TO THE AMATEUR ne Wh'îy no, give me a triai 'developing -onrfilinmssud finishing youc pictures? BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 29, 1911. 'My prices are igbi and my work is beit. Titos RoBSON, O IA Yhotlo Studio BowmanvilleS LNA 1 à I DOMINION DAY Sïn'glë Fare For Round Trîp ý-ii inýmnm charge of Ht5) between al sa toiin Canada, ilso pt, Nigara F t1s anit BuflN. Y.. Detroji. and Port Huron, Mtc. Tickets good going June ith ndJuly lst. 1ietncn linit July 4 EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE TO 1~ka.Lake ot Bays, TeMagaiiii, Algonti Yc, Heorgian Bay, etc. Coninencing Sat- urday, June 24th, trains wiliteava Toron- , asfollows:--2.05 a. ii., daily. Mus- kokaHnnsx iteTcîag nîiEx- Press, 101 a. n. ctily except Soinday, iPenetanig- iont vilie Expres 1.- -0 noon, M,,ksloka-iinntss ilte Express daily exccept Snnday. Convenient connec- !iwîs 'iron ail points in On1tacto. Literature aud ful information from =ny Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. B. Duiff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ontario. Securetickets and full information from. Juy& Lovel. Onfly 4 Days at Sea DOIION WIT E STAR- CANAm~A SrieSailin, Weekty Between _OTREAL -QuEBEG -LIVERPOOL Ï)y ii the tiwin and triple screw steamers LARCEST, FINEST, LAURNTIC MOST MODERN STEAMERS BETWEEN CANADA AND EUROPE MECANTI1,hORCHESTRAS CAR- TfEUTOûN i1 ONE GLASS CABIN (I1) SERVICE, AFFORDINC w A MAXIMUM FACILITIES CANADAAT MINIMUM COST, Reýplete -witb the latesi devices for corn ao n sd safety, iuctuding Marconi sud S-bmiaine Signais. Ther Third Claîs Accommodation is tise besi exýperience cao devise. Closed rooms ùilly For il information apply to M. A. AMESAgent, BowmiANviiLLE. Comcencirg Tuesdsy, Jue 13, 1911, sud every, Tucsdav m-d Friday ducing the scon thi8 confotabte IBoxvmaiilu.....7e a. M, Oshawa ...............38.00 a. ms. Whithv ............... 8.4,5 v. sm. A 1rrives iiL Toi-oato at 11,15 a.în ]ltsc1ni1ng leas co Yoursg St. wharf, Tootat 5 p. m RýETiURN FARE FROM 50 AIL PORTS Law Rates - uck Desputh - 1AGENTS F. C. Pethick, Bowmanville. C.lC.THo'IuIs OSîîWA. 11 -1,. BLOW, WHITBX-. 'ROYAL MAIL STEAMIERS PTUESQUE STI LhWRENGE ROUTE !Motreal to Liverpool. 1154.Jue 53 Victorsan F ri. jTly2H Icri in 30 corsican Fri. Juiy 28 Ysi Jey irgiian Frn. And. 4 . i l .ji 1 uni-,ian Fri. Ang. Il Mlonitreal to Glasgow. 2s.Joe'4 11L%ýdeiian si. Juiy 22 "Sat. jnlly l I'- n10t11A11 2 Sa.July s Oie fn St.A8 Jta. 15iyiz Sloti,îe sat. Aug. 12 Montreal to Havre & London This Service is composed of onu dlais, .econd, cabin steamers, sailing trous Mon- treal every Saturday, rates molerale. Fzor full particuars of cales sud sailings Z-pplyto M. A. JAMES, Bowmanviile, Ontario. Canadian Nort hern Steamships Limited. MON01ïïTRE AXL QUEBEU ISO ROYAL CEORCE SUMRSATLNGS: FcmBrist1ol Steamenr Moniceal & Que June 255h Roal Jdn ara iniy11 n 1i i , 21.oyl 1rg ny51 ~ng. lrd Ryal drt Sept. 11h For fou iinforma1tioni apply to M. A. JAMES, Mn Cua illiams ih visiting iPr P....... Mss Lena Taylor is progres- ing nicely trom an operation... Mr. A. T. Westlake, Oshiawa, lias been engaged wihbMr. L. T. Paîcoe..Seventeen pupils wrote ou Buicance examinalions hure, Principal F. J. Groat, Hampton, presidiug...Mr. Walter Vice lias vecy mucb beautified bis propuriy by a new lawu tencu but by Brown & Allin.. Master Melville Werry hi bolidayiug ai Lake Scugog . B.. leciions of offilcers ai Division Fridav ight ..Monster teus- perance picnic at Hamnpton-on-the-Lake about Juiy 20. Watcb for particulars, ..Mr. R. J. McKessock pcesided ai the Butrance exami. aI Blackstock... Mci. R. F. Wilkinson, sister ot Mc. Jas. Jebson, leaves for Bngland nexi week. She liai made many friendi wlio will regret ber departure. She recently visitud Toronto sud Niagara Falls... Wilfrid Werry, Moireai, hs