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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1911, p. 2

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'ýMteae, usa , r ,winea. 5iaree a1e es ýTil ai eta i, . hl lerma maarabiesuecse bS isre he lisnt eri- wEcataea, pt Cer rta"' L tie AvRUZIcLi aS la qjsall vaeabe e<Jsatpsn ueg an:àd pre- Cc,"Yt ail duioree ottomapl uehatflslatIe CrbE ere te avstIsUnbreie ven If they exand Sebe oe ry tem will no ol,,odll 1e ille valu.. pe ae strmaety weotialney iil ont gbie orl prngtedowtbotthi em, tle les al! whlGa 'Oiey rarl ati v etal'ye d etgip r OA. E. IcLofGHLin. <Sflcrlteakiey i ok. lag tree 01ble rLle 9t4 Tlr Piitcorurse. 011e. and i Ret sidene.abealiroon t. Te. Eice ýno e OL thýU riii A usiess College ý.; A uldnToronto, these cÈooi diat niaejy 0i tise faremost business ien n c nad a have atteeded. studentaetr ng held write for cataloguce. CI r k.T. M.WATON Tiegreat Utetine Tertioj, and feasaie e 'ectuai Monthiy Regulatoroncrisicýli weiocuis depend. 'u1d lu threo dïlrees ofiî;tengtlis No. 1,$,l; No. 2, tor apeclal Ïs 5 peor box, Sold by all drugriote, or sent repamphlt cAdes: THE Wqe-sollit thée business o anicturer "lugneers and ailiers who realize the ,vdisabiîl y etfiavug their Patent businessa transacteti ,y Experts. Preliinryadvîce free. Charges ederate. Our Inventor's Adviger sent upon ' eouest, Marion & Marion, New York Lîfe Eldg. 1onàtreai and Washin£gion. 1D.C.. 1US A. - ' is E MARKS, Anynaeeaiu 5 COPYRIGHTS &a. Amyoe sndlg askretch snd descerigtion mal quickin ascertalu Our opinionfee ue heultna înivetn ilaprobabiy pateuteble <Xuîuî,snîea. hou sritl culietilel lAMOBO8OK on ateuts feau: fra,Ol0dept a eCe. for arngpaes l'aletu .takcu et rocIh Melnu & t0ncei qmIclalitef ire, ville. ut c a cge, le Ile A sade O, iusetratenl veakr. Iargcst n-; ;-rtouetsei cienOU ,jeri. iTarîts for <Dude l n ,pas age pirpid. S&5d Iy1cop-sJs el nuadan Nrthwcst Lanfd eN areon irie laise roeihiead et a fanily or eusmaie oe l 8neurse lti fltý" 10DtStada quarter sv.tu)nofcianai iblAO Dominion land iin 1%MinitobsaSas itcýheman or Aberta. lishe apolicant muai LPP(ca1 su oerso.s au tise nomiiîjon Lande C ' or ttub-Agt-ncy foc tise district. Y' LYs' iruas' uai,'lhamade at uns, ai 0" -. ucertain conditions.,isn latise, aoi.solit, daugister. brother or ster ùf i;,itlig cî omsteucter. Lu orsi netîi e sidence uoiin amndcutjvaticu cf tiselaDntlucrisof tisr-e',yeuse. A iemasndr oy iive -iis tlu mueuiles t Islismesiution a tlacs aîi ut hst l aressoli,wncd and aceuscd s' hm orisy sia atisr. mts fiSper si' ltisMs esidesi iiird tacin 1"inesti tiien per acu.T)int ifty acýre extra. ncii!)j tAch bomJreaeeriise a. vue haiteuhi lsom cet ad igis aedceont ebain pre-empren, Way Va'1e.a urlinr oe De-puIs itiite 0 iseIeriar. N.B.-unutonlzd pulicaion t Iiz atiertsenantwfli notlie ,.iid fr TillE 110USE FL11Y A BEAUER Ft ri ÇBy isaleaM. Bice, Denver, iV bias heen ofien sisoîri how dangeous, carrier o.f typisoid forer gonflas tis econmmon bouse fly o tiser ve.ry dangerons an.