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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1911, p. 1

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£ .oo a ye.,ar in adlvance; $i .5o to United States. BOWM~ANVILLE, ONTARIO, HU DAUN 2911H. VOL. LVII. NO. 26. M. A. JAMES & SNPorers NOTICE TO'lHOUSEKEEPERS CU RTAINS, CARPETiS, RUQGS AND LINOLEUMS COIJCI, JQHNSTON & CRYDERMAN are,, showing 'a splendid collection of Lace Curtains in W'hite and Crearn, Madras, Scrims, Bungalow Nett, etc. CARPETS in Union, Wool, Tapestry, Brusselb, Velvet and Wilto.. Ani elegant range of RUGS alilsizes in Wool, Tapestry, Bru3sels, Velvet, Axminste:r, and Wilton- _tIl widths, no better goods, no better value anywhere. COUCU19 JOHNSTON & CRYDERMNIA BOWMANVILLE. THIE CORNER' QHOe UTORL We Have SUMMER WEIGHiTS In SHOFS Comb ining %ýOMFORT AND HANI3- SOME APPEARANCE ALL THIE POPULAIR STYLES LADIES' I Lî- helPlain toe, Shoesý oàw or High Cut. J, -tranoe(di nJersad Sons) from imlicoe Street East TOIE BURNS 00,. UIMITEU OSIAWA, ONT. MAIt FOUR CORNERS. First Clas.s 1-or se Shoeing llaving securedt a competent floor man as My assistant 1Jam~ better prepared than ever to do first class hors-e shoeing promptly and satisfactorily. Our specialty is shoeing but we do other blackesmithing as well. GEORGE WATTS, OPPOSITE SALVATION ARMY THE OLD HOAR SMITHY, BOWMANVILLE. SUMMER GOODS Croquet Séts 4 Bi ~..95C 6 Bal ,- $1.10 8 Bah - $1.35 hlamocks - .$1.25 upwards Souvenir Post Cards and Lo- calVes utrecèived. W. T. ALLEN, Big 20 Bowmannd1le. a'.. i I IBANK OF S MONTREALfi ESIIABLiSHEV 1817, T Capital - $ 14,400,000 ai el Rest - - $12,000,000 ai la Total Assets $183,169,159 re qi SavinEÇs Banisth t] Departnâent Ioa HeadOfiev J. A. àMcCIeIlan, IA Manager, Bowmanville Branch. F. FarmerS' Attention s Why commit premtnum note eounty Mutuaî youmselves to liability in 'a whcn you can inaure in such companies as the London, Pêrth & Gore Fîre Insurance Companies at fr-m 50e to $1,00 per liundred of Insu-rance and no 'prem- ium note. I represent these thrce companies whioî are a- mong the best doing farmn busi- ness in Canada and rates as low ais the lowest. HARRY CANN, The Cty HaUlinsttrair»e Muna Phoie 50. Bowsnville. 111= 11Il I THE CHURCHES. EDITORS I N CO UNCIL. SOME PRACTIrCAL ,Toeîcýs THO'UGMI - FLLLY CONSIDERED. The Canadian Press Associat inis ;be- coming a venerable organizaflon, thecon vention in Toronto on Tuesday and ed- nesday of last week being the 53rdanua meeting. Only two of the orig]inal or1 charter members are living-.Sir acen- zie BowelI, Senator, and Mr. James Sm ervi1le, ex-M.P.. of Dundas, Senator Boýwell being in England at the Coronation, lis son Mr. Charles Boweil of the Dailyý In- telligencer, Belleville,rpesnd that ournal, and Mr. Somerville was reen nd received the honors of theAss0ciai- tion and afterwards shared ilic las ires of the excursion f0Par Sound. In is journalistic days Mr. Smrvlewas one of the virile editors whose v;iews car- ried we.igbit and hie was regardedl as a stal- wart among his confreres. So far as we kmow, the editor of TH-E STAESMAN \ is ùne ofthe oldest ifnotthe oldest f h editors now actively engaged iluThe dong-,,s of theAssociation who wars anae wifli Mr. Somerville in its early days.