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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1911, p. 6

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Eaalshs 87 FCANADA 80 Branches A DEPOSIT 0F ONE DOLLAR iscive ui urSavings Bank Darmnadis sulfficila t open an account and etteteDpstat a pass Book.The highest curreiýt rateoz ee si allowe, and oney may be withdrawn at, any time *shwa~Whîbyanid Brooklin. ROW l'TIEMWO0D'S MO- URCILS WFÂR JîTREIR BEAIRDS. 14CateRin of Baby Ce-nId Tic the EcFARs of lus Moustache Be- hind iNiaEars. RigGeorge la luow rGistise newcom-goas beinig tise happy psasrof a oeat lîttle boa-rd anti dlclter ispite the fa-ct tsat is cros f bu'is by ie ca -nso- W~~~ ~~ le RigEia-'sportra-i ca-mle )t e h npestion Our coi- agoc' aînti posta-g-e stamps, tise au- thoitis were iru'a-quanty-coult tysthtie imprint cf a balti- boýa-ted King ýon tise comna-go ? Tsy <appea-leti te lus Majecty, unti ased e hoalloweti t sho ima-s tise psssOrf a filee boa-t ofh-I. But tise Ring wut as nneo)f Ih. ]Let me appear a.-s -e or dont ot ue appoar ah a-l, sait holeefet a-utlie bat lus way. Ho upeaeti n samps anti coin- a-goas aha-i bou-etmena-rois. Ant hu-h asunique,.for suoh a Lhý-ing 1but inouýer happenet liefore. Tise Tsar cf Hussia is veny liSe our owvn Ring lie bas tise sa-me sent of hert anti moustache, anti ne- ebls inig Gerinl ma-ny otiser f yuuae amhig-oiu f cfhIe cos-e uir.o totheie rma-n Bm- poror. Ris imoustache is a vob's estuti itien , tih bas wcrnnit le ever-y paiea-ut impossihie way. NO0 B'ELD FOR TUE KAISER. in its ta-v 1h ha-s droopet do-un anti shoo onLt a-qs if cnt ile ruarbie,I bu-t cf la-te, yea,-rs ho ha-s wcrn 1h stnigup ah ight angles te tise meýnt1is, anti centainly tise Kaiser l.oeSs,, a very tIerce usonarchi iceeti wýith L ispresent Stylo cf mous- water, but uifortunately no on& teck the trouble te fish tue offend- ing party eut aan Tho point liesý in this--if a Mos- lem prince wears a beard lie will at once ho suspectpe of liaving de- signs on the throne, and te be so suispected is netý healtby in Turk- ey. And once a Sultan bas grown a beard. it nover cornes off, It would be infra dig. for a Sultan te shavo himseif, of course, and most de- cid]edly ïno Sultan woudtruýst him- self te" a TurkLd' ';Ihbarbeir, a'S that woud pnhas aout te a cas,,e 4of clelibercate ao'd inte-ýntienal suicide. (Freoin The N'ýcws.> Mr. Thom. Bieki, Caton, vi-it- ed ut Mr. R. His. MeDavey cf Toronto, is visit- i n, lier sistLer, Mrs. S. -ieialiday. M.and Mrs. Burk:! Fosteg, To- reneviitd issisersbre. iitd hr ifatber, Mr. Jas. Hooter. MisNellie Long is home from OtaaBusiness Cfllege. Mnr. and Mrs. Herb Barrett, To- rootlo, anc '.isitiïsgrelatives bore. Miss H1elen Bramued, Port Hope, bas been guest at Mr. Ueo. L. Wad- delli's. Mr. Fred. Gamsby lias been con- fined te the bouse witis a badly sprained ankie. *Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wright and son Ormie, Liford, visted at Mr. William Allin's. Mr. Rolit. Coathain fbas retu.rn- ed frens a visit witb bis daugliters at Merrickviile. 