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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1911, p. 7

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REASN~F8_~RRCH OINU E Kl NS KILLNGOF BILLY IHE KID __________ _Aý STORY WIILCHIS WORTH TRIE TELLING. Â.verage Cbýurch Uoers as a Rule are the Bet in o PopeBy Lyd iaE. Pinkharn's One of the Piuckicst Police Actions Belleriver, u.-"ithout LydiaThtlaEerBc E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound I Recorded. Gong ,,to churcli is getting to, be that one intelleetually asseuts to wouîd nfotbeu'ive. For five inontbs I more &utimo oz f the f&shie.n. the thcory of the universe set forth........ ad painful and jr- Billy the Kid was the nickname Iqnconvinced that it is a mniý- by Lhe preacher. 1 go te church regularperiodsand of the most notorious of tbe many take and thlat we are misslng much to develop my religions feeling, net inflammation of bLoodthrirsty desperadoes Who ter- thtis fine and worth whiie. Theugh to, acquire fact.s. teerus. Imryr suf-h paeal ihbiatso share a good deai cf the acerbity os*mportant cf ail reasons for NeredMexeicmartyr rrizeoh eca nabin the Y Mosti ~~~~~and thougt oftenNe Meioad rzoantb nd irritation agaiust the historieI churchgoing, howtver, is that it is of detb Ico- ay -tse very long since-when institution, yet it does net biindi the most practic-ai way of keeping sulted two docters those two territories were the hap- me to immense human value and alive and effiient one's idea and who could do py hunting grounds of all manner reýai serviccableness' and loveiiness feeling cf Qed. noon o e f "Lad men." cf i. Jdo et ike e bve ny arkwent te, a hespîtal, uf it. 1 o neandikthe hLestny dar--Originally a "Bowery Boy" from ilence, though far freim foiiowing corners wailed off Ln my soul where tors said I must the New York siums, Le "beat bis all the implications and connota- 1 arn afraid to look. I refuse te7, , submit te an oper- way west" on a frcigbt car at the tions implied in Leing a churchgoer, aliow any dogmatist -or organiza- ation, because i had a tumrer I went age of sixteen, and reached New I go just the saine. For I -do not tion te make me afraid of Ged. -1 back home much discouraged. One cf Mexico just wben the great "range âih the inference of other folks' want to Le famîliai with tbe tbought my cousins advised me te, take your war" was at its height. inideor hei grtuieusassmp-cf eit an no evr t tun fom Compound, as it Lad cured ber. Idid The men who owned cattie and inn t epr gve me cf a sterlingoft wit ansddner eer t sbrg asoien so and seon commenced te feel ýett~r t~on, an myappeite amebackwîththethe meni who oýyned sheep wero at priviieges. Let m*e here set dewn turn from a fear or from a hopeleF,, first bottie. Now I feel ne pain and deadiy feud wîlth one another, Le- some'of Mny reasons. puzzle. Now, we may talk as we arn cured. Yo r rernedy le deserving caus e where one kind cf stock Lad Firqt, j_ç us def4ne the wQrj. By please about finding Qed in trees of praise.- Mrà.E4 YCHÀTEL, fed the other kind could find ne -vlmrclr1[ do iiot heve -refer-te -any arnd-broaks,-inx-pooy a-ntiù- - YiyeduBleier utnncuI ar nao one seot, wlhat is in mind is that nieditations, but human nature is Another Operation, Avoided. case of wbether sheep or cattle w-ider institution, t)f which oach de- hurnan nature, and unless we giv Poughkeepsie, N. Y. -1 run a sewing should occupy the ranges; there nomination is a part, whichis-made regular expression te an mti) machine in a large factery and get ail was net room for Loth. Up, of hiuman beings assoiated te- or convictionr it will die cf inaun