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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1911, p. 3

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"Very good of you to say se," 8muttered Durwar'd, bewilderedly. "One moment, sir.,flitherto you r *haveIwy beliaved as a ýgen tic- - raan. But te-day, sir-te-daly "H 'e ~'Yes?" .said Durward, amy ha be recise, flot aui heurageyouwera guilty of tha ni;st unpr-liofessional conduot 1 I. "l{eu lIy, Dr. Tennant 1" Fo0rr som lie p'Ist the village "Y-ou went, uninvited, to tha ha~~~d banmldy terested in the hos f a patient of mine- you at- Iact hat orner Cottage, after tendod im.Wihtbegasd à,aning nîpu a long -while, had teei chu ven having tho tiatondaten,)ant. Interest deoeny t wait tili yen wore ask- grewa conidorýa.bly when it was a ed to -,c, sir!"' ý7V-Iflq uan of nreDmn5ç'nccr rn 'acn- o- e,n nVnrster. T 7 te yeu,----;thai'dû' te eresyonle. If yen cntte fast, do net masticata propenli', or baba- food that dees net agr'eawt'len digestive de- rangeent re alame sie te coma, and inietingnraily Icads t e rni serion-p- yira] trou:.bles. Thraugli Ur, After a] -digestion thora is e cure. Th strcag on I ligestie known throughout the coun~trryasSecrets th, "Moüse Pasture,located ap- Y~hudKn proximiately balf way. MeDougailwa ore interested P r RUt IRONGthau lve r. He get Lansing te dra ou the billiard table in the Occi- dental }iotel at Juneau a rougli ma o -eYukon river, wt t Tanlio TrElatment with triutries, 1lStvarh- MilE an the StwarileFrt Willianis' Pink PIlS ieadteSityMl. Ti show.ed the Mooge Pasture coet what was thon known as IBeideer Il has been saiil aboýut in- Creek, and almost on the Yukenl and siomach trouble, IRiver. nly co way te get a real -Vhen we go in,'" oflougal e stomach must ha m'adia said te his partners, "wa xili ,pro- jough te, do its own work. speetter, drawing Semni- n dî.sappears when the circle o th' uerth side cf the endrn'ý11e I Voose isPasture. .t isa aremiark:able """ I 0 pealaco and ~ i~ y,- eioug tediget odinay pa' n fact that this somicircle inclu-ýd plns vrsf9deji.Ms A nwhii g o i i o y ga p c Q i e r g t " s i t e o h rf e , T i t o g t h ca nt o oy lha th a b e st p a y in g g ro u n cl o f t h3 a ïlat e oP le gt her i1 n o 1 ic i w b d a ~vt upioweon the first g--imly. ,, "So you don't assu -lme in- -loeaduoidgsto.Te ~giroan -the, ste-macb thro ,ugb the Yukon disceveries. drigthe sumar.rwpopek nicy tretmet sppled y D hew valuableit is indset, arr da e isteacy hoa poaedaeec ay ogesir WYuhv uc adtreato nilliams' Pinxk Pis., whieh enricl McDOUGALL DRAWS OUT. nagnraon, on ]-is gate a neat brass plate bear- deliherately- the stomach and its nerves, and 50ehod trnteste evs Tatn vrt3monan n Manythousand]onsfhîroa ing ,the inscriptio n "John Dur- "O nce m oment, Dr. Tonnant. M ay t e i e d r c i ed g si n sd e c e rI ward, Physiciau nd cISurgeon." - j ask yen what you know of tha af- te icarr ctad teisin.and thus enables the stomach te dcI the YukonRie wstei u eed ay, er nThefmn The audacity cf this pleasant fair r ~~cryrxi ietemi periormi tha duties which nature in- in these days, and because of h vrcaar.