1Mrs. Wm. Maguire and Mr. A. W. Maguire are --îsiting friends ut Pontypeel, Janetville and Lifford. Mr. Fred. Wood and sisters, Misses Eva and Editil, sisited ut Mr. Geo. White's, esak Mrs. C. B. Borland aoad daugli- ter, Miss ronc, have been visitiog frouds bore. Mis. Jas. Miller is recovering. su ue trne e ticu u gov' Hec daugliter, Mss. E. P. Doncas- hourd-, but was obligeti te shave it iton, Bowmanviile, lias been bore off,fo the Empres rcfusedt totl- atnonhr enatoit, anti bis people were thank- waytingon bser ih nti i whn ho tii sisve, for tbey 9 ayco svr ib uti liket bis hourd ne btter than did sectieýn, but father east w bore tIe mrea tiey have ha-t more raie the crop If y ou wunt te knew flie naine of "' 'correspon-dingly hea-vy. the uonarcli wbc cwned the most Twenty-five candidtates wroto on mugnificnt moustache, bis na-me Entranîce exunus. ut Orono Sciseel. ma-y be given-Ring Victor Eman- Mn. T. G. Baker, Principal cf Bow- unEl cflitaly. Ris wa-s something ma-shie Public Sciseol, presideti. loa -moustache, as ma-y ho jutig- 1-ev. H.' A. Wbattamn, the no-w etc from the fuct tisat one cf bis jpastor cf the Metisodist cisurch bas pet amnn,usemnt-s sas tc tic the cutis arsiveti ant i a iow getting settieti cf à,t1behinti bis ceck. itiePusne ,ut, alas! King VictonrFusa-cool Mr t0. A. Gaiis'by spent Coso- dlyed his moustache; it wa-s neully! nation Day witis a party cf Teren- aligit h n ee, but 1h oeccunroti1 t frientis, by takicg a s'atenrtrip te hm tat iglit brewn suas h-ri te anti freinHamiiecîsU:by motor wuaî1iko colon, se he o retet o bout. Ï10 ]aedy pet, anti nanufctureti a-Tise marna-go tecok pla-ce June bak ote, on, at 7any rate, a tiunk 29, at St. Stephen's cisurci, Win- bvown. eifeg, Ma- ocf Miss Dorothy Munie ing George of Greece lias two MeLeod, cftisat cit,, and Mn. Er- miouistaches-oee l for family use, cest M. Boeldest son of Mn. ste spea-k, the othen la forcere- Hl. C. Bowcni. meonial occcasionis. Wbeu ho is le One of tise beat arracged anti tise midst ef lis farnily circle is bout worked gardons le the village miousýtache droops gently down- is te ho founti at the Mtisodiat li s hn utetsefmiymanPansonage. It lias been an attrue- But if lie gees ont cf bis ewn ceun-. I bas e atenda-nygret fou te many wbo ta-ko iba-sure in try, or loks tgeattclode, ne-tly tillet StuLte cenemeny lis moustachse loiga , nal il stLand.s ont t rigit angles t.o lis garden patei, ati it la oertainly a fcanti is deiigbtfuliy wuxed at eredit to Ros-. Mr. Lim-lent w ho de- tise points. .. t-'d time anti la-bon in its cilti- Ring Ai ons f Spaile is bard ut vtion. wo1 jatnwnisn 1outce If your every day duiti-es are a but te a-h uppearances ho flutis tisebudn tabeusyoarnt wvonk noue tee easy. StilI,' there is well. Millr's Compound ron noc suying wbat tise future ma-y do, Pills wiil correct this condition, anti wo ina-y yet sec hlm witb a Soit by Jury & Lovell, J3owmian- preýsentuh1,eie moustache. Tise ex- ville. King of Portugal, tee, is very ha-ne- Mn. A. H. Walshs bas be-on ap- facet, , lk l foso h desponttih heBaof Qinte Cen- neot scoîn te b ave tnieti a-ny CUltv-frnetarml, Vcoi tieon n amotaioz. ontyunerthech-imaniseof WH1AT THE SULTAN imet Tfise Sultiancf Tuirkey b las abaroisBatic ibot oce f ulisugs ensill nt et o or iejirteantie itcfousisoo (l trait of1hum wýli a bo-no on show.baregetaniwl cedbe Ho1U, iol moutac eïe1h 1 ss10 i o Lmen 0tise 'La-mo tethejtbrone at the btlc-Pubic Scsce