run down. I had tei give up work for 1 Biily the Kid cared little for cat- couid net stand the pains in my baRk. tle and less for sbeep, Lut hie was Wether for the worship of Oed. That: tien. TedctJ?.d1nëedýnoprto Je te esay the socîety fer the ro- The race is some thousi-ands of for womb trouble but Lydia Ê~. Pink- quite willing te take sides- m otcf the religieus feeling, This years old and is sorneý wiser than ham's Vegetable Compound did more FOR A CONSIDERATION. iucl-udes Jew, Catholic, and Pro- yeu or 1, and the experience cff ho fer me tban the doctors did. 1 have testant. rc sta ttdtmsc gained five pounds. 1 hope that every- S i nae isl o n fte raceis hatstaed tmesof orsip oe wo i suferig fom emaecnttle kings, ostensibly as a cow- I knew tbat religious institutions, alone keep alive the disposition te trouble nervousuess and backache boy, but in reaiity as an arrned1 have persecuted , Leen cruel and worship.' Mots knew what Le wa,4 wiil taite the Comnpound. I ewe mny guard and paid rnurderer.1 narrow, and have often opposed when he inserted among the thauks te Mrs. Pinkham. She is the Biliy the Kid's aim was deadly.< "ience and political progress. Nei- comniandrnents the order te devcte werking girl's friend for health,, and Ris cunning was almost superhum-1 Thrhave I any excuse or apology every seventb, dayte the religious alwomen wbo sufer should write te, rerthee hîns:the wre ndarefelin, er and take ber advice. -Miss TILLIE au. Hie stalked shepherds as men lu a'e n wicke. Butit isnote Oelngtewh., hrfoe ianPLENziG,JaySt.,Poughkeepsie,N.Y. stalked garne. To him, indeed, wrou nd ikd u ti e ntewoe hrfr,1a Thirty years of urîparalleled euccess they werc, game, -euse uer apelogy te observe what sure any right minded person wil] confirms the power cf Lydia E. Pink-, Iu five years, Ly wbich.tinte be ià the truth, that în every instance Le helped by regular attendance it, Lam's Vegetable Compound te cure was "cf age," hee bad killed twen- thee eils arese plainly frein the ehurch. The late Senator Hoar cf female diseases. ty-one cf thern, a lifefor eacb year human wecakness, ignorance,, and Massachusetts felt deeply upon tiis_________________ of is if e. But by then the United pevriAo the men, and neyeriand that, toc, more as a cuitured] States Goverument bad seen fit te eau ,,,le tra,,ed te the influence of the jman than as a reîîgionist. wbich are hiable to weaken Ly age, take a baud in the "game." Tle' relgius eeing itself. DR. FRANK CRANE. and disease, supply yourself with range war was ended Ly miitary T1RE GOLD 0F DIVINE LOVE nutrirnent tiikeu froin the sarne or- intervention. And Billy the Kid is ecesarly llyedwît huan i.ganis cf other animals. But in sucb found bis occupation gone. Impý1e(,rfcin; anld h thngs con- AAEEIELI UE cases the ativice of the most coin- He turned bandit, and, soon ,painet of cand cverytinse om AAEERATIRLS petent medical authorities sheuld gatbered round him a gang or de- th' aiedalo ad not frmtie gcld. Reeommended te Those Who Hn- e carefully consulted. speradoes as chugereus and as ýîioally ad nt fom te gld.]ffln- The, Japan Herald adds: "Thebe loodtbirsty as hirnself. He stole SLIngaiei faiteVtee ger Afici- Long Life. Jiji right have mnade up th e round cattlc and raul tbern across the bor- foie1- ,ith t~use of a littie cern- dozen fsgetosb nomn e noOdMxc. H hl mon sense uddsyrnpathy, we note The fllewiung sanitary regula itsrn of suggestion se y infofg tde itagd eicoe. le r"held fi u f ail that the chureh is the, tiens appearing in a recent issue raeshw-uteedhsoipgh saeccbs.lerbe eldes orgnizaice n eat o~f the Jiji are recornrnnded Ly the hohduties and