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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1911, p. 2

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FAVORITE RECIPES. them. Put a layer of noodieso Cherry Pie.-Stone ene quart ofa'large platter, then a layer chr-s saving al the- juice.- Add -brow-n ed- -erurnb-- n-other layer (,nl(,aild one-half cupfuls of sugar boe adseo nil& a anid oneG tablespeon of flour an.ýd stirco used, having a layer of crumt unltil well mnixed. Bake with two on top. Put a large piece of bui erusts. ter in a pan and brown nicely; t Marshmallow Whip- With sharp this add a cup ef cream and leti sc!issors eut one-haif pound of freshb hou up two or tnree times; the ilarsbmaltows inte small pieces, -Pour over.the noodles and erumbE thnstir the minto one-haîf pint When you have once tasted thes of whipped cream. Sprinkle, with you will nover want to eat thez black walnut moats and garnish iany other way. with maraschino cherries. Serve DA ER0 GA LI. in sherbet dishes with macaroons. DNE>O AOIE Butteor Coýokies.-One pound of Gasoline should only be used fo butter, one Pound of sugar, one washing eut of doors and awa: an'd tbree-fourths pounds of fleur, from buildings and smokers. Whe) uwo ieggs, one and one-halff tea- the washiug is donle the gasolin, 8poonrfuls of bakilig powder, one- should be thrown on loose groun4 half peound of chopiped almonds, one that will drink it up at once. teaspoonful cf vanilia, one-hiaîf Severe explosions have corne fron wiueglass of brandy. Rtolout on pouriug the dirty gasoline dowl floured board, cut out with cooky the hole in thec sink. A large nuis outter, andi bake in moderate oven. ber have corne frim pourîug it i. Fruit Whiff.--One pint sweet the slcp bee where it floatod anýc cream, one quart box strawherries, gave off vapor. nne-third box gelatin, one and one- Puttiug gaselino in thle water il fourth eups sugar, whites ef four a washbhouler is al'ways followed bi eggs, one teaspeon lemon extraet. an explosion. M1ince straxvberrios and' sweeten; Sikdesrion or gloveý solak glatin andi add a littie hot may, if rubbed bard, make- a sparl, wvater; boýat ivhit-es of eggs stiff and while -lifo gaso ine. cream thick and light; strain gela- Ciothing eau be cieaned by arn in;: add flavoring, thcnstabr monia or benzine soap withoui ries; beat ahl a few minutes; set in danger. Asafe substitute is gela- a cool place or on ice. tînizeti benzine in whic Q.5 Pei Cheese Omlet.-Six eggs, one cent, benzine is added Vo a mass oJ eupful of sweet milk, -one table- soap, water and ammousa. 9poonful of butter, ono-haif cupful It can be hantileci without spil- cf grateti dry cheese, pinch cf sait, ling; the amnount of vapor given ofi pinich ef paprika or pepper. Heat is sbght and the amount cf inflam- butter in spider anîd stir in flour; mable material in it is small. pour ini milk anti cook until smooth; add sait and set away to cool. Beat USEFIJL HINTS. yolks of eggs until light and stir Warm dish covers as well as dish- lightly into cooied sauce, then addosiyuwatordne Vb haîf cupful (ormore) grated cheese. sorvod really hot. l3eat whitos of eggs until stiff and Turniip peelings shoulti always be fold iuto mixture. Put into but- well xsashed, thon aticedti o soups teredf disb or pan andi bake until te whieh thoy, impart a deiicious set-about twenty minutes. Cheese flavor. may heo omitted if ý,ot liked. A few After frying, do net pour off the razisins, toc, might bc atideti. fat till it bas coled a ldtle, ancd OrneMarmalade.