CARD 0F THANKS. Fo)r myseif and family I wish to thank thle friends of the town of Bowmaniville for thefiir kindniess shown to Mrs. Heard through her long and sore affliction. JoHN HEARDI F'ARMERS' PRODUCE. james MacConnachie wishes to iniformn theý public that his office and warebo,-use -vill be open only on Thursdays, Fridays -ind Saturdays during the months of April, May, June and July when he will be pleas- ed to receive produce from farmers and othier s wishiiîg to dispose of same. 15-tf flowm-anvýille, April i0, 1911. LAWN MOWERS. The old reliable is on deck again and -vwoculd solicit your patronage as in the past. I wili guarantee to sharpen your mowý-,,er to give entire satisfaction. I have the iatest improved Ideal Grinder coupled withi a very large experience, and you can Llepeý-nd on a good job being done. Also ail edge tools ground, such as knives, sissetc., saws sharpened, and ail gen- cral jobbing done with neatness and strengtb. Tbanking you for ail past pat- ronage. The West End Smithy, King-st., flowmianville. I8-3m. W.1H. WILLIAMS DOMIIONDAY Sïnglë Fare z Round Trîp f witiiùnuin chage oý f 2-.) between ail sta- iin Cana~da,, 1'o to Niagara afils and -Buffalo, N. Y., Detroit andi Port Huron, Mich, Tickets goed going June 3th and July Ist. Iteturu linit Jui3 4. EXCELLENT TRRIN SERVICE 10' lffeusLraLke of Bays, Teinagaini, Ailgonqun 1iPark, Georgian Blay, ete.c. oimenriîig Sat- rraJune 2iith, trains willleave Toron- tosfolw-.0 a. ni., daiiy, Mus- kok Ilnîsiil TeuagnliEx- press. 10.15>a. io. (laiy except SndaPeearig Huntsville Express 12.9 non, Mskoa HutoOle xpress xcpî undy.Couvenient monner- 1Jo~ feinailpoitsin Ontario. Literatuïre and fuail informat ion from a11y Granid Trunkii Agent, or address A. E. Dtsff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, ontario. Secure tickets and full information from Days at Se WBITESTARDOMINION WHM T - CANADIAN Servce- Sailîng \Veekiy Between MO1NTRE ýL QUEBEC -LIVEPOCOLt by hth twin and triple screw steamers LÂRCEST, FINEST, ALR TIC 1 OST MODERN E LA ' RE ý'T STEAMlERS BETWEENi CANADA AND EUROPE1 M%àE,,ANMTIC 1, ORHESTRAS CAR- a TEUTIN' C SERVICEAFFORDINC un A MAXIMUM FACILITIESt CAHDAAT MINIMUM COSI.s Reuplete wvîll the latesi devices for com-e fort and safety, inciuding Marconi, and Submnarine SignaIs. The Third lass Accommodation is thed Pest experience can devise. Closed roomsa onily For aIl information apply to Ml. A. JAIMES, Agent, BOn MANVILLE. Commepnc-ingc Tuesday, June 13n 111, zand e very Tuesdav and Friday 1 durtutg; the season tliis comfortablee steamler wjll leave Bomanville ......... 7.00 a. . r 1Oýshawa. ........... 8.00 a. m. WVhitby............. 8.4 5 a. m. s Aýrrix-es in Toronto at 11.15 a.m. a 1'Rturning 'eaves Young St. wharf, t Toronto, at 5 p. m. RETURN FARE FROM sd ALL PORTS9 Low Rates - Quicic Despateli ii AGENTS F. C. Pethick, Bowmanville. g C.C.THOMASX OSAWA WiiOSHHAWA.Ih E. R LW fT tSold by Jury &Lovell, Bon naanvîlle. Miss Ethel Woodley, is with iriends camping at Ward's island, Toronto. e Mr. an-d Mrs. George Scott, Oshawa, rand Miss Florence Annis, Mt. Vernon, espent Sunday at Mr. L. Skinner's .... Mr. jThomas Woodley, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Norman Woodley's ...Altbough 50 many Leagues find il necessary 10 close during the summer months interest and attendance are steadily growing. Thurs- day evening the meeting was under the supervision of the 3rd Vice President witb Mr. Albert Hilîs in the chair. Miss Velma Staples led in the Bible reading after wbich the topic "How we got the Bible" was dealt with lu an able manner by Rev. H. S. Spence, B.A., B.D., in which each one was encouraged to make a deeper and more thoughtful research of the Word, for honest crîticism is preferable to care- less indifference, and in the perpiexities of life there is always the needed guidance and strengili i '0obe found in the Bible. Miss