spending vacation witb bis grandpareuîs ai Roseiandvale. Harîli pugative remedtes are fait giv- lnug ay 10 the genîle action sud mld effecis of Carter's Little Liver pis. If ou iry thein they will ceriainly please ýyoo0. HAYDON. Miss Bva Pascoe is visiting ai Mr. Jas. Moore's .... Mr. A. H. Moore aitended tbe tuerai of bis sont Mns. Sheppard ai Toronto Ibis week ...Haydon Sunday Sclîool beld is anoîverîary services Suni- day aflernoon sud evening, the large lent bcbng filted 10 ils capscity. The childreu sud members of the school occupied the piatforus wicb was decocaled wiih plants and ttowers. ltey. J. W. Wilkinson, Toc- onto, preached very iuteresting sud profit- able sermons of s heiptul nature. He aiso sang bre solos which were mucli apprecialed. The ichool, under the Iesd- crsbip of W. H. Creepur wihbMci. S. Trewin as orgauist, f urnished'other mui. Mr. Theron 1'Mountjoy presenied the ce- poil of the ichoot whihl was very salis- frciory. Collections smounted 10 over $19. Ou Saturday July it Dominion Day ai 3.30 p.m. a football game wiil be piayed betWeen Bnhîkillen sud Solina, sud ai 6 p.m. a football game will be played bu- îween Cadmus sud Tyrone teami. Tes wili be servud trous 4 p.m. At 8 p.m. a grand concert will be given by finit-das atisîs from Toronto: Mc. Harry Bennett, entes lainer, Miss May Crabbe, elocution- iii, Mc. Frank M. Bemrose, lenor soloisi, Prof. Bowies, accocupanit. Admission: adulis, tes sud concert 40c, cildren 25c; tua or concert 2;C, cildren î5c. If you had taken two of Carler's Little Liver Pis before retiring you would flot have liad Ibat-coated tongue or bad laite lu the mouili Iis moruiug. Keep s viat willi you for occashonai use, TYRONE. Miss Bita Goodman is spending s few dayi wiib bec broiber aI Duidai. Mr. F, O. W. Wurry, B.A., SaranacN.,r- centty visited bis- parents M. -s.d-Mns. Pceter Werry ..Miss Bts Camspbel], Tor- onto, s spendiug vacation ai home,.. Miss Aima Wigbt sud Miss Cors Scott, Bowmanville, speut Coronstion Day witb friendi hure ..Sunday Scliool sud evun- ing service wure îilbdrawn Suuday on account of Haydon aunivesary .. . .Long SaulI picnic will be beld on Thursday lu- stead of Fîiday ibis week. . . . Best wishes follow Rev. H. S, sud Miss Speucu wlio leave Ibis week for Bloomfield afler labor- ing four years faiihtuiby sud welt on ibis circuit ..Mr. sud Mns. Paul Trebilcock aud Mc. andi Mri. C. Relider, Boîvusanville, autoed ,, the S. S. picuic Tbursday.. Members of Long SaulI L. O. L. wibl at- tend service iin Tyrone churcli nexi Sun- day eveniug when Rev. Wm. Higgs will give an address ..A social sud program w""l bu huld "'n hle churcli Juiy th. Ru- serve thie date ..Loyal to King, Country sund Suuday Sebool Tyrone turned out, un1 masse to clebrate Coronatiou Day lu Mc.1 W-. HambF-y's grove. - Through the- kiud- nuis of Mr. A. W. Annis a merry ioad of picnickers had the pleasure of a joy ride1 10 the groundsinl a wagon under tbe care- fui management of Mc. Sid Pedler wlio andcd ail safety on lime 10 eujoy tlie foilowing games: Boys' race, îo yrs. sud under-Gordon Farrell, Waller Rabus; Girls, - 0 y-n. and under-Inene-Farrell, Mary Richards; Boys, i5 years sud under -Lance Phare, Cecil Rabm; Girls, 15 yrs. sud under,_ egg race- Gladys Virtue, Mag- gie Higgius; Youg me's race-Lorne Robbins, Norman Pooluy; Young womuu s race Gladys Virtue, Mabel Wight; Mac- ricd me's race John H. Multon sud W. Chlalis, even; Boot race-Garnet McCoy, Gordon Farrell, Harold Clumens; 3 legged race, 15 yrs-Fred Hodgc and Albert Morris, Harold Skinner sud Garnet Mc- Coy; 3 legged race, under 15 yrs-Lsnce Phare sud Otho Staplus, C. Rabm sud W. VirtLne; Sack race-Cccii Ralic, G. Mc- Coy sud H. Clemeus; Hop, stcp sud jump -Lorne Robbius, Will Staples; Long jump-Lornu Robbhns, W/i Staples. A good-ualured game of football followud, msrricd