- spl'nycung mani startiod the vil- "I was eut this aftannoon. I inater. ith ficiruse taaetseudvueey ageery~ccsaleecuo ht ybody tuses P(v.a e Iago. T1va Ire shoil& eum~e e Fe este s--y n-ng 4--boy.-----I~ .~oTho d yelcanwlod eophavei haeould have e gie it up s slha - -7 sýet up in1 opposition te olcI Dr. askad him bew bis father was gat- unplaasant breath and Èlatulenice . ~ bv encrd of indigestionl or bncI contracts te look aftor in Aug-iuv l obu h idwti Tannwho had attended the, ting aloug. liesaid b'd beau mueh disaý-ppear.Yeti should be careful q >', tai tnac'w>bisatr i st n1ho1nlau e utaa 1 neiglrborhood te thirty yaars wonsa, and Mrs. F(dester, the boy's and reember lieechaiu's Pille use of Dr. Williams' Pink lsbytatie Sehslcbsinr-x~an u. past, reamad incredible, an net mothen, had sent him post haste't Dlb ttme Seeorge nynter-rneoth akin te, invasion hi' a hostile force. fetch me. The boy was palting adti stehs rofta hyettei o ates lr n n aie the oe, e rmadi te successfully Gie and lait thle map wî-thtl tbç, oita e nx0,ba Penhiaps the most in-dignant par- aleng through the village, when oti..M.D . een a xrcin ermieta be oéfi.~1~ee esn so nthe villag;e aI this pnesump- yen stopped bim te ask what was ln, .S. ay:"orawe- po1o h ro 1 -,ws tu'c bVP u any ,h tien wns Dr. Tennnnt's daugbter wrong. Yen thon went direct te ro 01 I ujnc ry cul atýn~ielnd tene.~O~p k !~yunxarsta Ciceli'. Foraster's cottage younsalf, yen- i Of4ùc v tic wt ry !mucb fno1m th Yko. ThypssdnaaBsin. n a ni "Wbnt-what clîeek 1" she ax- ycu intenloper 1" cied tha oülde oEeybe n Lgî,, ng pai n Asofthe a m ooePstr n wn n eFut b tt"e In____________________3_._______ x i ýymptom's. - flthsolci-hon Ms evn fe -laimed blplassly, when lber fathan man, bis indignat,, jei mastenirig Iienenatbxs 5.-' 1 eî bcm a muh m yMePtui rplish nthespes se3g -, , aa tolcierbonfo the împanding oppos- him. reutIbcmvr uhrn. ibt eliihtersple.h "tOh, I"Qutkn ýVite tatr-Ii go."heu bre, nd roflectivali'. But there came- dIdnot gv m9uyrla'igrwgcd vagas and accepteel the coriho as without a nvla h o- "OIdo o nw 1" said olcI "Wtoutivwaiting teelhearImore, g Tenu utensii' 'lhere's room for I came on at once te yen, sir, te da xhnhsme. melnchli'an nbrp anofat tini'.har ge anthn pnîn "Had hais syigaoovedel two ef us bore.inm net as young domand an explanation, de you Erynx onn t an>a bubmi esiuii amed Hanson, Thayci' xvet bak "H baseeyod'xcph as 1 w5 s, and I can't gel about ns! hear, ,m1îr known that Dr. Tannant himsalf <7 reaking down. Quite arccidonîli, up the Yukon, Ibair intenitioný belin lgapr" h ae "urorhch 1 used te." "Yený are entitled te oue. Had wns ill in bied, and that Dnrwardmi' attention wns called te Dr. Wil te enter the finit creek nortb cf the îlg nweoadd ntig "H' a ntnopn1"sa eîd enake orsenslite o waxas alnighm e neMs ims ikPl c dcddt height of landceming fnom the pas- lis affection lbe.alho lsl tow sanî i'cu g r . urx anede i "Cou aserta nli r sten ake , it td t na ed itlo lan he.calccIFomrl