IDURHAitiB1ERALS Bowmanville's Leading Purvey- ors of high-class meats & poultry G. M., fiA wKER&SON Phone 64, Bowmanvilie. HAMPTON MILL Best grades of Bread and Pastry Flour. Always a good stock of Feed Corn, Crimped Oats, Chop and Mili Feed on hand.1 Orders given prompt attention c ca-ias. HoC r ri P HAMPTON. The Old Reliable Reason it out for yourself. Over 8o,oco people have bought Dominion Instruments and every one of them satisfied. 1I'n quality and nice iight easy touch nothing can surpass Dominion Pianîos. The construction of the frame is beyond doubt. the best in Canada. We- m ake terms_ to suit any person. And- you can save a goo d many dollars by buying a Dominion from JAMES DEYMAN, BOWMANVILLE. eFLOUR OF QUALITY_ iF LOU R is a high grade patent, un- I MPERIALsurpassed and makes excellent bread. oiin~FLOUR makes deiicious cakes and EC4IPSi4 pastry made from seiected whîte fal cyrusFLOUR is a choice bread flour made froni CYRUManitoba wheat. D PurýY FLOUJR is a fine biended flour espec' VICTU iOiaiiy for family use made from ntat and Manitoba wheat. We deliver flour in town or order from yourgrcr 'F. ~.V N T I PhotÊe 77 Bwavie Children's Shoes A Great Variety in Styles and Colors. Much of the trouble of tender feet is the resuit of wearîng ill-fitting ili-made shoes in childhood. DE SURE YOUR CHIILDREN HAVE SIIOES THAT FHT. We mal<e it a special study and take pride in seeing our little, custo- mers neat and well shod. Bring themi to the store and l et us -f t them proper- ]y. See them -price te.Biuy thlem, F.R.0FL EY, PARLOR SHOE STOÏRE. BO-WMNANVILLE Delays Are Dangeo us-Espec.. ially On The CeaI uesio Every advautage is wïiiie Consumer lu Buying Coal Eariy. Better- Service, Less Cost, noue of thse disaýgrecable fea- turcs of winter deiverynd the added comfort of having the Cox, n!bYour Owu Bins, and be sure you bny thse Best when vou are Buyiug, toat of cource is Scran- ton, and there is nue place lu in towu where you can get it, that is ïf mi US. Our stocks are now Corplete, and the Qualif y Neyer Better, Nic, 1Brlght, Shiny, Good to look at, Bette-r to Rýam. The prices during thse inoth of July are, for pea $6.25, Chestnurt $7 25, Egg and Stove $7.oo, delivcrcd to a71'art of the town, or 5o cts. per ton e l t Hrbor or G. T. R. Station. A rebate of 2ri0 per ton w i,,-be given on ail Coal paid for dtïring l. Remember t1hat vie arealniada- ters for bard and snft Woo, sA-n and split, Portland Cenent, Fn n eic Lumber, drcssed and und-reed. Singles; Lath, Charcoagl, Sait, 'seas!casLand Piaster, Doors, Sash ans! Mnnldin_)"'-gs. A good assotinent ot al uns an pri'es rcason1able. C-11a1 ! St OSsd, wc wi",o u bet to giv o A S QUA ,' RE Z 1 L GOODMAN; & GALBRAIT 1H BalreeesdSletee eMe ulc A. . OODAN Dy0a LlRIT The annual meeting of iDurnamn uounty Liberal Association wiil be held in the Music Hall, Newcastle, on Friday, July 14, at û p . m. for election of officers and gen- erai bLusiness. It is particularly desired thbat a very full attendance of Liberals at- tend. W. H. GIDDY, Presideut. A. H. C. LONG, Secretary pro tem. at homne to herriends aterJuly 2Oh at their home near Windthorst. The bride was a former Enniskillen girl and her many friends offer congratulations. CAMýPBLL-ROYCF On june 14 at "Woodlawn," Mimico, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Royce was solemuized the weddiug of their eld- est daughter, Clara, to Mr. -Arch. Camp- bell, son of Mrs. Campbell, Tyrone. Rev. Dr. Caldwell, Owen Sound, former pastor of the Methodist