men v s. single men, rcsuiting su s tic. Jmmediaieiy atter cloths werc sprcad for ihose assembled who did jus- tice ru a dainty luncheon of the delicacies of the suason, On risiug fnom refresb- menti Mr. Paul Trebhlcock, Bowmanville, lu s neat speecchireferred lu the signifi- cance oftihe coronation cecemonies sud rcquestud al 10 join ini snging the Nation- al Anthem. A cheerful response wass made aud Mc. Trehit ock liearthly cncorud. IhIe eveuiug a football match beiwecu Haydou sud Tyronu juniors was playud witli s score i-i. Mn. A. W. Annis, the painstaking sund devoted Soperintenduni, aud is falîtul baud of officers sud teacli- urs arc 10 bu cougnatlated on the succesi of the picole sud 'oftihe paît ycar's w,-ork doue by the ichool. Cilizens shouii!ld show their apprecîstion by s cegular atundaincu ai the ichool, cspecialiy at thee Aduit Bible Cais tauglil by Miss Fsuny Virtue, onu of the mout consucratcd christiani, intelli- gent Bible studenis sud efficient tuachers lu the couniy. Hec sincereiy prayerful suid cean presetation of the sacred truthi caunt ,tfaîl 10 impresi ihose shu so beartiiy wcmsto lber cdasin1thle auditorium Sudyaflunoons. Chilciren Cr- FOR FLETCHER'S lie died before miedical hielp could be 5brought Tbe ma-chine which siruck hlm iwas lu char-ge ofGeorge Heley, of Osbi- 1awa, o& McLauigllin M11otocr Car Co. officeý Hacokdied fromcocusinof ibe brain. He wvas unmiiarried sud about 40) yea-rs of age. Mr. 1Hncock was a sonli thlie Johin T. H. Hiaicock of Kedlroni, Mci. Hnokrceýive-d the- sad news by plie. 2 LONG SAULT. Tbe annual picnic of the Long Sauli school will be beld in Capt. Wm. Farrell's grove on Tbursday June 29th. Among the principal features of the atternoon will be the races by the acholars and others, in- cluding the "Bon" and "Sack" races, and races-by old aud young men, also old aud young womeu. Two games of football wîll also be played, one between Juniors and the other between the old men and tbe young men. Dont miss ibese. Bvery- body come. Bring yourself and somne other person and bc prepared 10 enjoy a good time. 24 3 Ail disorders csused by a bilions siate of the system cn be cured by using Car- tei's Little Liver Pilîs. No pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. Try them. HAMPTON. LAKEVIEW CAFB-Ice cream, ice cream sodas, Sundoes, chocolates, candies, nuis, fruit. Oysters in season. Best of accomodation for the travelling public. 25-tf -A. EB. Jennings. Anniversacy services Sunday were a great success. Our new pastor, Rev. C. W. Barreit, preached in the morning 10 the cbildren and in the evening to the aduits, and iii needless 10 say ihat every one was delighied wiih the new- pastor, Collections over $25.00. Il you want 10 have a good lime don't failto10bce ai Hampton on the îsi of JuIr. For paric- ulars see posters...Mrs. R. Avery is gaininig very slowly ..Mc. Jabez Moore lost another valuable colt lasi week ... 1Pleased 10 leaco that Darlington was suc- tcessful lu ils suit wiih Beacom lait week. ...Mr. Wmn. Gay and daughter bave returned from Manitoba... Mr. LeslieI Keller, Belleville, spent Sunday with ifriends bere... Mc. Frank M. Brown,I Newcastle, was home Sunday. ..Mr. and Mn. Cleve Clemence, Kirby, spent' Sunday at J. T. Cole's._Mr. W. G., Doidge bas erected a isice new lawn fence in front of bis bouse. Mc. Levi Rob- ibins loit a valuable mare and colt recent-1 ly. ..Mrs. Harper and daugliter Lillian bave retorned for a two weeks' visit wiih ber parents before leaving for ber home lu Fort William....Miss Leila .Pearce, Manilla, is visiting ber frieud, Miss Ruby Champion.. .Women's Iu- :stitute meets Tbursday, July 6th, at 2.30 [P. m. ai Mci. John Joll's. Good pcogram iis expecied. Ail ladies cordially invited. . Brantford Roofing-bettec sud cheaper iban ibingles. F. H. Mason & Son. OSHAWA