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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1911, p. 7

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Jabez Soervile stl nern andi, bang it, Il-ike yen11for it. GIve ove r tecmuiain ii n orbu. ri pzzled 1iook on ieface. Tisefirast Tsi suamti sat wa 'ýsigne Cyntisia Damaine, andclsp r a as follows: But tiscre was a turtiser and IE u n IýQr greater surprise in atome for tise Ay2 sonY 0F OOIIBLFS Sm, m fo mr-illionaire, when an rsocai ry a ttile, and tisat if hae refuses te ht-aie l lady camnefer- do so y ou will disinisemitiim. ward, scrutirising ii languidly "Please heluevo iae ano-tismougis a pair etfgasse wiis IT EETRULE tm i nsmais ii our de-, long torto,,isebîlhnde .1 a1ppmehenid neu posto onmy and tie speker, Jbez Smorxilo, pat." _______Sucist a momantic far e nw brogii icfis ,i ontise table iy," om, oîtd isiliinamees yz EU nkam Vegta duglisterl. Ss boltl eused wih trc hci mcl hegls- finisismi rciUng it for ts , l rdRrtehemryyor sn nlaa he pud se ige Ts gr a ealond tm."u tas I said, nw fliUl i~' wi oveuda uml u1' ye sycicis btal~s efiles, tisat tsekew Hreînlnet getL Midgse Station, N. B.-Ooo <'nu spices sn1c sîmdnie So an ant te. I'd ee'n forgiv- My monev c",Isc is eager L-t1ehooff bMardly bliaeva this as it is net iatural, se rai axxay and I- pýla !atbeinig ontie irt fshe'd had tise last. it i. esmhoto ut 1, wa,.s my case. For tan rnenths a journalisturt ise carne ofs It's purely a bu~~~~in rpoiin wiht I have seene emI 1oldfrom suppression. 1I1ha.dCytiaDmin. ndou n I-, gae e a xpensivo oducation n have talto ,trddiffent e-afel in love witb -ber and, et anld a generous allowance, and inetgtsi huh ss rsddfamn c e as that sor e a girl. Intct îcnsbt os course, in tiseciruate refus-l retm I expect you te m5À'ty a iî it iantbe that I wa am-' fýî- belpad nme. My cd te mrary La,-dy Adele St. Clair,0 titI0. If you go contrary te my loy ktentIer intoý Socicty i, e sfiad ol eIwhor, hsisaupposed, hoe had nov- 1 wisises yen bac cevertbing. That's ne irl I wouid haveseni e- would go in)to a acc plain speaking, and te the point. coe sm lagtmir-a. .... decline. One day a "uSaroc, isn't it i Butv is son, whos ho was addressing, l lo1wovom, I would soiner pawitis iady friandtoietsbsiytte 0coe It appearsc satat în Su dnc or ist bs llowance stopped by yen,, ti a o 2s r ad e e t t ie t a b le , a n y t bin g t ia n r y d a e e ; i ti o n- h a'y uimdia s d s p î i o w t e g o t s bis sar aseii nexpression !and tise girl, by ahowing.ber u- , ;. , solwmt eyu as ndslrhwt e te tise tuIl as dotermined as tisat worthinesa, lbas jui±fied mrn, ap -i:fravc adn-mny emrybskytsa ot biýs tather. parent Sarsisues." .civdyeux raply tisat doyený man. Mm. Farquhar, witb pleasume., gtii u tts iicly n lI abali maryy Cynthia Dai- Se saying, bho took up ises9ed isate akngLdi . inhrn isow d tofntiikho did it [ fiea maine, if se wll bava me," ise letton, wbl ibwsa nnIme(,V, etaieComoud, a.n ut tse isdc i kb !ima s natre a îaid flii . omuication, wmitonina stra-g- ',îd Ja m di s-isg, lisn cfesd it u.lm ped oppr.wmlimmuiatansteMs.mise maký,ne-adseaise got1roemnt Plng ton Pd tbouan sand poundilat eutNow et somhiran ea s expressin. "DearSm," it omrnenco, "It Pikbamai, edicina "Den't isappoint mne, Ialy.myintereat yen te now tisa' ,yon Piese publîsis my lttrfor tiseodfo t a-s lee tiin 'Fe setlmyn eant onyo u maming -son1is catrry-in1g oiT iamfll itV seei e tiar.If o.slu*W. wsutit I'ewokd n sae frai y r nro Diy otmrny. j ndtian Head, Sik. - Lydia