l at Lnsy h at Lin f idu Hmitieporer1 to P.igtkna cic tHg Sul it. , inaLltýî Ha-ttIc ressnt Sltanwonna M H. . Dovsoi wbl asta Z. boa-a je ise us- i-sc bio arsu rnivei ui. b BANK aess&meeju contralto voice6 iwhich, is net onLy-ronIg butpeu. ian-- swee as well, and, as I blened wthtie weil kniown r otsof the soprano, tie effect was, altogether pleasing and Idelightful. Mr. Arthur W. Maguire returned Friday niglt from a bsns n and inspection of thse factc_ý(eS whicb. he repre-ents in th se We4st, havingsare IstIseodhalo two successfiel 'years ,in th0 funi MeaordManfacurig C.,Mea- ford; North Arr rkýcan Beat Chair Co., Owen Sound. I1e aves again on July- Jith for the WIest. The e'sciit of intes est the past week wasý the drama, '"Mary, Quce cfSce,,"uncler auspices cf the_ YP. S.CU.Fý. of't he Presbyterian church, - a s-oy large and appre- ciath audiuc Yi uecb of thse crei~ or hi brllintperforre- of th)e lnev Miss Letýa Noble, and toý Mr. T..Jko. Clarke Union orchestra played a number cf selections. At -the opening a fine piano duett was given by Mrs. Coivilie and MissLeta Noble. Fol- lowing this was àa capital readinig by Miss F. ClemenIuIs, Tyrone, and an address ,,byv. J. A. McKeen >iving some ac coiit of the history cf Loch Leven 'Castle as tlYe speak- or last save it. Proeeeds $150. 25.a box everywhere. i iJCWG SRk IR ANINC IDENTFRIA C OAL-FIELD. WTE LSHI Io rani tnii Il _Ile_____tl f -~ addicoerdalradytht ie 1AIeAT AELFN JAipA£N. 1 CLUBBING LIS'. Abraad inow e So dhe 4-de ensasvor "Grnt- h o ntto , and i- aieoiyo a ergheiaeaoec h Wh a TidI.nislied for 1911 in cennection with thse A strange mn vrCeý,rig-a mon caught siglit cf him, and ud-i "The railyiy jcorncy from ioto, undernamed publications at prices stated : Tiusunds -of iWoîuen iantI dour, suturnîniiidualwliuse ane'd.jaily Globe, mornuing editien ... $450 te Yokoham , spt't ut1that Dailv Globe, 5 o'clock editi on ., n Grêin Grls tciurntytoars ls elewsba GODNEW0. imost beau'ifui ontyis traversed, Duily Mail and Empire..... ...4 50 earned fer hi,, tho sobriquet cf ottopesnetcfepnee4oot ond.......35 'Nteogshod sthe sîns- Iver Grunt" i Tisere was cnily one thing for it-- no h'fep-in- oot ol ... .......35 pie meaninig cf tise terrm anuemnia, A man of middle-age, but withi instinctîvely lie turned te fiee. Ho esdcac ntrii h ieD1yNw,.........25 thoogli it sbold c eyneed ox- liait already tLh. in and grey, witla must get borne ffirst, lho must deliver Winid "ne boyista ralwat tiketDaiiy Star, in ountr.........250 plaining, for,.notntl, an- stern foatîîrcs carvýed with deep, tise precious pro.i aa nisumns Weekly Mail and Emire...... 1 75 aemsu is now_ý ,f tegots vl nei~ ioadsibonce-stai- The next moment ie- was runn "i The ýordinary ticket onîy enaliles Weekly Globe..........175 in this countr'y, aflcin wîencfwrt frarno bnt itbyean cfre-like a stusrtled haro, straiglit up the on,togo liy a train ceovei-ing tise ,Weekly Witness.............i1 75 ail agsiuldn cn il.Ts osle oilin u hefc- f h bh i-e lie ice-Lunted animal iimr)um 'distance-i ie sxmm ekySun....... . £S aigu cfblodiesucs ae plin oul sas Ln itn 1Aswers. making for its lar. rom someý- Umse ailext-a express tce sFne' doae......25 enougb -padlp s J4J andceea nd Aml h tinmanda idl- Wlere behîod bhii -ine ae a dulnoar pnreiiased, eiich means that he Frm nd u-........ 