-Save the thoen be caroful te keep back the peel after the oranges are eaten, sediment Vo tbrow away, oep, as large as possible, when, When cooking saIt meat firsi about twe dozen have colleected,~ was h it well in colti water, thon houl till tender, wben the w bitel place in a saucepan, cover xith pith can easiiy be rernoved witb a fresh colci vater, and bring to the spoon xshile still warrn. Put houl. Skim, andti smmer gently til] througb the food chopper, just cover he joint is cooked. with watcr to cock, add sugar, onle Wbcen preparing fiieti cbipped po- cupful Vo tw c of pool, houl and eau. atoos te serve witb flsh much time Thon wben rhubarb is cbeap, re-f may bce saved , if the potatoos, ai- paie, take a large hanciful of stalks, reacly eut, are steameti for a quar- unipeelod, and cut ont on wrappiuigter of an hour before putting into paýper; weigh, allewing one haîfthe boiliig fat. A certain amount ponisugar te one pounti fruit. of fat is aiso saveti. Put in kettie for boiling, sprinkle in A celd beiled Spanish oniDn sugar. andi stand over nigbt. Whon makes nn excellent salad if sliced, sufficient juice wiii have run for and dressed with cil and vine gar in cooking, add canned pool to aste; 'the usual manner. two to four pounds cf rhuharb to When sweeping carpets always quart eau of pool. Boil tili it Ieebrt weptewyo h thiekens, stirring frcqueutly. Thisgreinembrosweepthwonway fth is a ecnomial nd dlicuusnoV cnly bad for the carpet, but it fruit. tends to brush the tiust in iustead Cinnamon Rolls.-Dissolve one- ef -eut. .half cake yoast in one pint cf luke- When plates or dishes are burnt varin wator at noon, when dissolv- after bakinig, they eau easily ho cd stir lu onough fleur to make a cleaned by rubbing them with a Latter, a littie stiffer than pan- clt1 ipdi at cake. Lot stand until evo-ning thon cohiproervenbrassbeseasu add: One pint ef potato water or The ow and thon wi eth a littie hall milk andi wator, one-haîf cup- seet ou ond a cloit atrd fuiar ofugrbutepine taspoon- polish with a dry leather. fui slrd or ter, ono tlcurasn- When washing flcorcloth a table- fi sa it one baiff aupflcr rat;sspconfuî of painter's size added to mix not igttae asmifas foreand a pailful of water wili give it a wbe lihttak smli'&ees nt glossy surface, and make it wear joli betwoen the bauds in much btter than whou washed in strips,- thon dip in melted butter, the ordiuary way. spriuklo with cinnamon, roll round,___ anti spriukie sugar andi cinnamon flIOUSE DRESSES. ýon top; the yoilow of au egg beat- en until light andi spread on top Separate waists and skirts are is liketi by many. Place in pan andi bard to keep together while doing bako in moderato oven. in witer housework, dressing sacques and set your yeast at noon andi mix stiff wrappers look untidy, anti the one at night; in summer, it is not nec- pioce dresses that are ueatest are cessary Vo set yeast bofore evening, bard te wasb anti iron. To obviate thon mix eariy next merning.I this, make the waist any style de- Buttered Neodles.-Beat up tbree sired, finish ail but the bottcm, try] eggs and atit fleur te malte dcugh on,1 draw a uarrc-w band arounti stiff onough to roll out. This, rolied the waist lino, and adjust the full- out, wili make three shoots or iay- ness. Pin the baud in place, take ers. Place them on a clean cloth off the waist, andi sow the band ex- andi lot them remaîn until dry actiy as pinneti. Finish bottom cf eneugh Vo eut. When dry iay eue tbe baud withi a beatiing. Malte the shoot on top of tiie other, rcll te- skirt any style and finish top cf gtberyanti eut the noctIles as fine skirt baud witb beading anti lace as possible. Boil in salteti water. the skirt anti waist bauds tcgethor Notes of Particular Interest to Women Folks "Wb's ciisamtha hasty dm', aiaosanti pains. 1 t u otPnot h e A ofer rii t," 1The brocter ho -,< ,ytujt beks fa 'AVhuin an -ý -,ï LargIo bottetc; trialPNo etingut h. She but sut down 1cq n r aOoEodoc mhv di tLsau tiave ber Wont fmy imbucr, or The CatarrhenUCmm ttepan nipayt TIme W'ean ui frocapislt'Mtho. te mra, sl1p s Str ar "T- tosa n'dttht ihe Viens.Tberuusas shou]-Ji-- ' -,O-rt01ni WrrD I%à eýr;ïâ moceirt uti u, ous-saei tiyV er rsl 'oîl~'j~ !di r'- i --, -rt f11Osvlilese1r Mills s r'ixsleaare usaî ; cu- CR AI eeuly. Cusstabe "Ye, sr. ati pre cnditons.Ti eb'- t ýs ' he terty un dLAgisf or aAcisi den "' it ofc etuy ot M1 Bu-crh1t cneale eugt e frth yng hot 1t a .' ýý' - cî,ci te p.o.Yw xîn/k hyJusy& cli bsv anîhe.thrn!"iset cloJver anî ti - a - r wixe ., f l ic -J i.n . .seWoe Mc'cin Co 44Laura, your ]PXPECT AÂND ATTE IPT. tea is always ~Aimighty One, frornThee we draw sol.good W- -ha I TI tIforthe7man who __ a n d min ae- a does ary o. hisligbt wbich Thonutiost give. W a kndTHE LAZY CHILD Where other ligts weedm,C W hmnyawys he îrla ci row Those who expect great Vings'ôInat Ohdrn ynou use hewoldis9freni God - do îu uc iig less cruel. For this we must AteîV rathigfrHm" - "X y edlrge1y hank the scientific spirit,ýF17 whîcb 's tiaiy recognîzing more antiAund we who iu Thy namenp believC onRoe!more of the affairs of lii o which Shahl finti 1V even se; ~~ T ~~~belong Vo its department.~ i esalalneiu teghr I ay cf ~ ~ 41 w li m stemîng- into, ahrnntVo kick the e---AgtblF rairiA- ordersmmn awho is tiowu, but te cali a As forth-for Thee we g.sihaigliccadlgt er h WîVsdwn n ha ed ntrly h this in view our f eeV are Shoi tgb&incsuDwio t- on my way don nitaiodutrfy Xhile ail our lumps we trîm ;- îO~t helping him up. This flOw me- "Tgsrhoexe t thingsC honei thoti is Vo ho welcomed most cf ail, from Goti gra ~i n tr as it bears upen the destiniez cf vm1sD~UoIef1 litte ciltien.Attempt great Vhig or Hlm l" The new scientifileptag gcs n"Teraseour faith" 0 L we l essndRet.Cin nltie logrdivides chiltiron summarily into gooti anti bad, stupiti andi cie- pry;T nhNeiU OICr'o. ver. On the centrary, it takes close Wt oe u ie uod A 1$OOdt~ i conizaco f ITake ali our deubts anti fears away - thewondofui rlu-1Anti maltce us bravo anti boiti. 'r ~ ~ ~~ D tion beVween mmnd anti body, sto- iHeucefortb iThew pu r __________________________ ach anti brain, anti learus there- trust, tyby that pessons, anti above ail chul- OralTioousa e "~ TillESQUIREL'S UNNIN. tisn, are much more naturally di- S vitiet into the, sick or the weii, the ce0 epe ra hus"w Ai must Storing Its Winter Supply Why It ugy rt ei hewa o h Attempt greut things" fer Tbee. _____ J n isa Gme ird Gurd, strong. ni is GameBird, uard.Both in this country anti in ere emdfocnsis41 n Aithough the common reti equir- E uropea investigations cf this mat- Utitecisultatye srivsuprfedRem hDy rrntiow - roI is Oeeof theioees anti most er have been matie 1with sîgnificant Is taught Thy name Vo owutin, oCu toac,Deihe, nattractive -of our wilti ecatures a, resuits, One fact proveti by Vhem Our gifts our treasures anti eus WoMsonvuLOSOnSLèEri Sknowledge of its habitsb is more i s that these is no such hiug as a hvstes~Ls FSBP casual than intimuto,, Rays the "uy chilti. The normai chilti is We, yieldti o T'hec alone. ~ ~ Smi Signature oft TbaV which of oci Tysrat ý ' SScotsmau. interesteti, aleît, brigbt-minýdeti, hudTysrat ~'The pas.t winter gave forc, ly-fui! ef waking curiosities about the WT n rt a r $ ec Ù ers an epportuuity for studyingwrline hchhbacoent enwexek e: Ssquirrels to au extent. seldom pos- edwet iCaCiotununh o sacodn oTywr Ssîblo, azs the wiiduess--of , w-abhle pbysteal-vlaeity.--Whavt, -then, A-te ptg-reat thingsffLfar mpt h ther matie neither for long uer is the mtter witb the littie, moert,, T. WATSON. -deep hibernation. T was surpriseti stupfid, dm11 oyed croatures, fer- Toua Station, Ont., 1911. itat the number anti variety of plue- ever at the hottom cof the class, who xCrOPU H au es wbere the littie animal hati nover put a question, erSseem Vo WTSE SAYTNGS. ~~~~vr~ev rstereti its winter hourds. The passa given point? eiblt hth sec fsc smnaliuoss cf these toc was note- The mater is that they are i eiihltyi h esne fsc wrthy as hey seltiom containeti Somqe of Vhem are bungry, anti it Men malte bouses, but women _____________________ more than a haidful cf footistuff. is as, hopeless to expeet a childti t malte homes, e The lartiers wose in hollow trees, listudy weli wheu hoe neetis footi us Abat ag seec h ot~gt a littie oltier barn sweepirgs. -jI oliirds' uests anti tioserteti squir- it wculti ho te expeet a fille tbat soul-restorers in the worîd.Thcetlosisagoiborn. rels' neste, but most often lu the neets fuel V-o hum well. The hun- Uuiess we behieve that