coming bigLer cnes* luely ranches, rnurdering the in- atdüates rnas o nuc aritreJne unidt te hne--tbey can obtain tbe'moneytepur- mates if they dared teo cher the mas-ory; n famly tre Jipanee Herld t, thoe huger- hartthelesofusartalet sbcwed RisIlnanaie bas rcot0s se deep; ne existing dy ig mter long ie: stuffs calculated to leungthen lile. became a terrç'r spid à,hyword. n; ty is se icuerable. It is a cern- -irst--Speocl as mueh time out ef AJpns okakeiga Oeo iotfiosepot foirt te get bold of somethlu*ig that doors as possible. Bask much ùinA Jaanesie o orm eeingu- as te cf brestf -nctsepLoits lisstood through the centuries. the suni and take plenty of exercise. wii n hlrno onsigu-wsterhey c b icî lin rny httleiý eeting b, ouse I daim Take care that your respiration is eeynady ol o bt- ouutdylBauk. THisads dondi mernLersh~p md uiywt htauysde nirglr essly Le quite satisried witb meat Loddyib.leadLsLn bhuc wRhosealtr es Moses Luilth t Second-As regards meaîs cat at one meal per diern. When rent, rode up to the deers ou borseback, th1taidrness, w ose ser smetohboc uayai ettedctrsLIs ltiu1fe mdteshot the cushier dead, and got awýay lu heLti inth catacornbs of Rorne diet Le eggs, cereals, veg-etables, thousanti andi one miner expenses itfrytouad olr. iiI *the reigu of Ne-ro, whose loi ty fruits ancd iresh cew's uilk. Take falling te the let cf the housekeep- GARIRETT COULDNT INSURE. cath!edra1s grace - ,,ilan andi Co- 'the ast naneti as much as possible. lieha nethtere multb It was then, felt tbat "somnetbing loýgne, andi whose i eekly gatberiugs Masticate yeur focd cîrefuliy. itechnefthfaiy surfeit- bmd got te Le donc." Even in tbe zýt iIltake laceinuevery city--anti f ThsliT&ZiTaite a hot -bathY eseryday r;~si-wtb-cg- crc-s vl n elyws b t~dn hame fteselwehri niasen ahoc rtseý tables, fruits anti fresh cow's mih'k." der" up. The citizens cf Lîncoln c ,Jci s1synagogue, (Jathehic churcb, week, if tbe heart is strong encngh N PEIE County assernbîed ini soidîîîn con- oPotsotChapel. te Lear it. N PEIE clave, and elected Pat Garrett f,1 It i mean Goti, one way or an- Fourth-Put on roughly-woven their sherifi. lHe was te boltiof- ete;it alwas sas meat God. I uudeî-wear (cotten fabries are pre- Ti imd IIIeir fiee for eue year certain,adbi arndrwn teo this antiquity, this ferable) andi clothes; a corfortable If you have nc appetite for meals, salry for that period was to Le pesitut bis triumph over tirne. cllar, light bat cf any material ca't work, can't rest and are aDj five tbcusaud dollars. Spaiuof the sins cf the church an-cl well-ftting bcots. noyed witb tee frequent urînatien But there was eue condition at- toc0, ilt rnight net Le eut of place to, Fifth-Early te Led anti earhy te anti a Lurning, scalding pain in tacbed te the drawing cf it. li.e was rernurk that it bas always Leen the rise. rnakiug passages. te capture Billy the Rid, or kili rlgosfeeling itseli thît bas Sixth-Sleep in a vcry dark anti If at nigbt yeu retire, Loping for bim, the eîtizens tii net greatly pointeti eut those sins anti dernand- very quiet rocm, with windows sieep that ci- cire wbscb. canti secureti reierm. Tise chureh epen. Let the minimum cf sleep- ther deess Now Pat Garrett Lad Leen a car'-ies iin henself lber own cure. ing heurs Le six or six and ene-haîf corne, or is - Ldmn islm ewse Anlother, and most human reason, . ours, anti the mîaximaum seveil andi trouLl'ed andiu iel rlinnre.O h feýr churcbgoiug, is tbat cburcbgo- one-Laîf lheurs. Iu case of womA, fitfuh, y ou Lave hvmery dy cfhis lecftheon Le and cr*s as a rule are the Lest kiud cf rest of eîght and one-Laif heurs is kitiney troubile islibtoc h etm peope. spak