FE. P;ink- leZ. griimIly%, memin bis bat te moIl, lit. I've a vns beau a hkiudt, in- Tisey a' ure b(esen togetie vm-Ihatr's Vegetab'1t Cenpoundi i kedbsbo.Pere' eky dilgent f tisr eYen, haven' l" w j ý-isre;,drigi -n tisa Park andU a boon te won nw1h e sufiferfrein "Yen"o have," eplied thse yeng-i ding ut xponaive restaurcut1s. fermale l's. My haealthl is better new er mac, "and l'Il do anytiing cIsc 1"It is whispercd in -certa, 1 cir- taNi uaba 0 y ieyer ci ORE DADRUFF m iarrîed lite and I tisank yen for tised yen like te ask mce. But in a msat- c[es tisat tise, young lady iý tcds geed your advice and modiciue have - ýeî r) ettis sort a man must clioose civeg in u into marrying hem, doue me. I had spent isundrads cf Jury & Loli 1iuaons What is N~ak-1 e4 Slot bfiself if ha wisis,ýes te mtain lin ordar tisat ase rnay have tise dollars on doctors witheut recaiving ing Cl1ean aIs hir rnianhood an-sefrepct" i handliug et yen? millions. Shae Inbnfi Ms IAI<COER uordan te id ,youscalp et fil- P Til s yur final dciýsion b" 'a oaî wr)Osswmn iolyBox 448, 1îudîý,j fead, Saskatchewan. ttbyl tise onlyîntemest Tise me;,t successful ramady l idadmf iu nutkil is "It11 ."Harlcy spoke in a Pr- mircenary, adcuty icr tail toems gererotlM. There is a lbain dressingb tetiginannorj, btfrmly. "But ts writar oet tiis letter fias i tise, et femala cosupiaints le Lyýdia E. cle Paisilan Sgew ils neW I WLutser " ratker ilsthat, haewishes te iO I'nkbam's Vegetable Com pounnd. aeld in evel r tew n inCanaal. it "Dntfatier Me," intaormupted ve,,,nt your soin frmn being victi-n~- ________________ rdcte dnrtso aling flise oh] mnai furiousl. "inceyeni-ed by suci a creture." i umncdb uy&Lovall te1 0on arc doterminod Iltc, go youm owni Thsis effuision, tisongi it anr-pised more in my lino than it is in yeurs. Sain, splitting bain ai scalpj iteis jîiasteng ay, I wýýant te biave ne- tise soap nmercisaut cnieasyl oas f, pae an eti e i w ok o oe ak tu-dnafuthser e oWtiye.rm waa net wliolly unpleaaant readŽsg tîat tise day my son mrisyenl If yen isave dandr111fî get a large tody my Souse is closed te yenl, te him. Hea was ather pleased u- t I eut Sm eout et my wl. 50 cent bottia te day and rid yeun- udour allowance coues. tise turn matters Sud taken. E "Noble fatiser toilsa dventuress self et it. Ramomnber that if dan- t "A retybusan yu'l mkeba ne benut ilsue ow te adventnmess takos poison-sonamr- druff garms are net' destroyad inb ier Cynthia Darmuaine," lie> coutin- deal witis Cyntiai Dalmaino, but ries aristocratic ingecue-isappy tirne, tise bain wiîl suneîy faleut i ned. "Wisen se Saurs yen'11 get D-aicy Montmnorency pescntcd ne finale-enuie In It 'only requîmes and balduesa will tollow. ce ',noncy freinnme I don't suppose difficulties te iim. a "ow comedian witis a sott heurt____ b'1-il cîlS se ieen te marry yen." Cynthsia isud wanted Hambey iim- anid a ipssbl.watimtt "If Cynthia mairries me it will selt-anid wisy siseisad released lin complote tise tableau." Daisy WTHLIG rili t hof rom ay mrcarwme- ne owspuzzled te say-but Motoenysmld.agu0y tiv," ekred larey." wiis nis ivs painyout for r101ly, 1"Yen eu ct tisepisnbusi- Malachi 3:13. uise 12: 19 21. yen oodnuist, tater." Tise ad ud a open(, te ra, n. ceas and yen non't ha for eut"A mnwiso livodfor self abonie dor loedgetl bt iml h- 5ewolddrxeahard est,, ne commiented tise miliionairaf. "I"m Tismougis hie long lite isad neüklthy bin hu, ad tsa ld ac ut "I' o, L but Jabez Somerville xvs anet bard-hiarted. Do you tisini a growts tcig etiereratn