75 aching back, feqon cbadaches, dlelte blis "tis," isug t w 'sof many voices, bat wbctber near eng1ne mes-ýaahtbemore oouickiyHojeuna............27 witb breatiIs]ssnes- heurt plpita- 0Wngiton yas sîce, lie liad or far lie cou id net tell; and svLen tcw',ard its a7nitd ol. CnsinHcad-------- o tien and great vwe, 0uess. Ieor nvi)y roglit bis gn-ie to tise ut last lhe staggered into bis cuýis "Next a pIc tkjrrn ticket must hoChristian Gu,'dian...........25 effective treat(Lcgt t s stiengtben"His" and cupried b is lump in- dorway bis strengtis was nearprccured, te ealuone to hourd Cunadian Far_ ......... and build op mlod !siit rs'teO the Gwaun pt.Set b riand fina]11 0ne0lias te ___ jua b~thi ~s~xM mki OW asliestcd .eeingtbcog TbnkHeaven i hs wife was ght one's way into a fîrstt doss nîisblcdthitD Wilaîs'Piitise nain lashod window of the tiny asleep 1 'Ho just bruse irfr1,'nae Wi oal iep~-nATHNFL~FGS Pils bave cs{ rcod anuenesa in mono cottage on the hilîside, bis face 1beud -witb bis trembling lips, and gens in Japan take their luggago cases thun it is possible to, place oni sbowed gney aod grim in the deep-!tison passed eut te face bis pursu-- into the aiready painfully sm.rall ExhFi'i That Mrs, Billtops Used recrd Aoagtie ica eurdof Ofing twilight. Bain and sleet had os carniage instead of leasing it in thse foM. hlp'Reouain thistrobleby r. Wiiims'inkfullen intermittently througliou± Wien hoe emerged into the opon, a n by gidesan- ' Pulis is Miss, C. N. Hoberge, of the bnief November day; the fuil-, a dazed expression crept over bis tien tisat is a paýtssosd lescir aýn - - adM.Bltps o Sorei, Que., wiso hud been lu poor ing liglit, tlie gaunt framewsonk ut 1drawn features, liness thie world os esrpestes: a trin ber ad!miiîng husband, "Ilave heailih for severul years. Miss Ho- the pit-bead, crow-ued witli idle RHad it ail been a gbustly nigbt- sensvice s0 shockingly 'irty m ii everyS sone tling bore triat I desie you berg sas :Il ellee tat f Iha, shevestha tod ofabadoied arcshou idi a, " andi as she spoke she bere sys "Ibeiev tsatifI btishevestht tlt cfubndoet mae.detuil? tbrew back tise liti cf a big trunli net taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pulis sliuftsanad puiseless enginos, tew- Stepping forwurd, lie saw, wjthb "We nce, in a weak moment, My iliness wc uld bave proveti fatal. ered beacoi-likýe aliove thie wreatlis woudering eyes, a long procesinioeintasttomsrsron in tise storenoone. Thse trouble came on se graduaily cf driving mista,, in what was veni]y windinlg fircugli tise alley f romn ut ale saioan or pore dirt a, Tht trunli wasfulitlevehi fo, cf tbt ansunei oi is pit aheyc ds lato. the institute. There wer - mon it coulti as-e g iven points te a dust uiomaz htmgi aeb- ut whicli it di,,egn Th[le TFcbe'erirg and womon sobbing. A nd ep ntetancrrae hinfr ie Ltmgthv e firs notceube syptos wa bascf BACKSILENCE. again the welkin rang witb a jso ep ets tancrae ie aso risc wiabtwil coln nt afeligof lasitLude. Totise east the îewenring sisshot. "Tisestnike la settietc 1ilTie icrsaretoeredsitrate dntcfe pon a Mittie coser inspection stnikeandsa fe0 skies" agea, cigretIedl rng 1eeseoineti te ho small type letterS.1 