Mr. 1. Siedbam bas been appointed as- sesssor for 1911. Mc. A. Brodie, represented the local Sons of Scotland ai the Grand Camp ai London. Miss Chappell, Cardiff, Wales, is guest of ber brother, Mc. Frank Chappeli, town engineer. There is no poisonous ingredient in Holloway's Coco Cure, and it can be used witbout danger of injury. Mr. B. A. LovelI, of Jury & Gregory's dcug store, was called home owing to the serlous ilinesi of bis mother. The fraternal societies beld their annual d ecocation -services on Sabbaib. Services were conducted by Re vi. MeG regor au d - Hall. Worms feed on the vitaliiy of children and end 'auger their lives. A simple and effective cure is mother Graves' Worm Bxiecminator. Hon. Sydney Fisher, Mc. B. B. Devlin, M. P., Ottawa, and Sic. Allan Ayleswortb were recent guesis of Mr. F. L. Fowke ai Gladstonie Villa. Commencement exercises of Bisbop Bethune College were beld Jue 201h. The prizes were distributed by the Lord Bisbop of Toronto. Mr. sud Mci. W. Markle and dauglite r Mildred, who bave been visitiug Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Corulîli, Taunton, bave left for their home lu San Francisco, Cal. Miss Ina TodO. L. C., Whutby, is boli- daying with ber Parents. Miss Tod is 10 be congratulaied ou successfuliy passing lier uInermediate exams in vocal music. Mr. Chas. Thomas, who was injured in an automobile accident lu Toronto Coco- riation Day, is doing ai well as cao be ex- pected but is sitl in the bospital in Tor- onto. Several places of business and a nom- ber of private residences wece beauiifully aud ariisticaliydecorated for Coronation Day, one of the neatesi bcing that -ofMc W. F. Baton, King-st., B. Misses Ida Arnottsud Mildred Bulis have passed their Intermediate examina- lions in P ,iano ai the Torouto Conserva- .tory of Music, the former witb honors. 1Both young ladies are pupils of Miss Barn- bridge and witis iheir teacher are to be congratulated on their success. The aniual strawberry festival under auspices of the Ladies' Aid was held on Zion cburcb lawu ou Corouation Day. It waî said thai a langer crowd was neyer seen hure. Strawberries. cream. cakes, uic., wure servud in abondance. A very interustiug Luague football game between Taunton sud Bnniskilluu was plsyed, ne- suiting lu a tic. Whilc tua was beingj servud Morrisou's Goodyear Orchestra1 deligbîed the crowd wiIb Ibuir mue.t W/heu tua was over tlie Orchestra ce- moved to the churcli sud suon im as filued to ils utotîcspscily. The churcb sud lawn weru beautifutly decorated bunlionor of our King witli Union jacks, buntiug, flowers, etc. Mns. J. G. Laugmaid, Presi- dent, inirodocud the nuw paston, Rev. C. W. Barreit, and asked hhus b sci as chair- man, wbich lie did in s moît pheasiog man- rn, After aiugiiîg "Praise God Fromn Whom Ait Blessings Flow," the pastor1 offured s shont prayer sud su excellent progrsm were given. Readingi wure givun by Misses Auna Osborne, Bstllia Reynohds aud Georgie Langmsid, ah bu- iug well renderud sud mucb eujoyed., The solobsîs werc Mns. Jas. Jebson, Miss1 Gertrude Brooks, Mn. las. Jebson sud Mr. John Smith, sud the bearty uncores were gcacufuliy rcspundud to. A duel was nicely sung by Miss Gertrude Brooks sud Mn. F. Wahuri. The prograus wss inter- spersed wiili choice ictections t rous the Orchestra, whicih i always popular sud mucliappreciaîud. Miss L. Taylor sud1 Miss G. Langmaid were accompanisis. This succesîful gatbering chosed with the National Antbem. Proceudi about $ioo. At noon on Friday, Jue 23rd, the lait iciool day buforu the departure ut the Butrauce ciass 10 try ilium examinstious, quietuesi reignud. Miss ?Fva Ftinioff, onu of thie pupils, came tocward and ruad the following sddceîs: Mr. 111B. Ballard. DEAR TRACHE:-Thu lime of the yesr bas come whici we geuerally look for- ward with deliglit 