Eos thse fear of indige your mneule? It needni't. and you woms 1'tLcnwyo havý chat your fond is properly d besý f the NA-DR U-CO1 expert lsernists and guarani druiggists iii Canada. 5Staa stocked them yut,., seîsd us _Sc NATIONAL DRuG AND CHEMICAL CO.C SNotes of Particuilar i' rAi .T Y 1DISH ES . Currant LoaL-f-Beat iinýuto wo jands of dougý li whn ra for baking six taiepon ds fwel washd cu atsthree tabiespýoon- fis of gran one Wunc, of but- ter,. Baklike 11ý an ordijary loal. A Simnpleý Tapioca Pudcing.-Soak Ltw) o tablespoonfula, of tapioca in a pinV ofu milk for an hour,,thon put on ýatu boil, stirring it to prevet stic2king. Mix lin (off the fire),'oroe eggý, nd a tabiespoonful of sgr Baein a gre'ssed piedish tili l e iRhubarb Charotte. -Butter a pie~ia an coerthe bottons of '1 ý,wàiheui Then put in a layer of ihubarbý, the pieces to be au iuhlong, ada! brown sugar, a ittie o-rated lemon-peel and powdered-ji g nger. Co0ntinue in this way tili thedish is fu, having breadcrumbs last. Put a few bits of butter on the top and bake lu a moderate o\ven for an hour. M1aids of Honior.- This is a very good id ahiu recipe: Beat Vo fie *rea, aci woouuces of .ate,- sugar ua hatal together. Ad he yoknf tsxo eggs, beat ag~,add a 8mai! quantity eof Miik. Shake lu a few curran.ts ana! finelýy chopped Peel. Beat aal o- gteplace, in pastry-iine patty- pansand ake il! the pastry is, Corfior heese i U vryeco- nomcaiana Vatyrýee. First raethe se vou wisb o use, uthon bol!l t ~oin lusufficieut miik Vo dissolve it. Iu the neantime, for every haif plut of miik used, mxsmoothiy a teaspoonfu! of coruflour -with a littie, cola! milk. Then ada! to the eheese ana! milki ana! cook ail together while stirring for ten minutes. Season to taste wvith cayenne pepper, mustard and ,ait, and serv e on bot buttercd toast. Roman Cream.-Gradualiy work up o)ne pint of miik into two ounces oif ground rice, then stir it over the fire tii!l it boius. Continue stirring. for sF >even,3 or eight minutes, r tii -s rice thickens ani, ase cooý ked1,Ada! oune ounce of butter, sugaýr 'o ate, ana! a few drops of' rcoch 1:iel. Stir wilana! flavor wiV vnîla.Spread the bottom o)f a gasds with raspberry jam, eru~be oerit two xacroons, ana! ove thtie grouna! rice, put- flic Bnc o!Theisadsand bas illheriro 2 MffJed the SkÏill 61 Me f.Ical Science. Dr rtreatcment is the one treat.. rnertd atwI cure thae odîseases. Whet e*omaohi medicirie las eyer ben k>r,,;w.n to cure Catarrh or Bron- Catarrhoz n efot a stomnaeh zn&di- tine, but an air mdiin, ha crrlee re tiie eote p rteo the thrc,ýýL rung, am i ell tl "oeo el kq & ourative tisat hL vri bouand odocoreaiànd atiente, hav ben deapoinedby uneing etomab medcinesfor cuh m cok. Hve you nrOt fouind it aqrier rounebou wayto rachthe ieae poto fthe throa ad uns yrot uedtrhzn.wihi 1byro f ed tethe very rot or tIse dis- c 40= w"mebt scftsen vits an M.tn Mise îie 1fw orsions tse d sVuei-od papr or is ceîr ams!cillie iathc Lest. Isut upon lma'in tise ciinmeura gots le meV i ie an is' acstie huAviîeSeot0's-A'A tse ior'W, aM rcbg te ie Tp. Tise 'ncsîrh: os fttns o tsepierI ora!s tadad 1eh rsAILir'Ionfim isci lc3il 7in wmt is ena! of a rolliug-pin, ana! 10 'afa eal piecÏ of buer. ~ie Oh, L c mie li, Ceauilebuse! 