Tison I boýgue to losr, MY appetite, wtre crimsonied ;witb tishae fom Ging in etda 1 r" engfi n adihpae t tervais a "Tisey une lettons, Ezra," saiti liati frequent beutiacises, and spoia8 the great steel wonks le tise adjue i ne esd u ie porter saunters in witli a brush antiMsdltos tiyaet, dofn dizzue a-nd becames pom,'eo creu uabine t nt valley-a Tantalus giow, mock- - eisuroly sýveeps al the refuse finto "ou Isaveti droppcd iii tise ls tree doavboswrkwtou engig wtiit rmie1 wurîntis and -__ -cO nr, ha-ving firgt creUll g , copeey hutd.F coin or ,teocis d heu£t cf tise closeti ovory wlntiew, s0 that no ' Andtihte meauWnîigcf thîs exýhibit trouble becrame aggnuvutet by a mac ut tise wîntiow; andi Cerrig, Kow'e THIS? ao fdsofr rifcinwscert r iiosisaty pýrsitet cug. to sveal l it a uterd mprecation, tomr- eolier One ilunured- Dollars ine.,shail be lest. lieho sunot a duli iman, it was îîot kintis cf niedicine, but diti oct get eti aguin te tise black silence hang- ward for any case cf Catarris thae! l"Finaily ho doepants ,leaving Do- necesaray te -bit hinm. witis a maul a-ny relief At lat 1 was advised te ing over tise colliery yard below cannot be cîured ly 1flaUFs catarb icsto é iissud na- ite malte him uintlistandi thinga. try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla and bins, wisere a falot flieker cf iigbt Cure.i decideti te do so. Ater I bad tuk- in tise pouver-bouse uppeared oniy F J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. mosphene cbarged wltb gorm'r anti Mn, Bilitops lias uiways been a sevnalboxs ter wu a e- o acotoue tse revilng looe. , thse uudersigned, bave known angry u-ords. 'Truly a japaneso great mac for droppicg bis g's. eneet n- o- Frte hdwo nutilF Clueney for the last. fiteen porter's dlefieition of cleanîng up is Wbethcr frein aeneessness or lazi- ticeabe im niemeist l my co- Fri tisy e ahiyadowof induWsaiy aisadbleehmpncrbon- resos icg rubbish froin cee place I eas or ooonomy f speechi, or dition anti Icotueuigth stielybuiyacs ieWes orable in ail business transactions:te anotisor. To change clothicg le whutever bis, promptiug, hoe bas ai- Pilla untîl 1 bati taken nîne boxes. coul-fielti, stîlliîng the whîrrînDg Ianti financia-lly able te carry eut. any ja crowdeti carniage is mereiy a wuys suiti secin' for seeung, and ho- The resuit in my opinion was mur- wiseels anti queîîing tise danger cf obligations ma-de lsy bis Lirrn.I ve-olls, My appetite retunseti, mY' ia-deti trams joiting pver unstable YVALDING, KÎNNAN & MARVIN pastiîne te a Ja-pacese travelIer, in' fDr being, anti dem' for doing, nerves were m tegheé5nY'I rauls. A asontis hati ciapset i snco Wholesale Druggiats, Toledo, *. antiocee ua-y happily boa-vs a sig1h anti this bas aiways distusrbed M-Nrs. w, gtÎeestr hadegts.eudisp-the word "desn tools" ýhuti gene Huîî'a Catarris Cure is taken Ila-. Of ielef if cothing us rse apos"Bilîtopa. Time nt gun iea aceiggt iccreasetit,1headainliess tiiectp- pP-f.I at -nenjeying the beat fo)rth ut Gwue Collienies trsly cigdretyuo ie---e ogttLe in et.srsett of y if. n 'raitd-I lood and nuucous surfaces of the-lJTO. edhs -u h hbtla grtiud Yr'nly a motbut alioutiy tise,,- TesiOUS CONDiTION. uscîsvto isculfsbut ie bbit bs Nîjý Dr. Williaîms' Pialý Pilla inspoctres cf