10, "Somnmer Hoiidays." This vear, howeven, we are dreadiug it au escli day bringi nearer the thuse tisaI you whlb bu luaviug us for a larger field of iab- or. Doubtîcîs thenu have been miany limes when we bave dissppninted you by our neglecl sud csrulussuess. We are sure youý have doue your duty faithfoily sud we have learned 10 respect sud lionor your opinions. W/c caunot lu any way couvey to yout our appruciation of' your labors for u,but wc thouiglil we could not let you go without s uitIle token of our love sud( estuum. Plusse accepit huse cuff linýki, flot for theiïr value but as a siglit rememibrauTcu fcomi the scbolsns of S. S.No. 12.Hoigtayous hv succesi in you neuw under-takýiug sudlfel thai you will ways bave th- epetof youc o1ld sch11oo l ciu. signed ont bu- hait of the col CHARLES MARTXTN. At the propuer momienit Master Alitcud Flintoff prusun-ted s beautiful set of gold cui lnk.Mn. Ballard rephlied, thanýik;iug bis pupilsfi or thir kind roeumbraince sud assuniiug hIli that the pupils of S,. S. INo. ,î2, linfgtouI, wouid alw,ýays 1ave a arinsi place in bis affection. DOMINIOIN DAY. LIVELY DoiNGS AT HAMPTON. Saturday July 1 will as usual bc a big day at Hampton. In Lake View Park wiil be foot races, 'football, and other games-for prizes. Tea served from 4 o'clock. Miss Alma Margaret James, Post Graduate of Margaretta Saywell Boston Scbool of Oratory, will direct 'the evening program-operatta, castanet drill, commodore chorus, readings, singing, etc., one of the most attractive and interesting entertainments given by local talent lu years. Bverybody will want to hear the children. ORONO <Fronî The. ews) Mr. William McPherson, Toronto, vis- ited friends here.... Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jackson vis ited in Toronto . ... Mr. Isaac Cobbledick is oui again ...Miss Bima Dobson bas returned from. visiting friends lu Oshawa .... Mr. and Mis. A. R. Gamsby are back from California and are visiting friendi in Peterboro ... . Mrs. J. L. Cobbie- dick, Calgary, Aita., is visiting ber sister, who is ..l... . Mr. Mac Ross, Toronto, vis- lIed bis moiher, Mrs. (Rev.) A. Ross... Miss Florence Cobbiedick bas returned. home after a f ew weeks' visit witb ber sister. Mri. (Rev.) Chas. Adams, Newton- ville.... .Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Horswell and Miss Jennie McCullougb, Toronto, were in town recenily... . Mr. and Mrs, Avery Jobusion and family, Bowmanville, visited bis sister, Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan ...Miss Fiossie May Yeo, Oshawa, bas been visit- ing ber uncles bece,... . Mrs. Ekectra Bddy bas had erisipelas. Her sister, Mrs. Har- ris, Kirby, has been witb lier ...Mrs. F. M. Souch and son Wreford, BowmanvilIe, visjted at Mr. johniMillî Ir's ..Mrs. John Hughes, accompanîed by ber sister, Mrs. Staples, Newtonville, visited ber daughterl Mrs. A. Henry .... Mr. Arthur Barrett bas* returned home from Saskatoon, S....... Mr. Bdward Fielding, Toronto, and Mr. Robert Fielding, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. John Rickaby's.... Mr. S. Halliday is moving, to the late R. Moment residence. Bditor W. L. Smiths, wbo bouglit the Hal- liday farm, will moi e there with bis fam- ily from the city .... Mr, John Raper who for many years kept hoiel lu the village of Betbany, is visiiing bis daugliter, Mrs. Robt. Luon. His lait visit here was forty years ago. Mr. Raper at one time iived at Jackscn's Corners, now called Kirby, wbere he worked for Jas. Jackson, father of the enterprising proprietor of the Orono bus li.e..... Orono merchants close their places of business Tbursday afternoons doring Juiy and August ...About one hondred friendi and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Robertson gatbeced at their home lu the form of a surprise party June 14th 10 join in