Fl p.endMIisbs ad, an nil'. Why oul n'nho aew ore quetio soy newffoTan ant mado neoffet tYav-% ti'uhemea, V m h fae sa lu e. haidf iled le o t bs, but i' is iop ing n bs w war wa b a v e g n e e l s e w h e r a " b v b a n d i h n e n w h i m , b u t m e t h i m i n t h e h a l w e9l u k Q u r z C e k u f o u ni d a f l r i s k e e p a r a e ' i e h AnI bi ws hegeehavlttue ota'sinessl" ho came d ownlin eha n bs t at tbey effecffd a complote cure, src urzCek n Andths ws he enralatitde orste'silles?"and made i' stemacb as stnonqg as gead pai' dint in a simaîl tributani' move4,d. For tbsKeorlye Tonnant>' ha cnfess.d "Your Hunler-wfully cm', odIbdoai ao!ew vonds n pveisiot-the Hart waLittle auBlwatcdeteheen shntaned e F hp first. People, holding old Tonnant me for a qnaekl c I'm realli' quite puzzled, Miap. med iie hat cuma1d m cýý t rsthe divi,!, ade t a nt sdot, 'n. shon'drws tiest in affection and asteemn, lochecI on "You know bis statal" fme. aneemi hope sobut bisyepartîotono wasiocontent.oeAtamweigb him ena would 1e presence o! the ycunger man "Comatose, wilh poriods o! dol- nybenprsoams quile sound, andu yet Fongot te mantconteon tthal those ham with nresenîmont. AncI Cicoly and mmm." the, symptoms ho gave me ana natb- sandwiches bcd mustard en tbem. mioxpn-,ifenewi" .neî cmalasI Han sen promlisad that if Hart h ave been '-onlethig nndr hiem friends niwaYs speke o! Dur- "Exacîli'. Weil, hie was delinicus r g rave. im ccring te sebini Lufe. ohr ufro, emainad und thai' gel enough for taking uncIen orndinn cnunsa ward as tha "Interloper, " andbncI' again this aflamnoon. Ne one was again this afternoon. ' Enri te loo ad y a gubtaethay would go tole eas, as the x ceingmchn much te mi' Ithawas bitter about watching Ihim, and ho went don- And se bagan a mries cf xisits te IebuewooD ern io c ueix n e c nibnortb sida ýand prospect ie the ter- semedistance awa.Bthege bini sais ndge agu."the eIder docton. Durward wns tebuewonD.Tnatlvsofnnaiy adyucnerc itori' manked oct hi' the seni- was opened, the kae etot sst ariduand nghitaalanancesyou mai' sec, inscn.ibed1 on a brais il quickasl and heb byhi'the use eof ceo h a.Ir h ean aig'Cm n Li n u began te amass a, nauclaus o!anTannnt. I Iis Ciceli' could net butle odigsm riïüt f185 heca-,teyunw Butbi dgresth nw-ofe a ht1"a Tonnbmifa n c~ pate, nut eso wod siMas an-dr. WIImians ink Peal s.or Soalinsumn etscfi0 thy amtii'ngxlus3delod pnractice. Dr. Tonnant's practice "A gun. Se bis wiîa sent feror at'>flI. Indeed, sha xxvas aîways Snans."DndonPhyscias. and 5ah cn en I rsx oxi'malpanneà oal about 2,000 and weiit lim net cnly te o clsbtc was lange,, and sentered oe ' a yen n"iu hand te hean bis latest reports,sfrbcteFtyMl.Ti aththsuewcr wide amea, and folks came te the "The dickens elle did! AndI sont and bi' degmeos the interviews hae- __ _$2.50 frm The Dr. Williams, Me- firsl golcI takan ont o! the Kîcu- oe or two clams, h a etln habit cf sending for Durxvnrd wheui for meV tw.een Cicoli' and Dunwand nene ~ O dicinle Ce., Bmockvilie, Ont. dike. eaeougb te ha weia -I thai' were in a hurr' for