-I fatal dui-lU IIUI >iL casesicidig tise dre'aciful Vu- bes'culosis go rus. 1V bas been de- VANcouvXU, B.C., Feis. îst. 9e monstrnted tisat tise fly boums tise -I eusweil acquainted with a msani, principa,ýl part of -tise vu'ious so- knewîu te Ihousaaîds ini Vancouver, aiei sutrmer complaintý,s" ihat Victoria uand New Westminister, wiso for nunu er ier sictims by Vthe tison- îeariy n year waa practically a cripple I a i nrofg chiicren eeysums- trous Rieumatiacîs. R a otobe with tise dise iaI ho focnld il difficoit tue r.t eveen turîs oiver lu biad. Ris he rt Dr. rase foud i Porîmouisappeared se weuk that hie couid isardl ,England, tisat duigtis geu walk up stairs. epidemie of 1902, tjistVere wa a Last June, lie received a zamnpie ef Verfctplaue cfflics in every '"Pruit-a-tires". Rle used tiseusnu d perfct paguecf ates bis recevery fromin tat lime. iQsue ix ere tbit cd;sorder prevasi- Te-day, tisere is no mac le Vancoure ou; anti Dr. Nashis s autiscmity for 1noyu btts haiis thse siatement, tisat in 23i cases of He wss buildinsg a bouse this fail andi diarsisoea atSoteiconea in shicgled a goed part of tise roet iea tise sumusmen of 1901, eacis o wed its driving raie, witisout stdl esing aîsy bad inceptien Vtiste peîky fly. so num- effecîs". JOEIN B. LAAC. erous during Viat seuson;- and tisat IMr. r.. Mils, (asistanît postmaster during tise next somimer, whicb was ett KnowltOný, Que.,) aise wiea: -very wet anti frc of flics, noV1 ta - "lhoniestly beliere that "Fruit-a-tivea"s' casewus onn outl Setemer ~la is e greateat Risenusatisas cure le tise tise ame year, beingdis eebrflisworld", Try it yeurself. rhe apenre,ai witbisdrtise ficss 5o0, a box, 6 for $2.,50, trial siZe, 25C. ofearrisn, At denirs, erîoasFruI-a-ticesLessiîd, 0f sim ~iliport !is tis xer-__________________ onceofPr. Snll f Coen',t)y, Eugland anti ,,aIl1goos V sotbuxpmîetaun istflc br ae a w cdf a geL o Vot)" col',Le oV~ l itr al r te i g o iu cei breec flue in gi-ot abu)-naue, btaias led hus witisdieue gsm V o Tieei mcsbu rdec e idstibliupon eur toocis wier- grigtsecraeof ssî-o evrtisey 4caf cuse in cen tact witb and- diphtiseria by flies tisan tise - tisonsdiseases meutioneci, but Jepsous andi But eriapatise reatest indic- Nuttal bave fonnd tisat there have 11eut wit îis wiicb tise fly is cliargeti, been cases of sncb carniage. Dr. us, trise re.centyascentajineti tact-thut lHoward dîscovered insuAnepîdeus- Vise flyi Vs poifofs-iulrof ~pinkeye aongFlorida toiencîsiagema.Thi bs benseisool cslcrntiat fie,, settling lon sspeteibot ouîy in tise past about isîes of ciilirn trcke'il f;cw miontisa bave scieîtists been witis t1isa iesatal ane anble toeclincis tise videncle in Vise i ooio iicrn hsi r ;case. aiso, in eicass-f prsli u'rms, Dr. Lelanci O. Howard in bis ne- wisici oftten roule issdren, tise mankaiie bock, "The flouse Fly eggs Of wisicb r arit iyVs as n Diseuse Carrier," gives a ter- 1Y rible arraugnusent of tisis danger- .in tact -,eav only juat begiri- oua littie buzzer. Drs. 1ayard, iing to finti ont iow mnny diseuses Cohis, Bucisanan andi scores of tise fiy acts Vise chbief part in car- others, hare siscwn tisat flics ga- nying andi pnopngating, but enougis tiser Volbercular germs froîn tise ins already bees i dscovereci te - epota of consuioptireG, and carry nmake tise fly env most dangenous ,tiseru totise foodi cf weli persons, antid dly eneny anti îrequcntly succecci in tiseir if vre wuld escuape this, pesb wO mso f deatis. mutkonour buses Weillsereenei. 