ach~e wtlen you can so easily obtain Car- Mr. Fred Hockin's; Several from here ham, Mrs. Thos. Caswell, Prof. John After the sports the tables firspe 'Winnipeg and Edmonton, fromr Toc- ter's Little Liver Pis. They wiîî effect attended the Hampton Antniversary; Mrs. Squair, M. A., Toronto University, Dr. J. were set on the church lawn,anth il ~ July l and 2 ~a prompt and permanent cure. Their Miloy, Miss Mary and Mr. T. Miloy, To- H. Elliott, Dr. F. C. Trebilcock, Principal Hmtnlde ul utie hi il Aug. 8, àicago St. Pu and As a vermicide there i no preparation A., Barriste~r D. G. M. Galbraith, Messrs. excellent suppcr. Minn-eiapoli>. Very low rates. COURTICE that equals Mother Graves' Worm Ex- Melville P. White, John S. Bond, George The climax of the celebration was the W i Exhbýition Dtstrinao.I a saved the lives of Porter, S. R.,Wickett, John Wickett, Jas. conîccrt in flhc evcning. Thc elegant and W nnDate terîjoaor. tTha we thought they would, so to clean up ou' stock, and to make room for new Fali ooswe are going to malketremiendouscus ail through the store. We want f0 seli these goods and we are going to make the onice do it. duigthe season steamer xili 1,axs' 'l tbis col er roter ees . Mc Chs. ton Iwactnar e it must yield to Ho eý house bas improved bis pretty resideneConCueifue-a drctd 'way's olw:Bekfs t8a . 12.30 p.,M., dinner 6 p. m., and su rch c los j ýij;e d- 1fc Iof S. S. No. 4, C ni cerm, an lue pup e. with their parei GRI"'EA'T BARGAINS IN 7lîi Jny7 Virgini F îi. Aug. 4 ir. Juiy 1 Tuni -an Fri. Aug. Il Montealto CGlasgow. Mali. Jun 25'H , peian SaIt. July 22 al.JuIy 1i 1 lom ,nusat. July 29 Sali. juIýy Griia Sat. Aug. 5 Sat lly 15 acotiaýn sat.Aug. 12 Moýntreal to Havre& London Thiis Service is composed of one class, second, cabin steamers, saiiing from Mon- aelevery Saturday, rates moderate. For Jil pat ticulars of rates and sailings M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Ontario. Madyes, wain uveu a uesuay muilili. The fuerl oo lace Wednesday affernoon from Mc. Souch's residence f0 Hampton cemetery for interment.Mis;s Eu- lalie Pascoe is holidaying with hber father amon()g the northecu lakes ....Prepara- tory service was held in the Presbvferian church Friday evening and communion Sunday ...Visitors: Mr. and -Mrs. W. Trewin and daughfter Grace and Mr. Ross Stut t, Bowmanvilie, Dr. and Mrs, Garnet Trewin, Oshawa, at Dr. C. W. Slemon's; Miss Minerva Taylor, Cartwright, at Mr.' Win. Trewin's; Mr. Wm. Broad and daughter Lena, Toronto, at Mr, Silas Trewin's; Mr. and Mca, Eber Sanderson and children, Oshawa, Misses Mary and Vera Sanderson, Cadmus, at Mrs. F. San- -ormer yej'C0L. J2%Av. vYLM. r UJU ) n nv pastor of Tyrone circuit, acted as chair- man and made a short pleasing address. Hie said he had heard something of the annual tea at Haydon but he realized that "'the haîf had flot been told." Aiter offer- ing prayer he proceeded to announce the entertainers. Prof. E. R. Bowles render- ed an instrumental solo and was heartily applauded. Hie acted as accompanist and much of the enjoyment of the selections was due to the art istic touch and skilful technique of Prof. Bowles, who is assured- ly a master of the Art.' Mr. Frank M. Beiuse, tenor soioist, delighted the music loyers of the audience with his well chosen and well rendered selections, two patriotic songs "Hall, King George" and "Land <of the Manle" beinrteu- rate for iomnneis $2,014.80 foc syni. '-'ra> "'moral v."'-'irUista LnuU<t mat E. Gifford aske,2d permission fo cut down you have placed before us. These prin- two trees;ý To Roads and Streets. R. R. ciples of life, together with vour kind and Loscombe ecoe account for $35.82 re manly bearing, have won our hearts f0 transfer of pr-operty f,,rom Rubbec Co; To you and woven fhe strands of friendship, Finance. nruiaon from Electrie- which wetrust will last long-afler we Installation Co. ini refecence to street have said "iarewell." lighting with special lamps; and Colonial To our deep regret we now come f0 Engineering Co re water -Wo rks; Filed, - the part ing of the ways. In the cçurse of Finanance Coin, report was adopfed as natucal events we separate, and as we do follows: McClellan & Co. teamning, lumber so sorrow ilîs our hearts. We are loathe etc. $50.75; Rl. Pooley, labor $îg.8o; F. f0 say "goodbye;", but before clasping Fleftcher labor 4.f)-; M. Burns labor $14,85; vour hand in fhe au revoir of life's path R. Carter M6.50; î. B. Mactyn cent of jacks we desîre f0 manifest in some small way supplies $3.80; Rice & Co. supplies 1030 our apprelciation and love. We ask of Jas. Ellioft, Gasoline, $59.67; R. Mitchell yeu, therefore, f0 acccpf this "Gentle- & Co., carbolic acid $6.75; Light Dept, man's Companion;" May it serve in somne fire hall, $3.55; Jno. Morris, labor, $s.oo; humble way f0 bind our hearts fogether, TWstw. aintinz,.tcS-2.3 Ms.and in the-vears f0 come mav we ch.-rish Realar $ 1.50 Sale Prce $ 1.10 ic 2.00 1.39 94 2,50 1,95 Wash ties, regular 20 cents, sale priee 10 c ents. - AIl our regu1ar 50c Silk-ties, for 3. ...,,,, 9c- Straw Hats Great Reductions in Straw Hats Fîve doz. men's sailor and soft brima, iRegular $ 1.25 Sale C; 1.50 49 2.00 44 2.50 reg. $1, 75c, 50c, for 25c, Price 79c $1.00 1,25