'eZsone 'is pppfur suudwichs, ana! tuehech ~~stion spoîl ~the ejy nt0 tieremuinder, n'eu pressea! dowu ans storea! in a coverea! jar. 1V can absùl na h ge7Fbu gratea! ana! usea! for oheese di- a be1 * Vhr~oweiug ten eve ou habit of w e n e n throwng hernslves Viste floor, kscksng cana! screamonàg, >v4en any- nthp Vissng ges coutary ýto ierws us. he uualresnedy apidi c a. Stom1-ach1. TheywIll sceVtcbeaing.A mucis btte r plan is Vo icse.They-ae aong he aýkquietiy amti unconcernedbv aalockVIse, deor, an4a!e e Vis preparaLiouîs, compounded î)y cii!V i n!sranV t teed by the largEst wholesale ertscotn. Vwiison wisei box. If yc'ur drii ,-ist has noV ou!ul tit 1 le irtno n u oc. and wýe will miail oua ox bt tei. fw piati À fERSLDI U-1ý j i;rme!yn1li ubuailly cure Vs 6tlhuu t LA OF CANADA LIRAI, 1), MOCNTREyA. rscaej L L - dniee toi Canai a-îu~î il te edd Ro e Bru 'diimg of Tikorotiglibre Is. J S t ýTO U Durlng recent years usany appeai sîtyId~ haive( becu mande to thé Honorable' Sy yFisher, Mi-si«ister cf Agricul- - -_________ tu, by orsemle uxeu o bri. g Stock Commise oner, Departinent abou auimposeontin tise qua- of Agriculture, Ottawa. lit cicarlilirhore tock, ana! te-,;rest to Xomen Fls soaeofoino tatfor this iug isfe force of these a,,qppeals as Mrcs.Tisos. Douglas is hnsfrons ItiUg 1V nlu soonuls Win cola, 1weiastise imprtac fts us t ayc Baon iitters i-ariýc excelent fo)r gat sitac drcertain speý- by Jury&Lojveil, Bnmivbe oin,g up a sbhypeenIola si d nitions Vo pros n~ MrS. Asa Otton isý laid up witb bacon. Muke a iigs utr ' anngVsogbed saiosfor rsuntsa onue gg, hall a plot i in i1k, a quar- sevie u ise various jprov-inces. 27cniaewoeetrceo- tom cio a poLuna! nifouhllaa- ldciiuguontissuts , -e iain spoofu! f baing-owdu, aa! Mnictr ba bee inrelvifiue1ïced Ceusus enumerutovr,Mm L.B siriinto IVa ubi& pon Ai fdp-:by tVis a, 0-e ti jjjwhle stalIons nf Duvidson, bas sent lu bis ireturus pea!f bacon. Mejt coue ft lu a otiserrcoiea breuds, whinl for Vise village. ru -in, 1aa!wheît ceuses Vo 1capabl bads are, as a raie, fuir- Mrs. Carl B. Kent,Bomavle frzze na! a biu snor ises, nut Vlypoae, this is seldes,-ii e-caselishugesol rsBroni lu epcuai f isebuter Ta nith regrd VtVie TorouigWbed' "The Willaws." Vise s frter eust co n botb r1iscas atgs ibredn V or- Sick hieaduýches are curea! by i sie.Then drain1- on paýper a.tis n his class be'ng unfortunate- ler's Granules.SoabyJr & doo fnitiseovn Serýve ve-ry bot iy iiot fiiyrelies by tise presentLvbBnîavle la ndi~ paer.generutîonu nfCanudian fmmrs-m.Hur Dd]ypo.% fn Bel s-fis.--Tae uepoua!L f Tielacis in our liglis th ie thorougli b' ouhcaY cl co'! ieef ire ionssiin andi ft qunsity deriv rile oulyimnthisn- r retAli n!duitr ana csopIVasVinlyaspossible, fusýion oi T!orughrtd bl, "d is Vise Plae tsemine u abail x-ith a sbtyjeet cf udersecmetb hHeleni, Los Angeles, Cal., are, ais Peasnu ir, cfî1) r saItýj, atu- urpea1orsen lo iit theitinglie r parente, Mr. ana! Mrs. ii ppp, a. . . .ea hrsme w . is. Whe illium ýRiekama!, spoonful ni gratea! horseradis, Dominion n'sti a vie w Vo investi- Mr. ana! Mme. William Piekard tismue oces n f i ne breaderuns gating its pessibibities as a fiela! for an a ile chopues naine. Ada!tise porchase ni herses, whiethes foratne!tievecigithrnec Miss Bokeshire, ut Pickering, taxi ouncenio butter, anda ater militury purposes or f or ordînary Wed Iesday. mixing tisoreugisly moisten witis an saddbe or isarnees use. 