f aerags. tivsîbe, iggest revolvers be ceuld Luy for Cf course there are Lad people in Seventh-Take eue day cf abso-Bootb's Kidn,,ey- 2meey, said firewell toe i nf ai good people cut. But I speak lute rest per weck, on which yen Pilîs, the guar- Hdcide, aled fcr, tbi cf averages whon I sîy that the must refrain from even readiug and anteed rencysarcy c ho enind lieal, i !eau mindeti, houest agt, writing. for ahI kidney nayL metnd icdealy ci. staigbttried te' insure Lis life ini favor cf knlgenerous, and loyal folk Eigth-Try te avcid any -out- andi bhatder trouble. A few doses iwfebucolntfndao- griaechurchward. The imass burst cf passicns and strcng mental bf Both's1 Kidney Pilîs will wake ise nwif e cold notefudan cf-th atý least, of the unchean, wicked, stimulations. Do 'net evertax up the sluggish kiducys anti regu- risk. cimiinal, false, treacberous, anti your brain ut the occurrences cf lite the urine. Continueti treat- People, in fact, looked upon Pat crueýl folk drift fromn the churcb inevitable incidents or cf coming ment will cure anti heal the weak- Garrett as geeti as tiead, fer Billy a yevents. Do net say unpleasant eneti kitineys anti restore the appe- the Kid bad Loasted thît the min ýýthe wholc, therefore, 1 go to things, lier listen, if possible, te tite in the natural way. Solti ev- urc bLecause tbere I finti diugreeabie things. eyhr 0.bxorpotidfo )Ninth Be marrieti! Widows anti Tbe R. T. Booth Ce. Ltd, Fort "M IN F OKS; widcwers shoulti be remarrieti with Ere nt. Free 'trial sent on ap)-ià . ~tom~igisTsays, relerring to thie intantile deatti rate frm ntstnL diseases and diarrhoea spread by the h(Ouse jly, hebelie, ves7 that the so-called harmless fly is yearly caus- in te eahof thousands of infants, as well as spreading Ye gers csf yphoid fever. a~ he es tIoato nUd vour hîs of the'se dangrerous pe"zLss buools. '1lsey mime somersînes 3,000 pattýeras te entier at eue tine, says CsirsMagazine. The sarne tbing je truc of the la rge cutlery werks at Selingen, in Gerrnany. One firm bas 9,000 pat- ternus fer Germany alcue. New eues are censtiunthy cerning eut. The Su,ffohk works bave averaged tn uew patterns a week for two ycare. This is a tnade tLhat wil net Le standantizeti. whibieu esnwby Amneica bus failet -hith-, QUITE ',SAFE. "ealyh enare brave 1" a bung p th rcoven(,f t'le tele- curatLive resuis wiil astcish yI ýou. iCatarrhozone le little draps ci heal- did not live wvho couid take a "gun" frorn him, much le-ss cap- ture him alive. Nevertheiess, Garrett aiccorn- plishcd both feats. Disguised as a pediar, he drove up to the Kid's lair, and when the outlaw, assist- ed by his lieutenant, "big Dave" lludabagh, proDceeded to plunder his wagon, WITI S-HIIEKS 0F DELIGIIT at his simpiicity, he held them both up at the muzzles of bis two re- volvers, and foreed Rudabagh to bînd bis chief hand and foot. Then he iassoed the big man and choked him into insensibiiity. People couid hardiy believe their cars when they heard what had happened, and when Garrett drove iute Las Vegas with bis bound and handcuffed prisoners, they distrust- cd even their own eyesight. But Garrett forced bis captives to get up from tbe bottom of the waggon' and show themseives to the crowd, and the Kid reviled them ahl for poltroons and white-livered cow- ards, while Rudabagh, a huge black-bearded ruffian, shook bis manacied fists in their faces and spat derision. Then, for sure, they kuew that the rigbt men had reafly-been taken._ .And now a new danger faced the plucky ,officer. A, cry was raised to lynch th& prisoners, aad arrned mca gathered from ail quarters, Le-nt onr vengeance. C;arrett kept thern, al! at