celebrating the fifteentb anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. Geo. L. Waddell acted as chairman and after a few remarks called on Mr. D. T. Allin, who read an address signed by W. A. Gibson, Wmn. Yeo, sud Mrs. S. Halli- day. At the proper time a purse of money was pcesented to Mr, and Mrs. Robertson by Miss Mary Davey, daugliter of Mr. W. B. Davev. Mr. Robertson, iu a few re- marks, expressed bis thanks for the kind remembrance. Numeroos short congratu- latory speeches were mnade and supper was served, aud a very pleasant eveniug spent. No service in Methodisi ciuccli Sonday evening ou account of annhversary servi- ces ai H-aydon sud Hampton. Cougrega- thon wss well representud ai boîli places .;.-...Preibylenian W.M.S. heid anuupen meeting W/eduesday. Miss FanIon, Osh- awa, gaveau excellent report 6f thuir work. Tes was served sud a pleasaul social lime enjoyed. . -..Mr. Fraser bas four pupils writiug on Butrance exam .. Metbodist W.M.S. sud League opened iheir heu cream parlor lait week sud wil sell Saturday everngsibrougli tihe-so- u mer, Tbis week wiib biave Thursday eveuing afier Luague... W/e welcome Mrs. (Dr.) H. Alexander sud childruo to our towu ...Mr. Bimur Herrng bas a new buggy ...We exteudounr deepeut sympatlsy to Mr. sud Mns. Levi Bruni in the death uf ber biother,, Wiil Haucock, Who was instantiy killed lu Toronto Sat- urdsy afttrnooni by au auto ..Visiiori: Mr. Thos. Cruikshank, Puturboro, Mns. Juwlel, Hampton, sud Mn. Rois Juweil, Port Ferry, aI ilie Parsonagu; Mr. sud Mns. Herbert Sbemon sud daughtun Gruis, Toronto, ai Dr. W. C. Slemon's; Miss Ethel Potier, Toronto, ai Mn. John Mc- Lsugbhlin's; Mrs. Robt. Achuson, Toronto, at Mn. jas. Marouuy's; Miss Beclie MeCon- nachie, Toronto, withliber moîher; Miss Shortridge, town, witli Mci. F. -W. Lue; Mr. Wiil Preston, iown, aI home; Mci. John Medcabt sud sons Bruce and Odis, Darbingion, Mn. sud Mrs. Albert Morris and daughtur Irene, Leikard, ai Mn. Chas. B. Stuwart's; Mrs. S. Butson, towu, wîtb lier sister Mrs. W/n. Herring; Mrs H. Col- lacott, ai IMr. W/m. Truwin'î; Misses Chris- tins Sauderion and Tena Siainton ai Mr. W/m. Trcwiu'î, Haydon; Misses Gertrude sud Esther Stevens ai ibuir uncl'î, Mn. . L. Brown, Hampton; Mr. J. J. Virtue sud daughter Sadie, ai Mr. Chas. Stonbouse's, Hampton; Mci. MeGilI, Southi Monaglian, Mn. aud Mci. Joe Ashton sud daughtr Lihîban, Bnifiuhd, sud Mn. sud Mns. Stone, Mt.Vroa . McGî'; c. J. Rutlcdgc sudI daughier Rilda, Salem, sud Miss Ciscs W/oodley.vTycrone. ai Mn, B. Stevens'; Miss Gracu Sbemnon wiih friendu ai Nusîleton. CASTOR 1lA For hIlfallts an-d Ckildren. TIHeKind You Haïe Alvwa S Boughct Bears ts NEWCASTILE. Mr. H. Hedges, Quebec, visited frîends here. Mr. Lowery of Millhrook, a former res- ident, is visiting friends here. Miss Gladys Jackson has returned from Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Mr. Robt. Barrie has sold lis farm on the lake shore to Wm. Lake for $90 per acre. Mr. W. H. Jackson attended the com- mencement exercises at the Ladies'Coliege Whitby. Miss Jane Parsons and Mr. Stillwell, Port Hope, were marrîed recently by Rev. A. M. Jrwîn. Mr. W. W. jardine, Higli School teacli- er, leaves after the holidays, having secur- ed a school near London. Miss Alma Douglas and cousin, Miss Gertie Britton, Toronto, visited at lier father's Mr. John Douglas. The G. T. R, overhead waggon bridge nortb of Fred Bone's, three miles east of the depot, was destroyed by fire Dr. G. H. and Mrs, Carveth and family of Toronto, will spend hoiidays at Port INdwcastle, having rented the Dr. Farn- comb summer residence. Our community was startled by the stsdden deaths, of Christopher Glendenn- ing, and Mrs. W. G. Bryans, wlfe of the Manager of the Traders Bank. Both had been in poor beaitb for some time, but their sudden end was not