'Iu Vis c 000 Rer. A. M. Irsain luit Tuecduay egg. Place isie mixture lu susuli nection iV simula! bu remembereci for hie new appointinat, Canning- enps, baise in a moderate oven for Viat n'hile herses for tise larit ton na Rn.G.p.Cire bp ac Vsetv nuutc, isen tom ont on rnaýies!, or lu moct, for any nofVisuse or cthcucl S oi a o iss our a us"e gravv prpeses, rmay wecl be bred rfou iru lisarris cd. round an! eve, sires otiser Vian Thoroîsgibred, it Isle Miller block et Ssa ae -- s o îpOra~ie liu ti, ises e 1or Mu., awned by Mat. Miler, a HOLSE LDINTS. tVise dam ntisere sîcuis!, in order Vo former ci! en'si boy, n'as p'detie best recits, bu, lu struck by lisuiugii, ana!brua Dîsstsilk nithb cive, noV a brusishsci ases, a stroug admiixture nifn'itisothuer 1buildlings lci a Mouse traps shosî!dha tîsorougs- Tis11oogisirea! biscd. val1ues t 1d00 ly scaiýda!ana! ais itertn'o or Tseconditions urler iviicîs as- Aitojr several vweeks' iluebre, timue captures, or Vsynibl bu sistanýe n'ill bu givun are as foi- Mrs, Walterc n'as takea home V o prai,cally osuiese. j ows - Meafora! by iser-dagister ana! sis- Fleur absorbe al! odore, so chaula! (i). Al borses ai accounit of ter, Mme. Jolin Douglas, iu tise bu cameisl!y cas erea! wiici aid le givun liv Vise Depart- hope that bouse surmoundinge 'ana! When eider bloomus keep a buincis meut muet bu registerea! lu the attentions maight ha heiplul ton'urd i nom main .IV n'ili sinell sn'eet Tisorougsisea! Stud Boois oi Vie, ber recovery. ana isuup away flies. ýCanadian National Lise Stock Re.D.a!Mm.MWGior, Vegetables must noV ho aliuwed Records. Lansing, Midi., are visitîng frîeua!s Va, lie lu a beap, but slioula! bu (2) farces shah bu cf goosi size, lu ana! arouna! Nen'castle. Mr. ý1ra mouto on a stonu floor. qulity ana! conformation ana! shah Giior a 's borasieur hs village .When caokssmg unions, set a in bu irueiron alisreditury un- ana! speut Vise ourlier years cf bis cap ai rinegar on tise steve, ana! souina!aess; Viese condiieus ta bu lîfe iu New'castle, lut iV boil, and tiseru n'ill be no dis- jenu rea b-y suhusissinu annuuiiy Vo Aiter a fevi weeke n of eiii.- agreoublbe odor ironstishe vegetabie. a thomoagis cureful examinatiols 01- nes f rom dropsy ut Toronto Hos- Wbýen storing blunkets n'mup then tiser ut tise bauds of tIse Vterinary pitai, Misa Flamenco e i.'o!dica! ln pbuty ofni en'spaper ana! lay Diet-Geeu rso , tsr on Tuesduy, ana! tisehoyn'as suices cf yoiiaow coup in Vise folde. memers ntbeeiiuarr staffcf brVagisi downuby train Vie ame0v ýMoths dieike coup ana! prioters' the Departint, or aVliserperonenîug ana! taken Vo le uers in.as tise Miniter mavrý-!dne Lot 30, Cou. 3l, Clamke, Te-apote aiten become musty ime aupeint for Vhis ou1 wese.e- vience tise fanerai tïýook ,; place n'is inl use. To pros eut this, ()HreTeaprva hh h Tsrduy aitumnoon VoBeinn dryý tisemougisiy, ana! then put tise duiy na!proerly advertised Vo ville Cemetery, tishervicebing lia! u sieany se Vsat ir my geVclap! on uonductea! by 11ev. ý_ M.I, rsin, liàn. foeass ht i a e "r service ni mares, 1!4r Miiky umbiers shouls! bu fimt Vs oduaran!geealcni- rise! u ol! atr na ltentiauis isuailu