bay wîth bis revolvers, 'ipariiv that they woid ouly get at the Kid,and Dave across bis dead Lody. A train was waiting at the sta- tion, and eventuaily Garrett got bis prisoners on it by a ruse, and conveyed tbem te Sauta Fe, wherc tbey were lodged ini giol. BEAT OUT GAOLOR' S BRAINS. Estabi5hed 1873 0F CANADA 60 Brmee A Coplet Baning ervice Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, tarmers and private individuals. SvnsBank Deparhn t-Tever91Brandi Bowm anv îIle B r an.,ch:A1-À iIL Blackàýstock W8 A flIT2 Branches a190 at Newcastle, NDwt<>nvul1e» Orono, Oshawa, Whi*by an~d weàla. HISTIIRIC PEARLS ARE FOONO DISCOVÈRED IN A SCOTTISEI CUIRIOSITY SHIOP. Worn By MHary Queen of Scots At Exceution-Bouglit For Song, Soid For $80,000. A ften many centuries, anti lu a curicus ssay, a historie ecekiace cf black pearîs ssbicb Mary, Qucen of Scte, were on the mrnriug cf ber execution at Fetherngay Castie, bas Leen recovenet ini a romantie way. From that morniug ssbcn, ut the feot cf the scaffoît the ilI-fatet Q noon distributeti ber jessels anti money arnou'-g ber fnientis, the black A weck later the Kidi matie a peari necklace bati Leen lest sigbt sbami atternpt te bang bimself in of, anti wus ouly recently uneartb- Lis cell at deati cf nigbt, anti wben cd in an olti curicsity sbcp in a the solitary warder on tiuty rusheti small village in Scothauti. The in to eut him down, the desperado keeper of the shep parteti witb the feîl upon him anti Leat eut bis peinls te a lady custemer for $3.12, brains witb the mron leg of bis Led but there was then nothing te in- cet. Next, using the samne weupon dicate their real value. Now ex- ho killeti in similar fashion the perts have declareti that they are guarti on duty at the prison door, incomparable, anti. in f act, tbey teck the keys frent the deati man's bave Leen resolti fer ne hess a sum Leit, unleeketi the wicket gîte,> tian $80,000., anti got clear .away. NECKLACE BOUGRT FOR SONG As soon as Fat Garrett beard the news Lie realizeti at, once that Lie It scems that a shcrt tinie ageo a hiat te do the job aîl oven again. lady, ridiug lber Licycle in Scothanti But the danger was neow increased aecidently breke the ebain by tenfolti. The Kiti kuew the oflîcer, which bier oye-cglisse 's were sus- anti bis sharp eyes would pierce pendeti. Rýernmbering that in a tbrougb any disguise. It would Le ittie shop she bati scen a few a flght te the finish this time Le-, strings ef Leatis anti other trifles twecn the two men anti only eue dear te outhful sillage usaideus, coulti corne, 'ut alise. sb-e rode there te sec if ýshe ceuiti Garrett too ebase cf bis w-île ant infutscmcthing to replace foi a time chiltircu a second time, anti once ber brekea. chain. Upon examina- more bie set eut on bensebmek su tien nesse cf the ari cles in the seurcb of the- outlaw. Tbrce wecks sbop seemneti hikely te serve ber liter Le receivd information that purpose, anti sbe was oms the peint the Kidi, witb four of bis elti as- of heaving svbeu tbc oit lady bebint seciates. ahl amcd, Lad taken me- the cou-nter saiti: "I hase get mn huge in a deserteti cabin -on the ber- olti neck;îce that mnig ' t do, Lut it tiers cf tbe Mohave Descrt. ismucb more expensive. SLahh I- BIeLLY'WLkST STAND. I--fec t- Vr younl -A necklaée o ie waited until nigbtfall, tben rte agdI cku 'ets Lie stohe up cautiously te the eut- svas protucet. It titi net scem to site cf the rarnisbuckhe elti building Le quite wbat was wantet, but the anti listeneti. The outlaws svere curious workmaship of the champ there rigbt enough. tcok the lady's fancy, anti ion the Very cuutiously the officer tip- sudft'ev stlînsatisx