we are in d nt will koep dry a long ime if grounti a littie beiew the surface, gor may ho due te an actuai lack I the wcrid for some groat purpose, Nu ~'rteccop is pseperly venteti. sud althcugh many cf the hourds cf foodi, or iV may ho Viîat the eeth 1 anti that 'every bumari soul il of LAA 'à 8 There ishouldti neh toc mucb lit- were at the foot of trees the fav- are in such peor conditicn that the Vasm ale esal ntge o e on the flocs of the brcoder- lorite place was in n field bordesiug chilti caunot cbew, andtitherefore sups ervlu, we hah oVgoyS, bouse whîle the chiclts are a f ew awoadabu wnyo hr esntdigest. O tia e that Women are just as olti us Vbey tiays olti, but us they grow theý eVy yards from thoetidge. The lattes the foodi effereti to it ut homo is lookt; anti they lok as young as THICK VS. THIN FARMINO. amount shoulti ho iucreased in. ismraudig ths atlaidero ll netirSomo cf ted ehit ie anods they eau. "Thiet" anti "thin" f arming erder Vo mace tbem' scratch bard- s asmarudig rts nd icedo ot omeof he hilrencanot ear We shaîl malte littie psogress[sountis like veîy awkwardti erms, os for tbeir foodi. This exorcise venture so fus outsid.e the woeti in wehl anti some cannot sec. Tbey aa. te s c f society unless1 but after ail are not such ahati maltes for strong legs and gocti ap- B wintr. do 1 no compainae gai nste dthetises Altr wtchi~gthesqurre go dcnetcomlai, boaue tey icwo learu Vo ho storu about the waycf putting it. Wben WC spreatiptts 1 Aler atcirgthe quirelgo-noV ltuow what ils the matter. Tbey sins cf ousselses. out eur wcrlt becomes thin anti cur în0ic u or eaohsI cep osatrbleat ifa Humor is Geti's universal mcdi- ci.-p thnrr TfI we cofleentrsite A Purely Vegetsibie Pili. - The- bave little tioubt uitat its ability Vo witbý the tiumb mystification of ig- dcine for the alleviaticu of human oui wcrk ou a smahl crop the CrOfJ ehief ingredients cf Pasmelce's Vo- tfinti these ils noV a matter of mem- norance. Many cf them have neyer ijus. Isbair ea usaemniat nidn i oy o efintint, ut f meh. I tiaw eu naura hoat ~îce The writer ef a gocti bock eunfers ît is bard Vo say just bow much tiehicu, setiative and purgative, but, to istha maes tihy evsuel a sn ae- cfenabrgtitonils ati teiens. upen bis country an inestimable csep -one man andti eam eau tend, 'perfectly barmiess lu theïs action. comphsheti truffthe sure nter ( f Teslre ebil n a nor cînbenefit. mnbsuyoeru as conidtion.s vary with the local- They eleanse anti urify at- hv truffles are a g' cat squirrei tiaînty), pote , ith t 1 .cir fellows until al I iiozt ly l ne locaiity eue man may a most heaithful effect upon thc se- -anti I tbînk that it mîust bave been these bindrances have been reov- article cf faith, iV is bis conviction hantile Vwice as mncb erop as in1 esetiens of the c[igestive orgues. their sm 1 aiite htbogh d Sm eeu netgt ocf the littieness of'the rest of bis another, cwing to difference i scl The tivspeptic anti ail who suifes squlrrels Vo a peachi bouse in wbiehI matie by a Frencb physicia.o show fetwhlg.cndtolnt f esn al-fomi iver ant i ii,-ey ailmonts wil they titi a lot cf tdamage. that amng weli noîirisbod ehiltiren ncss cf weeds, eimatle, length ef fini in these pll5,Îhe most effec- Squirrei cuù-.n,.sng defeatet the iily nîneteen per cent. have phy- BEwfar Oof OintmDntS foi' Catareh drcutbs, iength cf days. It is safe, V ie medicino ini conQêntrated formn bmost cleýverly laid traps anti other 'sical tifects, whiie among the potht it M however, Vo say that wvhen a manT that bus yet been offerecl te th& utternpts ut capture andti o save ly nourisheti oversixype en.a ecuy ils.eydetoyte eseails planning f ortfthe uleaspa- ffrîg ithe futthe unwelccmie visitors sufer from these destroy theinon nd anti is ______e th frui tifees. s1,ncii he enerin i thg ct pl isain fo the fuhdupa- bati uitîmotely te ho shct. The This question cf footing is heing the,' mucous surfaces. Such art tycfbist-am, if be isee llGREEN WATERS 0F TUE NILE, t sourrel is eue of ftbe best gamde met in mauy cities hoth bore anti shouid neyer be usedi except on pre-bis crop a genercus tit owl bird guartis anti its sinter stores I abroati by the supplying cf a suh- tne damage they wii do is ten fold utheuapcty fbsta n ayMnt edTa i h ie ihave fe t mauy a famish11et pheasant.i stantiai lunceeon, either free or utt~o the good you eau possi01y derive h aact fbi emanimn tc Peenliar Celer. Beonti an occasional "chnclt!1" a nominal eost.