Florence Clemens sang very sweetly "Rest and Wait." Mr. Wm. Challis fav- ored wi*h a recîtation "Saved by a Chuld" and Miss Vera Colwîll a solo, iu the ab- sence of the President Miss Ethei Curtis conducted the closing exercises....On account of the S. S. pienie the League will be held on Wednesday instead of Thurs- day ibis week. No surgîcal operation is necessary in remroving corns if Holloway's Corn Cure lie used. HAYDON. Mr. John Veale, London, England, is visiting his sister Mrs. Wm. Broad ... . Mr. and Mrs. jas. Kennedy, Toronto, are holi- daying ai Mr.,S. Woodley's ...Mrs. N. Byers, Port Perry, recenily visited ai Mr. S. T. Mountjoy's ...Miss Lucy Living, Bowmanville, visîted ber mother Mrs. Living.. ..-Mrs. B. Ford, Toronto, is home. Our Sunday Sehool is preparing for a grand time ai our anniversary on Sunday June 25 we are to lie favored with ser- mons ai 2.30 and 7.3o p.m by Rev. J. W.« Wilkinson, Toronto, who will also sing ai each service. The sehool will furnish *1 music. Collections in aid of sehool funds., On Saturday July isi Dominion Day ai 6 p.m. a football game will lie' played be- tween Cadmus and Tyrone teams. Tea wili lie served frOm 4 p.m. At 8 p.m. a grand concert will lie given by first-class artisis from Toronto: Mr. Harry Bennett,i entertainer, Miss May Crabbie, elocution- ist, Mr. Frank M. Bemrose, tenor soloist, Prof. Bowles, accompanist. Admission: adulis, tea and concert 40e, cidren 25c; tea or concert 2Sc, ehildren i5c. Attacks of choiera and dyseniary corne riuickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. Remedial action must lbe taken just as quickly if the patient is to lie spared great suffering and permanent in- jury tetie lining membranes of the bow- els. The readiesi preparation for the uiurpose is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It can lie got ai small cost ai anyt lruig store or general dealer's, ald it wîll aford relief before a doctor eau lie called. NICE GARDEN PARTY. Solina Braneh Women's Institute was i greaily favored in choiee of place, lime f and program for the social Thursday even-x ng at Mr. W. Chas. Werry's. The com-c nittee lu charge had spared no pains t0 r atake thme grounds attractive, streamers of f red, white and bine bunting, evergreens, ç Union Jacks, bannerettes, Chinese lanterus, c etc., tastefnlly arranged, gave the lawn a t real holiday attire. Tables prettily laid ) in green and white with bouquets of lovely a roses added to the already attractive 'ç seene. A number of prelty young girls t served the visitors with delicions ice cream a and cake. After the football game lie- L tween married and single- men lu which D the latter were vielorions, and everyone h had partaken of the good things served, 1- Vlorrison's Goodyear Orchesirg, Bow- r nanville, which is always ready to furnish c good music, played a number of lively i airs and sandwiched the program with r nîeresting seleetions. Few musical or- a ganizalions are more popular than ibis s one as is evidenced by the numerous en- f gagements tbey have. Mrs. S. Shortridge, r President of the Solina Brandi, gave ail a n hearty weieome and discharged the duties v of presiding offieer most effieiently. Rec- iý talions were given by Miss Mariou Van- a YNest, Bowmanville, Miss Lyra Trenoulli, s Hlampton, Miss Lena Taylor, B. G. Stev- o eus and R. J. McKessock, reading by Miss s Frances E. Conley, Bowmanville, and as y eutertainers Ibey ail su cceeded admirably. a mnsrumental ouet was nmceiy pîayeu oiy V M4isses Mary Souci and Lyda Taylor. Mr. a and Mrs. James Jebson sang a duet "The e Convent Bell" w hich. was greatly enjoyed. m as avas also the Scotch duel by Mr. and L iS. C. W. Souch. Miss Ruby Pascoe, n Mit. Vernon, and Mr. Jrjan Smith, Black- a stock, were the soloisis and certainly si pleased evervone with their selections. h Miss Lena Taylor was accompanist and m Iid ber pari well. A hearty vote of ti: banks moved by Mrs. Thos. Baker and im eeonded bv Mrs. Silas Williams avas fi given to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry for n opening iheir grounds for Ibis deligilful o vening and to ail wbo had so generously a. ENNISKILLE1N League service Ibis week on Friday evening ...... Children of Publie Scbool held a pienie Salurday afternoon or grounes near Mr. Plowright's miii and re- port an enjoyable urne,. -- .R_ýeceni visit- ors. Mr. Will Maroney and son Albert, Toronto, ai Mr. Jas. Maroney's; Rev.