fectp nçh a, u îo priclr ea opl tthousnnd peunds would By menuis which eisiny tubthc Saarn inudile.tisusand or two if liocould ge blou u rnmkanibealt1At bcngth w7,han al bis-wavas, "le hîkaI'l elnt bt iarboIy eut -ý eremlutches. ,iardid Macl; littbe Yeu I dOnct woî't" o suterdand his baud That acm setings would kilw isavlu t ov is- ' isrjcmjjishe'jeisig elso o iwine g-la:1ss tîli tise go hardy witis lmi if Hariey, e-1Can two iseousand pounda case au sunQ, ebndt ten roe n is tense jectecl by Sotis Cynthia and Daisy, 1aohing hurt-malte it ton," Tise day wisen ho muat die. gripl did mnte entually ugreete sielisa "1i eed net give yenu nyting. TTU'PLOT, tisa ambition et bis tatisor'-s lite iyo s would net ho sncb an idiot as False isud h bccindcccl andt I-aceiFrqnagay, isand- and mnarry a titie. Tiser was tise!t 9r enieamc" ae od s aie nd debenaîr, surveyd bis Countesa et Saîchester, whe was Soînorville smiled triumpisnl. o isth poiil etieLr old coie eînin arelessly tismoughis ore tisan haît willing tisut 5cr -"I'mr net se sure. I canu Se very Hae always failoti te pay: tise haze et cigar-ette amroke. dugsrLd Adobe St. Clair, indictive, and it would muin your And wbe ieecre ietuhe "-Ma i'y the girl, by aullmeans, should ho lad te tiseaitar isy bis pmojct. taimt thwond ho ro-ofath may cour tellow, withi y blossing," ýsou. pared te puy kuntisousand te h ndiecel caol da i ha laugised, "and ive happiby ever Se Jabez donned bis samarteat Sbat teAtdt."ieatiuldscac1 rwh attomwaids. It"ls love tisat mukos and repaiî'ed te tise Elysiusn Tison- "Suppse I mlte itfive the word go round yen know. l'Il tre. A humble cemmisienaire in "Won't do," commactec tise fair Ho struggled isard te say see yen 1 hrougb. " a gorgeons nniform-irnproined by actross a conicnhly. "Five tison' is cW_,fibdted rypat 'I intend te mnarry Cyntisia uny- bis prosparena appeamanco, and Ine goed te mue. It je ton or nots- Acdnew tied egstdomy hear hew," lianley Somevlie'a face tisa magnificence et bis tiji-gra-I n.Amli n Ic i heav a aecl:uonivher was iserions, "Sut Vin nfmaid yen ciously'eonseiited te carry b s card i"Vary welIl" ssgased tise cion't quite appreciate tise difficult- te Miss Montmorency, and present aire, dmnwing ont bis choque isook . Tise weigbt wiîcid"agsenme down ios efthtie situation. Yeuîsesc I've ly retumeed te say that tise lady A minute fkr Se took iis depart- k bhell nemoe,.IfI ny sn1 bit et wa at baer flat in Balceur Gcardens. ure, wcll plensed witis tise bar gain.MotsmyisIkuw igtne, î,apital I celi taise advantagaet Perbape tise gentlemian would 1saek Coubd lho bave sean tise tair Daîsy W~hut I witisiold tresu Qed. t FmneDnevo's offer et a partuer- Son tisera,Yno. 12a,. five minutes later-mninus ber wig 1 shiip nhsbt ihu,1Mv sisitul soul is filed with dr<'adC;f in hi busiess, ut wiisout Tise mlinnrdaemrn-ined te -rolbing on tise sofa in'n pamexyssu mjiioy 'iisepea"scts ak ubailed acuis et mirti--it is sate te say ho wenld For I ancalled tlisat patis tm eadr "I nais Iceld ielp ye ,1!dand aliglaistd t ai, îcou(lr Crdnshava expemîenced anunupleasant Thus tar isy me nî'd clsup," comnected Hact.or,ieat an imosngblck et fiats cour St. sisocis. And non with dcep dýiAres I sec, ly, "Sut yen kow journaliste John's wood. Uuviug ocated No. III.-TUE RESULT. Tise causaetfail rny wo te h, don't at fortunes newadnays." 