-ý, This year's sessions of thePrsAsci if ion were of a very practical charcter MIr. J. F. MacKay, Manager of the Giobe Toronto, andPresident of the Ascaion, >ccupied the clair. Mr. J. H. Cransfon, presented bis report slowing o-Ver;îiioo in the treasury aff'2ýr meeting flic year's obligations. President MacKay'ades was a very able, practical and fhogtu one, confaining mudli food for future con- ideration byrmembers. I ill rne or circulation among nnmmesand wiii also be publisbcd in the aninual report. Advertising iu its varîed phase-s occu- pied much of the time of the convention. Adverfising Agencies werc also ý)mucli discussed. Shiould advertising tht p- poses the ideals of a newvspaper -such asý .nf i-local option, anfi-rec-iprocity* ,wise and tobacco advertismen(:it-bIe ipublishied in papers that take strong oppjosition .gainst these fhings? drew ort a ,isur- prisingly diversity of opiioïn, many pub- ishers taking flic ground thiaf if t!ic word "adverisment"~ was published o)ver tIc natter thaf that removed the resýponsihul- ity from tliem, while several othiers. we were giad f0 find, refused f0 pubish liquor advts of any kîud. It was also shwnby estimating actual cost of publýishîing a newspaper that scores of' puish,ýers are lot dliarging enough for their ncwvspaner pace.t Mr. F. W., Wilson confributed a1 paper on the Dominion Lottery Act ud !ifs re- lation to publishers. Postal rates on newspapers and other osf office mattersi were conisiderqd(,I, verv- tion, onuooeainb ulcSrie A cost conference was (-cnducted by Mr. J. M, Jmrie, editor "Printer and Pub- isher." This was a valuable lesson f0 many printers present. Thc Daily and the Weckly publishers met in separate sessions eacli day to dis- uss subjccts of interest to eadli. Fadl section elccts ifs oxvu chairman and sec- retary. Strong opposition to clubbing with city apers was expressed by several local pnb- shers wbio claimed that cif y papers inter- fred with their circulation, a statement Lie correctness of wbicl the publislier of 'Flie James Papers questions, If was slown in fIe discussions that 2rose over rates clîarged for job prinfing ind advertising that printers and pubiish- crs have not advanced prices in accord-1 ince witli their increased expenses for [bor, stock, cost of living, fuel, lgf rnt, etc;, and a commitfec was appoiQcd to draft a scale of rates- and prices«a de- quate to flic increasing expençlîtures. Publishers of country papers are >/giving ffe public more for wliat fhey recý-ive and it a smaller profit flan mosf otlcr lhues :f business. New officers elected are: resident-C. W. Young, Cornwa Vice Pres.-J. R. Bone, B.A., Tor, f0. ýnd Vice Pres.-Hal., B. Douly, Simct, cc.-Treas.-J. H. Cranston, Toronto. A.sst. Sec.-W.A.Craick, Toronto. Executive-W. R. Givens, Kingston; M. A.James, Bowmanville, Presideuts of1 Daily and Weekly sections respect ivelv;z F.H. Dobbin, Peterboro; W. H. Findlay,i )ttawa; J. A. McKay, Windsor; W. M. )'Beirue, Strafford; and W. E. Smallfield, Renfrew. Officers of Daîly Newspaper Section- President-W. R. Givens, Kingston; Vicei Presidenf-J. I. Mclnfosli, Guelphi; Secre- sry-Trcasurer-D. B. Taylor, Toronto; Commit tee-A. T. Wilgress, Brockville; W. B. Burgoyne, Sf. Catharines; J. A. Mc- Kay, Record, Windsor; A. Gillies, Lind- sy, and Geo. H. Wilson, Lindsay. Ottawa will have next year's conven- ton. The Pressmen were royally entertained ât a Smoker Concert wvith danity refrc sh- nients at fhe King Edward on Tuesday evening by members of the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto. The occasion was one of lasting and pleasant m -emory. beA program was one of the lepst, includ- WViOMEN'S PRESS CLUB ElTEXTAIN Vtsî rING ED1ToaSý WIVES G NCENEROUS WAYx. A ncw feature in counection witli the Canadian Press Association's annual con- vention and excursion this year was tbe enterfainmenf during tbe business sessions ly fhe Woman's Press Club of Toront o of the wives, daugliters and other lady memnbers of fIe