tirai'kuaw "To ýcaîn iber husband," explein- loghiîsa itlreeats.FT O HLRE OI E AX tFlip weit t thal the alden doctor would pnob- cd Dur ward. u 'echhats. tnlnth i-cnn~lS ea. na~ abli' ha absent, "Yes; but--but whi' on u eatbdi Jmait hapole te ii," Ciceli'yIO UAIE IPfV ~lfl~~n lantecliqunos cLhi a hrci~rïeaIî ah Dunward lbcd acaptivating way yen isk your ifa? Ha wasn't yen o udtalhncfublrnnl',a-- F HUUL ILDSUsuccssi, displaying the map wbenahutaapit.H asoetî- with Iiîm-strong oand finm, bat gen- patient," stanimered Tannant. ter thima ing docton bad loft. Evemry mother knoxvs, or sheuld v? ecs ofnd. A ot i'pounds of sb i'Ibamms tie-in tnoaling patients;,nacreoer n Welli, yoa sea, there weno tic AndI 50 for a forlnigbt Tannant kow hadngr a bb rnii Oicncashion mc Ged AorCradyinIesaeo!dmcd bis skil ocwasi n deniablo. n Fo .k ohen ran abouigt aide d i dn 't ks g epst bis bds , n o me ro- d n ing the ot s am nian mnts. JOH N M eD OU GALL FORECA ST. m ac , a squaw m an, who bro ght fsh an d butterfis b f o w ic al D uw o a d oca s d mion n aîlg u Dr-ukow wat o m g t h o n l is gter-I on ards ut aceo rs i ss . Sum m er com plaints co mae q ieli E D T IE M. gante for disposa I. C rm ack sa xv t e be res are firs t a e u li e n Duaad alc l eaain and wifo and sister xxene nat 1nndallyop otan Iy th"t'mte qailfls aapIaainlteshurtoMiss Cîce-as s again xvben nocessari'. Thai' fat' ifled " hi," said Dunwamd at last. .lHe ad exoeic.phe mapîdrli thatcf tantheat bi cmp onva i Ihebean )o! ecIHo lxvys am eh ae 1rientd, but tbis young man was risk h ans mi' place le- Wharefome il was a considonable baby is ili ho is bayond alhi ~p * Vaîreouver Xaîn's Deduetions Were Creek. Othan prospectons aise mxv witb niany grunspfng an realli' an excellant physicien. AncI "Welî, yen seae," said Durçvnd, surprise te hlm when that evenîn- Everymi'mthen cf smalî chîldmen0 the map and beard the tbale. Amoaig sigbs. Ha is tfliscbsitei ý%o patients fail axay from Tan- wilb constraint, 'I'm-I'm euh' a ha antemed Tonnants sargeni' sol ke o ofBb' w RgtBtOtes tet aman namRoertHen. Conancl Ihavey ave cn seni c.tvi nant, and m ria'Id beneath the ban- single man; there's ne onna depeud- find thal old gentleman, f ulli' crais- Tablets in the bouse. A TablaI now Gold.discandnaed isrifern obaineda1haeevrsn no fDr-sruti iei adoteeFe u cd, silting baforo, the fine and puf- and then wili keep baby's boweis ds_____isrfladbane hem fiends'found it difficait te mi Gcar yur rms in e'all'atbi i. working ra ulanii' and bis lutIle Relia! bas beau genenal Ibal the golcI wasbing pan. Ho prospeced the word "Intanioper" wtbout su!- cri-ad Tannant, e lebiw bis nose 9olnt epi p n'ln- s1 hseiti sbcsce f ievm'o oc uIeYknds nBnaaadgtglI n is LOW PICESI CIA forient seomu. witb r"ma.rkabie vlinr and shmeek or, mi' boy," hae aid, shamehashi'. keaping baby bealhhi and o! ward- 1tniet of Canada was the, resait o! beau credîted withbebang the dis- Now and thon the ival docters Durward's baud. ' A trump! And "No wender yen could'l find eut iag off choiera inlaetum, diarheen,i an accident, as in the case o! moat covemer cf the Yukon goldfields, as In China one ma'rntamn mat at social ex'ents in lime village, se yen got the gun away !rim For- wbat xrns amiss xitb me. Thora disenteni' and ail other dreacled 1 grant finds o! minaral, aise Hendensen. sien fer $8 a mnon',lmaavre- -end exchs.nged profassienai civiit- ester?