- and Mrs. Jus. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Wcrry and Mr. Jas. Pearce, Courtice; Mr, and Mrs. A. Tamblyn, Orono, at Mr. H. J. Werrv's; Mr. ard Mrs. Norman James and children, town, ai Mr. J. A. Werry's; Mrs. Hare, St. Catharines, witi ber sister, Mrs. J. J. Virtue; Mr. Garnet Chapinan, Oshawa, ai home; Mrs. F. Daisy Cruick- sbank, Peterboro, Mr. Merrili Jewell and Miss Greta Scott, town, ai Rev. J. A. Jew- ell's; Mr. Esmond Hall, Toronto, ai Mr. Chas. Stewart's; Miss Osborne wilh bier sister, Mrs. Frank MeMaun; Miss Grace Slemon'ai Betiesda with Misses Maud and Elsie Rundle; Miss Greta VanNest, teacher, Enfield, wilh Miss Hazel Pascoe ai "Cedar Lodge"; Miss Irene H. Bray, Enfield, with Mrs. F. W. Lee; Miss Elsie Moore, Hamplon, with Miss Tena Stain- ton ...Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, Miss Mabel Ryley and Mrs. Geo. Argue autoed to Pickering Sundey, where Mrs. Argue is remeining for lie week ..Mr. Hubert McLeod, Brandon, Mr. Robert Pye, Osh- awa, Mrs. Jas. Pye and Mr. and Mrs. W. Roblius, iown, were an auto party at Mr. John Pye's Sunday. ....- A large congrega- tion listened Sunday evening tu Rev. J. A. Jewell's farewell sermon with feelings of sadness and regret liai the parîing iad come. The relationship ietween pasior and people here bas been a mosi kindly and pleasant une. Miss Irene Bray sang very sweeîly "The City Four-Square-.. MLiss Ethel Gilbiert, Peterboro Normal, is it home. Sirawber-y festival ai Zion chureli ou rhursday June 22. Darliugtou League game Enniskilleu vs. Taunton. Friday evening's W. M. S. meeting was very successful. Report by Mrs. F. Daîsy Cruikshank was a very inleresting one. Solos by Miss 1-rene H. Bray and Dr. C. WV. Shemon were muci enjoyed. A chap- ter from tie book, "Our Share lu China," wiii blaekboard illustrations by Miss Reed, teacher ai Union Sehool, was also much appreciated. Mrs. Jeweli was ealled tolie front and completely stdrprised by an address read by Mrs. F. W. Lee and preseniation of a purse ut money by Mrs. John Shemon. Following is lie address: Ilrs. J. À. Jecwell. DEAR TEACHER, CO-WORKER AND FRIEND:-While we are assembled bere in this happy gaîbering ibis evening we feel tiati h is a very fitîing time for us, who as members of vour Bible Class and of the W. M. S., of which you bave been a nosi wortiy andi able Presideut, and also for tbe other members of lie fiock among wbom you and our dear Pasior, have lali- ored su earneslly, lu pay you a parting ribute cf kindly feeling, respect and love. You bave labored among us unceasingly and we have always felt liai vour spirit vas more than willing, even if at limes te fiesi was weak. And you have been a censiant example lu us ut wiat a frail but consecraîed lite eau accomplishinlutle Masler's service. As a-ieacher you bave îelped us lu keep abreast ofthe limes and have fearlessly cbarnpiuned lie cause ut igit and trutb, even in tie face of adverse rilicisrn and have belped to rmfrtnre up ito stronger Christian maniood and wo- mnuood. As President ut unur Mission- ary Society you bave ever kepî self ont ut sight and have put the worid's- great need for rnoney, prayers and Jesus Christ fore- most, as we are cornranded lu do, and not yet for a moment negleciing our home work, realizing liai lie cburcb that gives iste churci liat gains, and tiat if we re not missionary Ciristians