press. This organization lis rapidlv grown dluring flic past few years, thougli strict!iy composed of ladies emnployed in journal istic wvork. Miss Jane Wells Fraser, daugliter of Rev. Dr. R. Douglas Fraser, fo>rm,,erly pastor of St., Paul's Presbyterian cburch in tbis town, is tbe President, and we are very proud f0 say, makes a most capable and active officer. Miss Fraser was ably assisted ly the ex-president, Mrs. C. H. J. Snider, auçl othier ladies of the Club. Tuesdlay afc- noon flic ladies asscmlled at fhe Kin- ward and were faken for a- tally-li ride arouind flie city. Rosedale, fhe biautifui resid'ential part of Toronto, wliere, a th~ guide t old us, there are no straiglit 't S, no v,) fw buses alike and ostores, prove the centre of attraction and is reaily a v.ery pretty part of Toronfto. TlieParlia- ment Buildings, City Hall and many other large buildings were dccorated for Coron- afion Dlay and presented a very gay ap- Affer a couple of hours of this airy en- ny nt 'flic party rcturned to "Brown Bettyi," wliere thc visiting ladies were en- terfain Plby Pesident Fraser f0 a tast y lucion, flic members of the Club doing honors, making flic gatlicring a most informial but very sociable occasion. Miss Fraser: expresscd flic greaf pleasure if was f0 lier f0, meef flic visiting ladies of flic Press and of flic deligbtful anticipat ions of joiing wifl flic Association in flicttip f0 Gîeorgiani Bay. Mrs. W. Forsythle Grant, of 1ýlie Globe, outlined flicttip as experiencedly lier somne years previous. Tlie kindncss and gencrous enferfainmenft of flic Toronto ladies was fitfingly ack- n-owle.dged ly Miss E. E. Haycraf t, of THEF STATESMAN, Bowmauville, Mrs. D. W,ýillîams, Collingwood, and, Mrs. H. A. VainDusen, Tara. This firsf meeting with the ladies of fhe Press Club was a mosf liappy and pleasant ne and we hope f0 lave similar experiences lunflic yeans f0 couic. ,-Wednesday everiing flic wliole part y- Press Association memf'ers andtfliir lad- les and tbe members of fthc Toronfo Wo- man's Press Club-were convcyed by pri- vate cars to Scarbore Beach, Toronto's great pleasure resorf, and wcre given flic fredom of flic place. If would lecliard f0 fid a crowd wlio coldge more pleas- uireo ofof afinhrg flan flic Pressme al, (! licir ladies did. The Sc1uc Nonsense, flic Old M\ilI, flic Ticltir , Old1 Platntation, Jolnsfown Flood,Sho-lc Chutes, etc., indeed every place visifed and every minute of fIe fime was made good use of ly flic part y. Tlie time lad passed ah ftoo vuickly wîen fhe invitation came f0 a banquef prepared at "Scarboro Inn," and thiflier tbe party fiocked fo en- joy a bournfiful spread -most tasfefuilly served. Wheu ah lhad donc full justice President C. W. Young proposed Tbnec Clicers for flic manager, and flic Party re- furned f0 flic city f0 prepare for flic ouf- ing f0 Georgian Bay flic ncxt morniug. GIFT TO THEIR TEACIIER REv. J. GARBUTT KINDLY REmE FIO-îERED Bv Hts S. S. CLASS. Thc membe-s and a fcw fricnds of flic Young Ladies' Bible Class of flic Mefbod- 1sf Sunday Sdhool spent a mosf deligîfful social eyening at "Norwood Place," the liandsome farm residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frcd A. Fosfcr, on Mouday evcning wlien about sixf y yonng ladies were prescuit fo participate in flic farewell f0 tbeir feadli- er, Rev. John Garluff, and f0 Mrs. Gar-, buf t. Mr. Garbuf f bas heen flic lonored and respected teadlier of fbls class during his pastoraf e lu fIls town, aud alI sincere- îy regret that flic rules of the dhurci make necessary lis removal f0 anofler field 0f labor. The house was brîllianfly illumin- ated, and fIe Iandsome