anticipated. The tormer leaves a widow, and Mrs. Bryans a bereaved husband and a litile daugliter. The interments took place to Port New- castle Cemetery, the funerals being large- ly attended, COURTICE Messrs. Militon Gay, H. Gay, W. R. Pickell, and F. W. Worden motored to Lake Scugog and enjoyed a day's fishing, bringing home some fine specimens.. Missf Ruby B. -Courtice witb ber aunt, Mrs. J. D. Storie, Oshawa, bas gone on a trip to Manitou, M. ... Mrs. Bd. Rundle and chldren, Chicago, Ill., are visiting at Mr. Simaon Penfound's... Mrs. W. Dickinson and daugbter and Mrs. D. Brunskill, Tor- onto, are guests of Miss Birdie Dean.... Mrs. L. Sanderson, Bast Toronto, is visit- ing Mes. W. R. Courtice. ..Miss Vera Werry gave a party to about twenty-five young people Friday, Ail report a splen- did time. A number of friends met at the Parson- age Monday evening and presented Rev. Jos. Barnes with an address read by Mr. Howard Foley as follow s: Bev. Jos. Barnes. DEAR MR,. BARNES ;-On this the eve of your departure from our midst, we bave assembled here to meet once again with you our pastor, who has labored so earnestly among us for the past tbree years. We, in a smail measure, realize what it means to one not in tise best of health and surrounded by a famaily to move to a distant circuit, thus in order to assist you in defraying theadditional ex- pense incurred and as a token of our Ibest wisbes for the success of your efforts in your new field of labor we would ask you to accept ibis purse of money. We pray that Heé in whose cause you are giving vour best talent may grant you improved healili and cause the fruits of your labors to redound to His glory. Trusting ihai you may be spared manyyearsto carry on His work amid the -most congenial cir- cumstances, we would take a kindly fare - wel of you, -your beloved wife and family.- Signed: JOHN WORDEN, J. C. TRULL, J. D. 3,TEVENS, WALTER FOLEY, W. E. COURTICE, JOH-N PENFOUIND, Titos. SNOWDEN. A purse containg $90 was presented to Rev. Mr. Barnes trom South Darlington circuit. Mrs. Barnes was recently pre- sented with a Lite Membership in the W. M. S. by Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Osborne of Ebenezer. The best wishes oitihe com- munity go with Rev. and Mrs. Barnes to- their nevy home at Tamworth. ENNISKILLE14 NISINGS FOR IMEN. For Dominion Day and beginning of Snm= mer Holidays you wiIl need some neg- ligee Clothing and Furnishings. Here are a few reminder of what we carry. Men's Tîvo-Piece Suits $5.95 to $13.95 Men's Liglit Weighit Odd Trousers, with cuifs and, Beit, Loopes $2.00 to $3.50. Men's White Duck Trousers Men's Negligee Shirts, white dock, rnesh, mercerized cotton, wifh re- versible collac. Negligee Shirt, soft collar and tie to match, ail colors $1.25 to $2.150 Soft Collacs and Wash Tics, Wash Vesta Ail kinds of Underwear, Balbriggan, Zimnmecknit, Pocous Knit, B. V. 1). (Athietie), Long and Short Siceves and Dcawers, Two- Piece and Comabination. Straw Hâ~ts, FeIt Hats, Panama Hats, and Summer Caps This Store wilI close -êvery Wednesday afternôou at 12.30 Dùring Mùy and Angust. The Anderson Clothing CO FaIl Terni Open Aug. 28th ini the Popular and Progressive 1 1 aT Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts TORONTOONT. TisH scbooi tank lg io tebs business colieges of ti otnn.Profo this statemn t is fuf 1te u lrecaaou write to-dIay for on.Slre fràou graclustes this year, lre hnee eoe it pays te get the bespatcleuain W. J. ELLIOTT Principal STUDY AT HOME Sand qualify for a guod situation in business liiie. l wii rois littie to do this. Gelour plan. WiteThe Shaw Corresponden". Sroo, oni ege St., -Turonto.