we will orne day lie missing Cirisins. Iu our Leagne we feel liai yuur impress bas sarped itselt indelibiy on the lives ut our young people. Four years ago when you nd Mr, JeweIl came to us ur Leagne1 was nul dead but aimost lunitslest gasp, nd you boti, with lie ielp ut a few earn- et workers, roused it again, until to-night we are told liai ours is almost the banner .eague ufthe District. W'hile you have uot doue ahi, sll you have greaily belped und we are prond outhe facitiat we bave 3o eduealed ur young people lu solid, ielptul, ciaracter-building meetings liat we do nut.any longer n'éed tresiy programs t alîreet them, Iu your own borne a nd lite bornes ufthe 'communiiy yonr la- nounce bas spread and told for rigiteous- iess. To-nigit there is a stroug feeling t regret lu unr hearis lihaI lie lime bas irnosi corne wben we miust part wilh you t indourdeer pasior. Honwever, we wil îy au revoir but nul goodbye, for ive1 iope lu see you emong uis iany limes in3 me future and are giad tu, know liilie istance ut your removal is comparati vely. i mort, WVe would ask you as loving't riends and well-wisiers lu accepi Ibis' itl1e token ut goodwill towardis you, ands eay you lie alinndantly lile-ssed and atune .essing in youir new field of labor, and ay we relain lie Chrisian eachigad -ecept yon have lefi wiith ns, su lii yonb iay ever biave a kind rernembrence of Our Enniskillen circuit and f-trieds. Signe-d on behiaîf outhe Commiîtlee: c Mas. H-. J. WERRY-, E MaIs. C. J. PASCO)E, t Maýs. joHN";SLEu-MON\, j( were lastefully arranged with beautifu plants and flowers, and tie chidren oî the sehool oecupied the front seats, mak- ing a very attractive seene. Rev. Jos Barnes, pastor, opened tie service and Rev. A. G. Washington, Lyle, Minn., joffered prayer. Mr. Mark Munday, sr. 1gaeve a report of the School's finances and isiaied that lu place of tie usual anniver- sary services the officiais were askiug fui a Thankoffering from tie members and friends of the <sebool. Two recitations were nicelygie by Miss Violet Stevens and MasterRamn Snowd 'en. A quar- tet from Bowmanvi-,ille, composed of Miss Ida Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Piekard, Mr. T. E. Higgînbiotham, delighted the audience with two selections, and Miss Lottie Thicksou, Bowmanville, sang îwo solos very nicely. Rev. Mr. Barnes iu- lrodueed the speaker, Mr. C. C. Washing- ton, B.A., of Victoria College, who stated that bis remarks would lie addressed to the children particularly. AIl were de- lighted with the capable manner lu whici lie presented hi;s Lsubjeci, as was manifested by the close attent!ion lie received from the lîttle folk. Tie choir did their part well lu leading the singing, Miss Elva Snowden presidI'ing ai the organ. Collec- tion and subseriptions amounted to $63,00. The lest gatieýring of the Epworth League for the summer months will take the form of a social 10 lie held on Mrs. Trumaîî Power's lawn on Friday evening June Sotb. Admission, 5c.' Everybody welcome. Roofing, aIl kinds. F. H. Mason & Son. OS HA WA Loyal citizens ut Oshawa under the auspices ufthte Sons ut England will bold a grand Coronation ceremuny tu corn- memurate the crowniug ut His Most Ex- cellent Majesty, King George V, June 22. Qneen City Oul Company bas bougit a strip of land frumi Mr. W. H. Thomas norli ufthle eleclric p ower b louse. Tiey bave four tank1s on ie b grouud, eaci tof wiici is su large fluet ilt takes a fiat car lu ilseif tu convey iL to its destinaiion, M-s. Tios. Cinnamon received lie sad news outhte deati ut ber brotber-in-law, Mr. Rolit. Little, B. A., Barrie. Mr. Lit- tle died June ii. Mr. Thos. Cinnamon of Ibis iown attended lie tuneral. Mr. Lit- tle iad laugit sehool for fifly vears and unly recenmtly resigued. A auiet wedding was celelirated ai the home ut Mrs. E. A. Dearboru Wednesday, 141h insi, when ber daugiier, Miss Jenulei E., was united in marriage