rooms and spac- ious veraudals madc if an ideal place for sudh a social gathcring. During flic eveninga short impromptu program was presented, Mrs. Foster mak- ing a vcry court cous and capable prcsid- ing officer. Affer hearfily singing, -On- ward Chiristian Soldiers," witb Miss Lena Horne af flic piano, Mrs. W. B. Tapson recited "That Old Swcethcarf of Mine," Miss Florence Allin rcudercd a piano solo, Miss Frances E. Conley gave a reading and Miss Ethel L. VanNest sang a solo. Miss E. E. Haycraft, flic Presidcnf, read a short address expressing apprediafion of lis!services as feadlier of flic class and wishing him every succcss in lis ncw pas- forate. Miss Meud M. Otton, Secrcfary, and Miss Grace Trew lu, Treasurer, on le- hait of flic class presented Rev. Mr. Gar- but f witl a gold mouuted folding umîbrel- la suif a ly en gravcd, and a gold mnount cd b-ak1il - af lifo,1 ud is T- rss DURHAM COUNTY BOYS.F SuCCESS CROWNs THEIR EFFORTS. Iunflic report of flic Military College, Kingston, among flic 12 cadets wlio'passed tlic examinatiôus successfuliy is Cadet R. L. Fortf, son of Mr. E. ,,,Forf f of flic Bank of Mont real, and formerly of Bow- manvîlle Brancli,wlo rcceîvcd a diploma of graduation and on accoont of lis profi- ciency lias licen recommendcd for a com- mission bu tbe Royal Canadian Artîllcry. We congratulafe Cadet Fort f ou lis gond record and hope f0 lave flic pleasure of reporfing rapid promnotion if lic continues lis milifary studies. If affords us special pleasure always f0 record flic well-doing ut Bowmanville boys. Hý_is many fr ieuds and old scioolmafes will le greatiy plcased f0 learu fIat NMm. Arthiur J. McCullougbi, son of, Mr. Donald McCullough, near Eufield, North Darling- fou, bas been appoiuted Inspector of Pub- lic Sdliools in Saskatchewan. Mr. McCul- lougli las been taking a course bu Wesley ÇCollege, Winnipeg, and f eadhing letweeu ternis. He lias also donc feachiug in flic College. Iu acccpting lis resignation as Principal of Melville Public Scîoois, fhe Board exprcsscd sincere regret af losing sudh a competent Principal and added fiat if was a great honor f0 Melville and district f0 lave ifs principal appointed fo sudh an important position as Mm. MeCul- lougli las leen called f0 fiIl-and lie will fill if well. We note fIat Melville Schooi Board is askiug flic Coîuncil for $1 1,000 for scbooi purposes this ycar. Americans and ofler forciguers nafural- izcd in Canada are men wiflout a country wleinl England, if is statcd. Toronto Star Weekly says fliet even a man like Sir Thomas Sliauglinessy, thougli a nafur- alizcd Canadiani citizen, lias no riglits as a British suljcf outside flic Dominion, as matters stand. An intcrestiug point of a sliglifly differeuf sliade lias been brooglt fo notice by a former Bowmanville boy- Mm. J. Castell Hopkins, wvlo was boru iu flic Unitecd States during a briet resideuce fliere of lis parents, wlo came from Eug- 'land. But-lie was always a Britishi subject, and rieftber lie nox is brofier lied f0 le- come nafuralbzed wlieu fley came f0, Can- ada. If lis fafler lad excrcised flicriglifs of American cifizenship, or if le liimsclf lad reched bis majnriiy lunflic Unitecd Stafes andf lad donc the same, the case would have lecu differcuf. Thc refirement from flic Mctlodist minisfrv of Rev. J. H. Oliver, a Hampton boy, wlio fillcd successfol pastorates at Lisfowel, Sarnia and of ler Western On- tano durcies, and laten of Regina, was duc to) a seýrions nervous collapse, Aftflic rectSasac a coufemence he was given letters of standing, af bis own me- quest, and is no longer a minister. The Guardian says: "His takiug