1ýDr. Vrederick T. Lord, atraac it jtmo-ý_s!t cure muSt ho take'.,i conluion roaruug isecaryîlgcotajining mteIto ichs Viey1 of cnsumtionby iteis, whieb r ,ve tei beyoiîd tise peu rcoteture of A piece of wire îvindow scrtefn doubt, tisst flics carry these g 4x6 incises piacet i ro a split woodo'i fî'oustisa siek Vo tise well: (1) Euies;isaîtîie with a few tacks drivers stick np tuberculuur spuliaundi cx- Virougi o slc cnis ie pl croie bacilli, tise virulence cf wisichis atie, so t tisaocis raerîber of a may last for at least '15 days. (2) familv, can have cnlel"swuttes"' tisatK The dangercf isuman infection frocs 'iil kili in 99 ont of every 100 cas- tubercular fiy-specks is in eating es, as tise open netolion in Vise wire tise fcod upon wisich Viey are de- allons tise air Voe pas tismougis witis t pssiteti. Tisese fuels sisotîld.ii ont pressure on tise ilde sd press upon ail of os Vise neeessity wlIsiie in quiek Motion. A cisilci of keopisg V uhzercuiosis matenial cau bande it abouit as effectually (sputuns, etc.) prouzecteci froc flies us an atliit, anal it wcnks like mn- le- t iey get aut it, and curry tise gie-no patienît pouding. S e 'i.ili busy andi join -l' nifly brigade Dssriug tise fly season greuten ut- anci help destroy tisese winiged tention ibetîlci ha gironVote hecavenges.tiat are so, prolifle in secening of roomas containing Vu- brnging diseuse germs into our bucular patients, ant iun ail foodi homses. Do ail tisat'is possible Vo stores andd homies proper proonu- prerent theus iroIn getting into tise iens sisoul c s taken to prevent bouse, anti "swat" tisoso :tiat slip fiies gainîng access Vo toodstuffs of in irocspectziveOof yeur vigilance, fort exery kînci. 0tiseir presenice is anu es-menacirsg> Aien netJane'siese army sur- danges Vot every ifîzoue. go-on reco.tly met a special study of tise jnstly d,;i-,dedi choiera in NerVth China, asd ond tisat tish T-utdfel inldisarppour; cisief source cof propagation w as Vise your apptte îriil improre; yoour buefRy,_ wiicislho delecteti in car- digýes-tioss Il opreti ow tyirig tise choiera vibrios. ake ?lhcr sCenpoudTîrî rn Pis. Prof. Nuttal, tisehiigiest Englisb Seo, by Jury& Loreil, Bowmnan- authonrily on tise bouse fly, founc i nue. .0 Animal Was Too Sore and Lave t.o Work-Quickly Gwred by 'evln~ -lhava lîad a, long exporience In treaîing Iloî ara, and I can- safely say that 1 lrezw of no lirniment for strains, aprains, and uweliiog tisat is s0 use- ful aroond ti,?se tble ns Nerýviline, Ti'u wrres1,1r.- bshua E. Murebison, frü'ubishom". C'rft s HillP. O. 1Il n'a a1 fine -,young mare thetwrncedheýr esîwiel8 Irlgh1it fore leg, and ";,3 a, from tiý,sheouder aevlie nd il wor' -(da lika a in.rm;lefac-t, tisat matrcwasin shpetewol a day afier I use,, Ner- Vilineà. 'We bava med Nerviline on coui ta;rm f, or twenty-five years ndnee funrd it wanting. For 7,,rn or bn j i, sn ondenful liniment." Wubv eceiveti neaxly tive thcsc-i icilttrs reommending Neiin asagera household iinir,'out, as an - .