wilh Mr. A G.1 Storie by Rev. Jas. Hodges, B. A., linte1 presence ufthle relatives ufthle coutreel- ing parties. Miss Liien Fisher, Newmar- ket, played tie wedding merci, and afier tie ceremony sang "O Perfect Love." The brid-, wore e 'dress ut grey crepe dei chene over grey satin wiih crystal and1 pearh trirnrings, amad ler guing-away dress was a tan colored broadloti suit. Amung lheiemany costly presents was e very handsomePdiïiner and tea set ut Li- moge China trom lie Onlarlo Meleabie Iron Co. Mr, and Mrs. Stumie lefi un lie evening train for lie west, followed by lie good wishes ut their hosi ut triends. SIf sick beadacie is misery, wial are Carter's Litle. Liver -Pi-Is if liey wîl pusilively cure Il? Peuple wbo bave usedt ibemn speak frankly ufthIeir wortb. Tieyi are small and easy io take.1 NEWCASTLE Newcastle S. O. E. Lodge 46 pamaded lu St. George's Church Sunday evening. Mrs. Chas. Britton and sister ettended lie tuneral ut their cousin, Mr. George Cornisi, Orono. Rev. Scott Howamd and Messrs. W. H. Gibson and J K. Allen atteuded Anglican Synod lu Toronto. Harry Cuwau wbeeled lu Newcesîlei trom Celedon la, mekiug lie distance ut i32 miles iluiîS hours. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Taylor, Cierlecote, were guesîs ai Mm. Wm. Wagstaff's on route lu Bowmenville-on-lie-Lake. Dr. Stanley Uglow, Chicago, visiled bis tatier bore on roule lu the Old Cournlry io attend lie Coronation ceremunies. Mrs. Juin Hancock and daughîem, Miss Ida,- have gune to the West lu visit ber daugiter, Mrs. Smyîh, Rivers, Man., and ber son, Rev. Wills G. Hencock, Douglas, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Burciard, Toronto, visiied his brolier-in-law, Mr. W. W. Jardine, ot tie Higi Seiool, a few days lie pasi wek. Mrs. Burcierd was forrneriy Miss Poils, a pupil lu lie Higi Sehool bore 27 years ago. Wormis causc efiuîneýssand oi lihe ufan t fslýeep, Ihe great nouisher. Mo- tiem Graves' 'Wormi Exterminelor wil clear liýe stomiacli and iinlesîluens and e- store heaitlifulniess. A meeting out lie Preshyl,ýemian WM. rF. NI. S. weas lield Fridey attemnoo,ýn, addressed by Mms. S.iiklaudi Dnero, whuse laugiier is a m-issiunamy i Jpan. Meet- ing was, made peculiemly intereting by hoi speaker illustmetiig e large nunIber ut urios'Lies lirougit from JIapaýn. Miss )elamore sw;eetly mrendemed tlie solo, "Face oFace," and a i lie conclusion ail ad- ounned to Mms. Geo.Gray's 1iawu,wbieme an, rujoyable tea was served. 1 PROVIDENCE 1 The annuel strawberry festival under auspices 0f lie Sunday Sehool ai this ap- pointmenî was beld on Mr. W. J. Bragg's Lawn on Tuesday evening, when a goodly -crowd assembled about 6.30 P. m. Bow- rmanvillians were much lu evidence on the 1grounds as usual, the tally-ho and baud swagons being pressed into service tu con- ;vey crowds of bungry people to the scene. "Strawberries and cîeam lu abundauce" was prornised, and the promise was more than fulfilled. Aller willîng workers had supplied the demands of the guests in this respect, the assembly gatiered on the front lawn, wbere a profusion of Chinese lanterus and flags presented'an attractive appearance. A splendid program was given, Rev. H. S. Spence taking the chair. Morrison's Orchestra gave several selec- tions wbich, needless 10 say, were much enjoyed. The chairman made a short, spicar address and tien proceeded to pre- sent the program. Mr. H. J. Kigit, witi Miss Gertrude Cawker as pianist, sang two tirilling paîriotie solos and reeeived beatty applause. Miss Leta Jacksomn re- cited "The New Preaclier" with good enunciation, which was followed by a vocal duel by Miss Lanra Bragg and Mr. O. A. Gamsby, Orono, whici was iioroly enjoyed. Au instrumental duet was skil- fully executed by Misses Laura and Ethel Bragg, and the Orchestra closed lie pro- gram by playing the National Anibem. A bearfy vote of tianks 10 those whoas- sisted lu making the evening