- DARLINGTON COUNO IL Council met this day, ail members pres- eut, Reeve Bber Million lu the chair. Minutes cead and confirmed. Couniies' clerk wrote that $6,105.35 is Darlington's couuty rate ibis year-County Rate $5000, Debeniure sud Sinking Fond $775.35, Pub- lic aud Separate Scbool $33(. Commitcee appointed to consider wbat was 10 be doue to Gaud's Bridge decided t0 have it cepaired. Building of bridge beiween cons. 3 sud 4 sud opening of the road will be postponed. Couns. Stanley aud Stepli- eus are a commiltuee 1 have the old bridge repaired. John Reynolds was ru- appoinied Collector. Salary $i20. Reeve sud Treasurer weru authorized 10 borrow moneyriequired tli taxes are available. Orders were granled ou the Treasurer as fotlows: Wiru fence bonus: W. I. Clark, $2.85; W. C. Werry $3.75; F. G. Kerslake $4; M. Robbins $4.05; W. B. Pollard $4.35; Mci. Levi Arnot $5,00; J. Luxton $6,25; Truman Power $6,25; S. A. Nortbcott $io.o,- R. Collacuit $10,65; S. D. Souch $12.50; Mns. R. Reyuolds $11.25; W. Parc $12.90; C. A. Bigelow $19,50; A. B. Hoar $24.00; M. Munday, Jr., $26.25. Sheep losses: J. H. Mutton $3.10; J. Won- nacoit $4.00; W. Lang $5.30. R. Gal- lbraith, teaming, $13.50: Witness tees in .Beacom soit $46.80; J. Lane, care of Fred i 0; C. Rog.,ers, noxious weeds inspection $20,25; H. BîiÎolI, salary $90; R. Colla- cuti, cedar, $:?1.61; T. Brishin, cedar, $22.- 50; McClellan & Co., cedar,$215.33. Gcav- el bilîs,: H. Webber, $6; B. Mc(ýLautglinii $6.1c): T. Col1lis $8,40; L. M\. Courtice $10.60; J. Wonnacott $20; Alex. Siib $81; .Me$39; F. Sitb 1h 5 Advance 10 Trustees: S. S. No. 5 $5200, S. S. No. 6 $165, S. S. No. 9 $175; S. S. INo. 10 $225; S. S. N1o. i7 $125; S. S. No. îie $285. Mci. Anu Brooks, debentuires, No. 3e S. S. No. 3, 28, No. 4, S. S. No. 8, $230,62. H. BLLIO T. T'î 'p Clerki: GOODMAN & G LBRAITH Barristeis s nd Solicitors. N otaries Public,ý A. K. COODMAN, D. C. CALBRAITH 508 Lumîden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaidu-sis-. Toronto, Ontario. A GOOD WAY TO SAVE MONEY, -Buy Yoor Coal Now-sud Boy Sccsn- ton-the Very Best. Our stocks are near- ly complete sund the quality exceptionsbly good, sud when we say Ibis afier 36 yuars' expurieucu WR 1(NOW WHAT WR ARE TALKING ABOUT, as the Schooner Mowat lias brought in four cargoci, 2000 tous, of the briglitesi sud cluanesi Cliesînut that could bu producud, and two cargous, i000 tons, of Bgg, Stovu sud Pua of equauby gocod qushity,-each pound- of -h the very beil Scranton coal. The above stock is ai ibheliarbor, sud we have sîso s fuli stock ofthie samie quality ai the G. T. R. station for the conl- vunience of farmers sud others wlio do not cacu 10 go 10 the harbor, Our preseul cash prices for coal dcliv-- ered to ail parts of thu town are:- Clesi- Dui $7.00 pur ton; Pua $6,00 pur ton, Bgg sud Stove $6.75, but should tliure bu any ruduction aler on ail our customurs who place their orduns eanly will bu protectedf as usoal by a refond, The prices ai barbon or station are 50c pur ton huis thosu wbo wisli to arrange ilium owu delivery. W/e bave also on baud a good sopply of Fruili Portland Cemeut, Fine sud Hem- lock lumber, drussed sud undrussed, Shin- glus, Laili, Cliaccoal, Salt, Land Plastur, Doors, Saîli sud Mouhdings. It is always's piessuce to show our goodisud quole pricus sud our constant ahu s 15 1 plusse our customurs. Be sure to cahl early sud luavu yoor or- dur, the cachier the butter. McClellan & Go., Limited, May 2Q, 19IL. Bowmanville. L. 0. à B. 0F QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO. (LiMTED) MAIL AND BXPRRSS SERVICE BEI WEEN Rochester, N. Y, Co- bourg, Port Hlope. Str. CASPIAN11 COMMENCING Mi29th, STEAE Leaes oonrg....... ..... _1.30' Levsport llope........._.>2.3 )0 1p, mi iDil xcept Snndayý1 for Charlotte, N. Y., (Port o1f Rochiester ). letuno- a.m,, daily exceptSudy Foul ifrainfromalaens L. E. HOREY, Gencshal nager-,Kýingstor, M.A. JAMZS, J. H. H. JURY, AGENTrS, BOWMANVILLE. 1' '~ h HOLIDAY CLOTHING AND PFUR- ziIý