up fhe work of fhc minisfry af an carly date seemcd altogether ouf of flic question, and, as mjany of lis brefliren know, Mn. Oliver lias long lad flic conviction thaf flic min- isfcn wlu retires f0 secular lite should voluntarily relinqulîli lis ministeniai standing. The action whicb leclias taken sccmed to hlm flic neccssary and oi.Iy one for Im f0 fake, though lu this matter if is safe f0 say fliat mauy of lbis brellîren did not agmce witl i m. Mn. Oliver will sf111 continue f0 give loth churcli and Re- gia Cuhiege bis uugrudgiug service as tar as hl anad abilify will allow. For tlic time bcbng, at lcast, Mr. and Mrs. Ol- iver will reside in Regina, Sask. Toronto Star Wcckly in a reference to Americans wlio have made good cifizeus in Toronto, las fIs complimenfarv para- grapli about flic Massey family who were former residents of Durham County, 1ev-,* ing conduce d a large agriculfural machin- cry manufactumiug business lu Newcast le -for mauy years prior fo remnoval f0 Tor- onfo: "Mr. Hart A. Massey and lis eidcr sous wcrc boru in Canada, bot lic and ailF of flic latter wlio marricd wcre weddcd f0 ladies of American birtli. Mn. Hart A.F Massey luilf Massey Hall and began fIat wonderful series of giff s now being car- ricd on by lis only surviving son, Mm. Cliester D. Masscy of Toronfto. These lenefact ions now amount f0 about $2.500,- 000. Mn. C. D. Masscy is houorary presi- dent of flic Massey-Harris Company. He also refains lis conuection wltli fli finan- cial intcrcsts iu whichi Massey capital lias leen employed for ycars, sudh as flic City Dairy Co., flic Central Canada Loan, flic Impenial Lite, flic National Trust, and, of course, flic Sewyer-Masscy Co. of Hemil- ton. TIc suuny Sout h scnds a contribution f0 our gelaxy of Durhiam Count y notables. The News-Report cm, Whitcville, N.C., of Tune 22, 19f t, gives fliese parficulars of Ira Short, neplien of Mr. William D. Short, Concession-sf. You just can't kcep our count y boys dowu, and fhcy alxvays take thc lead lu whatevcr pursuit fley undemtakc. Mm. Ira Shior, son of Mm. Stephen Short, of Boardmen, N.C., (for- erly of Hampton, Ouf.) graduaf c wit 1 dsicinet flic A. & M. Collegye, affer a I'n AL Sf. Peul's cougmegati 1on wil1 l give ifs an-, nuel oufing tî flic Sablafli School at Bow- meniville-on-flie-Lake Wednesday, July 12, Rcv. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Marvin were given e ferewell perty by tic temilies of Wersew circuit previous fo fleir removai f0 Clamemont. Rcv. R. Scalomo, M.A., formenly rector of St. Jolin's churdli, Bowmanvillc, 1uf now of St. Merk's, West Toronto, lias lecu appoint cd f0 take charge of St. Cy- prian's, Toronto. At flic Convocation on Jonc i7th, 1911i, flic Oskalonsa College, Iowa, U. S. A., coufercd upon Rcv. J. E. Moore, Pli. B., Mermora, the degree of Dort or ut Divin- if y. Houoris Causa in Alsentia. Salvation Ammy, arc having on exhibi- tion a et lcCitadel uexf Suuday cvening "Derid's Ghosf" under direction of Lieut. G. Davis. Go, se and hear, thec ghost is perfectly liermîcas. Oshawa Citedel band July 8 and 9. Public iuvitcd. Mm. Paul Trebilcock gave a parficular- ly hlptul and instructive addrcss on 'Cliaracter' etthflicMctlodist League Tucsday cveoing. Presideuf Baker pres- idcd and Miss Florence VanNest rcad flic lesson. This is flic closing meeting for flic sumnier monthls. PRev. Geo. Brnown, atter four yeans of tilulservice, as peston of Colborne Mefliodist dhurci, gocs to Millbrook. Tucesday evcning flic Ladies' Aid met et fe liome of Mns. W. Bellamy and pres- eut ced Mns, Brown wbf b a liendsome Lim- oge diua tee set and e nicely worded- address. TIc