a pleasani one was moved by Mr. W. J. Bragg and seconded by Mr. John Wight. Proeeeds $75. FOOTBALL. A meeting ufthe Execulive Commriltee ufthe League was ield at Jennings' Hotel, Hampton, Wednesday nigbt lu consider lie protesi. Vice-President Chas. Stain- ton occupied the chair lu lie absence ut President John Baker. Atter a lengtby discussion il was decided lu aceept Reteree Max R. Ballard's report, "That the metler lu dispute is a foui on the Tyrone gueikeeper lu the penalty area and is cunsequenlly a penalty kick." Tiere was nu alternative for lie com- miilee but lu eccepi tuis report as mIle 12, page 15, staies, "'His (referee's) decision ou points ut tact connecled witi the play sialiliec final and nu appeal from sncb decision eau lie- enîertained liy auy eor- mitîee-...lis decision must lie acted upon un tie field ut play." Il was decided ibat lie prolested game lie played un Higli Sehool grounds, Bowrnanville, Mon- day June 261h et 6 p.m. One ufthe best protessional reterees lu Toromulo will have charge ufthle game, lie field willibe rnarked and extra precanlions wihllibe taken 10 keep tie spectaturs off lie field ut play. Enuiskihlen also iad their home garne witb Tyrone cbanged lu Friday June 301h, wiich will lie played on their own grunds. 1TYRONE VS. BOWMANVILLE. Alîho il is custornary for vîsiting team 10 eboose the reterce Buwmanville ref used lu tollow thi us ë_ Monda-y nigbt in their game ai Tyrone. Su mnch dissatistaclion ied been expressed by lie latter leama and lieir supporters lu previous games on lie work of the reterees liaI lie-, town boys insisled un Tyrone appointing lie referee, hinesmen and goal umpimes for boli sides. Iu tairness to Ibese offleers we migil state that their decisions were ahi uhal could lie expecled. Alîhu tiere was gmouud f o r several cumplaints t h e green and wite boys took the decisions good- natnredly, making vemy few objections. The spectators are also lu lie compliment- ed un keeping off lie field ut play during tie game. Buwrnanviile scored the firsi goal su quiekly liaI we bardly knew how h was dune. We learned aftern ards liai C. Adams siot a Iow une trom the aide,th bail rolling ibmu Scotî's legs. Tyrone lried hard lu even lie score lu ibis haît and bcd the advianuage of a hait dozen corner balîs, but tie lads froua lie lake shore were jusi a 11111e 100 tast for them lu score. Tiey checked Ibeir uppunents in fine style. Haiftlime was called wili tie score I-0 in Buwmaniville's tavor. Shurîly atter resuming play Tymone made a rush un goal and lu stupping lie altack Chiristie gui a lied kick in tie leg. Five minutes haler James spraiued is knee ini attempting to stop ablocked baill heldl by MeNeil. Wiîb liese players disebled, lie luwn defence was somewiat weakened. As a resnlt Tymune guItimhee goals in quick succession betore time was up, Huer gettinig une and Fairhead two. Score, Tyrone 3, Bowrnanville i. Tyrone Club bas nolified lie Secretary' ufthe League liaitiey will detauhi lie gaule lu Ennîiskillen ordered lu lie played ila Bowmlanlville June- 26tb. This gives Enniskihlen a lead ut two points. Il wil be niecessary for Tyronie lu deteai lie leaders in Enniski1len June 301hlu Iolie for first place. Chuidren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S i NOI3ODY L3IJYS OVE-RALLS TO PLAY TR1IFSS WITI-i THEM SUCH AS IS SHOWN IN THE PICTURE ABOVE. IN Wh-ICH- FOUR MEN EXERTEDCALL TH-EIR STRENGTM1 IN Tf-E EFFORT TO RIP A PAIR OF PEABODYS' OVERALLS,' BUT .IFaT MEY.Wilt STAND TIiIS-THEY WOHT RIP UNDER THE MARDESJKIND oF LGITIMATE WEAR. Besicdes Peabody's Overails and Pants,we carry other lines at i1.00 and 75C in> Blue, Black, Blue with whi'te stripe, Cottonade and Moleskin. Working Shirts, Blue, Black, Black and WitKhaid 50c, 75, i.o. New Blue Shirt with two separate collars $1.25 ISOX, Cotton, Cotton and Wool,,Wool, loc, i5c, 20e and,25e. MITIXND GLOV(DES, Cotton or Leather, One Finger or Five Fingers, 25c, 40c, and 50C. This Store wiIl close èvery Weduiesday afternôon at 12.30 Dùring JùIy and Angust. The Anderson Clothing Co SUCCESSORS TO The Mason Clothing Co. I ___________________________________________________________ HAMPTON. LAKEVIEW CAFE-Ice crearn, ice creem sodas, Sundoes, ciocolales, candies, raits, fruit. Oyslers lu season. Best ut accomodation for the travelling public. 