is e districts-;in iii -, l ASUSTAINING DIE T. wised. if pud t tmaigi ndtLotVheyare Vo bho iront, W u a aou washed If pu stragservicehntfeu (excet lu tJise case on' These are tise enervatin1g days> water tise glace mur bu pemman- Tis)oouo.ibre.a mares )f o!nt more wne, as somebody lias si! mu Iitaticon esta!gas fra ian $10 tVo meure, sucis service feu drop by tise sunsrtroke as, il tise biation osu m dbu ades ra' o bucome due ana! na:valble oiy Day o! Fire ha! dand. Tioy a«re bahror my emae hu: n'iejmresuove Vo ho in fou!. fraugit n'lth danger Vo people Misten putty nittucn'eut ouI und t eq,,fr rcroqio h-q§ ytnsaepol tisen paint a Viin coating airer tise Arpra.fr rcroainnioe sesaepsmyS pans. hisn'~î nitIstua! he nng or cnmliganv Tiser-, ae;aad tiisleude as Vo say, pane. Ths wll wthsandtheoiisnisbrea! stu.il-nionluregard to lu tise intrereet of thse icss rubust1 stab. 'schs al cf tise coudifi ns ,e'c po! ca1-r readers thatuVtise fli1effet li Pipec,,iay ile luaauable as a sas-cm - iltissuha cf cop ana lubor lulaundies.i g1hsb1l hnve'ebee4,n dulv %na!d iof cd Sraplltl)ucsu vnd tise wo l !bugood te you. -1ise svaly is ta)kcep yoursoacs Ar- dyou'l find great help l Sek Evrywere lases n Il lu UNJUS1 AND CRUEL WILU CURIOUS CLAUSES WHICJI TIIEY COINýTAIIN. IMr. Scott Willed Thut Ris Moneý Wa10T Be TuIraed Iiiio Bank- Notes and Burîîed. Iu Septesuber, 1903, occurred a most mysturious crime.' Iu the wild bis at Vise back of INew York State, known as thu Aciirondacks, a youing man namea! Orlando Dex- ter, son)i of thse millionaire founder of tise Anserican News _Company, wus founa fouiiy murderea!, sayE Pearsoni's Weekly. Tise case creatua! an enormous sensation, ana!tise police, of the whoie country united 'in tise ut- tempt to discov er the assassin. But noVI even tise siigistest dlue wus founa!, ana! Vo this day the circuin- stances of tise crime remu in t:.mys- tery. Mr. Henry Dexter xerjy near- iy went insane froii grief, aiAd 5cr- row, no doubt, shtortenea! bis life. H1e die!, -ana! set aside a suin of $10,000 as a rewurd Vo any person wbo wiii obtain the arrest ana! con- victiýon of the murderer of bis son. -WîlIs are ulsually as deadiy dol! as most other, legai documents, but now ana! then a s ýpice of interest is len bythocurousclauses which wbjrich carr'y out postimous, GUILTY 0F AIRSON. Sometimes a wili of this sort leuves its executor in a curlous dil- omma. A case in point is the lasV testament of Mr. HEarvey Scott, who -died a few yeurs ugo at tho age of eIghty-two. lu order Vo -Prevent bis heirs, three relatives 1111n.1ise disliked, from getting bis propuq(,rty, he hua! given directi! ons thaitthe sain which lieleft so,(me $2,00shonla! be turnea! in1to I aniote-s ana!. pubîicly burnea!. Thle execu-tor aqpealua! to tise CGourIts Vo bu relies cd of bis task. HRe quaintly r:ema-rsea! that, if ho obeyed tise wi!i, lie cousiderea! that ho would be guilty of arson. A maiden lady of a sarcastie turn of mina!, Miss, Mary Marchant by name, left "Vo ber dear doctor" a box ana! ail its contents. Wbeu Vise pisysician got bis iegacy home and! openea! it, imagine bis feelings at discoveriug that iV contuinea! ail tise pilusnd potions wbich hoe iaa! prescribea! for bis laVe patient in the course of some Vwenty years' uttendance! 