î" was ncîhing." summar complaiets. The Tablets The steri'-o! John McDoagall, o! Net fan frntm whene lis barting poniancod chef for$1,agoeu ies; but Durwamd bcd net, as yat, "Oh, yes, I persuaded hlm quite "Nolbing! Thon wby ou eatb are guamanteed freue front ahi injur- Vancouver Shows that tira finding camp was hocated for five Years wnst for $9, ikilled baleuot$,vlt spthcn te Cicaly. Ho bcd seaem eresili'. Andl I tela bis wife thene did yen " ions drugs and mai' ha givan te the o! golcI at Dawson was the onteeme a dlaim for which, ei;ghteen feetlha- whbo is-aiso e xeln lr e ofen e course, about the village ougbî te hae ne funthen cause for "Diplonmci'. Yen sec, I wantad newbohen baba witb perfect safeli'. o! observation, folowing a worhing hew the surface, $1,100 to the pan I$6 and n haundryma fr$3 ies and in cbnnch, and bcd neyer failocI aharm. She said you tiare going te yen and Cicehi' te gel te hnow oach Thai' are sold bhi'aIl medicine deal- cube!o golcI location theeries la tire was afterwand taken I soe-manis mai'haimne frbc te note the expression o! grave dis- ccli agaîn nt five, and 1 teid baer te othor botter, and that seemed tbc ers or hi' mail ut 25 cents a box Cariboo district cf British Cohuni- Hendersen twent up te oicI R ot- menlb. Eggs testfvecnsadz apIpreval wiîb whicb she regaided ho sure and mention mi' visit te on 1ie' wa." £rom The Dr.' Medicine bia. Circaînstances deemed im- tom, a- tnibutari' cf Huchai-. Inn- an. A crate cf yeageikesmi bim. porantyo; and-and thats ahi about "Awfnîhy good cf ye," stammer- Ce., Bmeckvihle, Ont. pnat ie tiame prevanted him hon made finds on tise cm eh that hbeaoughi for haslm n hee "iReaents i' beiug bare," hae said it!' ac Dumward, flnshingsonnlet. "Yenou frem making the tnip mbt th(- y,- bears bis nane. Thon the stana 'cenid ha hcugbit foritiscur' te imslf.Tannant began te apoîogîîe guassa STIRAY SAYINGS, o.ldh.a e u bser-pd tne..and vegelahies forth veabu- thehadsmes mnnr, utDu- 'rot he ayyo wee lwysmal inltenltion ira migbl net onl' MeDeuanl vîsîtad Dawson in hold wili net cou oe hn 1 II.hehadmot mnnrba D r 'i ler tha wye n o )r awas B'ast of n thing and il fail yeu. hav e made the ciscoern',but mach 190()- Il would lhodifficaît te a -j monlb. A crbdpsetotn ! han and there te "sit dewn and and asking questions about lhem,' ywa ecngt oe bsds r e)ualhsayz h elnso a h tomnenbDm. Tonant dwh n ei-cIa Ihesmohea pipe." îapîied Tannant bappili'. "I bad o1rbth cngl esiled on the, Pacifie Coast thirti' practicali' piched theground "fer ilr,1Cop garda 1ýn paThoenerCotgeia "No; yen ceme down and amoke na difficulli' in guessing. Se I No wonh is donc weli wbich is net yeas, and is a successful conîraet- pmspacting wbara sucirr nich gmaxel Mle opudJ-nPhs 1ýncba te oorfpariaien ofh e.Cornametmi îougt 'cagieenancane. utenbusasicaîi neî fan. cli52 cntsfots 0doesoroc5hi kncedu h oro i ia.Greant gain comas te him who suc- or' qut rng MDogh ___ Jury & Lovahl, Bocmnvla There was soetbiag ominens in- daughtar, baxen't yen ?" 