tee round te whene there was a p-ne she became its osvuer, antit smaîî glazeti wîtiow, anti peepeti it attuching bier cye-ghasses sbe re- in. Tbere wcre, five men there, anti sumeti ber rsde. tbey were seateti round a table OFFERED $30,00 FOR TREM. playing cards Ly tbe hight of a tal- To bier punchase sbe attacheti Lut how cautile. Lying on tbe table, littlc importance, but, being one close Ly eacb man's rigbt haut, day in London, a frient, neticing wsi a revolver. the "beats," atimiredti tem net a Biliy the Kid was sitting rigbt op- litthe anti expresset a w entier as te pesite the wiudcw us it bappeneti, shere s ueh a pretty string bat anti Garrett ceulti easily have shiot cerne frern. it se ebaucedti tat bîm deati without furtber parley. sbortiy afterssards tbeossuer cf the But te te tbis wouhd Lurdiy bave "beats" bhat occasion te visît tise' fitteti in with western notions of sbop cf a decaler in antiques, ber fuir play. objeet Loing tbe purchase cf a Se Garrett walkoti round again grantifather dlock, anti wbile there te the front, andtihtbe, holding a sLe sbowot ber "Leatls" te the revolver in cither baud, Lie kieketi toaler, asking birn whmt Lie thouglit open tbe ticor. cf tbern. After a sbort inspection, "bauds up., aIl of ycun!" Le the doaler Locarne quite anirnateti shoutet. fngcring each "Lead" in turu, and Four cf tbe men instînctivehy asking se urany questions as te oss obcycti. Bihhy tbe Kit matie a griL anti when tbe lady Lad Lýecame their fer bis resvolver. Botb weapons owner, that ber curiesity was cern- spoke But the efficers pletcly urouseti. Weutiering ssba aim was the truer, anti the outlaw it coulti all mcmn, she took bier bell teat across the taLle, shot "Leats" te a jewelier cf repute. througb tbe. heurt. Rere they aguin exciteti great mn- ______ ______terest, Lut this time worts were accompuniet by dectis, fer the jew- For Frost Bites anti Chilblains.- eller sait that if ýshe caret te part Chilblains cerne from unducecx- witb tbemn, Le tbougbt Le ceulti get posure te slush and colti anti frost- bier as mucb as six tbeusantd bite f rom the ioy wiuds of ssinter. poirtnti-for Le suit, "Tbey are Iu the treutinent -of eitber there is black pearîs cf bain quality 1" no better prepuration than Dr. Fortuuately for Lersclf, instinct Thornus' Echectnic Oil, as it coun- promptet iber te dechine this offer, tenuets the inflammation anti ne- anti, Living relatet bier -expenience hieves the pain.- The action cf the te a fnieut, upon bier ativice she oil is instantaneous anti its appli- betoek berseif te eue cf the mc- cation is extremehy simple. kaesshedged experýts in matters co- -- neetwitb antiquities in geiseral STRANGE DESERT SAND. -- .' - - ' sore and diseased parts. Ycou breathe Santis founti in parts cf the great 1them throuigh the Catarrho.ýzonlebinhal- Afîantesent bave seme peculiar -er and they epread throuch-out a!l the poete. We abrt pi air passages.piicý hngtee pi 3 It la sense as well asha nb- the baud at rubbeti viohcnrly the cause Ctirrhozone is a gem iller, a srnal prtcsarc sit to becomne houler and restcrer of wa tisýsues, cocher tî if touchet wbihe in ne' because it ls se promptmd certain Motion. Soelc the partiches fnom In its resuits, btter than myother i pt1-ü remody for diseases cf the tî, lungs a fcss feet su deptbi are botter tha-n ad bronchial tubes, and i1. ethrtos-ou 1o h srac.Alit- -alcohel, mcrphiu onrccine-.ail ding- tic cf the sniblos tregha sshl rniuapeCull,'ir soui, as throCat andesdnsa asgs tan i ir n klttedap f e anee.11s iSgr. Pace i nlàt Rete oior to Ga or d-Promoes aluxuiant heath har roth-Sýýtop s zits sampl boae.-PiIo !H-y pepii tG. REFu sE A LIl J Il~.