girls of Mrs. (Rev,) Ganbutt's Sun- day School class in flic Mcliodisf Sunday- Scliool gave lier e terewelcl Sunday atter-- noon et flic close of flic session, Miss, Lizxie Paiint on rcad au address and Miss- Ida Ellioit on behlf of flic class prescuf- cd a bronize dlock, wliich Mrs. Gerbutf acknowledgcd bu a verv kiudly manner. Rev. A. M. Imwin, B. D., for four yeens- minister of Newcastle, Meflodist dhurci,, ou Fridey cvcuing was flic recipicut of a gold-heeded cane and a porse of $175 in, gold on flic occasion of lis removal f0, Cennington. An address was rcad lv- Reeve A. A. Colwill and fhe presenfation., wes nmade by Mm. George Rickard. A- bout 150 pensons werc preseuf and at c- werds part ook of refreslimeufs. Thec stnewlierrv social under auspbccs'of St. Paul's Ladies' Aid Fridey cvcning was- held in fli c hool insfead of on Miss Fair- bairu's lawn owing f0 a showem ot rein. Dclicîous strewlerries and cmeem and, oflier gond fbings wcrc servcd and a fine- musical pnograma was furnislied by Mrs. S. S. Edsall, flic Misses McGill and Miss. Miss Tamîlyn. TIce tteudence wxas good and flic social a plcesing success-, Miss Amy L. McKowan, deglfcmo Mrs. Wm, McKowaîî of tiîis fown, wliî,o is et preseutt feeling flic continuation class in Shakespeare sclool, was fonmally me- cognizcd ou June 23 as a missiouary f0, tic foreigu field by Straftord Congrega- tionel cdurci. SIc will sail trom San Francisco Augusf 2oth for Jepen f0 ake up work lu a girl's mission sclool in Osaka. Rcvs. J. P. Germie and W. T. Gunu gave addresses of council and Mrs. Riggs on behlî of tIc cougregaf ion pre- sentcd Miss McKowau witl a lendsome- walrus portfolio. TIc MVethodisf Sunday Sebool ex- pmcssed tlhdir appreciafion of Rcv. and Mrs. Gerbuf t'a services et flic close ofthfli session Sundey aetenoon. Mm, Wm. Trewin, supcrintendenf, very apfly turnedj a story t old y flic paston in flic momu- ing mcferring fo is successor, "TIaf if you, love flic past or to say so once bu a while",. and called on Mm. T. C. Jeweil, Secrctary. f0 read e suifelly worded eddrcss, wbicli was kiudly ackuowledged by Mn. Garbutt. Dr. W. E. Tilley edded a few epprcciefivs words and flic session closcd by siniging "Bîle Ie f ie fIef liuds." 1 Rev. HolgI Monroe, B. A., lias lad rev- emel ieart-fo-lieart falks of late wifI lis people on a flieme of bigler imporf fbaa Great Britain's Coronation, (f hough fIat, f00, las rcceivcd laudalle mention) viz., "TIc Grcafest Good f0 a Greater Bow- manville." Pemlieps bis most toudhing appeal was made on Sundav evening lest, founded on Jeremiali 13. 23, wlienein flic' boundras mercy of God and flic trans- forming power of a Savioun's love were- vividly port rayed. No one cen trothliully- sey fIef flic mosf cloquent and leemned eddrcsscs on Art, Science, Lit enafure, Christian dogma or kindncd fopics arc capelle of foucbiug tIc bcert and moold-- ing flic lite like fie old old af ory of Jesus- and His love. Apropos ut so muci long- ing for a ligier lite f0 Bowmanvilic's greet unchurcled and Clinisflcss ly the, tew, wby ceunot a concenfnafcd and unit- cd effort le made by fie meny ton tIc- glory of God, fthc bonor of flic town and the sake ot strangers within flic gafes? Let os awake! Rcv. John Garbutt having closed lis. pestomae eree leff Wednesday withi lis wbfe and famiiy ton tîcir uew liome et Cobourg. Rev. Mm. Ganbutf's sermons Sunday outlincd flic qualifications of an- ambassador of ftie Cross. He made a- kindly reference f0 bis successor. At flic closeof flic eveniug service licefliankcd ciizns dur 44o -1cel, mm _rsA

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