~,±,,, . . si' i tci zue re. ai, pi l Orle miin 1îybtties rused -che er Try Il yeurselý'f. Largeboteete- soen, Ont FORAN R EAST ANTS SCAIRE ELEPÉÏNTS. A Terrible Insct in thc Ftunests of Africa, In tise vast equatonial feresta of Afnica tise uost dreadeci of anim- aIs is tise gront bull-anet, Ulike other ants, it carnies nctising nway; everytiug us eaten en tise spot. Every kinti et beat aundl eptile- elepisants, lions, gorillus, snaSos, andi man hbisl-flees belore tis terrîble insect. Tisese ants marcis tbrougis Vie forests in a long tIm columu, Vwo incises aide andc miles in lenglis If tisey couic Vo ais open space wisere theme are no trees Vo shelter tiseu f rm tise sun, tisey bnmrow under- gporoo iandi form tunnels, Visseugis wiii iey marcis on. It oflen tksas long ns tw'elve heurs for eue of tisese armies te pasa. Any eneutume overtaken it at on lce uttackcd wîiti rssbefumy nîsi isîatlydevnroi Tsestrong- est nti ise cuket, tse ost reueiunise- stmi î pond. fuïse te relax ier iot spnany flesistse n a atîscheci isonsr- a m2a-nis cndinet fr it,-ccnft, fasten him Vo a treecibae-ve himn Vo tise ants. Whp'n hey ae paýse- tise ta la, (Dr. J. B1 Dndno MA. uBw- Late blgtofptt is usually very peaetin blocalities where the air îe moliad 'the soiudarnp and fertile. Tis dia!ease is gesser- ally dssrs wenit apas the whlec'o i o .The it ,withbrdax itueabout four orsx ie drn. h season. This is fot s troble~me r costly as at fst aper,- aueat ieast Vwoappi~aio~ o Paisgreen are n~csstrytc hepotato bug, and boh hs dbrideaux can be, applioe a oe iîo y rixing the iVwo.ý It iS true thauut]this disease dces flot ,ccur i ' ery year, and it might s11em to be a waîo ofi time and ma- tonial Vo spray i a eason w hcn the di ',se-i'notprvaleýnt. But ,as prevenrtion ý ishe only remedy Jfor the ~ ý diest wh ueo a crop it wili be eesr ospabc,. no one ca redietwhent he diseuse Týo showte value of reguiar spray-iing ý ea.r by year, permit ne toofe some resuits of experimeat.iLS condýuct-ed in tise State, of INew York in various lclteand c ýar- riedt through from six otn er. pe ce43.8Shio $19, Ï1903 to e î 1908-ncis iv e~ .a b acre 110 bishels !1W heo spray.e vr two weeks, and 84 bmushels we sprayed three ims;at Rvred gain per acre, 84 busheis, sr e every Vwo weeks, and M0 bushel-s when sprayed three tîmes. Jo somne years, wheu there w;as no laVe, blight, tho gain was m-ueh iess than when tLhe bliglht was pre- valent. But irf is,, orthy of note that, there was always a net proflt from the sprayed eJ rop as cornpiar- Cd with thc iunsprayed. Th1"i net profit varied firm $2.55 per ar t0 $53.92 per acre. This latt-er cx- perirnent was eonyducted jon Long Island in 1908 on 56 acres oýef pe- tatoes. Thýey were sprPayed 8 ' 'times atf a total cost of $317.9'3. But this was greater than it nced be, because the whole ground bi to be gono over, altbough eünly haif oýf it w as sprayed-4 rows, then 41 check rows (no bordeaux). These check rows were treated 41 timnes Vo Pa9ris green for thp. bug",'but' n2 bordeaux. Wben trvhtc , e sronrows ySd' 51. u.<i pe acc nd the chek irowýs JS0.3 bsesper acre. _Tha cyar pota- tocs sodat 80 cnttime ýof dig- gige~cLfor sry.dpo'tatoc j' thi~woui y~Id gross $2)03.