1±za ho hacded in bis card, und was, It was about'two days atter iis Wisat 1 nithbeld frinQd. Flil taise thse will tonrtise d(,e." eventsîalîy usiseed isto tise pros- meeting wititheaatresstbat Jabez "Unfoîtunutely, that we't, hebp once et Misa Dnisy Montmorency. Somnervilleeceived aneaiser nnony- lie gava e me ans etmuking yen. e muet bit on semae ide- lie found bier disposed in an ele- meus btter, wiii unceremnoniona- wealtlî: 'y Jove 1 bava it-the very tiing! gant attitude upon a sofa, witis a ly tnmbled bisbosetcrabotlegv mo iendigtnd We'li maisa your rafructory parent ligiskd cigarette betwccu hem reI bhis ours, and saut bin ishunyiug in licaltis provide tise siresawoft nar. It iý lips.I hie powortnl motor car te a cisurcis And streugtisetmmofdlîh onlypoc jsic, nd aing "Doubtbes yen have hourd et miiii nont-ot-the-nay suburis. Tise But I isecarn o te lt a slav'e, d1oser te hic triiid, liector procecd- enîgagement te yenr so-e," aise commnircation was te tise effeet And wiie ko me lie ail thinga gave, ad t outline hic sciserna. eaid, waving ii carolessly t,, a that bis sou was te Seorarried tisat 1 notising gave tlin. "Whîlat do yen think et itiehocent, "and have'cOrnO te onve iay te Cynthin% Dalmaîne. tc~~'1 poeiid acivl-rVseprn ýbIen-Y 5Of cThbactth-at-the-buwn'as -clscaaviou4ut cnmy anai l etye, -ar sre Su et t a, nepecedan-inlaresccîie -tmdhe.ampoarcredistaes "on oretuuSa ilntfvat--ou taing trsyuiara eidtise nuhjt C",yelbed tise Aibliaio vecyP"tison auddecy bis mooW ru"~t5 t~ cisagodundhorareýd 'ibilis-;l pqtS As ton. Yen ynng rgne!"ho cie "Yen re tse fiat mn wieyo ~ivil kii mre fies han300 heet ofsticy paer. get tieseter et Jabez Sonernrlla, Montreal Man Bo 111 With Dyspepsia Thoughlt Rie Would Die.' No more convincing evidence was ever put on paper than the foilowing letter froin one of blontreal's well- known citszens, Mr. ïD. R., Larose, of 338 Joliette Street. "Permit me t rte you a fcw wrds con.ýernlng Djr. Hiamllton's Pills. I u~rdfrom dyrpepsia and indiges- tifor [;,;e ear-S. 1 Suffered se rnithat1Icould hardly attend to mYr, v,or i , was Weak and lost ail] 1 rig.Iejjyý( no rest untîl I deleto o(w your treatment, after havig rad ouradvertisernent re theppr Toý my great 'surprise 1 immditei bga to feel better. 1 arnm o usite second box a nd 1 feel ~ "a 10wltatIwant tce t'il you tl't ow tisgreat change te ou famu" il;l S. Trernnsd1mt evey eron'i-o le s feigfrein R. Lros, 38 Jilete t.,Montreal. Let ai who ave weak stornachs, P1;. ce7snly sed for manyý years, m i ndcae,25 pr bo)x, a1h denier. or ha aaro eC. mçnco n -13r.PjamU jn's P S',. î Wisen hntched, tisey teecl voraciona- iy on tiny so-plants. Iu a weeoi or- ethaibdaerco f witi tisese green plants, and tisan tise, worrns strikea. Thay refuse ah- selt'tely toeaet any more, and tisa laSer etfcnrisising thern is tisrowss on tise plants. Tise ittle green plants live incide tise werms, juat in tiese ame way as outeida, gettiug tiseir food trom tisa air whicls is digested by tise werms. But, as age advucces, tisa planta cannot iseep np witis the demanda et their bosta. Tison the werrne tumu on their guasta, and devour tisesuail. But tisis seuls tisein fate. Tisey are tee lnzy te feed in tise, regular way, and se tisey quieltly dieofe starva- tien PERFUMES FOR ROY-ALTY. i W ha u arc tist rue t f vored by Reyn;ity I In Htisa BnitisisCourt "Es Boque' 'is'probably tlise firet J'aatncd bas;-,Sean se sînce about 189.Tierciafrti spoca, ertine ,-is jcnleualy g-,-d- 14d by he anuifacturer, and l et ros , vil a1!M, i, orange- a, bass a secrietpefmds lnocle 1hut iseQnea'sil" oc as nueresr au te)"eispts 'ina et Russiîa, woluss n s'c2 THE BEIRRSPRBS ROXANCE AND MYST-ERY 0OF HIUDSON's