl soit; season Cenqîx r in CaladaG vad C iliago c d1 Dulu is cm r ntu show i sei ur be. Tedi g an l a dliAtedio oldelrodr blsgtbsiigirtly. rrag isthxys-ycfabrg e vaCceago, S.Pu cdMne'uierfiugem-tip s.----Scridbner's p neti tsi lstcodiio i ipe- aci,, eatasoigi lc oe o2eflgcacnise easalai, Jet retint-d runitp a es. 9.--aue pice h ativ Equnl htoisme nia-ts e cexitrcfa ot dis. nts jrxT emre EXPOSIE.ful isaxiis tse Th. usie tnduletakl ie rw arctrs fR- or t bas o n pies ne nt op ilay aitaat ely a usismo anin htret u a t fabtc1oee ec ia O-niT ukfmm h nII iI W I II tîv s, is tI e cm i. it gi os s n i at o mab te.r suca e a ti tin t hea sa ce cd in a cartr tigeisehe tise poseote C sica odapp als t tisetm av lier invii flat epeningjedmesaEd arand.demje epbodi t M pnopels far ad aýnisuitsise sap riertra a r- Besclaet Ae he ar lot s fuil c s 'sth ieth ika a spnghotSandopaus heomshrCove iseuii erfeset.AOjaa ietsti feoib ii n ed Wi r elrdo o n Ih ard ioL jtsfb utteail u -ar of; tiagvti fa iefo-a ht90 .. nd v icis e Thainsti s k eselishoa g e reat m n otîee cfi sentr anboumor tec t dmae eu acdfastst tain u CaadamacyPariTaneage eenue ilgive cnt ineosthndrinti eiet dyte cî-umtbtenmtns eih av canedtie ap c ateions,[y11_terfigrtp.-ciD ant sate jebuterani crvci i-cam n lan ayetrcf muismoos setelp nymni Priyin s asnesuil eatata tssiicin tis r la n r s its re In su e s y at e m nat ofynser tis is r ci. u ni l ti a rNi isciao .m o se pv, ýoerful tha vese y T s r u e i C i agIs ug n an e 1 Je a ic t aidus je all! Cvr suitshi b-iits cf bu e t-posives so b-ofpo raccîmstàx Jeestng na, tepas-tisIr top faLc niRsbttn ttgoso.3iai-, i a in ehcrcsa'ue d icoerti ist e gn haheeegem1 tis-otgis tis riniavl ctes n tcsn ,c ,orm l~W ohs i'artri ca t ap ieflcnanibkdme strong enougis bfards edtsnsj and nt ntiebci. inisslethcnes Boucci aiemtemciy ni deliciey ni topedijî ee exiguA cf deantiMinaplibe ffmti. eUndistia cciteighfu iai pincs c maa. inc ona bt pat-tambu'blesin sace an vertis uspriiteti ht seo neteo gn-u N-ooisrciis n rcae erda is ne gre&ranti eauvi.tifell dandmui tes orin hatei cssrel ani is- tan ia muimmoml ,sacliýu,-ens an-litiaete gs po t er, s e dstad tise Gi-antiemun sulicurelatisalp <'btaner kown. myf arrange ceai- tise tp laye ovtssa t bnti p upper cca nto,(,riterie scutatoaiiee> o (rse caPanimnrarossiosultiec- i er cor gene acseitgplan. at large mussrooms tPlahaveabac syrm-meofforufie minutes.te taselRaymnti tie msticfts.anaaCf tisa appomtunity ttsus ah ____ peeetiani bteeriindbuer fr exuie u eoti sa erîi frati tiThem fort a ChicIvstatise NISGOaBIAIR Lerplin ortes. h S eaniwltlsacthe ant e i-aitllespocuh the, feadu ialte it- cholslsa csnd eaf;tm4stopec ioluswithandnfi-l exemp tare ahioiligfaafs iua. ccm nitsnm ia a ib a r st o- nimr ts fi-cm ste-cablethet i Immighe raina ctEx ra n dh Scil DinksL essor ccd tr w r o e itise suctemies cf pred n ce. han tis a gniab c aton , e ier s n dtniu os Er a B d Hftisre areseond anti ceeua nssruforSreas assn1blon ftieja ahul e ckpit -boiimgidets-nroroar e nti in tse c air; ,ano n n C nrd ýid ' h Èhoaye -acus nits oeeab a s ecys ue, a cuvr tie o i cdyqureg ay sptal ateton o aisrivnS ap .o tmes-ea ," rosringems n cetaeui ie icls ivs- u ie- fng iai iîg edyfr mc ilini etncsay tayo ise he hoa. "Nt icnly da cub t i sea, evead sejtsaktimssePc- - w. mastr.Tie of tie oh d-stherejadto o hsaciseýfsvnlf n lse nodl n a taa4 rg1laisetpttoas. dMuhro-Toc b rech gng ,ortse fnauiein c esins betwtien hBorder. p Pal hiasdsiserammost do cengu ar- Maaoin tik Muchrom e r Fou r oom CHE RI ES.nd - o s y sctrprc nti rie pions, an Mnntu fea l s ofd . ofbappa dgaesicginctena -rldk tiis, ut aen 1 stm te n u ntîksl ls tucigtun e brougistise o bal-bemeceek t e rcistisue mo- e i rprie nible es oces mcar ni, foui-,lare uss- CFriery Sauce.