1 couldn't haep up being iii ani' ceedi in lesing the grecd fer gain. wormt int Ibonoo lergl OTDPHLSPI the baang o! Dm. Tonnant. Enci'- "Emyts-er-bardhý7 le spea," longer, se I hope yeu'hh fongie me etiothCaboafrgld goig, s amul, a nw bre u-rephied Drarnd, wih a flittiag -I telc iber about that Forestar ,Thema is prebabli' nel a tewn mninand acqaired daims on the Jack e! Broken down systems, shattej Pd Thegetei îilîuai c ,going, as arule, ho nowbore, him-Ite wonhd thal mails ahi the peuple Clubs creah, nbicbh lu snew de- neirves, acd enmaciated formi aie hegeteta self with pertanlons digniti', and smnile. "Bi'tbbc wny, I'd rathler business, and I mathar fanai' that' I living in t theme nias a suggestion o! wioundad yenucidi'I mention ani'thing cf cinched nuattens, '5h!liera she t veleping. Haetient te soe trouble apidli' restoedhi' Milhe's Com- cen bave is te ha api' indignation lu bbe xery manner in Ithis aftemneon' s affair te lier." s.y»>-The habit o! happy' tboagbt wouldttuîdyi'ctirapinciplas e! gelcI ho- pound Imon Pills. Sold bhi Jury Talent bas a gailmapedn whib o hocodaI hedoo. ' neti2" Ciceiy cama into the room. and temomtecmmni u aecatien, and noticed that tbe hast & Loeal, Bowimanvilla. the cciin eanud h' enu whi asli arkoked ft te Du r nwni'd e e'-harmon and beaut'. ___~,___The- an -jrhern4ivinsjjm> " VwarW - 5 wenlie trrgigete elib tomahagherself iN cesen cmoverr h'otes cosli nom.ed d>iin igbt ge l aamed aI the mNssYou Falber's beau tehing me about TesrgTtOiiht gtrjuil ncorlb cf the higbest gnoand in co»snitig ree andcIthecînîng aplnce in hife bas slreagth and dig- the district, net ffn emBarber- SN21RE TURNED TRAITOR. Ha wbe is achio fhooal chair, came tlethb- point o! bis rua.nt niadcno alt ove il.,Frhroe h odsrt "Tiret is se. New, come aîeng. FOhestr an'twr ethe gn."n il nI, n ane allelaevile utemmtaglmr poverti' aoul c apedc ihn visil, "Oh, i wamn'I wont mantioningus strongan in the offert, aveu mseaneru namob-Yeomag Wonian Bc1ieed iu Its Af. orahia miches. "Mn. Dunvard," lho hagan, "fer We sha1l jamt lha in limae for din- Miss Cicali," hae saicI awhnardly. tbough nia miss'the priza. unismenl' an sonth- amtrh odrec- ctobtFîayGtKuel. Te ong ms ees nod over a yeam aew you bava beca uer. Ciceiy'll hae daiigbted te sec "Phease say no more." etryadsu-atrldic- ftonbtF.îa. GpRle. Thvugraý .>"I must ai' 'Thanh yen,' "' ha, tien. Thesa observations xvora O! man's haad, and bbth Ima ed prnctising in the village. 