-20 per AýcÀe s-aiiy seil is ideal for pota- ccos, an-c when gromrn on a iur.ed- dow clorver soci wiil ield a crop of good quality if kept free fromf enomies,. NoV ail the land round 'Bowrnanville is wbat might beý called gooci potato land, but therle ýis, bero andth .ere, noît far a.,way, sandy loamn which shouid produce gooc pýotato' cr.ops. If sucli landi be iÂlantect Vo apple trees, it se2mS worth while, Vo pursue a rotatLin- potatoes, oats, clover, peoes oats, clove-r, etc. Potatoes -s a 'rop leaves, the soil in better cn lition thVoy fioti it. It is flot so mucb ha a crop tak-es -ont as wbat it lae in. the soil that is oif real mmn in soil probier-as. Mauynotato growers in _,'ew Yfork, Maune, .and ether Noew ùzig- bigh r no blight- and hauve IV sh Ulte remersbered tha-t po- tato -igb nd--the,,pot ato h, sg, theugh 1tileV wo most serions enoe- mies, are by ne means the only mnes. A peýrson has only Vto cx- mirnne a ptt leaf to seea bcis. ,prayiing ee other insects andi other fungusi disoases, to uay no- bing of tho stimulus that bord aux bas for chlor-ophyl formation. More- over, a farmr or orchard man must have ail the spraying pra- he-1rnalia foý, bis o)rchaîrd an culd [a eý f m P' n, anti tie sonnser yenhave thse Kidneys ant iMBatder in a pertactly Ieaitiy cooîlin lsesooner yen wiil enjd). lite. As faï s -o cow heeisonily coua -7e(1dy t iIiguaransteedit ueye and thIsaI la FIG PILI 3 fthey dn'i201 lt!e yen a--alreng, isouitiy persol.1-V, At, ail eler, ensprbox, or Tise yPiZ P'Îl).Co, St. Th'Èonsas, Olit, 4 COM13ON PRACTICE IN AN- ARCHIST CIRCLES. WhonCriiuina~ha e Lt Lots Dc- cideWho hahCarryOu thse Dced. In tise first week cf tise present yau the Paris police founci lyingi su tiseRue Bancion isedaibd of a youtis nameci Giliieün. Hie isac six Suif-e woonds, wisile tisree re- volver bullets hbnci petrated thse bsody., Next day tisey arresteci a young Apachse samse1) Diard, wbo boidiy confesseci himsel,,f tise mur- dorer, fie declared tisat Guillion deserveci bis fate, for tisat Vu cire montis previousiy ise bnci illed a meusisr of tiseir gang nausec Met- ricis. Ho went on Vo tel bow ho anci aVisos of tise gang bnci met in a cente andi playeci billiards Vo decide sesiouici bave tiseisonür of car- rying cuit the sentence. He weni, and, gosng outsie, bnci seen bis victim comîing up tise street, andi killed hlim at once. In police records et different countnie-s you wili finci cauy sim- unlr cases. Iiu Anarclist cries us a corMusa patce ients deatis(et souse public esng a r~ ~ ~ ~~c bendcdciue, e ave tise cisoce e excutinenteo t. Twelve yasag v oung Rusl'- cd4 Vie iblitclub kaolï4wn as tis C orfe thctise on Oath. Tisecatis bîiisal me.,mbens te absolute oh- edieýnce under penalty et deatis at tise banda e oft tieir comnades. Duning tise follo Iing year a plot was torm-ieci te kili tise Czar, anci lots wen ecirawn te determîne wiih member sisoulci undentake tise a,,ssaýssication. TEFATAL BLACK PELLET ns edmaýwn hy youngDeiswch Ti ni refiectuon bncidcsî,troy- cciiss lustancien, and-i e nevolteci at tiseiceofe murder in cclci bbocit. Hie