25-tf A. E. Jennings. Mr. Foster Hoidge, Toronto, is witi friends bore -... . Mr. John Cowling lied a barn raisiug Mouday aternoon with Mr. joseph Clelwortiy lu cierge ... Little Miss Nurai Grace Kersiake bas been quite 111,ý but is sume better ....Miss Gracie Hihlier bruke lie small boue outlber ieg lest week and will lie laid up for sorne lime.... Mr. C. N. Ruse moved part ut bis barn hast week..Not muci change lu Mrs. Avery's condition . ... Our uew pastor Rev. W. C. Berrett is expecird bore tuis week ... . Mr. Levi Rulibins bas builî a large diving shed and bas stamted lu make extensive changes and improve- monts lu bis bouse .... Rov. T. H. P. An- derson leaves us tuis week for bis depar- tume, we wish hlm abundant snccess lu bis new -field -of' success in bhis -now -fie-Id-ut labour. ORONO (Prom Thes News.) Mrs. James Richards and daugiler, Miss Olive, hume troua Toronto. Cecil Aihin succeeds Sam Gianville as junior clerk et Arrnstrong's Big Store.' Miss Lena Renwick and Miss Nova Smith, Orono young ladies, eceived their gadueting diplomas ai St. John's hospil- aI, Yonkers, N. Y.,, oti June. DepI. Reeve Juin Lowery announces birnselt a candidate for lie Reeve's chair for 3932 and Councillor J. G. Honev for lie Deputy chair, against all ecomers. Mrs. Carveti roceivEd word liaI ber husband, Mr. A. W. Carveti, and Mm. Le- land Houper, had arrived satoly et Ed- mouton, and were sterling un lie trail for lie Peaco Riverdistrict. Willibe tound an excellent remedy for siek ieadacio-Carter's Little Liver Pilîs Thousends ut lellers trum peuple who bave used them prove Ibis tact. Try them. Receni visiturs: Miss Maliel Davey, Toronto, with ber eunu, Mrs. S. Heiiday; Mr. Robert Coatham, visiting bis daugi- tors, aI Merrickvillo; Mrs. Viekers, visiting ai Thos. Harness'; Miss Elva Tueker, borne trom Albert Coilue, Belleville; Mrs. (Rev.) Scott Howard, Newcastle, visiting triends on lie sixt'h une; Mr. end Mrs. J. B. Mueot, Toronto, ai Ms.N. F. Hall's; MessVred Staples end CharleS Mliller, Toronto, et homo; Mr. Arîbur .- Megnire ut Calgary, Alla.,et bis airs Mm. R. R. Waddell and sister, Miss Mu. E. G. Waddeîl, Toronto, et, hume; Mr. and' Mrs. AJex. Walsh, Perrytown, visîting is sister, M;ss R. A. Walsi, who lies been iii but is reovering; Mrs. J. B. Turner, Mrs. Stepien Foster and Mrs. D. A. Gamsýby ut Ingersoîl, and Mrs. Wmri. Patton, Torouto, visiting MIr. A. A. Gemisliy; Mm. Tiios. Vinison, and deugiler ieft Toronto for Cerbon, Alla., wliere Miss May wili visit ber brvother, Austin, for a couple ut montlis; Mrs. Wes. Thorniton, visiling lier sister, Mrs. W. Calwel, Bowmnanville. STUDY AT HOME and qualify for a godc situation in business life. 11 viii rost littie to île this. Gel our Plans. Write The SNîxx Correspoudenre Srhooi, 391 Yoîîge St., Toronto. ATTIRACTIVE SUMMER SHOES Take a peep in next tîme you pass -whether you want shoes or flot - and see in what a masterful way we've prepared for the Summer shoe irade. Men's, wurnen's, cidmen's all1 sorts of shue wanis well provîded for, and dune tie way we alweys do things. Tiai means not unly large variety for selection, but botter shues for your money. The 2 -Bar Pump, We'll geýt your business, if your really in earnest about getting the best shoes your mnoney can buy. We're recady to show youl when, you your ready to loolk. Fm . F OLY,ý PARLOR SHGE STORE. BOWMA NVILLE BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 22, 1911. The Ladies' Aid will hold their annaal strawberry festival on Zion churcli lawn on Coronation Day, Thursday june 22nid, when strawberries and other good things will be served at 6 p.m. At 5.30o p.m. a league football game will be played be- tween Taunton and Enniskillen. Morri- son's Goodyear Orchestra, Bowmanville, and other outside talent will gîve a first class program. Tickets 25C; cbldren i5c. 