- Fom ý sl dreoîue i andi of ancdent jeweilery in partfo. uiar. Here a Lrjef examInafion ô! "THE "BEADS' andi a giance at a bock cf referenqý, were Buffloient. "This, ma.dan,t,à the string cfbliack pearîs wornibý Mary, Qu'een of Seots, on the daeý --her-execei--- The-p"arla ha-v auffereti by negiect, Lut I ean biiy theni from yen, shouiti you wiBlhV sel! them for sixteen tbiusand pountie. I shahl re-scîl thcmi at, a p refit te a customer if you aocept my offer, wbich remains open fo r our censideratien as longas you ike." After ccnsulting ber frientis the lady titi accept the offer, anti shortly afterwards the oltisd womian in tihe, ittie Scotch villagê wasý equahly delighted anti as astçun- isheti te receive a cheque for one theusînti jounds. So, fer the first tinte, as far as we know, since the-A grcy day in the month of Februare, 158-,, wen the grim Leadsman'% axe li low the loveliness of i1k fîteti Mary Stuart, the peais thai enr-aiichiet the neck -wbich, a ,writee 1of the tiines tells us,wa "gracefi.à lc-yond compare," wil on moee serve te, enhance a wovan' a chîrms, çyhile for 300 long yeýarrî anti more their erstwhile royval own. er, for whose fair Leauty mneto ready to risk their lives anti faine, bas lain forgotten in the sleep that kxîows ne waking. EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA. jThe Grand Truuk Railway System unnounce that on Tuesdeys, Junec 27th, Juhylitb anti 25tb, August srth anti 22nd, September .5t,, 1nd U itL, 191 1, Rfomeseekers' Ecr sions wilh .be rua irom mll stations in Ontario anti Quebec te Western Canada, vsa Chicago and, Duluth or via Chîicago, St. Paul anti Minne- apolis, at reduceti round trip fares. The -s-elh kuowsu double track lhue cf the Grand Trunk frorn the East ~te Cbscago appcals te tLe traveller, anti sxt iesmeirtraî sr vice that is ofieroti Ly this linc, in, ýcludsud- the tamons "Intcermat-lonal Limiteti" frern Mentreal daihy at 9.00, anti whicb is the finest anti fastest trasn lu Canada, rnauy passenger5 wiliL e attracteti this way. Tise route via Chsicago i s a motinteresting ene, tak,*ug pas- sengers througb the principal citiez, anti towns in Canada anti in the States ef Micbigan anti Indiana. Ini addition te this a choice cf seven hunes Letweeu Chicago anti St. Paul andi Minneapolis is effýereti. Osvîng te the great number cf Canadians wbc reside in Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb anti other oities en route, tberc, is ne deubt that tbe Grand Truaký wil fînti many patrons wbo will take ad- vautage cf the apportunity thus if- fordedti ter for a brief visit At the stations with their frientis. Canadisn citîzens are exempt from so-cahleti Immigration Exam- inaticn, anti there is ne dct-entidn at any point. Baggage is carrnedthtrougb the Unitedi States in' bond witb eut re- quirsng any special attention on the part cf the passeuger. Inspec- tion is net necessary ut any cf the pýoints at the Border. Another feature that will appeal1 te the Lomeseek-er is the ceinfor- table trînsfer at points hUnke Chi- cage, St. Paul anti Duluth into fresbhly ventihatetd cea cars, aveid- ing theý necessity cf travellinga long distance in tiese ame car. Iu addition te the above routes, the sale cf tickets is aIse au-theniz- cd via Sarnia, anti the otei Navigation Cornpany's nigisificeuli Steamers across Lake Rumep anïï, Lake Superier. For further particulars upeiy tef( auîAgotof the Gsand Trnkj RsL: 1way Sy stern, or w rite ite Mr. J. Osis'an, District PsegrAet j BonsertS tation, Mniao 1 s.t.E. Dil.j District Passeage Iu In-dua ne beggur is ifusedo, -TilE-57

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