bit-simeney, and ' disguising isiuselt, quickiy escapeci trocs Riis- sia andi went te tise Uniteci States. But tise poon teilow bdncint cal- culateci on tise terrible powera et bis associates anci tiesekili witis wisicb tisey bnci woven a network aroonci the worid. Hie waa tollow- ecdî te NeýTw Yerk, anti, realizing b Iis anewent West, anci epenec a 1 bnrbr'ssisop in Sun Emancisc- o. A fe , wees Iater bis deaci dywa foi upon bhis bcd. Ho bncibeen poionoi.A saui cir-cle in) black was mrkei upon is,,,foreisenci A similan case occujroci bs ,tisan two yeurs ago. A rman naneci Feci- eî'off wns foonci stabis otit dentis in bis luxunieus apartusents iii St. Petersburg. Tise murdes'r wa 1 a mac nameci Gotacisakoif, and.i, ho- fore use was exctcie confesseti tisat ho wns tise executiener np- poiuteci by lot by tise society Vo wlsicbho belongeci. Eedenoff, it appears. uns a police spy whes iati wormed iimself into Vise Circie for Vise purpose cf betraying ita meus- bers Vo tise autisonities. One day in Octobor at two rg- in a caf e at Barcolona. Botlswer tise wo)rse foi' liquor, andi soon STIIEY BEGAN TO QUARREL. ighelýr figures rntc on tieir re- But fte a ime heycalspective sidos, andi agî,eed Vo tisrow Ban er atetely calmeci doîv tiss, tisee ne who tsrcw tise low- andbeanteply ones.' pre- estVo d tise forgemy. sently tise son n as beard to'say: Tse o e pnts ouct 'Tve won. Will you do it your. bs aewsCîcst ocr seif, or do you wust nme, Vo do itv miedont tisme forey uc Hc r-l Tise father ýevidcntly did noV takeadseuettso ctir1is- bished son'stords teusy 1 sand dellars, but was aftesîvards lauise. Istatlytheyoung man arrestei and confîsd pulled a knife. "Aill 'igist, if yeu'ro a coward, I'm noV !ý' ho cried, and -stabsecithse othpon te-seiseart, - A Cure for-_ eve n ge appears tiat tie game of domi oo D s Lrbayecf tie stad s a was a duel to d-ecide wiicishsbuld itracof hesmclan kili isîf. lîrer always precede attacks of fev- A very curious case of a criminai c ier adiagueseowignsani ot being pickeci by chance came Voecmaio0inthigseayotiiora sendi scd ligit in New Yor'k about five years 1r In tieselaitmenqts arhelee's Veg ago. 1V seems tisat tbree young'iI 1,e:imnsPree' ee elerks in tise Southern Securities table Pis have becis fouci u-st Barkmade a plan Vo, stoal a largo effective, abating tise lever a id suus by mons of fcmgiug a draft. subduing tise ague in a few day. Tisey met at dinner at a imali re- There are many wiso are subject Vo staumaut, and conîti iot agreeI these ffistressing dusturbances ari wich îvas actually te forge tise Vo tisese there is neoetArpr signature. tien procorable as r o e- So tbey called for a set of Poker bief. dico, çvbich are dico' riti tise six ____CARE 0F THE CALE * If tise cew fails Vo lick Vise caif Cobwebs in soon alter bir-li, it sisould bho mb- th oridbcd dry with a p-iece oIf 1bulap Y)or theMs-ouso- dd1 trawvand. if nysa~,hl Cobwebs in tise boad ou rin e i' fo ieude fts dm sts mioruingjetis te resuit cfa Lazy Li V c osbe ot o i us ,t 1wo murîinga ;i ucsinand ;sikci.Ti si ctis ag Isea,-dache olw.prcl fpoenadi cn Ties illa are a prl vgtble cer- cIf. r1und prepared wii great car adar c