----ovai- abl-nt husuastaisus on ldo egaole tie table tanc hreat poinlieChi-oemoage. ati emyae r e ptablor bte rea-bi ur poobaris ofebtia t cf eathebaut- esm eposver e tusetwhoi fotras - cage, Ï L ,ffSt. PealnisDutis mieand erinlam.Sage isantis eacsohie isie, saule seo ucndsit tolvsa nt ruer hnI i pn ital ed tatooblesnon loanti lu hr ci tilaln ue dan cr, eîi- to1soei- ani genatuers averu pappieno pc ap olatise at-m cers-bici ai a saut ra nisougiste a instor boa intisagsutenw, anti _in ing tha sty ohndIrseng a is ughtd oh leacganemccl. __________ iae, s-lamthe tse foia, ttiastaon repanas oris ai, iss fnaly on dstaceinpislcme.ar f spoonnahatdcssrl ad.h atandoh fe bl Ve nd endrribs ccmlihing tme thream tsat mcsle ctidi tonese aoyl a rues, br frisaned-atad saiteto ,lye fwt, ani o s use miu aes. S tir' mai-v lv haac te fiig ft he ataeSafcihe aont i te Notus -s gvnb cciy1atei pai mushroos thathave ben "'mcause. oxpemienceforbcdrisisesuttmuhti maesi e ptter. tIILD BUaEDt IL Lake Spai-ses. isam Pe_,_____o tepd nbutr o Chve aie seola of W'as ant t heepoivestaene Fer furlsatios teir rciers.apvb l is cat acnuei teis-e il an abîmelnt inti se hec it ohlagecisands BeEîgis for r tload lise Clim aAnt oh ise1Gandre n Sci-esxeehmptg eci'a- iefii i, ne atlcarhldte i-truc hlf% u tle IWioe cley ytofs rt M- .tcy mk oseat ssesso or ciset it sxen peessautiael dmoe ndmreinth f, f c.Uiýimtiseo Eam EgfruitityDr asLe n !remedy be cûfnefe diretu-otese af- ansibe. iacein li an cb-ry tCsiestfrnc lim, ein eaeiy Qinan, Ditrit Psseng eAent, tis Vicoen Ear imistisemieasm fecadpar. t'sbeaua tsaiseiig ebaehe ut keomnelerese tins ceeuslsheoueteotfitseeljiirteih is Laye0 rmo tte rad ses- un hii ijerî oneplasî-foras cc sei, anli- m.A. . ag i, D iricthrlsoug te . oksa i h avner ceâ tis chaitues ie a tsma cd ie besteohA'ettuati pour evid er e tie giýrl cf ared ingis dr s an ce s-i Aen ninStaion s-ete. crainsng gan scion becus ati ltis E kl tie gr e an eto -t as mam meec u e a S sle. loo eti iras er ati crne eondîcce 24 t Sep. 19 be receiing is briIié),, ii ,uil. rý 1 ii irepar l'ad. bysea n4 inthe ir; adsti-ongatentoanti. ,botterg or up 'orte ou+na , i If t-hisa to l. Te aiat he icasns hr ap. Putans cbesllna cf btina pepe, steiti n sexpiting -g i,, s- îslsesui le sinteani saGnt-" wiy atrihooee nor yemsledti- nt h ht-mhsesoparanitsmistf uisteercecc sdachilsWsn flSFAHE'SADIsE. i aglsssecy ewteî creo n ecuina cas0 o! CatrrinAtis- tisa ce cf tisvreablamons c utigi-shve piactingtoil'sfoscman i ,othasificau't chyagels, baetd sLna,% ervcl itis s hi-at Truble, oh I asra an owrof4ý sti "os tisat t ayenoareheypa ce ent oh Le otdon r er furtisetoragidas see th a t s, pro- ank fr heo p itsa t ( da es a is ab c , ur t ve ef e t -b t se * e r r e a it ee q u r c c n en , i c ar p is ap s- a ti ' hl is i, tire at i l a pe - cae h ites o aere mc l a u oth s mibct ut Maoi euant blet r >i- iFour CHERRIESsstmarnp rtiand brdge_______and__________partisand____________ oLiiiclses mcarenit-ourthe rgt m slice piecat ase cescot. Aianx-hachotnnlltruh h sld , o insr."hi e oaean alywte r a feu)s eti- t -t.lrge o mtis thr c<i- < St. pint h oies-tDantihet'iy-Io ecag s c hos uî bleo imabuetecre yoa sfner jepuocs gcsoscilint oto natomoie lmlan, A Pieslibbn tii-dcleesIls aVele-pa a-ic -ayhcm BieîIm tahi-r, by nailensse a-i-gofled c s-adcios aanbOni. of i ugislePcnule , Vegal eehem canumar ofh yere.nv provenrempapr ike a.t-crx-thozoc Butcherrysam. Pit <ues-rson te oto ba ew yearh(ag anin illethe ncase tby sas-sa tefmest-nga___ - beex f iesbsiu-r c mta-r e e untoat irce e3 ada. achnes wte ar. harcllytaing tiste biathelsacin cr " etiser ntacIha d Look__9_ fcM-or --1-1-Aat-ar- - -- h1o -1 o- J i,-olci-.,y1,4 n qd itonc teccde ro te,- sti'gy or fIbrous t' hat thy frnis The MxcnPatrsWat is materials for makýng a ino Manyin thc Cacts. oase threadn ho the Mxcn Whena Mexican owns fi,,!