110W A CHAPEL L0ST $4,500 Aoerweuithy o!d nmuid who li e i Venasas psee!for years by requests f rom ber Visruo nephews ana!tisree nieces that sho would give tisem. portions to enable thema Vo marry. At Iast she died. Wisen her will was read iV was bound that about a million dollars was dividea! amoug tise six on con- ditio'ntisat. tise ephews shoula! noV mars-y bufore forty, ana!tise nieces noV bufore tbirty. What was more, they were ail five Vo lîve lu tise saine bouse, under tise cure of tise exec- utor, who wus Vo receive a hana!- somu, salary for seeing that tise leg- atees obeyed tise conditions., Tise deucons of a Baptist cisupel in Cheitenhain got a uasty slsock whun they hourd the contents of tise wili of oneoi the ctsapel trus- tees, who dica! lu December, 1908. By a codicil bu biet $500 te tise chape!lafnds for oucis deacon wiso attendea! bis funerai. There were iuedeaons but noVone of thei attendda; so instead of Vise $4,500 by whtich tise cha;pe! might have buen tie richor, tise begacy n'as raid. WEALTHY BI{EWER'S WILL. Malevoience ana! beuevolence are oa!a!y biendea lu tise will of Herr Gottfried Feiler, a wealthy brewer of Thun, Gurmany. Heo bequeutis- cd to bis native, Vown a suin of W) les than $150,003, but accompan- led the buquest by tise condition that a certain person wisom lie dis- tise gallows, ana! a copy ni tise ghastly picture sent Vo hie father, a Protesýtant cbekrgynTan, n'lose cev- erity, bu declurçe!,n'as respoissibie for tise haicourses into n'hicb ho, bis son, ha! fubbei. So many n'ills couVain unjuet ana! cruel clauses that un agitation le ut preseut on foot Vo sucure a non' Act cf Parliament n'iicis shah blay down that n cila!sisal! be n'iolly disinisemiteal except for an ade- qute reuson. A iaw of hs Slnd le already lu force luinFranco. EXCURSION-\S TO WESTERN CANSAD A. Thu Grand Trank Railway Systeus anau-nce Visat an Taucdays, Jane 127tb, Juby- iltis ana! 25tis, August 8is ana! ýý22a,Septeuirr stis ana! l9thl, 19[1, l{emeseekers' Excur- sions n'îl be u mn fionsahstations iu Ontario ana! Quebec Vo Western Canada, via Chicago ans! Duluths ni via Chicago, St. Paul ana! Minne- apolis, ut redaceri round trip lames. Tise well-knen'n double track lino o! Vise Grand Trunk Ironstise East Vo Chicago appeuls Voetise traveller, ana! nitis Vie supurior train ser- vice tisat is offensa! by tiss ine, lu- cluding tise fmous "International, Linsiitea!" fimiMontreul daily ut 9.00 a.m., and!n'iich l is e flnest ana! fastust train lu Canada, muuy paseugers n'ilb be uttractes! Viss n'ay. 'Tise route via Chicago le a most înteresting one, taiig pas- seugers througb Vise principal cities ans!owns lu Canada ana! inVise States cf Michigan ana! Indiana. lu I addition'tt hs a cioie ni suvon linos betn'eun Cic-agQ and! StPauai ana! Minneapoliisjeoflerea!. 0n'ing Voetise great number o! Canadiausnse hreside lu Chicago, St. Paui, Minneapolis, Duluths ana! other cities en route, tseme le n doubt that thse Grand TranS n'ill fina! nany patrons n'be nill taIre as!