tscafbsidacesV ara!l oie n the mark et. Tiegela sus cssmyh aecii i ain caehua givýen te eeiglsels grediesits, aind iseing et1IÀrelyvetuets aéagitodrk.lssod iieyct 1upon tiseliverand iovels"Ie'uiii 0haei-s<is'silcfrtefnt tieus c atie body as mn plado. .amxtr fni Vfni eko end General ytmReoaeth-y r ise breeciý auc li sm 01(tie>oi bruis n b'y afi ggshliwir,coai- tion or ir-regular boýils; tepllara nyanitismyh wred p Cuie fo-t khedcs l y fonsi. b 26 axuid 20Cas tis c arasesi ville ba Jr &ee , l eucrsts espe-iektsngaulycag T ere oe~GA u Arnte Tht uarantee means th -tfI1believe cr:eam et the West te be t1c betbeud flour on the~ market. If your bread doesn't beat anyj yen evar baked befora, if it faita ta rise or doesniît give extr saifcinin evcry way, yeur grecer willpaye bak ou mn-cr on retura eoft-be -uusec ortion of thse bag thebar Wbat our gaanedforbra If peeple will airly and hnet ry C)ream etCi, îeWetty ,jllPhave-ICCLSS with it. That's Vwhy we c aratee if cWe re Oshaw; J.l. Fi'sisr, W. C.Brittùon, Ne catie hs stol 'VOUNG MMNAND MI4DDlL E MN oneiecan rester. e m -auLsoocld trvv e. tI7se epnk0feagyat vlIly e'tgr varions drug store nostreu. 0ur Ne Method Teies a ntht * h~uncirede lrom tishbe nt L deparbas 2re. etoreti happinesa le isundreds et homies aad lias macle succestul mccen rt tse. io Weiro '~~ ., ?z- d o w n a n d o u t " W e r e s c r i s p c fl r m 4 :1ptet eelcn. aTh,.s leonaet lise secrets et a ur wenderful socceas aur treatmeot ec- t net tail, forvwe preacribe remedies adaptcd te eacis individîsal case. Only curable cases an- I cepted. We bave doue business theaushoci Caidel for aver 20 Yeare. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEM OR NO PAY à ytý, - - pý, D Are pounol a Rve8yoke lest fll Ihope? Are apeu tenngte marry? cur po. iist limdoec o isivil! NO NAMES oti~~c) on iesso in All letterq frein Canada musteat ddressed te ens Canadien Correspendence Dopant,- ruent inWidsr Ont., If yen desine te j ceuspeso all u aI eus Med(icai Institutt i n Detroit as 'we sceanti treat, -%o aiet in eus Windsor offices which are for Correapoudeuce anti j J5aorxoy or àanadian business aeiy. Address al bItera as foliows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. entirely made. Th i !f jmay v p tiese p' rater or skinsmed milk un-ý tii it reacises six moniths of age eî) leven longer. G-roat cane shou1ld bce exercised i L fein imstat tiE cave's are ket eparate, '3sO '1th they xiiinV ctîr is! abto early cut isa s eodcoa pountis; groud ct, 00pouts bran, 100 poonts;lin-e: ci-ma1 50 pouinds. Fvorplrecaution shouici ho takei in keepngtise alf s foi ing paîls dlean., also in t1isetnpr attîre of ths etarator anti skme mi]k and rer'ularity in feedi.ýî -esigeuce ils this will menu îny11 pairîng of tise healtis of tise cl Tiegeneral complaint agiîs, grnng 'calxes is sceuns thsecas cfi t'5sbeiîsg due te ssiat isas a me~çbe'en explained in tispa- AS INSThUCTED, "I'd like yenVou is elp me a littie,- saici a vagrant. poking his isead in- te a Country stýore. -Why dont ýou h.elp yusll nsked tise jrpit thon xaîi~g ED O I$SLE 28 is 9 ti a ti a u b ti ti , 1 r

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