- afte-r weave jute cloth Somretimesheav field of maguey heý is consîderedtieo-rp smdefo h wealthy, for these pattisaefibre, too. V, l(_ i, rope is twýist- quite valuable, systheiI"-oac nocoremt teMxc Post. After a-sip cf "' gu :i use them -1for harsin, the da:ýy anI planted it dooýs notru iemiho nh.Eentesikr cýare, because tthhe i':;,exi- thorn;-'ar!c usetl-, for te ev Ce nediesor ijails. co( just suits i't.Wln cnuy Xhealag ht cteplx plant ssvnyasodi Lsi rwsoe h auyh a tbefull grown 1and worth aboutmgue- $12. Then a large, fýIesvcnewt1otr cae hta eiande flowers in it grows rndthenose mrelehwiloo heavy green 1eaves. 'Ti i ot wog yin tpti ,l r t1po11 a \what the planter- bas b-eon aiti ng such a d' his a _luxury for. Thcn lie coU theiîco'iîe.1,-av- sc 'hi ing a bowl-like hllow j', ýinl;,e harti-__ of the plant. Two olr three times a For Bjurns and Sl fd1.-Dr. day this magney,- lfis up wýitb Thomas' ElcreOil vseul take the sap, so that it bas to ha drawn out fire out o f' a humIl or, ald more by the gardener, who pLits it in aI rapidly than any other peaain pigskin cessel whiuh ho tuioes on It should ha, at hand in -,very kit- his back. It is said that a healthy chen se thait it may be auIaiIable at plant gives the Mexican over a any trne. There isqnoprePlara 1tion gallon of this sap every day. Per- reurd'utapl h ut h haps you would not like this juice, bur, or scald and the p3ain will but when thc ehildren of the hot abae ndina sot ineca, i lands d rink ut fresh f rom the plant togateraiUitm es l they eall it "honey water." When ___ the juice is put in large vats and fermented it is called "pulque," -H-arkcr--",Doesn't Cattem,, the bot then it is not good for the _Mcx tailor, remind výou of a dootor t" jons, or hos wo dinkit o'Parker-"I should sayv not. Hie corneslcpyrand stu ridk e-reminds me cf that ILittl bi1 Iowe o sptnof the ageis sate.him every tirne we me.et." The roots of the century plant - make sueh good foo)d that 'they arc Maeypess suern fei often boilcd and caten. Somimes heumatýIm have heen pcmljIManentLIy the leaves are used for ful, boj)t cured bhy Miller'sCmpud rl often they are dried and put Ou th, Pis. ol y uy ovl, o outside of houses, just as wae would inau;le. ose shingles. « When the Mexîcan wants some Oh, loe"sge1teseies very cold water bie makes a trough tailovr Iwudteewr h of fresh green maguey léaves and knightly days o; f od 1ht ih pours water into it. As the oil go forth and perIlform exuehsax uvapoatosfrom, the leases the decd te prove m loe." 'B s water in the, trougb becornos se you iiiayGrg, " ne rdti cold that it almost freezes. [tnt girl. "Go forth and sekwl that a qucer water cooder Tihe tiser." 'r Shines easily. LNO laDUUil1 il Does not 7r11-e offor sou clothing.ý -ir. Preseýrveshe eatercontaî.iingy neiter TrpenineAcid corote injurous ngredent e Iti od o or he,1 onchrirn emns rop remdis, tthle farmern-- By means of t&e telpow, teveernryisached, nnd lbc at once osthe amerwlatto do untile No faregted &farme gis lug-th tepro- tection of the Bell Srie lie Cain nevertl wi i ongsaehm proof of l'sueuie dierict ii onpzy lnsw'îh osieai exte)1deotuingtepeetsa WEtL Le!He E .OF 5Nî 3 mesRAL THE MAGUEY PLANT. 1 century plant leaves are so verv