'TYRONE. LONG SAULT. DOMINION DAY. The annual,.picnic of the Long Sauflt school will lie held in Capt. Wm. Farrell's LIVELY DoIG AT HAMPTON. grove on Friday June 3oth. Among the Saturday July 1 will as usual be a big principal features of the afternoon wîll be day ai Hampton. Iu Lake View Park the races by the seholars and others, in- will be foot races, football, and other cluding the "Bun"' and "Sack" races, and games-for prizes. Tea served from 4 races by old and young men, also old anîd o'cloek. Miss Aima Margaret James, young women. Two games of football Post Graduate of Margaretta Saywell- will also be plaved, one beiween juniors Boston Schooi of Oratory, will direct the and the other between the old men and evening program-ýoperatta, castanet drill, the young men. Dont miss these. Every- commodore chorus, readings, singing, etc., body comne. Bring yourself and some one of the most attractive and interesting other person and be prepared to eujoy a entertainments given by local talent in good time. 24 3 years. Everybody will want to hear the cbjîdren. Snnday June 25 Rev. C. W. Barrett, the ENFIELDnew pasior, will preach anniversary, ser- Mons at 10.3o a.m. and 7 p.m., music by Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Morris and Mr. and sehool and maie chorus. AIl seats free- Mrs. Chas Powell, Oshawa, recently visit- go early to secure one. See bills for par- ed ai Mr. B. Powell's, Hill Cresi ..Mr. ticulars, and Mrs.Thos Hall, Brooklin, were guesîs Brantford Roofing-better and cheaper at Mr W. Avery's ...Miss Edna Rey- than shingles. F. HI. Mason & Son. nolds, Scarboro, is guest of Mr. E. Pascoe, . ..Mr. and Mrs. Simmonds, Toronto, are ai Mr. Donald McCulloch's ...Mr. David Ferguson was juryman at Cobourg MAPLIE GIROVE last week .... Mr. Thos. Wotten is under the doclor's care.... Mr. John Hall is building a cemnent wall under bis barn.. Mapie Grove Sunday Sehool held is Miss Irene H. Bray and Miss Greta M. anniversary service on Snnday afternoon, Van Nest spent the week end at Ennis- June 18th, the churcli being filled to its killen. utmost capacity, The piatforma and tables WOIRKIN6 CLOTHES FOR.m MEN lleailquarters for Everyday Wearables 8OLINAa Recent yisitors: Miss Mona Vice at Nia- gara; Mr. Jas, Fallis, Oshawa, at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. Alonzo Washington and danghters, Lyle, Minu., and Miss Sudwortb, Ingersoîl, and Mrs. A. Washington, Bow- manville, with old frieuds; Mrs. Geo.' Avery and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Haydon, at Mr. F. Wesilake's; Miss Lyra Trenouth, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Enfield; Mr. Ross Pearce, Cour- tice, at Mr. T. Baker's. ... Entrance exam- inations will be conducted at the school here next week. . . Miss Vera Fletcher of O.L.C., Whitby, visited here, and Mar- garet Pascoe returned withhler to attend the commencement exercises .. .. Mrs. H. ,G. Pascoe and Mrs. W. J. Langmaid ai- tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. R. Awde. ai Toronto last weeL ... Rev. T. H. P. Anderson preached his valedictory sermon on Sunday last. Our best wishes follow hlm ...Owing to anniversary services at Hampton Sunday aIl services here xii be withdrawn ...Mr. James Jebson had a horse which had a stroke of paralysis ...Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Lang- maid attended the Commencement exe r- cises at O. L. C., Whîtby ...Miss Effie Vice is rusticating at Jslay ...Mr. Jas,' Heailie is building a new barn on the norili end of his fari, occupiedb Mr Deweli.1