povorty anti hu- Pie7c e etc ot Yal RslaFotIiyTobe rvt o tegfrhm nis w-but bayer twiu.Sod b ai, jeslsFonR e rul. finaiiy se ro-selveti te giveIiim unail don fo me I grive ths atmntî ger staîketiarot in tisestte druggist3. thI3hop tha itmaýbrn;g c streets of Ganod Scattereti Tke I1uall*s Faiuly Pil for con-1Sc Trü -,ssh tise hope isat it may or"iSia kucys mf akesyaudfeel sicobjw esn heatiste orn ctseîsuier 11grupaof tniers litiea ati cobesof vay un itfscow "Tsuc yersagnEzrd"sis Dr. Wiliams' Pinuk Pis cure al1 piniteti, iciteretI about tise coreros ikeown tisa-t a nervous condition of-satune-oneyeTbge toetobedut' orbod' ihwolfisis eye anti beits tîglit- tee reanîts frein kldney trouble. gatbering up tise -'s you dro)ppeti tissetruileidu dto ic-resti, wit, A BILL'S-EYE. When the kitine s are aick tise wbolinlespeaking. i sturteti eut to keep sncb a-s anuemia, îtretiidawn. hmi nepyfutjr u ilieumnatismn, neuralgia, St. Vitus 'Aitis tiser Jat c lthomen, Ivor P uePtswa e hoignerveus tîmi n mtyfut a, u dance, partial paralysis, anti the Cerrig isati1b ,gIt his tois eut cf Ptous becomea nt stootng5r- 0C nfosîntithut swould't do, le trule hiuc attuck gils buti- the pit; wit a Ickl n sneo very well. Out -of tee sisots lie bati -nuteti "Ome fa-ct, I wa-s appaileti by thenuGer ding into womanbeod and uomenisoîeplescesa cLadititakenh laeouly ht a target Once, anti thoen it 9 î se iediz- 1 collecteti. cf mnature years. Soiti by mcedi- in theg lino stiretcbing isîs piaceI as the wreng cne. Tise ins.irue- ' I"T foundti ist muc], as yen hati orby pin thie. n fesreu gte -ci)achectiwith wsatb b'isnisi oidfis0 ilstnrhed nmein 1-is way I1lied nev- ci5e doin vrwore u fic. At lestîemgi o eye.PJ "lc, l er realizeti how bati yen word; 50 malu 5 ets a box or i bxslat for monthsa. roye. - vck for $,2_50 froinTise Dr. Wiiiiamis' "onPta"leai; "yenoagi tt IaTbogue st.orng tisein buths trunk, Medcin Ce, Bockii], Ot.A CHY 0F DESPAIR. don't accus te know how to bolti a pis anti bore yen sec. Ezra, atuku gu. Put it to yoour shouidar ysgt ulo ' tu e aetrpeil gun.iglt, uiltisnoe yeara.. Do't you tnink that _______Strangiing a cry cf despa-ir in hasTisat's igbt. Nosv point it straigist tireti days,, andii eril] TO N UTHHIY. tisroat, ho- swuîug frcm the wieticw.1 ut iny oye. Ti's- K tter c~te nîls-in ewrv vr îr,-Pibe?" ~i+~l i,,- A country schoolmiaster wa-s eX- amioing bis cia-as. "Il acurpecter wants te ceven a roof 201h. by'40ft. cvitis hoards âft. broati a-et tOt. long, bow usany wiil ho svant?" a-sketi tise scisool- master, Anw boy hock un ;biha-tanti maer f-or thodon "Where une yen ff terrl" sst the masteri to icai us b iýlera." K "m' nous,'bu t bha wifo la-y sleep ile there, anti ho wouItýI not risk wak- inig berbyeneig Ris wife 1i Ris pcoon la-sa! Hea-ven eip ber! Like semne fragile fi ower, aholia-t beý,engatu-y fading even aince ho ha-t roglit ber iste these blcak uplantis. Ho rememuberet hon a- brouglit berlate i! Th isma-n raiset ils boa-t, anti a-ai he s-owhseigcm stlehlis,, rs."vor!' Ho stbe gntbyloto the lue besti tserec 0u1n fgue Tu-rnigsigtyteh ts o- maesMiet t g i rpalIer AYs ere s-et gen-te wer n, I - i - ateady. Nosv press the tnîgger verv trilles. it certuinly wa; andti ton anti goahiy-uory gently! Go on1! Haog Boetb's Kitioey Pilla strengtben thene le tise presence of tisa-t open it, man, why don' t you psull tise sick kitineys, cure backuche, rogu- trunk lie vowvet a refonu. If aise tnigger?5'* ute tise usine and restene to nor- woulti throw away tho'-e gs, lie "Please, ir," stacimeret Piva-tomai conditins. They are gurar- sait, ruglit now, te tise la-st cee, le Potta, "it's laeati teoti. Ail douions selI, 50c, box, or jwculd most earnostiy endeavon ai- Spaoish ~Oclue Seuip.