Church at Mimico, offic- iated. The bride was given away by ber father, Mendelssoh's w edding march be- ing played by Miss Annie C. Royce, cous- in of the bride. The bride wore a gowni of cream silk striped voile and also an em- broidered veil with wreath of orange blossoms. She carried creamn roses and wore a peari brooch,thegift of thegroom. The bridesmaids were the Misses Dora and Vernie Royce, sisters of the bride, who wore pale nink voile and carried pink [roses. Mr. F. W. Roycc, Charlton, was best man. The bride's mother wore grey siik marcluisette. The groom's gifts to the bridesmaids were gold bracelets, andc to tht best man gold cuf links. Guests were present froin Owen Sound, Oshawa, Guelph anid Toronto. After dejeuner, MIr, and Mrs. Campbell left for the Kwrh Lakes, the going-away dress being of navýy blue, and creara bat. They wili reside ait 66 Glendale avenue, Toronto. TO THE AMATEUR Why not give me a triaI developing yùur films iand finishîurg yourpitrs MWy prices are iad my ,work is best. Tiuos ROBSON", 1 Photo Stuidio Bowm-ianiville BETHESDA Jr. n7 to Sr. IV M. 1ildred Marwýtyn ; Sm. III to jr. IV WrotWight, (honmors) Eve- lyni Brent, MyWih;Jr. Il f0 Jr-. MI Rosa Shortt, (honors) Harold Hoar, Dou- glas Cole; Jr. Il to Sr. Il Viola Short, Ethel Mýackenzie, Howfard Breut b i - 1 equal1, Laid Souch, Aileen Hazlewood, Merc(ees Harrington, Eva Gibson, Mar- jorie: Westaway, Frances Clough, Gracie Boddai-m, Birdie Scarling, Vilda Symons, Eileen Cousins and Marion Moorcraft, equýal, Eva Moyse. Pass: Nina Loscombe, Mary McClellan, Hilda Mutton, Marjorie Bonsail, Greta Denem, Marjorie Plum- mer, Gertie Hearle, Edîth Pinch, Edua Fletche(r, Winnie Varcoe, Helen Yellow- lees. FIRST BOOK TO SECOND-Honurs: MidIredi Lawrie, Pass. Percy Mercer anid Te(ddy Pethick, equal, Celia Barrett, Laurie VanNest, Tempe Boddam and Mary F-iuley, equal, Helen Garbutt, Prow- er McMurtry, Ida Trimble, Margaret Copeland, Beatrice Devitt, Rhea Deymnan, Cecii Dudley, Evelyn Fice, Llewellyu Hays, Arthur McCulloch, Marjorie Poin- ten, Victoria Little, Willie Pointen. PRIMARY TO FIRST-Honors: Maud Rnamsay, A rthur Wonnacott, Doris Dey- man, Rita Bennett, Aileen Jeffery. Pass: Ross Tilley and Leona Quinn, equal, Mel- ville Dale,Hilton Pearce,Lawrence Mason Glady's Witheridge, Selwin Rcm- bough,!, Dorothy Belîman, Garfield Bar- rctt,Foec Mayer, Sybil Burk and Har- old-éAlun-, equal, Clemens Percy, Sydney Losc-ombe, Leighton Souch, Gordon Rich- ards, Harold Brauton, Gilbert Brauch. SOUTH-1WARD FRTBOOK T() SEC(N-Honors: Helen KYnigbt, Ho-ward Rudd, Willie Dunai, Ray Dilling, Jessie Worden, Jackie Bird. ass Charlie Morris, Willie Kel- ley, LreOshorne, WnneDiliing,,Rose Recadeýr, Vera Veal Noma Barneýs, agr et Aluin. borne, Ednla Thickson, CharlieRedr Irwin Piper, Tolm Lamibert, Lloyd Richl- ards, Fore't Di)li, FloraWordeu Ohidren Cry FOR FLETCIIER'S FOR FLETCIIER'S CA s ro gý zr JUNE WEDDING SOUTHAr,-DENSEMl. A quiet wedding took place af St. Aug- ustine'e Church, Toronto, on Wednesday June 28 when Emily A. Denseru, second daughter of tht laie J. J. Densein, former- Iy of Bowmanvile, was unîted lu mar- riage f0 M. Edwin G. Southam. Rev. F. G. Plummer officiating. The bride wes affired ln a white marquisette gown. and wearing white milan bat with plume-.. Sheý was atfended by Miss G. Baker, and tht groom wes support cd by Mr. G. P. Bts- wick,. Tht reception was held at tht 1 home of flic bride's sister, Mme. Philip f Jermeat, 249 Su.mach-st. Tht happy couple Ieft for Genieva, N.Y., amid showere of confetti and rice, tht bride wtarinfi a travelling gown of navy bloc foulard and tan bat. T'le bride is a niece of Mr. F. Dcnscm, sm., of this town. A very quiet -weddiig ;too'k pîgLet Wed- niesday evening june 28t!