- vautage nf tise apportuuity tisas ai- fordea! theus for a brie! visit ut the stations n'lth Vieir f riends, Canadian cit>izen-ýs are exempt Iron soe-cuibor! Immigration Exan- ination, and tisere le no aletenton ut any point. Baggage le carmied tismougi tise United! States in bond witbout re- quiring auy epecillattention on5 tise part nofVise passenger. Inspec- ion is noV neeessury ut ïahy o! tise points ut tise Border. Anotisel feature that wili appea! Vo tise isousseeker le tise confor- table truusfem- at points liSe Chi- cage, St. Pauai ana! Dulutis into ireshly ventilatua! dean cars, annia!- ing tise uecussity o! travjelling a long dicta-ueo in tisesaine car. In addition Vo tis he routes1', tise siale o! c'fkets is aieaý autisoriz- ed via Sa--nia, ana! Vise Nortiemu Nanigto Copnys-agnificentj ~Vaesacross Lakeo Huiron iana! LakeSueo. anyAgn of Vise Grand Trmnk Railway (yti,or write to Mr. J. Qainlaj, Distryict Passonger Agent, BouaventureStationMotral o iMm. A. E- tlaff, District Pl'ege Agen, UionStationiToron Vo, 21- Vo Set.19. UHow da!Tisoxupau leV outtimouisn'rryýigabuta irl. fBît o'ddb1 luetseote PROFITS 0F DIIAINING. Prof. W. H. Day lias receutiy been making somu calculutions oni tise financial side of draina ge. A fariner lias 50 acres tisat is, ratîser- wet, but aithougli not draýiea!1 gives say $1.5 pur acre. Tisevau of tise crop for fixýe years insuc- sion, together with compouainýýl'l- terest, wouid be $4,144 ut tie1na cf tise fve years. If isowo2ver, lie( n cre Vo drain 10 acres of thie lana! creaea!he vlueif tise :oil- $10 pur ,acre (hii is aloýkwes- mate). th'en Vtise value of"Àtisecm for fine year, w ýith itrewxi fruý $5,748. Atur paying fortis drainage. witb suntureat, b ol have left $4,124, tise saine withýi $20 us if ho ha!noVdaietbi ilf lýiedruinea! tisen'iole 50 are it, ,once, then tise five crops, withl- turest, would bu wortis $6,908. Tis aiter payiug for tise drainage wosîid louve hlm a balance of $5,121 wisicis is $977 more Visan if bu bai noV drainea!. Daring tise uextfv- year period drainage by'1;tise iii- st,,allment plan woulnet hlm $1,- W04 mtore than nt oV Vo daýi ut il ana! tis e conpetedanaewoukl enricis hlm iy $£,,761 more than ne-iý drainage. Tise price aiewd or daiag .l an!h ise icras i tseorp 'a piace-da! at10 pr acre. As;a mat- ter of faet, thie increaso isli unualy worth mcs oethan tbî1s. se Visat the comptation lesomwstinu- fair Vo drainage, owene IVis but- Ver Vo err ou tise sale ie But tise increase lu crop is nt tise oulvy retrun froin drainage z. Tise value o! the lana! is arey uren us!. Tise is i nlsrta utecs of certain furîr n l ivl u t'y Tt, 'as bgtfor $6.010bu two yoars ugoý,,. Ln er$.0 >çvas spont -uraiuniuýrg iV, sudiV hu sinee ben sldfo-r $20 Tise jDep.a1-rntt ! hs.O hais chrg, as lrg ss on gaged fin aigdangiuvy forfmer isiuVodabt tisev arekeptVerybris. Thosl whe ih uvvemd ii a11 sioua!auls t uo. e heeare uervannuraplctinin :as ture Toont Muny wnu andh 1 mi YVo kno tha large inien p0y, Pa ahouer o Mhe KInd You Hv las~uh5ansd whlh basbeau, liUmD orovr O)yearsý, hnboaethe gnat cf nnd habn beicattde undre son a r- soal aprli m.isltny eUIçî%v n00one te degelve yen fIn tha AIl4JunefitIiatoIln ~ata~op"aebwà Exemiments ttitrifie wM n nag~ ~ eih szontamna.neishe Opiu, 1s r.éhin rthe fre and aly eeihea tcr~Daroaand. W1n,ý Colle. Lt relf7iveaTeetlng Tobe~eiuea ontpio and Flatulency, 1t aamltsthe Food, regltda tho Stomaeh and Bwlgiving healthy and wda s,1 seep. The Children's Pnca-h o*e' rI.nd tin Use oreOver c30G Years.