BAY., Vast Territory ils Under the Sivay u oft he iHdson Bay Company. There is an enormous tarritory in America along whîch the Red, 1l M,'an stili roamns, here deeds o derring-do are, plentitul, and xvhereý tise most adventumous may follo-w Lissuch as are îead in boyia story11 boo ks. This is in the Nortis lad o<f _l Canada, many day s' jour- ney fromù the nearest railway, in [ands oÉ snow and ic.e. It is a land of myst rý-.ey, enormous stretches of which have seldoni iseeil penetrat- cid even by the most hardy ofa- veniturers, land of secmecy andmu- canny silne says Pear,ïson s V i C ntLev Weekly. Even in Canada itselflile i knowia of the mysteriouns NomtislandL' -and its inisaiitantsý. Tuc,h low- r portion is f airly wi nwas agriculture is graduaiiy exending Tie heaqrty open.air vacatiol further northwards; aowlywhaat, grow as it neyver grows e3 t 1home. T nr-imbe(rs of se-ttlersý, anid lowy tiseý Littie tradig osa rec1iaging1 Cieanliness, 0-1cfot and s .nto(_ genera sore, ndtbcise fewshave. But boats, traissummier, liuts into ows su.vii acn'ities. over t-iis normonus ter-ritoiy Ttneyer worries the ran thero stîllrles tile jmos,;trma- abie c6rmpany tie wrld as ver lsgrpo bspckt 1 nei cnow, te HusonBay eipnyte bac k porch »or beside a conveii wiihwas es>tablisised sologa. nshi-eaunjyh rua Tisis migisty company act ually lu solid comfort, with alordly inde datea sfmom 1670, wisen it wasi found- Pc orgi ih0lrm ed by Prince Rupert and sevonteen Pa,ýnuc yur rip wiofh discriu n-oblemen a.nd gentlemen for tise te"neesre"o i u purpose of importing into Erg- yen? holiday by starting out witb.Ot land the furs and skins obtained by barter fromn- the Indians of Norths Standard Sots $5.00. America, Tise company waa p rac- Combination Set tically ominipotent over the v-ast,At0w .-dfndterrýitory, comiprisinýg al A ord-uitsiw irbe. regionis discovered 0or te be à Hel -9É1 ag- discov ered, whicis raied ito he Hudson Bay or Hud1soi, Straýit. Office and Factory, - Practically speakiîsgý, the lands ovor wisich tise oompany iselds sway Ofc.3 ai n New York, Cbicago. form an enormous game presorve, tse vastest in tise womld. It has been se for isundreds of yoara, and Lt iS se to-day. The Ruies and ERegulations efthtie over ef the stock. There is a reas- Hudson Bay Company form tise on for tise poor pricas paid t tes code of laws in foree over tise en- Indians, as if tisey received big .ormeus territory'ý, whirh practical- surns tiey wonld sattle doùu tUo a [y iseemrpt from t he sway of tiselite o asand weuldnet uner- Qandia auhoitis. ~hle isegotise rîrgors ne!cesaryteobtaÈui termitory isapotone Cnaa lo ie fur-s. ouse a pacîc tsewiol e tse Almobt complèter eer n- brade is donc witis Engthland.or o' ýý cn 'The ?rriory wy ofCern.Tise wjtf men whio luxe bise compafly is s at that only tisere are. servais of tise company, on-e portion may hec deait witis lier,, who have serv.,' heeail their bisat ef tise f 111--11u Bay stself. lives, jeining a' apprentices andi l'isere are ton princeipal forts,' at asigounlthLarpomt the eadof acl of hic isa fcd factors. They are ail practic- tor, and tise whoîc business is o r- ally mernisrs of a great secret se- ganize-d in a wonderfully compilete ciety, as tisey work soicly for tise inannar. Tise factors mule tise ln- company, and neyer divulge its clians, sending them on long tmap- secrets. ping journeys. Tise domination et tise Iiidians by a bandful ef wisite traders is siow one ofthtis wonders It is a Liver Pill.