-,ai,,th&cr(sidence of Mmi. M. A. Bannes, Hutnt-st.,when hiem oniy daughter, Miss Millie Baî4)e, was united lu marriage wifh Mr. Jaree s Page, ecently of Dundee, Scotland. -Rgv. H. MnoB.A., paît or of St. Pauls church, officiated. Tht wedding march was pîlay- cd by Miss Pearl Croîkein, Oshawa, and the bride was given in marriage by hiem brother, M. Fred J. Bern es. She was un- aftended and was atîired lu a petfy drese ot embroidercd iawn and çarried a bou-1 quet of white carnations. Affer tht ceme-i mony a wedding supper was semvcd and the evening was pleasanfly spent. A nom- ber of their friends gave thcin a charivari during tht -evening and werc libemally tmated to refreshinents by the bride and groom. FOWKE-ST. GERMAIN. The mariage fook place lu the Walmer Road Bap)islt Church, Toronto, whicb was beautifully decorated wif h peonies and pains, ou Wednesday -fue 28 by Rev. W. J. McKay,C D.D., of Mme. -Flore St. Germain and Mm. F. L. Fowke, M.P., Oshawa. Tht bride was brought lu aud given away by M. H. H. DIstin. Hem gown was of ivory Ducheese satin wifh mauve timming and a mauve ban- deau n liem haîr, seî carried a bouquet of orchide, roses and lilles. Tht bride and bridegrooru were unatteuded, Mr. W. F. Pickamd played tht wedding merch and duing the signing of tht regieter Miss Maud Bumuheru, Port Hope, sang Gounod's1 song of Ruth, "Entreat me flot f0 leeve thet." The reception after the cemcmrony was held by Mme. H. H. Diefin et he1msi dence lu Albany Avenue, dur ilg hc Mrs. W. F. Pickard sang "Because."Mr. ans! Mre. Fowke left on eaftrip f0 Muray7 Bay and up the Saguenay. BATTERs--THiompsoN Tht marriage of Miss Mary Alice Thompeon and M. Melvîn C. Btters was solemnized et fthc home of hem parents, Mm. and Mmi. Geo.-H. Thompson, Bender, Sask., Wedncsdey June 21st. Thte cre- mony was performed by Rcv. John Cairme in tht presence of the immediafe relatives of the bride and groom. Tht bride who wes given away by hiem brother, Wm. J. Thompeon, worcea white muli dress wîfb trimmings ot lace insertion and embroid- emy and vvore a wreetb of orange bloss- oms, Tht bridesmeid, Miss Daisy Thomp- son, wore white muli bcaufifuliy trimin- cd with lace insertion. The groom was support cd by Mr. Jas. Bat ters. Aftt c con- gratuations ail patook of a daiuty wed- ding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Baffers let on the evcning train mis! showers of rice ans! good wîshes for different parts ofj l 1 Our business year ends on july 31s!,, It is exceedingiy important that ai c counts due us as weli as that ail accounits owing by us should be settled before that date. Wili ail persons having accounts- against us-except business firins who settle yeariy or hait yearly andwith, whomn we have contra accounts-pleaserne saie within, the month. Also will evcry person who owes us for subscription to this paper, for job printing or advertiýsing kindly settle the account at, eariiest con-i veniei,c and if ait ail possible before t he en fJuly. MV. A. James & Seoî, BELLE VILLE, ONT. by~~ îleriiy Wile-p1 lay Principal Pyer5 DD.' Canadian Northern Steamnships Linièd. MONTEAL QUEBEC BRISTOL "OYAL EDWARB & ROYAL GEORCE S UMMER S AILIN Froin Br-istol steamer 1Mouitreal & Ci May~ ~ ~ ~~ulý 31t RylE r oe14tb andu bt f oigyal )ed r - I: lyles F.,or fuil inifor-mation appiy tc MK A. JAMES, AgenIt Jfor canladian Northernamsir COAL teGOAL!!e This month is fthc best time to buy coal, while the prices are tIhe lowestlu the year. During the month of july we are deliver- ing the best grades of Lehigh Valley Coal in town aft the follnwiug prices. Pea $6.2;; Egg and Stove $7.00; Chestnut $7.25; 5oc per ton less at G. T. R, station. A rebate of 25 cents per ton will be giv- en on al noal paid for dnring jaiy. We are now busy miloading several cars of the finest Lehigh Valley Coal sent direct from thsermines. If you have neyer tried Lehigli Valley Coal place your next order with me and you wiil get the best coal value that your mouev has yet boughf. 'Orders will receive prompt attention if left at my coal yards and office at Finkle's Evaporator, opposite High ScIsooL E. W. Loscoamm, Bowr nuville. Phone: office 177, house 144. An Opportunt o hs o ing W s On JaIy irth, SuIv ý25 and Augst S', through tou rist Pul 7,i-an sejpncasw 1leave Toron to, j ;. -u foriWiniiegVn points on the ,Grand Tý -r UnkPcfl al way bctween WiipeganEmot. Car wirun viaGrnTmkRawy !:nes lu connci]on ittîO-seer~ are very lwWnip adret uîu$3.3; Edmonton and reu,,rn $"4ï. Tickýets good for sixty daysý.Pm orine rates, to other poinîts i M;j oa-Sskhe andAibrta Turit cr wlibe fullyI eýquipped with bedin7g, d.CaudpoËer ila charge. Berthe ayhbcurdat! o rate. Wiinuipeg Eubto aeJsy1 Granld TrulkAensliddes .E DUFE, DistrictPaesgrgntTrno PHONE 129 R 6 AGENT, *11 i t- HIHSCHOOJL PROMOTIONS Ail naines iluttfliownit r r raýnged ilu order of percenitage, standing. Someu, thouigh pmomoted will bez required fo dosppe nar work before their full promioaln is allowed. Particularsof indivt*4ial -standing ans! subjects to be taken lu lower forms will be auuounced at the opening of schooi in S ept ember. FORM I TO EORM Il Alice Wermy, Ruperta Barries, Everett Ho, Haze, Wilcox, Helen Johnston, Rita Carv,,,c-arl Clemence, Kathleen Kuight, RoyWarîca Bessie Windatt, Guernsey McilaKate Foster, Ruby Jewell, HaL-zel owrHarold Ellott. To Union I 1lojene Thomson, Reta Roenigk, Leta Bragýg, Kt Percy, Effa Wight, Clarence Muttto, Ru Lth Armstrong, Vera Penning- toit, D)ouglJas Barton, Ida El)iotf, Herbert Fowleur. l Wight, Mary Galbraith, Di- alna Fowle]r. The following havîng ruade over 67 per cent of 1the aggegate marks at tht Form Il examinations are pomoted f0 III sen- ior., Gladys Cousins, Madeline Stephens, Nancy Johns, Orvilie Henderson, Mildmed Cole, Milton Tucker. Reginald Joiliffe is also allowed senior third standing. 1Promotions f0 thet upper school or fonrth form are bastd on the July depamt- mental examinations. PRIZE LIST. Chairman W. B. Couch's prizes for writ- ing lu Form 1 Ihave been ewarded f0 Kath- leen Knight and Ruby Jewell. Tht Faim- beiru lower echool piroficiency prizes go f0 Alice Wemry, Form I, and Gladys Cousins Form uIL Tht spc-ial prizes lu tht English depart- ment ha ve been awarded as toilows: Eniglish Compositionand Literatur- Forin Ill, (r) Marjomie King (2) Regineld Jollïffec. Fon il, Nancy Johns. For-n 1, Hazel Wilcox. Reading: Form 1, Rita Carveth. Forin I1, Gladys Cousins. Tht other school prizes will be depend- cnt upon tht resuits of tht July examin- etions Af thîs holiday season when people arc viîifing or entcrtaining visitors newspap- crs shonid eceive naines and addmesses for their persouel columus. Cifizens, send us liste of*youm gueste as eariy lu thteatetk as possible. P UBLIC SOHOOL REPORT. WHo HAVE BEEN PROMOTED