-Youtb's Cempan.. ufactured 'ýyP, J. Ciieney & Co Toi u o olcei thesqireidos otpu mehat inledo, 0., cotains n mercury, and lis If Vhe seasoni is favcrable the The "green water" of the Nil&c tention Vo, a ee mue, but imme- ddiossres ftheUPf thin farincertices well. Tf tise sea- is quito a different thinig from the tiiately iV espies a fox or stoat ou systein. inai buying Hall's Catarrh dure Son is a bad oee hoannot save bis green water of theoecean. the prowl it chatters iontily in the NL TPATLF TITE e surnly ange md einitiTledo îop and may have a complote fail-- About Aprîl 15 the Nue boegies ifs- greaestexctomnt nti amebirs "ut by tcesyen faher Ohiib~ry P.J. Cheney & Co. Teati- lure. If esops are weil put lu, voh aunuai rise anti a montblater the nover fail to profit by their sentin-, jeet to m.-?" tiemautiet the hum- Sid by nruggists. Price, 75o per entict anti welltiruine t Vey may effect is feit ut Khurtum. A veryï ei's arnigs, aparetly koxvig hiesuiVr b1,tîe. bcî j1~fr ost oeut short by extremes cf tirouth curionis phenomenon accompa-niesý that the squîrel us no itile alarm- 'Because," explainedthVie baugh- ~Hlsanti moisturo, but failuir es are ai- this iireease in the appeara-nce fý l îst. t euyo ru ieg,"aaMcst impossible. the'geeiw Pheasate scrtch upanti evons y beasty cfprout ineage;"pap PesnsSrthuan eorsuys his uncostors have always been SENTENCE SERMNONS. r-Fraln l,0i a eivt the squisrel's winter stores when Igentlemen of leisure, anti yon haveNEL II CHD HCS tht heeoscm fim h other foodtiîs scarce antids pcc 'Vowotfo a.ii." Nover minti whcm yen prasse, Roînember that when the chiot swamps of the upper Nule lying iso- ulwus wstesVonVîm s te uan- i worehoteahlbiv ionxpotbut bho very careful whom yon is hatcheti it bas enough foodi sup- 1latetianti stagnant unter the tro.- tity of focti it consumes anti seat- Vo uftor we are marriet," replecihue-tmniCoe.pitb auei h yi ftepcisnanipiuigtewtr tors isîts, accrus, wilti fruits antid ehubesut' A lias always tlîinks himself Voo egg te hast it for sevesai tays.' It lth tiecaying vegotable matteî. he0'g- bernies which the gume birtis _____choyer*Vo bh oununt, but almost iterfrnef necossary to WiVb the spring riso this feti watev w oulti not otberwise get anti which Keep your heurt bigh; that is învariabhy lho is fouîîti eut. csewti a lot cf foot into Viee ehiek was supposeti te hc, sw-ept into, the thoy tboroughhy enjey it Vhus bene- the sum cf philescphy.- Victor A self-mate manh Yes, anti wcr- for feus that it will due f rom hun- streams Vo malte its appoarîancýe in. fits them ail the your round. Cousin. ships bis creator.-Henry Clupp. gos. There seems to ho un inclina-- Egypt. One cf the preftiest sights is that _________________ Love is sehflshn-esd lu tsvo pensons, t ion on the part of beginners Vo Witbin recent times, howover, cf yeung squîrrols tuking theis first -Boufflers.i force the iittle chioktfo eut. They this tbeory has heen uhantioneti. lessons inu ebmbin,, anti jumping. SHîT NPIN ii Geot iamxims are gormis of ahl are overloadted. It has been de- Now, we are ativiseti, the green' Lilte most wilti animais the squirrel b " gooti; firmly impressei on the mnem- monstruteti that a chielt wiii live water is causeti by the presence of eau wimwol whn te ocasin SDEAR S, ACK~'fthey uourish the will.-Jou- withotfoifrfivo ivbto innumerahie îîumhers cf microsco- netn fox lwsss fnsthalocyisohn vao.uary frchots ohofecoivoebut teNe wbronte h btsa 1h sqiselisInmtin.maie VrusM Whc P.PIs lreaiyhsoyi oaalyl-bfootetido orbdy tatinh lu ae hyicec

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