1 bear You.PAT EDSN atclripracfro hi le evn'teaia rýnr vou no iii wii; 1 bave ne aninios- "I cIon't thich she wili," said said, and gave hlm bier band. PAT JE U. atctriprtne o nt e llan.Velvia, ofeanima trae a veang man's beoni yca." Drwýard te himuself. - Thei' did net notice olcI Tonnant A reumarbabla influence o! the ha basad daductions whicb bad a tehase'e!nimnsae The maiinibho bpaheoibe Il' ilîn e v er to'v rd sB u t ho nen t. s lp p in g u t e! bbe r o m . ne th r o u 'th e quali ci' o ! med i- b a r on t e, f d in g f th e first c a u e i o f r sh ' b l e a b l a n d fi nd him self, f a m u b n d ' C'DO yen bnow," said Cicehi', cinni plants bas heen neted hi' j.gelcI near the prescrnt citi' e! Daw- oee-o!flier seahes ivas ea"lIY'r d dpend uo na nH."I'me been ri'ing te dishilce yen, Bumman, a Germant pharmacisl., son in tba samrmen c! 1895. cf ier. SirecoId de ans-thinmg L I a b e c a u s a y e n a c r a n - " L o ir t a m p e n a t r e a n d h a c k e ! s u n T h e ea a n y '9 0 's o n b b c P a c ifi e x ith i , fo ad e , c ko uc I e n e i i .W a n i s n c s m r e m b A IUOII CSuy~"An inienioper, " lha,,mihad. shine iminisb bbe active pninciplos coast vere ver' d la Inthe luter M 'e aocsefond of il,"' enys several cabas aI net~ ~~~ ~~ ly anub tn aeage 'is lm!. he "But I found il Non' difficaît, te a slnhîing degrea, bal variation taîui isdig eie eli h vnli tsapo e o i ntn h eurdiga ',e,0LI Every Hoeiewas polite eaougb indecd, , s rlael',"Yshe xvut on, lgno in bise! mia theappatren l as îe o- venture inte the nonthamu terri- lied, t the great disguit (e! the clients in thair usuelodrit pule Ibat il made Dunniard felad nahr da ndiima bens e idfeta bcmuue npansm-tory, freux wbicb tales cf gcld findi ciohar )pefommers in ta he h C le samali ica creani frer. Afn maintthesainninanydmimyseif."ý uncornfortahla. Lut, beneaah tirhe "Net t ale. But-but Cicehi', ~I mistesm n r si vtcame froni lima te time.b On the' wnPIul cal ber meals iitb thJs fber- minuta.s cf turaiigthcanne Ilnisidrianiekpsss ihotsurfacea, she rosent-cI this fumîber yeiaans. Obsenvatius dmnia the lasI boat niera Dan Hart and JobcI ibl bn c1 e _1n2e ee;sisinafn, mohhttrncs -inid onder if ye'd lot me> I meana, fs-î)e1isbnidtthaaoîi-Gus, wl ioi afmmd n nei mari' niam viter tic sai' inforinsecsîfucke on emnher oethte faiii' ufei gintrusion cf the "Interlopen," amd-Jde yen came for me aI al lI menauilice t whiehded hi' neenîle minanged fromathe rousa oe timoat, cliaterback, a bîrn secretlli'xoadened how ber faîberne't yen tbiab yen couid lbarnc otiyel02 d ent. icn 10te 0.104 ipatnersbip. lch iunder lber cent iite -ima Joe-"And yen ea tisi'.a o a cnasprain, airain or ache 1 could have invitad liii rival lae MET AI0.LD0IM2. iers xiceiat.ndleiil amse t aekbano m0.i10MssBroin bis bouse, ly te lova me h, FI being frigbtful- 1907. Other plants gave liha ne- ETANOD IMRwudwihbranleitmset Jchsntmri ,ýcA robls il cni, utthreislysudden b)al I'va nailad a long sulîs, and proved thal, 1909 and On the ýsame boat nias William S. self hi' cran7iicgos-ar the greund. Wiiy, the girl nias a«slih' boi oue nu !suffering imachli o hi _Veus tîuam ., cft lame for fibechance. What do-yen 91 deehpe ou'àmafbamchcf andg n ropaor om ei Kceap a bottie oofai n aumero Morri ater bolt-'. - _'1 __-_li0>a110devbered faîbef a m about Lnsii. pavpctbanromMai-nibo bncI uthi j - (v 1- 1

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