-Chio fine postpaid frein Tise H. T. B-octlC. waya te romiemben te ma-ko lt ever five _,nions a-ct fry bnewn le b)utter, Ltd.. F'ort Erio, Ont. Tf yen weuid impossible for lier te start a-cotiser adding a teaspooful cf augar. li0e1tetest tbiseu Ie Mrie fora oletin fuis ACotliepsClk. Att a ha-y:Si -tgannet eBwnu-FW0 SCN lef aia iozn peppenrna, ant i villeby Jury & Leveil, Iý'OFU an ervp vwitl diceOcffnietiori Spa-eih Cream-sPlace ee" anti "Pory.IC,1't doe isasons ahapna Y cu f moin e oubie bel- -y'sle giving thersn ow." bhie ou intaid rn ceP ar ly certainabout thse d-lrs cf îy teohr itistourrta-hiespocus cof case," sa-id a tieoedant, with asuaaniarincs-l.Pr sueur; "'but bW y it ho tlcttisehom-1g mxt- ont-isani e JURY &LVL aetise s ole gcc he Sy, l --W citepov u a turc te tiubi uer loigit frthis community ounWe Breýak-up ho say J"teb"lfu iu tescor utîic i be - a ColtiTabltsa propara-tion for colds "Tlie'a s nyce netb ues sDuv Pcn 1b0stisonand Ylagrippe, as supenior teo oldfashione 1111e0un!l e ilag, ar"ehisul -fie<vuJn oremedisas tise nsodern auteusee piaeet tie oliema. tasoor cfvanll-. et -sie n la te t"c 0x teais cf t1ue earlv da-ys. "BtI aw toucla-s iit"n-co c ot-il1h ongai, thn cinniy s-net tise defetAlt. Wa-t Wtieisvelibotn sbite of Ce 25c GUARANTEED 25c "Exscty,' tie plicmanre;in ouregs strri5g iglt!ytisougs jMoeY back If flot ThorougjhiY tiecharge agnisset yen!C'dry ibefose ilia , useti.e For regulaýtîng the boweAS, hvgrt thoe kidney% ,and- stirrïrngr up t'he ýzýy bave proved for oe lhaif aC, encoryn every quarter of thse worl, asoluelysaf e ond moSt effectives on thec cxp-irÏrig ebrs is wife Vatc d im. FoIr a w'hile thecy ale, u v- entuall-vtise invalid sn akin 1 te- a oze, and Cors ig, returning toiï th,- ilîtle kîtchen, sat'in tho drk ness, and thouglit long and bitter- ly. Then ho rose. "For her 'sakel" lie muttered« "For lier sake 1 The followig ay dawncd ýýdrab and eenles;ýs a Io Criglak leg, stoed i0 tise gn iuec the Gwaun No. 1 n eooe i traces cf bis nsgbt'swrkf rom h4is faceo and hands. W3J itlthejngec coins ima;king sw est msiin bis ours, ho left the dismal precincts cf tise pitand ernssod tl]e raitu ay, and entereýd the tewn. Then,, with a nieat package from the cbemist's held tightly beneaLh bis armn, be strode liurricdl1 *y asnd Iurtivcly along oertheuec pavemeri1. The fow pdet 4,n le metl seemed te stase at irn 11aculsingiy, and more then once ýi3 ce'ul-d hase sworn lheardtise sibîlant liis cf <'Scab" builed at2(himi. And as lie approached thi qare, the bob of the litte i, in homnty i ficît bis, tluira tat i:nd bis crewd c mionsswiledabout h doors o)f the, workmenY's institute, andi a heýarse asurmiun mingled with the shrill treble cf women. Tnere could onlv he oe eao -t

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