IN TOWN SCHOOLS. Report of the yearly Promotion Exam- mnations of Bowmenville Public Schoois. Tht names appeer lu order of menit. Gond- conduct -and regular attendance have been taken into considemafion lu pro- moting as well as the regular work of tht tem n ad tht final examinaf ions, 1JR. IV to SR. 1V-Honore: Catherine 'Warnica, Louise Hardy, Belle Courtice, El 1gin Varcot, Harold Jeffery, John Ciough, Thomas Huggctf, Marguerite Ramsay. Pase: Brita Higginbothem, Rena Rolph, L-ena Hamlcy, Foster Snowden, Willie Qick, Frank Calver, Mary Hume, Lcland Edgcr, Willie Lindsay, Nelson Bragg, Ar- thur Tueker, Eric Cousins, Harry Girigg. SR. III to JR IV, Boys- Honore: Thomas Norton, Arthur Baker, Bruce Berry, Alfr'7ied Reid, Evcrctt Hardy, Rose Gi.Pes: Wiliie Veele, Day Warnica, Mev Xî esfeway, WlimLeviti, Loui ecraRonald Snojwdeni, Lewis Poin- teU, Alan Luxton, Gordon Cornîsh, Roy Milis, SR. III f0 JR. IV, GIRLS Honore: Ol- ive Mutton, Theime Moyse, Isobel Pyt. Gertrude Hemlcy. Pees: Reta Colt, Lola SshNellie Burk, Dorothy johuston, Martba- -i: Connors,- Agnes Haddy, Helen Heni-derson, Doris Courtice, Winnie Frank, Marlon Morris, Thea Williame, Greta Bottrell, Jean Dumas. 1il f0 Ill CLASs, BOYS-Honore: Law- rence Mingeaud, Herbert Baker, Roscot Wal kcr, Eric Boddam, John Gamble, Gor- donl Moorcraft, Chester Dilling, Leslie Hughes, Cecil Belîman, Wreford SoucIs, Pase: Nelson Lawton, Fred Gibson, Law- rence Kerr, Norman Williams, Stanley Hardy, Gordon Wight, Cymîl Loscombe, Evere-,tt Bickell, Victor Greeuficld, Samn- uel M,ýason, Harold Mollon, Alex. Grant, Phîlp Tilley. Il f0 III CLASS, GIRLS Honore: Mar- garet Kerr, Ethelda Hazlcwood, Jane C 0RONATION SALE Look for the Announce- ment lui this Space next week. We are preparing for our Big Annual july Sale and are to clear out ail our summer goods at prices which wiiI rnake you wonder. Mlost of you know from experience what we have done in past years, but this year we are going to crown al previous efforts, to give you the Best Value ,for your m oney. WEST END HOUSE Sole Agents for) the 2Oth Century Brand Cloth-%ig. The Best in the Lande Telephone and Mail Orders receive prompt and careful attention ThsStore will be closed every Wednesday after- noon at 12.30 during July andAugV3t. ti urry & o,Limite West End Hôuse. Bowmanvile ECONOMY IN SPRING CLOTIES LW O ES Why buy a ready-made or made-to- measure Spring suit that costs, froin $22, The old reliable is on deck augairi and to $35 when we are making tailor-made. would solicit your Patronage as ini the suits in latest styles and of best materials'past. 1 will guarantee to sharpen your from $15 to $20?1 mower to give entire satisfaction. 1 have You are, invited to inspeet our new the latest improved Ideal Grinder coupled Spring Suitings and Overcoats without with a very large experience, and you can the least obligation to buv. We have the depend on a good job being donr.. Alan popular shades of tweeds and fancy wor- ail edge tools ground, such as kives, steds, perfectly woven, perfectly dycci and scissors, etc., saws sharpened, and ail gen- finished, which will be made up in our.eral jobbing done with neatniess and usual first-ciass style. strength. Thanking you for ail paj, pat- JOSEPH JEFFERY & SON, 1 rouage. The West End Smithy,Kigs. The Star House Bowmanville Bowmanville. __________ W. H. WILLIAM1S BUSINESS NOTICE. 1 1 Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Batters wif! b , fý,g, ýbve!yn joness and tleien YVercleil, 1 u Ir 1-( 4-ý ýr 0 1 E