-Mauy of 1 bel of civilization. Iu fact, every Iu- ailments tisat man hae te contend dian, man, womnan or cisild, is un-j witis have their enigin in a dîsDr- dem tise dir, act control of tise fac- dcred liver, whichis j a delicate or- toms. gan. peculiamly susceptible te tise It is possible theme te buy silver- disturbances tisat corne frem ir- fox skins whicis Lest lesa tisan $10 regular habits or lack etf car,& in elach, altisougis a single skin re- 'oating and drinking. Tisis accoumits centiy mealized at tise Londen fur for tise great many liver regulators sales as mucis as $2,500. Tise fnms now pmessed on tise attention of are obtained by tise natives, wiosoluff ere rs. 0f tisose tseme is none tison take tisem te tise nearcet fort. auperier te Parielee's Vegtable lihre tiseyý are paid in kind at a Pilla. Tiscir oporatien thougis fixed rate. Tise prices paid for tise gentie is effective, and tise moat de- pelta vary accomding te tise quality, licate can use thelm. bt tisn tise Indian will bo con--___ ___ tent witis a packet of neoedîca or a, HNTI OMTRS taw bada for martan skins womtis WEhU OMTRS $30 te $40 .-A couple, et pounda of Tise strangoat animal in tise common gunpewdem ils paid for mcd, world is a littîn green wormi found wisite and blua fox akins. A few on tise coasta of Brittany and Nor- poixnds et shot will isuy mimx ekîns imandy, On, a fine, warm day, when, wortis $10 or $12.tise tide goes eut, myriada oft tiese Those on tise spot wiso have gene ",convoluta paradoxa" can ha seen into tise figures isave stated tisat ontisamids; but tse moment tise tise company actnally make a profit încoming tide touches tisem tisoy of over 640 par cent. on tise turu- vanish usndemground. Tiseir mode L WITB e f(-, men .1 -w iv,d agn G. & C. LFR RIAm CO.PiiLrSrefI, e.II quantity of violets, and her apart. ments are daily sprinkLed with theý essenccs of various flowvers. WhIile tha Qijeen of H61l'land uises nothing but eau-de-Cologne. A CUREI FOR LOVE.1ý, Referrîig te Modern cynicism concerning loxýe, a well-knowii an I- thor teils this si ory: , "Iremiosiher once," iesad 'harlng a. hî'icklayer andï a pum- 'ber dis-cuss love. "'I hold,' said thebrcayr 'that if you are terihly inloe the way te cure yourself is torui-, away.' "The plumber shook bis head a sneered. " 'That will cuire yu>he ad 'provided ynrnaa iht girl.' -Prm1es 'lx u1-rt, faligout. Ino t a diy I-uisa d e d Ldýealse em. ed10 Mc Nes!k, N J, .SA )n lifese omle sthe beard o ~ ~ ~ ~ l th anwthn aGLLTr1in ortaadcam1ps ýprovide scant vwth a GIllEl-TTE Sfet Raor iru gabnor saigPlmno enit ttm-hevrthenior-ning ar thlreeý-minuite GILLETTEshave ýpendencre of place oi circnuatance, aination. Travel ligbt. Leave ont wbatever you' do, don't discount ut "Thse Razor of To-day." Pociret Ed-4tions $5.00 to $6.50. ts from $.0up. r's or hrwaede&ler*.. 'r o. ! anaaLlmlIted St. SAlaserSreMontreai Lonrdon, rng. and StaugLai, cia ,necseBrm, &d paris, 267 -eaue it la aNE V CRE2- TION, oov-ermg every' -î ield of the world'a thought, ction and culture. T'he on,_, new nnabridged dlotonarvi many years. Reas tdef Ses Over 400,000 Words; more than ever before appeared between twoV' côvers. a-7oo Pages. oo00 Il- lstsrations. imq- Recause It la the onlzy dlotionsry -with the zuow divided page, A " Etrokeof tGanus"' Becuse l a an enoyelopedla lu - a sigle volume. Reas t la 5OOepted by theï Courts, achoolsaend Pras as the one supreme au- thorlt.vë Recause '50 Whio kaowe Wns Success. Let usneol yen about tuis new work.

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